I. Acocella, R. Pepicelli (cur.), Giovani musulmane in Italia. Percorsi


I. Acocella, R. Pepicelli (cur.), Giovani musulmane in Italia. Percorsi
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J. Baudrillard, L’agonie de la puissance. Trois variations, Paris, Sens & Tonka, 2015.
B. Bailyn, Sometimes an art. Nine essays on history, New York, Knopf, 2015.
G. Bedeschi, Storia del pensiero liberale, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2015.
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W. Benjamin, Radio Benjamin, London, Verso, 2014.
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J. Bérenger, Habsbourg et Ottomans (1520-1918), Paris, Champion, 2015.
P. L. Berger, The many altars of modernity. Toward a paradigm for religion in a pluralist age,
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M. Biard, Missionnaires de la République. Les représentants du peuple en mission (1793-1795),
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A. Bilgrami, Secularism, identity, and enchantment, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 2014.
P. Birnbaum, Sur un nouveau moment antisémite. "Jour de colère", Paris, Fayard, 2015.
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H. Blumenberg, Schriften zur Technik, herausgegeben von A. Schmitz und B. Stiegler, Berlin,
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P. Borgna, Il coraggio dei giorni grigi. Vita di Giorgio Agosti, Roma, Laterza, 2015.
R. Brigati, Il giusto a chi va. Filosofia del merito e della meritocrazia, Bologna, Il mulino, 2015.
J.-P. Brun, Les voies incertaines de la repentance. Algérie 1830-1962, Paris, Dualpha, 2015.
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P. Calamandrei, Diario, introduzione di M. Isnenghi, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2015.
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V. Cheterian, Open wounds. Armenians, Turks and a century of genocide, London, Hurst &
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L. Chouikha e E. Gobe, Histoire de la Tunisie depuis l'indépendance, Paris, La Découverte, 2015.
C. Claverini, Utopia concreta. Pensiero utopico e ideologia in Niccolò Machiavelli e Tommaso
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S. Coeuré, Pierre Pascal. La Russie entre christianisme et communisme, Lausanne, Noir sur Blanc,
P. Corbetta, La ricerca sociale. Metodologia e tecniche, Bologna, Il mulino, 2015.
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A. Danan, Les Juifs de France et l'État d'Israël (1948-1982), Paris, Champion, 2014.
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J. De Lorenzi, Guardians of the tradition. Historians and historical writing in Ethiopia and Eritrea,
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F. De Vivo, A. Guidi, A. Silvestri (cur.), Archivi e archivisti in Italia tra Medioevo ed età moderna,
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T. de Waal, Great catastrophe. Armenians and Turks in the shadow of genocide, New York, Oxford
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M. Degl'Innocenti, La patria divisa. Socialismo, nazione e guerra mondiale, Milano, Angeli, 2015.
R. Di Donato, M. Gandini (cur.), Le intrecciate vie. Carteggi di Ernesto de Martino con Vittorio
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F. Di Palma, W. Mueller (cur.), Kommunismus und Europa. Europapolitik und Vorstellungen der
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M. Dogliani, La ricerca dell'ordine perduto. Scritti scelti, saggi introduttivi di A. Algostino et al.,
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G. Dorso, Appello ai meridionali e altri scritti, Fano, Aras, 2015.
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J.-P. Dozon, Afrique en présences. Du monde atlantique à la globalisation néolibérale, Paris,
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A. Escudier, L. Martin (cur.), Histoires universelles et philosophies de l'histoire. De l'origine du
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T. Etzemüller, Auf der Suche nach dem nordischen Menschen. Die deutsche Rassenanthropologie
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D. Fusaro, Antonio Gramsci. La passione di essere nel mondo, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2015.
