Curriculum Vitae


Curriculum Vitae
Last updated: Jannuary 15th, 2017
Curriculum Vitae
School of Environmental Sciences
Via Gentile III da Varano, 1
E-mail: [email protected]
Work Phone: +390737402642
Claudio is Associate Professor in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy at the University of Camerino (Italy). His
personal expertise lies in the field of sedimentary geology, specifically: basin analysis, field mapping and
sequence stratigraphy applied to outcrop successions. He received his degree in Geology from the University of
Camerino in 1995 and his PhD from the University of Pisa in 2002. In September 2003 Claudio returned to the
University of Camerino to undertake a postdoctoral research (Assegno di Ricerca) investigating the highresolution sequence stratigraphic framework of Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene shallow-marine clastic
successions exposed in central Italy, Ecuador, and northern Chile. He then moved to the University of
Liverpool (from April 2006 to January 2008) as a postdoctoral research associate to work with Steve Flint and
his group on the depositional architecture, internal fills styles, and sequence stratigraphic framework of slope
channel-levee complexes exposed in the Laingsburg depocenter of the Karoo Basin (South Africa).
During the last years (2008-present) his research has mainly focused on the role played by external controls
(tectonics, climate, sea-level change, and sediment supply) on the nature and timing of deepwater deposition,
characterization of deepwater reservoir outcrop analogues, and application of hierarchical stacking patterns in
deepwater sequence stratigraphy.
University Education
Nov 1997 - Oct 2001 Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from Università di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Dissertation: Mollusc shell beds as a tool for the sequence stratigraphic
analysis of Plio-Pleistocene successions of Ecuador (in Italian).
Thesis supervisor: Prof. Walter Landini
1995, 20th July
Degree in Geological Sciences, (final mark 110/110 Cum Laude) from
Università di Camerino, Camerino (MC), Italy
Degree thesis entitled: Geological mapping and facies analysis of Monti della
Baronia (Avellino, southern Italy) (in Italian).
Thesis supervisor: Prof. Gino Cantalamessa
Selection of Additional Education
2008, Apr 13-18
“Deep-Water Siliciclastic Reservoirs, California” AAPG Field Course. Leaders Prof.
D.R. Lowe and Prof. S.A. Graham (University of Stanford, California).
2002, Mar 27-29
“Margins: source to sink sediment transport and stratigraphic modeling”. Prof.
James P. Syvitski (INSTAAR, Boulder, Colorado). Area di Ricerca del CNR,
Istituto di Geologia Marina di Bologna.
2000, Oct 2-6
“Introduction to the sedimentology of the alluvial fan systems” Prof. Ferran
Colombo (University of Barcelona, Spain).
2000, Sept 11-16
1999, Oct 18 -20
1998, May 25-30
1997, Sept 16-26
1996, Sept 12-20
“Marine taphonomy and paleoenvironmental analysis in a sequence
stratigraphic context”. Prof. C.E. Brett (University of Cincinnaty, Ohio).
“Integrated approach to palaeoenviromental reconstructions: trace fossils,
biostratinomy/shell beds, ecology of benthic faunas”. Prof. F.Th. Fürsich
(University of Würzburg, Germany).
“Corso avanzato di stratigrafia sismica e sequenziale in aree marine”. CNR –
Istituto di Geologia Marina di Bologna.
“2° Summer School on Quaternary Geology”. Associazione Italiana per lo
Studio del Quaternario (AIQUA), CNR & Università degli Studi di Bari.
Earth and Planetary Sciences International Summer School: “Sedimentary
Basins - Models and Constraints”. S. Cloethingh, G. Ranalli, C.A. Ricci.
Università degli Studi di Siena-CNR.
International Experience
2003, Jan -June
Fellowship of the Università di Camerino for advanced studies in foreign
• “Advanced studies on aspects of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy” under
the supervision of Prof. Steve Flint, STRAT Group, University of Liverpool,
1999, Mar-May
Course on “Sequence Stratigraphy” at the University of Texas, Austin, TX –
USA. Prof. William L. Fisher.
1998, Mar-May
Course on “Basin Analysis” at the University of Oregon, Eugene, OR – USA
Prof. Rebecca J. Dorsey.
Courses Taught
University of Basilicata
II Level Master in Petroleum Geoscience
• 2014/2015: “Sequence Stratigraphy” (2 CFU, 24 hours)
• 2013/2014: “Sequence Stratigraphy” (3 CFU, 28 hours)
University of Camerino
*Undergraduate course in Geology; **Graduate course in Geoenvironmental Resources and Risks (in
2016/2017**: “Advanced Field Geology“
2016/2017**: “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”
2016/2017**: “Petroleum Geology
2016/2017**: “Clastic Facies Models”
2015/2016**: “Advanced Field Geology“
2015/2016**: “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”
2015/2016**: “Petroleum Geology”
2014/2015**: “Advanced Field Geology“
2014/2015**: “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”
2014/2015**: “Petroleum Geology”
2014/2015**: “Clastic Facies Models”
2013/2014**: “Advanced Field Geology“
2013/2014**: “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”
2013/2014**: “Petroleum Geology”
2012/2013**: “Advanced Field Geology“
2012/2013**: “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”
2012/2013**: “Petroleum Geology”
2011/2012**: Module of “Facies Analysis” within the course of “Advanced Field Geology“
2011/2012*: Module of “Stratigrafia” within the course of “Sedimentologia e Stratigrafia”
2011/2012**: “Petroleum Geology”
2010/2011**: Module of “Facies Analysis” within the course of “Advanced Field Geology“
2010/2011*: Module of “Stratigrafia” within the course of “Sedimentologia e Stratigrafia”
2010/2011**: “Petroleum Geology”
2009/2010**: Module of “Facies Analysis” within the course of “Advanced Field Geology“
2009/2010*: Module of “Stratigrafia” within the course of “Sedimentologia e Stratigrafia”
2009/2010**: “Petroleum Geology”
2008/2009**: “Petroleum Geology”
2007/2008**: “Petroleum Geology”
2006/2007**: “Geological Characteristics of Fluid Reservoirs”
2005/2006**: “Petroleum Geology”
2005/2006**: “Structural and Geological Characteristics of Reservoirs”
2004/2005*: “Sequence Stratigraphy”
2004/2005**: “Basin Analysis”
2003/2004*: “Stratigraphic Geology”
2002/2003*: “Stratigraphic Geology”
2001/2002*: “Stratigraphic Geology”
2000/2001*: “Sequence Stratigraphy”
1999/2000*: Mentor in support of students of the course “Geology I”
Institutional Charges (University of Camerino)
• 2010: Member of the “Senato delle Rappresentanze”
• Member of the C&C Group for Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
• 2009: Member of the “Commissione di Ateneo per definire una graduatoria di merito tra gli
idonei ai corsi di dottorato XXIV ciclo” (University Commission to define a ranking for
admission to PhD courses, Unicam)
• 2008-2010: Member of the “Commissione di Ateneo per la Ricerca” (University Commission
for Research)
Graduate Theses
University of Camerino, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Supervisor and co-advisor of more than 40 theses in geological mapping, facies
analysis, and stratigraphy
PhD Supervisor:
2011-2014: Supervisor of Vincenzo Genovese
2013-2016: Supervisor of Claudio Casciano
Research Experience
Dec 2013 – present
Feb 2008 – Nov 2013
Researcher in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy at the University of
Camerino (Italy) (Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato ai sensi dell'art. 24
comma 3 lettera b della L. 30.12.2010 n. 240)
Researcher in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy at the University of
Camerino (Italy) (comma 14 art. 1 della Legge 4 novembre 2005, n. 230)
Apr 2006 - Jan 2008
Research Associate position at the University of Liverpool under the
supervision of Prof. Stephen Flint (STRAT Group). Slope Phase 2 Project,
a petroleum industry-sponsored group project to investigate the sequence
stratigraphy of the deep-water Tanqua-Karoo basin, South Africa.
Sept 2003 – Mar 2006
Assegno di Ricerca under the supervision of Prof. Gino Cantalamessa.
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Camerino, Italy.
Research project entitled: Distinguishing climatic and tectonic controls on
the Plio-Pleistocene infill of the Periadriatic Basin (central Italy) and on
coeval successions of northern Chile: depositional sequences, regional
correlations and paleogeographic reconstructions
• Member of a multi-disciplinary team conducting researches on several aspects of Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, and
Paleontology in Ecuador, Chile, and Italy. Projects are funded with grants of the Italian Minister of University and
Research (MIUR)
Jan 2003-Dec 2004
Cofin Marche (Prof. M. Potetti)
Jan 2002-Dec 2003
Cofin Chile (Prof. G. Cantalamessa)
Jan 2000-Dec 2001
Cofin Ecuador (Prof. G. Cantalamessa)
Jan 1998-Dec 1999
Cofin Ecuador (Prof. G. Cantalamessa)
Coordinator of Research Unit- PRIN 2012 (2014-2016) – “Marine biodiversity and primary
productivity in the Neogene Andean forearc basins: relationship between marine vertebrate
Konservat-Lagerstätten and diatom mats deposition. The role of volcanic ash in fertilizing
seasurface water and the role of modern ocean circulation in enhancing coastal upwelling. The
Pisco Formation (Peru) as a case study”. Founding by: Italian Minister of Instruction, University,
and Research
• Co-leader of the project "From the last archaeocetes to the first neocetes: a quest for the
emergence of baleen whales and echolocating toothed whales in the Pisco Basin, Peru." (2016).
Founded by: National Geographic Society’s Committee for Research and Exploration (grant
number: GEFNE177-16).
• Co-leader of the project “From Diatoms to Livyatan: phytoplankton as a crucial factor for past
marine mammal biodiversity and for fossil preservation: the case of the Mio-Pliocene Pisco
Formation, Peru” (2014). Founded by: National Geographic Society’s Committee for Research
and Exploration
• Co-leader of the RechProject (REservoir CHaracterization PROJECT) (2012 to present). Joint
project between UNICAM and UNIBAS funded by oil companies (Shell, Total, and Engie).
• Participant to the ATACAMES Project (Archivage de la Tectonique Active et du ClimAt sur la
Marge d’Equateur en Subduction) (2012). The aim of the project is the study of sedimentary
successions present along a continental margin subjected to tectonic erosion. This project,
assessed P1 Priority by the French Commission -ationale Flotte et Engins, consists in the
realization and study of offshore seismic sections and cores along the Pacific margin of Ecuador.
Project leader: François Michaud, Université Pierre et Marie Curie/Géosciences Azur
Villefranche sur Mer, France.
Academic associated of the Turbidite Research Group (TRG), University of Leeds. The TRG is a
recognized leader in the study and analysis of deep marine clastic sedimentary systems. Based in
Leeds University, UK, the group is supported by UK research councils, by other UK
governmental funds and by the oil industry worldwide. The aim of the TRG is to study the flow
dynamics and deposits of turbidity currents and related flow types via outcrop studies, flume
experiments, seismic studies and theoretical approaches. Improved understanding of the
processes involved in deposition leads to a better capacity to predict sand distributions, and
characterise reservoir properties.
Additional scientific experiences
Field geologist for "Progetto C.A.R.G. Marche", Sheet Civitanova (new geological
map of Italy, scale 1:10,000). Regione Marche & Università degli Studi di Camerino.
Mapped section: 304010; 304050.
Field geologist for "Cartografia Geologica e Geotematica – Lotto Sud", Sheets
Fermo and Ascoli Piceno(new geological map of Italy, scale 1:10,000). AQUATER
S.p.A. Mapped sections: 325040; 325080; 326010; 326050; 315010; 315140;
Field geologist for "Progetto C.A.R.G. Marche", Sheet Montegiorgio (new
geological map of Italy, scale 1:10,000). Regione Marche & Università degli Studi di
Camerino. Mapped sections: 314070; 314110.
Field geologist for "Progetto Carta della -atura". Università degli Studi di
Camerino & Dipartimento per i Servizi Tecnici Nazionali della Presidenza del
Consiglio dei Ministri.
Field geologist for “Research project for the geological and the environmental
characterization of the Potenza River basin: natural phenomenon and geological
hazard”. Cassa di Risparmio delle Marche & Università degli Studi di Camerino.
• Referee for peer reviewed journals, such as Sedimentary Geology, PALAIOS,
Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, SEPM Special Publications, Basin
Research, Journal of Sedimentary Research, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Italian
Journal of Geosciences, International Journal of Earth Sciences, Journal of Earth System
Science, Bulletin of Geosciences and Sedimentology, Journal of Maps, Marine Geology.
Statistics from Scopus:
• Sum of the times cited: 674
• h-index: 16
Statistics from Web of Science core
• Sum of the times cited: 633
• h-index: 15
Journal Articles
In press:
• Di Celma, C., Carta geologica alla scala 1:10.000 della sezione 304050 del Foglio 304
Civitanova Marche (progetto “CARG Marche”). ISPRA (Italian Geological Survey)
• Di Celma, C., Carta geologica alla scala 1:10.000 della sezione 304010 del Foglio 304
Civitanova Marche (progetto “CARG Marche”). ISPRA (Italian Geological Survey)
• Di Celma, C., Carta geologica alla scala 1:10.000 della sezione 315140 del Foglio 315
Fermo (progetto “Realizzazione della cartografia geologica e geotematica e dei relativi
supporti informatici alla scala 1:10.000, Progetto N°2-Zona Sud). Aquater-Regione
• Di Celma, C., Galdenzi, S., Carta geologica alla scala 1:10.000 della sezione 325040 del
Foglio 325 Visso (progetto “Realizzazione della cartografia geologica e geotematica e dei
relativi supporti informatici alla scala 1:10.000, Progetto N°2-Zona Sud). AquaterRegione Marche.
• Di Celma, C., Carta geologica alla scala 1:10.000 della sezione 326010 del Foglio 325
Visso (progetto “Realizzazione della cartografia geologica e geotematica e dei relativi
supporti informatici alla scala 1:10.000, Progetto N°2-Zona Sud). Aquater-Regione
Published Papers:
• Gariboldi, K., Bosio, G., Malinverno, E., Gioncada, A., Di Celma, C., Villa, I.M.,
Urbina, M., Bianucci, G. Biostratigraphy, geochronology and sedimentation rates of the
upper Miocene Pisco Formation at two important marine vertebrate fossil-bearing sites
of southern Peru. Newsletters on Stratigraphy.
• Collareta, A., Lambert, O., Landini, W., Di Celma, C., Malinverno, E., Varas-Malca, R.,
Urbina, M., Bianucci, G. Did the giant extinct shark Carcharocles megalodon target
small prey? Bite marks on marine mammal remains from the late Miocene of Peru.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 469, 84–91.
• Landini, W., Altamirano-Sierra, A., Collareta, A., Di Celma, C., Urbina, M., Bianucci,
G. The late Miocene elasmobranch assemblage from Cerro Colorado (Pisco Formation,
Peru). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 73, 168–190.
• Pieruccini, P., Di Celma, C., Di Rita, F., Magri, C., Carnevale, G., Farabollini, F.,
Ragaini, L., Caffau, M., Sedimentology, faunal content and pollen record of Middle
Pleistocene palustrine and lagoonal sediments from the Peri-Adriatic basin, Abruzzi,
eastern central Italy. Quaternary Research, 86, 359–372.
