Università degli Studi di TORINO Ricerca


Università degli Studi di TORINO Ricerca
Università degli Studi di TORINO
Ricerca scientifica finanziata
Anno presentazione richiesta 2011
Project Id: ORTO113ACX
1 Project general informations
1.1 Starting date (year)
1.2 Duration
36 months
1.3 Type of request
Track A
1.4 Scientific Field (MacroArea) III. Humanities, Political and Social Sciences
2 Research theme
6.International dimension of Italian culture
3 Title
Italian Novellieri and Their Influence in Renaissance and Baroque European Culture: Editions,
Translations, Adaptations
4 ERC codes
SH Social Sciences and Humanities
SH5 Cultures and cultural production: literature, visual and performing arts, music, cultural
and comparative studies
SH5_3 Literary theory and comparative literature, literary styles
SH5_4 Textual philology and palaeography
SH5_2 History of literature
SH5_10 Cultural studies, cultural diversity
SH6 The study of the human past: archaeology, history and memory
SH6_10 Cultural history
5 Key words
novella; textual philology; translation; European literature; Renaissance and Baroque narrative;
Short stories; English Renaissance and Baroque tales; French Renaissance and Baroque tales;
German Baroque tales; Spanish Renaissance and Baroque tales
6 Abstract for dissemination activities
This research project aims to identify the earliest translations of the works of Italian “novellieri”
into English, French, German, and Spanish which were published in the decades following their
first appearance in Italian, either in print or in manuscript form, and which have not been edited in
modern times. These translations will be the object of a rigorous philological work aimed to
producing a proper philological edition of each of them, to be offered to the scientific community
and to the wider public. They will be published online with Creative Commons licences. Our
experience in the field of dissemination of humanistic knowledge on the web dates back to 2002,
when the “Revista Artifara”, an online journal of studies of Portuguese, Spanish and Latin-american
literature and linguistics, was born (www.ojs.unito.it/index.php/artifara). This experience will join
forces with the know how of the technical staff of AperTo, the Institutional Open Acces Repository
of U. of Turin, already sponsored by Compagnia di San Paolo,in order to create a repository site for
this project at the AperTo internet site: here the reader will be able to find the aforementioned
critical editions, as well as the accompanying critical literature which will be produced as a
preparatory phase of the research.
As a preliminary phase to the work of critical edition of the texts, regular seminaries will be
organized at the U. of Turin, with guests from our partner universities (La Sorbonne, Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad de Valladolid, Università del Piemonte Orientale). The project
will host two international congresses on translation, one after the first year of work, and a final
one, where the results of our research will be put under the judgement of the specialists in the field
of literary translation and textual Philology.
7 Principal investigator (PI)
Assistant professor L-LIN/07 30/12/1959
[email protected]
8 Principal investigator curriculum
Guillermo José Carrascón Garrido (Madrid, 30/12/1959) is a Researcher in Spanish Literature at the
School of Humanities of the University of Turin since 2008. He got his degree on Hispanic
Philology at the university Autónoma of Madrid (1985) and a M. A. degree at the Johns Hopkins
University (Baltimore, MD, 1989). He has taught Spanish linguistics, literature, and culture besides Johns Hopkins - at Dickinson College (Carlysle, PA), and Goucher College (Towson, MD).
From 1993 to 2005 he was lector de intercambio at the University of Turin, and visiting Professor
of Linguistics and Translation at the School of Translation and Interpretation (Forlì) of the
University of Bolonia. From 2005 to 2008 he served as a Researcher in Spanish Literature at the
School of Humanities of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. He is Coordinator of
“Artifara. Revista on-line de lenguas y literaturas ibéricas e iberoamericanas” sponsorized by the
Dipartimento di Scienze Letterarie e Filologiche dell’Università di Torino, and directed by Prof.
Aldo Ruffinatto; http:www.artifara.com.
His research interests include Golden Age as well as contemporary Spanish theater, Hispanic prose
and poetry of the XXth century, linguistics, and translation.
Recuperación de la memoria, narrativización de la historia y ficcionalización del yo en Santa Evita
de Tomás Eloy Martínez, Soldados de Salamina de Javier Cercas y Mala gente que camina de
Benjamín Prado in L’io e l’altro e la metamorfosi della scrittura nella letteratura spagnola, a c. di
J.M. Martín Morán, Vercelli, Mercurio, 2007, pp. 96-124.
Cuando el diccionario va a clase: diccionario bilingüe y errores de traducción in Lessicografia
bilingue e traduzione: metodi, strumenti, approcci attuali (Atti del Convegno, Forlì, 17-18
novembre 2005), a c. di Félix SanVicente, pp. 175-190.
L’errore di traduzione. Una prospettiva didattica in Seminario sulla teoria della Traduzione
“Traduzione e intercultura” 16 marzo 2003, “Materiali di discussione” 5, 2006, pp. 27-39
Gregorio Prieto-Federico García Lorca: un rapporto in linea, comunicazione al convegno “Fantasia
in linea. Il viaggio di Gregorio Prieto con De Chirico, Lorca e Don Chisciotte”, 21-22 febbraio
2005, Università di Torino, in “Artifara. Revista on-line de lenguas y literaturas ibéricas e
iberoamericanas”, n. 5, 2005. http://www.artifara.com/rivista5/testi/lorcaprieto.asp .
La traducción como modelo epistemológico en los programas universitarios de lenguas, versione a
stampa per gli Atti del convegno di Traducir para enseñar, enseñar a traducir, comunicazione alle “I
Jornadas de didáctica de español para mediadores lingüísticos” Scuola Superiore di Lingue
Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori Dipartimento di Studi Interdisciplinari su Traduzione, Lingue e
Culture, Forlì, 4 e 5 dicembre 2003, in Mediación lingüística de lenguas afines: español e italiano, a
c. di Gloria Bazzocchi e Pilar Capanaga, Bologna, Gedit, 2006, pp. 97-117.
Erre que erre. Observaciones de fonética contrastiva sobre las vibrantes del español y del italiano, in
“Artifara. Revista on-line de lenguas y literaturas ibéricas e iberoamericanas”, n. 3, 2003.
Joaquín Gurruchaga: una voz escondida, comunicazione alla «I Giornata di poesia spagnola
contemporanea», Università degli Studi di Torino, 5 marzo 2003. in “Artifara. Revista on-line de
lenguas y literaturas ibéricas e iberoamericanas”, n. 3, 2003. http://www.artifara.com
Modelos de comedia: Cervantes y Lope de Vega in “Artifara. Revista on-line de lenguas y
literaturas ibéricas e iberoamericanas”, n. 2, 2003. http://www.artifara.com
Aspectos del lenguaje económico periodístico en relación al receptor in Le Lingue e l’economia.
Atti delle Giornate Internazionali, 5 e 6 dicembre 2002, Università degli studi di Brescia, a c. di M.
Cipolloni et al., in corso di stampa.
Personajes y perspectiva en Camino de perfección de Pío Baroja in “Rivista di Filologia e
Letterature Iberiche” (Pisa) n. 5, 2002, pp. 10-30.
