References on the skew-normal distribution and related ones


References on the skew-normal distribution and related ones
References on the skew-normal distribution
and related ones
A. Azzalini
update: 22nd July 2008
This list includes material which is already published, or at least accepted for publication at the
date indicated above (DOI required), and any other form of “firm document” (such as a thesis or
a dissertation). It does not not include working papers and similar material.
A DCOCK , C. (2004). Capital asset pricing in UK stocks under the multivariate skew-normal
distribution. In Genton, M. G., editor, Skew-elliptical distributions and their applications: a
journey beyond normality, chapter 11, pages 191–204. Chapman & Hall/CRC.
A DCOCK , C. J. (2007). Extensions of Stein’s lemma for the skew-normal distribution. Commun. Statist. – Theory & Methods 36, 1661–1671.
A IGNER , D. J., L OVELL , C. A. K., & S CHMIDT, P. (1977). Formulation and estimation of
stochastic frontier production function model. J. Econometrics 12, 21–37.
A ITCHISON , J. & B ACON -S HONE , J. (1999). Convex linear combinations of compositions.
Biometrika 86, 351–364.
A ITCHISON , J., M ATEU -F IGUERAS , G., & N G, K. W. (2003). Characterization of distributional
forms for compositional data and associated distributional tests. Math. Geol. 35, 667–680.
A LLARD , D. & N AVEAU, P. (2007). A new spatial skew-normal random field model. Commun.
Statist. – Theory & Methods 36, 1821–1834.
A ND ĚL , J., N ETUKA , I., & Z VÁRA , K. (1984). On threshold autoregressive processes. Kybernetika 20, 89–106. Academia, Praha.
A RELLANO -VALLE , R. & DEL P INO , G. E. (2004). From symmetric to asymmetric distributions:
a unified approach. In Genton, M. G., editor, Skew-elliptical distributions and their applications: a journey beyond normality, chapter 7, pages 113–130. Chapman & Hall/CRC.
A RELLANO -VALLE , R. B. & A ZZALINI , A. (2006). On the unification of families of skew-normal
distributions. Scand. J. Statist. 33, 561–574.
A RELLANO -VALLE , R. B. & A ZZALINI , A. (2008). The centred parametrization for the multivariate skew-normal distribution. J. Multivariate Anal. 99, 1362–1382.
A RELLANO -VALLE , R. B., B OLFARINE , H., & L ACHOS , V. H. (2005a). Skew-normal linear
mixed models. Journal of Data Science 3, 415–438.
A RELLANO -VALLE , R. B., B RANCO, M. D., & G ENTON , M. G. (2006). A unified view on skewed
distributions arising from selections. Canad. J. Statist. 34, 581–601.
A RELLANO -VALLE , R. B., DEL P INO , G., & S AN M ARTÍN , E. (2002). Definition and probabilistic
properties of skew-distributions. Statist. Probab. Lett. 58, 111–121.
A RELLANO -VALLE , R. B. & G ENTON , M. G. (2005). On fundamental skew distributions. J.
Multivariate Anal. 96, 93–116.
A RELLANO -VALLE , R. B., G ÓMEZ , H. W., & Q UINTANA , F. A. (2004). A new class of skewnormal distributions. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 33, 1465–1480.
A RELLANO -VALLE , R. B., G ÓMEZ , H. W., & Q UINTANA , F. A. (2005b). Statistical inference
for a general class of asymmetric distributions. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 128, 427–443.
A RELLANO -VALLE , R. B., O ZÁN , S., B OLFARINE , H., & L ACHOS , V. H. (2005c). Skew-normal
measurement error models. J. Multivariate Anal. 96, 265–281.
A RNOLD , B. C. & B EAVER , R. J. (2000a). Hidden truncation models. Sankhyā, ser. A 62,
A RNOLD , B. C. & B EAVER , R. J. (2000b). The skew-Cauchy distribution. Statist. Probab. Lett.
49, 285–290.
A RNOLD , B. C. & B EAVER , R. J. (2000c). Some skewed multivariate distributions. Amer. J. of
Mathematical and Management Sciences 20, 27–38.
A RNOLD , B. C. & B EAVER , R. J. (2002). Skewed multivariate models related to hidden
truncation and/or selective reporting (with discussion). Test 11, 7–54.
A RNOLD , B. C. & B EAVER , R. J. (2004). Elliptical models subject to hidden truncation and
selective sampling. In Genton, M. G., editor, Skew-elliptical distributions and their applications: a journey beyond normality, chapter 6, pages 101–112. Chapman & Hall/CRC.
A RNOLD , B. C. & B EAVER , R. J. (2007). Skewing around: relationships among classes of
skewed distributions. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 9, 153–162.
A RNOLD , B. C., B EAVER , R. J., G ROENEVELD , R. A., & M EEKER , W. Q. (1993). The nontruncated marginal of a truncated bivariate normal distribution. Psychometrika 58, 471–478.