• Gioncada, A., Collareta, A., Gariboldi, K., Lambert, O., Di Celma, C., Bonaccorsi, E.,
Urbina, M., Bianucci, G.,. Inside baleen: Exceptional microstructure preservation in a
late Miocene whale skeleton from Peru. Geology, 44, 839–842.
• Bianucci, G., Di Celma, C., Collareta, A., Landini, W., Post, K., Tinelli, C., de Muizon,
C., Bosio, G., Gariboldi, K., Gioncada, A., Malinverno, E., Cantalamessa, G.,
Altamirano-Sierra, A., Salas-Gismondi, R., Urbina, M., Lambert, O., Fossil marine
vertebrates of Cerro Los Quesos: Distribution of cetaceans, seals, crocodiles, seabirds,
sharks, and bony fish in a late Miocene locality of the Pisco Basin, Peru. Journal of
Maps, 12, 1037-1046.
• Di Celma, C., Malinverno, E., Cantalamessa, G., Gioncada, A., Bosio, G., Villa, I.M.,
Gariboldi, K., Rustichelli, A., Pierantoni, P.P., Landini, W., Tinelli, C., Collareta, A.,
Bianucci, G., Stratigraphic framework of the late Miocene Pisco Formation at Cerro Los
Quesos (Ica Desert, Peru). Journal of Maps, 12, 1020–1028.
• Bianucci, G., Di Celma, C., Urbina, M., Lambert, O., -ew beaked whales from the late
Miocene of Peru and evidence for convergent evolution in stem and crown Ziphiidae
(Cetacea, Odontoceti). PeerJ 4:e2479; DOI 10.7717/peerj.2479
• Rustichelli, A., Di Celma, C., Tondi, E., Baud, P., Vinciguerra, S., Fibrous gypsum veins
as diffuse features and within fault zones: the case study of the Pisco Basin (Ica desert,
southern Peru). Journal of the Geological Society, London, 173, 405-418.
• Jablonská, D., Di Celma, C., Korneva, I., Tondi, E., Alsop, I., Mass-transport deposits
within basinal carbonates from southern Italy. Italian Journal of Geosciences, 135, 3040.
• Korneva, I., Tondi, E., Jablonska, D., Di Celma, C., Alsop, I., Agosta, F., Distinguishing
tectonic- and gravity-driven synsedimentary deformation structures along the Apulian
Platform margin (Gargano Promontory, southern Italy). Marine and Petroleum Geology,
73, 479-491.
• Di Celma, C., Rustichelli, A., Tondi, E., Geology and sedimentary facies of the Pliocene
succession of the Baronia Mountains (Ariano Basin, southern Italy). Journal of Maps, 12,
• Di Celma, C., Ragaini, L., Caffau, M., Marine and nonmarine deposition in a long-term
low-accommodation setting: an example from the Middle Pleistocene Qm2 Unit, eastern
Central Italy. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 72, 234-253.
• Di Celma, C., Teloni, R., Rustichelli, A., Evolution of the Gelasian (Pleistocene) slope
turbidite systems of southern Marche (Peri-Adriatic basin, central Italy). Journal of
Maps, 12, 137-151.
• Di Celma C., Malinverno, E., Gariboldi, K., Gioncada, A., Rustichelli, A., Pierantoni,
P.P., Landini,W., Bosio, G., Tinelli, C., Bianucci, G., Stratigraphic framework of the late
Miocene to Pliocene Pisco Formation at Cerro Colorado (Ica Desert, Peru). Journal of
Maps, 12, 515–557.
• Bianucci, G., Di Celma, C., Landini, W., Post, K., Tinelli, C., de Muizon, C., Gariboldi,
K., Malinverno, E., Cantalamessa, G., Gioncada, A., Collareta, A., Salas-Gismondi, R.,
Varas, R., Stucchi, M., Urbina, M., Lambert, O., Distribution of fossil marine vertebrates
in Cerro Colorado, the type locality of the giant raptorial sperm whale Livyatan melvillei
(Miocene, Pisco Formation, Peru). Journal of Maps, 12, 543-557.
• Rustichelli, A., Di Celma, C., Tondi, E., Bianucci, G., Deformation within the Pisco
basin sedimentary record (southern Peru): stratabound orthogonal vein sets and their
impact on fault development. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 65, 79-100.
• Collareta, A, Landini, W., Lambert, O., Post, K., Tinelli, C., Di Celma, C., Panetta, D.,
Tripodi, M., Salvadori, P.A., Caramella, D., Marchi, D., Urbina M., Bianucci, G.,
Piscivory in a Miocene Cetotheriidae: first record of fossilized stomach content for an
extinct baleen-bearing whale. The Science of Nature - Naturwissenschaften, 102 (11-12),
70, DOI: 10.1007/s00114-015-1319-y.
• Gariboldi, K., Gioncada, A., Bosio, G., Malinverno, E., Di Celma, C., Tinelli, C.,
Cantalamessa, G., Landini, W., Urbina, M., Bianucci, G., The dolomite nodules enclosing
fossil marine vertebrates in the East Pisco Basin, Peru: field and petrographic insights
into the Lagerstatte formation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 438,
Lambert, O., Collareta, A., Landini, W., Post, K., Ramassamy, B., Di Celma, C., Urbina,
M., Bianucci, G., -o deep diving: evidence of predation on epipelagic fish for a stem
beaked whale from the late Miocene of Peru. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 282,
20151530. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.1530
Di Celma, C., Pieruccini, P., Farabollini, P., Major controls on architecture, sequence
stratigraphy and paleosols of Middle Pleistocene continental sediments ("Qc Unit"),
eastern central Italy. Quaternary Research, 83, 565-581.
Bosio, G., Gariboldi, K., Di Celma, C., Gioncada, A., Malinverno, E., Tinelli, C., Villa,
I.M., Cantalamessa, G., Collareta, A., Lambert, O., Landini, W., Urbina, M., Bianucci,
G., 2015. Tephrochronology and biostratigraphy of two exceptional fossil localities in the
Pisco Formation (Peru). Rendiconti Online Soc. Geol. Ital. 35 (Suppl. 2), 438.
Casciano, C.I., Di Celma, C., Patacci, M., Longhitano, S.G., McCaffrey, W.D.
Depositional architectures and facies distribution in turbiditic sandstone channel-fills. A
case-study from the Gorgoglione Flysch Formation (Basilicata, Southern Italy).
Rendiconti Online Soc. Geol. Ital. 37, 9. DOI: 10.3001/ROL.2015.180
• Di Celma, C., Pierantoni, P., Cantalamessa, G., Geological map of the MiocenePleistocene successions of the Mejillones Peninsula, -orthern Chile. Journal of Maps,
10, 350-363.
• Di Celma, C., Teloni, R., Rustichelli, A., Large-scale stratigraphic architecture and
sequence analysis of an early Pleistocene submarine canyon fill, Monte Ascensione
succession (Peri-Adriatic basin, eastern central Italy). International Journal of Earth
Sciences (Geol Rundsch), 103, 843-875.
• Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma C., Mazzoli, S., Piccini, M., Sabatinelli, M., Carta
Geologica d’Italia alla scala 1:50.000 Foglio 314 “Montegiorgio”. ISPRA, Istituto
Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, Servizio Geologico d’Italia (Italian
Geological Survey).
• Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Didaskalou, P. Stratigraphic organization and
predictability of mixed coarse- and fine-grained successions in an upper slope turbidite
system of the Peri-Adriatic basin. Sedimentology, 60, 763–799.
• Rustichelli, A., Tondi, E., Agosta, F., Di Celma, C., Giorgioni, M.. Sedimentological and
diagenetic controls on pore network characteristics of Oligo-Miocene ramp carbonates
(Majella Mountain, central Italy). AAPG Bulletin, 97, 487–524.
