Vincenzo Memoli - Università di Catania


Vincenzo Memoli - Università di Catania
Vincenzo Memoli
Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
Office Address:
Università degli Studi di Catania - Department of Social and Political Sciences
Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 8, 95131, Catania, Italy
Tel. +39 095 70305232 Fax +39 095-70305246
Office E-mail: [email protected] ; Home E-mail: [email protected]
Website:; Personal web page:
Research Interests:
Democracy, Public Attitudes and Public Opinion.
Academic position:
Assistant Professor in Political Science, Università degli Studi di Catania
Post Doc Fellow in Political Science, Università degli Studi di Milano
Lecturer in Political Science, Università degli Studi del Molise
Post Doc Fellow in Political Science, Università degli Studi di Siena
Research Fellow in Political Science, Università degli Studi del Molise
2014 Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale for the position of Associate Professor in Political
Science (14 A/2).
2006 PhD in ‘European and Comparative Politics’, Università degli Studi di Siena.
2003 Master Scientifico Culturale (MSC) in ‘Comparative and European Politics’, Università
degli Studi di Siena.
2002 Degree of Advanced Study (Laurea Specialistica – three years program) in ‘Methods and
Techniques of Social Research’, Università degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’,
Dipartimento di Statistica.
1998 Degree (Laurea) in Sociology, Università degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’.
Additional Training
- January – Winter School on ‘Multilevel Modeling in Political Science’, University Pompeu
Fabra - Barcelona.
- July - August. Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the
University of Michigan (USA); Courses taken: Regression III; Lisrel.
- March - June. Visiting Student of English, Sociology, Politics and Contemporary History,
University of Salford (UK).
- July-August. Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection,
University of Essex (UK); Courses taken: Mathematics for Social Scientists (part 1 and 3);
Scale Analysis; Developing Measurements Instruments in Survey Research; Causal Models
and Structural Equations; Pooled Time-Series Cross-Section Analysis: Panel Data in the Social
- July-August. Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection,
University of Essex (UK); Courses taken: Introduction to Time Series Analysis; Multivariate
Analysis Research Problems and Practice; Time Series: Application and Advances.
- March. Centre of the Study of Political Change (CIRCaP) – University of Siena; Short
Course on Log-Linear Models and Logistic Regression
- January. Methodology of Social and Political Science – University of Roma ‘La Sapienza’;
‘Short course on ‘The fundamentals of data analysis in the social sciences’.
Research experience
2014-present. Università degli Studi di Catania. Project: 'Immigrants in Catania: level of
integration and socio-political attitudes'.
2013-present. Università degli Studi Luiss Guido Carli. Project: 'Economic crisis and quality of
democracies in Europe’.
2013. Università degli Studi di Catania. Project:' New forms of local governance as a tool for strategic
development of the territory: the case of GAL'.
2012 - present. Università degli Studi di Milano. Project: ‘Candidate and Leader Selection’.
2011- present. Università degli Studi di Milano. Project: ‘The economic, social and political
consequences of democratic reforms. A quantitative and qualitative comparative analysis.
2010. Università degli Studi di Siena-Laps. Project: ‘The use of media in Siena’s province’.
Università degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’. Project: ‘Governance of Shrinkage within a
European Context’.
2009-2013. Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane (SUM - Florence). Project: ‘The quality of the
democracies in Europe between participation and competition’.
2008. Università degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’. Project: ‘Multi-level governance in European
comparative perspective’;
Università degli Studi di Siena (CIRCaP). ‘Italian Public Opinion and Foreign Politics.
Trend in long period and actual characteristics’.
2006–2007. Università degli Studi di Siena. Project: ‘Political supply, policies traditions and
personal heritages of political discussion, different cognitive heuristic and their effects on electoral
2006. Università degli Studi di Milano. Project: ‘Consultation of datasets on citizens’ attitudes in the
EU, with particular regard to Eurobarometer surveys’.
