Paros - Blue Star Ferries


Paros - Blue Star Ferries
15/07/05 13:27
™ÂÏ›‰· 1
Let’s go to Paros
This Cycladic island is in the center of the Aegean.The whitewashed
houses,combined with the deep blue of the sea,create the perfect Cycladic
setting.The tranquility one feels at the sight of the island’s churches and
the awe-inspiring ancient monuments create an indelible impression.
By Victoria Dimopoulou, Photo: Stavros Niflis
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OnBlue 22
23 OnBlue
15/07/05 13:27
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TÔ ÁÂÊ˘Ú¿ÎÈ Ù˘ N¿Ô˘Û·˜/The bridge of Naoussa
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OnBlue 24
The island’s new emblem
epitomizes its history.
Besides its great beauty, Paros has a long history beginning in the
Neolithic Era. Excavations on the isle of Saliago (between Paros and
Antiparos) revealed a Late Neolithic settlement. During the Proto-Cycladic
period, Paros was home to a great civilization, evidenced by the
settlements that were discovered on both islands. Crete’s supremacy in
the Aegean Sea prohibited Paros’ development. The Cretans (also known
as Minoans), controlled trade and communications among Egyptians,
Babylonians, Assyrians and the Balkan settlements. Due to the island’s
natural harbors and significant position, the Cretans paid tribute to Paros
by calling it «Minoa». Later on, Paros was inhabited by Ionians that were
forced out of their land by Dorians. A group of Arcadians, led by the
notable Paros, fled their land and ended up on the island. That’s how the
island got its name. Over the years, the intermarriages between the Ionians
and the Arcadians produced a tribe that was intelligent and industrious.
Besides farming, the tribe developed trade, became wealthy, and made
the island a strong sea power controlling the North Aegean for almost two
centuries. During the 6th century BC, the center of the Cyclades moved
from Paros to Naxos, which triggered the gradual decline of the island.
During the Persian wars (in the beginning of the 5th century BC),
Themistocles conquered Paros, which had no choice but become an ally
to Athens. During the Classical Era, the Paros’ marble mines became a
source of wealth. Snow-white and fine-grained, the marble from Paros was
a widely sought-out material for the creation of the renowned classical
sculpture and architecture. It was called the lamp-rock, because it was
extracted from mine tunnels, under the light of lamps. The temple of Apollo
in Delos, Hermes by Praxiteles in Olympia, Venus de Milo, Knidia Demeter,
and parts of the temple of Solomon, were made out of this marble.
15/07/05 13:27
™ÂÏ›‰· 4
H Ó‡¯Ù· ¤ÊÙÂÈ ÛÙËÓ ¶·ÚÔÈÎÈ¿/Nightfall in Parikia
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∆o 1537 Ùo ÓËÛ› η٤Ϸ‚ o ÙÚoÌÂÚfi˜ ÂÈÚ·Ù‹˜ ª·ÚÌ·ÚfiÛ·, o
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ªÂÙ¿ Ùo 1821, Ë ¶¿Úo˜ Û˘ÌÂÚÈÏ‹ÊıË ÛÙo Ó¤o ÂÏÏËÓÈÎfi ÎÚ¿Ùo˜ o˘
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¶OÀ £∞ ª∂π¡∂∆∂:
¶¿Ó‰ÚoÛÛo˜: ÙËÏ.: 22840 22903. ™ÙËÓ ¶·ÚoÈÎÈ¿, 100 Ì. ·fi ÙËÓ ·Ú·Ï›· Ì ˘¤ÚÔ¯Ë ı¤· ÛÙË ı¿Ï·ÛÛ· Î·È ÌÔÓ·‰ÈÎfi ËÏÈÔ‚·Û›ÏÂÌ·. EÁÁ‡ËÛË
ÁÈ· ·Í¤¯·ÛÙ˜ ‰È·ÎÔ¤˜.
OnBlue 26
At the same time, the art of Paros flourished. Sculptors Agorakritos and
Scopas (Phedias’ apprentices), as well as renowned painters of the time,
Arkesilaus and Nikanor, came from Paros. After the battle at Cheroneia
against Alexander the Great, the island was occupied successively by the
Macedonians, the Ptolemy dynasty and the Romans. In the first centuries of
Christianity, Paros declined again. Christianity started to spread on the island
in the 2nd century BC, as the Early-Christian tombs and monuments
indicate. The Byzantine emperors built the church of Ekatontapyliani and
other churches with the island’s marble. Tradition has it, that Saint Helen and
Constantine the Great were involved with the building of «Katapoliani» and
Justinian with its completion. In the 10th century AD, the island was deserted
due to pirate raids. According to oral tradition, the island was covered by wild
forests. The Frankish and Venetian rule began in 1207 and lasted until 1537.
Venetian Marco Sanoudo occupied Naxos and the neighboring islands.
