Books 1. Il processo di pace in Irlanda del Nord, Trisform, Messina


Books 1. Il processo di pace in Irlanda del Nord, Trisform, Messina
1. Il processo di pace in Irlanda del Nord, Trisform, Messina, 2000.
2. Gli Stati criminali: un possibile modello esplicativo, Giuffré, Milano, 2006.
3. NGOs Crisis Management and Conflict Resolution: Measuring the Impact of NGOs on Intergovernmental
Organisations, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2013
Edited books
4. Multilateral security and ESDP operations, Fulvio Attinà, Daniela Irrera (eds.), Ashgate, London,
5. Defying and Defining Organized Crime. Discourse, perception and reality, Francesca Longo, Felia Allum,
Daniela Irrera, Panos Kostakos (eds.), Routledge, London, 2010.
6. The European Parliament and its International Relations, Stelios Stavridis, Daniela Irrera (eds.),
Routledge, London, 2015.
7. Criminals and Terrorists in Partnership: Unholy Alliance, Helena Carrapico, Daniela Irrera, Bill
Tupman (eds.), Routledge, London, 2015.
8. The Palgrave Handbook of Global Counterterrorism Policy, Scott Romaniuk, Francis Grace, Daniela
Irrera and Stewart Webb (eds.), Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2017.
9. Security Beyond the State: The EU and the others, Claudia Morsut, Daniela Irrera, (under contract
with Barbara Budrich Publishing, 2017).
Book chapters
10. Per un nuova interpretazione della guerra in Kosovo: lo Stato criminale, (with Marcello Saija) in P. Orteca
- M. Saija (eds.), Conflitto del Kosovo e "Questione Balcanica", Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli (CZ)
2001, pp. 97 – 117.
11. Towards Stability and Legal Order: What is Serbia going to be? in C. Kollias – K. Sirakoulis (eds.),
Defence, Security and Economic Development in the Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean, TEI, Larissa,
2002, pp. 37 – 51.
12. Il terrorismo transnazionale: verso una ricollocazione nell’agenda politica globale, in C. Zanghì – L. Panella
(eds.), “Cooperazione giudiziaria in materia penale e diritti dell’uomo”, Giappichelli, Torino,
2004, pp. 149-158.
13. “War on Terror”: caratteri e implicazioni globali dell’egemonia americana, in M. Saija (eds.), Sources of
Conflict and Prospects for Peace in the Mediterranean Basin within the North-South Relations – Acta from
the Peace Studies Conference, Giappichelli, Torino, 2006, pp. 61-86.
14. Organized Crime, Non-State Actors and Weak/Failed States in M. Shanty (eds.), Organized Crime: From
Trafficking to Terrorism, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, 2007, pp. 357-363.
15. Organized Crime in the Balkans: Implications for Regional Security, in M. Shanty (eds.), Organized Crime:
From Trafficking to Terrorism, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, 2007, pp. 78-83.
16. European Union Governance in the Southern Caucasus, in Geistlinger/Longo/Lordkipanidze/Nasibli
(eds.) Security identity and the Southern Caucasus. The role of the EU, US and Russia, NWV,
Wien/Graz 2008, pp. 187-210.
17. La politica europea di vicinato nel Caucaso meridionale, in F. Longo (eds.), L’Unione Europea e il ‘cerchio
di amici’: sicurezza europea e politica di vicinato, Giuffrè, Milano, 2008, pp. 85-109.
18. The Balkanisation of Politics: Crime and Corruption in Albania, in P. Satyanarayana Prasad (eds.),
Crimes in International Trade. Issues and Perspectives, Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, 2008, pp.
19. Transnational organized crime and the global security agenda: different perceptions and conflicting strategies in
F. Longo, F. Allum, D. Irrera, and P. Kostakos (eds.), Defying and Defining Organized Crime.
Discourse, perception and reality, Routledge, London, 2010, pp. 71-85.
