English PronunciationS


English PronunciationS
Excerpts form Luciano Canepari
(Phonetics “ Phonology, University of Venice, Italy)
English PronunciationS
<e Pronunciation of English around the World
Geo-social Applications of the Natural Phonetics “ Tonetics Method
1. International, American “ British neutral Accents
A concise international-pronunciation dictionary
A concise international-pronunciation dictionary
{© Luciano Canepari, 2010, Venice University, Italy}
Here is a sample of the diaphonemic and interphonemic transcription for the
international pronunciation of English. Of course, in a real dictionary, more information should be provided, for tens of thousands words. But this is su‚cient
to show how these transcriptions are to be interpreted. We might omit //.
For a very useful international pronunciation, which is the most recommendable form today (both for foreigners and careful native speakers, too), one should
just ignore the dots, and pronounce the symbols as they appear, especially /X, [:,
], r:, ˘:, ˘/ (x, A:, Ø, ø:, È:, È); for /ˆ, ã/ (j, w), while, for /≤/, (q) is more appropriate than (<), being less remarkable and, so to say, in an intermediate position between American (<, ≥) and British (È, å) (¬ ˙ 1.3 “ ˙ 26.1): car˚ cart˚ here˚ hears
/'kA:≤, 'kA:≤T, 'h¤È≤, 'h¤È≤z/ ('khA:q, 'khA;qT, 'h¤;Èq, 'h¤;ÈqΩ) (Am.: ('khA:<, 'khA;<t, 'h¤;≥,
'h¤;≥Ω), Br.: ('khA:, 'khA;t, 'h¤;å, 'h¤;ÈΩ)).
For /ù/, it is more convenient to use (4) only after vowels: pretty˚ hotter˚ quality
/'p<¤ùi, 'hØùÈ≤, 'kwØlÈùi/ ('ph<¤4i, 'hØ4Èq, 'khwØlÈ4i), but not in novelty˚ party˚ twenty
/'nØvȧùi, 'pA:≤ùi, 'Tw™nùi/ ('nØvȧti, 'phA;qti, 'Thw™nti) (in spite of the ‘picturesque'
variant ('thw™ni, 'thw™ni)).
<e symbol /§/ (§) might be realized as (ı), but –actually– the articulation of (§)
is definitely simpler than that of (ı). <e latter is an alveolar lateral contoid with
an actual contact between the tip of the tongue and the alveolar ridge, while the
back of the tongue is raised towards the velum, without touching it. Instead, (§)
has no contact at all, since even the tip does not touch anywhere (¬ ˙ 27.1). Both
articulations are laterally contracted, which renders them so similar, although
slightly di‡erent: most native speakers can not tell confidently which is which.
Of course, should one prefer to exhibit a neutral British or American pronunciation, the diaphonemes must be given their correspondent values, but in a very
coherent way for every word.
a /'™¤, È/
Aberdeen /xbÈ≤'diin/
ache /'™¤k/
acknowledge /Èk'nØl¤G/
acorn /'™¤kø:≤n/
acquiesce /xkwi'™s/
Addison /'xd˘só/
Adelaide /'xdÈl™¤d/
Aden /'™¤dÈn/
adjective /'xGÈkt¤v/
ado /È'duu/
adobe˚ Adobe /È'dø¨bi/
advertise /'xdvÈ≤ta™z/
advertisement /xdvÈ≤'ta™zmÈnt, Èd'vÈ:≤ù˘s-/
advisedly /Èd'va™z˘dli/
after /'XftÈ≤/
again /È'g™n, -™¤n/
agate /'xgÈt/
agave /È'g™¤vi, -A:vi/
aged /'™¤Gd/, but ‘very
old' /'™¤G˘d/
ago /È'gø¨/
ague /'™¤gjuu/
aisle /'a™§/
Alabama /xlÈ'bXmÈ/
Alaska /È'lxskÈ/
Albany /'r:§bÈni/
Alberta /x§'bÈ:≤ùÈ/
album /'x§bÈm/
Albuquerque /'x§bÈkÈ:≤ki,
alibi /'xl˘ba™/
alien /'™¤liÈn/
almond /'A:mÈnd/
Alnwick /'xn¤k/
alone /È'lø¨n/
alright /ø:ú§û'<a™t/
also /'ø:ú§ûsø¨/
although /ø:ú§û'∑ø¨/
always /'ø:ú§ûw˘z, -w™¤z/
am /'xm, Èm, m/
Amarillo /xmÈ'<¤lø¨/
ample /'xmp°/
A concise international-pronunciation dictionary
an /'xn, Èn/
anchor /'x˙kÈ≤/
Anchorage /'x˙kÈ<˘G/
and /'xnúdû, Ènúdû/
andiron /'xnda™È≤n/
Andrews /'xnd<uuz/
anemone /È'n™mÈni/
anger /'x˙gÈ≤/
Annapolis /È'nxpÈl˘s/
answer /'XnsÈ≤/
ant /'xnt/
Anthony /'xntÈni, -†È-/
antipodes /xn't¤pÈdiiz/
antique /xn'tiik/
anxious /'x˙kSÈs/
any /'™ni/
Apache /È'pxci/
apostrophe /È'pØst<Èfi/
Appalachia /xpÈ'l™¤ciÈ, -SÈ/
architecture /'A:≤k˘t™kcÈ≤/
archive /'A:≤ka™v/
archivist /'A:≤k˘v¤st/
are /'A:≤, È≤/
area /'™˘<iÈ/
Argyle /A:≤'ga™§/
Argyll /A:≤'ga™§/
Arizona /x<˘'zø¨nÈ/
Arkansas (river) /'A:≤kÈnsø:, A:≤'kxnzÈs/
Arkansas (state) /'A:≤kÈnsø:/
Arthur /'A:≤†È≤/
as /'xz, Èz/
Asia /'™¤SÈ, -ZÈ/
ask /'Xsk/
asthma /'xsmÈ, 'xz-/
at /'xt, Èt/
ate /'™¤t, '™t/
atheist /'™¤†iÈst/
athlete /'x†liit/
athletic /È'†l™ù¤k/
Atlanta /Èt'lxnùÈ/
Auckland /'r:klÈnd/
Audrey /'ø:d<i/
aught /'ø:t/
August (month) /'ø:gÈst/
August (name) /'aøg¨st,
august (adj.) /ø:'gåst, 'ø:gåst, -Èst/
august(e) (clown) /'aøg¨st, aø'guust, 'ø:gÈst/
Augusta /ø:'gåstÈ/
Augustus /ø:'gåstÈs/
aunt /'Xnt/
Aurora /È'<ø:<È/
Austen /']stúÈûn/
Austin /']stúÈûn/
Austyn /']stúÈûn/
Australia /r:'st<™¤liÈ, È-÷ 'st-/
author /'ø:†È≤/
autumn /'ø:ùÈm/
Ava /'A:vÈ, '™¤-/
awry /È'<a™/
axe, ax /'xks/
axes (from axe˚ ax) /'xks˘z/
axes (from axis) /'xksiiz/
axis /'xks˘s/
azure /'xZÈ≤/
Bahamas /bÈ'hA:mÈz/
bald /'bø:§d/
ballet /'bxl™¤, bx'l™¤/
Baltimore /'br:§ù˘mø:≤,
Barbados /bA:≤'b™¤dø¨s,
-Øs, -ø¨z, -Ès/
basal /'b™¤s°/
base /'b™¤s/
Basel /'bA:z°/
bases (from base) /'b™¤s˘z/
bases (from basis) /'b™¤siiz/
basic /'b™¤s¤k/
basin /'b™¤só/
basis /'b™¤s˘s/
bath /'bX†/
bathe /'b™¤∑/
bathed (from bath) /'bX†t/
bathed (from bathe) /'b™¤∑d/
A concise international-pronunciation dictionary
Baton Rouge /bxtó'<uuZ/
bear /'b™È≤/
Beatrice /'biiÈt<˘s/
Beattie /'biiùi/
Beauchamp /'biicÈm/
Beaufort /'bjuufÈ≤t, 'bø¨-/
Beaulieu (fam. n.) /'bø¨juu/
Beaulieu (place n.) /'bjuuli/
beautiful /'bjuuùÈf°/
beer /'b¤È≤/
beige /'b™¤Z/
Belfast /'b™§fXst, b™§'-/
Berkeley /'bÈ:≤kli, 'bA:≤-/
Berkshire /'bÈ:≤kSÈ≤, 'bA:≤-,
Bermuda /bÈ≤'mjuudÈ/
better /'b™ùÈ≤/
Betty /'b™ùi/
beyond /b¤'jØnd, bi'Ø-/
Birmingham uk /'bÈ:≤m¤˙Èm, -˙hÈm/, us /'bÈ:≤m¤˙hxm/
biscuit /'b¤sk˘t/
blackguard /'blxgA:≤d, -È≤d/
Blackpool /'blxkpuu§/
blessed (adj.) /'bl™s˘d/
blessed (v.) /'bl™st/
blood /'blåd/
blossom /'blØsÈm/
blue /'bluu/
blues /'bluuz/
bold /'bø¨§d/
bomb /'bØm/
bomber /'bØmÈ≤/
bone /'bø¨n/
book /'b¨k/
borough /'b˘:<ø¨, -È/
borrow /'b]<ø¨/
bosom /'b¨zÈm/
boss /'b]s/
Boston /'b]stÈn/
both /'bø¨†/
bough /'baø/
bow (weapon, knot, vio-
lin) /'bø¨/
bow (movement) /'baø/
Branagh /'b<xnÈ/
break /'b<™¤k/
breakfast /'b<™kfÈst/
breath /'b<™†/
breathe /'b<ii∑/
Brighton /'b<a™tó/
Brisbane /'b<¤zbÈn, -™¤n/
Bristol /'b<¤st°/
Bronte (-ë) /'b<Ønùi/
brooch /'b<ø¨c÷ 'b<uuc/
Brooklyn /'b<¨kl˘n/
broth /'b<]†/
Brunswick /'b<ånzw¤k/
Buchanan /bjuu'kxnÈn, bÈ'-/
Buckinghamshire /'båk¤˙ÈmSÈ≤, -S¤È≤/
build /'b¤§d/
built /'b¤§t/
burial /'b™<iȧ/
Burton /'bÈ:≤tó/
bury /'b™<i/
bus /'bås/
buses, busses /'bås˘z/
business /'b¤znÈs/
busy /'b¤zi/
but /'båt, bÈt/
butt /'båt/
buyer /'ba™È≤/
buzz /'båz/
Bu‡alo /'båfÈlø¨/
bu‡et (meal) /'b¨f™¤, bÈ'f™¤/
bu‡et (blow) /'båf˘t/
cabaret /'kxbÈ<™¤, -'<™¤/
can (v.) /'kxn, kÈn/
can (n.) /'kxn/
Caesar /'siizÈ≤/
Cajun /'k™¤GÈn/
California /kxlÈ'fø:≤niÈ/
called /'kø:§d/
calm /'kA:m/
Cambridge /'k™¤mb<¤G/
Canada /'kxnÈdÈ/
cannot /'kxnØt, -Èt, kx'nØt, kÈ-/
canoe /kÈ'nuu/
cant /'kxnt/
can't /'kXnt/
Cape Town /'k™¤ptaøn/
Cardi‡ /'kA:≤d¤f/
carefree /'k™È≤f<ii/
Carew /kÈ'<uu/
Carlisle /kA:≤'la™§, 'kA:≤la™§/
Carnegie /'kA:≤n˘gi, kA:≤'n™-, -'n™¤-, -'nii-/
Carolina /kx<È'la™nå÷ k™È≤-/
case /'k™¤s/
castle /'kXs°/
catering /'k™¤t<¤˙, -ùÈ<¤˙/
cauliflower /'k]liflaøÈ≤/
ca‡ein /'kxfiin, kx'-/
cello /'c™lø¨/
Celt /'k™§t/
Celtic (ethn.) /'k™§ù¤k/
Celtic (sport) /'s™§ù¤k/
cemetery /'s™m˘tR<i/
certificate (n.) /sÈ≤'t¤f˘k˘t/
certificate (v.) /sÈ≤'t¤f˘k™¤t/
chalet /'Sxl™¤, Sx'l™¤/
chamois /'SxmwA:/
champagne /Sxm'p™¤n/
Channel Islands /'cxn° 'a™lÈndz, -nÍ 'a™-/
chaos /'k™¤Øs/
character /'kx<ÈktÈ≤/
Charleston /'cA:≤§stÈn/
Charlotte /'SA:≤lÈt/
chassis /'Sxsi, 'c-/
chasten /'c™¤só/
chemist /'k™m˘st/
cheque /'c™k/
Cherokee /'c™<Èkii, -'kii/
chic /'Siik, 'S¤k/
Chicago /S˘'kA:gø¨÷ -ø:gÈ/
Chicano /c˘'kA:nø¨/
