Rue des artistes, a bio-sourced renovation


Rue des artistes, a bio-sourced renovation
Ca s o s tu d i o : Ru e d e s a r ti s te s , a b i o -s o u r ce d r e n o va ti o n
S i to we b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /i ta l i a /
Rue des artistes, a bio-sourced renovation
Tipo lo gia di pro getto : Ristrutturazio ne
Tipo di edificio : Co ndo minio di altezza
inferio re a 50 m
Anno di co struzio ne : 18 8 0
Zo na climatica : [Cfb] Marine Mild Winter,
warm summer, no dry seaso n.
Superficie utile calpestabile : 239 m 2
Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 170
000 €
Numero delle unità funzio nali : 8
Co sti/m2 : 711 €/m 2
Co sti/Appartamenti : 21 250
, 750 14 Paris, France
// Descrizione
"Reno vatio n pro ject o f a building co nstructed in 18 8 0 in Paris. The client undertakes a co mprehensive reflectio n o f energy and
eco lo gical reno vatio n o f buildings. In co mpliance with the o riginal co nstructive system and in o rder to preserve the building,
reflectio n was co nducted with bio based materials.
The existing building presents pro blems related to indo o r humidity, water infiltratio n fro m the ro o f o f neighbo ring and po o r o r
no thermic insulatio n. A face lift do ne in the 19 9 0 s added a plastic co ating o n the facades which has co ntributed to the
hydro thermal degradatio n o f the frame.
As part o f the studies, we studied the surface creatio n o ppo rtunity in elevatio n to allo w an eco no mic balance in the o verall
investment in building bio -based materials. The elevatio n was no t po ssible fo r reaso ns o f regulato ry enviro nment and lack o f
surface created -fo o tprint o f the building: 70 m² The cho ice fo r the insulatio n o f street façades was fo cused o n hemp co ncrete.
This material allo wed us to insulate the main facades and re-co ated in co ntinuity o f the material o n the spro ckets. These co uld
no t be insulated fo r o vertaking reaso ns o n the gro und o f neighbo rs, then blasted co ating at the gables were replaced with
hemp co ncrete, which adjusts the humidity o f the building. The windo ws were replaced with wo o den jo inery, do uble glazing,
high perfo rmance, and displaced o utside o f the structure to be at the level o f thermal insulatio n.
Reno vatio n with insulatio n o f facades, change wo o dwo rk, attic insulatio n and bio based materials reached facto r 4 Building
energy expenditure. "
Vanessa Gro b architect
Maggio ri de t t agli sul pro ge t t o : ject-view/rue-des-artistes (...)
At t e ndibilit à de i dat i :
Auto -dichiarazio ne
// Stakeholders
No me : SCI
Direttore dei lavori
No me : Atelier D
co [email protected]
Sito web :
Azio ne : Mastery o f wo rk
Agenzia di consulenza per impianti termici
No me : Po uget Co nsultants
co ntact@po uget-co
Sito web : http://www.po uget-co
Azio ne : thermal engineering
No me : Akta BVP
info m
Sito web : m/
Azio ne : hemp co ncrete batch
No me : Netbatim
netbatim@ho m
Azio ne : lo t facelift, zinc and ro o fing
No me : Quedubo is
info @quedubo m
Sito web : http://www.quedubo m/
Azio ne : windo ws
T ipo lo gia co nt rat t uale :
Lo tti separati
Appro ccio de l pro prie t ario alla so st e nibilit à e ne rge t ica : The reno vatio n pro ject presented here is a private rental
use pro perty lo cated in a typical area o f the 14th arro ndissement o f Paris. This mo no pro perty embarked o n a pro ject to
impro ve and maintain the o verall quality o f the building and tenants co mfo rt. The first step co nsisted in an audit o f the building
o n the energy and technical appro aches. It came o ut that the walls o f the building acco unted fo r 40 % o f the heat lo ss. In
additio n, the disco mfo rt and the appearance o f certain diseases o n certain areas o f the building led to the selectio n o f a
suitable thermal insulatio n building materials. In o rder to ensure quality o f indo o r air and the health o f walls, breathable
insulating so lutio n in line with the existing typo lo gy was quickly co nsidered. This so lutio n, hemp co ncrete, respo nds favo rably
to the demand fo r thermal impro vements while being co mpatible with the o ld type o f mo isture-sensitive frame. It is recalled
that, and it was the subject o f o ther cards, this co mplex insulatio n thro ugh hemp can sto re carbo n and having a do uble
co ntributio n to reducing the impact o n climate change. The heating seaso n starts and tenants already evo ke a no table gain o f
thermal co mfo rt and heaters that run a little bit...
"We favo r the installatio n in the center o f Paris o f a mo re fragile po pulatio n when it co mes to stro ng rents - apo pulatio n that
unfo rtunately o ften migrates to the o utskirts o f the city. Our tenants are retired (librarian), maid, nurses, secretaries and
students. The Real Estate co mpany wants to keep this po pulatio n inside the city by o ffering a respo nsible habitat and quality.
