Princess Francesca - "Don Bosco" di Monticello Conte Otto


Princess Francesca - "Don Bosco" di Monticello Conte Otto
Istituto Comprensivo Don Bosco di Monticello Conte Otto (VI)
Dirigenza ed Uffici amministrativi: Via Vivaldi, 2 - 36010 Monticello Conte Otto (VI) Italy
Princess Francesca
An ogre lives in a marsh and princess Francesca is his prisoner.
She cleans the house and she cooks for him, but one day the ogre
wakes up and the girl isn't there anymore.
The ogre is very angry and he looks for her everywhere in the house,
then he discovers that she is in the wood with a basket full of
They go home and then the ogre goes hunting.
He asks the princess to clean everything, but it is really impossible.
She is desperate, but she sees a strange gleam: it's Flora the fairy.
She wants to help her.
The fairy tidies up everything very quickly with a magic but the
princess is still the ogre's servant.
After a week a prince flies with his magic broom over the forest.
He sees the hut so he decides to find out who lives there.
When he sees the princess he immediately falls in love whit her.
He wants to take her with him but the ogre stops him.
The prince and the ogre fight hard.
In the end the prince wins and runs away with Francesca.
Questo testo è stato scritto
e tradotto dalla classe 1D (inglese potenziato)
anno scolastico 2014/2015
Alvino Andrea
Balzarin Alice
Barausse Denise
Barausse Marika
Bisello Asia
Bortolamei Chiara
Cattelan Giacomo
Chimetto Mattia
Cuman Gloria
Dal Brolo Riccardo
Dalla Riva Luca
Farinello Giorgia
Lorenzato matteo
Magaraggia Matteo
Miazzon Irene
Nardotto Cesare
Pianezzola Jenny
Riello Giada
Romio Davide
Ronco Alessia
Sambastian Andrea
Sassaro Filippo
Segato Giovanni
Stevan Anna
Tedesco Davide
Turra Tommaso
Categorie e parole chiave
Responsabile del procedimento
Simonetta Bertarelli
Inviato da lucia.zamboni il Mar, 26/05/2015 - 09:43
Istituto Comprensivo Don Bosco di Monticello Conte Otto (VI), Via Vivaldi, 2 - 36010 Monticello Conte Otto (VI) Italy - Tel. +39 0444
945 923 PEO: [email protected] PEC: [email protected]
Codice Univoco ufficio: UF5UUX CF: 80018930240 CM: viic850004