Aggiornamento BMW•Road Map Europa Premium•2016-1


Aggiornamento BMW•Road Map Europa Premium•2016-1
Informazioni sul prodotto
10/2015, 1.1
Aftersales/Componenti e accessori/Infotainment e comunicazione/Aggiornamento navigatori
PI: SZ_208_10_15
Accessori Original BMW
Aggiornamento BMW
Road Map Europa Premium
• Aggiornamento
Descrizione del prodotto
Questo aggiornamento è utilizzabile esclusivamente con
il sistema di navigazione BMW Professional (SA 609)
in abbinamento alla Head Unit CIC. Può essere offerto
dal concessionario come servizio oppure eseguito dal
cliente stesso. La Road Map Europa Premium è
disponibile come aggiornamento singolo nonché come
aggiornamento con 2 anni di abbonamento. Per entrambi
i prodotti è necessario un codice di abilitazione a pagamento.
L'aggiornamento con 2 anni di abbonamento richiede un
codice di abilitazione solo all'inizio del periodo per attivare
tutte le nuove mappe della Road Map Europe Premium che
vengono proposte sul mercato per i successivi 24 mesi. Al
termine dell'abbonamento il cliente ha nuovamente la possibilità
di scegliere fra l'aggiornamento singolo e l'aggiornamento con
2 anni di abbonamento.
Aggiornamento presso il concessionario
– Il concessionario ha sempre a sua disposizione il materiale
cartografico più aggiornato sulla HDD Map Copy Console. Il
concessionario deve salvare il materiale su una propria penna
USB ed eseguire l'aggiornamento sulla vettura per mezzo
della penna USB caricata. Il processo di aggiornamento
tramite penna USB dura circa 45 minuti.
– Inoltre, è possibile eseguire il caricamento di un
aggiornamento anche tramite ISTA/P. Il processo di
aggiornamento tramite ISTA/P dura circa 120 – 180 minuti.
Aggiornamento da parte del cliente
– Il materiale cartografico viene fornito su una penna USB
con la quale il cliente può eseguire autonomamente
l'aggiornamento. A tal fine, il cliente deve inserire la penna
USB nella porta USB e inserire il codice di abilitazione tramite
il controller iDrive. In questo modo, l'aggiornamento (penna
USB e codice di abilitazione) si presenta come prodotto
Esempio di nuova confezione del prodotto
La suddivisione dei paesi della Road Map Europa
Europa (occidentale)
Copertura completa
Andorra, Austria, Belgio, Città del Vaticano, Danimarca,
Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Gibilterra, Gran Bretagna, Irlanda,
Italia, Liechtenstein, Lussemburgo, Monaco, Norvegia, Paesi
Bassi, Portogallo, San Marino, Spagna, Svezia e Svizzera.
Copertura parziale
Croazia, Grecia, Polonia, Repubblica Ceca, Slovacchia, Slovenia
e Ungheria.
Solo rete stradale principale
Albania, Bielorussia, Bosnia ed Erzegovina, Bulgaria, Estonia,
Lettonia, Lituania, Macedonia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Romania,
Russia, Serbia, Turchia e Ucraina.
Attualità dei contenuti
Le informazioni sul prodotto sono volte esclusivamente a fornire una prima
informazione sui nuovi prodotti commercializzati.
Prima dell’ordinazione verificare sempre i numeri di articolo indicati sul
catalogo dei ricambi. Solamente il catalogo dei ricambi riporta i dati
Pacchetti all inclusive
Per un elenco dettagliato dell’offerta vedere i pacchetti all inclusive sul DVD KSD.
Vi preghiamo di desumere i prezzi in vigore dal vostro listino prezzi o
dalle pubblicazioni dei prezzi a voi note.
Aggiornamento BMW
Road Map Europa Premium
Europa (orientale)
Principali 10 paesi per l'aggiunta di chilometri
Copertura completa
Bosnia ed Erzegovina
Austria, Belgio, Città del Vaticano, Danimarca, Finlandia,
Germania, Italia, Liechtenstein, Lussemburgo, Norvegia, Paesi
Bassi, Repubblica Ceca, San Marino, Svezia e Svizzera.
Copertura parziale
Bielorussia, Bulgaria, Croazia, Estonia, Grecia, Lettonia, Lituania,
Polonia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Turchia,
Ucraina e Ungheria.
Solo rete stradale principale
Albania, Andorra, Bosnia ed Erzegovina, Francia, Gibilterra, Gran
Bretagna, Irlanda, Macedonia, Moldavia, Monaco, Montenegro,
Portogallo e Spagna.
Argomentazioni di vendita/vantaggi
Aggiornando regolarmente le mappe stradali digitali, non solo è
possibile raggiungere facilmente qualsiasi destinazione e
usufruire di tutte le funzioni del sistema di navigazione,
ma anche risparmiare tempo e carburante grazie alla scelta
del percorso ottimale, il che ha effetti positivi non solo per il
conducente, ma anche per l'ambiente.
Un sistema di navigazione è valido solamente se il
materiale cartografico è attuale. Ogni anno, fino al 15% dei
percorsi stradali è soggetto a variazioni: nascono nuove strade
e zone residenziali e industriali, le autostrade vengono dotate
di nuovi incroci e/o di nuove uscite, nuove stazioni di servizio,
hotel ed inoltre di informazioni supplementari integrative lungo
il percorso (Points of Interest = POI). È possibile garantire
una navigazione senza intoppi e il raggiungimento
della destinazione, oltre al funzionamento ottimale
delle funzioni di avviso delle code, solo se il materiale
cartografico è aggiornato alla versione più recente.
Questo aggiornamento contiene un aumento della copertura
rispetto alla versione 2015-2 di 461.161 chilometri
aggiuntivi , 18.388.819 nuovi indirizzi e 292.825 POI
+ 84%
+ 28%
+ 12%
+ 7%
+ 7%
+ 5%
+ 3%
+ 3%
+ 2%
+ 2%
Principali 10 paesi delle modifiche POI
Bosnia ed Erzegovina
Repubblica Ceca
+ 906%
+ 31%
+ 13%
+ 9%
+ 7%
+ 7%
+ 7%
+ 6%
+ 6%
+ 6%
Informazioni più dettagliate sulle modifiche si trovano nelle
ultime pagine delle presenti Informazioni sul prodotto.
La Road Map Europa Premium contiene le seguenti
funzioni aggiuntive:
– Guided Tour
– Oggetti 3D
– Modelli di città 3D
– Immagini satellitari (per vetture prodotte dal 09/2009)
– Elenco dei partner BMW
Aggiornamento BMW
Road Map Europa Premium
La funzione TMC è disponibile attualmente per i
seguenti paesi:
– Belgio
– Danimarca
– Germania
– Francia
– Gran Bretagna
– Italia
– Paesi Bassi
– Norvegia
– Austria
– Svezia
– Svizzera
– Spagna
– Repubblica Ceca
Confronto con la concorrenza
– Rispetto agli apparecchi di navigazione portatili, BMW offre
gli aggiornamenti per i sistemi di navigazione integrati nelle
diverse vetture per un lunghissimo periodo di tempo. I sistemi
di navigazione portatili vengono già offerti con abbonamenti
illimitati per le mappe GPS, la durata di un apparecchio di
navigazione portatile copre però per lo più solamente un
periodo di pochi anni, dopodiché non viene più offerto alcun
servizio per questo tipo di apparecchio.
– Rispetto ai concorrenti del mercato automobilistico di fascia
alta, il prezzo proposto da BMW per gli aggiornamenti delle
mappe stradali digitali è molto concorrenziale. A seconda dei
prezzi locali, gli aggiornamenti per le vetture BMW risultano
anche il 70% più convenienti rispetto ai prodotti dei diretti
concorrenti (ultimo aggiornamento: 03/2015).
Rispetto ad altre alternative di navigazione, come gli
apparecchi di navigazione portatili o le applicazioni di
navigazione per smartphone, i sistemi di navigazione
BMW installati nelle vetture con materiale cartografico
attuale possiedono anche tutta una serie di vantaggi:
– Precisione GPS – i sistemi di navigazione portatili e gli
smartphone possono non essere in grado di localizzare con
esattezza la vettura in assenza di segnale GPS (ad esempio
nelle gallerie).
– funzioni come il veleggio, i consigli personalizzati in base
al comportamento su strada per ridurre i consumi e altre
caratteristiche dei sistemi di assistenza alla guida funzionano
solo grazie alla profonda interconnessione con la vettura. Gli
apparecchi di navigazione portatili e gli smartphone non sono
invece collegati in rete con la vettura.
– Sicurezza in caso di incidente.
– Sicurezza antifurto.
– Dimensioni del display.
– Comfort – Utilizzo tramite volante multifunzione, controller
iDrive o tasti funzione programmabili.
– Non è necessaria alcuna fonte di corrente esterna.
– Per la navigazione non è necessaria alcuna connessione
Internet da realizzarsi mediante lo smartphone del cliente, per
la quale possono originarsi costi supplementari.
La Road Map Europa PREMIUM 2016-1 è adatta al sistema di
navigazione BMW Professional (SA 609) in combinazione con
la Head Unit CIC per le seguenti serie:
Aggiornamento BMW
Road Map Europa Premium
E60, E61
E63, E64
E81, E82, E87, E88
E90, E91, E92, E93
F01, F02, F03
F10, F11
F12, F13
F20, F21
dal 11/2008 - 05/2010
dal 11/2008 - 07/2010
dal 10/2009 - 06/2013
dal 05/2008 - 07/2014
dal 09/2008 - 03/2014
dal 04/2009
dal 09/2008 - 10/2013
dal 11/2008 - 06/2012
dal 03/2012 - 03/2013
dal 10/2009 - 07/2012
dal 11/2008 - 07/2012
dal 03/2010 - 09/2012
dal 12/2010 - 03/2013
dal 09/2011 - 03/2013
dal 11/2010 - 04/2013
dal 02/2012 - 11/2012
– Proporre al cliente sempre l'aggiornamento più recente delle
mappe stradali digitali.
– Sfruttate la presenza del cliente in officina, ad es. durante la
sostituzione dei pneumatici, per un intervento di assistenza
e/o per un controllo per fargli presente la possibilità di
aggiornare le mappe stradali digitali.
– Potete integrare questo prodotto anche nei check della
vettura: Sulla base delle informazioni presenti in AIR potete
individuare rapidamente i potenziali acquirenti di questo
– Create campagne CRM personalizzate sulla base dei dati dei
clienti, in modo da poterli fidelizzare in maniera continuativa e
con impegno ridotto con i nuovi aggiornamenti per le mappe
stradali digitali.
Cross selling
– L'aggiornamento delle mappe stradali digitali può essere
integrato anche in pacchetti o in singole edizioni. Soprattutto
nel caso degli acquirenti di vetture usate con sistema di
navigazione integrato, l'aggiornamento delle mappe stradali
digitali si rivela un prodotto ideale da vendere insieme alla
– Potenziale di cross-selling, ideale per i prodotti per la
pianificazione di viaggi e vacanze.
