
Accelerando - Gradually moving faster
Adagio - Slowly
Ad libitum - At will
Agitato - Agitated
Al fine - To the end
Alla marcia - In the style of a march
Allargando - Gradually moving slower
Allegretto - Moderately fast
Allegro - Fast
Al segno - The sign
Andante - Moderate, walking tempo
Animato - Brisk, animated
A piacere - At will, freely
Appassionata - With passion
Aria - Song
Arioso - Melodious
A tempo - At original speed
Larghetto - Moderately slow
Largo - Very slow
Legato - Smooth, attached
Leggiero - Delicate and light
Lento - Slow
Lontano - Distant
Bravura - Spirited
Brillante - Brilliantly
Brio - Firey, spirited
Buffa - Comic
Nicht - Not
Nicht zu schnell - Not too fast
Niente - nothing
Maestoso - Majestically
Marcato - Marked, accented
Marcia - March
Massig - Moderate
Meno - Less
Mezzo - Moderately
Mezzo forte - Moderately loud
Mezzo piano - Moderately soft
Moderato - Moderate speed
Molto - Much
Ossia - Or
Cadenza - An unaccompanied passage
Cantabile - In a singing manner
Capo - Beginning (of the music)
Capriccioso - Whimsical, capricious
Coda - A closing passage or section
Con - With
Con moto - With motion
Crescendo - Get louder gradually
Pesante - Heavy
Pianissimo - As soft as possible
Piano - Soft
Piu mosso - More motion
Poco a poco - Little by little
Portato - Lengthened, sustained
Presto - Very fast
Da capo - From the beginning
Dal segno - From the sign
Decrescendo - Get softer gradually
Diminuendo - Get softer gradually
Doppio - Twice as much
Quasi - Like, As if
Espressivo - Expressively
Etwas - Somewhat
Scherzo - Joke, playfully
Sempre - Always
Senza - Without
Sostenuto - Sustained
Sotto voce - With a soft voice
Spiritoso - Spirited
Staccato - Detached, short
Stringendo - Hurried, accelerating
Subito - Sudden
Fermata - Hold, pause
Fine - End
Forte - Loud
Fortissimo - As loud as possible
Forzando - With force
Grave - Serious, solemn
Grazioso - Gracefully
Immer - Always
Istesso tempo - Same speed
Lacrimoso - Mournful
Langsam - Slow
Rallentando - Slowing down gradually
Ritardando - Slowing down gradually
Rubato - At will, give and take
Tacet - Silent
Tempo - Speed
Tenuto - Hold, sustain
Tranquillo - Tranquil, peaceful
Tutti - All (play)
Vigoroso - Vigorous
Vivace - Lively, quickly

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