Istituto Comprensivo della Scuola dell`Infanzia, Primaria e


Istituto Comprensivo della Scuola dell`Infanzia, Primaria e
A.S. 2013/14 - Autovalutazione di Istituto – Scuola Primaria, classe quarta
1 Scrivi in italiano la spiegazione delle parole sottolineate.
Hi, I’m Cinderella. I’m blonde and my eyes are blue. I’m wearing a long pink skirt, a blue shirt and
brown shoes. I live in a big castle with my stepmother and my two stepsisters, Anastasia and
Genoveffa. They are not my real family. They don’t love me, so I work hard every day. This is my
bedroom: the bed is not soft, the wardrobe is small and the curtains are dirty. It is a small and not
comfortable room!
b. STEPSISTERS: …………………………………………………………………………….
c. COMFORTABLE : …………………………………………………………………………
2 Osserva l’immagine e colorala seguendo le caratteristiche indicate in lingua inglese:
a) Blonde hairs
b) Violet dress
c) Brown bear
3 Leggi con attenzione il brano, poi indica se le frasi sono vere o false.
Hi, I’m Sofia and I’m nine years old. I get up at seven o’clock every morning. I wash my face, then
I brush my teeth and I put on my clothes. I have breakfast at half past seven. I eat toast with jam and
I drink milk and orange juice. I go to school at a quarter to eight. I always go to school on foot. At
school I read and write. I have lunch at school at twelve o’ clock and I go home at four o’ clock. I
play with my friends and I watch TV until seven o’ clock. I have dinner with my family at half past
seven. Then I put on my pyjamas. At half past nine I go to bed.
1.She goes to school by bus
2.She has dinner with her family
3.She drinks milk for breakfast
4 Traduci in inglese questi semplici messaggi:
a. Fai gli auguri di Buon Compleanno. ……………………………………………………….
b. Invita un amico alla tua festa (giorno e ora). ……………………………………………...
c. Chiedi che ore sono. ………………………………………………………………………..