Christ the King rules from the cross, a seemingly


Christ the King rules from the cross, a seemingly
Join the Life Chain
This afternoon (October 3) - 2 - 3 p.m.
Hold a sign that reads:
Join your fellow parishioners and community members at the
Dufferin & St. Clair Ave. W. intersection in a peaceful demonstration
in support of life.
Sacramental Preparation
If you have children who are preparing for the Sacraments of First
Holy Communion or Confirmation during this upcoming year, we ask
that you attend the interview session that corresponds to your child’s
school. If you are not able to attend that session or your child
attends Public school, we ask that you select any other session.
St. Clare’s School - Monday, October 4 – anytime between
At St. Clare’s Church
the hours of 4:00 & 8:00 p.m.
Stella Maris School - Tuesday, October 5 – anytime between
At St. Clare’s Church
the hours of 4:00 & 8:00 p.m.
Pope Paul School - Wednesday, October 6 – anytime between
At St. Nicholas’ Church
the hours of 4:00 & 8:00 p.m.
This afternoon, (October 3rd) at 4 p.m., in preparation
to the Feast of St. Francis (Oct. 4), we will hold the
blessing of animals outside our church doors. Please
mention this to other friends as well.
On October 7th, we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of
the Rosary. We will gather to recite the Rosary at 7:00
p.m., followed by Mass in honour of our Blessed
next week!
Fr. Vito’s Installation
We will celebrate the installation of Fr. Vito as Pastor of St. Clare
& St. Nicholas Parishes next Saturday, October 9th at the 5 p.m.
Mass at St. Clare’s Church. Fr. Vito will be installed by Bishop
McGrattan. Please join us for this joyous occasion as we come
together to pray for and celebrate with Fr. Vito. Refreshments
will be served in the Hall right after the ceremony.
Is your child (7 years old or older) not baptized? Is your child
baptized in another Christian tradition, but you would like him or her
to receive the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist, or Confirmation in Full
Communion with the Catholic Church? Call Mary Benincasa at the
Parish Office asap.
Are you not yet baptized and recognize a need for spirituality in your
life within the Catholic Church? Are you Baptized but have never
received the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist, Reconciliation or
Confirmation? Are you married to a Catholic and attend Mass, but
don’t know what the next step is to becoming Roman Catholic?
R.C.I.A. is the process that prepares adults for full “sacramental” life
in the Catholic Church. For information, call Mary Benincasa at the
Parish Office asap.
Thanksgiving Food Drive
Next weekend (Thanksgiving weekend), we invite you to bring your
donations of non-perishable food items to Mass with you and place
them at the altar. The food will then be picked up by the Good
Shepherd Refuge and distributed among the neediest in our
Bingo & Refreshments
On Sunday October 17 at 1 p.m., join us for a neighbourhood walk
with prayerful breaks. Proceeds will support Catholic Family Services’
vital work being offered to women, men and children needing
counselling and encouragement. Sponsor sheets are available at the
The 55+ Club will be enjoying a game of Bingo on Thursday, October 7th
at 9:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall. All the young at heart are invited.
Join us on Friday, October 8 and every second Friday of the month,
at 7:30 p.m., when we gather in prayer and meditative reflection in
the style of Taizé. We will also learn more about this form of prayer,
the monastic community of Taizé, and the reason why thousands of
young people make their way every week to meet and pray with the
brothers in Taizé, France.
Please join every third Monday of the month as we strive to deepen
our understanding of the teachings of our Catholic church. Our first
date is set for Monday, October 18th at 8 p.m. This month’s theme will
be “The presence of Mary in Christian spirituality”.
Our parish will hold a Bazaar on the weekend of Nov. 12-14. Item such
as toys, jewellery, books, Christmas décor, etc. will be on sale. If you
have any items in excellent condition you wish to donate, please put
them aside and bring them to the church the week before the Bazaar.
If you have any question, please contact Renee Ernst at 416/651-3722.