Sanoudo used the ruins of the ancient altars of Paros to build the castle of
Parikia. During that period, the castles of Kefalos and Naoussa were also
built. In 1537, the island was occupied by the fierce pirate Barbarossa, who
captured all its inhabitants and destroyed everything. Later on, the island
came under the rule of the Ottoman Turks. After 1821, Paros was included in
the newly-formed Greek state and followed its development.
Pandrossos: tel.: 22840 22903. In Parikia, 100 m. from the beach, with
beautiful sea vistas and a stunning sunset. It guarantees an unforgettable stay.
Akrotiri Hotel: tel.: 22840 22261. On the hill of Akrotiri, overlooking
Parikia, you will have a wonderful vacation in one of the hotel’s
traditionally designed 29 rooms, suites, or bungalows.
Maryo Village: tel.: 22840 51972. Its warm atmosphere, the
surroundings, and its friendly staff make the guests feel like home.
Rooms are different in color and set up.
Antirides: tel.: 22840 52540. The best view in Naoussa.
Astir of Paros: tel.: 22840 51976. Deluxe hotel with a pleasant atmosphere.
Holiday Sun: tel.: 22840 91284-5, 22840 91288. Built on Pounta beach,
with a magnificent view of the Aegean, overlooling Antiparos.
15/07/05 13:27
™ÂÏ›‰· 5
§ÈÌ·Ó¿ÎÈ N¿Ô˘Û·˜/The port of Naoussa
¢·ÌÈ·Ófi˜: ÙËÏ.: 22840 51057, 22840 51100. ºÚ¤ÛÎo „¿ÚÈ Î·È Î·Ù·ÏËÎÙÈÎo› „·ÚoÌÂ˙¤‰Â˜ ÛÙoÓ ÎfiÏo Ùo˘ ∞ÌÂÏ¿, Ì ı¤· ÙË ¡¿Ío.
™Ù·‡Úo˜: ÙËÏ.: 22840 41404. ∏ 30¯ÚoÓË ›ڷ Ùo˘ ™Ù·‡Úo˘ ∫·‚·Ï¿ÚË
·ÔÙÂÏ› ÂÁÁ‡ËÛË ÁÈ· ηÏfi Ê·ÁËÙfi Î·È ¿„oÁo ۤڂȘ. ™Â ¤Ó· ¢¯¿ÚÈÛÙo Î·È Î·ı·Úfi ÂÚÈ‚¿ÏÏoÓ, Ì ı¤· Ùo ÏÈÌ·Ó¿ÎÈ ÛÙo ¶›Ûˆ §È‚¿‰È, ı·
·oÏ·‡ÛÂÙ ÊÚ¤Ûη „¿ÚÈ· Î·È fi,ÙÈ ¿ÏÏo ÙÚ·‚¿ Ë fiÚÂÍ‹ Û·˜.
£¤· ÂÍ ∞Ó·ÙoÏÒÓ: ÙËÏ.: 22840 91220. ¶·Ú·‰oÛÈ·Îo› ÌÂ˙¤‰Â˜ ·fi
ŒÏÏËÓ˜ Ù˘ ¶fiÏ˘, Ùo˘ ∂‡ÍÂÈÓo˘ ¶fiÓÙo˘ Î·È Ù˘ ™Ì‡ÚÓ˘, Ì ÙË
ÊÚoÓÙ›‰· Ùo˘ ¡›Îo˘. ™ÙËÓ ¶o‡ÓÙ·, Ì ı¤· ÙËÓ ∞ÓÙ›·Úo.
¶Â˙o‡Ï· Ù˘ Ïȯo˘‰È¿˜: ¶›Ù˜, ÁÏ˘Î¿ Ù·„Èo‡ Î·È Îo˘Ù·ÏÈo‡, fiÏ· ·fi
¶OÀ ¡∞ ¢π∞™∫∂¢∞™∂∆∂:
Nostos: ∫Ï·ÛÈ΋ ·Úo˘Û›· Ùo˘ ÁÓˆÛÙo‡ ·ıËÓ·˚Îo‡ bar. ™ÙË ¡¿o˘Û·.
µ·ÚÂÏ¿‰ÈÎo: ªÂÁ¿Ïo˜ ¯ÒÚo˜ Ì ÂÏÏËÓÈ΋ Î·È mainstream Ìo˘ÛÈ΋.
Privilege: •ÂÊ¿Óو̷ ̤¯ÚÈ Ùo Úˆ›. ™ÙË ¡¿o˘Û·.
Linardo: ™Ùo ›‰Èo ÛËÌ›o Â‰Ò Î·È oÏÏ¿ ¯ÚfiÓÈ·, ¿ÓÙ· Ì ¯oÚ¢ÙÈ΋
Ìo˘ÛÈ΋. ™ÙË ¡¿o˘Û·.
Agosta: ™Ùo ÏÈÌ·Ó¿ÎÈ Ù˘ ¡¿o˘Û·˜, Ùo ηٿÏÏËÏo ̤Úo˜ ÁÈ· Ó· ‰Â›ÙÂ
Î·È Ó· Û·˜ ‰o˘Ó.
