Senza titolo


Senza titolo
a co-production
RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera / SF Schweizer Fernsehen
a film by
Villi Hermann
From Somewhere to Nowhere
On the road in China with
photographer Andreas Seibert
Filmed in China 2006, 2007 and 2008
selected for
Solothurner Filmtage
Roma Independent Film Festival
Freiburger Film Forum
Amsterdam Filmmuseum DOKU.ARTS
Innsbrucker Film Festival
Verona San Giò Video Festival
and also invited to
Hofer Filmtage 2009
Valladolid Film Festival 2009
Locarno Film Festival 2009, Appellations Suisse
Thursday 6th August - LA SALA at 11.00
Friday 7th August - Rialto 2 at 22.00
English subtitles
Ufficio Stampa Film
Michela Pini
[email protected]
+41 79 5434017
viale Cassarate 4
6900 Lugano - Svizzera
+41 91 9226831
From Somewhere to Nowhere
Producer/Director/Camera/Sound Villi Hermann
Villi Hermann, Eve Martin
Andreas Seibert
All the stills of the film also appear in the book “From Somewhere to Nowhere. China’s Internal Migrants”
Published by Lars Müller Publishers, Baden, Switzerland 2008
Editing Samir Samperisi
Production Manager Michela Pini
Music Christian Gilardi, Zeno Gabaglio, Gregorio di Trapani
Sound Design Riccardo Studer
Sound Studio Digilab Recording Studios - Lugano
Music Recording Adriano Schrade – CISA Lugano
Grading Alberto Meroni
Legal Adviser
Clio Herrmann
Coproducer RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera, Luisella Realini
SF Schweizer Fernsehen, Sternstunde Kunst, Anita Hugi
With the introduction of the writers Chen Guidi and Wu Chuntao
Chen Guidi and Wu Chuntao are the authors of: "Will the Boat Sink the Water? The Life of China’s Peasants",
Published by Public Affairs, New York 2006
Filmed in the provinces of Sichuan, Hebei, Hunan, Guangdong, Liaoning,
Chongqing, Shanxi, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi
and in Internal Mongolia A.R. also along the Hue
and Yangtze Rivers.
Language Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Swiss-German
Diary written and narrated by Villi Hermann
Research Clio Herrmann, Michela Pini
Graphic Design Michela Balmelli
Xian Ku, Zhan Lie Noeres Giang, Wu Young
Translations Il Ponte, Qiaoliang Lugano
Lin Yu, Gao Chun He
Emma Lupano, Clio Herrmann, Tim Quinn
Subtitles MediaMix 3 - Lugano
Format and Length 86 mn, color, HDV, Digital Beta, 16:9, stereo, 2009
Shot on
Sony HVR-V1
Edited on Apple Final Cut Pro 6.0
Camera Equipment – Meride
Subtitling MediaMix.3 – Breganzona
Special thanks to
Lookat Photos, Beijing Today Art Museum
We would like to thank
Susanna Baer Seibert, Michael Beltrami, Greg Davis, Fabio Fumagalli, Simon Haller, Jeff
Kingston, Regula König, Alessandro Mafioletti, Antonio Mariotti, Ramon Montanes, Lars
Müller, Alberto Nessi, Peter Pfrunder, Luca Poloni, Joel Sackett, Daniel Schwartz, Ryuichiro
Suzuki, Felix von Muralt, Ben Wu, Renée Xu, Barbara Zürcher.
The photographer Andreas Seibert was funded by
Museum Rietberg Zurich (Gilded Splendour - Treasures of China's Liao Empire), Asahi
Camera, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, Aargauer Kuratorium
Film funded by
Republic and Canton Ticino
FilmPlus della Svizzera Italiana
Succès Passages Antennes
Fondazione Educazione e Sviluppo Berna
SUISA Foundation for Music
Imagofilm Lugano Switzerland
Michela Pini, Cinédokke, [email protected]
Nour Film Paris, rue Eugène Varlin 4, 75010 Paris,
France. tel. +336 7667 3860 [email protected],
© Photos Andreas Seibert - © Imago Film Suissimage 2009
SUISA 277081 - ISAN 0000-0001-FAB1-0000-F-0000-0000-T
Mrs. Zhou was forced to leave her home in the city.
