Contenuti Inglese Classe VA Liceo Scientifico “ Sereni” a.s. 2015/16


Contenuti Inglese Classe VA Liceo Scientifico “ Sereni” a.s. 2015/16
Contenuti Inglese Classe VA Liceo Scientifico “ Sereni” a.s. 2015/16
Docente: Messano Maria
Libri di testo: Performer Culture & Literature 1+2 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton - Zanichelli
Performer Culture & Literature 3
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton - Zanichelli
(percorso svolto in 20 ore)
An Age of Revolution
History An age of revolutions
pagg. 182, 183
Society Industrial society
pag. 185
FCE Use of English - Part 2
pag. 185
Literature William Blake and the victims of industrialisation
London (Songs of Experience)
The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Innocence)
pagg. 186,187
pag. 188
pag. 189
History The American War of Independence
pagg. 194,195
Philosophy and the Arts The sublime: a new sensibility
pagg. 199-200
FCE Reading - Part 3
FCE Speaking - Part 2
Literature The Gothic novel
Literature Mary Shelley and a new interest in science
The Creation of the Monster from Frankenstein
pagg. 205,206
Comparing Literatures The Epistolary Novel: M. Shelley and Foscolo pag. 207
Frankenstein and the Monster from Frankenstein
pag. 208
(percorso svolto in 21 ore)
The Romantic Spirit
Literature Emotion vs Reason
pagg. 213-215
FCE Use of English - Part 3
Literature William Wordsworth and Nature
pagg. 216,217
Milestones:1798, The Lyrical Ballads: the Manifesto of the English Romanticism pag.217
Daffodils from Poems in Two Volumes (1807)
Comparing Literatures Nature in Wordsworth and Leopardi
pag. 219
Canto Notturno di un Pastore errante dell'Asia by G. Leopardi
My Heart Leaps Up from Poems in Two Volumes (1807) by W. Wordsworth
Literature Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Sublime Nature
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
pag. 220
pagg.221, 222
The killing of the Albatross from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1798) pagg.222-225
Literature John Keats and unchanging Nature
Bright Star
Text Bank 51 Ode on a Grecian Urn ( fotocopia)
Literature Jane Austen and the Theme of Love
pagg. 240-242
Pride and Prejudice: Darcy proposes to Elizabeth
A Film About
pagg. 243-245
Pride and Prejudice
(percorso svolto in 1 ora)
Ernest Hemingway
(percorso svolto in 12 ore)
Coming of Age
History The first half of Queen Victoria's Reign
Society Life in the Victorian Town
pagg. 284, 285
pagg. 290, 291
FCE Use of English - Part 2
Coketown from Hard Times by C. Dickens
Society The Victorian compromise
FCE Use of English - Part 3
Literature The Victorian novel
Literature Charles Dickens and Children
Oliver wants some more from Oliver Twist
pag.302, 303
Comparing Literatures The exploitation of children: Dickens and Verga pag.306
Literature Charlotte Brontё’s life
pag. 312
Jane Eyre: an Education Novel
pag. 312
Punishment from Jane Eyre
A Film About
pagg. 312-314
Jane Eyre
(percorso svolto in 6 ore)
A Two-Faced Reality
History The British Empire
Society The Mission of the Coloniser
pagg. 324-325
pagg. 326-327
The White Man's Burden by R. Kipling
Charles Darwin and Evolution
pag. 330
Literature Aestheticism
pag. 349
The Dandy
pag. 350
Literature Oscar Wilde: the brilliant artist and the dandy.
pag. 351
The Picture of Dorian Gray and the Theme of beauty
pag. 352
I would give my soul from The Picture of Dorian Gray
pagg. 354-356
(percorso svolto in 3 ore)
Looking for a New Life
History The Gilded Age
pagg. 362,363
Literature Walt Whitman: the American Bard
pagg. 385,386
Milestones 1855, Leaves of Grass: a life-long poem
pag. 386
I Hear America Singing from Leaves of Grass
pag. 387
(percorso svolto in 9 ore)
The Drums of War
History The Edwardian age
pagg. 404, 405
History World War I
pag. 408
There is Nothing worse than War from A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway pagg. 410-412
Literature Modern poetry: tradition and experimentation
History The Easter Rising and the Irish War of Independence
pag 426
Literature William Butler Yeats and Irish nationalism
Easter 1916 from Michael Robartes and the Dancer
pagg. 428,429
(percorso svolto in 8 ore)
The Great Watershed
Literature The Modern Novel
pag. 448
Milestones: 1922, Ulysses
The Stream of Consciousness and the Interior Monologue
The funeral from Ulysses by James Joyce
Literature James Joyce: a modernist writer
Dubliners (1914)
pag. 449
pag. 449
pag. 463
pag. 464
Eveline from Dubliners
pagg. 465-468
(percorso svolto in 13 ore)
A New World Order
Society Britain between the wars
pagg. 514, 515
Wystan Hugh Auden and the committed writers
pagg. 516, 517
Refugee Blues from Another Time (1940)
pagg.518, 519
History World War II and after
Literature The Dystopian Novel
pag. 531
George Orwell and political dystopia pagg. 532,533
Big Brother is watching you from Nineteen Eighty-Four pagg. 534,535
Literature The Theatre of the Absurd and Samuel Beckett
Waiting for Godot
pag. 543
pag. 544
Nothing to be done from Waiting for Godot (1952)
pagg. 545,546
Le ore indicate comprendono anche quelle dedicate alle interrogazioni, alle prove scritte e alle
attività di recupero.
Laveno, 5 Maggio 2016
Maria Messano