Café Del Mar: ÃoÚ¢ÙÈ΋ Ìo˘ÛÈ΋ ·ÏÏ¿ Î·È ÚoÌ·ÓÙ˙¿‰·, ÛÙo ÏÈÌ·Ó¿ÎÈ
Ù˘ ¡¿o˘Û·˜.
Sofrano: Soul, funk Î·È latin, ÛÙo ÏÈÌ·Ó¿ÎÈ Ù˘ ¡¿o˘Û·˜.
∞˚fiÏ· Bar: ™ÙËÓ Î·Ú‰È¿ Ù˘ ¡¿o˘Û·˜. £· ÂÚ¿ÛÂÙ ·Í¤¯·ÛÙ· ‚Ú¿‰È·
Pounta Beach Club: All Day Fun. ¶o‡ÓÙ·, ¡¿ÚÈÛÛ·.
Santa Maria: °È· ηʤ, oÙfi ·ÏÏ¿ Î·È ÎoχÌÈ. ™ÙË ™¿ÓÙ· ª·Ú›·.
∞ÎÚˆÙ‹ÚÈ Hotel: ÙËÏ.: 22840 22261. ™ÙÔ ÏfiÊÔ AÎÚˆÙ‹ÚÈ, Ì ı¤· ÙËÓ
¶·ÚÔÈÎÈ¿, ı· ÂÚ¿ÛÂÙ ۛÁÔ˘Ú· ·Í¤¯·ÛÙ˜ ‰È·ÎÔ¤˜ Û ¤Ó· ·fi Ù· 29
·Ú·‰ÔÛȷο ¯ÙÈṲ̂ӷ ‰ˆÌ¿ÙÈ·, ÙȘ ÛÔ˘›Ù˜ Î·È Ù· Ì¿ÓÁηÏÔÔ˘.
Maryo Village: ÙËÏ.: 22840 51972. ∏ ˙ÂÛÙ‹ ·ÙÌfiÛÊ·ÈÚ·, Ùo ÂÚÈ‚¿ÏÏoÓ
Î·È Ë ÊÈÏÈ΋ ‰È¿ıÂÛË ÙˆÓ ·ÓıÚÒˆÓ Ùo˘ Maryo Village οÓo˘Ó Ùo˘˜ ÂÈÛΤÙ˜ Ó· ·ÈÛı¿ÓoÓÙ·È Û·Ó ÛÙo Û›ÙÈ Ùo˘˜. ŸÏ· Ù· ‰ˆÌ¿ÙÈ· ‰È·Ê¤Úo˘Ó ÌÂٷ͇ Ùo˘˜ ÛÙ· ¯ÚÒÌ·Ù· Î·È ÛÙË ‰È·ÚÚ‡ıÌÈÛË.
∞ÓÙÈÚ›‰Â˜: ÙËÏ.: 22840 52540. ∏ ηχÙÂÚË ı¤· ÛÙË ¡¿o˘Û·.
Astir of Paros: ÙËÏ.: 22840 51976. Deluxe ÍÂÓo‰o¯Â›o Ì oχ ˆÚ·›·
Holiday Sun: ÙËÏ.: 22840 91284-5, 22840 91288. XÙÈṲ̂ÓÔ ÛÙËÓ ·Ú·Ï›· Ù˘ ¶Ô‡ÓÙ·, ¿Óˆ ÛÙÔ Î‡Ì· Î·È ˘¤ÚÔ¯Ë ı¤· ÛÙÔ AÈÁ·›Ô Ì ÚÒÙÔ
Lefkes Village: ÙËÏ.: 22840 41827, 22840 42398. ™ÙȘ ·Ú˘Ê¤˜ Ùo˘ ¯ˆÚÈo‡ §Â‡Î˜, ¯ÙÈṲ̂Óo Ì ÌÂÚ¿ÎÈ Î·È Û‚·ÛÌfi ÛÙËÓ ·ÈÁ·ÈoÂÏ·Á›ÙÈÎË
ÏfiÁoÈ o˘ oÏÏo› ÂÈϤÁo˘Ó ÙȘ Lefkes ÁÈ· Á·Ì‹ÏȘ ‰ÂÍÈÒÛÂȘ, ÁÈoÚÙ¤˜
¶OÀ ¡∞ º∞∆∂:
ªÂÏÙ¤ÌÈ: ÙËÏ.: 22840 51263. ™ÙË ¡¿o˘Û·. ∫ÚËÙÈ΋ Îo˘˙›Ó· Ì ı¤· Ùo ÏÈÌ¿ÓÈ.
O˘˙ÂÚ› ÙˆÓ ¡·˘ÙÈÎÒÓ (TÛ·¯›Ó˘): ÙËÏ.: 22840 51662. ¶·Ú·‰oÛÈ·Îfi
o˘˙ÂÚ› ÛÙo ÏÈÌ·Ó¿ÎÈ Ù˘ ¡¿o˘Û·˜, Ì ÊÚ¤ÛÎo „¿ÚÈ Î·È ¿ÏÏo˘˜ ı·Ï·ÛÛÈÓo‡˜ ÌÂ˙¤‰Â˜.
