Carlo Maria Cantore - Sant`Anna Legal Studies | Sant`Anna Legal


Carlo Maria Cantore - Sant`Anna Legal Studies | Sant`Anna Legal
Carlo Maria Cantore
([email protected])
Current positions:
- Jul 2012 - Present: PhD Candidate (full scholarship covering tuition fees and living expenses), Law
Department, European University Institute – Florence, Italy. Thesis: Prudential Measures and Trade in
Financial Services: The GATS, PTAs and Standard Setting Bodies. Supervisor: Prof. Petros C. Mavroidis;
- Oct 2011 – Present: Teaching assistant to Prof. Petros C. Mavroidis, European University
Institute - Florence, Italy;
Work Experience:
- Mar 2014 – Jul 2014: Blue Book Trainee, Legal Service of the European Commission, ‘Trade
Policy and WTO Team’ (Tutor: Gustavo Luengo), Brussels, Belgium;
- Apr 2013 – Jun 2013: Intern, Trade in Services Division – Committee on Trade in Financial
Services, World Trade Organization (Tutor: Juan A. Marchetti, Counsellor – WTO Secretariat),
Geneva, Switzerland;
- Oct 2010 – Jul 2012: Trainee Lawyer, Law Firm “Prof. Avv. Paolo Carrozza”, Pisa, Italy;
- March 2007: Intern, ''Servizio Studi'' Camera dei Deputati (Italian Parliament, Tutor: Valerio Di
Porto), Rome, Italy.
- Jun 2012: LLM in Comparative, European and International Law, Law Department, European
University Institute – Florence;
- Jun 2012: Second Level Graduate Diploma in Law (Diploma di Licenza Specialistica), Scuola
Superiore Sant'Anna – Pisa (Grade 100/100 magna cum laude);
- Oct 2010: Master's Degree in Law (Laurea Specialistica), University of Pisa, (Grade: 110/110
magna cum laude);
- Spring semester 2009: Erasmus (Lifelong Learning Programme), University of Neuchâtel
- Dec 2008: Bachelor's Degree in Law (Laurea Triennale), University of Pisa, (Grade: 110/110
magna cum laude);
- Aug 2007: Summer School ''The WTO and Dilemmas of Law Today'', London School of
Economics and Peking University, Beijing, China. Grade: A-.
Language skills:
Italian (mother tongue), English (full working proficiency), French (advanced working proficiency),
Spanish (intermediate working proficiency).
Publications and conferences:
Articles in refereed journals:
“Shelter from the storm” – Exploring the scope of application and legal function of the GATS
Prudential Carve-Out, 48, No. 6, Journal of World Trade 1223 - 1246 (2014);
WITH G. MARTINICO, The new “Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the
Economic and Monetary Union”: Asymmetry or Dis-integration?, 19, No. 3, European Public
Law 463 – 480 (2013);
"We're one, but we're not the same" - Enhanced cooperation and the tension between asymmetry
and unity in the EU, 3, No. 3, Perspectives on Federalism 1-21 (2011);
“How Does it Feel to Be on Your Own?” - Mutual Recognition Agreements and NonDiscrimination in the GATS: A Third Party’s Perspective, 11 German Law Journal 705-740
Case notes in refereed journals:
WITH P. C. MAVROIDIS, Sultans of Swing? The emerging WTO case law on TBT, No. 2,
European Journal of Risk Regulation, 258 - 260 (2013);
WITH E. BONADIO, The ECJ rules on private copying levy, 4 European Intellectual Property Review
260 - 264 (2011);
WITH E. BONADIO, Seizures of In Transit Generics at the EU Borders: India and Brazil v. the
EU, 4 European Journal of Risk Regulation, 404-408 (2010).
Book Reviews in refereed journals:
Bart De Meester, Liberalization of Trade in Banking Services – An International and European
Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, 7 European Journal of Legal Studies, 2,
223-228 (2015);
Marina Foltea, International Organizations in WTO Dispute Settlement – How much
institutional sentitivity?, Cambridge University Press, 2012, 3 European Journal of Risk Regulation,
421-422 (2013);
Kyle W. Bagwell and Petros C. Mavroidis, Preferential Trade Agreements - A law and
economics analysis. Cambridge University Press, 2011, 39, Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 2,
291 - 296 (2012);
Francis Snyder, The EU, the WTO and China - Legal Pluralism and International Trade
Regulation. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2010, 4 Common Market Law Review 1368 - 1370 (2011).
Policy briefs:
WITH A. MARHOLD, The WTO at Crossroads – Destination: Doha; Pit-stop: Bali.
Opportunities for Reform of the World Trading System, European University Institute, Global
Governance Programme, (2013).
Comments to legal texts:
Comments to Arts. 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258 (in Italian), in C. NAPOLI AND N.
PIGNATELLI (EDS.), Codice degli Enti Locali, Nel diritto editore, Roma, pp. 1974 - 1994 (2012).
Non academic:
WITH A. ARESU, Alla ricerca della convertibilità culturale, in A. GARNERO AND S. MILIO (EDS.),
L’Unione Divisa – Convergere per crescere insieme in Europa, Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 237 – 255 (2014).
Seminars and Conferences:
“Shelter from the storm” – The GATS Prudential Carve-Out: Scope of Application and Legal
Function - Seminar, Legal Service of the European Commission, 17 July 2014, Brussels;
“I limiti dell’asimmetria” (Quale forma di governo per l’unione politica dell’Eurozona? – Conference, 27
September 2013, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa);
“Advancing Services Trade Through Preferentialism: The EU-Korea FTA” (Global Europe? The
New Generation of Preferential Trade Agreements – Conference, 14-15 May 2012, European
University Institute, Florence);
WITH G. MARTINICO, "Towards a Euro Plus Agreement: Asymmetry or Dis-integration?" (The
Constitutional Architecture of the Economic Governance in the EU - Joint Workshop (EUDO, Center
for Studies on Federalism, STALS, LUISS Roma), 23 March 2012, European University
Institute, Florence);
"So asymmetric? The first cases of enhanced cooperation" (Reforms after the Reform Treaty? - Joint
Workshop (EUDO, Center for Studies on Federalism, STALS), 18 March 2011, European
University Institute, Florence).
Florence, March 2015