G. Gagliano, La filosofia politica kantiana, Roma, Armando, 2015.
G. Galasso, La memoria, la vita, i valori. Itinerari crociani, a cura di E. Giammattei, Bologna, Il
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M. A. Garito, L'università nel XXI secolo tra tradizione e innovazione, Milano, McGraw-Hill
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A. Gerritsen, G. Riello (cur.), Writing material culture history, London, Bloomsbury, 2015.
P. Ghosh, Max Weber and “The protestant ethic”. Twin histories, Oxford, Oxford University Press,
F. Giansoldati, La marcia senza ritorno. Il genocidio armeno, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2015.
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J. González Fisac (cur.), Barbarie y civilización. XVI Encuentro de la Ilustración al Romanticismo.
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A. M. Grzymała-Busse, Nations under God. How churches use moral authority to influence policy,
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B. Guion (cur.), Le sentiment moral, Paris, Champion, 2015.
R. Hachtmann, S. Reichardt (cur.), Detlev Peukert und die NS-Forschung, Göttingen, Wallstein
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A. Herbeth, Jacques Soustelle. L'homme de l'intégration, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2015.
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I. V. Hull, A scrap of paper. Breaking and making international law during the Great War, Ithaca,
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S. Ihrig, Ataturk in the nazi imagination, Cambridge, Belknapp Press, 2014.
A. Jakovljevic, Schillers Geschichtsdenken. Die Unbegreiflichkeit der Weltgeschichte, Berlin,
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O. V. Khlevniuk, Stalin. New biography of a dictator, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2015.
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C. Lévi-Strauss, Chers tous deux. Lettres à ses parents 1931-1942, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 2015.
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E. Loyer, Lévi-Strauss, Parigi, Flammarion, 2015.
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S. Lyandres, The fall of tsarism. Untold stories of the February 1917 Revolution, Oxford, Oxford
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G. Mallard, Fallout. Nuclear diplomacy in an age of global fracture, Chicago, University of Chicago
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Mario Abbiate. Le intuizioni oltre il suo tempo, Torino, Nuova Trauben, 2015.
A. Marozzi, Prassi e redenzione. Uno studio della dialettica negativa di T. W. Adorno, Saonara, Il
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K. Panian, Goodbye, Antoura. A memoir of the Armenian genocide, Stanford, Stanford University
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S. Pedersen, The guardians. The League of Nations and the crisis of empire, New York, Oxford
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V. Pinto, In nome della patria. Ebrei e cultura di destra nel Novecento, Firenze, Le lettere, 2015.
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D. Rossini, Donne e propaganda internazionale. Percorsi femminili tra Italia e Stati Uniti nell'età
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A. Roux, La Chine contemporaine, Paris, Colin, 2015.
P.-B. Ruffini, Science et diplomatie. Une nouvelle dimension des relations internationales, Paris,
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E. Runia, Moved by the past. Discontinuity and historical mutation, New York, Columbia
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A. Ryan, The making of modern liberalism, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2015.
M. L. Salvadori, Democrazia. Storia di un'idea tra mito e realtà, Roma, Donzelli, 2015.
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P. Schuster, Verbrecher, Opfer, Heilige. Eine Geschichte des Tötens 1200-1700, Stuttgart, KlettCotta, 2015.
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P. Slack, The invention of improvement. Information and material progress in Seventeenth-century
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R. B. St. John, Libya. Continuity and change, London, Routledge, 2015.
R. G. Suny, They can live in the desert but nowhere else. A history of the Armenian genocide,
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L. Testot (cur.), Histoire globale. Un autre regard sur le monde, Auxerre, Sciences Humaines
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D. Thompson, The dignity of Chartism. Essays, edited by S. Roberts, London, Verso, 2015.
A. M. Vassalli Eandi, Saggio sopra l'educazione e l'istruzione pubblica, a cura di P. Bianchini,
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P. Wolfe, Traces of history. Elementary structures of race, London, Verso, 2015.
D. R. Woodly, The politics of common sense. How social movements use public discourse to
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H. Zhang (cur.), Thirty years of Chinese history studies, Chicago, MCM Prime, 2015.