2005. Università degli Studi di Milano. Project: Italian National Election Studies (ITANES).
1994-2000. Survey research consultant: designed socio-economic and labor market studies for
various market firms and research foundations, including: Censis Servizi S.p.A. (Census
services); Enfea – Ente bilaterale nazionale CONFAPI e CGIL-CISL-Uil (Labour
unions); City of Rome – Special Office of Labour Politics; Cenasca Cisl (labor union
association); Cispel (Local Public Services Italian Confederation); CNEL (Italian
National Research Centre).
Teaching experience
Ph.D. Courses
2014. Political Science. Università degli Studi di Catania;
2008. Introduction to Data Analysis. Università degli Studi di Siena;
2007-2008. Crash Course: Introduction to Spss and Stata. Università degli Studi di Siena.
M.A. and B.A. Courses
2013-present. Public Policy Analysis. Università degli Studi di Catania;
2013-2014. Public Administration. Università degli Studi di Catania;
2010–2013. Methodology of Social Research. Università degli Studi del Molise;
2008. Introduction to Data Analysis. Università degli Studi di Siena;
2007-2008. Introduction to Spss and Stata. Università degli Studi di Siena;
2006–2010. Methodology of Socio-Political Research. Università degli Studi del Molise;
2006-2010. Industrial Sociology. Research Fellow (Cultore della materia). Università degli Studi
di Roma ‘La Sapienza’;
2005. The Italian Political System. Teaching Assistant - Università degli Studi del Molise;
2004. Visiting Instructor, University of Iowa (USA);
2001-2005. Data Analysis for Social Science. Teaching Assistant. Università degli Studi del
2000–2005. Economic Sociology. Research Fellow (Cultore della materia). Università degli Studi
di Roma ‘La Sapienza’;
1999–2000. Elements of Sociology. Tutor. Università degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’ - College
of Engineering.
Conferences organization
- ‘Responsiveness e Qualità della Democrazia’, panel 9.2 (with Paolo Segatti), XXI SISP
National Conference, Catania, Italy, September 20-22 .
- 'Why Policy Representation Matters: The Consequences of Ideological Congruence between
Citizens and their Governments’, with Curini Luigi and Willy Jou, London: Routledge,
(forthcoming, expected for the end of 2014).
- ‘Sostenere la Democrazia: Soddisfazione e Disaffezione in Europa’, Roma: Aracne Editore
Chapters in Books
- ‘The support and popularity of the government’, in N. Conti and F. Marangoni (eds.) The
Challenge of Coalition Government: The Italian case, Abingdon: Routledge (forthcoming);
- ‘Italy’, with N. Conti, in N. Conti (ed), Party Attitudes Towards the EU in the Member States.
Parties for Europe, parties against Europe. NY: Routledge, 2014;
- ‘Improving the Quality of Democracy: The case of Deliberative Poll held in 2007 in Turin’,
with I. Fiket, in B. Geissel and M. Joas (eds.), Participatory Democratic Innovations in
Europe: Improving the Quality of Democracy?, Opladen, Berlin & Toronto: Barbara Budrich
Publishers, 2013
- ‘Responsiveness’, in L. Morlino, D. Piana, F. Raniolo (eds), La qualità della democrazia in
Italia 1992-2012, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2013;
- ‘The determinants of democratic support in Europe’, (with P. Bellucci), in P.C. Magalhaes,
D. Sanders, G. Toka (eds.), Citizens and the European Polity: Mass Attitudes Towards the
European and National Polities (Citizenship, Identity and European Integration), Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2012;
- ‘L’Europa secondo i partiti: vincolo, scelta o opportunità’ (with N. Conti), in P. Bellucci, N.
Conti (eds.), Gli Italiani e l’Europa. Opinione pubblica, élite politiche e media, Roma:
Carocci, 2012;
- ‘La percezione degli immigrati tra i giovani italiani, in R. Rauti (ed), ‘Il sapere dei giovani’,
Roma: Aracne, 2011;
- ‘Governance e democrazia in Europa’, in A. Gasperini, U. Gori (eds.), ‘La previsione italiana
tra Europa e Mediterraneo’, Quaderni di Futuribili, 1, 2009;
- ‘L’opinione pubblica e la politica estera’, (with P. Isernia), in ‘Rapporto 2020. Le scelte di politica
at:, 2008;
- ‘Insuccessi di governo, paura delle tasse’, (with P. Bellucci), Itanes, Dov’è la vittoria? Il voto del
2006 raccontato dagli italiani, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006.