Chickasaw /'c¤kÈsø:/
child /'ca™§d/
children /'c¤§d<Èn/
Chippendale /'c¤pÈnd™¤§/
chivalry /'S¤v°<i/
Chivas /'S¤vxs, 'SiivÈs/
Chivers /'c¤vÈ≤z/
Choctaw /'cØktø:/
choir /'kwa™È≤/
chord /'kø:≤d/
chore /'cø:≤/
Christ /'k<a™st/
Christchurch /'k<a™scÈ:≤c/
Christmas /'k<¤smÈs/
Chrysler /'k<a™zlÈ≤/
Cincinnati /s¤ns˘'nxùi/
circus /'sÈ:≤kÈs/
Cirencester /'sa™<Èns™stÈ≤,
Clapham /'klxpÈm/
class /'klXs/
cleanly (adj.) /'kl™nli/
cleanly (av.) /'kliinli/
Cleveland /'kliivlÈnd/
climb /'kla™m/
climbing /'kla™m¤˙/
close (adj.) /'klø¨s/
close (v.) /'klø¨z/
cloth /'kl]†/
clumsy /'klåmzi/
coach /'kø¨c/
cocoa /'kø¨kø¨/
Cody /'kø¨di/
coed /kø¨'™d/
Cohen /'kø¨Èn/
Colchester /'kø¨§c˘stÈ≤/
cold /'kø¨§d/
Coleman /'kø¨§mÈn/
Coleridge /'kø¨§<¤G, -lÈ-/
Colet /'kØlÈt/
Colin /'kØl˘n/
Colombia /kÈ'låmbiÈ, -'lØm-,
colonel /'kÈ:≤n°/
A concise international-pronunciation dictionary
Colorado /kØlÈ'<[:dø¨/
color˚ -our /'kålÈ≤/
colossal /kÈ'lØs°/
column /'kØlÈm/
comb /'kø¨m/
combination /kØmb˘'n™¤SúÈûn/
combine /kÈm'ba™n/
comfort /'kånfÈ≤t/
command /kÈ'mXnd/
company /'kåmpúÈûni/
conceit /kÈn'siit/
concerto /kÈn'c™˘≤ùø¨, -È:≤-/
Connecticut /kÈ'n™ù˘kÈt/
conscience /'kØnSÈns/
content (adj.) /kÈn't™nt/
content (n.) /'kØnt™nt/
Continental˚ continental
contract (n.) /'kØnt<xkt/
contract (v.) /kÈn't<xkt/
control /kÈn't<ø¨§/
copy /'kØpi/
Cork /'kø:≤k/
corps /'kø:≤/
corpse /'kø:≤ps/
Couch /'kuuc/
couch /'kaøc/
could /'k¨d, kÈd/
cough /'k]f/
Coughlan /'k]flÈn, -glÈn,
could /'k¨d, kÈd/
country /'kånt<i/
county /'kaønùi/
courage /'k˘:<˘G/
courier /'k¨˘<iÈ≤, 'k˘:<iÈ≤/
courteous /'kÈ:≤ùiÈs/
courtesy /'kÈ:≤ùÈsi/
courtier /'kø:≤ùiÈ≤/
cousin /'kåzó/
cove /'kø¨v/
cover /'kåvÈ≤/
coxswain /'kØksó/
crabbed (adj.) /'k<xb˘d/
crabbed (v.) /'k<xbd/
crime /'k<a™m/
criminal /'k<¤m˘n°/
crises /'k<a™siiz/
crisis /'k<a™s˘s/
crochet /'k<ø¨S™¤, k<ø¨'S™¤/
crooked (adj.) /'k<¨k˘d/
crooked (v.) /'k<¨kt/
cruel /'k<uuȧ/
cruise, C. /'k<uuz/
cue /'kjuu/
cuisine /kw˘'ziin/
cupboard /'kåbÈ≤d/
curly /'kÈ:≤li/
cursed (adj.) /'kÈ:≤s˘d, -st/
cursed (v.) /'kÈ:≤st/
Curtis /'kÈ:≤ù˘s/
Czech /'c™k/
Dakota /dÈ'kø¨ùÈ/
Dallas /'dxlÈs/
damn /'dxm/
dance /'dXns/
danger /'d™¤nGÈ≤/
Darwin /'dA:≤w¤n/
daughter /'dø:ùÈ≤/
dearth /'dÈ:≤†/
debris /'d™¤b<ii, 'd™b-, d˘'b<ii/
debt /'d™t/
debtor /'d™ùÈ≤/
Defoe /d˘'fø¨/
Delaware /'d™lÈw™È≤/
Delmarva /d™§'mA:≤vÈ/
Denver /'d™nvÈ≤/
depot /'d™pø¨, 'dii-/
Derby /'dÈ:≤bi, 'dA:≤-/
Derry /'d™<i/
desert (n.) /'d™zÈ≤t/
desert (v.) /d˘'zÈ:≤t/
design /d˘'za™n/
dessert /d˘'zÈ:≤t/
Detroit /d˘'t<ø™t/
A concise international-pronunciation dictionary
diabetes /da™È'biiùiiz/
Diana /da™'xnÈ/
Dickens /'d¤k˘nz/
dictionary /'d¤kSóR<i/
die /'da™/
diptych /'d¤pt¤k/
discovery /d˘'skåv<i/
do (aux.) /'duu, du, dÈ, d/
do, doh (mus.) /'dø¨/
doe (n.) /'dø¨/
doer (n.), Doer /'duuÈ≤/
does (aux.) /'dåz, dÈz/
does (from doe) /'dø¨z/
dog /'d]g/
dogged (adj.) /'d]g˘d/
dogged (from dog) /'d]gd/
don't /'dø¨nt/
done /'dån/
donkey /'d]˙ki, -å-/
Donna /'dØnÈ/
Donne /'dån, 'dØn/
Doolittle /'duul¤ù°/
doth (archaic) /'då†, dȆ/
doubt /'daøt/
dough /'dø¨/
dove (n.) /'dåv/
dove (v. dive) /'dø¨v/
dover, Dover /'dø¨vÈ≤/
drachm /'d<xm/
draught /'d<Xft/ [draft]
dual /'dˆuuȧ/
Dublin /'dåbl˘n/
due /'dˆuu/
duke /'dˆuuk/
duel /'dˆuuȧ/
duet /dˆu'™t/
Dulles /'dål˘s/
Duluth /dÈ'luu†/
dumb /'dåm/
Dundee /dån'dii/
Durban /'dÈ:≤bÈn/
Durham /'d˘:<Èm/
dyer /'da™È≤/
Dylan /'d¤lÈn/
e-mail /'iim™¤§/
earth /'È:≤†/
Edinburgh /'™dõb<È, -b˘:<È/
Edmonton /'™dmÈntÈn/
eight /'™¤t/
eighth /'™¤t†/
Eire /'™˘<È÷ 'a™˘-÷ '™¤˘-÷ -i/
either /'a™∑È≤, 'ii-/
El Paso /™§'pxsø¨/
Eliot /'™liÈt/
Eliott /'™liÈt/
Elliot /'™liÈt/
Elliott /'™liÈt/
Elyot /'™liÈt/
empire /'™mpa™È≤/
empty /'™mti/
England /'¤˙glÈnd/
English /'¤˙gl¤S/
enough /˘'nåf/
epoch /'iipØk/
equal /'iikw°/
Erie /'¤˘<i/
Eskimo /'™sk˘mø¨/
Esther /'™stÈ≤/
euro /'j¨˘<ø¨/
Evelyn /'iivl¤n/
Everest /'™v<˘st, -vÈ<™st/
ewe /'juu/
exam /¤g'zxm/
example /¤g'zXmp°/
excel /¤k's™§/
exercise /'™ksÈ≤sa™z/
exhaust /¤g'zø:st/
exhibit /¤g'z¤b˘t/
exist /¤g'z¤st/
express /¤k'sp<™s/
eye /'a™/
Eyre /'™È≤/
facsimile /fxk's¤m˘li/
farther /'fA:≤∑È≤/
fasten /'fXsó/
father /'fA:∑È≤/
faulty /'fø:§ùi/
fifth /'f¤f†/
finger /'f¤˙gÈ≤/ (¬ singer]
fire /'fa™È≤/
five /'fa™v/
fixedly /'f¤ks˘dli/
flood /'flåd/
‰orida /'fl]<˘dÈ/
flower /'flaøÈ≤/
foe /'fø¨/
folk /'fø¨k/
folklore /'fø¨k-lø:≤/
food /'fuud/
fool /'fuu§/
foot /'f¨t/
for /'fø:≤, fÈ≤/
forehead /'fø:≤h™d, 'f]<˘d/
foreign /'f]<˘n/
foreigner /'f]<˘nÈ≤/
forfeit /'fø:≤f˘t/
Forsyth /fø:≤'sa™†,
four /'fø:≤/
fourty /'fø:≤ùi/
friend /'f<™nd/
frog /'f<]g/
from /'f<Øm, {'}f<åm, f<Èm/
front /'f<ånt/
fruit /'f<uut/
fuchsia /'fjuuSÈ/
full /'f¨§/
fur /'fÈ:≤/
furlough /'fÈ:≤lø¨/
furry /'f˘:<i/
further /'fÈ:≤∑È≤/
Galway /'gr:§w™¤/
gaol [jail] /'G™¤§/
garage /gÈ'<A:Z, -G, 'gx<A:G,
-Z, -<˘G/
gauge /'g™¤G/
George /'Gø:≤G/
Georgia /'Gø:≤GÈ/
Geo‡rey /'G™f<i/
Gere /'g¤È≤/
ghost /'gø¨st/
giant /'Ga™Ènt/
gigabyte /'g¤gÈba™t/
Gilbert /'g¤§bÈ≤t/
Glamorgan /glÈ'mø:≤gÈn/
Glasgow /'glXzgø¨, -s-/
glass /'glXs/
Gloucester /'gl]stÈ≤/
Gloucestershire /'gl]stÈ≤SÈ≤, -S¤È≤/
gnat /'nxt/
gnaw /'nø:/
go /'gø¨/
goal /'gø¨§/
goes /'gø¨z/
going /'gø¨¤˙/
going to (going-to˚ goin' to˚
gonna) /'g]nÈ+0, -u+é,
'gø¨-, 'gån-, gÈn-/
gone /'g]n/
good /'g¨d/
got to /'gØttÈ+0, -u+é, 'gØù-/
graduate (n.) /'g<xGuÈt/
graduate (v.) /'g<xGu™¤t/
Graham /'g<™¤Èm/
grandeur /'g<xnGÈ≤/
grandma /'g<xmmA:/
grandpa /'g<xmpA:/
great /'g<™¤t/
Greenwich /'g<™n¤c, -G,
'g<¤n-÷ 'g<ii-, -w¤c/
greet /'g<iit/
gross /'g<ø¨s/
Grosvenor /'g<ø¨vnÈ≤/
group /'g<uup/
guard /'gA:≤d/
Guernsey /'gÈ:≤nzi/
guess /'g™s/
Guiana /gi'[:nÈ, ga™-/
guide /'ga™d/
Guilford /'g¤§fÈ≤d/
Guinea /'g¤ni/
Gullah /'gålÈ/
A concise international-pronunciation dictionary
gunwale /'gån°/
Guyana /ga™'XnÈ/
had to /'hxdtÈ+0, -u+é, 'hxù-/
half /'hXf/
Halloween /hxlø¨'iin, hA:-/
halves /'hXvz/
hamburger /'hxmbÈ:≤gÈ≤/
handkerchief /'hx˙kÈ≤c˘f,
handsome /'hxnsÈm/
haricot /'hx<˘kø¨/
has (aux.) /'hxz, hÈz, Èz, z, s/
hasten /'h™¤só/
Hastings /'h™¤st¤˙z/
haul /'hø:§/
have (aux.) /'hxv, hÈv, Èv, v/
Hawaii /hÈ'wa™i, -A:i, -ji÷
-jÈ÷ -'wø:-/
he /'hii, hi, i/
health /'h™§†/
hear /'h¤È≤/
heart /'hA:≤t/
hearth /'hA:≤†/
Hebrides /'h™b<˘diiz/
heifer /'h™fÈ≤/
height /'ha™t/
heir /'™È≤/
heiress /'™˘<Ès/
here /'h¤È≤/
Hertford /'hÈ:≤fÈ≤d, 'hA:≤-/
Hervey /'hÈ:≤vi, 'hA:≤-/
Hewlett /'hjuul˘t/
hiccough /'h¤kÈp, -åp/
high /'ha™/
Highmore /'ha™mø:≤/
him /'h¤m, h¤m, ¤m/
hinder (adj.) /'ha™ndÈ≤/
hinder (v.) /'h¤ndÈ≤/
hire /'ha™È≤/
Hobart /'hø¨bA:≤t/
Holborn /'hø¨bÈ≤n/
Holden /'hø¨§dÈn/
hole /'hø¨§/
holm /'hø¨m/
Holmes /'hø¨mz/
honest /'Øn˘st/
honey /'håni/
honor˚ -our /'ØnÈ≤/
horizon /hÈ'<a™zÈn/
horizontal /h]<˘'zØnù°/
hosier /'hø¨ZÈ≤/
Hough /'håf, 'h]f/
hough /'hØk/
hour /'aøÈ≤/
house /'haøs/
houses /'haøz˘z/
Houston /'haøstúÈûn/
Houston (Sc.) /'huustúÈûn/
Houston (Tex.) /'hjuustúÈûn/
hove /'hø¨v/
hover /'hØvÈ≤/
howl /'haø§/
Huckleberry /'håk°b<i, -b™<i/
Hughes /'hjuuz/
Hull /'hå§/
Hulme /'hjuum, 'hå§m/
Hume /'hjuum/
hurry /'h˘:<i/
husband /'håzbÈnd/
Huston /'hjuustÈn/
hymn /'h¤m/
I /'a™, a™/
Ian /'iiÈn, '¤Èn/
Idaho /'a™dÈhø¨/
idea /a™'diiÈ, -¤È/
Ifor /'a™vÈ≤, -f-, 'iivø:≤/
Illinois /¤l˘'nø™, -z/
Indiana /¤ndi'Xnå/
indict /¤n'da™t/
intercalery /¤n'tÈ:≤klR<i, ¤nùÈ≤'kx§<i/
international /¤nùÈ≤'nxSn°/
interstice /¤n'tÈ:≤st˘s/
intonational /¤nùÈ'n™¤Sn°/
Inverness /¤nvÈ≤'n™s/
Iowa /'a™ÈwÈ/
A concise international-pronunciation dictionary
Ipswich /'¤psw¤c/
Ireland /'a™È≤lÈnd/
Irene /a™'<iin, -iini/
Iris /'a™<˘s/
iron /'a™È≤n/
irony (adj.) /'a™È≤ni/
irony (n.) /'a™<Èni/
is /'¤z, ¤z, z, s/
island /'a™lÈnd/
Isle of Man /'a™lÈv 'mxn/
isle /'a™§/
islet /'a™lÈt/