Mario: ÙËÏ.: 22840 51047. TÔ Ó¤Ô ÂÛÙÈ·ÙfiÚÈÔ Ù˘ ¡¿Ô˘Û·˜, Ì ÚÔÛÂÁ̤ÓË ‰ËÌÈÔ˘ÚÁÈ΋ ÎÔ˘˙›Ó·. °Â˘Ù›Ù ÊÚ¤Ûη ÔÛÙÚ·ÎÔÂȉ‹, ÚˆÙfiÙ˘˜
¶ÂÚ‚oÏ·ÚÈ¿: 22840 51598, 22840 51721. ÿÛˆ˜ Ë ÌoÓ·‰È΋ fi·ÛË ÛÙË
¡¿o˘Û·. ¶oχ ˆÚ·›o˜ Î·È ÌÂÁ¿Ïo˜ ΋o˜, ˘¤Úo¯Â˜ Á‡ÛÂȘ.
ÃÚ‹ÛÙo˜: ÙËÏ.: 22840 51901. EÏÏËÓÈ΋ Î·È ‰ÈÂıÓ‹˜ Îo˘˙›Ó· Û ¤Ó·
fiÌoÚÊo ÂÚÈ‚¿ÏÏoÓ.
¢¿ÊÓË: ÙËÏ.: 22840 22075. EÏÏËÓÈ΋ Îo˘˙›Ó·, ÛÙo ΤÓÙÚo Ù˘ ¶·ÚoÈÎÈ¿˜.
OnBlue 28
Lefkes Village: tel.: 22840 91284-5, 22840 91288. At the outskirts of
Lefkes, designed with respect to the Cycladic architecture. Warm
hospitality and its exceptional cuisine, are some of the reasons why it is a
preferred choice for wedding receptions, celebrations, and other events.
Meltemi: tel.: 22840 51263. In Naoussa. Cretan cuisine and a view to the port.
Ouzeri ton Naftikon (Tsahpinis): tel.: 22840 51662. Traditional eatery at
the port of Naoussa, which serves ouzo, fresh fish and seafood
Mario: tel: 22840 51047. The new restaurant of Naoussa, with superior
cuisine. Taste fresh shellfish, original salads and delectable lobster pasta.
Pervolaria: tel.: 22840 51598, 22840 51721. Perhaps the single «oasis»
in Naoussa, with a beautiful big garden and delectable cuisine.
Christos: tel.: 22840 51901. Greek and international cuisine in a
beautiful setting.
Daphne: tel.: 22840 22075. Greek cuisine, in the center of Parikia.
Damianos: tel.: 22840 51057, 22840 51100. Fresh fish and amazing fish
delicacies, in the Ambela bay, overlooking Naxos.
Stavros: tel.: 22840 41404. Stavros Kavalaris’ 30-year experience
promises excellent cuisine and impeccable service.
In a pleasant and clean setting, overlooking the little cove at Pisso Livadi,
you will enjoy fish and anything else your heart desires.
Thea ex Anatolon: tel.: 22840 91220. Traditional delicacies by Greeks
from Constantinople, the Black Sea, and Smyrna, supervised by Nikos.
In Pounta, overlooking Antiparos.
Pezoula tis Lichoudias: Pies, phyllo desserts, fruit in syrup, homemade
by Efi. In Lefkes.
Nostos: The summer version of the known Athenian bar. In Naoussa.
Vareladiko: Spacey area with Greek and mainstream music.
15/07/05 13:27
™ÂÏ›‰· 7
º¿Ú·Áη˜: ªo˘ÛÈ΋ Î·È ‰ÚoÛÂÚ¿ oÙ¿ ÛÙËÓ ·Ú·Ï›·. ™Ùo º¿Ú·Áη.
ªoÓ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈ: ¢˘Ó·Ù‹ Ìo˘ÛÈ΋ Ì top Djs Î·È ÛoÚ ‰Ú·ÛÙËÚÈfiÙËÙ˜ ÛÙËÓ
·Ú·Ï›·. ™ÙË ¡¿o˘Û·.
Blue Lounge: X·Ï¿ÚˆÛË Î·È ‰È·ÛΤ‰·ÛË ÛÙËÓ ·Ú·Ï›· Ù˘ ¶¤Ú· MÂÚÈ¿˜. ™ÙËÓ ¶·ÚoÈÎÈ¿.
™˘ÌfiÛÈo: ∞fi Ù· ηχÙÂÚ· meeting points Ù˘ ¶·ÚoÈÎÈ¿˜. E˘¯¿ÚÈÛÙË
Ìo˘ÛÈ΋, ηٷÏËÎÙÈο ÁÏ˘Î¿ Î·È Á¢ÛÙÈÎfiٷ٘ ÎÚ¤˜.
¢›ÛÙÚ·Ùo: ™Â ¤Ó· ‰›ÛÙÚ·Ùo Ù˘ ¶·ÚoÈÎÈ¿˜, ÁÈ· ηʤ Î·È ÍÂÎo‡Ú·ÛË.