Articles in refereed journals
- ‘Media use and confidence in institutions: a comparative analysis of Hallin and Mancini’s
three models’, with S. Splendore, RISP-Italian Political Science Review (forthcoming);
- ‘Are lions democrats? Democratization and economic growth in Africa, 1980-2010’, with G.
Carbone and L. Quartapelle, Democratization (forthcoming);
- ‘Social confidence in Brazilian trade unions: a longitudinal analysis’, with L. Frangi, Latin
American Perspectives DOI: 10.1177/0094582X14544109;
- ‘Democrazia e riforme economiche nell'Africa Subsahariana’, Quaderni di Scienza Politica,
- ‘Social Confidence in Unions: A U.S.-Canada Comparison’, with L Frangi and M.A.
Hennbert Faulkner, The Canadian Review of Sociology, 52, 2, 2014;
- ‘How Moderates and Extremists find Happiness: Ideological Orientation, CitizenGovernment Proximity, and Life Satisfaction’, with L. Curini e W. Jou, International
Political Science Review, 35, 2, 2014;
- ‘Corruption and EU Institutions: The Italians’ Opinion’, with A. Pellegata, Perspectives on
European Politics and Society, 15, 2, 2014;
- ‘Does Democratization Foster State Consolidation? Democratic Rule, Political Order, and
Administrative Capacity’, with G. Carbone, Governance DOI: 10.1111/gove.12056;
- ‘Dalle parole ai fatti: l’attuazione del programma di governo’, with Nicolò Conti, Polis, 3,
- ‘Unfolding the growing confidence in LA unions’, with L. Frangi, Argomenti, 38, 2013;
- ‘Supporting democracy in Austria and Europe: Improving Democracy through Popular
Deliberation’, whit Irena Fiket, Innovative Democracy, Working Paper Series, vol. 1
(Institutions), issue 2, available at, 2012;
- ‘The multi-faceted nature of party-based euroscepticism’, with N. Conti, Acta Politica, 47, 2,
- ‘Cittadini e sistema giuridico: la fiducia nella Magistratura’, Democrazia e Diritto, 3-4;
- ‘Satisfaction with Democracy and the Winner-Loser Debate: the role of policy preferences
and past experience’, with L. Curini e W. Jou, British Journal of Political Science , 42, 2,
- Government, scandals and political support in Italy, Interdisciplinary Political Studies, 1, 2,
- ‘How political knowledge shapes democracy support?’, Bulletin of Italian Politics, 3, 1,
- ‘Noi e gli altri: l’atteggiamento degli italiani nei confronti degli immigrati’, Argomenti, 32,
- ‘Le posizioni programmatiche dei partiti italiani in occasione delle elezioni europee’, with N.
Conti, Polis, XXIV, 3, 2010;
- ‘Italian Parties and Europe: Problems of Identity, Representation, and Scope of Governance
in the Euro-Manifestos (1989-2004)’, with N. Conti, in Perspectives on European Politics
and Society, 11, 2, 2010;
- ‘Democracy Support in EU Candidate Countries: A Reality Check’, with F. Vassallo, Journal
of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 11, 2, 2009;
- ‘Political knowledge and democracy support in Italy’, Occasional Papers, 22, CIRCaP.
University of Siena, 2009;
- ‘Il sostegno democratico in Italia’, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica. 1, 2009;
- ‘Fiducia e sostegno per la democrazia in Europa’, Quaderni di Scienza Politica. 1, 2008;
- ‘One or More Approaches to Social Sciences? Different Perspectives on Democracy Support’
(withC. Wagemann), Mimeo, Florence/Isernia, 2008;
- ‘L’economia ed il sostegno democratico in Europa’, Argomenti. 21, 2007;
- ‘The determinants of democracy support in Europe’, (with P. Bellucci), INTUNE (Integrated
and United? A Quest for Citizenship in an Ever Closer Europe) project – Integrated Project
at:, 2007;
- ‘La pressione del tempo nelle democrazie consolidate’, Argomenti. 19, 2007;
- ‘Democracy Support in EU Candidate Countries’, CAEI - Argentine Center of International
at:, 2007
- ‘Trust, confidence and social capital in the democratization process of Eastern Countries’,
Politikon – The IAPSS Journal 9:52-70, April, 2005.
Paper under review
- ‘The rise and fortunes of the Italian five star movement’, with N. Conti, submitted to West
European Politics;
- ‘Democracy, the Left and State Capability in Latin America’, with D. Grassi, submitted to
Political Research Quarterly;
- ‘Trust in government and media slant. A cross-sectional analysis of media effect in 27
European countries‘, with A. Ceron, submitted to The International Journal of
- ‘Can corruption erode the institutional confidence among European countries? Comparing
the Effects of Different Measures of Perceived Corruption’, with A. Pellegata, submitted
to Comparative European Politics .
Works in Progress
- 'How parties politicize Europe (and Euroscepticism) in Italy', with Nicolò Conti ;
- 'Italians and Europe: End of a Honeymoon?', with Nicolò Conti;
- 'Democracy and corruption: a longitudinal study on the quality of democracy among Latin
American countries', with Davide Grassi;
- 'La ricerca empirica: i Gal siciliani tra istituzioni «promosse» e istituzioni «agentive» ';
- 'Flames and debates: does social media affect responsiveness?', with A. Ceron;
- ‘Europa, crisi economica e soddisfazione per il lavoro: una visione d’insieme’;
- ‘Uses of the media and confidence in institutions in Europe: old trends, new models’, with S.
- ‘The impact of corruption and political-institutional context on satisfaction with democracy?’,
with A. Pellegata.
Conference Presentations
- Democracy and corruption: a longitudinal study on the quality of democracy among Latin American
countries, with Davide Grassi, will be delivered at IPSA – XXIII World Congress of
Political Science (Montreal, July 19 to 25);
- Flames and debates: does social media affect responsiveness?, with Andrea Ceron, will be delivered
at IPSA – XXIII World Congress of Political Science (Montreal, July 19 to 25).
- The impact of corruption and political-institutional context on attitudes toward government, with A.
Pellegata, delivered at XXVII Convegno SISP (Florence, September 12-14);
- Democracy and State capability in Latin America, with D. Grassi, delivered at XXVII Convegno
SISP (Florence, September 12-14);
- Media and Confidence in institutions among Mediterranean countries, with S. Splendore, delivered
at IAMCR 2013 (Dublin, June 25-29);
- The impact of corruption and political-institutional context on attitudes toward government, with A.
Pellegata, delivered at EPSA General Conference (Barcelona, June 20-22);
- Are lions democrats? Democratization and economic growth in Africa, 1980-2010, with G. Carbone
and L. Quartapelle, delivered at 71st Midwest Political Science Association (Chicago,
April 11-14);
- The impact of corruption and political-institutional context on attitudes toward government, with A.
Pellegata, delivered at ‘How do Electoral Systems and Party Systems affect Satisfaction
workshop (London, February 1)
- Social confidence in unions: a longitudinal comparison between Canada and the United States (19822006), with con L. Frangi and M.A. Hennbert Faulkner, delivered at International
Crimt Conference (Montreal, October 25-27);
- Are lions democrats? Democratization and economic growth in Africa, 1980-2010, with G. Carbone
and L. Quartapelle, delivered at African Studies Conference (Pavia, September 18-20);
- Da destra a sinistra e da sinistra a destra: gli scandali politici dei governi della seconda repubblica,
delivered at XXVI Convegno SISP (Rome, September 13-15);
- Democrazia, Riforme economiche ed opinione pubblica nell’Africa Subsahariana, delivered at XXVI
SISP Conference (Rome, September 13-15);
- Are lions democrats? Democratization and economic growth in Africa, 1980-2010, with G. Carbone
and L. Quartapelle, delivered at XXVI Convegno SISP (Rome, September 13-15);
- Democratization and state consolidation. A quantitative analysis, with G. Carbone, delivered at
IPSA – XXII World Congress of Political Science (Madrid, July 8 to 12;
- Does ideology buy happiness? When extremism and moderation affects life satisfaction, with L. Curini
and W. Jou, delivered at IPSA – XXII World Congress of Political Science (Madrid,
July 8-12);
-Can corruption erode the institutional confidence among European countries?, with A. Pellegata,
delivered at IPSA – XXII World Congress of Political Science (Madrid, July 8-12).