A RNOLD , B. C., C ASTILLO, E., & S ARABIA , J. M. (1999). Conditional specification of statistical
models. Springer series in statistics. Springer-Verlag, New York and Heidelberg.
A RNOLD , B. C., C ASTILLO, E., & S ARABIA , J. M. (2002). Conditionally specified multivariate
skewed distributions. Sankhyā, ser. A 64, 206–226.
A RNOLD , B. C., C ASTILLO, E., & S ARABIA , J. M. (2007). Distributions with generalized
skewed conditionals and mixtures of such distributions. Commun. Statist. – Theory &
Methods 36, 1493–1503.
A RNOLD , B. C. & L IN , G. D. (2004). Characterizations of the skew-normal and generalized
chi distributions. Sankhyā 66, 593–06.
A ZZALINI , A. (1985). A class of distributions which includes the normal ones. Scand. J.
Statist. 12, 171–178.
A ZZALINI , A. (1986). Further results on a class of distributions which includes the normal
ones. Statistica XLVI, 199–208.
A ZZALINI , A. (2001). A note on regions of given probability of the skew-normal distribution.
Metron LIX, 27–34.
A ZZALINI , A. (2005). The skew-normal distribution and related multivariate families (with
discussion). Scand. J. Statist. 32, 159–188 (C/R 189–200).
A ZZALINI , A. (2006a). Skew-normal family of distributions. In Kotz, S., Balakrishnan, N.,
Read, C. B., & Vidakovic, B., editors, Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, volume 12, pages
7780–7785. J. Wiley & Sons, New York, second edition.
A ZZALINI , A. (2006b). Some recent developments in the theory of distributions and their applications. In Atti della XLIII Riunione Scientifica, volume Sessioni plenarie e specializzate,
pages 51–64, Torino. Società Italiana di Statistica, CLEUP.
A ZZALINI , A. & C APITANIO, A. (1999). Statistical applications of the multivariate skew normal
distributions. J. R. Stat. Soc., ser. B 61, 579–602.
A ZZALINI , A. & C APITANIO, A. (2003). Distributions generated by perturbation of symmetry
with emphasis on a multivariate skew t distribution. J. R. Stat. Soc., ser. B 65, 367–389.
A ZZALINI , A. & C HIOGNA , M. (2004). Some results on the stress-strength model for skewnormal variates. Metron LXII, 315–326.
A ZZALINI , A., D AL C APPELLO, T., & KOTZ , S. (2003). Log-skew-normal and log-skew-t distributions as model for family income data. Journal of Income Distribution 11, 12–20.
A ZZALINI , A. & D ALLA VALLE , A. (1996). The multivariate skew-normal distribution.
Biometrika 83, 715–726.
A ZZALINI , A. & G ENTON , M. G. (2008). Robust likelihood methods based on the skew-t and
related distributions. International Statistical Review 76, 106–129.
B ALAKRISHNAN , N. (2002). Comment to a paper by B. Arnold & R. Beaver. Test 11, 37–39.
B ALAKRISHNAN , N., B RITO, M. R., & Q UIROZ , A. J. (2007). A vectorial notion of skewness
and its use in testing for multivariate symmetry. Commun. Statist. – Theory & Methods 36,
B ALL , L. & M ANKIW, N. G. (1995). Relative–price changes as aggregate supply shocks.
Quaterly J. Economics CX, 161–193.
B ALOCH , S. H., K RIM , H., & G ENTON , M. G. (2004). Shape representation with flexible
skew-symmetric distributions. In Genton, M. G., editor, Skew-elliptical distributions and
their applications: a journey beyond normality, chapter 17, pages 291–308. Chapman &
B AZÁN , J. L., B RANCO, M. D., & B OLFARINE , H. (2006). A skew item response model.
Bayesian Analysis 1, 861–892.
B EHBOODIAN , J., JAMALIZADEH , A., & B ALAKRISHNAN , N. (2006). A new class of skewCauchy distributions. Statist. Probab. Lett. 76, 1488–1493.
B IRNBAUM , Z. W. (1950). Effect of linear truncation on a multinormal population. Ann.
Math. Statist. 21, 272–279.
B OLFARINE , H. & L ACHOS , V. (2006). Skew binary regression with measurement errors.
Statistics 40, 485–494.
B OLFARINE , H. & L ACHOS , V. H. (2007). Skew probit measurement error models. Statistical
Methodology 4, 1–12.
B RANCO, M. D. & D EY, D. K. (2001). A general class of multivariate skew-elliptical distributions. J. Multivariate Anal. 79, 99–113.
C ANALE , A. (2008). Aspetti statistici nella normal asimmetrica estesa. Tesi di laurea specialistica, Facoltà di Scienze Statistiche, Università di Padova, Padova, Italia.
C APITANIO, A., A ZZALINI , A., & S TANGHELLINI , E. (2003). Graphical models for skew-normal
variates. Scand. J. Statist. 30, 129–144.
