Modifications to the testina MC DENON DL 103


Modifications to the testina MC DENON DL 103
Modifications to the testina MC DENON DL 103
Other article of Stefano on the modification
Denon DL 103 is one testina Moving Coil to lowland exited (round the 0.4mVolt) produced and developed
from the Denon and the technical department of the Japanese radio.
It was put in sale to the public in 1963. Still previously it was used in the Japanese wireless stations.
Therefore a product that is on the market from tantissimi years to new evidence of the extraordinary
quality of the departure plan.
It has a stilo to round
cut from 0.2 milimeter
which it is placed on
the cantilever with the
respect of the
guideline of grains of
the crystal. Moreover
the cantilever
particular structure to
double diameter has
The relationship quality
price of this
fonorivelatore is much
elevating and allows all
to try the high
raggiungibile quality
using one structure
moving coil.
However with a series of mechanical modifications of precision it is possible
to render such testina indeed an unequalled one and to carry its
performances in one zone of absolute excellence.
I have made such up-grade and want proporvelo.
The modification consists in eliminating the plastic shell that wraps all the testina .
Why one such modification?
A case is not sure that all better the more expensive testine and sonanti are "knots". Pack-saddles to cite
Sumiko, Benz, Tekne Audio. The protection shell is in effects a something in more whose only function is
that one protect the testina from eventual hits. To this positive effect of the shell if of contrappone one
much negative: it in fact risuona like one harmonic case going to speed up and to disturb the job of the
enclosed fonorivelatore to its inside.
I explain myself better: the shell encloses beyond to the precious fonorivelatore one sure air amount
confined in a closed volume. Such air comes excited from the vibrations of the cantilever and the
surrounding atmosphere. You can therefore imagine like fonorivelatore the jobs in a decidedly adverse
atmosphere. You could reply that such small effects son, are true, but still more small is the level of marks
them electrical worker who extracts to the heads of the coils therefore second me the effects of the
described disturbance is not at all negligible.
The testina completely remains cosi knot and consequently loses also necessary the advanced part for the
anchorage to the shell.
Therefore it goes prepared a piastrina that will go glue with Attack to the fonorivelatore.
The piastrina from constructed me is in carbon block, one particular grafite to high density distributed
from the Tekne Audio.
The choice of the carbon block is due to its excellent characteristics of absorption of the vibrations and this
is one characteristic absolutely irrenounceable in a critical point like that one of the implantation of the
testina to the shell. We remember in fact that the testina trasduce the vibration of the cantilever, caused
from I furrow of the black disc, in marks them electrical worker. It but is not in a position to recognizing
the vibrations that reach from the disc from that they reach from the external atmosphere. Therefore
second me the carbon block it allows to limit the vibrations that reach from the surrounding atmosphere
obtaining a meaningful improvement of the segnale/rumore relationship.
The dimensions of the piastrina are: thickness = 2,5 milimeter, width = 18mm, length = 21.5mm
Obviously he is not available in such dimension and you will have to cut it. It is much fragile therefore
attention. On it they will go then made two 12 holes of interasse milimeter in order to concur the
implantation with the shell.
In alternative to the carbon block you could use of the aluminum or brass but second me with the same
ones does not turn out to you.
Once prepared the slab and sgusciata the testina you will have together glue them with of the glue of the
Attack type. Fairies of the tests before without glue since once that Attack has made taken it will be
impossible to remove it.
An ulterior modification from made me has been the paint job of the cantilever with the vernicetta
dampening Super black of the Tekne Audio, it removes the electrostatic charges. The thing comes made
from Kiyoaki Imai on its fabulous testina Mc-6310. Obviously it must be a lot attention not to soil the stilo.
I listen of the modified testina cosi has given much satisfaction to me, in fact the sound is sure less
colorful and famous one feeling of smaller fatigue accompanied to supported dynamic contrasts more.
After all a more natural sound.