Kialoa: ∞fi Ù· ηχÙÂÚ· ηʤ Ì·Ú Ù˘ fiÏ˘.
Coffee Cup: ™ÙoÓ ·Ú·ÏÈ·Îfi ‰ÚfiÌo Ù˘ ¶·ÚoÈÎÈ¿˜, ÌÈ· ˘¤Úo¯Ë ‚ÂÚ¿ÓÙ· Ì ı¤· ÛÙo ∞ÈÁ·›o.
∏ ¶¿Úo˜ ‰È·ı¤ÙÂÈ oÚÈṲ̂Ó˜ ·fi ÙȘ Èo fiÌoÚʘ Î·È ÎoÛÌÈΤ˜ ·Ú·Ï›Â˜
ÙˆÓ ∫˘ÎÏ¿‰ˆÓ. ∂›Û˘, Â›Ó·È ¤Ó· ·fi Ù· ·Á·Ë̤ӷ ÓËÛÈ¿ ÙˆÓ surfers.
∫oÏ˘Ì‹ıÚ˜: ¢›Ï· ÛÙË ¡¿o˘Û·. ªÈÎÚ¿ ÏÈÌ·Ó¿ÎÈ· Ì ÙËÓ Í¯ˆÚÈÛÙ‹
oÌoÚÊÈ¿ o˘ ÙÔ˘˜ ¯·Ú›˙o˘Ó oÈ ‚Ú¿¯oÈ-ÁÏ˘Ù¿.
ªoÓ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈ: ¶oχ ˆÚ·›· ·Ú·Ï›·, ÛÂ Û˘Ó‰˘·ÛÌfi Ì ˘¤Úo¯Ë Ìo˘ÛÈ΋,
™¿ÓÙ· ª·Ú›·: OÚÁ·ÓˆÌ¤ÓË ·Ú·Ï›·. EӉ›ÎÓ˘Ù·È ÁÈ· Ùo˘˜ Ï¿ÙÚÂȘ Ùo˘ surf.
¶o‡ÓÙ·: °È· ‚o˘ÙȤ˜, ·ÏÏ¿ ÂÚÈÛÛfiÙÂÚo ÁÈ· extreme sports, oÙ¿, ¯oÚfi
Î·È shopping.
ÃÚ˘Û‹ ∞ÎÙ‹: OÚÁ·ÓˆÌ¤ÓË ·ÌÌo˘‰ÂÚ‹ ·Ú·Ï›·.
¡¤· ÃÚ˘Û‹ ∞ÎÙ‹: ŸÙ·Ó oÈ ¿ÓÂÌoÈ Â›Ó·È ‰˘Ó·Ùo›, Á›ÓÂÙ·È ÛËÌ›o Û˘ÁΤÓÙÚˆÛ˘ ÙˆÓ surfers.
¶›Ûˆ §È‚¿‰È: ¢È¿Ê·Ó· ÎÚ˘ÛÙ¿ÏÏÈÓ· ÓÂÚ¿ Î·È oÏÏ‹ ËÚÂÌ›·.
§·ÁΤÚÈ: ªoÓ·¯È΋ ·Ú·Ï›· Ì ηٷÁ¿Ï·Ó· ÓÂÚ¿.
¶·Ú·ÛfiÚo˜: ªÈ· ·fi ÙȘ Èo oÚÁ·ÓˆÌ¤Ó˜ ·Ú·Ï›Â˜, ÎoÓÙ¿ ÛÙËÓ
∞Á›· ∂ÈÚ‹ÓË: ◊ÚÂÌË ·Ú·Ï›· Ì ¯o˘ÚÌ·‰È¤˜.
Molos Beach: ∞ÌÌo˘‰ÂÚ‹ ·Ú·Ï›· ÎoÓÙ¿ ÛÙo ¯ˆÚÈfi ª¿ÚÌ·Ú·.
OnBlue 30
Privilege: Entertainment until the wee hours in the morning. In Naoussa.
Linardo: A classic club established for many years, featuring dancing
music. In Naoussa.
Agosta: At the Naoussa harbor, this is the perfect place to «see and be seen».
Café Del Mar: Dancing music and a romantic atmosphere at the
Naoussa harbor.
Sofrano: Soul, funk, and latin music, at the Naoussa harbor.
Ayola Bar: In the heart of Naoussa. You will have an unforgettable night
listening to Greek music.
Pounta Beach Club: All-day fun. At Pounta, Narpissa.
Santa Maria: For coffee, drinks, and swimming. At Santa Maria.
Faragas: Music and refreshing drinks on the beach. In Faragas.
Monastiri: Loud music by top Djs and water sports. In Naoussa.
Blue Lounge: Relaxation and entertainment on the beach at Pera Meria,
in Parikia.
Symposio: One of the best meeting points in Parikia. Pleasant music,
luscious desserts and delicious crepes.
Distrato: On a crossroads, in Parikia, enjoy a relaxing cup of coffee.
Kialoa: One of the best café-bars in town.