La concepción del coro en Bodas de sangre, in “Artifara. Revista on-line de lenguas y literaturas
ibéricas e iberoamericanas”, n. 1, febb. 2002. http://www.artifara.com
9.1 Tenured professors
Time spent for the Age
10. ROSSELLI DEL Roberto
9.2 Research fellows
nº Surname Name Department Title Time spent for the project (Hours/year) Age
9.3 PhD students
nº Surname Name Department Title Time spent for the project (Hours/year) Age
9.4 Technical staff
nº Surname Name Department Title Time spent for the project (Hours/year) Age
9.5 Post doctoral fellows to be hired for project
1. Gernman philologist; Critical edition of ancient texts;
hermeneutical and ecdotical studies
2. Hispanic philologistCritical edition of ancient texts; hermeneutical
and ecdotical studies
3. Comparatist /Anglicist; Critical edition of ancient texts;
hermeneutical and ecdotical studies
4. comparatist/italianist;Critical edition of ancient texts;
hermeneutical and ecdotical studies
9.6 Investigators from other Italian Universities
Time spent for Age
the project
Daniela MODENA e
Dip. SCIENZE DEL Ricercatore
Time spent for the project
9.7 Investigators from foreign Universities
nº Surname
1. Scamuzzi Iole Maria
Universidad Autónoma
de Madrid
2. Masson
Sorbonne Paris IV
Jean Yves
9.8 Investigators from Italian research institutions
nº Surname Name Institution Title Time spent for the project (Hours/year) Age
10 Project team UniTO publications
1. GUILLERMO CARRASCÓN. (2006). L’errore di traduzione. Una prospettiva didattica. In:
HANS HONNACKER CUR. Seminario sulla teoria della Traduzione “Traduzione e
intercultura”,. (vol. 1, pp. 27-39). MODENA: Dip.to di Scienze del Linguaggio e della Cultura.
2. GUILLERMO CARRASCÓN. (2007). Recuperación de la memoria, narrativización de la
historia y ficcionalización del yo en Santa Evita de Tomás Eloy Martínez, Soldados de Salamina
de Javier Cercas y Mala gente que camina de Benjamín Prado. In: L'io e l'altro e la metamorfosi
della scrittura nella letteratura spagnola. L'io e l'altro. Metamorfosi della scrittura nella
letteratura spagnola. 23-24 novembre 2006. (vol. 1, pp. 193-220). VERCELLI: Edizioni
Mercurio. a c. di J. M. Martin Moran.
3. GUILLERMO CARRASCÓN. (2006). Cuando el diccionario va a clase: diccionario bilingüe y
errores de traducción. In: Lessicografia bilingue e traduzione: metodi, strumenti, approcci
attuali. Lessicografia bilingue e traduzione: metodi, strumenti, approcci attuali. 17-18 novembre
2005. (vol. 1, pp. 215-229). MONZA: Polimetrica. A c. di Félix San Vicente.
4. GUILLERMO CARRASCÓN. (2006). La traducción como modelo epistemológico en los
programas universitarios de lenguas. In: Mediación lingüística de lenguas afines: español e
italiano,. I Jornadas de didáctica de español para mediadores lingüísticos. 4-5 dicembre 2003.
(vol. 1, pp. 97-117). BOLOGNA: Gedit. A c. di Pilar Capanaga e Gloria Bazzocchi.
5. GUILLERMO CARRASCÓN. (2007). Elena Di Pinto, "La tradición escarramanesca en el teatro
del Siglo de Oro", Madrid, Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2005 (Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica, 35).
(vol. 7, pp. -). Artifara (on line).
6. PANGALLO M. (2009). La novela contemporánea española: ejemplos de traducción entre
lenguas afines (español e italiano),. ARTIFARA. vol. 9. Sección Addenda, pp. --- ISSN: 1594378X
7. PANGALLO M. (2008). Un esemplare manoscritto della traduzione italiana della Gitanilla
cervantina. La Gitanilla di Ferdinando Mancini de’ Servi. ARTIFARA. vol. 8. Sección
Addenda, pp. --- ISSN: 1594-378X.
8. PANGALLO M. (2007). “Si narra un avvenimento meraviglioso d’una bella Zinganetta”. Un
manoscritto di una traduzione italiana antica della Gitanilla. (vol. Artifara n. 7 Sección Edition,
pp. ---). Torino: Dipartimento di Scienze letterarie e Filologiche d (ITALY).
9. PAVESIO M. (2010). Alla ricerca delle fonti del Geolier de soi-mesme di Thomas Corneille. In:
P. De Gennaro. Alla ricerca della verità. (pp. 77-88). Torino: Trauben (ITALY).
10. PAVESIO M. (2010). Le Comte d'Essex, histoire anglaise: passaggi di genere fra Francia e
Inghilterra nel XVII secolo. In: G. BOSCO, M. PAVESIO, L. RESCIA. Contatti, passaggi
metamorfosi. Studi di letteratura francese e comparata in onore di Daniela Dalla Valle. (pp. 221233). ROMA: Edizioni di storia e letteratura (ITALY).
11. PAVESIO M. (2010). Una riscrittura italo-francese del mito di Ercole nel teatro del primo
Settecento: Hercule di Luigi Riccoboni. In: M. MASTROIANNI. Elaborazioni poetiche e
percorsi di genere.Miti, personaggi e storie letterarie. Studi in onore di Dario Cecchetti. (pp.
647-680). Alessandria: Dell'ORSO (ITALY).
12. PAVESIO M. (2010). Voyages des textes de théatres à travers l'Europe: le cas de l'Astrologo
fingido de Calderon. In: Anne Teulade. Reflets du siècle d'Or espagnol. Modèles en marge. (pp.
117-141). ISBN: 9782350180953. Nantes: Cécile Defaut (FRANCE).
13. ROSSELLI DEL TURCO R. (2009). Progetto Vercelli Book Digitale: codifica e visualizzazione
di un’edizione diplomatica grazie alle norme TEI P5. In: M.G. Saibene, M. Buzzoni. Medieval
Texts - Contemporary Media: The Art and Science of Editing in the Digital Age. (pp. 131-152).
ISBN: 978-88-7164-283-3. Como: Ibis (ITALY).
14. ROSSELLI DEL TURCO R. (2007). La digitalizzazione di testi letterari di area germanica:
problemi e proposte. In: AA.VV. Atti del Seminario internazionale 'Digital philology and
medieval texts' (Arezzo, 19 – 21 Gennaio 2006). (pp. 193-219). FIRENZE: Sismel (ITALY)
15. ROSSELLI DEL TURCO R. (2009). La Battaglia di Maldon. Introduzione, traduzione con testo
a fronte, commento, glossario. (pp. 1-258). ISBN: 978-88-6274-106-4. Alessandria: Dell’Orso
Editore (ITALY).
16. PELLIZZARI P. (2007). Bandello e Doni: Tangenze. MATTEO BANDELLO. STUDI DI
LETTERATURA RINASCIMENTALE. vol. 2, pp. 249-278 ISSN: 1826-2783.
17. PELLIZZARI P. (2007). La novella di 'Consalvo' e Agata' del Giraldi Cinzio: una proposta di
lettura. LEVIA GRAVIA. vol. 9, pp. 47-66 ISSN: 1591-7630.
18. PELLIZZARI P. (2007). Un'eroina di Anton Francesco Doni Fra Griselda e Ghismonda. LEVIA
GRAVIA. vol. 6, 2004 (recte 2007), pp. 243-261 ISSN: 1591-7630. Art. pubblicato nel numero
6 di "Levia Gravia", in forte ritardo ed uscito nel 2007, nonostante sul frontespizio vi sia la data
19. PELLIZZARI P. (2010). "Per dar cognizione di tutti i libri stampati vulgari": 'La Libraria' del
Doni. In: Enrico Mattioda. Nascita della storiografia e organizzazione dei saperi. (pp. 43-86).
