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tinti maurizia - WordPress.com
Via Forlivese 33, 48018 Faenza (RA), Italy
+39 348 9103406
[email protected]
Pre-university studies
2001 – 2006
ITCG A. Oriani
Faenza (Italy)
Commercial Technical Certificate - Italian secondary school diploma.
Economy, arts and tourism. Learning of 3 languages: English, French German.
Language certificates and ECDL (European Computer Driving License) certificate
School-leaving examination mark: 86/100.
Academic studies
2006 – 2009
Università Ca’ Foscari
Venice (Italy)
Bachelor in Heritage Studies, specific field ethno-anthropology .
Final degree mark: 110/110 ( 15 Feb. 2010).
Dissertation subjects: cultural anthropology, music festival, reggae music. Effort: 7
months. Supervisor: Tamisari Franca.
2008 – 2009
Universidade de Coimbra
Coimbra (Portugal)
European Union “LLP – Erasmus” program , 9 months.
Bachelor and Master courses in Anthropology (Faculty of Sciences and Technology) .
6 exams taken abroad and validated,: Anthropology and literature (L. Quintais,
Silvestre), Ethnography and fieldwork (F. Florêncio ), Goods and people in Latin America
(A. Shelton), Anthropology of Body and Anthropology of Performance (J. Houart),
Portuguese language.
Learning of Portuguese language and improvement of academic English.
2010 – 2012
Università Ca’ Foscari
Venice (Italy)
Master in Cultural anthropology, ethnology and ethnolinguistic .
Final degree mark: 110/110 cum laude (27 Feb. 2013).
Dissertation subjects: cultural anthropology, urban ethnomusicology, funk carioca music .
Effort: 16 months, carried out abroad. Supervi sor: Tamisari Franca.
2010 – 2012
Universdade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
RJ (Brazil)
European Union “International Exchange” program, 5 months.
Master course in Social Sciences (PPCIS-UERJ). 3 exams taken abroad and
validated: Anthropology of emotions (M.C. Coelho) , Urban anthropology (P. Birman, S.
Sá Carneiro) , Individual and society (R. Castro) . Other (at PPGAS-MN-UFRJ): Urban
anthropology (G. Velho).
Improvement of Portuguese language , Brazilian anthropology and sociology approach
and fieldwork.
Jul. 2009
Rototom Sunsplash
Osoppo (Italy)
Bachelor in Heritage Studies – Ethno-anthropology, dissertation title : City of vibes: the
Rototom Sunsplash. Analysis of a music and cultural festival no more Italian .
Not published.
Analysis of one of the biggest European reggae festival from a cultural and musical
Fieldwork: in loco (camping site) for the full duration of the event ( from 07 to 12 July
2009). Participant observation of the daily activities, concerts and campsite. Interviews
with participants, staff members (editorial, photography and video, radio, administrative
and support staff), policemen and security. Field notes, recording and filming.
Post (Aug. 2009 – Jan. 2010): bibliography and discography references, interviews
transcription and dissertation editing.
Jan. 2011
Rione Verde’s Youth Hostel
Faenza (Italy)
Academic exam (Ethnography , Ca’ Foscari): Faenza, dove il boom degli ostell i non è
Analysis of one underway youth hostel and its construction methods by the “Green’s
Quarter Ass ociation” and the Medieval Academy of Faenza, aiming to redevelop an ex convent, historical heritage of the city.
Fieldwork: focus group with professional roles ( the Academy’s chief , engineer,
industrial, graphic and web designers ). Interviews recording.
Post: interviews transcription and editing of a review for the exam .
ancora arrivato. Focus group sulla necessità ed il desiderio di un ostello da
parte di diversi profili professionali . Not published.
Sept. 2011 – May 2012
Ricerca multi-situata
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Master degree in Cultural anthropology, ethnology and ethno -linguistic , dissertation
title: From bailes to bailes: the flows of funk carioca through largo, asfalto and
morro. Ethnography of a changing mus ic genre: prohibition and recognition in
the city of great events . Not published.
Analysis of funk carioca music genre and comparative ethnography of funk balls as
part of the urban soundscape of Rio de Janeiro , and analysis of the rhetoric and
representation it concerns .
Fieldwork: in two periods (Sept. -Dec. 2011 and Feb. -Apr. 2012). Participant observation
in the music and socializing contexts ( baile funk ) in favelas and discotheques of Rio.