She moved to the outskirts of Guangzhou where she continues to sew pearls.
She still does not have enough money to travel back to her hometown in Sichuan Province
to visit her husband’s grave.
Due to residence restrictions, her youngest child Ke was not allowed to attend school in
the city of Guangzhou. Mrs. Zhou had to send him back to the hometown, some good
1500 kilometers away.
Her eldest son Jie is one of the 30 million migrants who have lost their jobs due to the
global economic downturn.
Another 200 million migrants continue to travel "from Somewhere to Nowhere".
March 2009
Dedicated to the Memory of Zhou Guoacheng 1965 – 2008
From Somewhere to Nowhere
High-population centres of enormous size are springing up in China with dizzying speed.
With them comes an increased demand for migrant workers in the construction sector,
factories and mines. Some 150 million people have already set out from underdeveloped
rural provinces to earn their living in the growth centers of China.
Swiss photographer Andreas Seibert accompanied migrant workers (mingong) over a
period of several years in order to document their lives and work.
Filmmaker Villi Hermann followed the photographer Andreas Seibert on his journeys deep
into this vast country, witnessing the difficulties and artistic ethic of his work.
Filmed in the provinces of: Sichuan, Hebei, Hunan, Guangdong, Liaoning, Chongqing,
Shanxi, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi and Inner Mongolia A.R.
Andreas Seibert mainly covers Asia, working from Tokyo, for a large number of
international magazines, including Courrier International, DU, Fortune, GEO, Newsweek,
NZZ, Stern, The Independent Magazine, Time etc.
His photographic work has been shown in various exhibitions at home and abroad.
Le cinéaste Villi Hermann effectue trois voyages en Chine, en 2006, 2007 et 2008 avec
Andreas Seibert, un photoreporter suisse qui vit à Tokyo et travaille pour de grandes
revues internationales. Andreas Seibert capte des histoires de la vie quotidienne d’une
Chine qui change de façon fulgurante. Depuis plusieurs années, il s’intéresse au problème
des migrants de l’intérieur (les mingong). En effet 150 millions de paysans quittent les
zone rurales pour les mégalopolis chinoises.
Dans son film, le cinéaste et le photographe traversent la Chine du nord au sud et d’est en
ouest. Ils accompagnent aussi un migrant durant le long voyage qui le reporte dans sa
province natale, le Sichuan, une région rurale de forte émigration.
Schätzungsweise 150 Millionen Chinesen haben ihre Dörfer in den armen ländlichen
Regionen verlassen, um Arbeit in urbanen Zentren zu suchen. Sie strömen - oft ohne
Aufenthaltsbewilligung - in die Städte. Rechtlos und meist ohne jeglichen Besitz sind sie
gezwungen, Arbeiten zu verrichten, die sonst niemand verrichten will.
Seit 2002 arbeitet der Schweizer Fotograf Andreas Seibert an seiner Bildreportage “From
Somewhere to Nowhere – Wanderarbeiter in China”, mit der er ein ganz beeindruckendes,
zeitgeschichtlich aktuelles Dokument über die Lebensbedingungen chinesischer
Wanderarbeiter (mingong) in China geschaffen hat. Nah an den Personen zeigen seine
Bilder, welchen Preis der wirtschaftliche Boom in China hat: Das Einkommensgefälle
zwischen arm und reich nimmt ständig zu, es fehlt an sozialer Absicherung und die
Umweltprobleme werden drängender.
Il cineasta svizzero Villi Hermann accompagna il fotografo Andreas Seibert durante tre
viaggi in Cina, nel 2006, 2007, 2008. Un cinema nomade.
Andreas Seibert è un fotografo dell’ultima generazione dei fotoreporter svizzeri che da
dieci anni vive a Tokyo. Pubblica per riviste internazionali di altissima tiratura e da diversi
anni si interessa al fenomeno dei migranti all’interno della Cina (i cosiddetti mingong). Nel
paese ci sono 150 milioni di contadini che si spostano dalle zone rurali alle megalopoli. Il
fotografo racconta storie di vita quotidiana di una Cina che cambia freneticamente e ci fa
conoscere l’uomo e non più la “massa blu dei cinesi”.
