Travel Phrases 35 Il conto per favore. The check please.


Travel Phrases 35 Il conto per favore. The check please.
Travel Phrases Lesson 35
Il conto per favore. The check please.
Cameriere: Vuole qualcos’altro?
Waiter: Would you like something else?
Cliente uomo: Il conto per favore.
Male customer: The check please.
Cameriere: Ecco a Lei, signore.
Waiter: Here you go Sir.
Cameriere: Desidera qualcos’altro?
Waiter: Do you wish for anything else?
Cliente donna: No, grazie. Il conto per Female customer: No thank you. The bill
Cameriere: Subito signora.
Waiter: Right away Madam.
Cliente donna: Posso pagare con carta di Female customer: Can I pay by credit card?
Waiter: Certainly.
Cameriere: Certamente.
Waiter: I’m sorry. We only accept cash.
Cameriere: Mi dispiace. Accettiamo solo
You have finished eating and the waiter comes over to the table to take the last plate when he says
Vuole qualcos’altro? Would you like something else?
The first word vuole means, would you like.
This is followed by qualcos’ a contracted form meaning something.
And finally altro, which means else.
If you don’t want anything else, you can now answer Il conto per favore. The check please.
The first word is il meaning the, masculine singular definite article.
This is followed by conto, which can be translated as check, in this situation.
And finally we have the two words per favore, meaning please.
Once the check is ready the waiter will come over and say Ecco a Lei, signore. Here you go Sir.
The first three words are Ecco a Lei. Here you go. formal.
The last word is signore meaning Sir.
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Another way the waiter might approach you after you have finished your last order is Desidera
qualcos’altro? Do you wish for anything else?
The first word is desidera meaning, do you wish for, as it is a question sentence.
The next word is qualcos’ a contracted form meaning anything.
Followed by altro, which in this sentence means else.
If you don’t want anything else you can answer No, grazie. Il conto per favore. No thank you. The
bill please.
The sentence starts with no, which means no.
This is followed by grazie, which you know means thank you.
The next word is il, the, masculine singular definite article.
Followed by conto meaning bill.
Finally there are two words per favore that mean please.
The waiter might answer with Subito signora. Right away Madam.
The first word is subito and it means right away.
The last word is signora meaning Madam.
You want to pay by credit card, so you ask Posso pagare con carta di credito? Can I pay by credit
The first word is posso and it means can I.
The next word is pagare meaning pay.
Then we have con, which literally means, with.
And finally the three words carta di credito meaning credit card.
If you are in luck the waiter will answer Certamente. Certainly.
If instead you cannot pay by credit card, the waiter might answer Mi dispiace. Accettiamo solo
contanti. I’m sorry. We only accept cash.
The first two words are mi dispiace meaning I’m sorry.
The next word is accettiamo meaning we accept.
Then we have solo, which means, only.
And finally contanti meaning cash.
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