20. NGO's roles in the Humanitarian Interventions and Pace Support Operations in F. Attinà and D. Irrera
(eds.), Multilateral security and ESDP operations, Ashgate, London, 2010, pp. 71-85.
21. European Union and civil society. The long tentative engagement, in D. Preda and D. Pasquinucci (eds.),
The Road Europe Travelled Along. The Evolution of the EEC/EU Institutions and Policies, Lang,
Brussels, 2010, pp. 183-200.
22. NGO'S roles in Humanitarian Interventions and Peace Support Operation in the Former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia, in R. Marchetti – N. Tocci (eds.), Conflict Society and Peace-building. Comparative
Perspectives, Routledge, 2011, pp. 120-145.
23. Humanitarian NGOs in Peacebuilding and Reconstruction Operations, in F. Attinà (eds), The Politics and
Policies of Relief, Aid and Reconstruction. Contrasting approaches to disasters and emergencies, Palgrave
Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2012, pp. 191-211.
24. Société civile et changement des régimes politiques. Le cas de l'Egypte, (together with Petia Gueorguieva)
in Jamil Sayah et A. Galabov (eds.), Citoyennetés et participations depuis le Printemps arabe,
l'Harmattan, Paris, 2012, pp. 55-70.
25. Humanitarian NGOs on the Ground: Roles for Civil Society in Conflict Management in T. Malyarenko
and S. Wolff (eds.), Crisis Management and Conflict Prevention in Eastern Europe and the
Balkans: Lessons for Ukraine-EU Cooperation, Moscow, 2012, pp. 167-186.
26. The EU Strategy in Tackling Organized Crime in the Framework of Multilateralism, in K. Kaunert K.
and S. Leonard S. (eds.), European Security Governance and the European Neighbourhood after the Lisbon
Treaty, Routledge, London, 2012, pp. 47-59.
27. NGOs, Peace Support Activity, and the UNPREDEP Mission in Macedonia, in J. R. Rudolph, Jr. and
W. J. Lahneman (eds.), From Mediation to Nation-Building: Third Parties and the Management of
Communal Conflict, Lexington Books, Lanham, MD, 2013, pp. 463-480.
28. The Externalisation of the EU Internal Security Strategy in the Framework of Multilateralism: The Case of
the Fight against Transnational Organised Crime, in M. O'Neill, K. Swinton and A. Winter (eds.), New
Challenges for the EU Internal Security Strategy, Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle, 2013, pp. 218-237.
29. The multilateral response in tackling the crime-terror nexus. The EU contribution, in P. C. van Duyne, J.
Harvey, G. A. Antonopoulos, K. von Lampe, A. Maljević, A. Markovska (eds.), Corruption, greed
and crime-money. Sleaze and shady economy in Europe and beyond, Wolf Legal Publishers, Oisterwijk,
2014, pp. 135-153.
30. Introduction: the European Parliament as an international actor, in The European Parliament and its
International Relations, Stelios Stavridis, Daniela Irrera (eds.), Routledge, London, 2015, pp. 1-15.
31. The crime-terror-insurgency 'nexus'. Implications on multilateral cooperation in S. Romaniuk
(eds.) Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Modern War, CRC Press, New York 2016.
32. NGOs and the EU emergencies response policies: a quantitative analysis of the relations with States and EU
institutions in R. Marchetti (eds.), Partnerships in International Policy-Making. Civil Society and Public
Institutions in European and Global Affairs, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 237-252.
Journal articles (peer-review)
33. I nuovi scenari della politica internazionale: lo Stato criminale, in ‘Grotius’ I/2004, pp. 49-59.
34. Italian Institutions and Mafia: the case of Messina, (with M. Saija) in ‘Global Crime’, Vol. 6, n. 3-4,
August-November 2004, Routledge, pp. 391-397.
35. The Balkanisation of Politics: Crime and Corruption in Albania, in ‘European University Institute,
Working Papers – Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies’ no. 2006/18, pp. 1-23.
36. Le Organizzazioni Non Governative e le Nazioni Unite: il processo di istituzionalizzazione, in ‘Grotius’
III/2006, pp. 66-83.