– Penna USB da 32 GB con marchio BMW (utilizzabile come
normale supporto di archiviazione dopo l'aggiornamento)
– Manuale d'istruzioni
Inoltre, è necessario un codice di abilitazione per
l'attivazione del materiale cartografico presente sulla
penna USB.
Informazioni tecniche
Per via della forte crescita della rete stradale europea negli ultimi
anni, è stato necessario suddividere il materiale cartografico
in due parti (Europa Occidentale e Europa Orientale).
Il materiale cartografico per l'Europa occidentale contiene
comunque la rete stradale principale dei paesi contenuti in
aggiunta nel pacchetto dell'Europa orientale ( Russia). Il
materiale cartografico per l'Europa orientale contiene a sua volta
la rete stradale principale dei paesi contenuti in aggiunta nel
pacchetto dell'Europa occidentale.
Se un cliente desidera viaggiare con la sua vettura in un paese
contenuto nella mappa per l'Europa orientale ( Russia)
usando la mappa per l'Europa occidentale, è necessario
caricare sulla vettura il materiale cartografico corrispondente
all'Europa orientale prima di entrare nell'area dell'Europa
orientale per ottenere una navigazione più dettagliata. Lo
stesso vale, viceversa, in caso di passaggio dall'area dell'Europa
orientale all'area dell'Europa occidentale. Il codice di
abilitazione è identico per entrambe le parti e attiva
quindi l'Europa sia occidentale sia orientale. Una volta
eseguita l'abilitazione di una parte, è possibile passare da
un'area all'altra per un numero di volte a piacere all'interno della
stessa versione ( 2016-1).
A partire dalla versione 2015-2, l'aggiornamento è
disponibile solo come set USB; a tal fine, si ricorda che
solo le vetture prodotte a partire dal 03/2010 sono in
grado di eseguire l'aggiornamento tramite penna USB
senza problemi. Sulle vetture prodotte prima del 03/2010
(livello I precedente a E0XX-10-03-5XX) il concessionario deve
eseguire prima un singolo aggiornamento del livello I per poter
eseguire i futuri aggiornamenti tramite penna USB.
In alternativa alla penna USB è possibile aggiornare il materiale
cartografico per vetture prodotte prima del 03/2010 sempre
tramite ISTA/P.
Aggiornamento BMW
Road Map Europa Premium
In sede di ordinazione del numero di articolo del
codice di abilitazione viene fornito sempre il codice
di abilitazione più recente. La conversione avviene
rapidamente e in automatico nel back-end informatico di BMW.
Nel caso si ordini l’aggiornamento con 2 anni di abbonamento
viene sempre generato un codice di abilitazione della durata
di 24 mesi con scadenza a fine mese a seconda dalla data
Il processo di acquisto, generazione e consegna del codice di
abilitazione avviene in tempo reale su richiesta individuale. La
durata del processo dipende dall'hardware utilizzato, dai tempi
di risposta dei sistemi IT coinvolti e dalla connessione internet
dell'acquirente. Di norma, i codici di abilitazione sono disponibili
però già 5 minuti dopo l'acquisto.
– Il numero di articolo dell'aggiornamento con 2 anni
di abbonamento viene ordinato in data 28/09/2015 –
l'abbonamento termina il 30/09/2017.
– Il numero di articolo dell'aggiornamento con 2 anni
di abbonamento viene ordinato in data 01/10/2015 –
l'abbonamento termina il 31/10/2017.
Materiale cartografico per aggiornamento da parte del
Aggiornamento software per
ISIS/ISPS - Online
Aggiornamento software per
a partire dal 23/10/2015
a partire dal 20/11/2015
Materiale cartografico per aggiornamento da parte del
Aggiornamento USB Road Map
Europa Premium occidentale
Aggiornamento USB Road Map
Europa Premium orientale
Novembre 2015
Novembre 2015
Il codice di abilitazione è immediatamente disponibile
(nessun prodotto fisico).
Tempo di montaggio
Penna USB da 32 GB con marchio BMW
Numero di articolo
Codice di abilitazione CIC Aggiornamento Mappa
Europa Premium
Aggiornamento singolo
Aggiornamento con 2 anni di
65 90 2 406 560
65 90 2 406 414
Aggiornamento USB Road Map Europa Premium
65 90 2 413 669
65 90 2 413 670
Aggiornamento presso il concessionario
Tempo di montaggio
Numero UL
Aggiornamento della mappa
mediante penna USB
2 UL
65 90 600
circa 45 minuti
Aggiornamento da parte del cliente
Aggiornamento della mappa mediante
penna USB
circa 45 minuti
3D city models:
The following extended 3D city models are included in this updates:
Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Cologne, London, Madrid, Munich, Oslo, Prague,
Stockholm, Stuttgart und Zurich.
The following 3D city models are included in this update:
Graz, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Vienna
Antwerpen, Bruges, Brussels, Geneva, Liege, Namur
Riyeka, Split, Zagreb
Amsterdam, Breda, Den Haag, Eindhoven, Maastricht, Rotterdam,
Czech Republic:
Brno, Marianske Lazne, Olomouc, Ostrava, Plzen, Prague
Bergen, Oslo
Copenhagen, Odense
Gdańsk, Krakow, Łódź, Poznań, Warsaw, Wrocław
Guimarães, Lisbon, Porto
Espoo, Helsinki, Oulu
Bucarest, Timisoara
Arles, Avignon, Bordeaux, Cannes, Dijon, Grenoble, Le Havre,
Lille, Lourdes, Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Nancy, Nantes,
Nice, Orange, Orleans, Paris, Reims, Rennes, Rouen, Saint Tropez,
Saint-Etienne, Strasbourg, Toulon, Toulouse, Tours, Versailles
Moscow, St. Petersburg
Aachen, Augsburg, Berlin, Bochum, Bonn, Bremen, Cologne,
Dortmund, Dresden, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Erfurt, Essen,
Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hannover, Ingolstadt, Karlsruhe, Kiel, Lübeck,
Leipzig, Magdeburg, Mainz, Mannheim, Munich, Münster,
Nuremberg, Potsdam, Regensburg, Stuttgart, Weimar, Wiesbaden,
Wolfsburg, Würzburg
Athens, Thessaloniki
Budapest, Debrecen, Gyor, Pécs, Szeged
Cork, Dublin
Bari, Bologna, Florence, Genova, Milano, Monza, Naples, Padova,
Palermo, Pisa, Rome, San Marino, Siena, Torino, Treviso,
Venice, Verona
Bratislava, Kosice
Celje, Kranj, Ljubljana, Maribor
Alicante, Almeria, Barcelona, Bilbao, Cordoba, Granada, La Coruna,
Madrid, Malaga, Palma de Mallorca, Pamplona, Salamanca, San
Cristobal de la Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Santiago de
Compostela, Sevilla, Valencia, Vigo, Zaragoza
Gothenburg, Malmö, Stockholm
Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Luzern, Zurich
Ankara, Bursa, Istanbul, Izmir
Bath, Belfast, Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Cambridge, Cardiff,
Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London,
Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Nottingham, Oxford, Sheffield,
Donetsk, Kharkiv, Kiev, Lviv
Changes to previous version (Highlights):
Burgenland, Niederösterreich, Oberösterreich
8 new roundabouts have been added
Parndorf: A4: new ramp-connection from the B50 to the A4 has been added to the database
A2: Knoten Graz-Ost has been updated and improved for geometry.
More than 90 carto-polygons (parks, cemeteries, lakes) have been added
Weng im Innkreis: B142: new bypass around the settlement of Harterding and a new roundabout at the intersection B142/B148 has been
More than 90 carto-polygons (parks, cemeteries, lakes) have been added
B147: new bypass around the settlement of Straßwalchen (about 2.300 m long) and a new roundabout at the intersection B147/B1 has
been added)
A part of the Felbertauernstraße had been destroyed by a landslide. The Felbertauern-Ersatzstraße was built to overcome this part of the
road for the next two years and added to the database. This road is nearly 4 km long.
B64: bypass around the settlement of Preding had been added (more than 2km long)
E17/E40: The exit at Zwijnaarde complex has been added in Gent
E17/R4: The exit from E17 parallel road towards R4 Binnenring in Zwijnaarde has been added
E19/ Brecht: The ring road around Brecht center has been added, connecting to the new interchange on the E19.
N14: 2 junctions have been updated in Zandhoven
N261: The roundabout at the crossing Wolevndaellaan/Brugmannlaan has been added in Ukkel
N32/Papestraat: The roundabout in Ledegem has been added
N-35/E17: Roundabouts and a carpoolparking have been added in Deinze and the E17 interchange has been updated with regards to
entrance and exit
N36: The roundabout in Lendelede has been added
N41: The extension of the ring road in Sint-Niklaas including the bridge and 2 roundabouts has been added
N42 (Europaweg): The roundabout and the parallel roads have been added at the intersection at Langestraat in Zottegem.
N45/N60: The roundabout at Aalst has been updated
N9/N31: The roundabout in Brugge has been added
N9/Schoolstraat: The junction at Waarschot has been updated
The turn lane at Boulevard Général Wahis/Boulevard-Léopold III in Schaarbeek has been added
E313: The ramps of motorway entrance/exit Geel-West (exit 23) on E313 have been reconstructed. 2 new roundabouts and a new flyover have been constructed. This construction is part of a big project (Noord-Zuid Kempen) which encompasses also the construction of
a new bypass between Kasterlee and Geel (6.5km) and the rearrangement of 10 intersections in the surrounding area.
E40: The highway exit 37ter has been added
N911: The 5 km long bypass has been added around Beauraing to avoid transit traffic in city center
R8: The ringroad in Heule, Kortrijk has been extended for 1 km. The ringroad now passes beyond Noordlaan.
Koning Albert I-Laan: The roundabout at Brugge railwaystation has been added.
N31: The highway entry/exit "Chartreuseweg" has been added.
Airport Charleroi Brussel: New road exiting the motorway to go to the international airport "Aéroport Charleroi Bruxelles Sud" has been
New hospital "Hôpital Civil Marie Curie" added including the access and the internal streets and roads of hospital area
Rue de Pontillas/Rue de Narmont: New industrial zone of 2km of roads close to the municalities of Fernelmont and Andenne, just beside
the E42
E313: The ramps of motorway entrance/exit Geel-West (exit 23) on E313 have been reconstructed. 2 new roundabouts and a new flyover have been constructed. This construction is part of a big project (Noord-Zuid Kempen) which encompasses also the construction of
a new bypass between Kasterlee and Geel (6.5km) and the rearrangement of 10 intersections in the surrounding area.
The soccer stadium "Ghelamco Arena" for club KAA Gent has been added.