Ivanhoe /'a™vÈnhø¨/
Keynes, J.M. /'k™¤nz/
Keynes, Milton /'kiinz/
khaki /'k[:ki/
Kinsey /'k¤nzi/
Kiowa /'ka™ÈwÈ, -A:, -™¤÷
'k¤È-÷ 'kiiÈ-/
knee /'nii/
knife /'na™f/
knot /'nØt/
know /'nø¨/
knowledge /'nØl˘G/
Knoxville /'nØksv¤§/
Kough /'kjø¨, 'kø¨/
Kubrick /'kjuub<¤k/
lethal /'lii†°/
Lettice /'l™ù˘s/
lettuce /'l™ù˘s/
lever, L. /'liivÈ≤, 'l™v-/
Levi's /'liiva™z/
Levy /'liivi, 'l™vi/
Lewes /'luu˘s/
Liam /'liiÈm, 'l¤Èm/
liar /'la™È≤/
lie /'la™/
lieutenant /l™f't™nÈnt, lÈ'-,
life /'la™f/
light /'la™t/
Jacksonville /'GxksÈnv¤§/
lilo /'la™lø¨/
Jacuzzi /GÈ'kuuzi/
Labrador /'lxb<Èdø:≤/
limb /'l¤m/
jagged (adj.) /'Gxg˘d/
lady /'l™¤di/
limerick /'l¤m<¤k/
jagged (v.) /'Gxgd/
Lafayette /lxfa™'™t, -f™¤-/
Lincoln /'l¤˙kÈn/
Jamaica /GÈ'm™¤kÈ/
lamb /'lxm/
lineage /'l¤ni˘G/
jazz /'Gxz/
Lancaster /'lx˙kÈstÈ≤, -kxs-/ lion /'la™Èn/
Jedi /'G™da™/
language /'lx˙gw¤G/
liqueur /l˘'kj¨È≤, -'kÈ:≤,
jeopardy /'G™pÈ≤di/
lass /'lxs/
-'kjÈ:≤, -'kjø:≤/
Jerome /GÈ'<ø¨m/
last /'lXst/
liquid /'l¤kw˘d/
Jersey /'GÈ:≤zi/
laugh /'lXf/
liquor /'l¤kÈ≤/
Jervis /'GÈ:≤v˘s, 'GA:≤-/
Laura /'lø:<È/
liquorice /'l¤k<˘s/
Jesselton /'G™s°tÈn/
Laurel /'l]<°/
lisle /'la™§/
Job /'Gø¨b/
Lead /'liid/
listen /'l¤só/
job /'GØb/
lead (metal) /'l™d/
listener /'l¤snÈ≤/
Joel /'Gø¨È§, 'Gø¨™§/
lead (v./n.) /'liid/
live (adj.) /'la™v/
Johannesburg /Gø¨'hxnÈs- learned (adj.) /'lÈ:≤n˘d/
live (v.) /'l¤v/
bÈ:≤g÷ 'Gø¨bÈ:≤g/
learned (v.) /'lÈ:≤nd,
Liverpool /'l¤vÈ≤puu§/
John /'GØn/
Loch Ness /lØk'n™s/
journey /'GÈ:≤ni/
learnt /'lÈ:≤nt/
London /'låndÈn/
Julie /'Guuli/
Leeds /'liidz/
Londonderry /låndÈn'd™<i,
July /GÈ'la™/
Leicester /'l™stÈ≤/
Juneau /'Guunø¨, GÈ'nø¨/ Leigh /'lii/
long /'l]˙/
Leighton /'l™¤tó/
longer /'l]˙gÈ≤/
Kansas /'kxnzÈs, -ns-/
Leila /'liilÈ/
longing /'l]˙¤˙/
Keith /'kii†/
leisure /'l™ZÈ≤, 'lii-/
look /'l¨k/
Kentucky /kÈn'tåki, k™n-/ Lena /'liinÈ/
loose /'luus/
Kenya /'k™njÈ, 'kiinjÈ/
Lenape /lÈ'nA:p{i}, 'l™nÈpi/ Los Angeles /l]s'xnGÈl˘s,
Kerr /'kÈ:≤, 'kA:≤, 'k™È≤/
length /'l™˙†/
Keswick /'k™z¤k/
leopard /'l™pÈ≤d/
lose /'luuz/
key /'kii/
leprechaun /'l™p<Èkø:n/
loss /'l]s/
lost /'l]st/
Lough /'lØk, 'låf, 'lø¨/
lough /'lØk/
Louisiana /luiizi'XnÈ,
lour /'laøÈ≤/
love /'låv/
lower (comp. adj. “ v.)
lower (frown) /'laøÈ≤/
lullaby /'lålÈba™/
Luton /'luutó/
lynx /'l¤˙ks/
A concise international-pronunciation dictionary
meant /'m™nt/
mechanic /mÈ'kxn¤k/
Melbourne /'m™§bÈ≤n, -ø:≤n/
Memphis /'m™nf˘s/
meringue /mÈ'<x˙/
merry /'m™<i/
method /'m™†Èd/
Mia /'miiÈ, 'm¤È/
Miami /ma™'xmi/
Michael /'ma™k°/
Michigan /'m¤S¤gÈn/
Middlesborough /'m¤d°zb<È, -bÈ:≤ø¨/
Middlesbrough /'m¤d°zb<È/
Macbeth /mÈk'b™†/
might /'ma™t/
MacFarlane /mÈk'fA:≤l˘n/ Milton Keynes /'m¤§tó 'kiinz/
machine /mÈ'Siin/
Milwaukee /m¤§'wø:ki/
MacIntosh /'mxk¤ntØS/
mini /'m¤ni/
Macleod /mÈ'klaød/
Minneapolis /m¤ni'xpÈl˘s/
Macready /mÈ'k<iidi/
Minnesota /m¤nÈ'sø¨ùÈ/
magazine /'mxgÈziin, -'ziin/ minute (adj.) /ma™'njuut/
Maine /'m™¤n/
minute (n.) /'m¤n˘t/
Malcolm /'mx§kÈm/
mishap /'m¤shxp/
Malesit˚ -eet /'mxl˘siit/
Mississippi /m¤s˘'s¤pi÷ m¤s's-/
Malta /'mø:§ùÈ/
Missouri /m˘'z¨˘<i/
Manchester /'mxnc˘stÈ≤, Mobile /mø¨'bii§, 'mø¨-c™s-/
many /'m™ni/
Mohawk /'mø¨hø:k/
maquis /'mXkii/
moisten /'mø™só/
margarine /'mA:≤G{È}<iin, molecule /'mØl˘kjuu§/
Mona /'mø¨nÈ/
markedly /'mA:≤k˘dli/
monarch /'mØnÈ≤k/
Marlborough /'mA:≤§b<È, money /'måni/
'mø:≤§-, -bÈ:≤ø¨/
monkey /'må˙ki/
marry /'mx<i/
Montana /mØn'txnÈ/
Mary /'m™˘<i/
month /'mån†/
Maryland /'m™˘<˘lÈnd/
Montreal /mØnt<i'ø:§, mån-/
masque /'mXsk/
mortgage /'mø:≤g¤G/
Massachusetts /mxsÈ'cuu- mosquito /mÈ'skiiùø¨, mØ-/
moth /'m]†/
massacre /'mxsÈkÈ≤/
moustache /mÈ'stXS, 'måstxS/
Mathilda /mÈ't¤§dÈ/
mouth /'maø†/
Maugham /'mø:m/
mouths /'maø∑z/
mean /'miin/
move /'muuv/
movie /'muuvi/
mow (n.) /'maø/
mow (v.) /'mø¨/
Murdoch /'mÈ:≤dØk/
Murphy /'mÈ:≤fi/
muscle /'mås°/
must /'måst, mÈst, mÈs, m#/
mustn't /'måsót/
myrrh /'mÈ:≤/
naked /'n™¤k˘d/
Natal /nÈ'tX§/
Nathan /'n™¤†Èn/
nation /'n™¤Só/
national /'nxSn°/
natural /'nxt<°/
nature /'n™¤cÈ≤/
nausea /'nr:siÈ, -ziÈ, -SÈ/
Navaho /'nXvÈhø¨/
Nebraska /nÈ'b<xskÈ/
necessary /'n™s˘sR<i/
neither /'na™∑È≤, 'nii-/
neon /'niiØn, -Èn/
nephew /'n™fjuu, -v-/
nestle /'n™s°/
Nevada /n˘'v[:dÈ/
New Orleans /nˆuu'ø:≤liÈnz, -ø:≤'liinz, -'ø:≤lÈnz/
New York /nˆuu'jø:≤k/
New Zealand /nˆuu'ziilÈnd÷
Newark /'nˆuuÈ≤k/
Newcastle /'nˆuukXs°/
Newfoundland /'nˆuufÈnlÈnd, -lxnd, -'fa¨nlÈnd,
Nice /'niis/
nice /'na™s/
niece /'niis/
Nike /'na™ki, -kii, -k/
no /'nø¨/
Noah /'nø¨È/
Noam /'nø¨Èm, 'nø¨m/
Noel (Christmas) /nø¨'™§/
A concise international-pronunciation dictionary
Noel (name) /'nø¨È§, -™§/
none /'nån/
Norfolk /'nø:≤fÈk/
north /'nø:≤†/
Northampton /nø:≤'†xmtÈn, -†'h-/
northern /'nø:≤∑È≤n/
Norwich /'n]<¤G, -c/
nothing /'n冤˙/
nought /'nø:t/
Nova Scotia /'nø¨vÈ 'skø¨SÈ/
nuclear /'njuukliÈ≤/
nuisance /'nˆuusós/
overdose (n.) /'ø¨vÈ≤dø¨s/
overdose (v.) /ø¨vÈ≤'dø¨s/
owl /'aø§/
Oxford /'ØksfÈ≤d/
Oxfordshire /'ØksfÈ≤dSÈ≤,
Ozarks /'ø¨zA:≤ks/
poet /'pø¨˘t/
poetry /'pø¨˘t<i/
police /pÈ'liis/
Polish /'pø¨l¤S/
polish /'pØl¤S/
pool /'puu§/
porpoise /'pø:≤pÈs/
Port Elizabeth /pø:≤tÈ'l¤zÈbȆ/
palm /'pA:m/
Portland /'pø:≤tlÈnd/
Pamela /'pxm{˘}lÈ/
possess /pÈ'z™s/
parachute /'px<ÈSuut/
potatoes /pÈ't™¤ùø¨z/
patois /'p[:twA:/
Potomac /pÈ'tø¨mÈk/
patrol /pÈ't<ø¨§/
pour /'pø:≤/
O'Hara /ø¨'hX<È, È-/
Peabody /'piibÈdi, -bØ-/
precis /'p<™¤sii, p<™¤'sii/
O'‰aherty /ø¨'fl™È≤ti, -'flA:- Penelope /pÈ'n™lÈpi/
present (n./adj.) /'p<™zót/
present (v.) /p<˘'z™nt/
oasis /ø¨'™¤s˘s/
pressure /'p<™SÈ≤/
object (n.) /'ØbG˘kt/
people /'piip°/
pretty /'p<¤ùi/
object (v.) /Èb'G™kt/
price /'p<a™s/
oboe /'ø¨bø¨/
privacy /'p<a™vÈsi, 'p<¤vÈ-/
of /'Øv, {'}åv, Èv/
Perth /'pÈ:≤†/
prize /'p<a™z/
o‡ /']f/
Peterborough /'piiùÈ≤b<È, processor /'p<Øs™sÈ≤, -sÈs-,
often /']fó, ']ftó/
Ogilvie /'ø¨g°vi/
petrol /'p™t<°/
produce /p<È'dˆuus/
Ohio /ø¨'ha™ø¨/
Philadelphia /f¤lÈ'd™§fiÈ/ production /p<È'dåkSó/
Oklahoma /ø¨klÈ'hø¨mÈ/ phlegm /'fl™m/
project (n.) /'p<ØG™kt/
old /'ø¨§d/
Phoebe /'fiibi/
project (v.) /p<È'G™kt/
Olivier /È'l¤vi™¤, -viÈ≤/
Phoenix /'fiin¤ks/
promise /'p<Øm˘s/
once /'wåns/
phthisis /'†a™s˘s, 't-/
pronounce /p<È'naøns/
one /'wån/
picturesque /p¤kcÈ'<™sk/
pronunciation /p<Ènånsionion /'ånjÈn/
Pittsburgh /'p¤tsbÈ:≤g/
only /'ø¨nli/
pizza /'piitsÈ/
Providence /'p<Øv˘dÈns÷ -™ns/
Ontario /Øn't™˘<iø¨/
plaid /'plxd/
psyche /'sa™ki/
opaque /È'p™¤k/
plait /'plxt/
psychiatry /sa™'ka™Èt<i/
Oregon /']<˘gÈn/
player /'pl™¤È≤/
Puerto Rico /'pw™È≤ùø¨ '<iiOrkneys /'ø:≤kniz/
please /'pliiz/
kø¨, 'pwÈ:≤-/
Otis /'ø¨ù˘s/
pleasure /'pl™ZÈ≤/
Pulitzer /'p¨l˘tsÈ≤, 'pjuu-/
Ottawa /'ØùÈwÈ, -A:, -ø:/
pliers /'pla™È≤z/
pull /'p¨§/
ought to /'r:ttÈ+0, -u+é, 'r:ù-/ plough [plow] /'plaø/
Pullman /'p¨§mÈn/
our /'aøÈ≤, A:≤/
plumb /'plåm/
purchase /'pÈ:≤cÈs/
oven /'åvÈn/
Plymouth /'pl¤mȆ/
pursue /pÈ≤'sˆuu/
over /'ø¨vÈ≤/
pneumonia /nˆuu'mø¨niÈ/ push /'p¨S/
overdoes (from overdo)
poem /'pø¨˘m/
put /'p¨t/
putt /'påt/
Puttenham /'påtóÈm/
puzzle /'påz°/
quality /'kwØlÈùi/
quay /'kii/
Quebec /kw˘'b™k, kÈ-/
queue /'kjuu/
quiche /'kiiS/
quiet /'kwa™Èt/
quite /'kwa™t/
A concise international-pronunciation dictionary
rhyme /'<a™m/
rhythm /'<¤∑Èm/
rhythm and blues /'<¤∑mÈm
Richmond /'<¤cmÈnd/
right /'<a™t/
righteous /'<a™cÈs/
riot /'<a™Èt/
Rockefeller /'<Øk˘f™lÈ≤/
rodeo /<ø¨'d™¤ø¨, '<ø¨diø¨/
Rogers /'<ØGÈ≤z/
ragged (adj.) /'<xg˘d/
Roget /'<ø¨Z™¤, '<Ø-, <ø¨'Z™¤/
ragged (v.) /'<xgd/
roll /'<ø¨§/
ragout /<x'guu, '<x-/
Romeo /'<ø¨miø¨/
rain /'<™¤n/
roses /'<ø¨z˘z/
Raleigh /'<ø:li, '<[:-/
Rossetti /<È'z™ùi, -s-, <Ø-, <ø¨-/
Ralph˚ -lf /'<x§f, '<™¤f/
rouge /'<uuZ/
Ramsey /'<xmzi/
rough /'<åf/