Il cineasta e il fotografo viaggiano nella Mongolia Interna, nelle zone miniere di Datong e
Pingxiang, nelle province dell’Hunan, Shanxi e Chongqing e nelle zone di forte sviluppo
come Beijing e Shanghai. Seguono anche un migrante durante il suo lungo viaggio che,
dalla megalopoli di Guangzhou-Shenzhen, lo riporta nella sua provincia natale, il Sichuan,
una zona rurale di grande emigrazione.
De jonge Zwitserse fotograaf Andreas Seibert volgde gedurende meerdere jaren illegale
Chinese arbeidsmigranten (mingong), om hun leven en werk vast te leggen. Zijn foto’s zijn
vaak rake portretten van mensen die “ergens vandaan komen en nergens naartoe gaan”,
in de woorden van een migrant. Seibert laat de ontroerende waardigheid en eigenheid
zien van deze mensen die leven onder deprimerende
omstandigheden. Een beeld dat niet vaak wordt getoond aan het westen. Bijna 200
miljoen mensen zijn al vertrokken uit de onderontwikkelde plattelandsprovincies om, in de
groeicentra van China, wat geld te verdienen en op zoek te gaan naar een beter leven. De
Zwitserse filmmaker Villi Hermann volgde Seibert op zijn reis tot diep in dit enorme land.
Hermann was getuige van de moeilijkheden die de fotograaf tegenkwam en legde vele
ontmoetingen vast met arbeiders die geen enkel recht kennen. Uitstijgend boven de
actualiteit toont de film hoe door fotografie diepgaande herinneringen ontstaan, die lang
beklijven. Door de combinatie van foto’s en HD video, die soms met elkaar lijken te
concurreren, wordt deze documentaire een impressionistisch dagboek van de reis van Villi
Hermann door China. Hij bezorgt ons vele fascinerende scènes en onvergetelijke beelden.
“De film toont individuen, niet alleen gezichten die verloren gaan in een Mao-blauwe
From Somewhere to Nowhere
Filmbiography of Villi Hermann
Born in Lucerne, he lives now in Lugano, Switzerland. He studied at the London Film
School (LSFT), worked for the Swiss television. He started with documentary films. He
uses often documentary and fiction elements in his films. Matlosa (1981) was his first
fiction film, for which he is director and producer. He founded 1980 his own production
company: Imago Film SA Lugano. Member of the Swiss Filmmakers Associtaion
(ARF/FDS) and the Swiss Italian Producer Association APICE.
1969 Fed up (short) 16mm, colour
Festivals: Barcelona, Mannheim, Amsterdam, Solothurn
1970 24 su 24 (docu) 16mm, b/w, o.v. Italian
Festivals: Locarno, San Sebastian, Salerno, Barcelona
1974 Cerchiamo per subito operai, offriamo… (documentary feature) 16mm, b/w,
o.v. Italian
Festivals: Locarno, Pesaro, Mannheim, Venice, Nyon, Toulon, Bologna,
Florence, Valladolid, FIFEF Geneva, Solothurn
1977 San Gottardo (fiction/docu) 16mm, colour. Also in DVD
Festivals: Locarno (Silver Pardo), Cannes (L’Air du temps), Mannheim, Sorrento,
Figueira da Foz, Barcelona, Perpignan, Solothurn
1980 Es ist kalt in Brandenburg (Hitler töten). It's Cold in Brandenburg
Co-author with Hans Stürm and Niklaus Meienberg, 16mm, b/w
Festivals: Cannes (Semaine de la Critique), Forum Berlin, Amiens, Arnheim,
Florence, Gand, Montreal, Duisburg, Solothurn
1981 Matlosa (fiction) 35mm, colour, o.v. Italian with English subtitles
With Omero Antonutti, Francesca de Sapio, Flavio Bucci, Roger Jendly
Festivals: Venice (competition), Moscow (competition), Valencia, Avellino, München,
Locarno, Lecce, Selb, Göttingen, Montreuil, Solothurn
1986 Innocenza (fiction) 35mm, colour, o.v. Italian with English subtitles
With Enrica Maria Modugno, Alessandro Haber, Teco Celio
Festivals: Venice, Locarno, Annecy, Orléans, Selb, Bludenz, Gand, Figueira da Foz,
Avellino, Modena, Braunschweig, Solothurn
1989 Bankomatt (fiction) 35mm, colour, o.v. Italian with English subtitles
With Bruno Ganz, Omero Antonutti, Francesca Neri, Giovanni Guidelli. Festivals:
Berlin (competition), Gijon, Moscow, Gand, Locarno, Cairo, Calcutta, São Paulo,
Valencia, Trieste
1992 En voyage avec Jean Mohr (documentary feature) 16mm, colour
Festivals: Solothurn, Locarno, Lussas, Festival du film d'Art Paris (UNESCO)
1996 Per un raggio di gloria (For a Spoke of Glory) (tv docu)
Digital Betacam, 16:9, 68min, colour , o.v. Italian
1997 Giovanni Orelli. Finestre aperte. (tv docu)
Portrait of a poet, Beta SP, 17min, colour, o.v. Italian
1998 TAMARO. Stones and Angels. Mario Botta and Enzo Cucchi. (Documentary)
Festivals: Florence, Solothurn, Trento, München, Seattle, Haifa, São Paulo,
Mar del Plata, Paris (Film d'Art FIFAP), Washington DC 2000, Pärnu, Rhode Island
35mm, 77min, Dolby stereo SR, colour, o.v. Italian with English subtitles. Also in DVD
2000 Luigi Einaudi. Diario dell'esilio svizzero (Luigi Einaudi. Diary of Exile)
Documentary, Digital Beta, 73 min., 4:3, colour, Stereo, o.v. Italian
With Omero Antonutti; Festivals: Locarno 2000, Solothurn 2001, Pesaro, Trieste
Alpe Adria 2005, Morbegno, Cervino
2003 Mussolini, Churchill e cartoline (Mussolini, Churchill and Postcards)
Documentary, Digital Beta, 66 min., 16:9, colour and b/w, Stereo, o.v. Italian
Portrait of the Swiss Photographer Christian Schiefer (1896-1998)
Festivals: Solothurn 2004, Rassegna int. di film e documentari d'arte - Festival
d'Arte di Palazzo Venezia, Roma 2004, Der neue Heimatfilm - Freistadt (A) 2004,
Salento (I), Trieste Festival del Film Alpe Adria 2005 (I), Morbegno Film Festival (I)
2004 WALKER. Renzo Ferrari.
Documentary, DigiBeta, 33 min., 16:9, colour, stereo, o.v. Italian / English sub-titles
Portrait of the Swiss painter Renzo Ferrari, Lugano-Milano. Also in DVD
Festivals: Locarno 2004, Solothurn 2005, Trieste, Montréal Film on Art, New York,
Roma, Morbegno, Bergamo, BrixenArt Film Festival, Athen Platforma
2005 Sam Gabai. Presenze.
Documentary, DigiBeta, 27 min., 16:9, colour, stereo, o.v. Italian / English sub-titles
Portrait of the Swiss painter Samuele Gabai, Vacallo-Chiasso. Also in DVD
Festivals: Solothurn 2006, Montréal Film on Art
2006 Greina
Documentary, Digital Beta, 4:3, colour, 27 min., stereo, o.v. Italian /
English/German/French subtitles. Also in DVD
Festivals: Winner at Lessinia Film Festival – Cerro Veronese (I) Winner at Tegernsee
Bergfilm Festival (D), Winner at Bansko International Mountain Film Festival (Bulgaria),
Winner at Domžale-Ljubljana International Mountain Film Festival (Slo), Winner at Valsusa
Filmfest (I), Winner at the International TV Festival Bar (Montenegro), Winner at Banska
Bystrica International Environmental Film Festival Envirofilm (Slovakia)
2006 Pédra. A Reporter Without Borders
Documentary, 60 min, Digital Beta,16:9, colour, stereo, o.v. French/Italian/English
Festivals: Solothurn 2007, Trieste Film Festival – Alpe Adria, Budapest Magyar
Filmszemle, Tekfestival Roma, Biografilm Festival Bologna, Verona Video Festival,
Pärnu Film Festival, Milano Doc Festival MIDOC, BrixenART Bressanone, Tehran
Documentary Film Festival, Berlin Prix Europa, Asolo Art Film Festival, Bar
International TV Festival, Sao Paulo Mostra Internacional de Cinema, Tübingen
Festival du Film francophone, Tbilisi International Film Festival, Anchorage
International Film Festival, Rhode Island International Film Festival, Timisoara
DocumFest, November 2008 (Romania)
2009 From Somewhere to Nowhere
On the road in China with photographer Andreas Seibert
Documentary, 86 mn, HDV, Digital Beta, 16:9, colour, stereo, o.v. Mandarin,
Cantonese, English, Swiss-German
Festivals: Solothurner Filmtage, Roma Independent Film Festival, Freiburger Film
Forum, Amsterdam Filmmuseum DOKU.ARTS, Innsbrucker Film Festival, Locarno
Film Festival, Appellations Suisse 2009.
Director’s Statement on the film
The difference between the cinema of the real and fictional cinema is ill defined:
the borders between the two are slender and fiction often appears in the
documentary as documentary does in fiction. Villi Hermann.
From Somewhere to Nowhere
Andreas Seibert
Andreas Seibert (Swiss, born 1970).
2008 publication of his book “From Somewhere to Nowhere – China’s Internal Migrants”
by Lars Müller Publishers.
Since 2002 work on a photographic documentation about life and work of China's internal
migrants and China's transition under the influence of globalization.
Photojournalistic work in Asia for many international magazines.
2003 founding member of LookatOnline.
2001-2004 member of the Zurich based photographer's agency Lookat Photos.
Since 1997 based in Tokyo.
1997 graduation from the department of photography at the Zurich University of the Arts.
1990-1992 studies of German literature and philosophy at the University in Zurich.
Exhibitions (selection)
Centre Culturel Francais, Freiburg/Germany 2009 ("From Somewhere to Nowhere Wanderarbeiter in China")
Kuenstlerhaus S11, 2009 Solothurn Film Festival ("From Somewhere to Nowhere Wanderarbeiter in China")
Spazi Ex Polizia, 2008 Biennale dell'immagine Chiasso ("From Somewhere to Nowhere")
Coalmine Fotogalerie, Winterthur 2008 ("From Somewhere to Nowhere")
Museum Rietberg, Zurich 2007 ("Gilded Splendour - Treasures of China's Liao Empire")
Gallery semina rerum, Zurich 2007 ("Tokyo, Asakusa, Kannon. Erleuchtung, Leib und
EWZ-Unterwerk Selnau, Zurich, The Selection 2006 ("The big Outset")
Palais des Nations, Geneva 2005 ("Récits d'une mondialisation")
Ex-Fabbrica Calida, Chiasso 2004 ("Storie della globalizzazione")
Alte Krone, Bieler Fototage (Journees photographique de Bienne) 2004 ("Japanese
EWZ-Unterwerk Selnau, Zurich 2004 ("Geschichten von der Globalisierung")
Institut Universitaire des Hautes Etudes Internationales, Geneva 2004 ("Récits d'une
Maison Communale de Plainpalais, Geneva 2003 ("Récits d'une mondialisation")
Sato, Zurich 2003 ("Living in Tokyo")
Omnibus volume
"From Somewhere to Nowhere. China's Internal Migrants", Lars Müller Publishers, Baden
"Tokyos altes Herz. Bei Kannon, der glücklichen Göttin", du, Zurich 2007
"The Selection 2005" (Kat.), Schwabe, Basel 2006
"C'est la vie", Etc. Publications, Berlin 2004
"Tales from a Globalizing World", Thames & Hudson, London 2003
"Yokohama Cross Culture. Port", Toppan Printing, Tokyo 2002
"Jobs", HGKZ, Zurich 2000
"Der Kohl. Das Kraut. Ein Manifest", du, Zurich 1998
2009 Shortlisted for the Kraszna Krausz And/Or book award
2008 Project support by the Aargauer Kuratorium
2006 Finalist at "The Selection", Zurich
2005 Award of Excellence from the Communication Arts
For more information please go to
Andreas Seibert mainly covers Asia, working from Tokyo, for a large number of
international magazines, including Courrier International, DU, Fortune, GEO, Le Figaro
Magazine, Newsweek, Bilanz, NZZ, NZZ Folio, Stern, Cash, Washington Post, The
Independent Magazine, Time Magazine etc.
From Somewhere to Nowhere
Christian Gilardi, flute
Learned to play the flute at the Milan Conservatory with Marlena Kessick, before honing
his skills in Paris with Benoit Fromanger. Later, he also studied composition with Fernando
Ghilardotti. His musical preferences lie with jazz, improvised, and contemporary music,
and his works are registered under the label Altrisuoni, for whom Gilardi acts as Artistic
Director. He also composed music for ballets, theatre and cinema, working together with
artists from different musical backgrounds.
He already worked with Villi Hermann before, composing and interpreting the soundtracks
for “Per un raggio di gloria” (1996), "WALKER. Renzo Ferrari" (2004), "Sam Gabai.
Presenze" (2005), "Greina" (2006), "Pédra. A Reporter Without Borders" (2006) and “From
Somewhere to Nowhere (2009).
Christian Gilardi Discography
Cornici & Children's songs”, New sound planet 1987; “Alchimie”, G&G 1991; “Note di poesia”, Altrisuoni 1994;
“In Town”, Altrisuoni 1997; “Opus 1”, Altrisuoni 1998; “Opus 2”, Altrisuoni 2002.
Zeno Gabaglio, violoncellist
(born 1979 in Mendrisio, Switzerland)
Obtaining his diploma with Taisuke Yamashita at the Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana
in Lugano, Gabaglio then perfected his skills in various fields. In interpretative technique
with Marcio Carneiro at the Académie Tibor Varga in Sion, Switzerland, in contemporary
music with Vinko Globokar at the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole in Fiesole, Italy, and in free
improvisation with Walter Fähndrich – for a masters degree at the Musikakademie Basel –
and with the cellists David Darling and Martin Schütz. In the meantime, he also obtained a
degree in Philosophy from the University of Florence, Italy, under Prof. Sergio Givone.
He already worked with Villi Hermann before in "WALKER. Renzo Ferrari" (2004), “Sam
Gabai. Presenze” (2005), “GREINA” (2006), "Pédra. A Reporter without Borders" (2006),
“From Somewhere to Nowhere” (2009).
Zeno Gabaglio Discography:
U N O” , (Pulver und Asche Records - P&A 03)
GADAMER, (altrisuoni AS 248)
Gregorio Di Trapani
Born 02/10/1977, Palermo (IT), Music Education:
2005-06 He has obtained the Master in Percussions near “University of Music of Italian
Switzerland” in Lugano (CH) held from the M° Mircea Ardeleanu.
2006-07 He has obtained the diploma in Music Pedagogics near “University of Music of
Italian Switzerland” in Lugano (CH) held from the M° Michael Quinn.