R4: A section of 3.5km has been added between Gent and Merelbeke. This section has made the outer ring road complete which results
in smoother traffic in south of Ghent. Liveability in Merelbeke and Zwijnaarde increases as local and heavy traffic will be separated.
New bypass of 3km between the N68, N892 and the N878 in Courtil to access a new industrial zone "Pôle Ardenne Bois"
R8: The ringroad in Heule, Kortrijk has been extended for 1 km. The ringroad now passes beyond Noordlaan.
La Roche-en-Ardenne
Rue du Purnalet: City center of La Roche-en-Ardenne is now partly pedestrian (100m along was was the main street), main driving roads
updated for 1km.
E42: 20 km between Sambreville and Daussoulx and 22 km between Huccorgne and Saint-Georges have changed from 2 lanes to 3
Auguste Reyerslaan: Reyersviaduct, 750m, closed in Schaarbeek
R6: A section of 4 km has been added between Mechelsesteenweg in Sint-Katelijne-Waver and Mechelbaan in Putte.
Adjusted geometry exit entree Veendam N33
Czech Republic
35: A section of 2 km has been added between Lešná and Valašské Meziříčí
44: A section of 3 km has been added between Lukavice and Rájec
Bridge: New bridge Trojský most (0.5 km) has been added between Holešovice and Troja in Prague
New geometry and temporary route for Vt26 towards north for 1.8 km.
New motorway bypass for road E18/Vt7 has been opened around Hamina. This 14 km stretch of new motorway speeds up traffic flow on
E18/Vt7, which is the main traffic corridor between southern region in Finland and Russian border. Old E18/Vt7 reamins as local road.
3 new sections of new motorway has been opened E18: 3 sections of the motorway have been opened after construction between
Koskenkylä and Kotka. 14km between Vt6 and Loviisa city, 6.2km between Ahvenkoski and Pyhtää city and 3.6km between Pyhtää and
Kyminlinna junction.
New sections of motorway for road E18/Vt7 has been added between Loviisa and Kotka. This 20 km stretch of new motorway speeds up
traffic flow on E18/Vt7, which is the main traffic corridor between southern region in Finland and Russian border. Old E18/Vt7 remains as
local road.
New ramp connections from highway Vt6/Vt9 to Kouvonkatu in Joensuu Karhunmäki. Fastens the traffic flow in the area
New connection Sirkkalansilta over Pielisjoki river in Joensuu.
New section of E18/Vt7 motorway has been opened. This 2.3 km stretch of new motorway speeds up traffic flow on E18/Vt7, which is the
main traffic corridor between southern region in Finland and Russian border. Old E18/Vt7 remains as local road.
Connection from Tammelan puistokatu to highway Vt12 has been removed in Tampere.
Update and removal of connection from road Soukanlahdenkatu to Vt12 Kekkosentie. Prepares area for the future Rantatunneli - a tunnel
going under Tampere city center.
New section of Tikkurilantie over the Vantaanjoki river between road 11459 Katriinantie and Piispankyläntie has been added in Vantaa.
This new 1.7 km road connects different regions and fastens the traffic in this area, since it now does not need to go via E18/Kehä III.
New and modified ramp connections from E12/Vt3 motorway to road 1301 Tikkurilantie in Vantaa. Fastens the traffic flow in this area
New ramp connection from Länsimäentie to motorway Vt7 in Vantaa. Improves local traffic connection to Helsinki vity center direction
New junction from road 135 Lentoasemantie to road Tikkurilantie in Vantaa has been added. Makes traffic to and from Helsinki airport
New connection Välitie between road 717 Huutoniementie and Sepänkyläntie in Vaasa. Improves traffic flow in the area.
Update of junctions leading on and off the road E8/Vt8 in Vaasa and Mustasaari cities. Improves traffic flow to E8/Vt8 road.
The Blue Planet (National Aquarium) has been added in Copenhagen and the surrounding geometry has been improved in terms of
Naestved Ringvejöst
The road has been added to a major three part ringroad in Naestved.
The one-lane high speed motorway has been added between Vandel and Bredsten
A 3.5 Km long bypass has been added around Perpignan. It allows transit from North to West or South of Perpignan without crossing the
'changeur du pont Arago' (North entry of Perpignan).
A section of 7 km has been multidigitized between Le plessis-Belleville and Nanteuil-le-Haudouin (Oise)
A1: The ramp on interchange in Vendeville, toward A1 has been added
A89: A section of 53 kilometers has been added between Balbigny (Loire) and La Tour-de-Salvagny (Rhône)
Ain county: 211 directional signs have been added along the network FC2 of Ain county.
D178: A section of 3 km to the east of Carquefou has been updated to reduce traffic congestion
D909/D902: The bridge has been added improving travel time in the city center of Saint-Gevrais
Grand Stade Lille Metropole opened the 18th of august 2012
lenghthened ramp in Seclin in order to reduce traffic congestions on A1 motorway.
N124: The section of 8.8 km has been added between Auch and Toulouse.
N4: Exit to a new bypass road around Wolfisheim. the length of this new bypass is about 2,5km.
The 10km long road between Borgo and Lucciana has been added
The ferry line St Nazaire Gijon (Spain) has been added, allowing now to travel from west of France to Spain
The museum MuCEM (Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations) in Marselle has been added.
The T3 Tramway new portion has been in Paris between 'Porte de Choisy' and 'Porte de la Chapelle' on 'Marechaux Boulevards' which
impacts the navigation on these roads with regards to new traffic signs, new traffic lights, direction of travel changed on the connected
A21: speed limit changed from 130 km/h to 110km/h between Aix-Noulette and Courcelles-les-Lens
Aréna Loire in Trélazé: Aréna Loire in Trélazé has been added in the area of Angers
D983: A bypass of 1.5 km has been added in Arthies.
Rocade Nord-Ouest: a 1 km long new bypass has been added with 2 new roundabouts on D166 and D944 and at Avallon
D935: a new bypass and roundabouts have been opened in order to reach/exit A65 withoug passing through city center of Barcelone-duGers
A150: 18km long new motorway added between Barentin and Yvetot to facilitate access from Rouen to Le Havre that formerly occured
via D6015
Beaumont sur Vesle, Marne
D944: A new bypass, along 3km, has been opened the 10th of july 2014 to avoid the crossing of the city and to reduce the trafic jam.
Major change in directions of travel in the city center of Beauvais (Boulevard de l'Assaut, rue d'Amiens, Rue de Calais) to improve traffic
D203: 2.5 km long new by pass and roundabouts added to decrease traffic on D1001 and enhance accessibility to Beauvais-Tillé Airport
D945: 10km long, new by pass between Béthune and Lestrem
Belfort county: 21 Industrial Estates and 4 Shopping Center have been updated in terms of streets, gates, private / walkways attributes
and names
The city of Brest has been updated after the opening of the first line of tramway. Crossroads, oneway systems and accesses have been
city Bois-Guillaume-Bihorel (21,107 inhab) splitted in 2 cities : Bois-Guillaume (12754) and Bihorel (8353), Haute-Normandie, SeineMaritime
New by-pass "Pénétrante sud-ouest de calais" opened in April 2014
The 2 kilometer long byass has been added southwest of Carpentras
Aude county: 105 Industrial Estates and 4 Shopping Center have been updated in terms of streets, gates, private and walkways attributes
and names
Châtenay-Malabry (92)
A86: The north highway entrance (Western Interchange Chatenay-Malabry) has been added.
Traversée urbaine de Reims : 2 news ramps have been added in the interchange of Cormontreuil.
N31 : new interchange added in the city of Frocourt
N61: the N61 road of 4 km has been changed to multidig.
Haute Saône
Haute Saône county: 49 Industrial complexes and 10 Shopping Centers have been updated in terms of streets, gates, private and
walkways attributes
781 directional signs have been added along the road network
A26 : new interchange (diffuseur de noeux-les_mines) added in the city of Labourse
Le Mans
City center of Le Mans : A section of 4 km has been updated in Le Mans due to a second line of Tramway created.
N13: The bypass of 3km has been added in Loucelles.
D642: The 10 km long bypass around Borre-Pradelles has been added
Prado-Sud: The tunnel (1.300 meters) of Prado-Sud has been added
Meurthe et Mosell
511 directional signs have been added along the road network
A48: Two new ramps on Moirans’ Interchange (Exit n°11). A new roundabout was also created.
N88: the twinning of the N88 has been opened from Tanus to North of Naucelle along 14 km.
N88: the twinning of the N88 has been opened along 13 km in the North of Tarn county.
RD549: New by-pass in Pont-à-Marcq added
RD675: 2 new roundabouts have been added near Pont-l'Évêque.
Pont Chaban-Delmas
The 600m long bridge has been added, connecting the Quai des Bacalans to the Quai de Brazza over the river La Garonne
Aveyron county: 112 Industrial Estates and 6 Shopping Center have been updated in terms of streets, gates, private and walkways
attributes and names
D939: Completion of existing interchange (2 new ramps) in Roëllecourt (Pas-de-Calais). This interchange is the connection of the future
by-pass of Saint-Pol-sur-ternoise (scheduled in 2015)
city center: updated traffic plan in Rouen on major network
bridge named Pont Mathilde reopening during summer 2014
773 directional signs have been added along the road network
D902: a new bypass of 5.1 km has been opened at the North-West of Tarbes.
All attributes and signs present on the 3.18 km of the new tunnel in city of Toulon name as “Tunnel de la Traversée de Toulon” have been
N141 : a new section of 14.5 km has been opened, North-West of Limoges.
The new traffic plan of the Vieux-Port has been implemented
A 2.5 km long bypass has been added around Petershausen (Ansbach)
A 2.6 km long bypass has been added around Faulbach (Miltenberg)
A 4.5 km long bypass has been added around Oberbrunn and Unterbrunn (Gauting)
A1/B54: The bypass west of the city of Werne (county Unna) has been added to connect the B54 with the motorway A1.
A10/A11: The reconstruction of the motorway junction Autobahndreieck Schwanebeck (A10/A11) and Anschlußstelle Weissensee (B2)
A33: A part of the motorway A33 south of Bielefeld between the Kreuz Bielefeld and the Anschlussstelle Bielefeld-Zentum has been
added. The western end of the new part connects to the southern extension of the B61 (Ostwestfalendamm). Also, the names of two
motorway exits on the A2 have been changed according to the new exit-names of the new part of the A33.
A66: The 3.5 kilometer long section has been added between junction Fulda-Süd near Eichenzell and Neuhof-Nord
A-72: A section of 20 km has been opened for traffic between ramp Borna-Süd and Rochlitz.