raspberry /'<Xzb<i, -b™<i/
Rourke /'<ø:≤k/
razor /'<™¤zÈ≤/
route /'<uut/
read (p./pp.) /'<™d/
Routledge /'<aøtl˘G, '<å-,
read (pres./inf.) /'<iid/
reading /'<iid¤˙/
row (line, boat) /'<ø¨/
Reading /'<™d¤˙/
row (quarrel) /'<aø/
Reagan /'<™¤gÈn/
rowlock /'<ØlÈk, '<ål-, '<ø¨l-/
real /'<iiȧ, '<¤È§/
rude /'<uud/
real (currency) /<™¤'A:§, '<™¤È§/ rule /'<uu§/
reality /<i'xlÈùi/
receipt /<˘'siit/
sabot /'sxbø¨, sx'-/
recipe /'<™s˘pi/
sachet /'sxS™¤, sx'-/
reflex (n./adj.). /'<iifl™ks/ Said /'sa™d, 's™¤d, sA:'iid/
reflex (v.). /<˘'fl™ks/
said /'s™d/
refuse (n.) /'<™fjuus/
sal volatile /'sx§ vÈ'lxùÈli/
refuse (v.) /<˘'fjuuz/
salami /sÈ'lA:mi/
Regan /'<iigÈn/
Salinger /'sxl˘nGÈ≤/
regular /'<™gjÈlÈ≤/
Salisbury /'sø:§zb<i, -b™<i/
Reid /'<iid/
Salish /'s™¤l¤S/
reign /'<™¤n/
salmon /'sxmÈn/
rendezvous /'<A:nd™¤vuu, Salt Lake City /'sr:§tl™¤k
resort /<˘'zø:≤t/
San Antonio /sxnxn'tø¨rhapsody /'<xpsÈdi/
niø¨÷ -'tø¨n/
rhino /'<a™nø¨/
San Francisco /sxnf<Èn's¤sRhode Island /'<ø¨d 'a™lÈnd/ kø¨/
sandwich /'sxnw¤c, 'sxm-,
Saskatoon /sxskÈ'tuun/
says /'s™z/
scenario /sÈ'n[:<iø¨/
schedule /'sk™Guu§, 'S™-, -G°/
scheme /'skiim/
schism /'sk¤zõ, 's¤zõ/
schnaps /'Snxps/
school /'skuu§/
sciatica /sa™'xù¤kÈ/
science(s) /'sa™Èns{˘z}/
scissors /'s¤zÈ≤z/
Scotland /'skØtlÈnd/
Scranton /'sk<xntÈn/
Sean /'Sø:n/
Seattle /si'xù°/
seizure /'siiZÈ≤/
Senegal /s™n˘'gø:§, -A:§/
sergeant /'sA:≤GÈnt/
serjeant /'sA:≤GÈnt/
sesame /'s™sÈmi/
sew /'sø¨/
sewer (from sew) /'sø¨È≤/
sewer (n.) /'suuÈ≤/
Shakespear(e) /'S™¤ksp¤È≤/
shall /'Sx§, Sȧ/
shepherd /'S™pÈ≤d/
Shetlands /'S™tlÈndz/
shoe /'Suu/
shone /'Sø¨n, 'SØn/
should /'S¨d, SÈd/
shower (from show)
shower (n./v.) /'SaøÈ≤/
sign /'sa™n/
signature /'s¤gn˘cÈ≤/
Sigourney /s˘'gø:≤ni, 's¤gÈ≤ni/
singer /'s¤˙È≤/ (¬ finger]
Sioux /'suu/
Sioux (pl.) /'suuz, 'suu/
slave /'sl™¤v/
sleep /'sliip/
A concise international-pronunciation dictionary
sleigh /'sl™¤/
Sligo /'sla™gø¨/
Slough /'slaø/
slough (mud) /'slaø, 'sluu/
slough (skin) /'slåf/
slow /'slø¨/
Smith /'sm¤†/
smooth /'smuu∑/
Smyth /'sm¤†, -a™†, -a™∑/
Smythe /'sma™∑, -a™†/
so /'sø¨/
society /sÈ'sa™Èùi/
soft /'s]ft/
soften /'s]fó/
soldier /'sø¨§GÈ≤/
solemn /'sØlÈm/
somebody /'såmbÈdi, -bØ-÷
-bå-÷ 'såmdi/
song /'s]˙/
sorrow /'s]<ø¨/
sorry /'s]<i/
soul /'sø¨§/
sour /'saøÈ≤/
source /'sø:≤s/
south /'saø†/
South Africa /saø†'xf<¤kå÷
/saø'†xmtÈn, -†'h-/
Southend (on-Sea) /'saø†
'™nd÷ 'saø†™nd ]n'sii/
southerly /'så∑È≤li/
southern /'så∑È≤n/
sow (n.) /'saø/
sow (v.) /'sø¨/
spaghetti /spÈ'g™ùi/
species /'spiiSiiz, -S˘z/
spiritual /'sp¤<˘c°, -uȧ/
Spokane /spø¨'kxn/
sta‡ /'stXf/
St Louis /sÈn'luu˘s, s™¤n-/
status /'st™¤ùÈs/
steak /'st™¤k/
Stephen /'stiivó/
Stephens /'stiivóz/
Stephenson /'stiivósó/
Stoke (-on-Trent) /'stø¨k
stove /'stø¨v/
straight /'st<™¤t/
Stratford (-on-Avon)
/'st<xtfÈ≤d {øn'™¤vÈn}/
strength /'st<™˙†/
strongest /'st<]ng˘st/
student /'stˆuudÈnt/
studio /'stˆuudiø¨/
study /'stådi/
subtle /'såù°/
Sue /'suu/
sue /'suu/
suede /'sw™¤d/
sugar /'S¨gÈ≤/
suit /'suut/
suite /'swiit/
sure /'S¨È≤, 'Sø:≤/
suspense /sÈ'sp™ns/
Swansea /'swØnzi/
Swanson /'swØnsó/
sward /'swø:≤d/
sweat /'sw™t/
sweater /'sw™ùÈ≤/
sweet /'swiit/
sword /'sø:≤d/
Sydney /'s¤dni/
syncope /'s¤˙kÈpi/
Synge /'s¤˙/
<ames /'t™mz/
than /'∑xn, ∑Èn, ∑ó/
<ar /'tA:≤/
thar, tahr /'tA:≤/
that /'∑xt, ∑Èt/
the /'∑ii, ∑i+é, ∑È+0/
theater /'†iiÈùÈ≤, '†¤È-/
<ebes /'†iibz/
them /'∑™m, ∑Èm, ∑õ/
theses /'†iisiiz/
thesis /'†iis˘s/
thirty /'†È:≤ùi/
<om(p)son /'tØmsó/
<omas /'tØmÈs/
<oreau /'†ø:<ø¨, †È'<ø¨/
thorough /'†˘:<È, -ø¨/
though /'∑ø¨/
thought /'†ø:t/
through /'†<uu/
thumb /'†åm/
thyme /'ta™m/
%ber /'ta™bÈ≤/
%bet /t¤'b™t/
tier (from tie) /'ta™È≤/
tier (layer) /'t¤È≤/
to /'tuu, tu+é, tÈ+0/
Tobago /tÈ'b™¤gø¨/
toe /'tø¨/
toes /'tø¨z/
tomato /tÈ'mA:ùø¨, -'m™¤-/
tomb /'tuum/
tomorrow /tÈ'm]<ø¨/
tone /'tø¨n/
talk /'tø:k/
tongue /'tå˙/
Tampa /'txmpÈ/
Toronto /tÈ'<Ønùø¨/
Tatum /'t™¤ùÈm/
tortoise /'tø:≤ùÈs/
taught /'tø:t/
Tottenham /'tØtnÈm/
tear (out of the eye) /'t¤È≤/ Touch (fam. n.) /'taøc/
tear (v.) /'t™È≤/
Touch (place n.) /'tuuk, -π/
technical /'t™kn¤k°/
touch /'tåc/
Tennessee /t™nÈ'sii,
Touche /'tuuS/
touche, -é /tuu'S™¤, 'tuuS™¤/
territory /'t™<˘tr:<i/
tour /'t¨È≤÷ -ø:≤/
Texas /'t™ksÈs÷ -s˘z/
tow /'tø¨/
towel /'taøȧ/
tower (from tow) /'tø¨È≤/
tower (n.) /'taøÈ≤/
Townsend /'taønz™nd/
Townshend /'taønz™nd/
trestle /'t<™s°/
Trevelyan /t<˘'v¤ljÈn, -'v™l-/
trial /'t<a™È§/
Trinidad /'t<¤n˘dxd, t<¤n˘'dxd/
triple /'t<¤p°/
triptych /'t<¤pt¤k/
trough /'t<]f/
true /'t<uu/
Truro /'t<¨˘<ø¨/
tube /'tˆuub/
Tucson /'tuusØn, -'sØn/
tuition /tju'¤SúÈûn/
Tulsa /'tå§sÈ/
tune /'tˆuun/
tunnel /'tån°/
turqoise /'tÈ:≤kwø™z, -A:z/
tutor /'tˆuuùÈ≤/
twenty /'tw™nùi/
two /'tuu/
Tyndale /'t¤nd°/
Tyr /'t¤È≤÷ 'tˆ¨È≤/
tyranny /'t¤<Èni/
tyrant /'ta™˘<Ènt/
tyre /'ta™È≤/
Ulster /'å§stÈ≤/
union /'juunjÈn/
united /ju'na™ù˘d/
us /'ås, Ès, s/
use (n.) /'juus/
use (v.) /'juuz/
used (adj.) /'juust/
used (v.) /'juuzd/
usedn't /'juusót/
useless /'juuslÈs/
usual /'juuZuȧ/
Utah /'juutA:, -ø:, -ù-/
vague /'v™¤g/
A concise international-pronunciation dictionary
Vancouver /vx˙'kuuvÈ≤/
Vaughan /'vø:n/
vehement /'viiÈmÈnt/
vehicle /'viiÈk°/
Vermont /vÈ≤'mØnt/
via /'va™È/
victual /'v¤ù°/
Vietnam /vi™t'n[:m/
vine /'va™n/
vineyard /'v¤njÈ≤d/
Viola /'va™ÈlÈ, 'viiÈ-, vi'ø¨-,
violent /'va™ÈlÈnt/
Virginia /vÈ≤'G¤niÈ/
virus /'va™˘<Ès/
viscount /'va™kaønt/
when /'ã™n/
where /'ã™È≤, ã™È≤, ãÈ≤/
which /'ã¤c/
whistle /'ã¤s°/
who /'huu/
whole /'hø¨§/
whoop /'wuup, 'h-, -Up/
whore /'hø:≤/
why /'ãa™/
Wichita /'w¤c˘tø:, -A:/
wicked /'w¤k˘d/
Wickham /'w¤kÈm/
wild /'wa™§d/
wilderness /'w¤§dÈ≤nÈs/
will /'w¤§, wȧ, w°, §/
Willoughby /'w¤lÈbi/
Wimbledon /'w¤mb°dÈn/
Wales /'w™¤§z/
Winchester /'w¤nc˘stÈ≤, -c™s-/
walk /'wø:k/
wind (n.) /'w¤nd/
waltz /'wø:§s, -ts/
wind (v.) /'wa™nd/
wander /'wØndÈ≤/
Windermere /'w¤ndÈ≤m¤È≤/
want /'w]nt÷ 'wånt/
Windsor /'w¤nzÈ≤, -dzÈ≤/
wanted /'w]nù˘d÷ 'wån-/
Winnipeg /'w¤n˘p™g/
want to /'w]nùÈ+0, -u+é, wån-/ wire /'wa™È≤/
war /'wø:≤/
Wisconsin /w¤'skØns˘n/
warm /'wø:≤m/
wisdom /'w¤zdÈm/
Warwick /'w]<¤k/
wise /'wa™z/
was /'w]z, {'}wåz, wÈz, wÇ/ witch /'w¤c/
wash /'w]S/
Wodehouse /'w¨dhaøs/
Washington /'w]S¤˙tÈn/
Wolfe /'w¨§f/
Waugh /'wø:/
woman /'w¨mÈn/
weapon /'w™pÈn/
womb /'wuum/
Wear /'w¤È≤/
women /'w¤m˘n/
wear /'w™È≤/
won /'wån/
Wednesday /'w™nzdi÷
won't /'wø¨nt/
wonder /'wåndÈ≤/
weigh /'w™¤/
wont /'wø¨nt/
weight /'w™¤t/
woo /'wuu/
weird /'w¤È≤d/
Worcester /'w¨stÈ≤/
weirdo /'w¤È≤dø¨/
word /'wÈ:≤d/
Wellington /'w™l¤˙tÈn/
work /'wÈ:≤k/
were /'wÈ:≤, wÈ≤/
world /'wÈ:≤§d/
Weymouth /'w™¤mȆ/
worm /'wÈ:≤m/
what /'ãØt, {'}ãåt/
worn /'wø:≤n/
A concise international-pronunciation dictionary
worry /'w˘:<i/
worsted /'w¨st˘d/
would /'w¨d, wÈd, d/
wound (injure, -y) /'wuund/
wound (wind) /'waønd/
wretched /'<™c˘d/
Wrexham /'<™ksÈm/
wrist /'<¤st/
write /'<a™t/
wrong /'<]˙/
Wycombe /'w¤kÈm/
Wyoming /wa™'ø¨m¤˙/
xenophobia /z™nÈ'fø¨biÈ/
xerox /'z¤˘<Øks/
yacht /'jØt/
yoke /'jø¨k/
yolk /'jø¨k/
York /'jø:≤k/
Yorkshire /'jø:≤kSÈ≤, -S¤È≤/
you /'juu, j¨, jÈ/
you'd /'juud, j¨d, jÈd/
you'll /'juu§, j¨§, jȧ/
you've /'juuv, j¨v, jÈv/
young /'jå˙/
your /'j¨È≤, 'jø:≤, jÈ≤/
youth /'juu†/
Z /'z™d, 'zii/
zebra /'ziib<È, 'z™b-/
zero /'z¤˘<ø¨, 'zii<-/
Zoe /'zø¨i/
zombie /'zØmbi/
zoo /'zuu/
zoological /zø¨È'lØG¤k°/
zucchini /z¨'kiini/
English homophones
{© Luciano Canepari, 2010, Venice University, Italy}
Here we list almost 1100 phonic sequences, which are homophones, with di‡erent spellings and meanings, for about 3000 di‡erent words, including proper
names. <ey can be very problematic both for foreigners and native speakers, too.