2003-04 He has obtained the diploma in percussions near “Conservatorio di musica di
Trapani A. Scontrino” in Trapani (IT) held from the M° Fulvia Ricevuto whit the maximum
of ballots 10/10
2005-06 He has obtained the scholarship for the 43. Internationalen Ferienkurse für neue
Musik in Darmstadt. (DE)
in parallel to the teaching he plays with the Chamber Orchestra of Lugano, the "Lag trio",
the "Die Projekt, the group “Contrasti” and from soloist. It keeps on studying the
contemporary repertoire for percussionist / actor with the M° Christian Dierstein and
shortly with the composer Vinko Globokar, it begins the study of the Zarb Iraniano with the
M° Benjin Chemirani. It composes and it plays passages for film and documentaries; it is
musical responsible of the "DIE Projekt" with which realizes original performance for
industrial environments, es. (Lepori&Storni and Coriere del Ticino), it is responsible
musical of the trio "Ibridazioni" with the poet Gilberto Isella and the actor Claudio Moneta;
it is responsible of the Artistic Projects of the Chamber Orchestra of Lugano. It cultivates
the song and the passion for the ethnic music and the composition of passages of tradition
Curriculum della Imago Film SA Lugano, viale Cassarate 4, 6900 Lugano – Svizzera –
viene fondata la Imago Film SA a Lugano ed iscritta nel Registro di commercio di Lugano. Fondatori
ed azionisti sono Villi Hermann, regista, Angelo Gregorio, scrittore e sceneggiatore, Eve Martin,
Membro dell' Associazione dei Produttori Indipendenti Cinematografici Elvetici APICE.
Imagofilm Lugano produce il lungometraggio MATLOSA da una novella di Giovanni Orelli, regia di Villi
Hermann, camera Carlo Varini, 35mm., vo italiano
Attori principali: Omero Antonutti, Francesca de Sapio, Flavio Bucci, Roger Jendly, Sonia Gessner.
INNOCENZA, lungometraggio, da una novella di Francesco Chiesa, regia di Villi Hermann, camera
Hugues Ryffel, 35mm, vo italiano
Attori principali: Enrica Maria Modugno, Alessandro Haber, Roger Jendly, Teco Celio.
BANKOMATT, lungometraggio, regia di Villi Hermann, sceneggiatura di Giovanni Pascutto, camera
Carlo Varini, 35mm, vo italiano
Attori principali: Bruno Ganz, Omero Antonutti, Francesca Neri, Giovanni Guidelli. Bankomatt è la
prima coproduzione Svizzera con l'Italia (ABCinema Roma, Enzo Porcelli).
EN VOYAGE AVEC JEAN MOHR, documentario di Villi Hermann, camera Hugues Ryffel, 16mm, 88
minuti. Lavorazione in Giappone, Pakistan e Russia.
PER UN RAGGIO DI GLORIA, documentario di Villi Hermann, camera Felix von Muralt, commento di
Alberto Nessi, Betacam Digitale, 16:9, 68 minuti, vo italiano
GIOVANNI ORELLI. Finestre aperte, documentario di Villi Hermann, camera Hans Stürm, Betacam
SP, 4:3, 15 minuti, vo italiano
TAMARO. Pietre e angeli. Mario Botta Enzo Cucchi, documentario di Villi Hermann, camera Hans
Stürm/Hugues Ryffel, 35mm, 77 minuti, vo italiano
2000 LUIGI EINAUDI. Diario dell'esilio svizzero, documentario di Villi Hermann, camera Hans Stürm, Betacam
Digitale, 4:3, 77 minuti, vo italiano
2003 MUSSOLINI, CHURCHILL E CARTOLINE, documentario di Villi Hermann, camera Nicola Genni, Betacam
Digitale, 16:9, 66 minuti, vo italiano
2004 WALKER. Renzo Ferrari, documentario di Villi Hermann, camera Alberto Meroni, Betacam Digitale, 16:9,
33 minuti, vo italiano
2005 SAM GABAI. Presenze, documentario di Villi Hermann, camera Alberto Meroni,
Digitale, 16:9, 27 minuti, vo italiano
2006 GREINA, documentario di Villi Hermann, camera Hans Stürm, Betacam Digitale,
minuti, vo italiano
4:3, 27
2006 PEDRA. UN REPORTER SENZA FRONTIERE documentario di Villi Hermann, HD, 16:9, 61 minuti, vo
2008 OMBRE cortometraggio di Alberto Meroni, 35mm, 10 min, vo italiano
2009 FROM SOMEWHERE TO NOWHERE, documentario di Villi Hermann, HD, 16:9. 86 minuti, vo inglese,
tedesco, mandarino, cantonese
2009 SINESTESIA film di Erik Bernasconi, con Alessio Boni, Giorgia Wurth, Melanie Winiger, Leonardo
Nigro, Teco Celio, in produzione