A94: The 4 kilometer long part of the motorway A94 between Ampfing and Heldenstein has been added
B13: The 2.2 km long bypass has been added around Unterheßbach
B169: A 5km long section of the bypass of Riesa has been added
B188: The 5 km long bypass around Rathenow has been completed
B255: A 1.5km long bypass of B255 has been added including the roundabout and new junction
B255: The 5km long bypass around Ober-Weimar and Nieder-Weimar in Marburg-Biedenkopf has been added
B309/B310: The bypass around Kappl has been added
B458: The bypass around Wickers, a settlement of Hilders in the county Fulda has been added
B93: The ring road near Gößnitz has been added
B96: A 4.5 km long section of B96 has been added between Altefähr and Rambin in the county of Vorpommern-Rügen
Heerdter Dreieck: The reconstruction of Heerdter Dreieck (junction of B7 and Rheinalleetunnel) has been added.
K18n: The bypass including two roundabouts has been added east of Werl-Büderich in the county of Soest
K29: The bypass north of Saerbeck, county of Steinfurt, has been added
K55: The bypass has been added in the west of Velen-Ramsdorf in the county Borken
K5n/ B221: The K5n has been added between Heinsberg and Waldfeucht connecting to the B221 in the south.
L26: The 2km long bypass around Levenhagen in county Vorpommern-Greifswald has been added
S293: The 4km long section has been added at Zwickau
ST2013: The 3 kilometer long bypass around Benningen has been added
The 3.2 kilometer long road between Miesenbach and Durach in the county of Oberallgäu has been added
The inner city area has been rebuilt and local impact has been improved in terms of routing through the city.
B68: A 2,6 km long bypass has been added around the BUA of Badbergen.
Bad Sachsa, Bad Lauterberg
B243: The 16 km long bypass has been added around BUAs of Barbis, Bartofelde and Osterhagen.
308 recreation areas (park/wood/lake areas) have been updated in Braunschweig
L89: A small part of L89 (Westring) in Bargteheide has been updated
355 recreation areas (lake/park/woodland etc areas) have been updated in the city of Bielefeld
The new geometry of the motorway junction and the new motorway exit allows Through traffic to easily change over to the new A44
south of Bochum and to reach the western part of the city center.
B9/ Bonn: The roundabout on Friedrich-Ebert-Allee (B9) in the city of Bonn has been added.
B38: The 5 km long bypass and roundabouts have been been added around Reinheim, county Darmstadt-Dieburg
B458: The 4km long bypass around Dipperz (Fulda) has been added. The new stretch of road allows through traffic to avoid the
congested city centre.
B486: The 3,5 km long bypass has been added around Offenthal, city Dreieich
B6/B97/ Waldschlößchenbrücke: The bridge "Waldschlößchebrücke" has been added. It crosses the river Elbe and connects B6 (north of
Elbe) and B 97 (south of Elbe).
The 4km long bypass around Erlensee-Ravolzhausen and Erlensee- Langendiebach has been added. Access to a new industrial area is
also possible.
Anschlussstelle Frillendorf-Süd: The new exit on the A40 has been opened for traffic and in the database.
B486: The 3,5 km long bypass has been added around Offenthal, city Dreieich
Frankfurt am Main
A5: The exit ramp at the junction Frankfurt-Niederrad has been added.
A73: A new motorway exit "Fürth-Steinach" has been added.
K55: A section of the K55-bypass with 2 roundabouts around Velen-Ramsdorf has been added
B1: The 4 km long bypass around Aerzen (Hameln-Pyrmont) has been added
Halle (Westfalen)
Ravenna-Park: A new bypass south of the center of Halle (Westfalen) has been built and added to the database. Background is the truck
restriction (7.5t) on the B68 running through the center of Halle (Westfalen).
Hessisch Lichtenau
A44: A section of 2.5km has been added between junction Hessisch Lichtenau Mitte to junction Hessisch Lichtenau West.
B83: The 3,5 km long bypass has been added around Hofgeismar.
New stretch of motorway A4 between ramp Jena-Göschwitz and Magdala (10km) including new Jagdbergtunnel has been open for
The Waterfeatures and Hercules Monument in Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe in Kassel are now part of the UNESCO world heritage of mankind.
B83: The 3,5 km long bypass has been added around Kassel
The regional airport Kassel-Calden has been added incl. aircraft roads and terminals
B327: 5 km long bypass has been added around the city of Kastellaun, Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis.
B256: The 5 km long bypass has been added around Kruft (Mayen-Koblenz). The junction Kruft to the A61 has been changed.
The ring road in Bitburg, Eifelkreis Bitburg-Prüm has been changed, from a both way street into a one-way going all around Bitburg.
B256: The 4 km long bypass and 2 new junctions "Rengsdorf-Nord" and "Rengsdorf-West" have been added
St2335: A new 4.4 kilometer long bypass around Kösching-Lenting has been added.
B101: The last section of the 8km long bypass around Luckenwalde has been added
A1: Nearby Münster the new Anschlussstelle Hiltrup/Amelsbüren on the A1 has been added, connecting the settlements Amelsbüren and
Hiltrup and the new industrial area Hansa-BusinessPark.
B70N: The bypass B70N in Wettringen (county of Kreis Steinfurt)has been added . The new bypass is the first part of the new connection
between Wettringen and Neuenkirchen.
Anschlussstelle Münster-Hiltrup: A new motorway exit on the A1 has been built and opened for traffic.
B301: A section of 6.3 km has been added in the counties of Munich and Freising.
The bypass 'Pasinger Nordumgehung' has been added
A61: new junction Mutterstadt-West has been added between "Autobahnkreuz Mutterstadt" and "Anschlußstelle Schifferstadt".
A66: The stretch between junction Neuhof Süd and junction Neuhof Nord has been openend. The full motorway network has now been
completed between Frankfurt am Main and Fulda (connection to A7).
Nordring: A new bypass (Nordring) in Ostbevern, County Warendorf, has been built and added to the database (2.6km).
A20: A new connection from AS Groß Sarau (A20) to Pogeez has been added
B20: The 2 km long bypass around Furth im Wald has been added
B51: The 3.5km long bypass of B51 and roundabouts around Besseringen, county Merzig-Wadern has been added
K55: The last part of the northern bypass (K55) near Velen-Ramsdorf has been completed and added to the database.
B58: A 4 km long bypass has been added around the BUA of Wesel-Büderich
B19: The 3.7km long bypass around Wernshausen has been added.
The small inner-city-bypass with two new roundabouts has been added in the center of Werl (Wulf-Hefe-Spange).
393 recreation areas (park/wood/see areas etc) have been updated
B4: The bypass around the BUA of Kirchweyhe (LK Uelzen) has been added
M4: Approx. 7kms of the previously name N4 have been renamed to the M4 and received a speed limit increase to 120km/hr. The stretch
of road runs between Kinnegad and Mullingar, the scheme also involved the construction of a grade separated junction which has been
completed. This will connect the R156 Newtown with the N4, with a new 0.75km section of the R156.
N25: A section of 15 km of ring road is now named N40 in Cork, between the N8 Dunkettle Interchange and N22 Poulavone to Tralee.
N52: A section of 5.2 km has been reconstructed between Mullingar and M6 Junction 4. It intersects the national primary road network
and provides a cross country connection between the country's main road arteries by linking the N1 at Dundalk, the N2 at Ardee, the N3
at Kells, the N4 at Mullingar, the N6 at Kilbeggan and south through Tullamore and Birr, terminating on the N7 at Nenagh.
Robinstown Link Road: completion of 1.6km of single carriageway, providing a new route around the north of Mullingar.
The 6.5 kilometer long Ring road for Athenry has been added.
R916: A section of 1km has been added between the N6 and the R445 Dublin Road in Athlone. The scheme includes the construction of
a new bridge removing a series of dangerous bends and a narrow bridge.
N5: A section of 11km long bypass has been added around Ballaghaderren.
N3: Completion of the FC2 N3 Butlersbridge to Belturbet Road Improvement Scheme, County Cavan with the opening of a bridge across
the River Erne and Putiaghan Bog. Completing the entire 6.7km of single carriageway of the bypass around Belturbet. The scheme from
the existing N3 at Kilnaleck to the Staghall Roundabout on the existing N3 north of Belturbet includes five at-grade junctions, realignment
of side roads and 2 bridge structures. Total Scheme Budget inclusive of land is €61 Million
N3: At Blanchardstown, a new bridge and improvements at the N3 interchange has taken place at the Mulhuddart flyover. The scheme
include the construction of a new 2-span bridge on the western side of the existing bridge, which will now be modified to become oneway. Also a new on ramp to the N3 eastbound was constructed from the new bridge. The existing N3 off Ramp from Navan/Cavan also relocated. Replacement of interchange roundabouts with signalized junctions.
Cavan Town
A section of 1.5 kms of Eastern Access road has been added. It includes three link roands and a roundabout.
N40: Two new flyovers have been added on Cork’s South Ring Road, taking the N40 over the Bandon and Sarsfield Roundabout, which
were previously a major cause of traffic congestion.
A section of 11km of the R402 has been improved between Enfield and Edenderry.
N2/N3: The 4.4km long link road has been added in west Dublin. Additionally 0.6km of existing single carriageway road is also upgraded to
dual carriageway, and includes a cyclepath and foothpath along the full length of road.
R132: A section of 1.5km has been upgraded to dual carriageway at Dublin Airport between the Collinstown Cross and the Airport
Roundabout. The scheme includes traffic signal controlled junctions between Eastland’s Road and Corballis Road South and main
entrance to the Long term airport car parking
Porterstown Link Road: A section of 1km has been added between Clonsilla Road and Porterstown Road in Castleknock.
Burton Hall Road: A section of 0.5km has been added between Blackthorn Avenue and Leopardstown Road at Sandyford.
M50: Sign coding has been updated at a number of M50 junctions to reflect the new R-route number implemented in Dublin city which
have replaced the old N-route numbers.
The old N route names have been retained as stale names with the introduction of new route numbers in the city of Dublin. Changes are
as follows N1 – R132, N2 – R135, N3 – R147, N4 – R148, N11 – R138, N32 - R139 & N81 – R137. The N1, N2, N3, N4 & N81 are stale
inside of the M50 – the only remaining N roads inside of the M50 are a section of the N11 and all of the N31.
N56: A section of 3.3km of road has been realigned between Dungloe and Glenties, removing a series of dangerous bends and improves
travel times for motorists.
Bodkin Roundabout: The roundabout has now been removed and replaced with a signalized junction. Additionally avoidance turn lanes
have been constructed for road users turning left. Also an alternative access has been created for Galway Shopping Centre.
N17 Re-alignment at Castletown, scheme is located on the N17 and commences approximately 5km north of the town of Tuam and runs
northwards for a distance of 2km. A single carriageway realignment was carried out on the N17 through the townland of Castletown, on
which all junctions were re-aligned and staggered.
Gorey Southern Relief Road: A section of 1km has been added in Gorey between R772 and R741.
Kenmare Relief Road: a section of 0.75km of road has been added at Kenmare. Opened part of a larger relief scheme.
N3: A section of the N3 Belturbet Bypass between Staghall Roundabout and Drumalure to Cavan County has been added. This section of
road will remove the heavy N3 traffic volumes from the streets of Belturbet.