Famous important:
The sgusciaggio (than ugly word, I do not know if it exists in the dictionary, but renders the idea) from
remarkable increments of the sonorous quality but it is undoubtedly a practical rischiosa and the
possibility to break off the cantilever is tutt ' other that remote.
Above all before the time is risked to make a disaster poiche does not have practical the necessary one
and it is not known well which it is the better way than to proceed.
In fact I have all'.attivo 4 participations of which one he has gone badly.... He watches case has been just
the first one.
Therefore I have informed to you! You do not take it with month something goes storto!
To the limit they are available to make the participation, you contact to me and of we will discuss.
I have sold some to 280 euro all comprising (I cost approximately 160 euro I originate them), and I
extend the proposal to who of it I had necessity.
Hello to all
Stefano mailto:[email protected]
"On the situated Audiocostruzioni is appeared recently one book review, written up from author Stefano Buttafoco, relative
to the modification of the testina DenonDL-103, an historical piece in the panorama of testine MC, particularly appreciated
for the excellent relationship qualità/prezzo. Being some happy owner I have read with attention the possibility to eliminate
the hull of the testina, placing to knot the mobile crew and the inner wirings, to the aim to eliminate the possible
interactions of the same one in terms of sonorous yield.
Therefore I have taken apart and sent endured the testina to Stefano for l elaboration! Once returned to house I have
supplied to the installation of the same one on an arm SME 3009/II Improved, than in truth it is not the maximum in
terms of connection with the Denon, in how much a po' too much light. But this is what the convent passes for the
moment. It must endured to say that the assembly of the testina on the shell is rather delicate operation, to execute with
absolute calm. The testina is in fact completely knot, and the possibility to touch the wirings of marks them and of mass,
with disastrous consequences, it is concrete. The testina comes glue on a piece of carbon block, second the directives
Audio Tekne, in order to render the connection absolutely rigid testina/shell. This choice, as we will see more ahead, can
be a small problem if the system house electrical worker is not to the maximum of the condition... But we come to the
feelings of I listen. Once tarata the testina (attention that therefore knot comes inexorably attracted from superficial the
metallic ones!! Me of they are shrewed with the plate of Thorens 124 lacking in the mat
on which it was rested the bilancina of precision...) I begin I listen with a new new copy of "Selling England By The Pound"
with vinile from 200 grams, already tried with the Denon in version originates them. The feelings of I listen are absolutely
unforeseeable; the low range has acquired a depth and a secchezza absolutely disowned. The speed feeling is parimenti
remarkable, with sensa of air and a transparency disowned previously. Only the acute range leggermente appears more
hard, but the much most limpid one. I listen is truly being involved. Change LP and step to Norah Jones, always from 200
grams, Also in this case the feelings d I listen tried previously ripropongono, with one rendered splendid of the voice and
one remarkable depth of the sonorous scene. Step to Bill Evans (Conversation With Myself) and I enjoy one splendid
restitution of the pianoforte, absolutely liquid and real. Also the bugle of Chet Baker in "Chet" estrememente real and is
detailed. Incredible the sound of the labbra on the instrument. I return to the rock with TDSOTM of the Pink Floyd.
Excellent yield also in this case, also with the return of one sure sourness in acute range. It goes but said that my MF Xlps is not sure a pre phono from urlo, and this aspect with a pre can sure be improved of advanced class (even
to valves). We come hour to the hurting points of the operation. Of the delicacy of the testina after the cure we have said:
great attention in the assembly to risk of the disaster total (breach of thin the inner wirings much not to look at itself
nearly). The other problem what the undressed testina therefore stretches to behave itself like a receiving antenna,
characteristic is amplified from the presence of the support in carbon block (rich relative of the grafite, said...). The
presence of one net not particularly shielded electrical worker like mine, united to shell the metallic SME (azz... that
misfortune!!) door to having a more pronounced buzz that to the origin, where, evidently, the shell and the plastic hull
acted as a po' from screen. I have tried to isolate the shell and the carbon block, interposing of the scotch from hydraulic
engineer, and the things are improved. For the net electrical worker, unfortunately, I cannot makes us null...
