Literary Hyperlinks Concise Digital Edition Plus– Ed


Literary Hyperlinks Concise Digital Edition Plus– Ed
Dal testo:
Literary Hyperlinks Concise Digital Edition Plus– Ed. Black Cat
History and Society
The Restoration
A new kink of monarchy, the Scottish and Irish question
The Augustan Age
The beginning of Hanoverian dynasty
Cine file: Barry Lyndon
Literature during the Restoration
Time Zone 3
The Restoration and
the Augustan Age
Restoration prose and the rise of rationalism, Restoration poets, Restoration
Augustan literature
Augustan prose, Augustan poetry, Augustan drama, the rise of the novel
Johnson's dictionary
The invention of privacy
Daniel Defoe - Robinson Crusoe
Cine file: Contemporary castaways
Rewriting: J.M. Coetzee - Foe
Jonathan Swift – Gulliver's Travels
Henry Fielding – Tom Jones
Laurence Sterne – Tristam Shandy
Cine file: The Straight Story
Hot link from British Literature to Italian Literature: Italo Calvino
History and society
The Age of revolutions
The Industrial revolution, the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars
Cinefile: L'Anglaise et le duc
Art Link: Turner
Literature in the Romantic Age
Poetic visions, precursors of Romanticism: Gray and Blake, characteristics of
Romanticism, the first generation of Romantic poets, the second generation of
Romantic poets
Modulo b
Time Zone 4
William Blake – The Lamb, The Tyger, London
the Romantic Age Cinefile: Dead Man
William Wordsworth – She Dwelt among the untrodden Ways, I wandered
lonely as a cloud
Art Link: Constable
Samuel Taylor Coleridge – The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Percy bysshe Shelley
John Keats – La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Cinefile: The femme fatale and film noir
The novel in the Romantic Age
Jane Austen – Pride and Prejudice
Mary Shelley – Frankenstein
Cinefile: Frankenstein
The Age of Empire
Art Link: Queen victoria
The late Victorian Period, United States: birth of a nation
Cinefile: The American Western
Victorian Literature
The Victorian novel, early Victorian novelists, late Victorian novelists,
American prose in the 19th century
Edgar Allan Poe – The Fall of the House of Usher
Charles Dickens – Oliver Twist
Charlotte Bronte – Jane Eyre
Rewriting: Jane Rhys – Wide Sargasso Sea
Modulo C
Emily Bronte – Wuthering Heights
Time Zone 5
the Victorian Age Herman Melville – Moby Dick
Robert Louis Stevenson – The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Lewis Carroll – Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Cinefile: Alice
Oscar Wilde – the Picture of Dorian Gray
Victorian Poetry
Christina Rossetti – In an Artist's Studio
Art Link: the Pre-Raphaelites
Victorian Drama
Hotlink Comparing Literature: Ibsen
Modulo D
Grammar Files
Si utilizzeranno a scelta i file grammaticali del testo Grammar Files, come
rinforzo, revisione o recupero, a seconda delle necessità didattiche.
Pag 24 – 25 The Southeast
Modulo E
New Surfing the
pag 60-61 The British family
pag 68 written report of the English school system
pag 69 the curriculum
pag 74 the Church: medieval cathedrals
Docente d'inglese
prof.ssa Puoti Bianca Teresa
Rappresentanti di classe
San Vito di Cadore, 30 maggio 2015

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