R263: The new relief road, part of the R263 in Killybegs has been added. Scheme included the construction of 1.2kms of new road and a
new roundabout with the L1355. It connects the R263 from Kilcar/Glencoumbkille directly to the Shore Road and Town Centre in
N55: Two stretches of the N55 have been realigned as part of road improvements in Co. Cavan. The scheme is split into two sections for
a total approximate length of 6.7km. The southern section is approximately 5.7km long and extends between South Killydoon and Corduff,
and the northern section is approximately 1km long and extends from Garrymore to Pottahee
R263: The new relief road, part of the R263 in Killybegs has been added. Scheme included the construction of 1.2kms of new road and a
new roundabout with the L1355. It connects the R263 from Kilcar/Glencoumbkille directly to the Shore Road and Town Centre
Completion of the N3 Butlersbridge to Belturbet Road Improvement Scheme, County Cavan with the opening of a bridge across the River
Erne and Putiaghan Bog.
Completing the entire 6.7km of single carriageway of the bypass around Belturbet.
The scheme from the existing N3 at Kilnaleck to the Staghall Roundabout on the existing N3 north of Belturbet includes five at-grade
junctions, realignment of side roads and 2 bridge structures.
N16 Cornacloy to Sradrine Realignment Scheme in County Leitrim, which forms part of the overall upgrade of the N16 between
Manorhamilton and Glenfarne. The realignment of approximately 1.1km of carriageway is the first phase of the N16 Cornacloy to Sradrine
Realignment Scheme.
N21: A section of 3.2km has been added and realigned between Newcastle West and Abbeyfeale at Garryduff Cross. The scheme has
improved road safety for motorists with the realignment of junctions off the N21 and the extension of an overtaking lane.
R851: A section of 2km has been added and realigned between Doneraile and Newtwopothouse, County Cork. This improves road safety
for motorists as a number of dangerous bends have now been removed.
N2: A section of 2.5km has opened between Gortmoney and Emyvale, removing a number of dangerous bends.
R402: A section of 11km of the R402 has been improved between Enfield and Edenderry.
N52: A section of 2.2km has been added between Ardcroney and Borrisokane. The scheme has removed a number of bad bends and
realigned junctions off the N52 to improve road safety for motorists.
N16 Cornacloy to Sradrine Realignment Scheme in County Leitrim, which forms part of the overall upgrade of the N16 between
Manorhamilton and Glenfarne. The realignment of approximately 1.1km of carriageway is the first phase of the N16 Cornacloy to Sradrine
Realignment Scheme.
On the Swords stretch of the M1 an additional lane has been installed in each direction of the motorway, between Junction 3 and
Junction 4, namely the Drinan and Lissenhall interchanges. Upgrade works have also been carried out at the Lissenhall junction, which
includes new slip lanes and a re-design of the junction.
N59 Kilbride section: Re-alignment and improvement works on the N59. The section of the N59 improvement works just south of
Newport, consisted of an upgrade and construction of 2km of single carriageway. The removal of a number severe bends and realignment of junctions. This section is particularly significant as the N59 serves as the main access route for a number of areas in West
Riverstown Relief Road: The 1.2km long road been completed in Tramore. The new road provides a new access to the Promenade,
Riverstown Industrial Area and Tramore Strand Beach
A14: A complex intersection, named 'svincolo Valle del Rubicone', with ramps conecting with SP33 has been added in Gatteo (ForlモCesena province).
A16: The exit SVINCOLO DI TUFINO has been added
A20: Along A20 motorway, the exit connecting with Viale Giostra has been added.
A27/A4: The Junction, connecting directly to A27 and to A4 has been added. It's part of the complementary roadnetwork built around the
Passante of Mestre. It's made of about 1,2 km of bypass with two roundabouts and an overpass onto A27. It connects motorway A27 to
SP64, connecting the territory of Mogliano Veneto to the Passante di Mestre and A4. It's also the first stretch of road of the future
connection between A27 and the SS13, better known by locals as 'Terraglio'
A31: The first 4km long section has been added connecting the A4 to villages of Longare and Montegaldella in Vicenza province
A4: The junction along A4 at the border between Meolo and Roncade municipalities has been added including the toll booth with 4
entries and 9 exits
Certaldo (Firenze): The 17 km long ring-road has been added around the built-up area of Certaldo.
Lagaro (Castiglion dei Pepoli, Bologna): The 2.5 km long ringroad has been added around Lagaro.
SS67 (Tosco-Romagnola way): The 2 kms long ring-road has been updated around ELLERA built-up area in Fiesole (Firenze).
SS9 Via Emilia Ovest: The underpass that replaces the railway crossing and the roundabout that replaces a dangerous crossing have
been opened in Modena.
The bridge connecting Circonvallazione Ostiense to Via Ostiense has been added
The military airport of Comiso (Ragusa) has been converted to civil use.
New Motorway, 70 km long, that connect the Milan area straight to Brescia area, to the existing Motorway A4.
The A35/BREBEMI goes straight, avoiding Bergamo city, where the A4 goes instead, saving km for who have to reach directly that east
part of North Italy.
The A38/TEEM is a new Motorway, partially open to access to the BREBEMI. This will avoid the Milan city and the traffic jam of that area
SS640: a road section of about 40 km have been renewed, enlarged and made as a double-track highway, between Canicattì and
Agrigento (Temple Valley).
SS12: The new 3 km long bypass and the tunnel in the suburbs of Bolzano has been added. The new tunnel ends near the industrial area
and this is convenient for trucks and commercial cars.
SS42: A 10 km long section has been added between Sellero and Berzo Demo (Brescia province).
SS106VAR: A section of 6km has been added between Borgia and Squillace municipalities
This is a new fast road SS234, 7KM long, that cut from west to east a rural area, avoiding the city center of Codogno. This allows to drive
directly from the main SS9 to the SP27, through the new stretch of SS234.
A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria: A section of 10 km has been added at between Svincolo Campotenese and Svincolo Morano-Castrovillari
junctions incl.5 Tunnels and 15 Bridges.
SS219: A section of 4km has been added in Gubbio (PG)
Merano (Bolzano Province)
A new tunnel 1 km long and related junction to the Merano-Bolzano Highway have been open, near Merano city center.
The new development allow to get quickly from the highway to hospital, train station, school village and city center.
Changing in connection with the Tangenziale Est/A51. It was completly renewd, deleting the manouvre on the left in the middle of the
New viability in the city center of Naples, close to Train Station Napoli Centrale. Due to works for new Metro Station, the big Square Piazza
Garibaldi has been closed for through traffic and opened only to emergencies, buses and taxies. Corso Garibaldi is now the main
Functional Class for north-south direction, which connects Via Amerigo Vespucci and Via Casanova with Piazza Garibaldi.
Portici-Ercolano Junction has been completed with the opening of last exit ramp from south direction.
A new Junction named Portici has been opened with a exit ramp in north direction, both along the A3, Autostrada Napoli-Salerno
This new road, 13km long, has been closed for more 10 years; this artery reduces the traffic flow in Svincolo Caserta Sud junction along
motorway A1 and connects Caserta and Napoli avoiding the tollbooth.
Petralia Sottana (PA)
A19 Palermo-Catania: The motorway exit IROSA has been added, in Palermo province, in the area of Madonie mountains.
Provincia di Gorizia
RA17/A34 at Villesse: former RA17, Raccordo Autostradale Villesse-Gorizia now is A34, Autostrada Villesse-Gorizia.
The 17 km long road connecting A4 to the Country border with Slovenia has been upgraded to motorway standards: basically two wider
lanes plus emergency lane and speed limit 130 km/h.
A34 together with the Slovenian H4 now offer a quicker choice on the way Venice-Lubiana.
Villesse and Gradisca exits have been completely renewed as well. All the complementary road network
Added whole pedestrian geometry (with naming) inside Pompeii Excavations National Importance POI, (polygon coded as Park/Monument
National) according to the Plan found in official web site.
A3 Autostrada Salerno-Reggio: A section of 5 km has been updated in the region of Calabria close to Svincolo Lauria Sud.
Via dei Fori Imperiali in the city center of Rome became pedestrian zone. It only allows public transportation bus and taxi for a total length
of almost 1 km. This change involves a historical area next the the Colosseum
Local roads connectivity had changed accordingly.
A new underpass on Via Tiburtina (FC2) allows traffic to bypass a roundabout.
San Giovanni Teatino
A14: The geometry of the connection between A14 and Raccordo Autostradale Chieti-Pescara has been changed
The important node of Tondo Gioeni, that was the main entrance for the city center of Catania from the inner ring road (Viale Andrea
Doria), have been updated, removing the underpass and overpass.
After 4 years of work, the new A34 motorway has been completed. It is an upgrade of the existing road, 17 km connecting the A4
motorway (Torino-Trieste) with the city of Gorizia, and the H4 motorway, in Slovenia.
In addition, the new motorway have a great impact on the local surrounding network, involving about 20 km of new or modified roads."
New stretch of the Tangenziale di Varese: with the new tunnel and the connection to the Highway A8, this become now an important, high
speed road avoiding the city, and the more local, slow roads
Varese and Como Province
A path of 15 km between the existing A8, toward Varese, and A9, toward Como. It's a crucial bypass in the Lombardia area, mostly for the
traffic jam coming and going to Switzerland. It's the first stretch of a longer road that should be connected the A4, avoiding the congestion
Milan area.
New Hospital and First Aid center in Santorso,in the north part od the Vicenza Province, which will be the reference for the inhabitants of
the major centres of Schio and Thiene and surroundings and for people travelling through the area. Most of the activities of the old Schio
and Thiene Hospitals, have moved to this new Hospital
A31/ Valdastico Sud : The 8km long section has been added, connecting Longare to Albettone, in the province of Vicenza.
The toll Albettone-Montegaldella has been opened to traffic and complementary road network outside the Motorway has been added as
Vico Equense
The new road bypass an urban area reducing the travel time for traffic flow directed to touristic areas as Costiera Sorrentina and
Vimercate municipality: The 2.5 km long road from "Vimercate sud" to Vimercate municipality has been added
A new Junction named Portici has been opened with a exit ramp in north direction, both along the A3, Autostrada Napoli-Salerno
This new road, 13km long, has been closed for more 10 years; this artery reduces the traffic flow in Svincolo Caserta Sud junction along
motorway A1 and connects Caserta and Napoli avoiding the tollbooth.
2de Maasvlakte' Industrial area: several kilometers of new roads, road names, addresses, POIs and an extension of the N15 have been
added. Existing woodlands, railroads and even the ocean have been updated.
A2: The parallel road and tunnel on highway A2 between knooppunt Oudenrijn and exit Maarssen has been added
A5: The new section of A5 (Westrandweg) from knooppunt Raasdorp to knooppunt Coenplein has been added.
A73 (Maastricht way): A ramp construction has been updated in Roermond, remplacing the old one.
