
Il Consiglio Direttivo dell’Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, riunito in Roma il giorno
21 dicembre 2015, alla presenza di n. 34 dei suoi componenti su un totale di n. 34;
visto l’articolo 2 dello Statuto con cui l’Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare promuove,
coordina ed effettua la ricerca scientifica nel campo della fisica nucleare, subnucleare,
astroparticellare e delle interazioni fondamentali, nonché la ricerca e lo sviluppo
tecnologico pertinenti all’attività in tali settori, e nello svolgimento della sua attività ha
sviluppato competenze e conoscenze suscettibili di trovare applicazione in altri settori;
vista la guida di supporto della Commissione Europea (CE) per il Programma Quadro
Horizon 2020 (H2020) “H2020 Online Manual” e gli atti normativi di riferimento
all’attività del Servizio Coordinamento Fondi Esterni dell’Amministrazione Centrale;
ritenuto che è interesse dell’Istituto partecipare a bandi competitivi promossi e finanziati
dalla CE e, in questo senso, il Servizio Coordinamento Fondi Esterni è deputato a
supportare i ricercatori dell’Istituto che intendono proporre progetti nell’ambito di H2020;
considerato che il progetto denominato “NPTEV-TQP2020” (Programme/Call/Topic:
H2020 - ERC-2014-CoG : ERC Consolidator Grant) è stato sottoposto alla CE e valutato
positivamente con comunicazione “Ref. Ares(2015)625487 - 13/02/2015”, allegata alla
presente deliberazione;
preso atto che prima della sottoscrizione della Declaration of honour, del Grant
Agreement e degli eventuali Accession Form for Beneficiaries e Consortium Agreement to
the Grant Agreement del progetto è necessario adottare una deliberazione che autorizzi
l’approvazione formale dei citati documenti;
vista la comunicazione via email del Prof. Lucio Cerrito, Principal Investigator del
suddetto progetto, con la quale si chiede la sottoscrizione urgente dei documenti da parte
del PLSIGN (Legal Signatory – LSIGN abbinato al suddetto progetto) , allegata alla
presente deliberazione;
preso atto del cambio della Host Institution (HI) dalla Queen Mary University of London
all’ Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata e la disponibilità dell’Ente a fare da
partner al Progetto;
preso atto che per motivi di urgenza le suddette Declaration of honour e Accession Form
for Beneficiaries sono state firmate dal PLSIGN Prof.ssa Anna Di Ciaccio il 3.12.2015
considerato che la rilevazione contabile dell’entrata di bilancio e delle corrispondenti
assegnazioni ai capitoli di spesa sarà oggetto di successiva delibera di variazione di
su proposta della Giunta Esecutiva;
con n. 34 voti favorevoli;
Di ratificare la sottoscrizione della Declaration of honour e dell’ Accession Form for
Beneficiaries da parte del Project Legal Signatory – PLSIGN Prof.ssa Anna Di Ciaccio,
allegate alla presente deliberazione.
Ref. Ares(2015)625487 - 13/02/2015
Subject: Invitation to grant preparation
H2020 - ERC-2014-CoG
648723 - NPTEV-TQP2020
Dear Lucio CERRITO,
We are pleased to inform you that the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA) is
now in a position to initiate the preparation of the grant agreement for your abovementioned proposal.
The ERCEA intends to follow the Evaluation Report advice which has been already transmitted to you
and consequently, it is estimated that the maximum EU financial contribution to your project could
be up to 1 971 841.00 Euro for a period of up to 60 months.
With reference to the submitted proposal and its evaluation, the grant preparation shall be based on
the following:
The deadline for the submission of the data required for the grant agreement, including any
additional documents, as detailed in the Annex attached is 02/03/2015.
Failure to respect the deadline indicated above will be considered as a wish not to enter into
the grant preparation and, therefore, to withdraw your proposal. In such a case, the ERCEA
will initiate the procedures to reject your proposal, unless alternative arrangements have been
accepted by the ERCEA.