37. European Integration Impact on Civil Conflicts. Lessons from Northern Ireland, in ‘The European Union
Review’, vol. 13, no. 2-3, 2008, pp. 65-85.
38. EU and Civil society: the case of NGOs in peace missions and humanitarian intervention, in ‘Romanian
Journal of European Affairs’, Vol. 1, no. 10, March 2010, pp. 32-51.
39. EU and Albania facing corruption and organised crime in ‘Transitions’, Vol. L.1, 2010, pp. 125-146.
40. The evolution of Albania through EU pressure and local conditions, in ‘Central European Political
Science Review’, vol. 11, no. 42, 2010, pp. 9-27.
41. Civil society and humanitarian action: NGOs’ Roles in peace Support Operations, in ‘Perspectives’, vol.
19, no. 1, 2011, pp. 85-106
42. The EU Strategy in Tackling Organized Crime in the Framework of Multilateralism, ‘Perspectives in
European Politics and Society’, vol. 12, n. 4, 2011, pp. 407-419.
43. Albania through EU pressure and local conditions, in ‘Politikja’, 1, 2011, pp. 65-76.
44. Criminalità organizzata e terrorismo: le nuove sfide alla sicurezza globale, in ‘Rivista di Politica’, 1/2014,
pp. 117-128.
45. Learning From the Past: Case of the Red Brigades in Italy, in ‘Counterterrorism, Trends and Analysis’,
vol. 6 no. 6, July 2014, pp. 16-20.
46. Editorial - Transnational Organised Crime and Terrorism: different peas, same pod? (with Helena
Carrapico & Bill Tupman), Transnational Organised Crime and Terrorism: different peas, same pod?
Double Special Issue of Global Crime, Guest Editors: Helena Carrapico, Daniela Irrera & Bill
Tupman, Vol. 15, no. 03-04, 2014, pp. 213-218.
47. Humanitarian NGOs and EU emergencies response policy: continuity or change? In Evolving dependency
relations, A. Filipiak, E. Kania, J. Van den Bosch, R. Wiśniewski (eds.), Revolutions Research
Center, Poznań, 2014, pp. 100-124.
48. Migrants, the EU and NGOs: The ‘Practice’ of non-governmental SAR operations, Romanian Journal of
European Affairs, Vol. 16, No. 3, September 2016.
Short articles (peer-review)
49. Albanie. Crime et corruption, in ‘Courrier de la planète’, n.86, 2008, pp. 51-54.
50. The EU and the Western Balkans in the Fight Against Corruption and Organized Crime in V. Esch, J.
Kabus (eds.), A future security architecture for Southeast Europe, ASPEN Publisher, Berlin,
2013, pp. 207-211.
51. Formal and Informal Actors in the Western Balkans: Measuring the Impact of Anti-Corruption Policies, in
‘Rule of Law enhancement in the Western Balkans: Identifying the next steps, ASPEN
publisher, Berlin, 2014, pp.62-66.
Papers On-line
52. Is Albania Ready for Europe Yet? Jean Monnet Working Papers, University of Catania, JMWP
53. NGOs and the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy: Room for Improvements? on on 1
55. Policing the Disorder: The EU Contribution to the Multilateral Response in Tackling Nexus,
56. Crime-Terror Nexus in the EU, in Academic Foresights, No. 10, January-April 2014.
57. The Impact of Informal Actors in the EU Anticorruption Policies: The case of Western Balkans, Jean
Monnet Working Papers, University of Alberta, 3/2016.
Refugee crisis and the EU in 2015: No coherent approach
Valletta Summit: Can EU and Africa find common ground regarding refugee crisis?
Migrant crisis: What will/should the EU do?
Catastrophic tragedy in the Mediterranean. How should the EU react?
How will Europe react on jihadists problem?
The Unbearable Lightness of bargaining: the EU, Turkey and the refugees
NGO-led rescue operations in the Mediterranean: Saving people, alleviating EU responsibilities