

Trainer, actor and writer
Writer, actor, director, musician, creative performer and humor trainer. Since years he leads courses of Humor Therapy, Humor Business,
Humor Writing and Humor Theatre. He coordinates and leads oconference of humor applied in professional, therapeutic and cultural sphere.
He’s teacher of humorous tecniques not only purposive to divertissement an end in itself, but for innovative use of humor to increase the own
well-being, to improve relationship and to devlop creativity. Since few years matured and elaborated a new paradigm of humor in the business
and terapeutic enviroment, and his thesis, strategies and tecniques has been depeened and deduced in his recent books. He carries on his
activity of Humor creative trainer and training entertainer by the leading of show-conference, workshops, courses and lessons purposed to
expand relational competence, interactive immagination, emotional intelligence, coping the conflict in positive way, encouraging models of
bold and magisterial leadership, strengtening the support in medical and terapeutic sphere, incentiving team building, managing the
changeover and forwarding the individual and collettive creativity.
He published “La Terapia dell’Umorismo” (“Humor Therapy”) - methods and practises for personal and relationship well-being (Ed. Carocci,
Roma, Italy, November 2013) and “Una Risata vi Promuoverà” (“Laughing will promote you” - theory and practise of humor for business
wellness and professional growth (with M. Andreone – Ed. Rizzoli, Milano, Italy, September 2012). He contributed to write “Lezioni di
Comicità” (Comedy’ Lesson) – practical guide to train the humorous creativity and personal comical language (M. Andreone – Ed. Audino,
Italy, Roma, October 2013). He edited the italian version of “The New Comedy Writer Step by Step” of Gene Perret, winner of three Emmy
Awards (Sagoma, Italy, Milano, March 2015). During 2014 he published online the “Humorous Functions Test”, commissioned from the
CESPI (Studies Centre of Medical Professions - Torino, Italy), for university research and filled for over thousand medical workers. This test is
currentely in process of international validation.
He founded (with M. Andreone) the Accademia Nazionale del Comico (“National Comedy Accademy” - Roma, Milano, Torino – Italy, Ottobre
2008) e Umorismo Formazione (“Humor Training” - Milano, Torino – Italy, Novembre 2010). Since six years is member of ISHS (International
Society for Humor Studies – Oakland / California) that gathers experts, researchers and scholars from all over the world. He showed different
researches of humor applied in professional and therapeutic sphere (Hong Kong, Roma, Boston, Milano Cracovia, Lugano, Parigi, Torino,
Venezia). Since 12 yeas he teaches Humor therapy, Humor Writing, Humor Theatre in artistic, social, medical, therapeutic and business
enviroment, purposed to personal and relational well-being, development of creativity and improvement of interpersonal communication.
Since many years he leads workshops, courses and conferences of Humor Business for firms, training agencies and schools, associations like:
Seac-Cefor, Isfor 2000, Cespi, SSMT Lugano, M.T.V., Assoservizi, Agrileasing, Banca di Credito Cooperativo, Milano Meeting, Enfil Bari,
C.M.M.C., Poste Italiane, Banca San Paolo, Ferrero Spa, Direct Line, De Agostini, Isagro, Farmamedia, Epochè, Fiat Spa, GetFit, Ups,
Therabel, Roche, Genailloyd, DAMS Regione Piemonte, Conf di Milano, Conf di Venezia, Conf di Udine, Conf di Pesaro-Urbino.
He partecipated by interviews and features on the following nactional and internationa media: Panorama, TV France 2, Rai 1 (Tg), Rai 3 (TgR),
Radio Rai 2, Radio 24, Radio Svizzera Italiana, TeleTutto, Radio BCC, RMC, Italia 1, Radio Capital, La Stampa, La Repubblica, Corriere della
Sera, Donna Moderna, Four Ticino, Sorrisi e Canzoni, Extracampus, Cosmopolitan, Per Me, ANCI, Marketing Jornal, Millionarie, Mente e
Cervello, Affari Italiani, Style, Vanity Fair, Io Donna, Grazia, Ok Salute.
MAIN EVENTS (2008-2014)
Milan (2014) – Sforza Palace, Book City – Conference about “Humorous Intelligence in the human thinking and acting”,
Sarzana (2014) – National Festival “The Power of Smile” – Duoble conference about use of humor in the working and politics
Mantua (2014) – National Festival “Creative Mantova”. Show. conference about humor and creativity titled “Licensed of Laugh”
Lugano (2014) - SSMT Medical Superior Technical School. Courses of Humor Theray for Attivation Specialists (3° school year)
Venice (2014) - CONF of Venice – leading event about “Humorous Intelligence in the management of conflicts with customers”
Trento (2014) - SEAC-CEFOR Courses of humor business for working and business consultant
Chatillon (2014) – Conference and courses for business manager and business trainer about new frontiers of traing “De-forma Mentis”
Brescia (2014) - ISFOR 2000 - Conference and courses for enterpreneurs and persons in charge of training: “Creative Humor Business”
Piacenza (2013) – Cattolic University of Piacenza – Show-conference for ALAEF titled “Humor for Life”
Modena (2013) - Dipartment of Economiy Modena University – conference about humor applied in business enviroment
Roma, (2013) – Pontifical Salesian University – show-conference for National Congress of ALAEF (gone on air by RAI 2)
Paris (2013). Annual Convention of Roche company – Show-conference “Humorous management of professional relationship”
Lugano (2012-14) - USI Department Scienze and Communciation Italian Swisse University – Humor Therapy for teachers and schoolmasters
Naples (2012) – Annaul Convention of Therabel company – Show-conference “Humorous management of recurring business situations”
Turin (2011) - Festival of Spirituality – Club of Readers of Torino, Teatro Stabile, Radio Rai 3: conference titled “Licensed of Laugh”
Cracow (2011) - Jagelloniam University of Cracow: workshop of Humor Business - XXIV Humor World Conference
Turin (2010-14) - CESPI - Courses, lab and workshop about leadership, humor and emotional intelligence for nurses and doctors
Milan (2010-12) - ASSOLOMBARDA: conferences about humor for manager and entrepreneur (“Humor Marketing” “Humor Conflict” ecc)
Boston (2010) - College of Communication Boston University: conference Humor Creative Process - XXIII Humor World Conference
Alba (2009-14) - CESAF – Leading of workshops e international courses accredited by European Community tittled “Make It Funny”
Hong Kong (2009) - Departiment of Scienze Applied Hong Kong University (2009): show-conference XXII Humor World Conference
Turin (2009) – Natural Science Musean of Turin – show-conference titled: Laugh and Smile: antropologic meaming of humor”
Milan, Roma (2008-14). Corises and workshops of Humor Therapy, Humor Writing and Humor Theatre
Turin (2008) - DAMS of Turin University – show-conferences for university student and teacher about comical mechanisms
Milan (2008) - CMMC Congress Centre “Le Stelline” – workshop about humor and development of human reousorces
INFOLINE: www.rinocerritelli.com / Tel. +39 3334408793 / [email protected]