Some of these words have variant pronunciations, as well, which are indicated,
where necessary. Perhaps, we might omit //.
<e phonoalphabetic ordering of the English phonemes and diaphonemes (including the possible /ö, ·/, and others, not necessarily present in these words, but
useful, or necessary indeed, in a Phono-graphic dictionary, giving the entries in diaphonemic transcription, to get their spelling, \ from ‘sounds to graphemes') is:
/ii, i÷ ¤, ¤˘, ¤È÷ ™, R÷ ™¤, RJ÷ ™˘, ™È÷ x, X÷ A:, [:÷ a™÷ aø÷ å÷ È:, ˘:÷ È, ˘÷ Ø, ]÷ ø:, r:, r÷
ø™÷ ø¨, rE÷ ¨, ¨˘, ¨È÷ uu, u÷ m, õ÷ n, ó÷ ˙, ô÷ p÷ b÷ t, ù÷ d÷ k÷ g÷ ö÷ c÷ G÷ f÷ v÷ †÷ ∑÷
s÷ z÷ S÷ Z÷ j, ˆ÷ <, ≤÷ w, ã÷ h, ·÷ l, §, °/.
/'iiùÈn, -tó/ eaten˚ Eton˚ Eaton
/'iiv/ eve˚ Eve
/'iiz/ ease˚ E's
/'™¤b°/ able˚ Abel
/'™¤t/ eight˚ ate (“ /'™t/)
/'™¤d/ aid˚ aide
/'™¤dz/ aids˚ Aids
/'™¤c/ aitch˚ H
/'™¤§/ ail˚ ale
/'A:≤/ are˚ R˚ our {/'aøÈ≤,
—A:≤/}˚ ah /'A:/
/'A:≤mz/ arms˚ /'A:mz/ alms
/'A:≤k/ ark˚ arc
/'A:≤ks/ arks˚ arcs
/'¤n/ in˚ inn
/'A:≤gÈn/ argan˚ arghan
/¤n'da™t/ indict˚ indite
/A:≤'ga™§/ Argyle˚ Argyll
/¤˙'klø¨z/ enclose˚ inclose /'™È≤/ air˚ ere˚ e'er˚ heir˚ eyre˚ /'A:≤g°/ argal˚ argol
/'¤ts/ its˚ it's
Eyre˚ Ayr(e)
/'a™/ ay˚ aye˚ eye˚ I˚ ay (“ /'™¤/)
/'¤È≤/ ear˚ 'ere [\ here]
/'xn/ Ann˚ an (“ /Èn/)
/'a™d/ eyed˚ I'd˚ ide
/'™m/ em˚ M
/'xnt/ ant˚ aunt (/'Xnt/)
/'a™d°/ idle˚ idol˚ idyl(l)
/'™n/ en˚ N
/'xn°/ annal˚ anil (“ /-¤§/) (“ /'¤d°/)
/'™s/ es˚ S
/'x˙g°/ angle˚ Angle
/'a™z/ eyes˚ ayes˚ I's
/'™liÈt/ Elliott˚ Eli-˚ -ot˚
/'xd/ add˚ ad
/'a™§/ aisle˚ I'll˚ isle
/'xdz/ adds˚ adze˚ ads
/'™§/ ell˚ L
/'xS/ ash˚ Ash
/'aøÈ≤, 'A:≤/ hour˚ our
/'x<°/ aril˚ aryl
/'™¤/ A˚ eh˚ aye˚ ay (“ /'a™/),
/'È:≤n/ earn˚ erne˚ Erne˚ urn
a (“ /È/)
/'È:≤n˘st/ earnest˚ Ernest
/'m™d°/ medal˚ meddle
/'m™<i/ merry˚ Mary
/'m™<°/ meril˚ Meryl˚
/Èv/ of (“ /']v/)˚ have (“
/'m™§d/ meld˚ melled
/È's™nt/ ascent˚ assent
/'m™¤/ may˚ May˚ Mae
/È'w™¤/ away˚ aweigh
/'m™¤n/ main˚ mane˚
/È'laød/ allowed˚ aloud
/'m™¤d/ made˚ maid
/']st˘n/ Austen˚ Austin˚
/'m™¤sÈn/ mason˚ Mason
/'m™¤z/ maze˚ maize˚ Mays
/'m™¤§/ mail˚ male
/'ø:gÈ≤/ auger˚ augur
/'m™È≤/ mare˚ mayor
/'ø:≤d/ oared˚ Ord˚ Orde
/'mxnÈ≤/ manner˚ manor
(awed /'ø:d/)
/'ø:≤/ oar˚ or˚ ore˚ Orr˚ o'er /'mxnù°/ mantel˚ mantle
/'mxt/ mat˚ matt˚ matte
(“ /'ø¨È≤/), (awe /'ø:/)
/'ø:≤z/ oars˚ ores (awes /'ø:z/) /'mxdÈn/ madden˚ Maddon
/'mxk°/ mackle˚ macle
/'ø:<°/ aural (“ /'aø<°/)˚
/'mXsk/ mask˚ masque
oral (“ /'Ø<°/)
/'mA:≤ù˘n/ martin˚
/'ø:§/ all˚ awl
Martin˚ marten
A:≤k/ mark˚ Mark˚
/'r:t/ aught˚ ought
marc˚ Marc
/'r:§ùÈ≤/ altar˚ alter
/'mA:≤ks/ marks˚ Marx˚
/'ø¨/ owe˚ O˚ oh
/'mA:≤lÈn/ marline˚
/'ø¨d/ ode˚ owed˚ ohed
Marlin˚ Marlon
/'ø¨k/ oak˚ oke
/'mA:≤c/ march˚ March
/'ø¨ks/ oaks˚ okes
/'mA:≤G/ marge˚ Marg
/'ø¨z/ owes˚ O's˚ ohs˚ oh's
/'mA:≤z/ mars˚ Mars
/'mA:≤S°/ marshal˚ martial˚
/'uuz/ ooze˚ Ouse
Marshal˚ Martial
/'ma™nd/ mind˚ mined
/'mii/ me˚ Mee˚ mi
/'ma™nÈ≤/ miner˚ minor
/'miin/ mean˚ mien
/'ma™t/ might˚ mite
/'miit/ meat˚ meet˚ mete
/'ma™k/ mike˚ Mike
/'miid/ mead˚ meed˚
/'måm/ mum˚ Mum
Mead˚ Mede
/'måst/ must˚ mussed
/'m¤˙/ ming˚ Ming
/'mås°/ muscle˚ mussel
/'m¤s/ miss˚ Miss
/'mÈ:≤ù°/ myrtle˚ Myrtle
/'m¤st/ mist˚ missed
/'mÈ:≤lÈn/ merlin˚ Merlin˚
/'m¤§/ mill˚ Mill
/'m¤È≤/ mere˚ mir
/'mÈ:≤§/ merle˚ Merle
/'m™ù°/ metal˚ mettle
/'È:≤nd/ earned˚ urned
/'È:≤§/ earl˚ Earl
English homophones
/'mø:d/ maud˚ Maude
/'mø:≤/ more˚ More˚ mhorr
/'mø:≤n/ morn˚ morne˚
mourn (“ /'m¨È≤-/)
/'mø:≤n¤˙/ morning˚
mourning (“ /'m¨È≤/-)
/'mø:≤gÈn/ Morgan˚ morgen
/'mø:≤s/ morse˚ Morse
/'mø:§d/ mauled˚ malled
/'mø¨n/ moan˚ mown
/'mø¨t/ moat˚ mote
/'mø¨d/ mode˚ mowed
/'mø¨z/ mows˚ moze
/'mø¨§/ moll˚ mole
/'muud/ mood˚ mooed
/'muus/ moose˚ mousse
/'mjuu/ mew˚ meu˚ mu
/'mjuukÈs/ mucous˚ mucus
/'mjuuz/ mews˚ muse˚ Muse
/'mjuu§/ mewl˚ mule
/'niid/ knead˚ kneed˚ need
/'niis/ niece˚ Nice
/'n¤t/ knit˚ nit
/'n¤k/ nick˚ Nick
/'n¤ks/ nicks˚ nix˚ Nyx˚
Pnyx (“ /'pn-/)
/'n¤k°/ nickel˚ nicol
/'n™k/ neck˚ nek
/'n™ks/ necks˚ neks
/'n™v°/ nevel˚ Neville
/'n™§/ knell˚ Nell
/'n™¤/ nay˚ née˚ neigh
/'n™¤v/ knave˚ nave
/'n™¤v°/ naval˚ navel
/'nxp/ nap˚ knap
/'nxb/ nab˚ knab
/'nxt/ Nat˚ gnat
/'nxg/ nag˚ knag
/'nxS/ Nash˚ gnash
/'nA:≤/ gnar˚ knar
/'nA:≤d/ nard˚ gnarred˚
/'na™/ nigh˚ Nye
English homophones
/'na™t/ knight˚ night˚ ‘nite'
/'na™s/ nice˚ gneiss (“ /gÈ'n-/)
/'nån/ none˚ nun
/'nØb/ nob˚ knob
/'nØt/ knot˚ not˚ nott˚ Knott
/'nØk/ knock˚ nock
/'nØks/ knocks˚ nocks˚
Knox˚ Nox
/'nø:t/ naught˚ nought
/'nø:≤/ nor˚ /'nø:/ gnaw
/'nø:≤mÈn/ norman˚ Norman
/'nø™z/ noise˚ Noyes
/'nø¨/ know˚ no
/'nø¨m/ gnome˚ nome˚
/'nø¨mÈn/ nomen˚ gnomon (“ /-Øn/)
/'nø¨z/ knows˚ nose˚ noes
/'nø¨§/ knoll˚ noll
/'nˆuu/ knew˚ new˚ pneu[gnu /'nuu, 'njuu/)
/'p™d°/ pedal˚ peddle
/'p™k/ peck˚ pec˚ Peck
/'p™ks/ pecks˚ pecs˚ Pecks
/'p™g/ peg˚ Peg
/'p™¤/ pay˚ Pei
/'p™¤n/ pane˚ pain˚ Payn(e)
/'p™¤nd/ paned˚ pained
/'p™¤st/ paste˚ paced
/'p™¤§/ pale˚ pail
/'p™È≤d/ pared˚ paird
/'p™È≤/ pear˚ pare˚ pair˚ père
/'p™È≤z/ pears˚ pares˚ pairs
/'pxn/ pan˚ Pan˚ panne
/'pxt/ pat˚ Pat
/'pxks/ packs˚ pax
/'pxkt/ pact˚ packed
/'pXst/ past˚ passed
/'pxl˘t/ palate˚ palette˚ pallet
/'pA:≤/ par˚ parr
/'pa™Ès/ pious˚ Pius
/'pa™z/ pies˚ pyes˚ pize˚ pis
/'pØpjÈlÈs/ populace˚ populous
/'pii/ pea˚ P˚ pee
/'pØks/ pocks˚ pox
/'piiÈn/ paean˚ Paean˚
/'pØlÈn/ pollen˚ pollan
paeon˚ peon
/'påm°/ pummel˚ pommel
/'piin/ peen˚ pean (herald.) (“ /'pØm°/)
/'piit/ peat˚ Pete
/'pånc/ punch˚ Punch
/'piik/ peak˚ peek˚ pique
/'påk/ puck˚ Puck
/'piiks/ peaks˚ peeks˚ piques /'pÈ:≤/ purr˚ per
/'piis/ peace˚ piece
/'pÈ:≤s/ purse˚ perse
/'piiz/ peas˚ P's˚ pees
/'pÈ:≤§/ pearl˚ Pearl˚ purl
/'pii§/ peel˚ peal
/'pÈ:≤§d/ pearled˚ purled
/'pii§d/ peeled˚ pealed
/'pø:≤/ pour˚ pore˚ poor (“
/'p¤t/ pit˚ Pitt
/'p¨È≤/) (paw /'pø:/)
/'p¤ks/ picks˚ pyx
/'pø:≤t/ port˚ Port˚ Porte
/'p¤k°/ pickle˚ picul
/'pø:§/ pall˚ Paul˚ pawl
/'p¤GÈn/ pidgin˚ pigeon
/'pø¨/ Poe˚ Po
/'p¤st°/ pistol˚ pistil
/'pø¨§/ pole˚ Pole˚ poll
/'p¤È≤/ peer˚ pier
/'pø¨§d/ polled˚ poled
/'p¤È≤z/ peers˚ piers˚ Piers /'puu§/ pool˚ poule
/'p™nd/ pend˚ penned
/'pjuup°/ pupil˚ pupal
/'p™ns°/ pencil˚ pensil˚ -sel˚ /'p<¤ns˘p°/ principal˚
-cel˚ pensile (“ /-a™§/}
/'p<™¤/ pray˚ prey
/'p<™¤d/ prayed˚ preyed
/'p<™¤z/ prays˚ preys˚ praise
/'p<xkt˘s/ practice˚ practise
/'p<a™d/ pride˚ pried
/'p<Øf˘t/ profit˚ prophet
/'p<ø¨z/ prose˚ pros
/'pliiz/ please˚ pleas
/'pl™¤n/ plain˚ plane˚ 'plane
/'pl™¤s/ place˚ plaice
/'plxùÈn/ platen˚ platan
/'plaø/ plow˚ plough˚ Plough
/'plåm/ plum˚ plumb
/'pl¨˘<°/ plural˚ pleural
/'bii/ be˚ bee˚ B
/'biin/ bean˚ been (“ /'b¤n/)
/'biit/ beat˚ beet
/'biiù°/ beetle˚ betel˚ Beatle
/'biiù°z/ beetles˚ betels˚ Beatles
/'biid/ bead˚ Bede
/'biic/ beach˚ beech˚ Beach
/'biiz/ bees˚ bize˚ B's
/'b¤n/ bin˚ been (“ /'biin/)
/'b¤b/ bib˚ bibb
/'b¤t/ bit˚ bitt
/'b¤§/ bill˚ Bill
/'b¤§d/ billed˚ build
/'b¤È≤/ beer˚ bier˚ Bere
/'b¤È≤z/ beers˚ biers˚ Bere's
/'b™n/ ben˚ Ben
/'b™t/ bet˚ bete˚ bête
/'b™†/ beth˚ Beth
/'b™<i/ berry˚ bury
/'b™§/ bell˚ Bell˚ bel˚ belle
/'b™¤/ bay˚ bey
/'b™¤d/ bayed˚ bade (“
/'b™¤s/ base˚ bass (mus.)