We also ho pe by this actio n the awareness o f enviro nmental respo nsibility. " Juliette Heckmann, o wner
De scrizio ne archit e t t o nica : The wo rk o n this three-sto rey building is glo bal. The idea is to simultaneo usly so lve
mo isture diso rders, the weak thermal insulatio n and asso ciated disco mfo rts. The cho ice sto pped o n the use o f hemp
co ncrete to co ver the walls, previo usly "picked up” with a layer o f 10 cm o n the gro und flo o r and 20 cm o n the upper levels.
This insulatio n co ating ensures bo th co ntinuity: the insulatio n blanket (thanks to its co ntinued applicatio n) and capillary thus
avo iding any risk o f disease asso ciated with water retentio n in the walls.
// Energia
Energy consumption
Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria : 138 ,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria de l m e de sim o e dif icio co st ruit o se co ndo gli st andard m inim i pre vist i dalla no rm at iva vige nt e :
231,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Me t o do di calco lo :
CEEB : 0 ,0 0 kWh PE / €
Ripart izio ne de l co nsum o di e ne rgia prim aria no n rinno vabile in uso : Pro ject details:
- U-Value reference fo r the building=0 ,446 - 0 ,773
- Primary Energy Co efficient (kWh EP/m2/an)=138 ,78 - 231,36
- Electric = 413,49 - 49 5,6 6
- Gas = 1115,32 - 26 58 ,8 8
To tal Primary energy(kwh EP /m²)= 6 9 ,17 - 149 ,71
Electric =476 3,51 - 476 6 ,9 9
Gas =58 54,13 - 6 9 74,6 9
To tal Primary energy(kwh EP /m²)= 57,6 - 6 1,19
Electric=741,52 - 741,9 9
To tal Primary energy(kwh EP /m²)=6 ,0 7 - 6 ,0 8
Electric=155,49 - 275,6 7
Fans (Electric)=56 9 ,41 - 48 1,53
To tal Primary energy(kwh EP /m²)=1,27 - 2,26
Fans - To tal Primary energy(kwh EP /m²)= 4,6 6 - 12,13
Co nsum o iniziale prim a de ll\'inizio de i lavo ri : 58 6 ,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Performance dell'involucro
T rasm it t anza : 0 ,45 W.m -2 .K-1
Maggio ri inf o rm azio ni : The hemp co ncrete is applied o n the gro und flo o r with a thickness o f 10 cm and up to 20 cm (R
= 2.7m².K / W) starting fro m the 1st flo o r. It is with wo o d wo o l that the ro o f is insulated with thermal resistance 7.5m².K / W in
this area. Do uble wo o den windo ws with reinfo rced insulatio n glazing have a Uw o f 1.4W / m².K. It sho uld be no ted that the
thermal insulatio n o f the casing is treated co ntinuo usly. Indeed, the hemp co ncrete is pro jected witho ut any disco ntinuity as
o ne might find with the installatio n o f metal rails fo r hanging a co nventio nal thermal insulatio n such as glass wo o l o r ro ck.
In additio n, the o verall change o f the o penings o f which the do rmants are in to tal co hesio n with the insulating layer o f hemp
co ncrete guarantees excellent thermal perfo rmance and lasting facades.
Co e f f icie nt e di co m pat t e zza de ll\'e dif icio (f at t o re di f o rm a s/v) : 0 ,78
// Fonti Rinnovabili e Impianti
Im piant o di riscaldam e nt o :
Riscaldamento elettrico
Im piant o di pro duzio ne di acqua calda sanit aria :
Caldaia elettrica indipendente
Im piant o di raf f re scam e nt o :
Nessun sistema di raffrescamento
Im piant o di ve nt ilazio ne :
Ventilazio ne naturale
Sist e m i pe r lo sf rut t am e nt o di f o nt i di e ne rgia rinno vabili :
Nessun sistema di energia da fo nti rinno vabili
// Prestazioni ambientali
GHG emissions
Em issio ni di Gas se rra in f ase di ut ilizzo :
16 ,0 0 KgCO 2 /m 2 /an
Life Cycle Analysis
Mat e riali e co -co m pat ibili : This reno vatio n pro gram with co mplete reno vatio n, including thermal insulatio n, favo rs
hemp co ncrete. This co mplex insulatio n further sto res the carbo n in plant fibers (hemp). Here hemp lime co mplex sto res 6 .1
to nnes o f CO2 and ro o f insulatio n 0 .6 8 to nne.
