Tomorrow children "invade" companies: membership to quota 200


Tomorrow children "invade" companies: membership to quota 200
21 May 2015
Tomorrow children "invade" companies: membership to quota 200
Friday, May 22 is the Party of working moms and their babies in the office.
You can feel the atmosphere of the party in the air that will produce tomorrow a memorable
event: the children "will invade" the companies, bringing smiles, happiness, joy, a pleasant chatter.
The Party of working moms and their children in the office, now in its twenty-first edition,
sponsored by the “Stampa” and the “Corriere della Sera”, takes place tomorrow, Friday, May 22
and is to take the employees’ children in to the companies. In accordance with the companies,
will take place guided tours, snacks, performances and screenings, photographic exhibitions,
painting workshops and cooking, entertainment and so on.
The important fact, that this year is a year, that sees women penalized by the crisis of occupation
to back home and give up work, are the theme and accession.
The dominant theme is conciliation, it would be better to say the sharing, of the difficult
relationship between life and work: while membership increasing numerically important: now we
are in a breath from 200 companies.
Each, small and large companies, public and private, professional studios, offices, agencies,
organize independently their own initiatives.
There is still time to signal its membership to e.mail address: [email protected].
Every company or organization participating will be marked on and
We are expecting further accessions. And that is the party with us!
These are the companies joined:
Aareal Bank AG, Accordo, ActionAid Italia, Adecco Italia, Admiral Gaming
Network, Adveo Italia, Affinion International, Afol Monza e Brianza, Aias e
Aias Academy, Aler Milano, Allianz, Ali Agenzia per il Lavoro, Alstom, Amazon
Italia Services, Amgen, Anev (Associazione nazionale energia del vento), Arag,
Artsana Group, Asia, Associazione degli industriali Lucca, Athlon Car Lease
Italy, Atlantic Technologies, Autorità Portuale di Augusta, Aviva Italia
Holding, Axa Assistance Italia,
Banca del Mezzogiorno – Mediocredito Centrale, Banca Popolare di Milano,
Banca Profilo, Banca Reale, Banca Sistema, Barilla, Bcc del Garda, Best
Western Hotel Galles, Biffi Italia, Biogen Italia, Blue Assistance, Bricocenter
Italia, BT Italia,
C.M.S., Camera di Commercio di Milano e sue Aziende consortili, Carlson
Wagonlit Travel, Cassa Edile Trieste, Che Banca!, Chep Italia, Circor Pibiviesse, Cisl - Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori, Cogetech,