A79/A76/N281: 2 new junctions has been added in Knooppunt Kunderberg between A79 and A76, improving the traffic on N281 in
Heerlen and on A76.
A9: The ramp connection between Schipholweg and A9 has been added as well as the road 'Nieuwe Meerlaan' to be used for local traffic
N262: The N262 between Roosendaal and the Belgium border has changed from a two lane road to a one lane and 2 roundabouts have
been built
N325/ Bridge 'De Oversteek': The new bridge also called 'Nieuwe Stadbrug' is the 2nd bridge crossing the Waal (river) in Nijmegen on a
total length of 1.4 km. Additionally the connecting road 'Graaf Alardsingel' onto the N325 has been added.
N34: A new ramp has been built near Winsum, being part of the mega project 'Haak om Leeuwarden'.
N-348: The ring road between Zutphen North and Eefde has been added
N357: The parallel road and roundabout has been added between exit Zuidermiendweg and Offringaweg
N392: The bypass around Gorredijk (Opsterland) has been added
N57: The connections between N57 and Burgh-Haamstede have been added
N61: The bypass around Schoondijke in the province Zeeland city Sluis-Aardenburg has been added
Noordkil' ring road: The 1.5 km long ring road has been added from Sliedrecht to Papendrecht. The road includes several roundabouts
and connections to the nearby neighbourhood in Papendrecht and is very close to the motorway.
The 3.5 km long bypass around Aardenburg in the province Zeeland (city Sluis-Oostburg) has been added
The junction 24-Oktoberplein in Utrecht has revised now reflecting new fly-over ramps.
N242: The ramp between Westerweg and Westtangent has been added.
Tweede Coentunnel: The Tweede Coentunnel and reconstructed Eerste Coentunnel has been updated
Important change of routing between Haarlem and Schiphol: at knooppunt Badhoevedorp 2 connections between A4 and A9 have been
closed permanently. At knooppunt de Hoek there is a new connection between the A4 and A5 near Schiphol.
The 2.16 Km long connecting road through a neighbourhood in Berkel (Oostmeerlaan)has been updated with many attributes and now
connects to the new roundabout at Noordeindseweg/Planetenweg.
N2: The ramp system from N2 to Meerenakkerweg has been added and the ramp on exit 31 to Veldhoven/Eindhoven has been updated
A2/N634/N396: The rampsystem nearby valkenswaard on the exit 34 from the south of the A2 with the crossing N634/N396 has been
New ring road of N198 around the southwest of Harmelen
New ramp construction between N242 Westerweg and Westtangent. The junction has now connections not at grade.
New ramps on A12 to Houten connecting a new road called N421 between A12 and Rondweg Houten.
A4: On the A4, in the direction of Hoofddorp and Aalsmeer new parallelroads are built to connect 2 new ramp systems. Also a large part of
the N201 has a new route around Aalsmeer and Uithoorn.
New crossing not at grade and ramp connections between N201 and Zijdelweg
Loenen aan de Vecht
New part of road of 2 km on the N402 around the west of Loenen aan de Vecht.
Junction Kruisdonk is changed so that all traffic movements are possible. You drive easily from A2 to A79 and vice versa. Traffic in the
direction Rothem and Amby is also possible now. Also a new connecting road to the Beatrixhaven is build.
In the city of Ouder-Amstel a new settlement Amsterdam-Duivendrecht is created with new postal codes. Locally this area is known as
Amstel Business Park
Major update of Rotterdam, inside and outside the city, and partly around the A15 towards Rozenburg.
N57/N218: The ramp overpassing the intersection N57/N218 near Brielle has been added
A15 under construction: The A15, main road in Rotterdam seaport and industrial area, will be updated to reduce congestion and improved
traffic flow on this stretch of road. New Highway-to-highway connector on Vaanplein from south to West and from North to south direction
and new parallel road along the A15 between Vaanplein and Charlois with a total lenght of 15 km.
A15: the 11 km long connections and ramp systems parallel to the A15 at highway junction Beneluxplein have been reconstructed. This
makes it easier to reach exits Pernis, Hoogvliet and Rotterdam-Heijplaat.
Heetmanplein: square has been completely reconstructed into two normal T-junctions
New part of highway A4 between Bergen op Zoom and Dinteloord. The length is about 15 km.
Adjusted geometry exit entree Veendam N33
A59: The 1 km long ramp system along the A59 (exit 37) and the connection with Bevrijdingsweg and the N261 a little to the South have
been reconstructed as part of the on-going N261 reconstruction.
Hardangerbrua Bridge: The bridge has been added to replace the ferry over Eidfjorden between Bruravik and Brimnes.
Total length of the bridge is 1380m.
616: The 5 km long road has been added in Bremanger (Bremangersambandet). Saves 40 km and replaces a ferry.
E39: Toll structures and usage fee required conditions removed from the section Astad-Knutset
Hjelmeland, Strand
13: A section of 5 km has been added, including the tunnel Svotunnelen.
47: The 9 km long road has been added in Karmøy (T-forbindelsen)
Krødsherad, Ringerike
Road 7: 15 km has been added between Sokna and Ørgenvika. Saves 20 km.
E6: A section of 2 km has been added between Melhus and Støren.
Bispegata: The highway junction Bispelokket has been updated with regards to entrance, exit and funtional class.
E6: The highway junction between E6 and road 319/312 has been updated with regards to entrance and exit
Sandefjord, Stokke, Tønsberg
E18 has been upgraded from a single digitized road to a multiply digitized road in Vestfold. The section is 25 km and goes from Gulli to
Langåker. The motorway junctions Gullikrysset, Åskrysset, Aulerødkrysset, Hesbykrysset, Borgekrysset, Tassebekkrysset,
Fokserødkrysset and Natvalkrysset have all been updated/added.
E6: The motorway junction Kalneskrysset has been added
E6: A section of 2.5 km has been added.
E16: The 2.5 km long bypass has been added around Voss. Saves 1 km.
A1/Road no. 15: Two motorway exits have been reopened after construction at Wezel Turzno
A1: A section of the motorway between Wezel Mszana and Wezel Swierklany has been closed, due to technical problems on bridge
A4: The section between Wezel Szarow and Wezel Tarnów Pólnoc has been added
Geometry + road signs update on A2 - bypass of Minsk Mazowiecki
N-975: The road between Wojnicz and Debina Letowska has been added
Road 77: The section in the eastern part of the city Przemysl has been added
Road 90 has been opened from construction including the new bridge on Wisla river
Road no. 282: The southern bypass has been added between Stary Kisielin and Nowy Kisielin
S17: The express road S17 has been added between Wezel Bogucin and Wezel Sielce
S3: The express road S3 has been added between Wezel Sulechów and Wezel Miedzyrzecz Poludnie. This new road is connecting to
motorway A2
S5: The express road S5 has been added between Wezel Korzensko and Wezel Kaczkowo
S61: New geometry (under construction till 10/2014) for new bypass has been added. Around the northern part of Szczuczyn.
S-69: The road has been reopened after construction between Wezel Bielsko-Biala Mikuszowice and Wezel Zywiec
The bypass of Trzebiatów city has been added
The Express road between Nidzica and Olsztynek has been updated in terms of signs, signals and warnings
Road number 8. Section of 20 km between Węzeł Augustów and Węzeł Raczki. Express road S61. Section of 11 km between Węzeł
Raczki and Węzeł Suwałki Południe. This two section of new road 8 and S61 has been open after construction. Less traffic through city
Bielsko Biała
Express road S69. Section of 6 km between Węzeł Bielsko-Biała Mikuszowice and Węzeł Buczkowice has been open after construction.
Saves travel time.
Road network improvement in Bogatynia, new bypass in eastern part of city.
Road 65 / ulica Wasilkowska: The multiply-digitisied road - ulica gen. Wladyslawa Andersa has been added in Bialystok city (between road
65 and ulica Wasilkowska)
The new multiply-digitised road Ulica Gen. Wladyslawa Andersa has been added between road 65 and ulica Wasilkowska.
Road number 678, ulica Zambrowska. The 2 km long road has been added in Białystok. Improve traffic in the city.
The multidigitized geometry on ulica Juliusza Slowackiego has been added
Southern bypass of Gdansk: The section has been updated in terms of signs, signals and warnings
Road number 967. Section of 2.5 km of new road, northern bypass of the city has been added. Less traffic through city center.
416. The 3 km long bypass has been added in Głubczyce. Easter bypass road saves travel time.
Gorzów Wielkopolski
S3 road section of km has been open from construction
A 162 the 2 km long bypass has been added near city o Gościno. Less traffic through city center.
Road no. 77: The bypass of Lezajsk has been added
S11: The 3 km long new bypass has been added as a construction between Węzeł Kępno-Północ and Węzeł Kępno-Wschód in city
Kępno. Less traffic through city center.
Konskie city: The bypass around Konskie city has been added
A section of 2.5 km North-Western bypass of Koszalin City has been added. Less traffic through city center.
Motorway A1. Junction "Węzeł Kutno" connection between motorway A1 and road 92 has been closed due to construction delay.
Road number 77. Section of 3 km has been open after construction. It´s a new western bypass of the city. Saves travel time and less
traffic through the city center.
S61: The express road no. S61 in the southern part of the city Stawiski has been reopend after construction
1 / Trasa Górna section of 4,5 km long has been added in Łódź. Reduce traffic and improve safety in the city.
Aleja Adama Mickiewicza and aleja marsz. Józefa Piłsudskiego. Section of 3.5 km has been changed from national to local road due to
new road Trasa Górna opening. Improvement in routing.
Express road S17. Section of 32 km has been open from construction between Węzeł Jastków and Węzeł Lublin Felin. Saves travel time
and less traffic through city center.
Nowa Sól
Road number 315. Section of 5 km have been added between road 292 and 297.
Southern bypass of the city. Section of 1.5 km between street 94 and ulica Marcina Biema has been added.
Jana III Sobieskiego. New junction with roundabouts has been added. Improvement in traffic flow.
A section of 1.6 km of new road between ulica Wyszogrodzka to ulica Otolińska has been added.
Powiat jaroslawski
Brzeg Dolny/Kleka: The section between Brzeg Dolny and Kleka city as well as the new bridge Most Wolnosci-4 czerwca has been added
Powiat krasnicki
Road 747: The construction bypass of the city Chodel – northern part has been added
Road S11 7 km long between Węzeł Poznań Rokietnica and road 92 - Węzeł Poznań-Tarnowo Podgórne has been opened for traffic.
Less traffic through city center.
Road number 12. Section of 10 km southern bypass of city Radom has been open from construction. Saves travel time and less traffic
through the city center.
Road number 4. Section of 20 km has been changed from national to local road due to new motorway opening between border crossing
and Radymno.Less traffic through city center.