ISBN: 9788822260291. Firenze: Olschki (ITALY).
20. RESCIA L. (2010). Giacobbe nel dramma di formazione europeo tra XVI e XVII secolo:
gioventù, libertà e problemi di genere. In: G. Bosco, M. Pavesio, L. Rescia. Contatti, passaggi,
metamorfosi. Studi di letteratura francese e comparata in onore di Daniela Dalla Valle. (pp. 3350). ISBN: 9788863722482. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura (ITALY).
21. RESCIA L. (2008). L’Aminta en France en 1632 : traduire et adapter. In: AA.VV.
Montrer/cacher. la représentation et ses ellipses dans le théatre du 17e et 18e siècles. (vol. 10,
pp. 129-142). CHAMBÉRY: éd. de l'Université de Savoie (FRANCE).
22. RESCIA L. (2007). Il Candelaio di G.Bruno nella Francia del primo XVII secolo: strategie
traduttive e ricezione del testo. In: AA.VV. Horizonte. (vol. 10, pp. 133-151). Tuebingen:
Gunter Narr Verlag (GERMANY).
23. RESCIA L. (2006). Hyperonymes et Hyponymes dans la traduction française de Il Vagabondo
de Rafaele Frianoro (1621). In: AA.VV. Synonymie et "differentiae": théories et méthodologies
de l'époque classique à l'époque moderne. (pp. 369-379). NAPOLI: ESI (ITALY).
24. ADINOLFI P. (2006). Bernanos e Montherlant: dai "Dialogues des Carmélites" a "Port-Royal".
STUDI FRANCESI. vol. 148, pp. 43-55 ISSN: 0039-2944.
25. ADINOLFI P. (2010). André Gide e la riscrittura del mito: una lettura de "Le Prométhée mal
enchaîné". In: Gabriella Bosco, Monica Pavesio, Laura Rescia. Contatti, passaggi, metamorfosi.
Studi di letteratura francese e comparata in onore di Daniela Dalla Valle. (vol. 1, pp. 485-497).
ISBN: 9788863722482. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura (ITALY).
26. ADINOLFI P. (2010). La riscrittura del mito nel Novecento: Jean Cocteau e la leggenda di
Edipo. In: Giuseppe Sertoli, Carla Vaglio Marengo, Chiara Lombardi. Comparatistica e
intertestualità. Studi in onore di Franco Marenco. (vol. t. I (L'opera comprende anche , pp. 129138). ISBN: 9788862741866. Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso (ITALY).
27. ADINOLFI P. (2009). "La mort qui fait le trottoir (Don Juan)" di Henry de Montherlant. In:
Michele Mastroianni. Don Giovanni nelle riscritture francesi e francofone del Novecento. (vol.
1, pp. 195-214). ISBN: 9788822259103. Firenze: Leo S. Olschki Editore (ITALY).
28. ARDISSINO E. (2010). “Perché mi vinse il lume d’esta stella”. Giovanni Giudici rewriting of
Dante’s Paradise for the theatre. In: Gragnolati Manuele, Fabian Lampart, Fabio Camilletti.
Metamorphosing Dante. Appropriations, Manipulations, and Rewriting of the Twentieth and
Twenty-first centuries. (vol. 1, pp. 137-152). Berlin: Turla+Kant (GERMANY).
29. ARDISSINO E. (2010). La scrittura dell'esperienza. Studi sulle lettere di Galileo. (vol. 1, pp. 1224). Pisa: ETS (ITALY).
30. ARDISSINO E. (2009). Tempo liturgico e tempo storico nella "Commedia" di Dante. (pp. 1174). Città del Vaticano: Libreria Editrice Vaticana (VATICAN CITY STATE (HOLY SEE)).
Prefazione di Giuseppe Mazzotta (Yale University, Director of the Dante Society of America).
31. ARDISSINO E. (2008). G. GALILEI, Lettere. Di GALILEO GALILEI. (vol. 1, pp. 1-264).
ROMA: Carocci (ITALY). Introduzione di Andrea Battistini (pp. 7-28)
Biografia galileiana e Postfazione di Erminia Ardissino (pp. 29-41 e 242-54).
32. DALMAS D. (2009). Mazzoni, Jacopo. In: Istituto dell'Enciclopedia italiana. Dizionario
biografico degli Italiani. (vol. 72, pp. 709-714). Roma: Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
33. DALMAS D. (2008). Antonio Brucioli editore e commentatore di Petrarca. In: Elise Boillet.
Antonio Brucioli. Humanisme et évangélisme entre Réforme et Contre-Réforme. (pp. 131-145).
Paris: Champion (FRANCE).
34. DALMAS D. (2008). Itinerario di un dantista. In: Massimo Firpo, Guido Mongini. Ludovico
Castelvetro. Letterati e grammatici nella crisi religiosa del Cinquecento. (pp. 251-260). Firenze:
Olschki (ITALY).
35. DALMAS D. (2007). Autorità della Scrittura e auctoritas letteraria in Celio Secondo Curione.
In: Autorità, modelli e antimodelli nella cultura artistica e letteraria tra Riforma e Controriforma.
Autorità, modelli e antimodelli nella cultura artistica e letteraria tra Riforma e Controriforma. 911 novembre 2006. (pp. 359-368). Manziana (Roma): Vecchiarelli (ITALY).
36. GIAVERI M. (2010). Cesare Segre, Philologie italienne et critique génétique. GENESIS. vol.
30, pp. 25-27 ISSN: 1526-954X.
37. GIAVERI M. (2007). Fra Italia e Francia: questioni di critica genetica. LETTERATURA E
LETTERATURE. vol. I, pp. 77-87 ISSN: 1971-906X.
38. GIAVERI M. (2010). Introduzione. In: Ismail Kadare. Anche se è aprile. (vol. 1, pp. 7-31).
Genova: Sangiorgio editrice (ITALY). con Laudatio in occasione del Premio LericiPea 20101.
39. GIAVERI M. (2010). Prefazione. In: Viviana Agostini-Ouafi. Poetiche della traduzione. (vol. 1,
pp. 7-10). ISBN: 9788870005240. Modena: Mucchi (ITALY).
40. MARENGO VAGLIO, CARLA. (2010). Futurist Music Hall and Cinema. In: John McCourt
(ed.). Roll Away the Reel World: James Joyce and Cinema. (pp. 86-102). ISBN:
9781859184714. Cork: Cork University Press (IRELAND).
41. MARENGO VAGLIO, CARLA. (2010). Jousse e Joyce: il gesto. In: Giuliana Ferreccio (a cura
di). La lingua delle origini nel 900. Poeti e filosofi. (pp. 143-159). ISBN: 9788862742023.
Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso (ITALY).
42. MARENGO VAGLIO, CARLA. (2009). Letteratura tra Aneddotica e Storia. In: S. Bronzini.
Raccontare la Storia. Realtà e finzione nella letteratura europea dal Rinascimento all'età
contemporanea. (pp. 189-200). ISBN: 978-88-6372-112-6. Roma: Storia e Letteratura (ITALY).
