Prof. R. Baronti Marchiò - A.A. 2009


Prof. R. Baronti Marchiò - A.A. 2009
Prof. R. Baronti Marchiò - A.A. 2009-2010
A. Corso di Laurea in Lingue e Letterature moderne (D.M. 270)
Letteratura Inglese II – 9 CFU
Commento e traduzione dei seguenti testi poetici:
1) Thomas Hardy
Neutral Tones
A Broken Appointment
The Walk
2) Wilfred Owen
Anthem for Doomed Youth
Dulce et Decorum Est
3) T.S. Eliot
Rhapsody on a Windy Night
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
4) W.H. Auden
On This Island
September 1, 1939
Musée des Beaux Arts
5) Dylan Thomas
The Force That Through the Green Fuse
Drives the Flower
After the Funeral
Before I Knocked
Fern Hill
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
6) Philip Larkin
Church Going
Lines on a Young Lady’s Photograph Album
Poetry of Departures
Maiden Name
I Remember, I Remember
Talking in Bed
High Windows
Sad Steps
7) Thom Gunn
The Annihilation of Nothing
Considering the Snail
My Sad Captain
8) Ted Hughes
Esther’s Tomcat
Hawk Roosting
To Paint a Water Lily
9) Seamus Heaney
The Grauballe Man
Polished linoleum shone there
When all the others were away
10) Adrian Henri
Tonight at Noon
The Entry of Christ into Liverpool
11) Roger McGough
Let Me Die a Youngman’ Death
da Samuel Beckett, The Complete Dramatic
Waiting for Godot
Happy Days
Krapp’s Last Tape
Act Without Words I
Act Without Words II
da Harold Pinter, Harod pinter: Plays 1:
1) The Room
2) The Dumb Waiter
3) A Slight Ache
Prof. R. Baronti Marchiò - A.A. 2009-2010
B. CdL in Lingue e Lett. per la comunicazione multimediale (D.M. 509)
Letteratura Inglese II – 6 CFU
Commento e traduzione dei seguenti testi poetici:
1) Thomas Hardy
Neutral Tones
A Broken Appointment
The Walk
2) Wilfred Owen
Anthem for Doomed Youth
Dulce et Decorum Est
3) T.S. Eliot
Rhapsody on a Windy Night
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
4) W.H. Auden
September 1, 1939
Musée des Beaux Arts
5) Dylan Thomas
The Force That Through the Green Fuse
Drives the Flower
After the Funeral
Before I Knocked
Fern Hill
6) Philip Larkin
Church Going
Lines on a Young Lady’s Photograph Album
Poetry of Departures
Maiden Name
I Remember, I Remember
Talking in Bed
High Windows
7) Thom Gunn
The Annihilation of Nothing
Considering the Snail
My Sad Captain
8) Ted Hughes
Esther’s Tomcat
Hawk Roosting
To Paint a Water Lily
9) Seamus Heaney
The Grauballe Man
When all the others were away
10) Adrian Henri
Tonight at Noon
The Entry of Christ into Liverpool
11) Roger McGough
Let Me Die a Youngman’ Death
da Samuel Beckett, The Complete Dramatic
1) Waiting for Godot
2) Happy Days
3) Krapp’s Last Tape
da Harold Pinter, Harod pinter: Plays 1:
1) The Dumb Waiter
2) A Slight Ache
Prof. R. Baronti Marchiò - A.A. 2009-2010
C. Corso di Laurea in Lingue e Letterature moderne (D.M. 270)
Letteratura Inglese II – 3 CFU
Commento e traduzione dei seguenti testi poetici:
1) Thomas Hardy
Neutral Tones
The Walk
2) Wilfred Owen
Anthem for Doomed Youth
Dulce et Decorum Est
3) T.S. Eliot
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
4) W.H. Auden
September 1, 1939
Musée des Beaux Arts
5) Dylan Thomas
The Force That Through the Green Fuse
Drives the Flower
Before I Knocked
Fern Hill
6) Philip Larkin
Church Going
Lines on a Young Lady’s Photograph Album
Poetry of Departures
Maiden Name
I Remember, I Remember
7) Thom Gunn
The Annihilation of Nothing
Considering the Snail
8) Ted Hughes
Hawk Roosting
To Paint a Water Lily
9) Seamus Heaney
The Grauballe Man
When all the others were away
10) Adrian Henri
Tonight at Noon
The Entry of Christ into Liverpool
11) Roger McGough
Let Me Die a Youngman’ Death
da Samuel Beckett, The Complete Dramatic
1) Waiting for Godot
2) Happy Days
da Harold Pinter, Harod pinter: Plays 1:
1) The Dumb Waiter

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