Bulletin 2016 07 10 - St Anthony`s Parish


Bulletin 2016 07 10 - St Anthony`s Parish
St. Anthony Church
123 Hilldale Road
Thunder Bay,
Fax: 768-9366
Email: [email protected]
Ph: 768-1878
P7G 1H6
St. Anthony’s Parish is a Catholic Faith
community rich in cultural diversity
with a strong flavor of identity.
Our mission is to foster a strong spiritual growth of life and faith in our families, community and society by sharing
the gift of our time, treasures and talents.
We hope to do this with a Spirit of
Christian generosity that brings us
closer to the blessing of unity, peace
and reconciliation.
Like St. Anthony called to love and to
serve - we try our best in following
Christ on the road of this world using
God-given gifts for his glory and for
the good of our brothers and sisters.
Rev. Luigi Filippini Deacon
Rev. Dave Cattani
Office Admin
Mary Stefanile
Raffaele Stefanile
Rite Christian Initiation Adults R.C.I.A.
Call office 768-1878
St. Anthony Parish Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
9:00am-12 noon
1:00pm- 4:00pm
Church Groups & Ministries
- Contact the office at 768-1878
Contact the office
Altar Servers
Hospitality Ministry
Jerry Sottile
Communion to the Sick Contact the office
Music Ministry
Laura Daniele
Children’s Liturgy
Sandi Krasowski
Ministers of the Word
Louis Romito
Pastoral Council
Rory Cava
Knights of Columbus
Vic Augruso
Eucharistic Ministers
Helen Iorianni
Catholic Women’s League
Virginia Butorac
Finance Council
Tom Mihaljevic
Holy Name Society
Tom Mihaljevic
Deacon Dave & Suzanne Cattani
Maria Floreancig
Youth Ministry
Pasquale & Sandra Coccimiglio
Sandra Coccimiglio
For Daily & Weekend Mass Intentions see inside
5:00 PM (English)
9:00 AM (Italian - English)
11:00 AM (English)
Parish Census Forms at Church entrance or call the Office.
Parish Membership & Baptism class required. Please contact the Office.
Parish Membership & Preparation required. Contact Office 6 months in advance.
Reconciliation - Confession:
Saturday 4:00pm & 30 min. before each Daily Mass or on request.
Anointing of the sick:
Every First Friday of the Month during the Mass & on request.
Church & Hall at one level:
Wheelchair Access & Washroom Facilities available.
Hall: 768-9368 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 10, 2016
Your words, Lord, are spirit and life;
you have the words of everlasting life.
The parable of the
Good Samaritan is
one of our Lord’s best
known short stories.
When a lawyer approaches Jesus inquiring as to who his
neighbor is, Jesus directs his attention to
what being a good
neighbor entails. He
paints a portrait of a man who was robbed on the
road from Jerusalem to Jericho and beaten within an ace of his life. The Priest and the Levite
passed by on the other side of the road, because
to touch the dead body would have meant their
exclusion from religious service in the Temple.
Their brand of worship was not inspired by the
love of neighbor but by religious duty. The unlikely hero of the story turns out to be a Samaritan
who acting out of sheer love and generosity instead of a sense of duty, opened his heart and
recognized a neighbor even in a despised Jew.
On Sunday, July 10th,
Fr. Luigi will be doing a 100
km bike ride to Kakabeka
Falls and back to Church.
This is a fundraiser for our
parish to help with the major
repairs and to keep up with
other the parish accomodations. If y ou would like to
contribute to this fundraiser,
pledge sheets will continue
to be available in the Church
entrance or at the office. Thank you for your support
and good luck to everyone participating in the event!
The B.B.Q. has been rescheduled to Friday, July 15, 2016 at
6:00pm at the Coccimiglio
home. Please rsvp your attendance to Gabriela by email or
Facebook by Thursday, July 14,
2016. A heartfelt thanks to the
youth for their participation in
the group and parish events
throughout the year! Best wishes to the youth and their families for a fun, relaxing summer.
Sunday, August 7th at Whitewater Golf Club. Registration forms available from the Executive or at the office.
All registration forms and fees must be in no later than
August 1st.
THANK YOU to all of our talented musicians and choir
members who provide wonderful music for our spiritual
celebrations. If you are interested in sharing your talents with the church through joining the choir and/or
music ministry, please contact the parish
office 768-1878 for more information.
FIRST COMMUNION PHOTOS: To order your child’s
First Communion photo, please call Sandi
Krasowski at 767-0671. When your photos are ready,
you will be notified. Thank you.
SUNDAY MISSALS: If you would like to read and reflect on the readings of the day, Sunday readings, and
daily prayers, you may now download the free
Living with Christ app. If you would like to learn more
about the liturgy, go to www.livingwithchrist.ca
WEEKDAY SUMMER MASS TIMES: All weekly summer Masses will be said at 9:00am, Monday to Friday,
from July 1st until September 2nd. Regular Mass times
will commence again after September 2nd.