43. MARENGO VAGLIO, CARLA. (2007). "Charting the immarginable": esplorazione e
cartografia in James Joyce Finnegans Wake. In: Giorgio Melchiori. Joyce e l'eternità da Dante a
Vico. (vol. 1, pp. 57-79). Torino: Nino Aragno (ITALY). Volume a cura del Centro Studi
Storico Letterari-Natalino Sapegno-Aosta.
10.1 Italian investigators' publications
1. CAPRA D. (2007). Francisco Delicado, Alonso de Ulloa y la Introduction a la lengua española.
ARTIFARA. vol. 7, pp. --- ISSN: 1594-378X. El trabajo se articula en dos diferentes niveles: por
un lado, se detiene en la comparación entre los textos de los dos autores, que editamos, de l...
2. CAPRA D. (2007). Introducción a la Espositione in lingua Thoscana, di parecchi vocaboli
hispagnuoli fatta dal signore Alfonso di Uglioa. ARTIFARA. vol. 7, pp. --- ISSN: 1594-378X. El
glosario es analizado en sus diferentes aspectos: en lo referente al italiano, se nota la tendencia al
regionalismo de proveniencia septentriona...
3. CAPRA D. (2010). Il ‘parlato’ nei romanzi e le scelte traduttive: un approccio pragmatico. In: G.
Palumbo. Sui vincoli del tradurre. (vol. 2, pp. 49-68). ISBN: 9788860490759. Roma: Officina
Edizioni (ITALY). Partendo dall'analisi di peculiari caratteristiche della comunicazione orale
colloquiale e rintracciando le stesse in opere narrative spagnole attu...
4. CAPRA D. (2007). Espositione in lingua Thoscana, di parecchi vocaboli hispagnuoli fatta dal
signore Alfonso di Uglioa. (pp. 1-30). ISBN: 1594-378X. Torino: Artifara (ITALY). Edizione
critica del testo originale.
5. MARTIN MORAN J. (2007). La construcción del personaje en el Quijote y el Guzmán.
CRITICÓN. vol. 101, pp. 89-107 ISSN: 0247-381X.
6. MARTIN MORAN J. (2009). Cervantes y el “Quijote” hacia la novela moderna. ALCALÁ DE
HENARES: Centro de Estudios Cervantinos.
7. MARTIN MORAN J. (2008). El tratamiento de los objetos en el Quijote y el Guzmán. In: Tus
obras los rincones de la tierra descubren. Actas del VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación
de Cervantistas. VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Cervantistas. 13-16 dicembre
2006. (pp. 469-483). ALCALÁ DE HENARES: Centro de Estudios Cervantinos. Alexia Dotras
Bravo et alii [eds.].
8. MARTIN MORAN J. (2007). Espacio cultural y paisaje de la memoria en La aldea perdida de
Armando Palacio Valdés. In: Wolfgang Matzat [ed.], Espacios y discursos en la novela española
del realismo a la actualidad. (pp. 127-148). MADRID - FRANKFURT AM MAIN:
Iberoamericana Vervuert.
10.2 Foreign investigators' publication
Jean Yves
Attachment PDF
Masson CV.pdf
Scamuzzi Iole Maria Caterina Scamuzzi CV.pdf
11 Project background (rationale and preliminary findings)
The influence of Italian novellieri, from Giovanni Boccaccio to Maiolino Bisaccioni, unfolds across
Europe, through its various national literatures, mostly during the Renaissance and Baroque period,
as a further symptom, and a momentous one, of the prestige of Italian Renaissance culture in its
time of flourishing. From Chaucer’s medieval narrative to Cervantes' baroque prose, from Arigo,
the German humanist translator of Boccaccio, to the French Academies of the XVII century, from
the Valencian school of dramatists to Shakespeare to Corneille, the new narrative subgenre of the
novella contributes significantly to the setting off and spreading of an italianate season, which
strongly and thoroughly characterizes the cultural trends, both popular and literary, which were
active in the European western civilization down to the end of the XVII century.
Although in many cases writers such as Shakespeare, Cervantes, Corneille and Goethe were able to
read the Italian originals, the role of early translations in the spreading of the knowledge of these
Italian masterpieces troughout Europe, and particularly in Hispanic, French, English, and Germanic
areas, is out of doubt. A better hermeneutical and ecdotical knowledge of these early translations
shall undoubtedly contribute to a better understanding of the impact they had, rather than their
originals, upon the textual traditions and literary civilizations of the European cultures.
This series of widely known phenomena has been studied up to date, with few exceptions, in the
very close context of single national literatures and with an approach concentrated on one single
text at a time, i.e., examining the cases of specific influences between such and such author, the
reception of a particular Italian writer on a specific literary genre of a determined culture and so on,
as is the case of, for instance, the literary relation that links some dramatic works by William
Shakespeare or Lope de Vega to some novelle by Giovan Battista Giraldi “Cinzio” or Matteo
Bandello (see, for example, Arnould, 1986; Thomas Mussio 2000; Álvarez Sotelo 1998). It is
particularly true for the reception of Boccaccio, whose work occupies a privileged position, in
England, France, or Spain. This has been the object of recent studies of a general character, such of
those by Boitani (2001), Di Stefano (2001) or Ruffinatto/Scamuzzi (2008). And if it is also true that
in the field of French literature we have to aknowledge the presence of scholarly research works of
a somehow wider scope, as the studies by Godenne (1974), Pérouse (1977), Sozzi (1977), Fiorato
(1979), or Poli (1985) attest, nonetheless, we still lack a general work facing the state of the
spreading and reception of Italian novellieri in the main European cultures with a synergic approach
that may allow us to trace the thick net of intertextual relationships that intertwine literatures across
national borders and language boundaries.
It is not possible here to provide a full scrutiny of the situation for each one of the authors that our
research project shall study, edit and publish: Giovanni Boccaccio, Anton Francesco Doni,
Giovanni Battista Giraldi “Cinzio”, Poggio Bracciolini, Matteo Bandello, Giovan Francesco
Straparola, Lodovico Guicciardini. Therefore, a brief description of the cases of two among them
may give an approximate idea of where our starting point stands. On Boccaccio’s Decameron,
which is probably the most emblematic among the works taken into account, the textual situation of
the Italian original has been well established by Branca (1976) in his critical edition of the Hamilton
manuscript. However, the first published translation in Spanish (Seville, 1496) the only extant copy
of which is available in the Belgium Royal Library, has not been yet the object of a modern critical
edition facing the ecdotical problems of the incunabulum and his relations to the manuscript extant
versions, and to the earlier Catalan and Latin translations. A complete bibliography up to 2005 of
the studies on the Decameron in Spain is available in Ruffinatto 2006. While the earliest French
translation (from Latin) by Laurent de Premierfait has been the object of an accurate modern edition
by Di Stefano (1999), the version by Antoine Le Maçon (1545) has not received scholarly attention
after the Lacroix’s edition of 1912. As far as Germany is concerned, we mean to study the complete
translation into German of Boccaccio’s Decameron made by the German humanist Arigo, Italian
pseudonym for “Heinrich” (variously and mistakenly identified in the past with different German
scholars such as Heinrich Schlüsselfelder, Heinrich Steinhöwel or Henricus Martellus). We know
two manuscripts containing his Early New High German version of the Decameron: the Ms. 31,
Privatbibliothek Eduard Langer, Broumov Czech Republic – now missing – and Cod. 2792 Philol.
57, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna. Two printed editions appeared before 1500: the
first one published in Ulm by Johann Zainer (1476/77), the other one in Augsburg by Anton Sorg
The case of the European diffusion of the Novelle by Matteo Bandello provides us with another
example of primary interest for our research, since it is one of the cases in which the translation into
a foreign language, namely French, plays a very important role. The first edition of the first three
parts of the Novelle came out in Lucca, 1554; the fourth part was published in Lion by A. Marsilius,
ninteen years later. It had a very fast success in Italy and was partially reproduced in collections of
short stories suchs as that prepared by Sansovino (Cento novelle de’ più nobili scrittori..., Venezia,
1561). Particularly interesting is the Italian anthology by the Spanish translator Alfonso de Ulloa,
very active at the Venetian circle of the editor Giolito: Novelle nuovamente corrette e illustrate,
Venezia, C. Franceschini, 1566. But the real diffusion on a continental scale is due to the translation
in French by Pierre Boistau and François Belleforest, XVIII histoires tragiques... mises en langues
françois, Paris, Robinot, 1559, which had several editions: Lyon, Martin, 1564; Torino, Farina,
1570, 1569-1571, 1582; 1580 in 7 voll.. This French version seems to have been the source fot the
first English one by W. Painter, The Palace of Pleasure, London, Tottel & Jones, 1566, vol. I;
London, Bynneman, 1567, II vol. The French version was completed only in 1574 with the
translation of the fourth part: Dernier volume des histoires de Bandel, Lyon, Marsilii, 1574. The
French complete translation was the source for another English one: Certaine tragical discourses
written out of Frenche and Latin, by Geffray Fenton no lesse profitable then pleasaunte, and of like
necessitye to all degrees that take pleasure in antiquityes or forreine reportes (1579). Also the
Spanish version by Vicente de Millis, printed by Pedro Lasso in Salamanca ten years later (1589) is
translated from French. The first german edition comes out only in the XIX century. The Spanish
version has been the object of a partial divulgative edition in 1943 (Historias trágicas, Madrid,
Atlas) and a digital reproduction of the first edition is available on line at the Library Service of the
Valencia University. Similar things could be asserted on the account of the other Italian writers.
This complex and multifaceted situation cannot be dominated by the work of a single scholar or
group specializing on an individual national culture. The work of an interdisciplinary team seems
necessary in order to fathom the reach of this Italian influence on the very birth of modern
European culture. Such work will constitute the basis for any further research, laying the textual
foundations of the blossoming of Italian short narrative throughout Renaissance Europe.
12 Project description (specific aims, design, methods, time schedule of study/experiments)
The aim of the project “Italian Novellieri and Their Influence in Renaissance and Baroque
European Culture: Editions, Translations, Adaptations” is to prepare, with rigorous philological
criteria, a collection of critical editions of the first translations into English, French, German, and
Spanish of the works by the most influential Italian novellieri such as Giovanni Boccaccio, Anton
Francesco Doni, Giovanni Battista Giraldi “Cinzio”, Poggio Bracciolini, Matteo Bandello, Giovan
Francesco Straparola, and Lodovico Guicciardini. The ecdotical work, with all its necessary
historical, textual, and critical preliminaries, is conceived as a means to assess, through the
comparative studies on national cultures and literatures, the real, deep influence that the tipically
Italian new narrative genre exercises upon the birth of European modern literary civilization, from
the dawn of Renaissance to the arrival of Rationalism. The product of this research project –critical
editions as well as the accompanying scholarly literature– will be published in electronic,
digitalised, format, in cooperation with the institutional electronic repository of the University of
Turin AperTo, in an ad hoc virtual space. This system will host the products of the research on a
Creative Commons License, granting open access, so that the textual material with its critical
apparatus will be not only dematerialised, so contributing to its preservation, but also made
available to a wider public.
Time schedule
Months 1-6
Before the work on the Eurpean translation of Italian novellas can start, it is indeed necessary to
clarify the state of the art concerning the textual tradition of the Italian source-texts, in order to
identify which edition of each collection of novellas was used by the translators of each european
language. Scholars of Italian Literature will be in charge of this phase of the project, and of
informing the rest of the research group of their findings and of the problems raised by the textual
tradition in Italian. This phase will take up to 6 months and will end in a week of seminars, which
will be offered to PhD students in Italian, French, and Comparative Literatures as well as to the
members of the research team and to the doctors applying for fellowships on the project.
Months 6-12
With the full integration of all the post doctoral fellows, a second phase of the project will take off,
in which the scholars of foreign languages will have to identify and come in possession of a copy of
each text they are meaning to study. In case many translations are available, as is the case for
Spanish, the scholars in the field will decide who is going to be in charge with each text. Phase 2
will end with a congress about the corpus the research team will have built and about the state of the
art, inviting Scholars and specialists in translation from all over Europe.
Months 12-24
A third phase, which can start whenever each researcher feels ready, and go on until the ending of
the proposed three years period, will see the members of the research team work separately on the
elaboration of their own critical edition: each scholar will be in charge of one translation of one
collection of novellas in the language where he/she is a specialist. Criteria of transcription of
ancient texts and philological procedures will be shared by the group as a common methodology.
Periodical meetings of the research group will be agreed upon according to the scholars’ needs.
Months 24-36
During the third year of the project, and while completing or further developing the critical editions,
the research team will start designing and launching online the website containing the database and
the critical editions, as soon as they are ready, as well as the critical essays produced during the
preparatory work of period 1 and 2, and the proceedings of the seminars and congresses. This will
be done with the help and assistance of the technical staff of AperTo, the Institutional Open Acces
Repository of the University of Turin, already sponsored by Compagnia di San Paolo, who have
already agreed on creating a repository site for this project at the AperTo internet site. Our aim is to
produce a database with a simple interface which makes available at the same time all the
translations of one italian original, offering the possibility of browsing per word or per selection of
text among the different languages, by means of metatags.
The site will be introduced to the scientific community and launched online during one final
international conference, when the results of the research will be made public. The proceedings of
this final symposium will be published on the database, which will keep on living and being
updated even after the end of the research period of 36 months.
Preliminary phase
The first task of the team will be to establish
a) the corpus of extant copies, both printed and manuscript, of the involved ancient texts to be
studied and edited;
b) their localization in libraries across Europe and the United States;
c) the existence of on line electronic resources,
d) and the ecdotical and philological quality of modern available editions.
The team is divided in language groups, Italian, French, English, etc., which will take care of the
pertinent cultural areas. The results of the described preliminary “mapping” research will be shared
among the team members in a first encounter to be scheduled after the first six months of work (See
infra, Time schedule). This seminar will be also devoted to the rationalization of the successive task
of collecting (i.e. travelling to the different libraries, reproducing photografically the old volumes,
asking interlibrary loans, etc.) the textual material on which the historical, ecdotic and philological
work will be developed, as well as to the organization of the burocratic work necessary to obtain,
from the different institutions, the permissions due for reproducing the aforementioned books for
public use.
Main phase
The core job of the team will be obviously constituted by the philological work on ancient texts in
order to produce modern rigorous critical editions of the translations of the Italian literary works.
Each component of the group will take care of the edition of a translation (or the several translations
of the same original Italian work wherever they exist) pertaining to the cultural area of his/her
competence, and will develop all the propaedeutical work needed for the philological establishing
of a critical text. The election of the works on wich the research will be carried out depends on the
situation of the studies and the state of the art on each area of indagation.