In any case council warmly to all possessory of Denon the operation the remarkable advantages in terms of advanced
sonorous quality compensates wide the small brought back defects.
You then read the article appeared on VideoHiFi, with respect to the transformers of step-up specific for the Denon.
Insomma, with spold modica can indeed be had one specially built. It compliments to Stefano.
George Ferrari "mailto:[email protected]
Beloved David Sbisà, I send to you, united to the present message, the book review
of the testina Denon DL 103 modified from Stefano Buttafoco hoping to make
appreciate what to the friends of the situated one. In the book review you will find also some mine
considerations for the corrected one I use of the same one. I send to you also
photographies of the testina, the arm, the record player and the pre.
Cordial salutes
David De Nardi
Book review of the testina Denon DL103 modified from Stefano Buttafoco.
In my system, very playing by all accounts gets passionate it to you that they have had occasion to listen to it, did not
satisfy I the analogic section. The record player, a Acoustical 3100 with arm Sony PUA237, was senz' other bond, the
testina, a Goldring GX1012, also..... but the sound was not convincing. I have had confirmation of this impression
confronting it with an equipped Rega Planar 3 from a Sumiko Blue Point Special that a my friend has had the courtesy
lend to me. It goes well that the Sumiko costs 3 times the Goldring, but the difference was that one that exists between the
day and the night. Sound to scatolare, vlves is confused, in passages + complicates to you got lost the thread of the
Leggendo uno speciale di Alta Fedeltà del Suono, dedicato ai giradischi ed alle sorgenti analogiche, ho letto un
interessante articolo riguardante la possibilità di migliorare il suono delle MC denudandole, ovvero togliendone l'involucro
esterno che involontariamente funge da cassa armonica. Nello stesso articolo l'autore constatava che molte testine MC
ben suonanti (Sumiko BPS, Benz Glider, ecc.) con un elevato rapporto qualità prezzo erano tutte … nude.
La fama del suono della DL 103 è ampiamente consolidata e leggendo in l'articolo di Stefano
riguardante la modifica della 103 mi sono deciso a provare.
Dopo un rapido contatto con Stefano, persona cordiale e molto disponibile, ho finalmente ricevuto la mitica 103 modificata.
Il primo impatto non è stato incoraggiante……. Si capiva benissimo che l'oggetto aveva delle potenzialità enormi in termini
di dinamica, capacità di restituzione del dettaglio, ma il suono era piuttosto tagliente e completamente mancante di basse
frequenze….. A questo punto ho risentito Stefano per chiedergli lumi in merito. Stefano mi ha garantito che dopo un
rodaggio di almeno 30 ore il suono sarebbe cambiato.
Nel frattempo mi sono informato sulle dinamiche relative all'accoppiamento braccio - testina. Se non annoio le riporto
interamente, cercando di essere + chiaro possibile, in quanto penso possano essere utili a tutti gli appassionati. Il sistema
braccio-testina ha una propria frequenza di risonanza. Tale frequenza, per non interferire nell'ascolto, deve collocarsi tra
gli 8 ed i 15 Hertz. Se si colloca + in basso, specialmente con dischi molto ondulati, comporta notevoli escursioni dei
woofer, non molto simpatiche da vedere e soprattutto pericolose per l'integrità degli altoparlanti. Se si collocano + in alto
interferiscono con il segnale musicale, rendendo il suono molto spinto sulle medie ed alte frequenze, ma deficitario sulle
prime ottave.