• Brunt, R.L., Di Celma, C. ., Hodgson, D.M., Flint, S.S., Kavanagh, J.P. and van der
Merwe, W.C., Driving a channel through a levee when the levee is high: an outcrop
example of submarine down-dip entrenchment. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 41, 134145.
• Brunt, R.L., Hodgson, D.M., Flint, S.S., Pringle, J.K., Di Celma, C. ., Prélat, A.,
Grecula, M., Confined to unconfined: Anatomy of a base of slope succession, Karoo
Basin, South Africa. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 41, 206-221.
• Rustichelli, A., Agosta, F., Tondi, E., Galindo-Zaldivar, J., Di Celma, C., Spina, V.,
Fault growth as a key control on the sedimentary architecture and depositional
environments of extensional basins: the case study of the Tablate area (Granada Basin,
Spain). Italian Journal of Geosciences, 132, 422-442.
• Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G. Off-shelf sedimentary record of recurring global sealevel changes during the Plio-Pleistocene: evidence from the cyclic fills of exhumed slope
systems in central Italy. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 169, 643-646. I.F.:
• Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Ragaini, L., Landini, W., Tectonic and eustatic controls
on internal architecture and stacking patterns of Pleistocene shallow-marine and fluvial
depositional sequences. Search and Discovery Article #50621.
• Di Celma, C., Sedimentology, architecture, and depositional evolution of a coarsegrained submarine canyon fill from the Gelasian (early Pleistocene) of the Peri-Adriatic
basin, Offida, central Italy. Sedimentary Geology, 238, 233–253. I.F.: 1.537.
• Di Celma, C. ., Brunt, R.L, Hodgson, D.M., Flint, S.S., Kavanagh, J.P., Spatial and
temporal evolution of a Permian submarine slope channel-levee system, Karoo Basin,
South Africa. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 81, 579–599. I.F.: 2.331.
• Hodgson, D.M., Di Celma, C. ., Brunt, R.L., Flint, S.S., Submarine slope degradation
and aggradation and the stratigraphic evolution of channel-levee systems. Journal of the
Geological Society, London, 168, 625-628. I.F.: 3.195.
• Carnevale, G., Landini, W., Ragaini, L., Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Taphonomic
and paleoecological analyses (mollusks and fishes) of the Súa Member condensed
shellbed, Upper Onzole Formation (early Pliocene, Ecuador). PALAIOS, 26, 160-172.
I.F.: 1.804.
• Flint, S.S., Hodgson, D.M., Sprague, A.R., Brunt, R.L., Van der Merwe, W.C.,
Figueiredo, J., Prélat, A., Box, D., Di Celma, C., Kavanagh, J.P., Depositional
architecture and sequence stratigraphy of the Karoo basin floor to shelf edge succession,
Laingsburg depocentre, South Africa. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 28, 658-674. I.F.:
• Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Teloni, R., Corradetti, A., Marini, V., - Evolution and
history of filling of early Pleistocene, coarse-grained slope canyons (Peri-Adriatic basin,
central Italy). Search and Discovery Article #50481.
• Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Didaskalou, P., Lori, P., Sedimentology, architecture,
and sequence stratigraphy of coarse-grained, submarine canyon fills from the
Pleistocene (Gelasian-Calabrian) of the Peri-Adriatic basin, central Italy. Marine and
Petroleum Geology, 27, 1340-1365. I.F.: 2.130
• Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Landini, W., Ragaini, L., Stratigraphic evolution from
shoreface to shelf-indenting channel depositional systems during transgression: Insights
from the lower Pliocene Súa Member of the basal Upper Onzole Formation, Borbón
Basin, northwest Ecuador. Sedimentary Geology, 223, 162-179. I.F.: 1.685
• Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Potetti, M., Lori, P., Didaskalou, P., Albianelli, A.,
Napoleone, G., Climatic control on deposition of upper Pliocene deepwater gravitydriven strata in the Apennines foredeep (central Italy): correlations to the marine
oxygen sea isotope record. In: External Controls on Deep Water Depositional Systems:
Climate, Sea-level, and Sediment Flux. (Eds B. Kneller, O.J. Martinsen and B.
McCaffrey), SEPM Special Publication 92, 247-259.
• Ragaini, L., Di Celma, C., Shell structure, taphonomy, and mode of life of a Pleistocene
ostreid from Ecuador. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 48, 79-87. IF.:
Ragaini, L., Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Warm-water mollusc assemblages from
northern Chile (Mejillones Peninsula): new evidence for permanent El -iño-like
conditions during Pliocene warmth? Journal of the Geological Society, London, 165,
1075–1084. I.F.: 2.797
Flint, S.S., Hodgson, D.M., Brunt, R., Di Celma, C., Pringle, J., van der Merwe, W.,
SLOPE 2 Project Final Report. Confidential Report.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Ragaini, L., Valleri, G., Landini, W., Sedimentology
and high resolution sequence stratigraphy of the late Middle to Late Miocene
Angostura Formation (western Borbón Basin, north-western Ecuador). Journal of the
Geological Society, London, 164, 653-665. I.F.: 2.304
Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Sedimentology and high-frequency sequence
stratigraphy of a forearc extensional basin: the Miocene Caleta Herradura Formation,
Mejillones Peninsula, northern Chile. Sedimentary Geology, 198, 29-52. I.F.: 1.757
Brunt, R., Di Celma, C., van der Merwe, W., Hodgson, D.M., Flint, S.S., SLOPE Phase
2: sponsors’ third field workshop, Laingsburg Karoo, South Africa. September 17-21.
Ragaini, L., Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Didaskalou, P., Impiccini, R., Lori, P.,
Marino, M., Potetti, M., Ragazzini, S., First Emilian record of the boreal affinity
bivalve Portlandia impressa Perri, 1975 from Montefiore dell’Aso (Marche, Italy).
Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 45, 227-234.
Bianucci, G., Di Celma, C., Landini, W., Buckeridge, J., Palaeoecology and
taphonomy of an extraordinary whale barnacle accumulation from the Plio-Pleistocene
of Ecuador. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 242, 326-342. I.F.:
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Ragaini, L., Tectonic controls on sequence stacking
pattern and along-strike architecture in the Pleistocene Mejillones Formation, northern
Chile: implications for sequence stratigraphic models. Sedimentary Geology, 183, 125144. I.F.: 1.313
Hodgson, D.M., Brunt, R., Di Celma, C., van der Merwe, W., Pringle, J., Flint, S.S.,
SLOPE Phase 2: sponsors’ second field workshop, Laingsburg Karoo, South Africa.
October 15-20. Confidential report.
Di Celma, C., Ragaini, L., Cantalamessa, G., Landini, W., Basin physiography and
tectonic influence on sequence architecture and stacking pattern: Pleistocene
succession of the Canoa Basin (central Ecuador). Geological Society of America
Bulletin, 117, 1226-1241. I.F.: 2.56
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Ragaini, L., Valleri, G., Landini, W., Geologic map of
the -eogene deposits of Mejillones Peninsula (northern Chile). Geologic Mapping
Program Direction and Coordination by Cantalamessa G. and Di Celma C.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Sedimentary features of tsunami backwash deposits in
a shallow marine Miocene setting, Mejillones Peninsula, northern Chile. Sedimentary
Geology, 178, 259-273. I.F.: 1.604
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Ragaini, L., Sequence stratigraphy of the Punta
Ballena Member of the Jama Formation (Early Pleistocene, Ecuador): insights from
integrated sedimentologic, taphonomic and paleoecologic analysis of molluscan shell
concentrations. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 216, 1-25. I.F.:
• Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Sequence response to syndepositional regional uplift:
insights from high-resolution sequence stratigraphy of late Early Pleistocene strata,
Periadriatic Basin, central Italy. Sedimentary Geology, 164, 283-309. I.F.: 1.342
• Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Origin and chronology of Pleistocene marine terraces
of the Isla de la Plata and of flat, gently dipping surfaces of the southern coast of Cabo
San Lorenzo (Manabì, Ecuador). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 16.8., 633648. I.F.: 1.299
Ferretti, M., Di Celma, C., Lori, P., Occurrence of Mammuthus meridionalis
(Proboscidea, Elephantidae) in the Early Pleistocene deposits of Ripatransone
(Periadriatic Basin, Ascoli Piceno, Italy): Stratigraphic contest and biochronologic
implication. Studi Geologici Camerti, Vol. I, 37-44.
