inglese - Liceo Mazzini


inglese - Liceo Mazzini
Anno scolastico 2015-2016
5° Liceo Linguistico
Anselmi, Barcelli, Galli, Saunders
Libri di testo in adozione
-Literature for Life - De Luca- Ellis, Pace, Ranzoli - Edizioni Loescher
-Literature for Life – Deborah J Ellis, Ed. Loescher – Study Skills and Exam Preparation
-Reunion di F. Uhlman - Edizioni Loescher
Modulo A
Le sperimentazioni linguistiche e le avanguardie letterarie
Modernist Fiction and Modernist Influence p 749
V. Woolf: estratto da Mrs Dalloway T110 p 501
estratto da A Room of One's Own T112 + T113 p 505 -507
D1 The role of the novelist p 511
D2 Fragments of Woolf’s life p 512 + Virginia’s Suicide Letter p 513
D4 Biography p 514
Say it right p 515
J. Joyce: estratti da Ulysses T104 + T105 pag.453 e pag. 456
T.S. Eliot: The Mythical Method p 471
Eveline (fotocopia)
estratto da The Dead T103 pag. 456
D1 Structures, Themes and Issues
D2 Early 20th century Ireland
D4 The Mythical Method
D5 Biography p 472-473
Say it right p 474
Modernism and Poets with a European Sensibility p 751
T.S. Eliot:
estratto da The Waste Land T108 pag.483
The Waste Land p 482
estratto da The Waste Land p 483
D2 From Happiness to Depression p 486D3 Biography p 487
Say it right p 488
E. Pound:
Imagism (Glossary of Literary Terms)
The Garret p 546-547
Alba p 548
D1 Glimpses of Pound
Modulo B
L’intellettuale di fronte alla guerra
War Poets p 751
Rupert Brooke: The Soldier T93 pp 409-410
Fragment T94 pp 411-412-413
D4 Biography p 416
Say it right p 417
Wilfred Owen: Dulce et Decorum Est T95 p 418-419-420
D4 Biography p 424
Say it right p 425
Sigfried Sassoon: Suicide in the Trenches T97 p 426
D1 A Soldier’s declaration p 429 (cenni)
D3 Biography p 432
Say it right p 433
Vera Brittain :
Testament of Youth T99 p 434-435
D3 Biography p 440
Jessy Pope : T 96 The Call
The White Feather
Say it right p 441
D1 Historical context : The Inter-War Years p 523
D3 Pre-War Nazi Germany p 526-527
W. H. Auden Refugee Blues (fotocopia)
Bob Dylan Masters of War (fotocopia)
F. Uhlman: Reunion (lettura integrale)
Modulo C
Il disagio esistenziale
G. Orwell: estratto da 1984 Big Brother is Watching You (fotocopia)
estratti da Animal Farm T116 pp 531-532-533-534, T117 p 536-537, T118 p 538-539
D1 The Bolshevik Revolution p 541
D2 Drawing Parallels p 542-543
D3Glimpses of Orwell p 543
D4 Biography p 544
Say it right p 545
Modernism and the Theatre p 786 - The Theatre of the Absurd p 787- Influence of Absurdist
Drama p 787
S. Beckett: estratti da Waiting for Godot T135 pp 591-597
D1 Beckett on Waiting for Godot pp 598-599
D2 Biography p 600
Say it right p 601
H.Pinter: estratti da The Dumb Waiter T142 e T143 pp 622- 628
D1 The Reception of Pinter’s Plays p 629
D3 Biography p 631
J. Kerouac: On the Road
Say it right p 632
Modulo D
Il Diverso (lettrice)
B. Zephaniah The British ( serves 60 million)
R. Wright The Black Boy (fotocopia)
D.H.Lawrence: The Blind Man (fotocopia)
E.M. Foster: estratto da Maurice (fotocopia)
D2 Biography p 686
Say it right p 687
Modulo E
Arte e Bellezza
O. Wilde: Preface to The Picture of Dorian Gray (fotocopia)
estratto da The Picture of Dorian Gray - I Would Give My Soul chapter 2
F. Uhlman: Reunion (Versione integrale)
VIDEOS: Mrs Dalloway, The Hours, The King’s Speech,The Dead, The Picture of Dorian Gray ( a
Le insegnanti
La Spezia, 6 / 09 /2015