Interviews with participants, funk artists, social movements’ militants and other
Brazilian interl ocutors. Field notes, recording and filming.
Post (Jun. 2012 – Jan. 2013): bibliography and discography references; interviews
transcription and translation; dissertation editing.
Other experiences
May 2013
Centro Studi Americanistici “Circolo Amerindian o”
Perugia (Italy)
XXXV Internat ional Americanistic Studies Congress , from 3 to 10 May 2013.
Speaker in “ Ethnomusicology: survival, continuity and new contributions of the music
and traditional dances in America ” session, coordinated by María Lina Picconi
(Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina).
Presentation title: Funk carioca. Un’espressione culturale popolare di resistenza .
Feb.-Jun. 2013
Teatro Due Mondi
Faenza (Italy)
International “Youth in A ction” project, promoted by the European Commission:
“Incontri” theatre and cinema workshops .
Learning of techniques of filmmaking and short video production, acting and
improvisation in street theatre pieces.
Translation and cultural mediation in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English
languages with other foreign actors who participated to the project.
Show: “La libertà è una casa”. Video: “I frutti della terra” (YouTube) .
May-Jul. 2013
Associazione Culturale Dynamoscopio
Milan (Italy)
“Community Mapping ” project: urban ethnography workshop in Giambellino
neighborhood, Milan.
Learning of audio recording techniques , improving of the urban ethnographic
approach and listening to the urban sounscape .
Language skills
Italian – mother tongue.
Portuguese – excellent writing, speaking, comprehension .
English – good writing and speaking, excellent comprehension.
French – good speaking and excellent comprehension .
Spanish – fair speaking and excellent comprehension .
Language certificates: ESOL PET in 2003; DELF A2 in 2005; FIT IN DEUTSCH A2 in 2005.
Other writings
Will the axolotl evolve or will it ever be trapped in the national c haracter they
wanted it to be? . Academic exam (G o o d s a n d p e o p l e i n L a t i n A m e r i c a , C o i m b r a ),
Jan. 2009. Not published.
Non è una questione di difendere, ma di comprendere e dar voce. Analisi della
critica di Miguel Mellino al postcolonialismo e confronto co n il movimento
Rastafari . Academic exam (Cultural an t h r o p o l o g y , C a ’ F o s c a r i ), December 2010. Not
Translation book Da favela para as favelas by Repper Fiell, Visão da Favela Brasil, 2011.
(translated in Nov. 2011 – Jan. 2012).
O medo que nunca deixa em paz: emoções de uma antropologa . Academic exam
Uma sociedade (ultra-moderna) do sexo que fala... ou canta! ". Academic exam
Dos bailes no morro à parada no centro: o grito de guerra e auto-afirmação do
funk . Academic exam (U r b a n a n t h r o p o l o g y , U E R J ), Jan. 2012. Not published.
Dialogo tra epistemologia clinica e epistemologia antropologica. Analisi
dell’interazione costante nell’esperienza della follia e nell’esperienza della
cultura . Academic exam (E t h n o p s y c h i a t r y , C a ’ F o s c a r i ), Sept. 2012. Not published.
(A n t h r o p o l o g y o f e m o t i o n s , U E R J ), Dec. 2011. Not published.
(I n d i v i d u a l a n d s o c i e t y , U E R J ), Dec. 2011. Not published.
Musica e metropoli. I flussi urbani del funk carioca tra morro, asfalto e largo di
Rio de Janeiro . (under revision for) Dada. Rivista di antropologia post -globale, Trieste,
anno III, vol.2, Dec. 2013.
Funk carioca. Un’espressione culturale popolare di resistenza . (under revision for)
Quaderni di Thule. Atti del XXXV Convegno Internazionale di Americanistica , Centro Studi
Americanistici “Circolo Amerindiano”, Perugia, 3-10 May 2013.
Search me on:
Academia.edu – Maurizia Tinti - Postgraduate at Ca' Foscari University, Venezia
< http://unive.academia.edu/MTinti>
Ca’ Foscari Alumni – Maurizia Tinti < http://www.cafoscarialumni.it/alumnus/1913>
LinkedIn – Maurizia Tinti - Postgraduate in anthropology at Ca' Foscari University, Venezia
< http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=241888030&trk=tab_pro>
Twitter – @mauri_tinti < https://twitter.com/mauri_tinti>
Wordpress - maurizia t. – an anthropological trip <[email protected]>