programma inglese 5Asc


programma inglese 5Asc
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Cod. Sede: MIPS11000C - Linguistico: MIPS11002E
CF: 80126050154
Sede di San Donato Milanese
PROGRAMMA SVOLTO A.S. 2013/14 Docente : G. Gigliotti
Materia: inglese
Classe: 5Asc.
The Romantic Age [ “Visiting Literature” vol. A, M. Ansaldo ed. Petrini] Historical context pg.s 292-­‐4, 296-­‐7, 310-­‐11, 420-­‐1 Lliterary context pg.s 298-­‐9, 302, 304-­‐5 + Grand Tour top pg. 308 Romantic Poetry Poets of the First Generation: W. Wordswoth pg.s 326, 339 S. T. Coleridge pg.s 344, 352 “The Lyrical Ballads” pg.s 326 + introduction to Preface pg. 327 Lines composed few miles above Tintern Abbey all second stanza, fourth stanza vr.s 134-­‐155 (fotocopies) I wondered lonely as a cloud pg.s 333-­‐4 “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”: structure, main themes and characters pg.s 344-­‐5, 353, 355 part I, II pg.s 346-­‐50 Poets of the Second Generation: J. Keats pg.s 372, 383-­‐385 Ode on a Grecian Urn pg.s 380-­‐1 Fiction paragr. “The Novel” pg. 388, pg 391 W. Scott and the historical novel pg.s 398, 403-­‐4 Scott-­‐Manzoni pg.s 405-­‐7 “Ivanhoe”: main features, plot and characters pg.s 398-­‐9 J. Austen and the Novel of Manners pg.s 408, 418-­‐9 “Sense and Sensibility”: plot, main features and characters Pictoresque’s principles (fotocopies) “Northanger Abbey” parody of the Gothic Novel The Black Cabinet (fotocopies) Victorian Age [“Visiting Literature” vol. B, M. Ansaldo ed. Petrini] Historical context pg.s 4-­‐6 The spirit of the Age pg. 137-­‐139-­‐Victorian hypocrisy and formalism pg. 10 Victorian literary context pg. 14 Pre-­‐Raphaelites pg. 15 Dante Gabriel Rossetti pg. 34 Victorian Fiction pg.s 49 up to the paragraph devoted to R. Kipling Realism pg. 56 Naturalism pg. 57-­‐8 C. Dickens pg.s 59, 72-­‐3 “Hard Times”: plot, main themes and characters “Hard Times” pg.s 69-­‐71: The One Thing Needful and The Key Note Murdering the Innocents (fotocopies) R. Stevenson -­‐ “The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”: plot, main themes and characters. Pg.s 98-­‐99, 105 The Aesthetic Movement pg. 106 and 108-­‐109 O. Wilde pg 110, 125 “The Picture of D. Gray”: plot, main themes and characters Preface to “The Picture of D. Gray” pg. 111 Extracts from chapter 2 and 8 (fotocopies) The Double in Victorian Literature pg. 127 The Modern Age [“Visiting Literature” vol. B, M. Ansaldo ed. Petrini] historical context pg.s 146-­‐149 the Irish Question pg.s 150-­‐151 Literary context: Modernism pg. 153 The Lost Generation and the Cosmopolitan Spirit pg.s 212-­‐214 The Spirit of the Age pg.s 311-­‐13 Modern Poetry pg. 156 (no Vorticism and W. H. Auden) W. B. Yeats pg. 159, 167-­‐8 “An Irish Airman foresees his death” pg. 160 War Poets pg. 520 W. Owen pg. 523 Dulce et decorum est (fotocopies) Free Verse pg.s 169-­‐170 T. S. Eliot pg. 176, 191-­‐3 “The Waste Land”: structure, poetical features and themes pg. 177 The objective correlative: Eliot and Montale pg. 196 The Hollow Men (fotocopies) Modern Fiction pg. 210 (no D. H. Lawrence and G. Greene) J. Conrad pg. 215, 221-­‐2, 224 “Heart of darkness”: plot, main themes and characters pg.s 215-­‐16 Kurtz’s death pg. 220 Stream of Consciousness Technique pg.231-­‐4 J. Joyce pg. 235, pg.s 250-­‐1 “Ulysses”: structure and characters + pg. 244 Molly’s monologue pg. 248 V. Woolf pg. 254, 264-­‐5 “To the Lighthouse”: structure and characters pg. 259 Wishing to dominate, wishing to interfere pg.s 259-­‐61 The Gloomy World of Dystopia pg. 535 G. Orwell pg. 304, 309 + introduction to “Animal Farm” pg.s 304-­‐5 “1984”: plot, main themes and characters pg. 538 To understand the nature of the present war […] without producing anything that can be consumed (fotocopies from chapter 9, War is Peace) The Contemporary Age [“Visiting Literature” vol. B, M. Ansaldo ed. Petrini] Historical context pg.s 320-­‐322 up to the Vietnam War included. Literary context pg. 329 Contemporary Poetry pg. 332: only the introduction to The Movement and the Liverpool Poets. W. Golding pg. 414, 418 “Lord of the Flies”: plot, main themes and characters pg. 414-­‐15 There was silence again pg.s 415-­‐17 Contemporary Drama pg. 368 only up to the introduction of J. Osborne included. The Angry Young Men pg. 370 J. Osborne pg. 404, 409 “Look back in anger”: plot, main themes and characters pg. 404 Do you have to be so offensive? pg.s 405-­‐7 Data: 31 maggio 2014 Studenti: Docente: