PUU Newsletter - 015


PUU Newsletter - 015
patrones in Late Imperial
Organizzata dal
Centro di Studi
cinesi – Hanxue
della Facoltà di
Si terrà Giovedì 12 marzo
alle ore 10.30
nell’Auditorium Giovanni
Paolo II della PUU la
tradizionale Lectio Magistralis
di Studi Cinesi che
quest’anno è giunta alla sua
settima edizione.
Il Programma prevede:
Prof. Alberto Trevisiol
Rettore Magnifico PUU
Prof. Benedict
Decano della Facoltà di
Missiologia PUU
La Lectio sarà in inglese, con
traduzione simultanea in
Prof. Ronnie Po-Chia Hsia
His research has focused on
the history of the Protestant
Reformation, Catholic
Renewal, anti-Semitism, and
the encounter between
Europe and Asia. His current
book project, tentatively
titled Translating
Christianity: China and the
Catholic Missions 1584-1780,
is a study of the history of
cultural encounter between
Europe and the Ming and
Qing empires.
Prof. Alessandro Dell’Orto
Direttore del Centro di Studi
Cinesi PUU
Prof. Ronnie Po-Chia Hsia
Department of History
Pennsylvania State
University (USA)
Convergence and
conversion: the Virgin Mary
and Mazu as maritime
Mazu (traditional
Chinese: 媽祖;
simplified Chinese:
妈祖 is the Chinese
patron goddess
who is said to
protect seafarers,
such as fishermen
and sailors. The
worship of Mazu
began in the Song
dynasty. Mazu is
widely worshiped
in the coastal
regions of China,
especially in
Zhejiang, Fujian,
Guangdong, and
Hainan. She is also
worshiped in
Taiwan and other
places in EastSoutheast Asia.
He teaches courses in early
modern Europe and is
interested in developing
world history and
comparative history courses
for the early modern period.
He is especially interested in
the history of religion and
the history of empires. After
working on the history of
Central Europe for more
than twenty years, during
which time he has published
extensively on the
Reformation, CounterReformation, and the history
of anti-semitism, he has
widened the horizon of his
research to a global
perspective. Thus, the
history of explorations, the
rise of western Europe, the
comparative history of early
modern empires, and the
history of Christian missions
(particularly in China)
constitute his current
teaching and research
agenda. With a background
in Chinese history and
culture, being born and
educated in Hong Kong, he
studied primarily in the UK
and the USA, and have
extensive research
experiences in Germany, the
Netherlands, Belgium,
France, Portugal, Austria,
and Italy.
Recent Publications:
Jesuit Silk: The Cultural
Practices of Catholic
prospettiva storia e
missiologica il Documento
Ad Gentes.
Conferenza in
preparazione del
Universitario su Ad
L’Istituto Superiore di
Catechesi e Spiritualità
Missionaria (ISCSM)
orgianizza un ciclo di
conferenze pubbliche in
preparazione del Convegno
Universitario di Aprile nel
quale verrà esaminato in
Conversion in early modern
Europe and China (in
A Jesuit in the Forbidden
City: Matteo Ricci 1552-1610.
Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2010.
Noble Patronage and Jesuit
Missions: Maria Theresia
von Fugger-Wellenburg
(1690-1762) and Jesuit
Missionaries in China and
Vietnam. Rome: Institutum
Historicum Societatis Iesu,
The World of Catholic
Renewal, 1540-1770,
Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1998.
Gli incontri avranno luogo
lunedì 16 febbraio dalle ore
15.00 alle 17.30, presso la
sede di Castel Gandolfo, in
Aula Magna
Il tema del primo incontro
La donna nella missio ad
con interventi delle Prof.sse
Caterina Ciriello e Sandra
Il tema del secondo
incontro sarà:
Il dialogo nella missio ad
con interventi dei Porf.
Mauro Meruzzi, Ambrogio
Bongiovanni, Flavio
Lunedì 16 marzo la
conferenza avrà invece
luogo a Roma,
nell’Auditorium Giovanni
Paolo II, dalle 15.00 alle
Consociati e
Il Gran Cancelliere ha
recentemente nominato i
seguenti professori:
Bianchini Francesco Facoltà di Teologia
Formica Gianbattista Facoltà di Filosofia
Grignani Mario Luigi ISCSM (Facoltà di
Lombardi Giulia
Facoltà di Filosofia
Lorella Congiunti
Facoltà di Filosofia
Vice Rettore PUU
Migration Institute at Rome's
Pontifical Urbaniana
Pubbliche della
facoltà di
Continua la serie di
Conferenze organizzate dalla
Facoltà di Missiologia.
Il 25 febbraio, alle ore 17 in
Aula Newman si terrà la
conferenza del Prof.
Gioacchino Campese
“Non di solo pane…” (mt 4,4)
Missione della Chiesa con e dei
Gioacchino Campese is a
Scalabrinian missionary
from Italy and an adjunct
professor and researcher at
the Scalabrini International
He has ministered with
migrants at the U.S.-Mexico
border in Tijuana (Mexico),
in Chicago (U.S.), and in
southern Italy and has
studied theology in the
Philippines (Maryhill School
of Theology), U.S. (Catholic
[email protected]
Ai professori giungano le
congratulazioni di tutta la
comunità accademica
Theological Union and
Lutheran School of Theology
in Chicago), and Italy
(Urbaniana University).
He has edited and written
various books and essays on
different aspects of the
theology of migration,
including The Way of the
Cross of the Migrant
Jesus(Liguori Publications,
2006). Among his most
recent publications are “The
Irruption of Migrants:
Theology of Migration in the
21st Century,” Theological
Studies 73 (2012) 3-32 and
“Mission and Migration” in
Stephen B. Bevans (ed.), A
Century of Catholic Mission:
Roman Catholic Missiology
1910 to the Present (Regnum
Books International, 2013).