Considering the above, we expect the granting process to be completed as soon as possible, and within
4 weeks of the date of this letter.
The grant preparation process, including communication with the ERCEA, and the subsequent
signature of the Grant Agreement, shall be carried out through the Research Participant Portal Grant
Management Service (PP GMS). By logging into your individual account in the Participant Portal and
ERC Executive Agency – Grant Management Department
BE-1049 Brussels, Belgium | | Email: [email protected]
selecting the project under the Grant Management Service section, each step of the grant preparation
process can be followed, and all relevant documents consulted, at any time.
Please see however in the Annex of this letter the additional documents required which you will
have to submit by email to the officer in charge of your project (see: “Additional Information
for the grant preparation attached to this invitation”).
The Grant Agreement preparation data provided through the Participant Portal (pre-filled with the
information already available in the Beneficiary Register, and structured data from your proposal) are
needed in order to prepare the grant agreement and provide programme-wide statistical information.
Kindly note that some information related to the legal and financial status of participants is read-only
and may only be updated by the Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR) of the organisations
concerned through the Participant Portal It is
therefore important to ensure that all participants are aware of the need to appoint a LEAR, within 2
weeks from the date of dispatch of this invitation letter.
Further information providing practical details on grant preparation as well as technical guidance, are
available in the H2020 Online Manual section of the Participant Portal.
This letter should not be regarded under any circumstances as a formal commitment by the
ERCEA to provide financial support, as this depends on the satisfactory and timely conclusion
of grant agreement preparation and on the satisfactory finalisation of the ethics review process
(where applicable).
In case your project needs to undergo an ethics review and/or assessment by the ERCEA, you will,
if not already the case, be soon contacted by our Scientific Department (Ethics team). We draw your
attention to the fact that the granting process cannot be finalised and your project can not start until
all ethical issues are either cleared or have been considered by the Ethics team as having to be cleared
during the course of the project.
Should you need further details concerning the granting process, you are invited to contact the officer
in charge of your project ( Mr. Jose Manuel PINTO CARIDADE – functional e-mail address
[email protected])
Yours sincerely,
Head of Unit
ERC Executive Agency
Annex: Additional Information for the grant preparation
cc: Greg Dow
ERC Executive Agency – Grant Management Department
BE-1049 Brussels, Belgium | | Email: [email protected]
Annex: Additional Information for the grant preparation
Please remember that Horizon 2020 actions (i.e. projects) must be implemented in accordance with the
assessed proposal. The Description of the Action must not differ from the proposal (see also below).
This is without prejudice to any corrections needed:
as a result of an ethical review,
to ensure the project conforms to the applicable rules, e.g. legal and financial rules,
to remove clerical errors or clear inconsistencies,
when, under exceptional circumstances, a participant is removed during grant preparation.
In line with the above, the following should be taken into account for the ERC grant agreement
1. Description of the Action (DoA, Annex 1 to the grant agreement) and Estimated
budget for the action (Annex 2)
The Description of the Action (DoA, Annex 1 to the grant agreement) should include the narrative
description of the budget, as in the proposal. The budget table should only be shown in the Estimated
budget for the action (Annex 2).
Therefore, when preparing it, please remember to remove the budget table from your proposal (Part
B), before uploading the Description of the Action (DoA) in the Participant portal. However tables that
provide additional information (e.g. more detailed breakdown of certain cost categories) compared to
the budget table of Annex 2 can remain. All eligible costs must be included in the narrative budget
description of the DoA. Please remember to use whole Euro values only.
Description of the Action (Annex 1) – Part A: please note that section 1.3. Workplan Tables Detailed implementation does not have to be filled in for the ERC grant preparation.