The north-western bypass of the city Raków has been added
A4: The section between Radymno and Korczowa has been opened after contruction
Express Road S5. Section of 27 km has been open after construction between Węzeł Korzeńsko and Węzeł Kaczkowo. Saves travel time
and less traffic through city center.
A4: The section between Wezel Debica Wschód and Wezel Rzeszów Zachód has been opened after contruction
Express Road S8. Section of 99 km has been opened after construction between Węzeł Rzgów and Węzeł Wieluń. Now Warsaw and
Wrocław are connected via motorway and express roads what will shorten travel time for about 2 hours.
Express roads S2/ S79: The express roads have been added inside Warszawa city.
Wodzisław Śląski
New Motorway A1 section of 7 km between węzeł Świerklany and węzeł Mszana has been open from construction. Saves travel time in
this part of the country.
Road number 975. Section o 6 km has been open after construction. South- Eastern bypass of Wojnicz city. Less traffic through city
New bridge and border crossing on river Nysa ŁuŜycka has been added.
5 km long section of new Southern bypass of Wrocław between ulica Wroclawska and ulica Strzelinska has been added. Saves travel time.
The western bypass of Zyrardów has been updated in terms of signs, signals and warnings.
A hospital has been added in Vila Franca de Xira and the sorrounding area has been improved in terms of navigation.
A hospital has been added in Lamego and the surrounding area has been improved in terms of navigation
Vila Real
A new section with 13 km of A4 motorway has been added in Vila Real.
A new section with 11 km of A4 motorway has been added in Vila Real.
“Mar Cantábrico” sea has been added
A-14: A section of 7.5 km has been added between Alguaire and Almenar
A-2: The A-2 has been updated in the area of Alcalá de Henarés. A new section, new service roads and new ramp systems have been
A-22: A section of 9 km has been added between Allmacelles and the Huesca province
A-32: A sectopm of 15km has been added
A-33: A section of 33 km has been added
A-4: The geometry of the A-4 has been revised on 5 km at Despeñaperros
A-40: A section of 12.3 kilometers has been added linking the cities of Villarrubia de Santiago and Santa Cruz de la Zarza, in Toledo.
A-60: The 7 km long section has been added between León city and Boñar, improving the connection of the A-60 and LE-30
A-7/T-11/AP-7: The junction between A-7 and T-11 as well as between T11 and AP-7 has been added in Tarragona
A-8: A section of 20 km has been added between Cudillero and Pravia
A-8: A section of 4 km has been added on the Autovía del Cantábrico, in the North-West of Spain
Aeropuerto de Alicante: The Entry and Exit navigation of T1 has been revised
Aeropuerto de Valencia: The new airport Terminal has been added including parking and access road
AG-31/A-52:The section, connecting A-52 road with Portugal in the west area of Ourense has been added
AS-I : The motorwas has been changed on 36km, amongst others a 3km long section on junction with A-64
BI-3101: A section of 2.5 km has been added between Bakio and Bermeo, important coastal settlements, in Bizkaia
BI-633/AP-8: A section of 3km has been added connecting to AP-8
C-17/N-150: The connection between C-17 and N-150 has been added at Montcada I Reixac
C-51: The 5 km ring-road has been added in Rodonyà
C-6: The 34 km ring-road has been added between Olvan and Sant Bartomeu del Grau
CA-170: The 5.5 km long section has been added in San Felices de Buelna , improving the connection between A-67 Autovía de la
Meseta and N-623
Ceuta municipality has been updated for a total of 71,505 inhabitants. Correctness and completion of naming, geometry and navigation
CM-4173: The 6 km long ring road has been added in Castilla La Mancha
Completed geometry and directions of travel in a big area of Azuqueca de Henares (Madrid).
EX-A1: A section of 10 km has been added between Moraleja and Casa de Don Gómez (Cáceres)
GI-632: A section of 5 km has been added
Hospital General de Villarrobledo name changed.
LE-11/A-231/A-66 'Acceso Sur de León': A section of 9 km has been added improving the connection between León city and the
motorway 'Autovía del Camino de Santiago' as well as the N-630.
M-204: The section in Villar del Olmo municipality has been added avoiding the circulation of vehicles through the center of town
ME-1: The 6 km long Ring Road has been added around Ferreries
N-111: Improvements of geometry on the road N-111 between Camargo (Cantabria) and El Astillero (Santander).
N-121: The 5 km long Ring road has been added in Elizondo and Irurita
N-430: A section of 5.4 km has been added in Ossa de Montiel, between Albacete and Ciudad Real
N-623/CA-144/CA-143: Update of the roadnetwork due to the new motorway around Santander
Otura (Granada) is called now Villa de Otura
P-12: 8 km of road have been updated improving the routing in Palencia
S-30: A section of 24 km has been added
Sarratell (Castellón) is called now La Serratella.
SE-40: A section of 16 km has been reopened after contruction between Alcalá de Guadaira, Sevilla and La Rinconada
The 1.5 km long ring road has been added around Es Pujols
The ferry line between Gibraltar and Tánger has been added
The Hospital 'hospital complemetario alto palanca' has been added in Segorbe
The VAO line in Avinguda Merididana in Barcelona has been added
TO-21: The last strech (10km) between the municipalities of Bargas and Toledo which complete the access to the city of Toledo form the
West area has been added
Z-30: Ramps have been updated on Zaragoza
Z-40/E-90/A-2: The 13km long section has been added improving the connection of the highways
A Coruna
Cesuras (A Coruña) municipality and Oza dos Ríos (A Coruña) municipality have been merged in one municipality named now OzaCesuras.
CG 1 _ VAP San Cibrao-Ferrol: The first 8.5km long section has been added
N-322: new multidigitized and controlled access road and added lateral roads and new ramp systems,during 2 km has been updated in
Aller (Principado de Asturias)
As-112: New stretch of 9.4 km has been added betewn the municipalities of Aller and Cabañaquinta (Principado de Asturias)
Arboleas ( Almería)
A-334, a new motorway of 17.3Km has been added under construction between Albox/Cantoria/Arbolea
Arguis (Huesca)
A-23: New stretch of motorway of 5 km has been added on Arguis (Huesca)
C-154: The 2.5km long ring road has been added, improving the connection between Olost and Olvan
The Ave rail road has been added between Barcelona and Figeres
the Sagrado Corazón (South) access has been added.
A-73: A section of 9 km has been added, improving the connectivity around Burgos Capital
Cáceres ( Casas de Don gómez, Morcillo
EX-A1: a new stretch of motorway of 37 Km, has been added between Gijo de Galiste, Morcillo, Coria and Casas de Don Gómez
Canary Islands
Big enhance of geometry and nav attributes for an important turistic area which cover 339,859 inhabitants in 18 municipalities of the
Canary Islands (Arafo, Arico, Barlovento, Breña Alta, Candelaria, Fuencaliente de La Palma, Granadilla de Abona, Güímar, Los Llanos de
Aridane, El Paso, Puntallana, El Rosario, San Andrés y Sauces, San Miguel de Abona, Santa Cruz de La Palma, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
and Tazacorte.
Castil de Peopnes, Prádanos de Bureba, Briviesca
N-I: between N-I and connect with others Roads, 4 intersections has been updated and changes on ramps and roundabouts roads on
Burgos Province
Ciudad Real
A-4: geometry and attributes has been updated of ramps named 172, 173 and 232
Update in Córdoba downtown to improve guidance through the city center.
Airport Alicante: The Airport name has been updated to " Aeropuerto de Alicante-Elche"
Ejea de los Caballeros (Zaragoza)
A-125: New ring road of 5 km has been added around Ejea de los Caballeros (Zaragoza)
Figueres (Girona)
AP-7: The 5km long ramp has been added in Figueres
Gerena (Sevilla)
The 4.5 km long ring road has been added
AP-7: The ramp system on AP-7 in Fornells de la Selva has been added
C-25/N-II: The connection between N-II and C-25 has been added
Guadix (Granada) y El Contador (Almería)
A-92N: 23 exit numbers and corresponding signs, has been updated between exit #0 to #80 between Granada and Almería
Guadalajara / Alcocer
Carretera al embalse de Buendía: A new road and new system ramp of 4.7km has been added between N-320 and CU-214 in
Alcocer(Guadalajara) and Cañaveruelas (Cuenca)
Icod de los Vinos El Tanque (Santa Cruz de Tenerif
TF-5: New stretch of road of 5km has been added in Icod de los Vino and El Tanque.
La Pobla de Farnals (Valencia)
V-21, a new stretch of 5Km has been added in La Pobla de Farnals
Linares, Ibros, Úbeda, Sabiote and Torreperogil
A new motorway of 32 km, has been added under construction in Jaén Province
Lourenzá (Lugo)
A-8, a section of 68km has been added between Viaducto de Fontepresa and Viaducto de Lourenza (Pontevedra)
Renamed Madrid Barajas Airport to Adolfo Suárez Airport in honor of former Prime Minister Adolfo Suárez.
MA-13: The connection between the MA-13 Motorway and Cami de sa Cabana has been added
Medio Cudeyo (Cantabria)
A-8: New stretch of motorway of 11 km has been added in Medio Cudeyo (Cantabria)
GC-1: The stretch at Puerto Rico-Mogán (Las Palmas) has been added
Mollet del Vallés
A New Hospital added in Mollet del Vallés in Barcelona, Hospital de Mollet
Motril/Salobreña/ALmuñécar (Granada)
E-15/A-7, New stretch motorway of 47,26 km, closed under construction in DB has been added and updated in Motril, Salobreña,
Molvízar, Itrabo, Almuñécar (Granada).
A-8: a new stretch of motorway of 9 Km has been added.