Aringoli, A., Bisci, C., Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Farabollini, P., Fazzini, M.,
Gentili, B., Materazzi, M., Pambianchi, G., Recent variations of Italian central adriatic
coastline. Proceeding of workshop on "Geomorphological Sensitivity and Systems
Response", 13-20. Camerino, 4-9 luglio
Landini, W., Bianucci, G., Carnevale, G., Ragaini, L., Sorbini, C., Valleri, G., Bisconti,
M., Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Late Pliocene fossils of Ecuador and their role in
the development of the Panamic bioprovince after the rising of Central American
Isthmus. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 39, 27-41. I.F.: 1,397
Di Celma, C., Ragaini, L., Cantalamessa, G., Curzio, P., Shell concentrations as tools
in characterizing sedimentary dynamics at sequence-bounding unconformities:
examples from the lower unit of the Canoa Formation (Late Pliocene, Ecuador).
Geobios, 35, 72-85. I.F.: 0,410
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Bianucci, G., Carnevale, G., Coltorti, M., Delfino, M.,
Ficcarelli, G., Moreno Espinoza, M., Naldini, D., Pieruccini, P., Ragaini, L., Rook, L.,
Rossi, M., Tito, G., Torre, D., Valleri, G., Landini, W., A new vertebrate fossiliferous
site from the late Quaternary at San Josè on the north coast of Ecuador: Preliminary
note. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 14, 331-334. I.F.: 0,681
Di Celma, C., Farabollini, P., Moscatelli, U., Landscape, settlement and roman
cadastres in the lower Sangro valley (Italy). In: Geoarchaeology of the Landscape of
Classical Antiquity (Eds Vermeulen F. and de Dapper M.), International Colloquium
Ghent, 23-24 October 1998, Babesch Supplement 5, 23-34.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., The Plio-Pleistocene Periadriatic Basin. In: Largescale vertical movements and related gravitational processes. International Workshop.
Field Trip Guidebook, Eds. by D’Agostino N. & Miccadei E., Rome-Camerino, June
21-26, 66-82.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., I depositi pliocenici dell’Unità di Ariano (Monti della
Baronia, Appennino meridionale). Studi Geologici Camerti, XIV, 89-101.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Guerrieri, P.A., Mazza, D., Piccini, M., Piccinini, D.,
Pierantoni, P.P., Vitali, G.,. Geological map of Monti della Baronia (Av). Studi
Geologici Camerti, XIV.
Congress Abstracts
• Gariboldi et al. Seasonal ocean upwelling recorded by the late Miocene Pisco
Formation diatomites of Peru. EGU General Assembly, Vienna,
• Bosio, G. et al., The potential of chemical fingerprinting of tephra for stratigraphic
correlations in the fossil Lagerstätte of the Pisco Formation (Peru). EGU General
Assembly, Vienna,
• Casciano, C., Di Celma, C., Patacci, M., Longhitano, S., McCaffrey, W. Hierarchy and
facies distribution in turbiditic sandstone channel-fills: the Gorgoglione Flysch
Formation (Miocene of Basilicata, Southern Italy). Deep-water Depositional Systems:
Advances and Applications. Geological Society of London, London (UK), 25th-27th
• Riegel, H., Rustichelli, A., Jablonská, D., Tondi, E., Agosta, F., Di Celma, C.,
Zambrano, M., Mattioni, L., Moretti, I., Fault zone characteristics in tighy siliciclastic
turbidites: an outcrop study on the Macigno Formation, Tuscany, Italy. GSA Annual
Meeting, Denver, Colorado, 25th-28th September, GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol.
48, No. 7., Paper No. 117-6.
• Pitts, A.D., Casciano, C.I., Di Celma, C., Integrating traditional field methods with
emerging digital techniques for enhanced outcrop analysis of deepwater channel-fill
deposits. GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, 25th-28th September, GSA
Abstracts with Programs Vol. 48, No. 7., Paper No. 292-12.
• Di Celma, C., Pieruccini, P., Di Rita, F., Magri, D., Carnevale, G., Farabollini, P.,
Ragaini, G., Caffau, M. Integrated sedimentological and palaentological (pollen,
molluscs, fishes, foraminifers, ostracods) analyses of middle Pleistocene palustrine and
lagoonal sediments from the Peri-Adriatic basin (Abruzzi, eastern central Italy).
Geocronologia e Cronostratigrafia del Quaternario, AIQUA, Bologna, Italy, 16th-17th
• Jablonská, D., Di Celma, C., Tondi, E., Superficial and deep-seated gravity-driven
deformation horizons within basinal succession: the case study of Maiolica Formation,
Gargano Promontory, Southern Italy. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 17-21 April.
• Rustichelli, A., Di Celma, C., Tondi, E., Baud, P., Vinciguerra, S., Fibrous gypsum
veins as diffuse features and within fault zones: the case study of the Pisco Basin (Ica
desert, southern Peru). EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 17-21 April.
• Jablonská D., Zambrano, M., Tondi, E., Rusticelli, A., Agosta, F., Di Celma, C. .,
Mattioni, L, Riegel, H., Faulting of a turbidite sandstone-siltstone successions: the case
study of the Macigno Formation, Tuscany, Italy. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 1721 April.
• Pitts, A.D., Casciano, C.I., Di Celma, C., Anatomy and facies characterization of
turbidite channel-fill deposits: the Santa Maria Channel from the Gorgoglione Flysch
Formation, Southern Italy. AAPG Europe Regional Conference Petroleum Systems of
Alpine-Mediterranean Fold Belts and Basins, Bucharest, Romania, 19th - 20th May.
• Collareta, A., Gioncada A., Gariboldi, K., Lambert, O., Di Celma, C. ., Urbina, M.,
Bianucci, G., Fossilization of baleen microstructures in the upper Miocene Pisco
Lagerstätte (Peru). Giornate di Paleontologia, XVI, Faenza, Italy, 35-36, 25th-27th
• Collareta, A., Lambert, O., Landini, W., Di Celma, C. ., Malinverno, E., Varasmalca,
R., Salas-Gismondi, R., Urbina, M., Bianucci, G., Did the giant fossil shark
Carcharocles megalodon eat small prey? Insights from bitten mammalian bones from
the late Miocene of Peru. Giornate di Paleontologia, XVI, Faenza, Italy, 37, 25th-27th
Landini, W., Pesci, F., Collareta, A., Di Celma, C. ., Urbina, M., Bianucci, G., First
paleo-nursery for the copper shark Carcharhinus brachyurus (Günther, 1870) from the
late Miocene of the Pisco Formation (Peru). XVI, Faenza, Italy, 55, 25th-27th May.
Bisci, C., Zucchi, M., Pierantoni, P.P., Di Celma, C., Leoni, M., Reconstruction of the
geological evolution and stratigraphic architecture of late Quaternary deposits through
field and boreholes data: the case of the lower basin of the Chienty River (Marche). 88°
Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana, Napoli, Italy, 7th-9th September.