2. Statement of Changes (SoC)
In addition to the submission of the data through the system please also provide a one page statement
describing any changes that have been made in the Description of the Action compared to the original
Even in case there are no changes in the DoA from the original proposal, please include a clear
statement ("Statement of changes", to be uploaded in the Participant portal).
3. Supplementary Agreement (SA)
Please use the model for H2020 ERC supplementary agreement found at the ERC Documents website
(to be sent by email to the officer in charge of your project).
4. PI's passport
Only if the PI has not provided a copy of his/her identity document during the interview (evaluation
of proposal) or this document has been modified or renewed, then the PI is requested to provide a
copy of such a document (to be sent by email to the officer in charge of your project).
ERC Executive Agency – Grant Management Department
BE-1049 Brussels, Belgium | | Email: [email protected]
5. Links to other useful documents and guidelines:
Participant Portal
Proposal Management and Grant Preparation
Grant Preparation
Grant signature
ERC Executive Agency – Grant Management Department
BE-1049 Brussels, Belgium | | Email: [email protected]
Ogge o: Re: Proge o NPTEV‐TQP2020 ID 648723
Mi ente: Lucio Cerrito <[email protected]>
Data: 02/12/2015 17.55
A: Francesca Luna <[email protected]>
CC: Anna Di Ciaccio <[email protected]>, Sabrina Argenta <Sabrina.Argenta>
Gentile Dott.ssa Luna,
grazie dell’email. La data effettiva di entrata in vigore del Grant Amendment, che formalizza il trasferimento della HI presso l’Universita’ di Roma TV, e’ stata predisposta
per il 01/01/2016. Al fine di consentire alla European Research Council Executive Agency di potersi esprimere sulla richiesta entro i tempi proposti, sarebbe auspicabile che la Prof.ssa Anna Di Ciaccio possa poter firmare i relativi documenti ("Declaration of Honour" e "Accession to the Grant Agreement”),
che sono propedeutici all'inoltro dell’istanza, in tempi brevi e cioe’ entro qualche giorno dalla data odierna.
Gli elementi del progetto sono riassunti nell’allegato “Annex 1 to the Grant Agreement” e nella Tabella Finanziaria, entrambi disponibili collegandosi al portale EU con le necessarie credenziali INFN e quindi parte integrante e sottoscritta dal PI della richiesta in oggetto. Sono riportati altresi' come allegato a quest’email.
Con particolare riferimento alle informazioni da lei richieste, si veda l’Abstract (pag 4), History of Chances (pag 1) e le sezioni 6.7 (Collaboration, pag 23) e 7 (Resources, pag 24) del Annex 1 to the Grant Agreement.
Sono a disposizione per qualunque ulteriore informazione che possa rendersi necessaria.
Cordiali Saluti,
Lucio Cerrito
On 2 Dec 2015, at 16:09, Francesca Luna <[email protected]> wrote:
Gentile Prof. Cerrito,
in merito al progetto indicato in oggetto, di cui lei è PI e nel quale il ns. Istituto è stato inserito come beneficiario, le chiedo di volermi cortesemente indicare entro quale data il ns. Direttore Prof. Anna Di Ciaccio, in qualità di LSIGN, dovrà firmare i documenti denominati "Declaration of Honour" e "Accession to the Grant Agreement", in modo che la ns. Amministrazione Centrale possa predisporre la delibera o la disposizione con la quale il ns. Presidente formalizzerà la partecipazione dell'INFN al progetto stesso.
Le chiedo inoltre di avere una sua nota firmata in cui vengano riassunti gli elementi principali del progetto, una breve storia dello stesso fino alla richiesta di "supplementary agreement" in corso di trasmissione e le relative informazioni finanziarie, in particolari quelle relative al ns. Istituto.
In attesa, la ringrazio e le invio i migliori saluti.
Francesca Luna
Francesca Luna
Responsabile Amministrativo
INFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata
tel. 06/72594721 fax 06/2025364
[email protected]
INFN_Prospe o_Finanziario.pdf
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