2. Cosa mi piace fare?


2. Cosa mi piace fare?
Languages Online
Italian Section 23
2. Cosa mi piace fare?
giocare a dama
giocare a pallavolo
giocare a tennis
giocare col computer
giocare a scacchi
andare a cavallo
giocare a football
- This game needs 2 or more players.
- Paste this sheet onto a piece of cardboard and cut out the cards. Then play 'Cosa mi piace fare?'.
- Place all the cards face down in a pile.
- The first student picks up a card, reads the sentence to him or herself and then mimes the activity for the other
students to guess.
- Students must guess the game in Italian.
- The student who guesses correctly then picks up the next card and begins again.
Name: _____________________