-Improving Democracy through Citizens Deliberation, with I. Fiket, delivered at Research
Conference ‘Assessing representative democracy, the democratic deficit & institutional
reform’ (Wien, Austria, November 25-26);
- La responsiveness in Italia: uno studio longitudinale, delivered at XXV Annual Conference of
Società Italiana Scienze Politiche (SISP) (Palermo, Italy, September 8-10);
- L’Europa secondo i partiti: vincolo, scelta o opportunità?, (with N. Conti), delivered at XXV
Annual Conference of Società Italiana Scienze Politiche (SISP) (Palermo, Italy,
September 8-10);
-Electoral rules and social roots in legislative recruitment. The case of Italy’s Republican Parliament,
delivered at Ninth Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians
(Oxfordshire, UK, July, 24-25);
-The perception of immigrants among Italian youth: a longitudinal analysis, delivered at Giovani
Come VI. Il sapere dei giovani, (Salerno, Italy, January, 21-22);
-Le posizioni programmatiche dei partiti italiani in occasione delle elezioni europee, with N. Conti,
delivered at XXIII Annual Conference of Società Italiana Scienze Politiche (SISP)
(Rome, Italy, September 17-19);
-How deliberation increase democracy support: The case of deliberative poll in Italy, with I. Fiket,
delivered at 5th ECPR General Conference, (Potsdam, Germany, September 10-12)
- The Development of European Citizens: When Integration is not Enough, with F. Vassallo, delivered
at 4th Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, (Riga, Latvia, September 25-27)
- Political knowledge and democracy support in Italy, delivered at XXII Annual Conference of
Società Italiana Scienze Politiche (SISP) (Pavia, Italy, September 4-6);
-Good governance e performance democratiche in Europa, delivered at XXI Annual Conference of
Società Italiana Scienze Politiche (SISP) (Catania, Italy, September 20-22);
- One or More Approaches to Social Sciences? Different Perspectives on Democracy Support, with C.
Wagemann, delivered at 4th ECPR General Conference (Pisa, Italy, September 6-8)
- Good governance e performance democratiche in Europa, delivered at IV Conference of Istituto di
Sociologia Internazionale of Gorizia (ISIG) (Gorizia, Italy, 31 August- 1 September);
- ‘Cittadinanza e Capitale Sociale nei paesi dell’Est d’Europa, delivered at IX International
Conference of Società Italiana Studi Elettorali (S.I.S.E.) (Firenze, Italy, December 1415);
- Capitale Sociale e Sostegno Democratico in Europa, delivered at XX Annual Conference of Società
Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP) (Bologna, Italy, September 12-14);
- Democracy Support in Eastern Europe: Multidimensional Aspects and Measurement', delivered at
20th IPSA World Congress (Fukuoka, Japan, July 9-13);
- Democracy Support in the EU Candidate Countries, delivered at Jean Monnet Conference on
‘Europe’s Democracy Challenges – EU Solutions?’, University of Trento (Trento, Italy,
June 30-1 July);
- Due volti, due idee per l’Italia: I programmi elettorali della CDL e dell’Unione, delivered at Seminar
‘Verso le elezioni politiche del 9-10 Aprile. Istruzioni per l’uso’, University of Siena
(Siena, Italy, March 21).
