SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION - Accademia Nazionale di Medicina


SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION - Accademia Nazionale di Medicina
Direttore e docente
Nancy Binkin
Professor of Practice, University of California, San Diego and Lecturer in Global
Health, San Diego State University, USA
Dr. Binkin is a physician who was formerly with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in Rome,
where she was co-director of PROFEA, a training program for physicians and
veterinarians working in public health in the ASL and at regional level, and where she was
also the editor of the Bollettino Epidemiologico Nazionale. She is the author of over 160
articles and has had extensive experience in teaching scientific writing and in supervising
junior researchers in writing scientific articles and in preparing and presenting oral
presentations and posters.
Sulla base del regolamento applicativo approvato dalla CNFC, Accademia
Nazionale di Medicina (provider n. 31), assegna alla presente attività ECM (31112800): 15,1 crediti formativi.
L'evento è accreditato per medici (tutte le specializzazioni), farmacisti, biologi.
L'attestazione dei crediti ottenuti è subordinata a:
- partecipazione all'intera durata dei lavori
- compilazione della scheda di valutazione dell'evento
- superamento della prova di apprendimento
Aula Didattica
U.O.C. Laboratorio di Genetica Medica
Padiglione Morgagni – I piano
A.O. San Camillo-Forlanini
Via Portuense, 332 - Roma
Corso teorico-pratico
how to write a paper and
prepare oral presentations
and posters for a scientific
Roma, 19-20 febbraio 2015
Promosso da
Accademia Nazionale di Medicina
ISO 9001
Certificate N° 07-Q-00019-TIC
Direttore Generale: Stefania Ledda
Per informazioni
Tel 010 83794233 - Fax 010 83794260
[email protected]
Segreteria Organizzativa
Prenotazioni alberghiere
Forum Service
Via Martin Piaggio, 17/6
16122 Genova
Tel 010 83794233
Fax 010 83794261
[email protected]
15,1 crediti ECM
Nancy Binkin
Thursday, February 19th
Venerdì, 1 febbraio
Welcome and introduction to the course
Scientific communication: the basics
Writing a scientific article: from A to Z
What goes where? Introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion
Exercise, organizing the discussion
Coffee break
Before you get started: who needs to be an author and to what journal will I be
submitting my article?
Putting pen to paper: where and how to begin writing
The art of writing an abstract
Light lunch
The visual presentation of data and why a picture can be worth a 1000 words
Writing clearly: the language of scientific writing
Exercise: creating paragraphs and transitions
Coffee break
What every Italian should know about writing for the English language literature
Wrap-up and homework assignment
Friday, February 20th
Participant presentation and discussion of homework
Putting all the pieces in place: title and title page, bibliography, acknowledgement
and the cover letter
Ethics, plagiarism and conflict of interest
Coffee break
The final steps: submitting the manuscript, responding to reviewers’ comments,
what to do if your article is rejected and how to respond to letters to the editor
The art of giving an engaging and effective oral presentation
Light Lunch
Posters: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade
Exercise, developing an effective poster
CME test and closure (instructor will be available for informal consults until 18.00)
Scientific journals are a major means of disseminating new and important
scientific findings and sharing clinical experiences with a larger audience. In
universities and research institutes, publication is essential for career
advancement. In addition, oral presentations and poster sessions also represent
an important opportunity for dissemination.
In this practical, hands-on course, we will address the basic principles of
scientific writing, including types of articles such as original communications,
reviews, brief reports; the organization of an article; methods for facilitating
and streamlining the writing process; ways in which scientific writing differs
from other forms of written communication; writing clear abstracts; selecting
an appropriate journal; the submission and review process including writing
cover letters and responding to reviewers’ comments; and suggestions for
publishing in the English language literature. In addition, we will address the
preparation and delivery of oral presentations to international scientific
audiences and how to develop an attention-getting poster.
The course will be held in English and will consist of a series of didactic sessions
and practical exercises. Participants are welcome to bring articles they are
currently working on and that they would be willing to share with others in the
group, but the instructor will also provide descriptive and analytic data on
health behaviors such as obesity, and cancer screening for use in the exercises.
At the end of the course, every participant will be able to:
 choose where to submit a scientific article
 know the main steps to follow while writing a scientific article
 create tables and figures
 know the differences between literary and scientific writing and the
techniques to be used to improve clearness and conciseness
 create a bibliography
 write a scientific abstract, prepare a concise oral presentation, and
develop an attention-getting poster.