As expected, our bill for this year’s Insurance has just come in at
$17,795.75! Unfortunately, every year we continue to experience a
great struggle as we strive to pay this hefty but necessary bill. Last
year, even with our special Insurance collection, we were about
$1,000 short and so we did our best to make up the difference. This
year, we will take up a special collection on the first weekend of
Advent (November 27/28). If each family could contribute $50, we’d
be able to cover this bill, so we ask that you please do your best as
we start raising funds for this year’s Insurance! Thank you.
Parish Dinner Dance
Save the date for our next Dinner/Dance which is set for Saturday,
October 30th. Start inviting your friends and family. More information
ST. CLARE’S BAZAAR - November 12,13 &14
Advent/Christmas Tour to
Frankenmuth, Michigan
Join us on the weekend of November 27th & 28th on this wonderful
trip to the Bavarian town of Frankenmuth in Michigan. The cost per
person, based on double occupancy, is $285. This will include coach
bus, hotel, Christmas dinner, treats & breakfast. This is roughly a five
hour trip and we’ll also be visiting Bronner’s, the World’s largest
Christmas store. We will be leaving the church at 5 a.m. sharp, on
Sat., Nov. 27th, and we’ll be back in Toronto by 9 p.m.ish, Sunday
Don’t miss out!
Mass Intentions
Saturday, October 2
5:00 – Luigi Brusatin
Sunday, October 3
8:00 – Angelo Calabretta
9:15 – Pro Populo
10:30 – Gaetano e Vito Antonio Puopolo, Maria
Lodato e i defunti della famiglia, Rosa, Antonio
e Sabina Caputo, Michael, Marta e Michele
Carnovale, Domenico e Montagna Lindozzo,
Carmine Selucci, Antonio e Marco Pisegna e
defunti delle famiglie, Laura Sorbara, Padre
Giuseppe Dal Ferro, Vito, Antonio, Vitina e
Mario Perri e Arnaldo Pasta
12:00 – John & Margaret Mesics
Monday, October 4
9:00 – Ugo Costantini
Tuesday, October 5
9:00 – Souls in Purgatory
8:00 – Giuseppe Nuccio Scaldaferri († Memorial)
Wednesday, October 6
9:00 – Gervasio Griesi
Thursday, October 7
9:00 – Giuseppe Vannelli
7:00 – Rosary followed by Mass in honour of O. L. of
the Rosary
Friday, October 8
9:00 – Silvio Jorge Medina Garrote
7:30 – Taizé
Saturday, October 9
9:00 – Maria Ester e Bruno Brown
1:00 – WEDDING – Sime Marusic & Christine Vidal
5:00 – Gladys Lotan
Upcoming Weddings
The following couples are planning to be
married in the next couple of weeks:
Peter Grozdanovski & Beverly Garcia
Nick Markou & Sara Maria Valente
Questo pomeriggio (domenica dalle 2 alle 3 p.m.), siamo invitati a
radunarci all’angolo di St. Clair e Dufferin per una dimostrazione silenziosa
contro l’aborto.
BENEDIZIONE DEGLI ANIMALI Anche questo pomeriggio, 3
ottobre, in occasione della festa di San Francesco (che si terra’ il 4
ottobre), alle 4 del pomeriggio, si terra’ la benedizione degli animali, sulle
scale della chiesa di Santa Chiara.
Gruppo 55 e Più
Il Gruppo 55 anni e più si riunisce questo giovedì, 7 ottobre alle 9:30
a.m. nella Sala Parrocchiale per un gioco di Bingo e un rinfresco.
Tutti sono benevenuti.
Il 7 ottobre celebriamo la Festa della Madonna del Rosario. La sera, alle
ore 7, reciteremo il santo rosario. Seguira’ la Messa in onore della Beata
Preghiera Di Taizé
Siete invitati a partecipare venerdì sera, 8 ottobre, alle ore 7:30 p.m. ad
un incontro di preghiera, meditazione e canto, sullo stile di Taizé. Non
Insediamento di P. Vito
Sabato prossimo, 9 ottobre si terrà qui a S. Chiara l’insediamento di P.