Coffee Cup: On the coastal road of Parikia, with a magnificent view of
the Aegean from its veranda.
Kolybithres: Next to Naoussa. Small coves with sculpted rocks.
Monastiri: A beautiful beach that combines good music, cocktails, and
ski lessons.
Santa Maria: Organized beach. Ideal for surfers who comes from all
over the world.
Pounta: Great for diving, extreme sports, drinks, dancing, e.t.c.
Chryssi Akti: Organized sandy beach.
Nea Chryssi Akti: When the winds get strong, it attracts surfers.
15/07/05 13:27
™ÂÏ›‰· 8
¶·ÚÔÈÎÈ¿, ¶·Ó·Á›· EηÙÔÓÙ·˘ÏÈ·Ó‹/Parikia, Church of Ekatontapyliani
∞•π∑∂π ¡∞ ¢∂π∆∂:
∆o ¡·fi Ù˘ ∂ηÙoÓÙ·˘ÏÈ·Ó‹˜: To Ûo˘‰·ÈfiÙÂÚo ·Ï·Èo¯ÚÈÛÙÈ·ÓÈÎfi
ÌÓËÌ›o Ù˘ EÏÏ¿‰·˜, Ì·˙› Ì ÙËÓ ∞¯ÂÈÚoo›ËÙo Î·È ÙoÓ ÕÁÈo ¢ËÌ‹ÙÚÈo
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«∫·Ù·oÏÈ·Ó‹», ÁÈ·Ù› ‚ÚÈÛÎfiÙ·Ó «Î·Ù¿ ÙËÓ fiÏÈÓ», Úo˜ Ùo ̤Úo˜, ‰ËÏ·‰‹, Ù˘ ·Ú¯·›·˜ fiÏ˘. ∆o fiÓoÌ· ∂ηÙoÓÙ·˘ÏÈ·Ó‹, o˘ ÂÈÎÚ¿ÙËÛ ÙÂÏÈο, Â›Ó·È ‰ËÌÈo‡ÚÁËÌ· ÙˆÓ ÏoÁ›ˆÓ Ùo˘ 17o˘ ·È., o˘ ı¤ÏËÛ·Ó Ó· Û˘ÁÎÚ›Óo˘Ó ÙË ÌÂÁ·ÏoÚ¤ÂÈ· Ùo˘ Ó·o‡ Ì ·˘Ù‹ Ùo˘ ∂ηÙfioÏo˘ ÙˆÓ ·Ú¯·›ˆÓ £Ë‚ÒÓ Ù˘ ∞ÈÁ‡Ùo˘. ª¤Û· ·fi Ùo˘˜ ıÚ‡Ïo˘˜ Ùo˘ µ˘˙·ÓÙ›o˘, ÍÂÎÈÓ¿ Ë ÈÛÙoÚ›· Ù˘ ∂ηÙoÓÙ·˘ÏÈ·Ó‹˜, o˘ Èı·ÓfiÓ oÈÎo‰oÌ‹ıËΠÙoÓ 4o
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ÛÙËÓ ∫o›ÌËÛË Ù˘ £ÂoÙfiÎo˘. ¶ÚoÛ¢¯‹ıËÎÂ Î·È ¤Î·Ó ¤Ó· Ù¿Ì·: AÓ ‚ÚÂÈ
ÙoÓ ∆›ÌÈo ™Ù·˘Úfi, Ó· ÎÙ›ÛÂÈ ÛÙË ı¤ÛË ·˘Ù‹ ¤Ó· ÌÂÁ¿Ïo Ó·fi. ∏ ÚoÛ¢¯‹
Ù˘ ÂÈÛ·Îo‡ÛıËÎÂ Î·È Ë ∞Á›· ∂ϤÓË Ú·ÁÌ·Ùoo›ËÛ ÙËÓ ˘fiÛ¯ÂÛ‹ Ù˘.
§Â‡Î˜: ∆o ·Ó¤ÌoÚÊo oÚÂÈÓfi ¯ˆÚÈfi Ù˘ ¶¿Úo˘, Ì ٷ ¯·Ú·ÎÙËÚÈÛÙÈο
οٷÛÚ· Û›ÙÈ·, Â›Ó·È ¯ÙÈṲ̂Óo ·ÌÊÈı·ÙÚÈο. ¶·ÓÙo‡ ‰È·ÎÚ›ÓoÓÙ·È ‰Â›ÁÌ·Ù· Ï·˚΋˜ ·Ú¯ÈÙÂÎÙoÓÈ΋˜, Ì ¯·Ú·ÎÙËÚÈÛÙÈΤ˜ fiÚÙ˜, Â˙o‡Ï˜, ËÁ¿‰È· Î·È Ï·ÎfiÛÙÚˆÙ·. ∞Ó·ÙoÏÈο Ùo˘ ¯ˆÚÈo‡ ‚Ú›ÛÎÂÙ·È Ë ÂÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘
∞Á›·˜ ∆ÚÈ¿‰·˜, o˘ ·oÙÂÏ› ¤Ó· Ú·ÁÌ·ÙÈÎfi ÎfiÛÌËÌ· ·fi Ì¿ÚÌ·Úo.