C APPUCCIO, N., L UBIAN , D., & R AGGI , D. (2004). MCMC Bayesian estimation of a skewGED stochastic volatility model. Studies in nonlinear dynamics and econometrics 8.
C ARTINHOUR , J. (1990). One dimensional marginal density function of a truncated multivariate normal density function. Commun. Statist. – Theory & Methods 19, 197–203.
C HANG, S.-M. & G ENTON , M. G. (2007). Extreme value distributions for the skew-symmetric
family of distributions. Commun. Statist. – Theory & Methods 36, 1705–1717.
C HEN , J. T. & G UPTA , A. K. (2005). Matrix variate skew normal distributions. Statistics 39,
C HEN , J. T., G UPTA , A. K., & N GUYEN , T. T. (2004). The density of the skew normal sample
mean and its application. J. Statist. Comput. Simul. 74, 487–494.
C HEN , J. T., G UPTA , A. K., & T ROSKIE , C. G. (2003). The distribution of stock returns when
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C HEN , M.-H. (2004). Skewed link models for categorical response data. In Genton, M. G.,
editor, Skew-elliptical distributions and their applications: a journey beyond normality, chapter 8, pages 131–152. Chapman & Hall/CRC.
C HEN , M.-H., D EY, D. K., & S HAO, Q.-M. (1999). A new skewed link model for dichotomous
quantal response data. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 94, 1172–1186.
C HIOGNA , M. (1998). Some results on the scalar skew-normal distribution. J. Ital. Statist.
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C HIOGNA , M. (2005). A note on the asymptotic distribution of the maximum likelihood
estimator for the scalar skew-normal distribution. Stat. Meth. & Appl. 14, 331–341.
C HOU, Y.-M. & O WEN , D. B. (1984). An approximation to the percentiles of a variable of
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C HU, K. K., WANG, N., S TANLEY, S., & C OHEN , N. D. (2001). Statistical evaluation of the
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C OELLI , T., P RASADA R AO , D. S., & B ATTESE , G. E. (1998). An introduction to efficiency
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C OPAS , J. B. & L I , H. G. (1997). Inference for non-random samples (with discussion). J. R.
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C RAWFORD , J. R., G ARTHWAITE , P. H., A ZZALINI , A., H OWELL , D. C., & L AWS , K. R. (2006).
Testing for a deficit in single-case studies: Effects of departures from normality. Neuropsychologia 44, 666–677.
C ROCETTA , C. & L OPERFIDO, N. (2005). The exact sampling distribution of L−statistics.
Metron LXIII, 213–223.
D ALLA VALLE , A. (1998). La distribuzione normale asimmetrica: problematiche e utilizzi nelle
applicazioni. Tesi di dottorato, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università di Padova,
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D ALLA VALLE , A. (2004). The skew-normal distribution. In Genton, M. G., editor, Skewelliptical distributions and their applications: a journey beyond normality, chapter 1, pages
3–24. Chapman & Hall/CRC.
D ALLA VALLE , A. (2007). A test for the hypothesis of skew-normality in a population. J.
Statist. Comput. Simul. 77, 63–77.
DE H ELGUERO , F. (1909). Sulla rappresentazione analitica delle curve abnormali. In Castelnuovo, G., editor, Atti del IV Congresso Internazionale dei Matematici (Roma, 6–11 Aprile
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D E L UCA , G., G ENTON , M. G., & L OPERFIDO, N. (2005). A multivariate skew-GARCH model.
Advances in Econometrics 20, 33–57.
D E L UCA , G. & L OPERFIDO, N. M. R. (2004). A skew-in-mean GARCH model. In Genton,
M. G., editor, Skew-elliptical distributions and their applications: a journey beyond normality, chapter 12, pages 205–222. Chapman & Hall/CRC.
D EY, D. K. & L IU, J. (2005). A new construction for skew multivariate distributions. J.
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D I C ICCIO, T. J. & M ONTI , A. C. (2004). Inferential aspects of the skew exponential power
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D OMINGUEZ -M OLINA , J. A. & A., R.-A. (2007). On the infinite divisibility of some skewed
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D OMÍNGUEZ -M OLINA , J. A., G ONZÁLEZ -FARÍAS , G., & R AMOS -Q UIROGA , R. (2004). Skewnormality in stochastic frontier analysis. In Genton, M. G., editor, Skew-elliptical distributions and their applications: a journey beyond normality, chapter 13, pages 223–242.
Chapman & Hall/CRC.
(2007). A matrix variate closed skew-normal distribution with applications to stochastic
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D URIO, A. & N IKITIN , Y. Y. (2003). Local Bahadur efficiency of some goodness-of-fit tests
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E YER , L. & G ENTON , M. G. (2004). An astronomical distance determination method using
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and their applications: a journey beyond normality, chapter 18, pages 309–319. Chapman
& Hall/CRC.
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G ENTON , M. G. & L OPERFIDO, N. (2005). Generalized skew-elliptical distributions and their
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