675x740 lato Gesso


675x740 lato Gesso
Città di Cuneo
the Vitale
family Palace
17th-18th Centuries
t h e
V i t a l e
Architectural detail of the outstanding projecting cornice of
excellent workmanship, formed by a fillet of superimposed
mouldings held up by large brackets, supported by a smaller
On the springer corbel of the arcade arch, next to
Via Armando Diaz, the Vitale family crest is carved.
The blazon reads: “silver, a red-edged, Or bend”.
f a m i l y
P a l a c e
palazzo chiavassa
casa govone
palazzo brignone
di costiglione
casa audisio
casa cavallo
casa dalbesio
casa cassiano
casa fantino
casa ghibaudo
della pistolesa
casa dalbesio
casa bonelli
palazzo pellegrino
di castelnuovo
lovera di maria
casa Ayme
casa corneri
casa lovera
di castiglione
casa barelli
palazzo caissotti
di chiusano
casa basso
casa lovera
Detail of the Alasia family crest carved on the inner side
of a arcade capital.
The blazon reads: “silver and black per bend”.
casa demarchi
palazzo bonelli
palazzo bianco
palazzo della torre
palazzo vitale
palazzo ricci
casa biga di bioglio
casa giordano
chiesa di s. Ambrogio
palazzo bruno
di tornaforte
palazzo della
The present building was once divided into several apartments having a
medieval structure and belonging to different families. The first step towards
the unification in a single property was undertaken by Filiberto Vitale at the
end of the 17th century, and it was finished by Abbot Francesco Filiberto
Saverio at the beginning of the 18th century. In 1710 Count Luigi Antonio
Federico Vitale embarked on some radical transformation works aiming to
extend and upgrade the pre-existing structure.
The works finished some twenty years later, resulting in a
sumptuous house featuring a staircase of honour that became the
pivot of the new spatial and functional distribution.
The palace, despite the alterations made in 1940 by the local
savings bank (Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo) aimed to transform
it into the seat of the C.R.C. Foundation, remains one of the
most typical examples of an 18th-century local aristocratic
The beautiful porticoed ground floor is formed by simple columns
and different pilasters. These are made of Frabosa stone blocks,
surmounted by capitals featuring stylized leaves at the four
corners, with a relief central ribbing. There are also some
heraldic evidence; in particular on the inner side of a capital
there is the Alasia family crest, whereas on the springer corbel
of the arcade arch there is the Vitale family crest.