∞Í›˙ÂÈ Ó· ÂÚ·Ù‹ÛÂÙ ÛÙo ‚˘˙·ÓÙÈÓfi Ï·ÎfiÛÙÚˆÙo ‰ÚfiÌo o˘ ÍÂÎÈÓ¿
‚oÚÂÈo‰˘ÙÈο Ùo˘ ¯ˆÚÈo‡ ¶Úfi‰ÚoÌo˜ Î·È Î·Ù¢ı‡ÓÂÙ·È Úo˜ ÙȘ §Â‡Î˜.
Studio Yria: ™ÙËÓ ¶¿Úo ·fi Ùo 1977, ¤¯ÂÈ Î·Ù·Ê¤ÚÂÈ Ó· ·oÎÙ‹ÛÂÈ
‰ÈÂıÓ‹ ·Ó·ÁÓÒÚÈÛË ¯¿ÚË ÛÙ· ˘¤Úo¯· ÎÂÚ·ÌÈο Ùo˘. ™Â ¤Ó· ηٿÏÏËÏ· ‰È·ÌoÚʈ̤Óo ÂÚÈ‚¿ÏÏoÓ Ì ı¤· Ùo ¯ˆÚÈfi ∫ÒÛÙo˜, Ùo Yria
¯ÚËÛÈÌooÈ› ÚˆÙfiÙ˘· Û¯¤‰È· ÂÌÓ¢Ṳ̂ӷ ·fi ÙËÓ ÎÏ·ÛÈ΋, ÙË
‚˘˙·ÓÙÈÓ‹ Î·È ÙË Û‡Á¯ÚoÓË ·ÈÛıËÙÈ΋ ·ÓÙ›ÏË„Ë. OÈ ‰ËÌÈo˘ÚÁo› Ùo˘,
™Ù¤ÏÈo˜ °Î›Î·˜ Î·È Monique Mailloux, Ï·ÈÛȈ̤ÓoÈ ·fi ÓÙfiÈo˘˜ Ì¿ÛÙoÚ˜, ·Ú¿Áo˘Ó ¯ÚËÛÙÈο, Û˘ÏÏÂÎÙÈο ÎÂÚ·ÌÈο, οÓoÓÙ·˜ Ùo
Studio Yria ÌoÓ·‰ÈÎfi ÛÙËÓ ∂ÏÏ¿‰·.
OnBlue 32
Pisso Livadi: Crystal clear waters and tranquility.
Lageri: Secluded beach with emerald waters.
Parasporos: A very well-organized beach, near Parikia.
Aghia Irini: Serene beach flanked with date-trees.
Molos Beach: Sandy beach near the village of Marmaras.
The Ekatontapyliani Church: The most important Early-Christian
monument in Greece, together with the Achiropeitos and St. Demetrius
in Thessaloniki. It stands on the northeast part of Parikia, very close to
the port. Its original name was probably «Katapoliani», due to its vicinity
to the ancient town («kata tin polin»: toward the town). The name
«Ekatontapyliani» was coined by scholars of the 17th century, who
aimed to compare the magnificence of the church with that of the
temple of Ekatopolos in ancient Thebes, Egypt. The story of
Ekatontapyliani, built most probably in the 4th century AD, springs from
Byzantine legends. On her way to the Holy Land on a quest for the Holy
Cross, St. Helen made a stop at Paros, where she found a small temple,
one of the first of the new religion, dedicated to the Dormition of Virgin
Mary. Saint Helen prayed and promised that if she found the Holy
Cross, she would build a big church in its place. Her prayers were
answered and Saint Helen kept her promise.
Lefkes: A gorgeous mountain village, with whitewashed houses, built
amphitheatrically. Elements of local architecture –characteristic
doorways, ledges, wells, and flagstones– are evident everywhere. On
the Eastern part of the village, the marble church of the Holy Trinity is the
crown jewel of the area. Take a stroll down the Byzantine flagstone street
that starts at the Northwest of Prodromos village and ends up at Lefkes.
Studio Yria: On Paros since 1977, it has gained international acclaim due
to its unique pottery art. In an especially designed setting, overlooking
Kostos village, Yria uses original designs inspired by the classical,
Byzantine, and modern traditions. Its owners, Stelios Gikas and Monique
15/07/05 13:27
™ÂÏ›‰· 9
§Â‡Î˜, ·ÓÔÚ·ÌÈ΋ ¿Ô„Ë/Lefkes, panoramic view
ºÚo‡ÚÈo Ù˘ ¡¿o˘Û·˜: OÈÎo‰oÌ‹ıËΠÙoÓ 15o ·È. ·fi Ùo˘˜ ¿Ú¯oÓÙ˜
™oÌ·Ú›ÙÙ·. ∆· ÂÚ›È¿ Ùo˘ ‰ËÌÈo˘ÚÁo‡Ó ÌÈ· ηٷÏËÎÙÈ΋ ÂÈÎfiÓ·, ÛÂ Û˘Ó‰˘·ÛÌfi Ì ٷ oχ¯ÚˆÌ· η˝ÎÈ· o˘ ‚Ú›ÛÎoÓÙ·È ‰Â̤ӷ ÛÙo ÏÈÌ·Ó¿ÎÈ.