To give an example, the situation in our field of interest for French literature is well studied as far as
the reception of the most important Italian novellieri is concerned. Particularly in the last decades
the contribution of scholarly research to this field has traced an accurate portrait of the influence of
the Italian tale in the French short stories during the XVI century. Therefore, the French-studies
scholars of the research team will be working, on the one hand, on the early French translation by
Guillaume Tardif of the humanist Poggio Bracciolini’s Liber facetiarum; and on the other, on the
XVII century French translations of the several narrative works by authors such as Girolamo
Brusoni and Maiolino Bisaccioni, members of the Venetian Accademia degli Incogniti, founded in
1630 by Giovanni Francesco Loredano. However, further work on Bandello’s novelle could be
needed, as explained infra.
For what concerns the reception of the medieval Italian novellistic in Germany, particularly
interesting is the complete translation of Giovanni Boccaccio’s Decameron, made by the German
humanist Arigo, about whom few informations are deducible from some linguistic and stylistic
features of his work. The investigation of such aspects seems to suggest a southern origin of the
author, whose language as well as certain divergences from the original Boccaccio’s text could
indicate the Austrian-Bavarian area, or more generally an area south of the Danube, eventually
extendable up to the Tyrol. His style and syntax apparently reveal a certain influence of the
chancellery, while the rhetoric could suggest a religious education of the author, who also uses the
free elaboration of the original besides the method of word for word translation. The importance of
this translation as witness of the interest and the assimilation of the Decameron matter in Germany,
just few years after the first Decameron dated Italian edition, the very famous one published in
Venice 1471 by Cristoforo Valdarfer, underlines the opportunity of a modern analysis, conducted
with philological criteria, of this text, whose more recent edition by Adelbert von Keller, dates back
to 1860. The analysis will be mainly conducted on the von Keller’s edition: Decameron von
Heinrich Steinhöwel, whose title visibly still ascribes the translation to Heinrich Steinhöwel (1412 1482 or 1483) – humanist graduated in Vienna, student of canon law, medicine and then academic
rector in Padua, finally rector magnificus at the University of Heidelberg and physician in Esslingen
and Ulm – to whom are attributed other works of great interest as, for example: the so called
"Ulmer Aesop", Latin-German version of a legendary biography of Aesop and Aesop's Fables
(1476), the translations of Bocaccio’s De mulieribus claris and some works of Petrarch. When
necessary the German philologists’s ecdotic work, based on the XIX century edition, will be
integrated by the inspection of the original manuscript and consulting the printed editions of the XV
For the Spanish area it is possible to hold in prospect several modern editions. The Decameron only
serious edition up to date is a divulgative modernization, dating back to 1982, of the 1496 text
(Marcial Oliver, Barcelona 2004 reprint), with no claim to philological precision. For La Zuca del
Doni de lengua thoscana en castellano, published in Venetia, by Francesco Marcolini (1561), just a
few months after the Italian original appeared, there is just a facsimilar reprint prepared by Puvill
(Barcelona) in 1981. Another interesting narrative work of Doni, I Mondi e gli Inferni, has already
been partially edited by a member of our team (Doni 1994) but its French translation by François
Chappuys (1587) could deserve a modern edition. The same thing holds true for the French (Pierre
Larivey, 1577) translation of the Moral filosofia while its English version (Thomas North, 1570)
has been recently edited (Beecher and alii, 2003). Although Giovanni Battista Giraldi’s tragedies
have been ºthe object of recent Spanish translations (Romera Pintor 1997, 2008a, 2008b) and of a
monography with valuable material (Romera Pintor 2008c), the Spanish translation of his collection
of novelle, Hecatommithi, –which bears the title Primera parte de las cien novelas de M. Juan
Baptista Giraldo Cinthio: donde se hallaran varios discursos de entretenimiento […], Traduzidas de
su lengua toscana por Luys Gaytan de Vozmediano [...], Impresso en Toledo, por Pedro Rodríguez,
a costa de Julián Martínez mercader de libros, 1590– has had no other edition of any kind, in spite
of the fact that this work presents a notable interest for its own sake but also for its novelle are the
source of inspiration to at least six Lope de Vega’s comedies.
Matteo Bandello offers a case of emblematic interest for our project since the translation into
French of his Novelle (Histoires tragiques, extraites des oeuvres italiennes de Bandel et mises en
langue française, les six premières par Pierre Boisteau, surnommé Launay,... Les douze seyvans, par
François de Belle-Forest, 7 voll., 1566-1583) was the model for the Spanish version by Vicente de
Millis (Historias trágicas exemplares / sacadas de las obras de Vandello Veronés / nuevamente
traducidas de las que en lengua francesa adornaron Pierres Bouistau y Francisco de Belleforest, en
Salamanca, por Pedro Lasso impresor, a costa de Juan de Millis Godinez, 1589; there is an online
digital reproduction of this first Spanish edition, as well as some modern partial adaptations) and for
the several English versions: W. Painter, The Palace of Pleasure, London, Tottel & Jones, 1566, vol.
I; London, Bynneman, 1567, II vol.; novella di Romeo e Giulietta: Arthur Brooke, The tragical
histoire of Romeus and Juliet..., London, Tottel, 1562; and subsequently London, Robinson, 1587;
as much as the volume Certaine tragical discourses written out of Frenche and Latin, by Geffray
Fenton no lesse profitable then pleasaunte, and of like necessitye to all degrees that take pleasure in
antiquityes or forreine reportes, a collection of novels translated by Geoffrey Fenton from early
volumes of Pierre Boiastuau and François de Belleforest's “Imprinted at London: In Fleetstreat nere
to Sayncte Dunstans Churche by Thomas Marshe, 1579”. Therefore, the ecdotical work for this
particular piece will indeed have to conjugate the endeavours of the editors of the Spanish, French,
and English versions. (There is already a modern edition, by Maestri, 1992-1996, of the Italian
In such a multifaceted and variegated situation, it seems of primary importance to guarantee an
optimal circulation of ideas and experiences. Therefore, in order to facilitate and encourage the
exchange and collaboration between participants, a series of two encounters each year will be
organised. The proximity of the largest part of the team members, almost all of them working at
Palazzo Nuovo of the University of Turin, will greatly simplify the organization and reduce the cost
of these seminars, and incentive the continuous communication and a favorable milieu for a
constructive synergic work.
After the first 12-18 months of development, an international congress will be held at Turin to
communicate, discuss, and contrast the first findings and results of our research with significant
representatives in our field of interest of the scholarly international community. Another one will be
organised at the end of the three year period to present the scientific community with the product of
our research.
Of not secondary interest for this International Conferences shall be the study and analysis of
parallel themes, such as the consideration in a wider scope of the influence of the Italian novella
genre upon other cultural manifestations in the involved nations; in particular the role played by the
Italian tales in the evolution and shaping of Elizabethan Theater and Spanish Renaissance dramma,
together with the latter’s influx on French classical tragedy, will constitute a primary focus of
interest for studying the spread of Italian vernacular culture at a popular level as opposed, and
complementary, to the influence Italian latinate humanism exercised upon the literate and “high”
cultural and artistic forms. The proceedings of this meetings should be published as volumes as well
as archived in the electronic repository AperTo.