- Le determinanti del sostegno politico in Italia’, delivered at XIX Annual Conference of Società
Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP), (Cagliari, Italy, September 21-23);
- Political Knowledge and support for democracy in Italy, delivered at the ECPR General
Conference (Budapest, Hungary, September 8-10);
- Democracy support in Europe: conceptual dimensions, measurements and multidimensionality,
delivered at the Graduate Student Conference (Trento, Italy, June 16-18);
- Confidence in Public Institutions and Democracy Support, delivered at the Sixth Conference
Political Theory, University of Essex (Essex, United Kingdom, May 13-14).
-Gender and Political Styles; Legislative Roles, Network and Role Focus in Spanish Parliament, with
Clemente J. Navarro Yanez and Raquel Pastor Yuste, delivered at the Fifth Conference
Political Theory, University of Essex (Essex, United Kingdom, May 7-8).
-‘La fiducia nelle istituzioni pubbliche, poster presentation, delivered at XVII Annual Conference
of Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP) (Trento, Italy, September 14-16);
Invited Presentation
2014 Department of Political and Social Science, Università degli Studi della Calabria, “Media
and Confidence in institutions among Mediterranean countries”, paper with S. Splendore.
Grants and Awards
2013. Award of National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale), position
of Associate Professor in Political Science (art.16 of the law 30 December 2010, n.240);
2007. ‘Premio C. M. Santoro’ SISP (Società Italiana di Scienza Politica) – best paper presented
by young scholars.
2004. Young Scholar, University of Molise activities; Young Scholar, ICPSR activities –
Summer School sponsored.
2003. Young Scholar, ECPR activities– Summer School sponsored.
2002 – 2005. Graduate Fellowship, Doctoral Program in ‘European and Comparative Politics’,
University of Siena, Molise and Trento (renunciation for incompatibility of roles).
2002. Young Scholar, ECPR activities– Summer School sponsored.
1999-2002 Fellowship, Degree of Advanced Study Program (Laurea Specialistica – three years
program) in ‘Methods and Techniques of Social Research’, University of Rome ‘La
Sapienza’, Department of Statistic.
Referee’s activity for scientific journals
- Party Politics; South European Society and Politics; Statistica Applicata - Italian Journal of
Applied Statistics, 2014-present.
- European Journal of Political Research, 2011-present
Editorial responsabilities
- Member of the editorial board of ‘Scienza della politica e dell’amministrazione’, 2014-present
- Member of the scientific board of ‘Scienza e Ricerca’, 2014-present.
Membership Associations
− European Political Science Associations 2013-present;
− International Political Science Association 2012-present;
− Standing Group on Parties, Public opinion and Elections (POPE), Italian Political Science
Association 2012-present;
− Standing Group on Candidate and leader selection, Italian Political Science Association
− Italian Society for the Study of the Spread of Democracy (SSDD) 2007-present;
− Standing Group on Quality of Democracy, Italian Political Science Association 2006present;
− Sociology Italian Association (AIS) 2007-2008;
− Political Science Italian Society (SISP) 2003- present;
− European Consortium of Political Science 2001-present.
Fluent English.
Bellucci Paolo – University of Siena, Department of Political Science, Via Mattioli 10, I –
53100 Siena, [email protected]; [email protected]
Carbone Giovanni– University of Milan, Via Conservatorio 7, I - 20122 Milano,
[email protected]
Curini Luigi – University of Milan, Via Conservatorio 7, I - 20122 Milan,
[email protected]
D’Amico Renato – University of Catania, Department of Political and Social Science, Via
Vittorio Emanuele II 8, I – 95131 Catania, [email protected]
Isernia Pierangelo – University of Siena, Political Science Faculty, Via Mattioli 10, I – 53100
Siena, [email protected]
Lewis-Beck Michael – University of Iowa – Iowa City - IA 52242-1316 (USA), [email protected]
Morlino Leonardo – University Luiss ‘Guido Carli’ – Viale Pola 12, I - 00198 Roma,
[email protected]
Vassallo, Francesca - University of Southern Maine - P.O. Box 9300, Portland, ME 04104
(USA), [email protected]