Vito come parroco della chiesa di S. Chiara così come quella di S. Nicola di
Bari. Il nostro Vescovo McGrattan sarà qui per la cerimonia che avrà
luogo durante la Messa delle 5 p.m. Venite a pregare e a festeggiare con
noi in questa lietissima occasione. Rinfreschi saranno serviti in sala subito
dopo la cerimonia.
Nel prossimo weekend, faremo la raccolta del cibo per i
poveri. Il Rifugio del Buon Pastore prendera’ e distribuira’ il
cibo ai poveri e bisognosi. Grazie per il vostro aiuto.
Come previsto, la bolletta per l’assicurazione di quest’anno è arrivata a
$17,795.75! Purtroppo, l’anno scorso abbiamo avuto un pò di difficoltà
con questa bolletta pesante ma necessaria. Anche con la colletta speciale
che facciamo, non siamo risusciti a raccogliere il necessario e abbiamo
dovuto rimetterci diversamente. Quest’anno, avremo una colletta speciale
il primo weekend d’Avvento (27/28 novembre). Se ogni famiglia potrebbe
contribuire $50, riuscireremo ad affrontare questa spesa. Vi preghiamo di
fare il vostro meglio. Grazie.
Cena con Ballo
La prossima Cena con Ballo si terrà sabato, 30 ottobre. Invitati i vostri
amici e parenti. Più informazioni la settimana prossima.
Novembre 12-13-14
La nostra parrocchia terra’ un BAZAAR il fine settimana dal 12 al 14
novembre. Ci sara’ la possibilita’ di vendere/comprare oggettistica, roba
di cucito, decorazione natalizia, libri, giocattili, gioielli, ecc. Se avete
materiale in ottime condizioni (non si accetta vestiario), vi invitiamo a
metterli da parte e vi sara’ data la giornata quando portarli in chiesa. Se
desiderate ulteriori informazioni vi chiediamo di mettervi in contatto con
Joe DeGennaro al 416/781-7155. Il venerdi 12 e il sabato 13, ci sara’
anche la possibilita’ di acquistare cibo per cena o pranzo da consumare in
sala o portare a casa.
Gita Natalizia a Frankenmuth in Michigan
Partecipate a questo bellissimo weekend del 27/28 novembre quando
faremo una gita al piccolo paesetto di Frankenmuth in Michigan. Il costo
è $285 a persona e si base su doppia occupazione dell’otel. Il prezzo
include l’autobus, hotel, cena Natalizia e colazione. Questa gita impiega
circa cinque ore di viaggio. Visiteremo “Bronner’s”, il negozio Natalizio più
grande nel mondo. Partenza sarà alle 5 a.m. di sabato mattina, con
ritorno a Toronto domenica sera verso le 9:00. Non mancate.
New Beginnings: Widow/Widower Support Group:
Looking for hope and guidance after the death of a
spouse? In an informal setting we meet for seven
weeks, where we share and learn from each other.
Time: Friday Evenings: Oct. 15 to Nov. 26 at 7:30
p.m. Location: St. Margaret of Scotland, 222 Ridley
Blvd, Toronto Ontario. Facilitator: Mary Muir;
Enquiries Deacon James Shaughnessy 416-921-1163
ext 2246=
New Beginnings: For those who are Separated, Divorced and
Come and join us for an informative evening with Gail Davis
MSW., RSW. Gail has over twenty years experience as a Clinical
Social Worker at Catholic Family Services of Toronto and has
taught mindfulness for the past 5 years. Her topic is Stress
Reduction: A Mindfulness Approach: “Living the Sacrament
of the Present Moment”. It will take place Tuesday October 5,
2010; - 8:00 to 9:30 p.m. At Saint Bonaventure’s Church, 1300
Leslie Street, Toronto, Ontario: (on the west side of Leslie, south
of Lawrence)
Enquiries: Deacon James 416-921-1163 ext. 2246