/'b™¤st/ based˚ baste
/'b™¤z/ baize˚ bays˚ beys˚ Beys
/'b™¤z°/ basil˚ Basil
/'b™¤§/ bail˚ bale˚ Baal (“
/'b™¤°, 'bA:§/)
/'b™¤§d/ bailed˚ baled
/'b™È≤/ bare˚ bear
/'b™È≤z/ bares˚ bears
/'bxnd/ band˚ banned
/'bx˙/ bang˚ bhang
/'bxt/ bat˚ batt
/'bxùÈn/ baton˚ batten
/'bxù°/ battle˚ battel
/'bxù°z/ battles˚ battels
/'bxd/ bad˚ bade (“ /'b™¤d/)
/'bxsk/ Basque (“ /A:/)˚
bask (/X/)
/'bx<Èn/ barren˚ baron
/'bA:≤b/ barb˚ barbe
/'bA:≤d/ bard˚ barred
/'bA:≤k/ bark˚ barque
/'bA:≤ks/ barks˚ barques
/'ba™/ buy˚ by˚ bye
/'ba™t/ bite˚ bight
/'baø/ bough˚ bow (movement, naut.)
/'baøz/ boughs˚ bows (movements, naut.)
/'båmb°/ bumble˚ Bumble
/'båt/ but˚ butt
/'båk°/ buckle˚ buccal
/'båst/ bust˚ bussed
/'b˘:<ø¨/ burrow˚ borough
(“ /'b˘:<å/)
/'bÈ:≤/ bur˚ burr˚ Burr
/'bÈ:≤d/ bird˚ Byrd˚ burred
/'bÈ:≤tó/ burton˚ Burton
/'bÈ:≤k/ burke˚ Burke
/'bÈ:≤g/ berg˚ Burgh (“
/'b˘:<å, -ø¨/
/'bÈ:≤g°/ burgal˚ burgle˚
/'bÈ:≤†/ berth˚ birth
/'bÈ:≤z/ burs˚ burrs
/'bØnd/ bond˚ Bond
/'bØb/ bob˚ Bob
/'bØk/ bock˚ boc
/'bØks/ bocks˚ box
English homophones
/'bø:≤/ boar˚ bore
/'bø:≤n/ born˚ borne˚ bourn˚
bourne (bou- “ /'b¨È≤n/}
/'bø:≤d/ board˚ bored
/'bø:≤dÈ≤/ boarder˚ border
/'bø:≤st°/ borstal˚ Borstal
/'bø:≤z/ boars˚ bores
/'bø:§/ ball˚ bawl
/'bø:§d/ bald˚ balled˚ bawled
/'bø™/ boy˚ buoy (“ /'buui/}
/'bø™d/ buoyed˚ Boyd (“
/'bø™z/ boys˚ buoys (“
/'bø¨/ beau˚ bow (weapon, knot)˚ Bow
/'bø¨n/ bone˚ Beaune
/'bø¨z/ beaux˚ bows (weapons, knots)
/'bø¨§/ bole˚ boll˚ bowl
/'bø¨§t/ bolt˚ boult˚ Boult
/'bø¨§d/ bold˚ bolled˚ bowled
/'buun/ boon˚ Boone
/'bjuut/ butte˚ Butte˚ Bute˚
/'b<ii/ bree˚ brie
/'b<iic/ breach˚ breech
/'b<iiz/ brees˚ breeze
/'b<¤ùÈn/ Britain˚ Britten˚
/'b<™d/ bread˚ bred
/'b<™st/ breast˚ Brest
/'b<™¤d/ braid˚ brayed
/'b<™¤k/ break˚ brake
/'b<™¤ks/ breaks˚ brakes
/'b<™¤z/ braes˚ braise˚
brays˚ braze
/'b<™¤§/ brail˚ Braille
/'b<A:mÈn/ Brahmen˚ Brahmin
/'b<a™ùÈn/ brighten˚ Brighton
/'b<a™d°/ bridal˚ bridle
/'b<aøz/ brows˚ browse
/'b<ø¨c/ broach˚ brooch
(“ /'b<uuc/}
/'b<uut/ brute˚ bruit˚
brut˚ Brut
/'b<uud/ brood˚ brewed
/'b<uuz/ brews˚ bruise
/'b<¨k/ brook˚ Brook
/'blXnc/ blanch˚ Blanch(e)
/'bl™nd/ blend˚ blende
/'bl™st/ blessed˚ blest
/'bla™t/ blight˚ blite
/'blØnd/ blond˚ blonde
/'blØk/ bloc˚ block˚ Bloch
(“ /-π/)
/'blØks/ blocs˚ blocks
/'bluu/ blue˚ blew˚ Blue
/'tii/ tea˚ tee˚ ti˚ T
/'tiim/ team˚ teem
/'tiin/ teen˚ ctene
/'tiit/ teat˚ teet
/'tiiz/ tease˚ teas˚ tees˚ tis˚
T's˚ Tees
/'t¤˙k°/ tinkle˚ tincal
/'t¤k/ tick˚ tic
/'t¤ks/ ticks˚ tics
/'t¤È≤/ tear (out of an eye)˚
tier˚ Tyr (“ /'tˆ¨È≤/)
/'t¤È≤z/ tears (out of the
eyes)˚ tiers
/'t™d/ ted˚ Ted
/'t™k/ tech˚ tec˚ Teck
/'t™¤§/ tale˚ tail˚ tael
/'t™È≤/ tare˚ tear (break)
/'t™È≤z/ tares˚ tears (breaks)
/'txt/ tat˚ tatt
/'txks/ tax˚ tacks
/'txkt/ tact˚ tacked
/'tA:≤/ tar˚ thar˚ tahr˚ <ar
/'tA:≤pÈn/ tarpon˚ tarpan
/'ta™È≤/ tire˚ tyre˚ tier
(from tie)
/'ta™m/ time˚ thyme
/'ta™n/ tine˚ Tyne
English homophones
/'ta™ùÈn/ tighten˚ Titan
/'ta™d/ tide˚ tied
/'ta™z/ ties˚ tyes˚ <ais (pl.)
/'taønz™nd/ Towns(h)end
/'tØd/ tod˚ Todd
/'tØks˘n/ toxin˚ tocsin
/'tån/ ton˚ tun
/'tåf/ tough˚ tu‡
/'tÈ:≤n/ turn˚ tern˚ terne
/'tø:t/ taught˚ taut [tort
/'tø:z/ taws˚ tawse
/'tø:≤/ tore˚ tor (taw /'tø:/)
/'tø:≤s°/ torsel˚ torcel
/'tø¨/ toe˚ tow
/'tø¨p/ tope˚ taupe
/'tø¨d/ toad˚ towed˚ toed
/'tø¨z/ toes˚ tows˚ toze
/'tø¨§d/ told˚ tolled
/'tuu/ to (“ /tu, tÈ/)˚ two˚
/'t<™¤/ tray˚ trait (“
/'t<™¤§/ trail˚ treille
/'t<åst/ trussed˚ trust
/'t<uup/ troop˚ troupe
/'t<uupÈ≤/ trooper˚ trouper
/'da™z/ dies˚ dyes
/'dån/ done˚ dun˚ Donne
(“ /'dØn/)
/'dåg/ dug˚ Doug
/'dåks/ ducks˚ dux
/d˘'s™nt/ descent˚ dissent
/d˘'zÈ:≤t/ desert (v.)˚ dessert
/'dØn/ don˚ Don˚ Donne
(“ /'dån/)
/'dØs°/ dossil˚ dossel˚ docile
(“ /'dø¨sa™§/)
/'dø¨/ doe˚ Doe˚ dough˚ doh˚
d'oh (“ d'uh ‘/'dåö, 'dÈö/')
/'dø¨vÈ≤/ dover˚ Dover
/'dø¨z/ does (pl.)˚ doze
/'dø¨§/ dole˚ dhole
/'d¨È≤/ doer˚ Doer (“
/'duuÈ≤/)˚ dour
/'duu/ do˚ Doo
/'dˆuu/ dew˚ due
/'dˆuuȧ/ duel˚ dual
/'d<™¤/ dray˚ drey
/'d<xm/ dram˚ drachm
/'d<xgÈn/ dragon˚ Dragon
/'d<Xft/ draft˚ draught
/'d<uup/ droop˚ drupe
/'kxnvÈs/ canvas˚ canvass
/'kx˙/ kang˚ cangue
/'kxp˘ùȧ/ capital˚ Capitol
(“ /-ا/)
/'kxsk/ casque (“ /A:/)˚
cask (/X/)
/'kxS/ cache˚ cash˚ Cash
/'kx<°/ carol˚ Carol˚ Carroll
/'kxlÈndÈ≤/ calendar˚ calender
/'kxlÈs/ callous˚ callus˚
Callas (“ /'k[:-, -xs/)
/'kXst/ cast˚ caste
/'kA:≤/ car˚ carr˚ Carr÷ Ker˚
Kerr (“ /'kÈ:≤, 'k™È≤/)
/'kA:≤mÈn/ carmen˚ Carmen˚ Carman
/'kA:≤p°/ carpel˚ carpal
/'kA:≤t/ cart˚ carte˚ quart˚
/'kA:≤v/ carve˚ /'kX:v/ calve
/'ka™ùÈn/ chiton˚ Chiton˚
/'ka™§/ kyle˚ Kyle˚ chyle
/'kaø/ cow˚ kow
/'kaøns°/ council˚ counsel
/'kii/ key˚ quay
/'kaøz/ cows˚ kows
/'dii/ Dee˚ D
/'kiin/ keen˚ Kean
/'kåd/ cud˚ khud
/'diin/ dean˚ Dean(e)
/'k¤p/ kip˚ kipp
/'kåc/ cutch˚ Cutch˚ Kutch
/'diin˘<i/ deanery˚ denary /'k¤d/ kid˚ Kyd
/'kåzó/ cousin˚ cozen
/d¤'sk<iit/ discreet˚ discrete /'k™ks/ kecks˚ kex
/'kÈ:≤n/ kern˚ kerne
/'d¤È≤/ dear˚ deer
/'k™¤/ K˚ Kay
/'kÈ:≤n°/ colonel˚ kernel
/'d¤È≤z/ dears˚ deers
/'k™¤n/ cane˚ Cain˚ Kane˚ /'kÈ:≤b/ curb˚ kerb
/'d™v°/ devil˚ Devil
/'kÈ:≤ù°/ kirtle˚ curtal
/'d™§f/ delf˚ delph
/'k™¤t/ cate˚ Kate
/'kÈ:≤d/ curd˚ Kurd
/'d™¤/ day˚ Day˚ dey
/'k™¤§/ kale˚ kail˚ Cale
/'k˘:<Ènt/ currant˚ current
/'d™¤n/ deign˚ Dane
/'k™È≤d/ cared˚ caird
/kÈ'nˆuut/ Canute˚ Cnut
/'d™¤z/ days˚ daze˚ Day's
/'kxn/ can, cann˚ can (mod. /'kØmpl˘mÈnt/ comple/'dxm/ dam˚ damn
“ /kÈn/}
ment˚ compliment
/'dxb/ dab˚ dabb
/'kxnÈn/ canon˚ Canon˚
/kØnù˘'n™nù°/ continental˚
/'da™/ die˚ dye˚ Dai
cannon˚ Cannon
/'da™¤˙/ dyeing˚ dying
/'kxnt/ cant˚ Cant (can't /'kØb/ cob˚ cobb˚ kob
/'da™d/ died˚ dyed
/'kXnt/) (Kant /'k[:nt/) /'kØt/ cot˚ cott
A concise international-pronunciation dictionary
/'kØk/ cock˚ coque
/'kØks/ cocks˚ coques˚ cox
/'kØk°/ cockle˚ cockal
/'k]˙k/ conk˚ conch (“ /-nc/)
/'k]f/ cough˚ ko‡
/'k]ft/ coughed˚ koft
/'kø:d°/ caudal˚ caudle
(cordal /'kø:≤d°/)
/'kø:k/ calk˚ caulk, cauk
(cork /'kø:≤k/)
/'kø:z/ cause˚ caws
/'kø:≤/ core˚ corps˚ cor (caw
/'kø:≤t/ court˚ /'kø:t/ caught
/'kø:≤d/ chord˚ cord˚ cored
(cawed /'kø:d/)
/'kø:≤s/ coarse˚ course
