The Goodly Spellbook: Olde Spells For Modern


The Goodly Spellbook: Olde Spells For Modern
The Goodly Spellbook: Olde Spells For Modern
Problems [Il Libro Degli Incantesimi: Antiche Formule
Magiche Per Risolvere Problemi Attuali]
by HPS Lady Passion
I find this book complicated and trying too hard. "Lady Passion" leads us through her book like a blind man
through a cave. She may be a great sorceress, but she is expecting you to already know what you are doing. There
is no hand-holding for beginning practitioners and she does specify that it is a book to be used by advanced
witches. However, I find the spell and craft work to be excellent, with explanations, where to find ingredients, and
how the spell turned out for her.|This is impressive and thorough. However, I have not found it of a great deal of
use because the approach to witchcraft is very explicitly Gardnerian and anti-Robert Cochrane. I am very much the
Robert&assortedNigels type of shamanic witch today, and almost none of the Wicca I studied as a teenager has
stuck with me.