Casciano, C., Di Celma, C., Patacci, M., Longhitano, S., McCaffrey, W. Facies
distribution and architectural characterization of turbidite channel complexes in the
Gorgoglione Flysch Formation (Basilicata, Southern Italy). AAPG Annual Conference
& Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, 31 May-3 June
Collareta, A., Tinelli, C., Landini, W, Lambert, O., Post, K., Di Celma C. ., Panetta,
D., Tripodi, M., Salvadori, P.A., Caramella, D., Bianucci, G., Fist fossil record of
stomach content for a baleen whale: fish remains associated to a Cetotheridae from the
Miocene of the Pisco Formation (Peru). Giornate di Paleontologia, XV, Palermo, Italy,
27th-29th May.
Bianucci, G., Di Celma, C. ., Landini, W., Post, K., Tinelli. C., De Muizon, C.,
Gariboldi, K., Malinverno, E., Cantalamessa, G., Gioncada A., Collareta, A., SalasGismondi, R., Varasmalca, R., Urbina, M., Lambert, O., Map of the fossils of the type
locality of the giant raptorial sperm whale Livyatan melvillei (Miocene Pisco
Formation, Peru). Giornate di Paleontologia, XV, Palermo, Italy, 27th-29th May.
Tinelli. C., Cantalamessa, G., Collareta, A., Di Celma, C. ., Gioncada A., Malinverno,
E., Landini, W., Urbina, M., Bianucci, G., When paleontology meets technology: 3D
reconstructions of fossil vertebrate from the Pisco Formation (Ica, Peru). Giornate di
Paleontologia, XV, Palermo, Italy, 27th-29th May
Bosio G., Gariboldi K., Di Celma C., Gioncada A., Malinverno E. , Tinelli C., Villa I.
M., Cantalamessa G., Collareta A., Lambert O., Landini W., Urbina M., Bianucci G.
Tephrochronology and biostratigraphy of two exceptional fossil localities in the Pisco
Formation (Peru). Congresso SIMP-AIV-SGI-SoGeI 2015, Firenze, 2nd-4th
Gariboldi K., Di Celma C., Malinverno E., Gioncada A., Bianucci G. Diatom
biostratigraphy at the Miocene sites of Cerro Colorado and Cerros Los Quesos, Pisco
Formation, Peru. 2nd International Congress on Stratigraphy, STRATI 2015, Graz,
Austria, 19th. – 23rd July.
Pitts, A., Casciano, C., Di Celma, C., McCaffrey, W. Depositional architectural
elements in Turbidite channel systems, Gorgoglione Flysch Formation (Basilicata,
Southern Italy). Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 46, No. 6,
p. 350. GSA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, 19-22 October.
Teloni, R., Di Celma, C., Rustichelli, A. Large scale stratigraphic architecture and
sequence stratigraphy of an early Pleistocene submarine canyon fill, monte Ascensione
succession (Peri-Adriatic basin, eastern central Italy). The Geological Society of
London: Reducing Subsurface Uncertainty & Risk Through Field-Based Studies, 119120. London (UK), March 4-6.
Jablonská, D., Di Celma, C., Korneva, I., Tondi, E., Alsop, G.I., Longhitano, S.
Structural properties, distribution and internal architecture of synsedimentary
submarine mass-transport deposits in southern Italy. The Geological Society of
London: Reducing Subsurface Uncertainty & Risk Through Field-Based Studies, 123.
London (UK), March 4-6.
Longhitano, S., Agosta, F., Di Celma, C., Tondi, E. Reservoir Characterization
Project. The Geological Society of London: Reducing Subsurface Uncertainty & Risk
Through Field-Based Studies, 117. London (UK), March 4-6.
Gariboldi, K., Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C. ., Gioncada, A., Landini, W., Lambert,
O., Malinverno, E., Tinelli, C., Urbina, M., Bianucci, G. Diatomaceous mudstones of
the Mio-Pliocene pisco Formation, Peru: implications on vertebrate preservation and
role of the volcanic ashes in fertilizing ocean surface. Giornate di Paleontologia, XIV,
Bari, Italy, 43-44, 11-13 June.
Bianucci G., Cantalamessa G., Di Celma C., Malinverno E., Gariboldi K.1, Gioncada
A., Lambert O., Landini W., Tinelli C., Urbina M. Taphonomy and stratigraphical
distribution of Miocene marine vertebrates from the Pisco Formation (Peru). Giornate
di Paleontologia, XIV, Bari, Italy, 27-28, 11-13 June.
Bianucci, G., Landini, W., Post, K., Tinelli, C., Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C. .,
Gariboldi, K., Gioncada, A., Malinverno, E., Urbina, M., Lambert, O., Swimming with
Livyatan: A reconstruction of the vertebrate marine fauna that lived with the giant
raptorial sperm whale from the Miocene of Peru. Secondary Adaptation of Tetrapods to
Life in Water, Washington D.C. (USA), 2-4 June
Di Celma, C., Pieruccini, P., Farabollini, P. Architecture and sequence stratigraphy of
the Middle Pleistocene Qc Unit, eastern central Italy: fluvial response to climate
changes and eustatic fluctuations during regional uplift. 30th IAS Meeting of
Sedimentology, Manchester, September 2-5.
Korneva, I., Tondi, E., Di Celma, C., Rustichelli, A., Agosta, F., Zambrano, M.,
Jablonska, D. Tectonically- and gravity-driven faults in the slope to basinal carbonates
of Gargano Promontory, Italy. IX Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra, Pisa,
September 15-18.
Ebula E., Tondi E., Di Celma C., Di Cuia R., Riva A., Zambrano, M., Korneva, I.
Subsurface characterization of the Apulia Carbonate Platform in the foothills of the
Apennines in Abruzzi region (central Italy). IX Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra,
Pisa, September 15-18.
Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Ragaini, L., Landini, W. - Tectonic and eustatic
controls on internal architecture and stacking patters of Pleistocene shallow-marine
and fluvial depositional sequences. AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Long
Beach (USA), 22-25 April.
• Brunt, R.L., van der Merwe, W., Di Celma, C., Hodgson, D.M., Flint, S.S. - Enhancing
the value of high-resolution submarine channel outcrop data through integration with
basin scale studies. Internal architecture, bedforms and geometry of turbidite channels
at the Geological Society, London, 9, June 20-21st
• Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Teloni, R., Corradetti, A., Marini, V. - Evolution and
history of filling of early Pleistocene, coarse-grained slope canyons (Peri-Adriatic
basin, central Italy). AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Houston (USA), 45, 1013 April.
• Brunt, R., Van der Merwe, W., Di Celma, C., Hodgson, D., Flint, S., - A 60-kilometerlong architectural transition from slope valley to terminal lobe: Unit C, Fort Brown
Formation, Karoo Basin, South Africa. AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition,
Houston (USA), 24-25, 10-13 April.
Flint, S., Hodgson, D., Sprague, A., Brunt, R., Figueiredo, J., Box, D., Van der Merwe,
W., Di Celma, C., Prelat, A., - How deepwater systems organise at multiple scales.
AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Houston (USA), 61, 10-13 April.
Agosta, F., Di Celma, C., Tondi, E., Corradetti, A., Cantalamessa, G., - Mechanical
stratigraphy of deep-water sandstones: insights from a multidisciplinary field and
laboratory study. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 02-07 May 2010,
Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 12, EGU2010-10992.
Agosta, F., Di Celma, C., Tondi, E., Corradetti, A., Cantalamessa, G., - Mechanical
stratigraphy of deep-water siliciclastic rocks: insights from a multidisciplinary field and
laboratory study. AAPG Hedberg Conference “Deepwater Fold and Thrust Belts”, 6-7,
Tirrenia, Italy, 4-9 October.
Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Didaskalou, P., Lori, P., Potetti, M. - Facies and
stratigraphic architecture of superposed, coarse-grained turbidite systems, the Colle
Montarone conglomerates (Pliocene), -otaresco, central Italy. 27th IAS Meeting of
Sedimentologists, 496, Alghero, 20-23 September.
Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., - Transgressive change from shoreface to shelfindenting channel depositional systems: the lower Pliocene Súa Member of the basal
Upper Onzole Formation, Ecuador. 27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentologists, 495,
Alghero, 20-23 September.
Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Didaskalou, P., Lori, P., Potetti, M., - Sedimentology
and stratigraphic architecture of coarse-grained slope canyon fills: Monte
dell’Ascensione and Castignano systems (Pliocene, central Italy). 27th IAS Meeting of
Sedimentologists, 497, Alghero, 20-23 September.
Farabollini, P., Miccadei, E., Di Celma, C., - The freshwater travertine depositions in
central Italy: a contribution of geomorphological evolution of Apennines (Italy). 27th
IAS Meeting of Sedimentologists, 508, Alghero, 20-23 settembre.
Carnevale, G., Landini, W., Ragaini, L., Valleri, G., Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Taphonomic and paleoecological analyses (mollusks and fishes) of the Súa Member
onlap shellbed (early Pliocene, Onzole Formation, Ecuador). 27th IAS Meeting of
Sedimentologists, 463, Alghero, 20-23 September.
Hodgson, D.M., Flint, S.S., Brunt, R.L., Van der Merwe, W.C., Prelat, A., Di Celma,
C., Figueiredo J., - Basin floor-slope-shelf edge stratigraphy and architecture,
Laingsburg Karoo basin, South Africa. 27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentologists, 205,
Alghero, 20-23 September.
Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Corradetti, A., Marini, V., Teloni, R., Didaskalou, P.,
Lori, P., Potetti, M. - Architecture and lithofacies of erosionally-confined channel-levee
complexes from the Pliocene of the Periadriatic basin, central Italy: II. Offida and
-otaresco systems. BSRG, 105, Liverpool, (UK), December 15-16.
• Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Corradetti, A., Marini, V., Teloni, R., Didaskalou, P.,
Lori, P., Potetti, M. - Architecture and lithofacies of erosionally-confined channel-levee
complexes from the Pliocene of the Periadriatic basin, central Italy: I. Ascensione and
Castignano systems. BSRG, 104, Liverpool, (UK), December 15-16.
• Brunt, R.L., Di Celma, C. ., Hodgson, D., Flint, S.S., - Interaction of density currents,
depositional topography and submarine slope progradation: Unit C, Laingsburg
Depocentre, Karoo Basin, South Africa. AAPG International Meeting, Cape Town
(South Africa), October 26-29.
Di Celma, C., Brunt, R., Hodgson, D.M., Kavanagh, J.P., Flint, S.S., - Down-dip
evolution and change in architectural style in a slope channel-levee system: Unit D of
the Laingsburg Formation, Karoo basin, South Africa. AAPG International Meeting,
Cape Town (South Africa), October 26-29.
Di Celma, C., Brunt, R., Hodgson, D.M., Kavanagh, J.P., Flint, S.S., - Architecture and
depositional evolution of a Permian slope channel-levee system: Unit D of the
Laingsburg Formation, Karoo basin, South Africa. Atti del Convegno GeoSed, 50, Bari
(Italy), September 23-27.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Potetti, M., Lori, P., Napoleone, G., Albianelli, A.,
2008. Climatic control on deposition of Middle to Upper deepwater strata in the
Apennines foredeep (central Italy): correlations to the marine oxygen isotope record.
Atti del Convegno GeoSed, 26, Bari (Italy), September 23-27.
Ragaini, L., Antonelli, S., Di Celma, C., - Taphonomy, shell microstructure and
functional morphology in a new ostreid (Crassostrea Sp. Nov.) from the Pleistocene of
Ecuador. Riassunti delle VIII Giornate di Paleontologia, 56-58, Siena (Italy), September
Di Celma, C., Brunt, R.L., Hodgson, D.M., Kavanagh, J.P, McAllister, L., Flint, S.S., Down-dip architectural changes in a deepwater slope channel-levee system: Unit D of
the Laingsburg Formation, Karoo basin, South Africa. BSRG, 33, Birmingham (UK),
December 16-18.
Brunt, R.L., Hodgson, D.M., Di Celma, C., Flint, S.S., - Channel to lobes: turbidite
architecture in a progradational deep-water system. BSRG, 22, Birmingham (UK),
December 16-18.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Landini, W., Ragaini, L., Valleri, G., - Sequence
stratigraphy of the Angostura Formation (Ecuador) and Caleta Herradura Formation
(-orthern Chile): evidence for Miocene orbitally-driven eustatic sea-level changes.
FIST – GEOITALIA 2007, Sesto Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra, 398, Rimini
(Italy), September 12-14.
Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Ragaini, L., - Short- and long-term tectonic control on
internal architecture and stacking pattern of Pleistocene depositional sequences
(Mejillones Formation, northern Chile). FIST – GEOITALIA 2007, Sesto Forum
Italiano di Scienze della Terra, 400, Rimini (Italia), September 12-14.
Ragaini, L., Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., - First record of a warm-water Pliocene
shell bed from northern Chile. In: E. Díaz-Martínez, I. Rábano (Eds.), 4th European
Meeting on the Palaeontology and Stratigraphy of Latin America, Cuadernos del Museo
Geominero, nº 8, 327-332, Madrid (Spain), September 12-15.
Di Celma, C., Hodgson, D.M., Brunt, R.L., Kavanagh, J.P., Haigh, C.J., Pringle, J.K.,
Flint, S.S., - Architectural hierarchy of two juxtaposed slope channel complex sets in the
Laingsburg depocenter, Karoo Basin, South Africa. AAPG Annual Convention &
Exhibition, 36, Long Beach (USA), April 1-4.
Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Ragaini, L., Valleri, G., Landini, W., - Sequence
stratigraphy of the Angostura Formation (Ecuador) and Caleta Herradura Formation
(northern Chile): evidence for middle to late Miocene orbitally paced eustatic sea-level
changes. AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition (SEPM Student Awards Poster
Session), 36, Long Beach (USA), April 1-4.
Hodgson, D.M., Brunt, R.L., Di Celma, C., Flint, S.S., Kavanagh J.P., - Cannibalisation
of a submarine channel-levee system by an entrenched submarine channel system in the
Laingsburg Depocentre, Karoo Basin, South Africa. AAPG Annual Convention &
Exhibition, 64, Long Beach (USA), April 1-4.
Brunt, R.L., Di Celma, C., Pringle, J.K., Hodgson, D.M., Kavanagh, J.P., Flint, S.S., Quantitative field data capture techniques for submarine slope channel complexes: no
single solution. From Outcrop to Asset: Recent Advances in Digital Outcrop Data
Collection and Modelling Techniques, 8, Manchester (UK), January 10-11.
Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Landini, W., Ragaini, L., Valleri, G., - Sequence
stratigraphy of the Angostura Formation (Ecuador) and Caleta Herradura Formation
(northern Chile): evidence for climatic control on deposition of middle to late Miocene
shallow-marine strata. BSRG, 37, Aberdeen (UK), December 17-19.
Di Celma, C., Brunt, R., Hodgson, D.M., Flint, S.S., - The transition from submarine
channel-levee complex to proximal lobe deposits: an outcrop perspective from the
Laingsburg depocentre, South Africa. BSRG, 36, Aberdeen (UK), December 17-19.
Hodgson, D.M., Brunt, R.L., Di Celma, C., Kavanagh, J.P., Flint, S.S - Anatomy of two
erosionally-juxtaposed sand-rich submarine slope channel-levee complex sets in the
Laingsburg depocentre, South Africa. BSRG, 52, Aberdeen (UK), December 17-19.
Ragaini, L., Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., - Anomalous tropical mollusks from
Pliocene sediments of northern Chile. Riassunti delle Giornate di Paleontologia, 72.
Trieste (Italy), June 8-11.