/'kø:≤z/ cores˚ corps (pl.) (caws
/'kø:<°/ choral˚ coral
/'kø:§/ call˚ caul
/'kø¨t/ coat˚ cote
/'kø¨ks/ coax˚ cokes
/'kø¨§/ coal˚ cole˚ Cole˚ kohl
/'kø¨§d/ cold˚ coaled
/'kuu/ coo˚ coup
/'kuuz/ coos˚ coups
/'kjuu/ cue˚ queue˚ Q˚ Kew
/'kjuud/ cued˚ queued
/'kjuuz/ cues˚ queues˚ Q's
/'k<xks/ cracks˚ Crax
/'k<uu/ crew˚ crewe˚ Kroo
/'k<uumÈn/ crumen˚ crewmen˚ crewman
/'k<uun/ croon˚ Kroon
/'k<uup/ croup˚ croupe
/'k<uuz/ crews˚ cruise˚ Cruise
/'kwiin/ queen˚ quean
/'kwa™È≤/ choir˚ quire
/'kwø:≤ts/ quarts˚ quartz
/'kliiv/ cleave˚ cleve
/'kl¤f/ cli‡˚ Cli‡
/'klA:≤k/ Clark˚ Clarke˚
clerk (“ /'klÈ:≤k/)
/'kla™m/ climb˚ clime
/'klø:d/ clawed˚ Claud
/'klø:z/ clause˚ claws
/'kluu/ clue˚ clew
/'kluuz/ clues˚ clews
/'g¤bÈn/ gibbon˚ Gibbon
/'g¤§/ gil˚ ghyll
/'g¤§t/ gilt˚ guilt
/'g¤§d/ guild˚ gild˚ gilled
/'g™st/ guest˚ guessed
/'g™¤t/ gate˚ gait˚ Gate
/'g™¤G/ gage˚ gauge
/'g™¤§/ gale˚ Gale˚ Gael
/'gxmb°/ gamble˚ gambol
/'gx˙/ gang˚ gangue
/'gxf/ ga‡˚ ga‡e
/'gA:≤g°/ gamgle˚ gargil
/'ga™/ guy˚ Guy
/'ga™d/ guide˚ guyed
/'ga™z/ guise˚ guys
/'gÈ:≤t/ girt˚ Gert
/gÈ'<¤lå/ gorilla˚ guerilla (“
/'gø:§/ gall˚ Gaul
/'gø:§t/ gault˚ Gault
/'g<iiv/ greave˚ grieve
/'g<iis/ grease˚ Greece
/'g<¤m/ grim˚ grimme˚
/'g<¤f˘n/ gri‚n˚ gri‡on
/'g<¤§/ grill˚ grille
/'g<™¤/ gray˚ Gray˚ grey
/'g<™¤n/ grain˚ graine
/'g<™¤t/ grate˚ great
/'g<™¤ùÈ≤/ grater˚ greater
/'g<™¤d/ grade˚ greyed˚
/'g<™¤s/ grace˚ Grace
/'g<™¤z/ grays˚ greys˚ graze
/'g<xm/ gram˚ gramme
/'g<Xnt/ grant˚ Grant
/'g<ånt/ grunt˚ Granth
/'g<ø™n/ groin˚ groyne
/'g<ø¨n/ groan˚ grown
/'g<uum/ groom˚ grume
/'gl¤só/ glissen˚ Glisson
/'gl™n/ glen˚ Glen˚ Glenn
/'gl™È≤/ glare˚ glair
/'gl™È≤d/ glared˚ glaired
/'glxdÈn/ gladden˚ gladdon
/'glø¨z/ glows˚ gloze
/'gluum/ gloom˚ glume
/'ciip/ cheap˚ cheep
/'c¤k/ chick˚ tchick
/'c¤ks/ chicks˚ tchicks
/'c™k/ check˚ cheque˚ Czech
/'c™ks/ checks˚ cheques˚ Czechs
/'c™¤st/ chased˚ chaste
/'cxp°/ chapel˚ Chappel
/'cA:≤/ char˚ charr
/'cA:≤d/ chard˚ charred
/'cA:≤z/ chars˚ charrs
/'ca™§d/ child˚ childe˚ Childe
/'cåb/ chub˚ Chubb
/'cåf/ chu‡˚ chough
/'cÈ:≤/ chirr(e)˚ churr
/'cÈ:≤t/ chirt˚ chert
/'cÈ:≤d/ chirred˚ churred
/'cÈ:≤z/ chirr(e)s˚ churrs
/'cuuz/ chews˚ choose
/'Gii/ G˚ gee
/'Giin/ gene˚ Jean
/'Giinz/ genes˚ jeans
/'Giiz/ G's˚ gees˚ jeez
/'G¤m/ Jim˚ gym
/'G¤n/ gin˚ jinn
/'G¤§/ jill˚ Jill˚ gill
/'G™f/ je‡˚ Geo‡
/'G™s/ jess˚ Jess
/'G™st/ jest˚ jessed˚ gest
/'G™§/ jell˚ gel
/'G™§d/ jelled˚ gelled
/'G™¤/ J˚ jay
/'G™¤z/ J's˚ jays
English homophones
/'fÈ:≤n/ firn˚ fern
/'fÈ:≤z/ firs˚ furs˚ furze
/'fø:n/ faun˚ fawn
/'fø:≤/ for˚ four˚ fore
/'fø:≤m/ form˚ forme
/'fø:≤t/ fort˚ /'fø:t/ fought
/'fø:≤d/ ford˚ Ford
/'fø:≤†/ forth˚ fourth
/'fø™§/ foil˚ Foyle
/'fø¨§d/ fold˚ foaled
/'f<iiz/ frees˚ freeze˚ frieze
/'f<™¤z/ frays˚ fraise˚ phrase
/'f<x˙k/ frank˚ Frank˚
/'flii/ flea˚ flee
/'fliiz/ fleas˚ flees
/'fiit/ feat˚ feet
/'fl¤ks/ flicks˚ flix
/'fiif/ fief˚ feo‡ (“ /'f™f/)
/'fl™ks/ flecks˚ flex
/'f¤n/ fin˚ «nn
/'fl™È≤/ flair˚ flare
/'f¤n¤S/ finish˚ «nnish
/'fl™È≤z/ flairs˚ flares
/'f¤˙k/ fink˚ «nk˚ «nke
/'fla™t/ flight˚ ‰ite
/'f¤t/ fit˚ fytte
/'flaøÈ≤/ flower˚ flour
/'f¤SÈ≤/ fisher˚ fissure
/'flØk/ flock˚ floc
/'f¤§/ fill˚ Phill
/'flØks/ flocks˚ Phlox
/'f¤È≤/ fear˚ feer
/'flø:≤/ floor˚ /'flø:/ flaw
/'f¤È≤z/ fears˚ feers
/'flø:≤d/ floored˚ /'flø:d/
/'f™n°/ fennel˚ Fennell
/'f™¤/ fay˚ Fay˚ fey
/'f™¤n/ feign˚ fain˚ fane˚ Fane /'flø¨/ flow˚ floe
/'flø¨z/ flows˚ floes
/'f™¤nt/ faint˚ feint
/'fluu/ flew˚ flu˚ flue
/'f™¤t/ fate˚ fete˚ fête
/'fluuz/ flews˚ flues
/'f™¤ks/ fakes˚ faiks
/'f™¤z/ fays˚ Fay's˚ feys˚ faze˚
/'v¤n°/ vinal˚ vinyl (“ /-¤§/)
/'v¤lÈn/ villain˚ villein˚ villan
/'f™È≤/ fair˚ fare˚ phare
/'v™¤n/ vane˚ vain˚ vein
/'f™È≤d/ faired˚ fared
/'f™È≤z/ fairs˚ fares˚ phares /'v™¤§/ vale˚ veil
/'fA:≤∑È≤/ farther˚ /'fA:∑È≤/ /'v™È≤/ vare˚ vair
/'v™È≤z/ vares˚ vairs
/'vxnd°/ vandal˚ Vandal
/'fa™nd/ find˚ fined
/'va™s/ vice˚ Vice
/'fa™f/ fife˚ Phyfe
/'vÈ:≤GÈ≤/ verdure˚ verger
/'fa™§/ file˚ phial
/'vÈ:≤st/ verst˚ versed
/'faø§/ foul˚ fowl
/'fåst/ fust˚ fussed
/'†<ø¨/ throe˚ throw
/'fÈ:≤/ fir˚ fur
/'G™¤§/ gaol˚ jail
/'GÈ:≤mÈn/ german˚ German
/'GÈ:≤k/ jerk˚ jerque
/'GÈ:≤ks/ jerks˚ jerques
/'Gxm/ jam˚ jamb(e)
/'Gxk/ jack˚ Jack˚ jak
/'Gxks/ jacks˚ jaks
/'Gxg/ jag˚ jagg
/'GA:≤d/ jarde˚ jarred
/'Ga™b/ jibe˚ gybe
/'Gåmb°/ jumble˚ jumbal
/'Gø™/ joy˚ Joy
/'Gø¨b/ jobe˚ Job
/'†<ø¨n/ thrown˚ throne
/'†<ø¨z/ throes˚ throws
/'†ø¨§/ thole˚ thowl
/'†<uu/ through˚ threw
/'∑ii/ the˚ thee (archaic)
/'∑™È≤/ there˚ their˚ they're
/'sii/ sea˚ see˚ C˚ si (mus.)
/'siim/ seam˚ seem
/'siin/ scene˚ seen
/'siid/ cede˚ seed
/'siiz/ seas˚ sees˚ seize˚ C's
/'siil¤˙/ ceiling˚ sealing
/'sii§/ seal˚ seel˚ sele˚ ceil
/'sii§d/ sealed˚ seeled˚ ceiled
/'s¤mb°/ cymbal˚ symbol
/'s¤˙/ sing˚ Synge
/'s¤˙k/ sink˚ cinque
/'s¤˙g°/ single˚ cingle
/'s¤b°/ sibyl˚ Sibyl˚ Sybil
/'s¤k/ sick˚ sic (“ /'siik/)˚
Sikh (“ /'siik/)
/'s¤gn˘t/ cygnet˚ signet
/'s¤st/ cyst˚ cist
/'s¤li/ silly˚ Scilly
/'s¤È≤/ cere˚ sere˚ seer (“ /'siiÈ≤/)
/'s¤È≤d/ cered˚ sered˚ seared
/'s¤È≤z/ ceres˚ seres˚ seers (“
/'s¤˘<iiz/ Ceres˚ series
/'s¤˘<iȧ/ cereal˚ serial
/'s™ns/ cense˚ sense
/'s™nsÈ≤/ censer˚ censor
/'s™nt/ cent˚ sent˚ scent
/'s™st/ cest˚ cessed
/'s™Só/ cession˚ session
/'s™lÈ≤/ cellar˚ seller
/'s™§/ cell˚ sell
/'s™¤n/ sane˚ Seine
/'s™¤b°/ sable˚ Sabal
/'s™¤§/ sale˚ sail
/'sxm/ sam˚ Sam
/'sxk/ sack˚ sac˚ saque
/'sxks/ sacks˚ sacs˚ saques˚
sax˚ Saxe
/'sA:≤d/ sard˚ Sard
/'sa™/ sigh˚ scye
/'sa™n/ sign˚ sine
/'sa™nd/ signed˚ synd
/'sa™p<Ès/ cypress˚ Cyprus
/'sa™t/ cite˚ sight˚ site
/'sa™d/ side˚ sighed˚ Said
(“ /'s™¤d, sA:'iid/)
/'sa™z/ sighs˚ size˚ scyes
/'sa™<Èn/ siren˚ Siren
/'såm/ some˚ sum˚ Somme
(“ /'sØm/)
/'sån/ son˚ sun˚ sunn
/'såù°/ subtle˚ suttle
/'sÈ:≤/ sir˚ serr
/'sÈ:≤k°/ circle˚ cercal
/'sÈ:≤G/ serge˚ surge
/'sÈ:≤f/ surf˚ serf
/'sÈ:≤z/ sirs˚ serrs
/'sø:≤/ soar˚ sore˚ Soar
(river), /'sø:/ saw
/'sø:≤b/ sorb˚ Sorb
/'sø:≤t/ sort˚ /'sø:t/ sought
/'sø:≤d/ sword˚ soared˚ sord˚
/'sø:d/ sawed
/'sø:≤s/ source˚ /'sø:s/ sauce
/'sø:≤z/ soars˚ sores˚ /'sø:z/
/'sø¨/ so˚ soh˚ sew˚ sow (–
sow /'saø/ n.)