13 Role of investigators
For his/her participation in the project, each investigator will have to use the following
competences, wich are firmly held by every member of the research team:
a) Deep knowledge of the genre novella in Italian literary history, from Boccaccio to the writers of
the XVI century.
b) Deep knowledge of narrative prose in his/her specific linguistical context: for example, a scholar
in the Spanish area must be well acquainted with early narrative phenomena like the Celestina, with
collections of exempla like the Conde Lucanor, all the way down to Cervantes, and to the Spanish
theatre of the Golden Century.
c) Linguistic competence about ancient Italian an the medieval, renaissance and baroque varieties of
the language in his/her charge.
d) Competence in textual philology, above all as far as the philology of printed texts is concerned,
but with an open eye to the matters related to the phenomenology of the mistake in the manuscript
e) Knowledge of the historical and social context in which both the Italian writers and their
translators were living and working.
The mission of our researchers will start with the collection and reading of the ancient textual
material both in Italian and foreign libraries. Given the corpus of the source texts, i.e. the ancient
collections of novelle the group is willing to study, each scholar will be in charge with the critical
edition of one translation of one of our source texts, which will be prepared according with the
scholarly rules and principles for this type of work. The job should start with a file listing the
ancient editions of the translation studied, their location, and the bibliography related to it, if any is
available. One valuable example can be the following file about the earliest Spanish translation of
Boccaccio’s Decameron.
Ancient translation:
Giovanni Boccaccio (Juan Bocacio), Las C novellas: En las quales se hallan notables exemplos [...],
Sevilla, por Meynardo Ungut Akemano & Stanislao Polono, 1496.
Copies available: The only copy preserved is available in the Royal Library of Belgium (Inc. B 399
Research procedure:
An introduction to the edition should deal with the textual tradition of this translation: relationship
of this edition with the only preserved manuscript copy of the Spanish Decameron, in order to
establish if the source of the edition is this manuscript or an Italian printed edition. The first Italian
printed edition of the Decameron was published in Venice in 1492, which is only four years before
the first printed edition in Spanish.
An appendix to the edition should list variants of the ancient editions following the Sevilla one,
which are: Toledo 1524; Valladolid 1539; Medina del Campo 1543 (one copy of this edition is
available in the Biblioteca Nazionale universitaria of Torino); Valladolid 1550.
There are many works available about the Decameron in Spain. A complete review of them can be
found here: Il Decameron nella letteratura spagnola (Dal Conde Lucanor alle Edades de Lulú), in
Clara Allasia (ed.), Il Decameron nella letteratura europea, “Atti del Convegno organizzato
dall’Accademia delle Scienze di Torino e dal Dipartimento di Scienze Letterarie e Filologiche
dell’Università di Torino. Torino, 17-18 novembre 2005”, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura,
2006, pp. 183-204.
Fernández Murga, Félix, Las primeras traducciones españolas de la obra de Boccaccio, in Studi di
iberistica, Napoli, 1986, pp. 168-177.
The scholars on Italian literature will have a crucial role in preparing and contributing research on
the transmission and diffusion of the Italian original works and wherever they exist, their Latin
translations, to the different aereas of Europe. In some cases they will consider wether new critical
editions of the original Italian literary works being studied are necessary.
It is of the foremost importance for the success of this project the continuous communication and
intellectual exchange between all the members of the research team in order to share the ecdotic
experience accumulated, as well as any kind of information on the ways and forms of circulation of
the texts which will constitute our object. This type of communication will be guaranteed by
periodical seminarial encounters of the research team.
14 References
Boccaccio, Giovanni (1470?) Decameron, Napoli? (Edition “Deo Gratias”)
– (1471) Decameron, Venezia, Cristoforo Valdarfer
– (1476/77) Decameron, [German tr. by Arigo] Ulm, Johann Zainer
– (1485) Des Cent Nouvelles, Paris, Vérard
– (1490) Cento nouelle, das seind Die hundert neuen Fabelen oder Historien so die gesaget seind
worden zu einer pestile[n]czischen Zeiten, Augsburg, Anton Sorg, an dē naechßtē montag nach
Galli [18. Oktober]
– (1496) Las C novellas: En las quales se hallan notables exemplos [...], Sevilla, Meynardo Ungut
alemano & Stanislao polono
– (1524) Las cient nouellas ... Agora nueuamente impressas: corregidas y enmendadas, Toledo.
– (1535) Centum nouella Johannis Boccatij, Strassburg, Durch Verlegung J. Albrechts getruckt bey
M. J. Cammerlandern,
– (1539) Las cient nouellas ... Valladolid.
– (1543) Las cient nouellas de micer Iuan Bocacio ... , Medina del Campo, Pedro de Castro.
– (1545) Le Décaméron de messire Jehan Boccace, Florentin Antoine Le Maçon Paris, Estienne
– (1550) Las cient nouellas ... Valladolid
– (1860) Decameron von Heinrich Steinhöwel, ed. by A. v. Keller, (Bibliothek des literarischen
Vereins 51, Stuttgart.
– (1974), ed. diplomatico-interpretativa dell’autografo Hamilton 90, a c. di Ch. S. Singleton,
Baltimore MD, Johns Hopkins University Press.
– (1975), facsimile dell’ autografo conservato nel cod. Hamilton 90 di Berlino, a c. di V. Branca,
Firenze, Editrice Alinari.
– (1974) Decameron: edizione critica secondo l’autografo hamiltoniano, a c, di V. Branca. Firenze,
Accademia della Crusca.
– (2004) Decamerón, introducción de F. J. Alcántara, versión castellana de 1496 actualizada por M.
Olivar ; bibliografía de David Romano. 1st ed., Barcelona, 1982.
Bandello, Matteo (1554) Novelle, I, II, III, Lucca, Busdrago
– (1560) Milano, G.A. degl’Antonii
– (1566) Venezia, Franceschini
– (1573) Novelle, IV parte, Lione, Alessandro Marsilii,
– (1952) a cura di F. Flora, Milano, Mondadori
– (1992-1996) a cura di D. Maestri, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 4 voll.
– (1559) XVIII histoire tragiques... mises en langues françois, Pierre Boistau e François
Belleforest,Paris, Robinot; Lyon, Martin, 1564; Torino, Farina,
– (1566-67) The Palace of Pleasure, W. Painter, London, Tottel & Jones,
– Arthur Brooke, The tragical histoire of Romeus and Juliet..., London, Tottel, 1562; London,
Robinson, 1587)
– (1579) Certaine tragical discourses written out of Frenche and Latin, by Geffray Fenton ...
London, Thomas Marshe.
– Historias tragicas..., Salamanca, P. Lasso, 1589. digitalizzata in BUV:
Doni, Anton Francesco (1551-52) La zvcca, Vinegia. F. Marcolini,
– (1552-1553) I Mondi e gli Inferni, Venezia, Marcolini,
– (1552) Moral filosofia, Venezia, Marcolini,
– (1561) La Zuca del Doni de lengua thoscana en castellano, Venetia, Marcolini,
– (1565) La zvcca del Doni, [...] in cinqve libri ,Venetia, F. Rampazetto,
– (1570) The morall philosophie of Donii drawne out of the ancient writers, London, H. Denham
–(1583) Mondi celesti, terrestri, et infernali... Venetia, N. Moretti.
– (1981) La zucca del Doni ... [La zucca del Doni en spañol] Barcelona, Puvill, facsimilar of Doni
–(1994) I Mondi e gli Inferni, a c. di P. Pellizzari, intr. M. Guglielminetti, Torino, Einaudi,
– (2002) Le novelle. to. I. La moral filosofia. Trattati, con un’Appendice di Lettere, a c. di P.