Nueno (Huesca)
A-23: a new stretch of motorway of 4 Km, has been added in Nueno (huesca)
Orquillas, Fontioso, Cilleruelo de Abajo, Quintani
A-1: between A-1 and connections with others Roads, 12 intersections has been updated and changed, on Burgos Province
Oseja de Sajimbre (León)
N-625, a section of 20Km the speed limit has been updated from 90km/h to 40Km/h in Oseja de Sajambre
Palma de Mallorca
Via Cintura/ MA-15: The tunnel connecting Via Cintura with MA-15 has been added
MA-19, The 1Km new access has been added between carrer Puerto Rico and Carrer Joan Maragall in Palma de Mallorca
Palma: Name change from Palma to Palma de Mallorca
Pardilla (Burgos)
A-1, a new section of 37Km has been added in Pardilla
Penyaflor (Sevilla)
The 3.5 km long ring road has been added
PO-531/AG-41: The ramp systems between Barro and Meis (Pontevedra) has been added to improve connectivity of PO-531 and AG-41
PO-10/N-550: Between PO-10 and N-550, the new long ramp has been added in Pontevedra
Riaño-Siero(Principado de Asturias)
S-17: Newmotorway and new tunnels of 27 Km has been added from singleDig to multiDig and New In Riaño, Siero (principado de
Ribadedeva, llanes (Asturias)
A-8: New stretch of motorway of 20 km has been added from Ribadedeva to Llanes (Asturias)
Rodanyá (Tarragona)
C-51: New stretch of road 17 km has been added betewn the municipalities of Rodanyà and Albinyana (Tarragona)
Sabiñanigo (Huesca)
A-23: Newmotorway of 3.5 km has been added and updated From singleDig in Sabiñánigo (Huesca)
Santa Cruz de Mudela (Ciudad Real)
A-4: a section of 27Km has been added
The Ferry between Postmouth (England) and Santander (Spain) has been added
Santander-Poole, a new ferry line has been added between Santander (Spain) and Poole (England)
Santa María Rivarredonda (Burgos)
N-I: a new ring road of 5 Km has been added in Santa María Rivarredonda (Burgos)
Santo domingo de la Calzada (La Rioja)
A-12: New stretch of motorway of 13 km has been added from Hormilla to Santo Domingo de la Calzada (La Rioja)
Sarria (Lugo)
CG-2.2, a section of 10.5km has been added between Lugo and Monforte de Lemos in Sarria (Lugo)
Sevilla Airport: The arrival area has been updated in terms of access restrictions
A2: The A-2 motorway has been updated in tems of service roads and ramp systems between Guadalajara and Madrid
Santa Cruz de Tenerife
The tunnel on the Via Litoral of Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Santa Cruz de Mudela (Ciudad Real)
A-4:a section of 27Km has been added in Santa Cruz de Mudela
Terrassa ( Barcelona)
C-16/B-40: A ramp system has been changed in terrassa
A-40, a long ramp has been added in Bargas
A-3: Changes of number of lanes, speed limits and ramp system conexion of 80 km has been updated between Buñol and Valencia
V-21: Changes of number of lanes, speed limits and ramp system conexión of 32 km has been updated between PuÇol and Alboraya in
A-3/A-7, a new system ramp of 4.2 km has been added between A-3 and A-7 in Riba and Quard de Poblet in Valencia
Updated naming of 12 streets in Valladolid municipality due to the Historical Memory Law: "Calle Alférez Provisional" changed by "Calle
Padre Benito Menni"; "Calle Antonio Lorenzo Hurtad"changed by "Calle Calle Arzobispo José Delicado"; "Calle Clarencio Sanz" changed
by "Calle Bilbao"; "Puente García Morato" changed by "Puente Adolfo Suárez"; "Calle García Morato" changed by "Paseo del Hospital
Militar"; "Calle General Solchaga" changed by "Calle El Norte de Castilla"; "Calle Héroes Alcázar
VA-30: New ring road of 62 km has been added in the west at valladolid, between Highway Duero (A-11) and the Highway of Castilla (A62).
Vera, Puerto Lumbreras
A-7: The exit sign number has been changed throughout 112 km between Vera, Puerto Lumbreras
Viladenuls (Girona)
AP-7: New ramps has been added connected from AP-7 to N-II in the municipality of Viladenuls (Girona)
Viso del Marqués / almuradiel (Ciudad Real)
E-5/A-4, Ramp sytems changed throughout motorway, 2.5 km, Has been updated,in Valdepeñas, Santa Cruz de Mudela, Viso del
Marqués, Almuradiel (Ciudad Real Province)
New bridge over the Douro River in the city of Zamora and and the access roads to the same,on both banks of the river
A-21: A section of 5.5km has been added, offering an alternative road to the N-240
A-1105: The 3km long ring road has been added, improving the connection between N-II and the N-232
New stretch of road 42 'Sjöbo Bypass', Borås municipality aims to improve road safety
New stretch of road E22 in Sölvesborg aims to improve road safety and mobility.
The new E4 in Sundsvall aims to improve road safety and mobility. It will also help improve the air quality in central Sundsvall.
A single carriageway has been upgraded to a dual carriageway at Willerby (Humberside) and four roundabouts have been reconfigurated.
A31: The redesign of the roundabout at Canford Bottom on the A31 in Dorset has been added.
A32: The 2.5 km long stretch of the A32 ClanaboganRoad has been improved incl. the replacement of the bridge at the Shannaragh River
A32: The Cherrymount Link Road scheme final phase has opened, the scheme provides a strategic link between approaches to
Enniskillen, from Omagh and Belfast. Comprising two kilometres of trunk road, the scheme connects the existing Cherrymount
roundabout on the A32 to the north of Enniskillen with the B80 Tempo Road to the southeast of the town. Two footbridges have also
been constructed over the new link road to provide safe pedestrian crossing facilities, one at Coa Road for public use and the second
within the grounds of St Michael's College for the use of students using St Michael's playing fields.
A32: The new link road around the settlement of Enniskillen, County Fermanagh has been built. Two thirds of the new A32 Cherrymount
Link scheme has opened, 1km of single carriageway and two roundabouts have been constructed. Also includes an upgrade of the Lower
Chanterhill Road connecting to the A32 Irvinestown Road.
A483/A5252: New sections have been added to improve access to the Wrexham Industrial Estate from the A483 in the north and the
A5252 in the South. The new northern access comprises 3.2 kilometres of dual lane carriageway with three roundabout junctions and a
new bridge over the quarry access. At the southern access, 1.2 kilometres of new single carriageway road has been constructed, with
three new or enlarged junctions.
A6004: The new section forming part of the A6004 called 'Station Boulevard' has been added. It is approximately 1 mile long connecting
Meadow Lane with Nottingham Road
George Best Belfast City Airport: arrangements concerning vehicle access to the front of the airport terminal have been added. There is
now a access to the gate only for taxis and private buses to collect passengers exiting the terminal. Signage has also been updated due to
the migration of the Executive car park.
M1: The M1 motorway has been upgraded to a 'managed motorway' between junctions 10-13. This means that technology is used to
relieve congestion but way of variable speed limits and hard shoulder running during peak times. Improvements have been made to 24km
of the M1
M5/ A30: Junction 29 of the M5 has been widened to improve access to and from the A30 particularly for southbound motorway traffic
M9: Completion of Junction 1a on the M9 now allowing routing westbound from the M90 to M9 as well as from the M9 onto the M90
The highway junction A23 to B2115 has been improved at Warninglid in terms of a roundabouts, access roads and realignment of the slip
A413/Western Link Road: A section of 2.85 kms of the A413 has been added between the Berryfields Estate and the Buckingham Park
M8: The motorway junction M8 junction 4A has been added. This addition brings 3.5 kilometres of new geometry. This includes a full
diamond junction, two roundabouts and a bridge over the motorway. This provides better access to the town of Whitburn and the planned
'Heartlands' business park.
9.3km of new A477 from St Clears to Red Roses in Southern Wales.
A75: A section of 5kms has been realigned near Carrutherstown.
City and Borough of Birmingham
A45- A section of 2km has been added adjacent to Birmingham International Airport in Solihull.
This now provides a horse shoe shaped diversion around the soon to be extended Birmingham Airport runway.
A43 Corby bypass: 13.5km of major, new road bypassing the town of Corby and the village of Geddington in Northamptonshire. The old
A43 has been downgraded and named the A4003. The function of the new road is to reduce journey times by cutting out busy local
routes and increase safety for motorists and residents of Geddington.
A3072: A new link road has been added on a 1km section of the A3072 between the A377 and Exhibition Road. It provides access to
Lords Meadow Industrial Estate.
New 2km long link road between the B184 and the B1256 in Dunmow, Essex.
Edinburgh tram stations have been added with the addition of 14 commuter rail stations.
M25: A section of 24kms of the M25 has been widened between Junction 25 and Junction 27.
M5: New charitable trust owned service area on M5 northbound between junctions 11 and 12.
Haywards Heath
A272: A section of the A272 has been downgraded and rerouted for 4.7km around the town of Haywards Heath. The relief road includes
the construction of two new roundabouts. The previous route of the A272 has been downgraded to a collector road and renamed the
B2272. Benefits of the relief road include reduction of congestion through the town centre of Haywards Heath and increased safety for
motorists and residents of Haywards Heath.
A23: A section of 10kms has been widened and aligned from Handcross to Warninglid.
A77: A section of 4 km has been changed around Symington as part of the Symington and Bogend Toll Project. The new bridge allows
safer access to and from the A77 for road users, minimises delays and improves access to key ports.
M25 Junctions 5-7 and 23-27 are now 'Smart motorway' meaning that the speed limit is controlled using variable speed limits and that
use of the hard shoulder is allowed to relieve congestion during peak times.
A10/A503: Tottenham Hale Gyratory has been removed and local roads have been extensively updated including new directions of travel,
signage and traffic signals.
Heathrow Terminal 2: The newly refurbished Terminal 2 at London Heathrow Airport is now fully open and included in the Q4 release.
4.7km of new and existing access roads and signposts have been updated to reflect the changes.
The A6 through Loughborough town centre has been re-routed for 1km along a new relief road to reduce congestion.
Luton Inner Ring Road: A section of 1.75 kms on Crescent Road, Crawley Green Road and Hucklesby Way has been upgraded to form
the completion of the Luton Inner Ring Road.
4 new commuter stations have been added on the East Manchester line of the Manchester Metrolink: Audenshaw, Ashton Moss, Ashton
West, Ashton-under-Lyne.
4 new commuter stations have been added on the Rochdale line of the Manchester Metrolink: Oldham Central Street, Oldham King
Street, Oldham Mumps and Rochdale Town Centre.
Ringway Road West: A section of 1.2 kms has been upgraded to dual carriageway. The upgrade allows greater traffic flow.
A4241 Harbour Way: The A4241 Harbour Way is a new 4.8km link road that joins junction 38 of the M4 to the heart of Neath Port Talbot.
New junction on the M275 - Tipner Interchange. The new junction will enable local access and also allow access to the new Portsmouth
Park and Ride scheme.
A57: The Scheme improves the previous single carriageway A57 to a dual two lane carriageway between Worksop Road-Sheffield Road
400m east of the M1 Junction 31 to the new five-arm roundabout junction of the A57 and the B6463 Todwick Road.
Junction improvements were undertaken at existing side roads and accesses: most significantly, at the junction of the A57 and the B6463
Todwick Road, where the existing signalised crossroads will be replaced by a five-arm roundabout with a 70m diameter.
A section of 2kms has been upgraded to dual carriageway on the A57 in Sheffield, South Yorkshire between the M1 and Todwick
Road/Kiveton Lane crossroads. The dual carriageway provides improved capacity, journey time reliability and safety benefits.
The 5.2km long bypass has been added around Dunragit, Stranraer.
A1018: A section of 1.4km has been changed in Sunderland. This includes changing the Wheatsheaf Gyratory into one signaled junction,
The improved junction reduces congestion on one of the main routes into the city.
West Lothian
The motorway junction M8 junction 4A has been added. This addition brings 3.5 kilometres of new geometry. This includes a full diamond
junction, two roundabouts and a bridge over the motorway. This provides better access to the town of Whitburn and the planned
'Heartlands' business park.