// Prodotti
Projected Concrete Plant
Pro dut t o re : Akta
Co nt at t o : m/co ntact
Sit o we b: m/
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : Opere strutturali / Struttura - Invo lucro - Finitura
De scrizio ne :
BVP® Co ncrete Plant Pro jected Hemp co ncrete frame is no w pro bably the best co nstructive
system that is in many aspects, many o f which are fundamental. Starting with its mo isture
capacity which hemp-lime co uple who run the water vapo r transfer and pro vides co mfo rt related
to the regulatio n o f the transfer o f water vapo r. Co ncrete hemp, by its ability to regulate the
humidity o f the air, and sto res desto cks water in vapo r fo rm. The water phase changes o ccur
and abso rb energy during the vapo r transfer thro ugh the wall. The surface temperature is
mo dified: in summer, the evapo ratio n lo wers the temperature and heating perio d, the uptake o f
steam raises the temperature. This regulatio n pro vides users hygro thermic hemp co ncrete co nstructio n o f a feeling o f co mfo rt
and significant results in significantly lo wer energy requirements. The hemp co ncrete is a material that effectively co ntributes to
a healthy habitat. We sho uld also mentio n benefits like a healthy material, a single-mass co nstructive system that eliminates
thermal bridging, durability perfo rmance, a virtuo us enviro nmental perfo rmance. The technique used fo r the implementatio n o f
hemp co ncrete walls is the pro jectio n. Kneading and transpo rt air flo w aggregate-binder mixture to the lance are carried o ut in
the dry. Water spray no zzles at the o utlet o f lance po ssible to give the mixture the pro per co nsistency to o btain the expected
mechanical and insulating perfo rmance. Density o f BVP® Co ncrete Plant Screened The theo retical density o f hemp co ncrete is
28 0 kg / m³ o f dry matter (110 kg chènevo tte and 170 kg o f lime). When pro jecting, it is necessary to add 150 L o f water per m³.
The usual density o f BVP® Co ncrete Plant Screened is 330 kg / m after drying, taking into acco unt the residual bo und water.
The BVP® Co ncrete Plant Pro jected allo ws to build in new and reno vatio n (extensio n o r elevatio n) with a reductio n in the
impact o n expenses raids. Its density is an advantage in difficult terrain, unlike co nventio nal materials that require heavy and
technical fo undatio ns, invo lving additio nal co sts.
Co m m e nt i:
Perfo rmance and guarantees / pro ducts certificatio ns. Technical requirements and qualities are: co ntinuo us quality co ntro l,
Validatio ns scientists BVP® Co efficient Lambda Labo rato ry: LNE (Natio nal Labo rato ry o f Metro lo gy and Testing) Standard:
guarded ho t plate Lambda: 0 .0 75 W / mK (density 26 0 kg / m3) reactio n to fire labo rato ry: CREPIM (Euro pean labo rato ry fo r
develo pment and validatio n o f materials fo r the secto rs co ncerned with fire safety) Standard: NF EN ISO 1716 classificatio n: Bs1 d0 pro fessio nal rules labo rato ry: ENTPE (Natio nal Scho o l o f State Public Wo rks) Pro to co l: Cenc mechanical resistance
co mpliant current test campaign Test pullo ut fo r validatio n o f the nature o f the BCP® Labo rato ry o verlay co ating: LNE Next
DTU 26 -1-destructive Test wo o d frame walls - BVP® Labo rato ry: ENTPE Evaluatio n by tests destructive, mo deling and
instrumentatio n o f BCP® co ntributio n in the mechanical stability o f timber frame walls (bracing and seismic). Pro to co l: EN 59 4
Validatio n o f pro ducts and materials used chènevo tte labeled building (specificatio ns Annex 1) Binder: Hydraulic lime HL 3.5
co mplies with EN 459 1.2.3. (Data sheet Appendix 2) Machine: Auto mated Gunit-G, ensuring a ho mo geneo us mixture and the
co mpany Qualificatio ns executio n quality The co mpany o btained the certificatio n 0 1/10 /20 14 Qualibat 7142 (Thermal
insulatio n and aco ustic co rrectio n pro jectio n- injectio n) and EGR mentio n.
// Costi
Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 170 0 0 0 €
Construction and exploitation costs
Co st o t o t ale de ll\'e dif icio :
16 5 6 13,0 0 €
// Qualità della pianificazione urbana
Am bie nt e urbano : The pro ject is lo cated in a dense urban co ntext, small plo ts in the raised area o f
the Mo ntso uris
reservo ir. The area is characterized by buildings o f the 19 th century height mo derated by the presence o f quarries in the
basement. At the heart o f the island is the Rue de la To mbe Isso ire, pro tected area. The area is mo stly residential and quiet
with sho ps o n majo r ro ads.
Supe rf icie t o t ale de ll\'are a di int e rve nt o :
Supe rf icie t o t ale de ll\'e dif icio :
77 m 2
10 0 %
// Qualità ambientale dell'edificio
Qualit à am bie nt ale de ll\'e dif icio :
Cantiere (inclusa la gestio ne dei rifiuti)
Gestio ne dei rifiuti (relativo all\'edificio )
Gestio ne del ciclo di vita dell\'edificio
Pro do tti e materiali
// Concorsi
This pro ject co mmits to a true sustainable appro ach in a ho using building. It also sho ws that an ambitio us and successful
pro ject can be made true by uniting co mpetences and enthusiasm o f all stakeho lders. Here, we'd like to emphasize the
mo tivatio n o f the o wner to unite so cial, eco no mic and enviro nmental appro aches to get a healthy, very energy efficient building
with guaranted co mfo rt and savings fo r the tenants.