Pellizzari, Roma, Salerno Editrice,
– (2003) Le novelle. to II. La zucca, a cura di E. Pierazzo, Roma, Salerno Editrice,
– (2003a) The moral philosophy of Doni : popularly known as The fables of Bidpai, Tr. T. North,
ed. by D. Beecher, et al. Ottawa, Dovehouse.
AFDMATS - Anton Francesco Doni Multimedia Archive of Texts and Sources, coordinato da
Giovanna Rizzarelli : http://www.ctl.sns.it/it/npCms/show/slug/progetto_doni/edit/true
– I Marmi e I Mondi e gli Inferni. Collezione digitale www.ctl.sns.it/doni
Guicciardini, Lodovico (1565) Detti e fatti piacevoli e gravi Venezia, D. Nicolini
– (1566) Venezia, G. De’ Cavalli. Edizioni non autorizzate a c. di Sansovino
–(1568) Hore di ricreazione, Anversa, G. Silvius
–(1583) Hore di ricreazione, ed. aum. dall’autore, Anversa, Pietro Bellero
– (1990) Le ore di ricrezione, a c. di A. M. Van Passen, Roma-Leuven, Bulzoni-Leuven University
– (1571) Fr. tr. by Belleforest, Paris, Jean Ruelle
– (1573) En. tr.i London, Henry Bunneman
– (1574)Ger. tr. by D. Federman von Memmingen, Basilea, Peter Perna
– (1609) Fr. tr. by P. Bonfons, Paris, Nicolas Bonfons
– (1609) Ger. & It Ed. L’hore di recreazione di [...] Guicciardini. Erquickstunden H. Ludwigs
Guicciardini, Coelin (Colonia), Mattheys Schmidts
– (1610) Fr. & It.Ed. L’hore di recreazione... Les heures de recreation de M. Loys Guicciardin.
Faictes italiennes et francoises Paris, P. Guillemot
– (1586) Sp. tr. by V. de Millis, Bilbao, Mathias Mares, (new ed. H. de Mondragon, Zaragoza, P.
Puig i J. Escarilla, 1588).
Straparola, Giovan Francesco (1550) Le piacevoli notti del s. Gio. Francesco Straparola da
Caravaggio I , Venezia, Comin da Trino, (cinque notti);
– (1553) II, Venezia, Comin da Trino, (successive otto notti).
– (1555) ed. completa, Venezia, Comin da Trino.
– (1556 - 1608) Successive ed. Venezia, diversi editori
– (1572) Les Facetieuses Nuits du Seigneur Jean Francois Straparole [...] traduicts de l’Italien en
Francois par Jean Louveau et Pierre Delarivey Champenois, Lyon, Beoist Rigaud, (poi Parigi,
1573-1615; Rouen 1576, 1601; e ancora a Lyon 1581-2, 1611).
– (1580) Primera y segunda parte del honesto y agradable entretenimento [...] Juan Francisco
Carvacho, traduzido de legua toscana por F. Truchado, Bilbao, por Mathías Mares; Madrid, por L.
Sanchez, 1598
– (1609) The Italian Taylor and his Boy, tr. by Robert Armin, London, Thomas, Pavier
– (1634) Incogniti Scriptoris […] with the Riddles mainly derived from Francesco Straparola
Piacevoli Notti, by J. Neander, Lugduni Bataviorum
– (1679) Degli spiriti generosi passatempo cioè ingegniosi enimmi [...] per Sculteti Onghero
Gabriel, Lipsia
– (2000) Le piacevoli notti, a cura di D. Pirovano, Roma, Salerno
Giovan Battista Giraldi Cinzio, (1565) Degli Hecatommithi di M. Giovanbattista Gyraldi Cinzio
parte prima Monte Regale (Mondovì), L. Torrentino,
– (1565a) La seconda parte degli Hecatommithi di M. Giovanbattista Gyraldi Cinzio nella quale si
contengono tre dialeghi della vita civile, Monte Regale (Mondovì), L. Torrentino.
– (1566) Hecatommithi Venezia, G. Scotto,
– (1574) Hecatommiti overo cento novelle di M. G. Giraldi Cinthio, … , Venezia, Enea de Alaris
Successive edizioni: Monte Regale 1569; Venezia 1580, 1584, 1593, 1608.
– (1583-4) Le premier et le second volume des Cent Nouvelles de M. J. B. Giraldy Cinthien ... mis
en francais par Gabriel Chappuys Tourangeau, Paris, Abel Langelier
– (1590) Primera parte de la cien novelas de M. Juan Baptista Giraldo Cinthio... traducida de su
lengua toscana por L. Gaytan de Vozmediano, Toledo, Rodríguez,
AA.VV. (1991) Lodovico Guicciardini (1521-1589), a cura di P. Jodogne, Louvain, Peeters,
Travaux de l'Institut Interuniversitaire pour l'Étude de la Renaissance et de l'Humanisme 10,
AA. VV (2007) Matteo Bandello: studi di letteratura rinascimentale. II, [Atti del IV Convegno ...
Castelnuovo Scrivia e Tortona, 8-9 giugno 2006] a c. di D. Maestri, et al., Alessandria, dell'Orso
AA.VV. (2008) Giovan Battista Giraldi Cinzio, gentiluomo ferrarese, a cura di P. Cherchi, et al.,
Firenze, Olschki
Allasia, C. ed (2006) Il Decameron nella letteratura europea, “Atti del Convegno ... Torino, 17-18
novembre 2005”, Roma, Storia e Letteratura
Aristodemo D. e A. M. van Passen: Bibliografia degli studi dedicati a Lodovico Guicciardini,in
AAVV 1991., pp. 349-54;
Arredondo, M. S. (1989) Notas sobre la traducción en el Siglo de Oro: Bandello Francoespañol in
F. Lafarga, ed. Imágenes de Francia en las letras hispánicas, Barcelona, PPU
See Allegato 3
15 Budget
15.1 Post Doctoral Fellows
to be hired for project
15.2 Equipment and
8.000 computers, cameras, software licences.
15.3 Direct costs
18.000 organization of seminars and conferences.
15.4 Travels
38.000 refunding for research travels of members of the research
team and fellows; guests invited to seminars and
15.5 External services
10.000 Copyright and publishing expenses; informatic support;
creation and maintenance of a database; accountancy
15.6 General expenses
20.000 Heating, cleaningand maintenance of the offices.
16 Animal Experiments
Does the project require the use of experimental animals according to DL 116 of
17 Statement
I authorize the use of the informations contained in the project for the purposes of
scientific evaluation
I authorize the dissemination of the outcome of scientific evaluation of the project
Questionario obbligatorio per la linea A
Assunzione di giovani ricercatori
(max 34 anni)
Cofinanziamento / finanziamento di
soggetti esterni (pubblici o privati)
all'ASSUNZIONE di giovani
ricercatori (max 34 anni)
Risultati con potenziale
miglioramento di servizi territoriali
Attività di ricerca congiunta con
soggetti privati
La brevettazione dei risultati della
La costituzione di spin-off
Nell'ambito di un network
internazionale (europeo e/o
extraeuropeo) esistente o in fase di
Nell'ambito di una rete/progetto
nazionale di ricerca
Torino 15/04/2011 10:40
Attivazione di quattro
assegni di ricerca per
Post Doctoral