∆o Û›ÙÈ Ù˘ ÏoÁoÙ¯ӛ·˜: (∂.∫∂.ª∂.§): ¶·ÏÈfi˜ ·Ú·‰oÛÈ·Îfi˜ ÍÂÓÒÓ·˜, fio˘ ÊÈÏoÍÂÓ‹ıËÎ·Ó ÌÂÚÈÎo› ·fi Ùo˘˜ ÌÂÁ·Ï‡ÙÂÚo˘˜ Û˘ÁÁÚ·Ê›˜, fiˆ˜ o µ·Û›Ï˘ µ·ÛÈÏÈÎfi˜ Î·È Ë ∂˘ÁÂÓ›· º·Î›Óo˘, oÈ oo›oÈ ·Ó·Ê¤Úo˘Ó ÙËÓ ¶¿Úo ÛÙ· ‚È‚Ï›· Ùo˘˜.
Mailloux, surrounded by local craftsmen, produce versatile, collectible
ceramics, making Studio Yria a one-of-a-kind workshop in Greece.
The Fortress of Naoussa: It was built in the 15th century by the rulers of
Somaritta. Its ruins create a stunning view that complements perfectly
the image of the colorful boats at the harbor.
The House of Literature: Old, traditional hotel where acclaimed Greek
writers have stayed over the years, such as Vassilis Vassilikos and
Eugenia Fakinou, who mention Paros frequently in their works.
■ EÈÛÎÂÊı›Ù Ùo oÈÓooÈ›o ªˆÚ·˝ÙË ÁÈ· Ó· ‰oÎÈÌ¿ÛÂÙÂ Î·È Ó·
·ÁoÚ¿ÛÂÙ ÎÚ·ÛÈ¿ Ù˘ ¶¿Úo˘.
■ ¶·Ú·ÎoÏo˘ı‹ÛÙ ÛÙË ¡¿o˘Û· ÙË ÁÈoÚÙ‹ ÎÚ·ÛÈo‡ Î·È „·ÚÈo‡ ÛÙȘ
·Ú¯¤˜ πo˘Ï›o˘.
■ ªË ¯¿ÛÂÙ Ùo ·ÁÎfiÛÌÈo ÚˆÙ¿ıÏËÌ· surf kite.
*∂˘¯·ÚÈÛÙo‡Ì ÙoÓ ¢‹Ì·Ú¯o ¶¿Úo˘, °È¿ÓÓË ƒ·ÁÎo‡ÛË, Ùo ERKYNA
Travel Î·È ÙoÓ ¢ËÌ‹ÙÚË ¶ÂÙÚfio˘Ïo ÁÈ· ÙË ‚o‹ıÂÈ¿ Ùo˘˜.
*We extend sincere thanks to the Mayor of Paros,Yiannis Ragoussis,
ERKYNA Travel, and Demetris Petropoulos for their help.
■ Visit the Moraites winery to taste or purchase local wine.
■ Don’t miss the wine festival in Naoussa and the fish festival in the
beginning of July.
■ Don’t miss the world tournament of surf kite.
¶ø™ £∞ ¶∞∆∂:
∞fi ¶ÂÈÚ·È¿: ∫·ıËÌÂÚÈÓ¿ ÛÙȘ 07:25 & 17:30 Ì ÙÔ F/B Blue Star Paros
& F/B Blue Star Naxos. K¿ı ∆Ú›ÙË, ¶·Ú·Û΢‹ & ∫˘Úȷ΋ ÛÙȘ 21:00 *
Ì ÙÔ F/B Blue Star Ithaki. * πÛ¯‡ÂÈ ·fi 01/07/05 ¤ˆ˜ 04/09/05
∞fi ƒ·Ê‹Ó·: ∫·ıËÌÂÚÈÓ¿ ÛÙȘ 07:40 Ì ÙÔ Catamaran Seajet 2.
From Piraeus: Daily departures at 07:25 & 17:30 with F/B Blue Star
Paros & Blue Star Naxos. Every Tuesday, Friday & Sunday at 21:00*
with F/B Blue Star Ithaki. * Valid from 01/07/05 until 04/09/05
From Rafina: Daily at 07:40 with Catamaran Seajet 2.
ÛÙ· ÁÚ·Ê›· Blue Star Ferries: ∞£∏¡∞ / ¶∂πƒ∞π∞™,
ÙËÏ.: 210 891 9800. £∂™™∞§√¡π∫∏, ÙËÏ.: 2310 560 800
For information & reservations please contact your travel agent or
Blue Star Ferries:ATHENS/PIRAEUS, tel:(+30) 210 891 9800.
THESSALONIKI, tel: (+30) 2310 560 800
OnBlue 34

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