La frequenza di risonanza del sistema braccio-testina si può calcolare matematicamente con la seguente formula:
Fr = 1000/2π*√(M*C)
1000 diviso 2 pigreco per radice di M per C
dove M è la massa del braccio + quella della testina espressa in grammi e C rappresenta la cedevolezza della testina
Dalla formula si può capire subito che testine con bassa cedevolezza vanno bene con bracci a massa medio/alta e testine
ad alta cedevolezza vanno bene con bracci a bassa massa.
Nel mio caso, il Sony PUA 237 (alleggerito) aveva una massa di 8 grammi, la Denon un peso di 8,9 grammi con una
cedevolezza pari a 5. Il tutto portava ad una frequenza di risonanza di 18 Hz circa…. troppi!
Ho provato ad appesantire il braccio con del blue tak ed i risultati si sono fatti subito sentire! Certo non volevo mantenere il
blue tak sul braccio, funzionale ma decisamente bruttino ed allora ho cercato un altro braccio.
Sono riuscito a scovare un braccio Grace 940, unipivot con smorzamento ai siliconi, stesse caratteristiche geometriche
del Sony e quindi stesso piano di foratura, ma massa pari a 19 grammi. Con questo la frequenza di risonanza dovrebbe
portarsi intorno ai 13 Hz.
Nel frattempo erano passate anche le 30 ore di rodaggio………
Dopo aver montato il Grace, aver tarato correttamente l'allineamento verticale, quello orizzontale ed aver effettuato la
dimatura del tutto mi sono messo finalmente all'ascolto. Sono rimasto a bocca aperta! Un disco che non sono mai riuscito
ad ascoltare, e credevo che fosse inciso male, "Nuvole" di De Andrè ora è godibilissimo. Le complicate trame sonore e la
dinamica di "Mega megun" vengono restituite dalla Denon con una facilità disarmante. Il suono è velocissimo, anche nei
passaggi + complicati non si perde uno strumento, le alte frequenze pur essendo estremamente analitiche non sono mai
taglienti od esagerate. Fatica di ascolto prossima allo zero. Medie frequenze dettagliate e naturali. Basse frequenze
presenti solo dove ci sono, non esiste un indistinto boom boom, ma dei bei bassi frenati e molto articolati.
Gli strumenti si collocano correttamente nello spazio con un'ottima profondità dei vari piani sonori.
Questo avviene anche con brani più tranquilli dove 3 o 4 strumenti eseguono musica acustica, jazz o da camera.
Pian piano sto riscoprendo tutti i miei dischi scoprendo particolari che prima non sentivo e me li sto davvero "gustando".
Un'altra nota positiva deriva dal fatto che la DL103 è poco sensibile alle cariche elettrostatiche ed ai piccoli difetti dei
dischi, cosa che avevo notato anche nella Sumiko BPS ed in altre MC.
In definitiva: se accoppiata con braccio adeguato (ovvero non a bassa massa) questa testina è in grado di restituire tanta
buona musica in maniera egregia. Il rapporto qualità prezzo, secondo me, ha dell'incredibile. Dimenticatevi di trovare
qualcosa che gli si avvicini in termini di musicalità, dinamica e capacità di dettaglio a meno di 500 Euro e forse ancora
Il mio impianto (ora) è così composto:
Giradischi Acoustical 3100 (25 Kg!), macchina poco conosciuta ma decisamente buona.
Braccio Grace GL940. Unipivot con smorzamento all'olio di silicone
Preamplificatore a valvole Beard CA 506 - Stadio MC con trasformatori
Finale a stato solido Audionics of Oregon CC2 - Sconosciuto a molti, ma estremamente apprezzato da chi lo conosce
Diffusori Diapason Micra
Lettore CD Philips 963SA - altra macchina dall'elevato rapporto qualità prezzo purtroppo commercializzata dalla Philips
solo per breve tempo
Condizionatore di rete Nadir Fidelio
Cavi di segnale, di potenza e di alimentazione: autocostruiti.
Allego fotografia del giradischi, braccio e testina
Spesa approssimativa 130/00 euro + trasporto
[email protected]