Thank you and God Bless.
A WARM WELCOME to all tourists and visitors who
come and join us for our Sunday Liturgy and take
time to come and worship with us. May they enjoy
the good weather and our friendship. Let us all be
present as a parish community to welcome them.
SUNDAY ENVELOPES: if you would like a box of
Sunday envelopes for 2017, please contact the office.
You must be registered with the parish in order to receive envelopes.
August due to maintenance and cleaning.
Thank you to all of our parishioners & visitors
for your continued generosity & support.
XV Domenica del Tempo Ordinario / C
Inoltre la parabola del
Buon Samaritano si
presta ad una ulteriore
lettura, presente già
negli scritti degli antichi
Padri della Chiesa: senza nulla togliere al suo
valore di esempio per
noi, essi vi hanno visto
anche un significato più
profondo. L'uomo che
scende da Gerusalemme a Gerico rappresenta tutti
gli uomini, per ciascuno dei quali la vita è una traversata del deserto; ciascuno è solo nel cammino
attraverso il "deserto" di questo mondo, dove incontra dei briganti che colpiscono "dentro" (le esperienze negative, le delusioni, l'inquietudine motivata dalle cause più diverse) e talora colpiscono duro, lasciandoci psicologicamente e spiritualmente mezzi
morti. Molti ci passano accanto senza prestarci
aiuto, o perché non si accorgono delle nostre ferite,
o perché sanno contrapporvi solo chiacchiere o,
peggio, perché non gliene importa nulla. Ma uno
c'è, che conosce minutamente lo stato di salute della nostra anima, la sa e la vuole curare. Quella del
buon samaritano è una parabola autobiografica: il
vero buon samaritano, attento e, se lo vogliamo,
disponibile per ciascuno di noi, è lui Gesu' il nostro
Salvatore e Redentore.
is in need for donations of food or money. They are
asking for donations of peanut butter, rice or potatoes.
Also, monetary donations will be used to purchase
perishable items. Donations can be dropped off at 420
George Street, 474-4357
for an opportunity to serve for an afternoon or two every
week? The Dew Drop Inn Soup Kitchen is in need of
volunteer dishwashers from 1:30pm-4:00pm, every day.
If interested or have any questions please contact
Kathleen at 632-2885 or [email protected]
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Spaghetti and meatball
take outs will take place on Thursdays on the following
summer dates: July 21st, August 11th and August 25th.
A reminder to bring a container to the take out event at
the Colombus Centre on May Street. Please call 6233252 for any questions.
July 11 — 17, 2016
Monday, July 11
All Parishioners
Franco Daniele
Vincenzo Maletta
9:00am English
E. & E. Sachetti
L. & M. Fragale
Tuesday, July 12
Maria Rosa Consolata Tino
9:00am Italian
Giuseppe & Family
Defunti Buragina, Desando, Veneziano & Grillo
M. & V. Buragina
Giuseppe Tassone
Bruno Larizza
Sorella Bruna & Family
F. Tassone & Family
Wednesday, July 13
Giuseppe Marino
Nazzarena Pelaia
Donato D’Angelo
9:00am English
L. & E. Caruso & Family
Italia & Family
Thursday, July 14
Raffaela Marino
9:00am Italian
Friday, July 15
Gary Buso
9:00am English
Saturday, July 16
Luigi & Angelina Valente
Rachele Costanzo
Concetta Costanzo Rizzo
Lauretta & Mario Filice
M. & R. Stefanile
M. Pascuzzo
Rosa Amato
Diego & Annalide Pauluzzo
Peter, Luigi & Teresa Fabiano
Carmelo & Dezan
M. & T. Iachetta
Lina & Family
Pina & Family
Vincenzo Maletta
Special Intention
Wife & Family
Luigi Carabelli, Pietro Fabiano & Gidia Barone
Giuseppe & Giuseppina & Antonio Bruno
Gina & Family
G. Fabiano & Family
Bruno Iannantuono & Antonietta & Michele Gaspare Vittoria & Fam.
Sunday, July 17
XVI Sunday in Ordinary Time
Maria Costanzo
M. Pascuzzo
In onore della Madonna del Carmine
Francesco & Allegrina DiGiuseppe
Italia & Family
Antonietta Fiorito
R. & G. Milano
Maria & Pino Casali
M. Bradizza
Emilia & Luigi Francella
Josie & Family
Mario Nucci
I. Paladino
Vittoria Longo
E. Rucchetto & Family
Giuseppantonio Rosso
Jose Cabral
Domenica Bava
Grace & Vegas Brito
Gilda & Joe DaRosa, & Joe Felix
Maria Teves
Jaime Costa
Paolo Galle
C. Carchidi
Wife & Family
M. & E. Caputo
M. Graca
Alda & Family
A. & J. Arruda
M. & I. Iachetta