/'sø¨d/ sewed˚ sowed
/'sø¨kÈn/ soaken˚ soken
/'sø¨lÈn/ solan˚ Solen˚
/'sø¨§/ sole˚ soul
/'sø¨§d/ sold˚ soled
/'suu/ sue˚ Sue˚ Sioux˚ sou
/'sm¤†/ smith˚ Smith
/'sp™¤d/ spade˚ spayed
/'spa™s/ spice˚ speiss
/'spø:§/ spall˚ spawl
/'spø:§d/ spalled˚ spawled
English homophones
/'spø¨d/ spode˚ Spode
/'sp<a™t/ sprite˚ spright˚ Sprite
/'sp<uus/ spruce˚ Spruce
/'stii§/ steal˚ steel˚ Steel(e)
/'stiivósó/ Stephenson˚
/'st¤ks/ sticks˚ Styx
/'st¤È≤/ steer˚ stere
/'st¤È≤z/ steers˚ steres
/'st™p/ step˚ steppe
/'st™¤d/ staid˚ stayed
/'st™¤k/ stake˚ steak
/'st™¤ks/ stakes˚ steaks
/'st™¤SnR<i/ stationary˚ stationery
/'st™È≤/ stare˚ stair
/'st™È≤z/ stares˚ stairs
/'sta™/ sty˚ stye
/'sta™z/ sties˚ styes
/'sta™§/ stile˚ style
/'stA:≤/ star˚ starr˚ Starr
/'stA:≤z/ stars˚ starrs˚ Starrs
/'stø:<i/ story˚ storey
/'stø:≤k/ stork˚ /'stø:k/ stalk
/'stø¨lÈn/ stolen˚ stolon
/'st<™¤t/ straight˚ strait
/'st<™¤ùÈn/ straighten˚ straiten
/'stˆ¨È≤t/ Stewart˚ Stuart
/'ska™/ sky˚ Skye
/'skå§/ scull˚ skull
/'skØt/ Scot˚ Scott˚ scot
/'skØc/ scotch˚ Scotch
/'skø:§d/ scald˚ skald
/'sk<xc/ scratch˚ Scratch
/'swiit/ sweet˚ suite
/'swiid/ swede˚ Swede
/'sw¤˙/ swing˚ Swing
/'sw™¤d/ suede˚ swayed
/'swØt/ swat˚ swot˚ Swat
/'sl™¤/ sleigh˚ slay˚ sley
/'sl™¤d/ slade˚ slayed
/'sl™¤z/ sleighs˚ slays˚ sleys
/'sla™t/ sleight˚ slight
/'slåb/ slub˚ slubb
/'slø¨/ sloe˚ slow
/'slø¨z/ sloes˚ slows
/'sluu/ slue˚ slew
/'Sii/ she (“ /Si/)˚ shea (“ /'SiiÈ/)
/'S¤È≤/ shear˚ sheer
/'S™¤/ shay˚ Shea
/'S™¤ksp¤È≤/ Shakespeare˚
/'SÈ:≤d/ sherd˚ shirred
/'Sø:≤/ shore˚ /'Sø:/ Shaw
/'Sø¨n/ shown˚ shone (“
/'Suu/ shoe˚ shoo
/'Suut/ chute˚ shoot
/'jx˙k/ yank˚ Yank
/'jø:≤/ yore˚ your˚ you're (“
/'j¨È≤, jÈ≤/)
/'jø¨k/ yoke˚ yolk
/'jø¨ks/ yokes˚ yolks
/'jø¨k°/ yokel˚ yokul
/'juu/ you (“ /j¨, jÈ/)˚ yew˚
ewe˚ U
/'juuz/ ewes˚ use [v.]˚ yews˚ U's
/'juu§/ Yule˚ you'll (“ /j¨§,
/'<ii/ ree˚ re (prep.)
/'<iim/ ream˚ rheme˚ riem
/'<iid/ reed˚ read
(pres./inf.), Read˚ Reed
/'<ii§/ real˚ reel
/'<¤˙/ ring˚ wring
/'<¤pÈn/ Rippon˚ Ripon
/'<¤k/ rick˚ wrick
/'<¤ks/ ricks˚ wricks
/'<¤f/ ri‡˚ Ri‡
/'<™d/ red˚ read (p./pp.)
/'<™k/ reck˚ wreck
/'<™ks/ recks˚ wrecks
/'<™st/ rest˚ wrest
/'<™¤/ ray˚ Ray˚ reh˚ re (mus.)
/'<™¤n/ rain˚ reign˚ rein
English homophones
/'<™¤nd/ rained˚ reigned˚
/'<™¤d/ raid˚ rayed
/'<™¤ks/ rakes˚ raiks˚ Raikes
/'<™¤z/ rase˚ raze˚ rays˚ raise
/'<™¤zÈ≤/ raiser˚ rasor
/'<x˙k/ rank˚ Rank˚ ranke
/'<xp/ rap˚ wrap
/'<xg/ rag˚ ragg
/'<a™/ rye˚ Rye˚ wry
/'<a™m/ rhyme˚ rime
/'<a™nd/ rind˚ rynd
/'<a™t/ right˚ rite˚ write˚
wright˚ Wright
/'<a™ùÈn/ righten˚ rhyton
/'<aøt/ rout˚ route (“ /'<uut/)
/'<aøz/ rouse˚ rows
/'<åm/ rum˚ rhumb
/'<å˙/ rung˚ wrung
/'<åd/ rud˚ rudd
/'<åf/ rough˚ ru‡˚ ru‡e
/'<åft/ roughed˚ ru‡ed
/'<ås°/ rustle˚ russel˚ Russel(l)
/<˘'vjuu/ revue˚ review
/<˘'v¤È≤/ revers (sing. “
/-™È≤/)˚ revere
/'<Øb/ rob˚ Rob
/'<Øb˘n/ robin˚ Robin
/'<Øk/ rock˚ roc
/'<Øks/ rocks˚ rocs
/'<]s/ ross˚ Ross
/'<ø:≤/ roar˚ /'<ø:/ raw
/'<ø™°/ roil˚ royal
/'<ø¨/ roe, rho˚ Roe˚ row (–
row /'<aø/ quarrel)
/'<ø¨m/ roam˚ Rome
/'<ø¨n/ roan˚ Rhone
/'<ø¨t/ wrote˚ rote
/'<ø¨d/ road˚ rode˚ rowed˚
Rhode˚ roed
/'<ø¨z/ rose˚ roes˚ Rose˚ rows
(– rows /'<aøz/ quarrels)
/'<ø¨zÈn/ rosen˚ Rosen
/'w™¤st/ waste˚ waist
/'w™¤z/ ways˚ weighs˚ weys˚
/'w™¤§/ wail˚ wale˚ whale
/'w™¤§d/ wailed˚ waled˚
whaled {/'ã-/}
/'w™È≤/ ware˚ wear˚ Ware˚
where {/'ã-/}
/'w™È≤z/ wares˚ wears˚ where's
/'wii/ we {“ /wi/}˚ wee
/'wxk/ Waac˚ whack {/'ã-/}
/'wiik/ weak˚ week
/'wiid/ weed˚ we'd (“ /wid/) /'wxks/ wax˚ Waacs˚
whacks {/'ã-/}
/'wiiv/ weave˚ we've (“
xgÈn/ waggon˚ Wagon
/'wa™/ why {/'ã-/}˚ Wye˚ Y
/'wii§/ weal˚ weel˚ Weill˚
/'wa™n/ wine˚ whine {/'ã-/}
we'll (“ /wi§/)˚ wheel
/'wa™nd/ wind˚ wined˚
{/'ã-/}˚ wheal {/'ã-/}
whined {/'ã-/}
/'wii§d/ weald˚ wield˚
/'wa™t/ wight˚ Wight˚
Weald˚ wheeled {/'ã-/}
white “ „ite {/'ã-/}˚
/'w¤n/ win˚ whin {/'ã-/}
/'wa™z/ wise˚ why's˚ Y's
/'w¤t/ wit˚ whit {/'ã-/}
/'w¤ù°/ wittol˚ whittle {/'ã-/} /'wa™§/ wile˚ while {/'ã-/}
/'wa™§d/ wild˚ wiled
/'w¤g/ wig˚ „ig {/'ã-/}
/'wån/ one˚ won
/'w¤gÈn/ wigan˚ Wigan
/'w¤c/ which {/'ã-/}˚ witch /'wånz/ ones˚ one's
/'wÈ:≤/ whir {/'ã-/}˚ were
/'w¤ski/ whiskey/whisky
(“ /wÈ≤/)
/'wÈ:≤†/ worth˚ Worth
/'w¤È≤/ weir˚ Weir˚ Wear˚
/'wÈ:≤d/ whirred {/'ã-/}˚ word
/'wÈ:≤§/ whirl {/'ã-/}˚
/'w™n/ wen˚ when {/'ã-/}
whorl {/'ã-/}
/'w™nd/ wend˚ Wend
È:≤§d/ world˚ whirled
/'w™b/ web˚ Webb
{/'ã-/}˚ whorled {/'ã-/}
/'w™t/ wet˚ whet {/'ã-/}
/'w™∑È≤/ weather˚ wether˚ /'wØt/ what {/'ã-, -åt/}˚ watt˚
whether {/'ã-/}
/'w]<Èn/ warren˚ warrin˚
/'w™§d/ weld˚ welled
/'w™¤/ way˚ weigh˚ wey˚
/'wø:≤/ war˚ wore
whey {/'ã-/}
/'wø:≤n/ warn˚ worn
/'w™¤n/ wane˚ wain˚
/'wø:≤d/ ward˚ warred
Wain˚ Wayne
/'wø:§/ wall˚ waul
/'w™¤t/ wait˚ weight
/'wø:§d/ walled˚ wauled
/'w™¤d/ wade˚ weighed
/'wø¨/ woe˚ whoa {/'ã-/}
/'w™¤v/ wave˚ waive
/'<ø¨§/ role˚ roll˚ Rolle
/'<uum/ room (“ /'<¨m/)˚
/'<uub˘n/ rubin˚ Rubin˚
/'<uut/ root˚ route (“ /'<aøt/)
/'<uud/ rood˚ rued˚ rude
/'<uu†/ ruth˚ Ruth
/'<uuz/ ruse˚ rues
/'ha™mÈn/ hymen˚ Hymen˚
/'ha™d/ hide˚ hied
/'ha™k/ hike˚ hai(c)k (“
/'ha™ks/ hikes˚ hai(c)ks (“
/'hiid/ heed˚ he'd (“
/'haøz/ house (v.), how's
/'hii§/ heel˚ heal˚ he'll (“
/'hÈ:≤d/ heard˚ herd˚ Herd
/'hØk/ hock˚ hough
/'hii§d/ heeled˚ healed
/'hØks/ hocks˚ houghs
/'h¤m/ him (“ /úhû¤m/)˚
/'hø:≤/ hoar˚ whore
/'hø:≤d/ hoard˚ horde˚
/'h¤È≤/ hear˚ here
hoared˚ whored
/'h¤È≤z/ hears˚ heres˚ here's
/'hø:≤s/ hoarse˚ horse
/'h™fÈ≤/ He‡er˚ heifer
/'h™fÈ≤z/ He‡ers˚ He‡er's˚ /'hø:≤st/ horst˚ horsed
/'hø:§/ hall˚ haul
/'h™<Èn/ heron˚ Heron˚ herren /'hø¨m/ home˚ holm˚
/'h™<ø¨¤n/ heroin˚ heroine Holm(e)
/'hø¨z/ hose˚ hoes
(“ /'h¤˘<-/)
/'hø¨li/ holy˚ wholly (“
/'h™§/ hell˚ Hell˚ Hel
/'h™È≤/ hair˚ hare
ø¨§/ hole˚ whole
/'h™È≤z/ hairs˚ hares
/'hø¨§t/ holt˚ Holt
/'h™¤/ hay˚ hey
/'hø¨§d/ hold˚ holed
/'h™¤g/ Haig˚ Hague
/'huuz/ whose˚ who's
/'h™¤z/ hays˚ heys˚ haze
/'hjuu/ hew˚ hue˚ Hugh˚
/'h™¤z§/ hazel˚ Hazel
whew (“ /'fjuu/…)
/'h™¤§/ hail˚ hale
/'hjuum/ Home˚ Hume˚
/'h™¤§d/ hailed˚ haled
Hulme (“ /'hå§m/)
/'hxm/ ham˚ Ham
juuz/ hews˚ hues˚ Hughes˚
/'hxnd°/ handle˚ Handel
/'hxnsÈm/ handsome˚ han- whews (“ /'fjuuz/…)
/'lii/ lea˚ lee˚ Lee˚ Leigh˚ li
/'hxns°/ hansel˚ Hansel˚
/'liidÈ≤/ leader˚ lieder
/'hx˙È≤/ hanger˚ hangar (“ /'liidz/ leads˚ Leeds
/'liik/ leak˚ leek
/'hxv/ have (“ /hÈv, Èv, v/)˚ /'liiks/ leaks˚ leeks
/'liic/ leach˚ leech˚ Leech
halve /'hXv/
/'hA:≤t/ heart˚ hart˚ Hart˚ /'liif/ leaf˚ lief
/'liist/ least˚ leased
/'hA:≤ùÈn/ hearten˚ hartin /'l¤m/ limb˚ limn
/'l¤n/ linn˚ Lynne
/'ha™/ high˚ hie˚ hi!
/'l¤nc/ linch˚ lync˚ Lynch
/'ha™È≤/ higher˚ hire
/'wø¨nt/ wont˚ won't
/'w¨d/ wood˚ would {“
/wÈd, d/}
/'w¨§f/ wolf˚ Wolf
English homophones
/'l¤˙ks/ links˚ lynx
/'l¤st/ list˚ Liszt
/'l¤li/ lily˚ Lyly
/'l¤È≤/ leer˚ Lear˚ lehr
/'l™nt/ leant˚ lent˚ Lent
/'l™t/ let˚ Lett
/'l™ù˘s/ Lettice˚ lettuce
/'l™d/ led˚ lead (n.)
/'l™sÈn/ lessen˚ lesson
/'l™¤/ lay˚ ley˚ lei (“ /'l™¤i/)
/'l™¤n/ lane˚ lain˚ Lane
/'l™¤d/ lade˚ laid
/'l™¤z/ lays˚ laze˚ leys
/'lxm/ lamb˚ lam
/'lxp/ lap˚ Lapp
/'lxùÈn/ latten˚ Latin
/'lxk/ lack˚ lac˚ /'l[:k/ Lakh
“ lakh˚ lac
/'lxks/ lax˚ lacks˚ /'l[:ks/
Lakhs “ lakhs˚ lacs
/'lA:≤vÈ/ larva˚ /'l[:vÈ/ lava
/'la™È≤/ liar˚ lyre
/'la™kÈn/ liken˚ lichen (“
/'lånG/ lunge˚ longe
/'lØk/ lock˚ lough˚ Lock(e)˚
loch (“ /-π/)
/'lØks/ locks˚ lox
/'lø:≤/ lore˚ /'lø:/ law
/'lø:≤d/ lord˚ Lord˚ /'lø:d/
laud “ Laud
/'lø¨n/ loan˚ lone
/'lø¨d/ load˚ lode˚ lowed
/'lø¨gÈn/ logan˚ Logan
/'lø¨†/ loath˚ loth
/'luu/ loo˚ Lou
/'luut/ loot˚ lute (“ /'lj-/)
/'luus/ loose˚ luce˚ Luce˚
/'luuz/ loos˚ lose