Albianelli, A., Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Didaskalou, P., Lori, P., Napoleone, G.,
Potetti, M., - Climate control on the Pliocene deepwater deposits of the Periadriatic
basin, central Italy. A joint Geological Society of London and SEPM Conference on:
External Controls on Deep Water Depositional Systems: Climate, Sea-level, and
Sediment Flux, 89-90. London (UK), March 27-29.
Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Ragaini, L., Valleri, G., Landini, W., - The Miocene
collision of the Panama arc with northwestern South America: stratigraphic evidence
from the Borbón basin, northern Ecuador. “Backbone of the Americas-Patagonia to
Alaska”, Geological Society of America Specialty Meetings Abstract with Programs 528, 62-63. Mendoza (Argentina), April 3-7.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Ragaini, L., Valleri, G., Landini, W., - The -eogene
stratigraphic and paleogeographic evolution of the Mejillones Peninsula (northern
Chile) and its relationship with long-term, subduction-related extensional tectonics.
“Backbone of the Americas-Patagonia to Alaska”, Geological Society of America
Specialty Meetings Abstract with Programs 5-32, 64. Mendoza (Argentina), April 3-7.
Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., - Syn-depositional tectonic controls on the internal
architecture of a mid-Pleistocene depositional sequence (Mejillones Formation,
northern Chile). 6th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics, 222-225.
Barcelona (Spain), September 12-14.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Ragaini, L., Valleri, G., Landini, W., - -eogene
stratigraphic architecture and tectonic evolution of the Mejillones Peninsula (northern
Chile) based on a new 1:50,000 geological map. 6th International Symposium on
Andean Geodynamics, 142-145. Barcelona (Spain), September 12-14.
Ragaini, L., Di Celma, C., Cantalamessa, G., Landini, W., - Long-term tectonic
influence on sequence architecture and stacking pattern revealed by hiatal shell bed
features: Pleistocene succession of the Canoa Basin (central Ecuador). 6th International
Symposium on Andean Geodynamics, 588-591. Barcelona (Spain), September 12-14.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Didaskalou, P., Lori, P., Napoleone, G., Potetti, M., Gravity-driven deposition in the late Pliocene of the Periadriatic basin near Offida
(Ascoli Piceno, central Italy): facies analysis, chronostratigraphic framework, and
provenance of detrital material. Atti del Secondo Convegno GeoSed, 47-49. Rome
(Italy), September 22-28.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Ragaini, L., Valleri, G., Landini, W., - Pleistocene
vertical movements in the Mejillones Peninsula (northern Chile) and mollusc content of
marine terraces. Atti del Secondo Convegno GeoSed, 42-46. Rome (Italy), September
Ragaini, L., Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., - First fossil record of large oysters
(Crassostrea sp. nov.) from Pleistocene sediments of Pacific South America (Jama
Formation, Ecuador). Riassunti del IV Giornate di Paleontologia, 50. Bolzano (Italy),
May 21-23.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Didaskalou, P., Impiccini, R., Potetti, M., Lori, P.,
Ragaini, L., Ragazzini, S., - Stratigrafia dei sedimenti pleistocenici delle Marche
meridionali. AIQUA, La Geologia del Quaternario in Italia: Temi Emergenti e Zone
d'Ombra, Rome (Italy), February 16-18.
Aringoli, A., Bisci, C., Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Farabollini, P., Fazzini, M.,
Gentili, B., Materazzi, M., Pambianchi, G., – Guide to the excursion in the Marche
region. Proceeding of workshop on "Geomorphological Sensitivity and Systems
Response", 133-142. Camerino (Italy), July 4-9.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Lori, P., Landini, W., Ragaini, L., Valleri, G., Extensional fault dynamics and sedimentation: preliminary results from the Miocene
deposits of the Caleta Herradura half-graben (northern Chile). Atti del Primo Convegno
GeoSed, 247-248. Alghero (Italy), September 28-October 2.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., – Sequence stratigraphy and facies architecture of the
Pleistocene Qmb and Qmc Cycles in the Fermo sector, Periadriatic basin, southern
Marche. Abstract of IX Riunione Annuale del Gruppo Informale di Sedimentologia. 2526. Pescara (Italy), October 21-22.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Bianucci, G., Carnevale, G., Landini, W, Ragaini, L.,
Sorbini, C., Valleri, G., – Preliminary results on the physical stratigraphy and
paleontological characters of the early Pleistocene Jama Formation (Ecuador). Abstract
of IX Riunione Annuale del Gruppo Informale di Sedimentologia. 27-28. Pescara (Italy),
October 21-22.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Bianucci, G., Carnevale, G., Landini, W, Ragaini, L.,
Sorbini, C., Valleri, G., - -ew observations on the sediments of "Jama Formation",
northwestern Ecuador. XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Geologìa - III Congreso
Uruguayo de Geologìa, Montevideo (Uruguay), November 12-16.
Di Celma, C., Ragaini, L., Cantalamessa, G., Curzio, P., - Shell concentrations and
ichnofacies as tools in characterizing sedimentary dynamics at sequence boundary:
examples from the Late Pliocene Canoa Formation (Ecuador). Palaeobiogeography &
Palaeoecology International Conference, 55-56. Piacenza & Castell'Arcuato (Italy), May
31 - June 2.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Bianucci ,G., Carnevale, G., Landini , W., Ragaini, L.,
& Valleri, G., - A Plio-Pleistocene composite third order depositional sequence
generated by ridge subduction along the Ecuadorian convergent margin. Proc. 15th
Australian Geological Convention, 68. Sydney (Australia), July 3-7.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Bianucci G., Carnevale G., Ragaini L., Landini W. &
Valleri G. - Pleistocene sediments along the Central Ecuador convergent margin. II
Latin American Sedimentological Congress-VIII Argentinian Meeting of
Sedimentology, Mar del Plata (Argentina), March 14-17.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Didaskalou, P., Micarelli, A., Pennesi, T., Pierantoni,
P.P., Potetti M., - Correlation elements in the Plio-Pleistocene marine succession of the
Marche-Abruzzi periadriatic basin. In: Evoluzione Geodinamica dell'Appennino, 62-65.
Foligno (Italy), February 16-18.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Pierantoni, P.P., – Facies e sequenze deposizionali nei
depositi terrigeni dell’Unità di Ariano. 7° Convegno Autunnale del Gruppo Informale di
Sedimentologia CNR, Rimini (Italy), October 3-6.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Bianucci, G., Landini, W., Ragaini, L. Carnevale, G.,
Valleri, G., – Correlazione delle sequenze deposizionali plio-pleistoceniche del Bacino
di Manabì (Ecuador). 7° Convegno Autunnale del Gruppo Informale di Sedimentologia
CNR, Rimini (Italy), October 3-6.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Cimarelli, M., Bianucci, G., Landini, W., Ragaini, L.,
Valleri, G., - The Canoa Formation (Manabì Basin) western Ecuador: an example of
Late Pliocene shelf depositional sequence. Proc. 14th Argentine Geological Congress, I,
496-499. Salta (Argentina), September 19-24.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Pierantoni, P.P., – I depositi pliocenici dell’Unità di
Ariano: Monti della Baronia (Appennino meridionale). FIST – GEOITALIA 1999, 2°
Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra, 111-113. Bellaria (Rimini, Italy), September 2023.
Cantalamessa, G., Di Celma, C., Cimarelli, M., Bianucci, G., Landini, W., Ragaini, L.,
Valleri, G., - Il Plio-Pleistocene marino del bacino di Manabì (Ecuador). FIST –
GEOITALIA 1999, 2° Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra, 109-111. Bellaria (Rimini,
Italy), September 20-23.
Professional affiliations
1999-present IAS (International Association of Sedimentologists)
2005-present SEPM
2003-present GeoSed (Italian Association for Sedimentary Geology)
Geological Society of America
2008-present American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
2012-present Società Geologica Italiana