The Marptolemaic System Marptolemaeus, an hypothetical Mercian


The Marptolemaic System Marptolemaeus, an hypothetical Mercian
A.A. 2008/09
Anno: 2008/09
Titolo lavoro
Anna Lisa Frau,Clizia Micheletti, Carlo Augusto Pasquinucci
Liceo Scientifico Elio Vittorini, Milano
Via Donati 5/7-Milano
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Progetto selezionato FAST: I giovani e le scienze 2009
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ABSTRACT inglese
Brochure progetti selezionati FAST
The Marptolemaic System
Marptolemaeus, an hypothetical Mercian astronomer, has defined the
mathematic model of the cosmologic system.
This is the aim of our research: building the Mercian system,
supposing Mars to be at the centre of the universe.
Indeed, as the earthly Ptolemaeus decided to put his own planet, the
Earth, as point of reference, the same would do an astronomer born on
We have chosen Mars because it is the planet most similar to ours.
The Earth and Mars have nearly the same temperature, inclination and
rotation time.
Only the sun, the earthly planets and Phobos and Deimos, Mars’s
satellites have been taken into consideration, in order to delimit the
field of study.
Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, having surface
features reminiscent both of the impact craters of the Moon and the
volcanoes, valleys, deserts and polar ice caps of Earth. It is the site of
Olympus Mons, the highest known mountain in the Solar System, and
of Valles Marineris, the largest canyon.
Still, of all the planets in the Solar System other than Earth, Mars is
the most likely to harbor liquid water, and perhaps life.
The choice of an astronomic theme has been influenced by the fact
that 2009 has been proclaimed the year of astronomy because for the
first time four thousand years ago Galileo observed the sky with the
Lots of scientific programs have been used for our experiment, for
example Celestia, solar system simulator and Cabrì, a mathematic
Through Celestia pictures we have observed the universe from Mars
point of view and made many pictures of the planet’s position
compared with Mars.
Then, using Cabrì, we have calculated the corners respect to the
horizontal axis passing from Mars and the straight line from Mars to
the position of the planets.
As far as Deimos and Phobos are concerned, we have defined their
rotary laws and discovered that they move with a circular uniform
Besides the sun moves around Mars following an ellipse.
The other planets, Earth, Mercury and Venus, instead, describe orbits
which don’t appear in our earthly geometric books and that we have
imaginatively called “epiclissoidi”.
Another possible interpretation of the data recollected about these
three planets could be that they are satellites of the Sun.
The future developments of our research is the application of the
system of measurement and calculation, which we have applied to
Mars, to the other planets.
Another possibility could be the enlargement of the experiment to the
planets which we haven’t taken into consideration, the gaseous ones,
which are Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus.
This project has given us the occasion to work as a modern équipe,
improving our own skills and knowledge.
Come avrebbe potuto descrivere il sistema solare un astronomo
marziano? Quali sarebbero state le differenze con quello kepleriano e
con quello tolemaico? Un astronomo marziano, chiamato
Martolomeo, ha effettuato diverse osservazioni per ideare un sistema
matematico dell’universo con al centro il proprio pianeta. Usando
diversi strumenti informatici, simulatori astronomici e programmi
matematici, i tre ragazzi hanno aiutato il povero marziano
posizionandosi virtualmente sul pianeta rosso, fisicamente il più
simile alla Terra e spesso oggetto di studi e spedizioni spaziali, e da lì
hanno osservato il movimento dei satelliti marziani Phobos e Deimos
e di Mercurio, Terra, Venere e Sole.Con l’ausilio delle teorie
sviluppate dai principali astronomi terrestri, Tolomeo, Copernico,
Brahe e Keplero, hanno unito le necessarie nozioni di astronomia alle
osservazioni martecentriche per cercare di elaborare una teoria
astronomica chiamata martolemaica, scoprendo che Phobos e Deimos
si muovono di moto circolare uniforme intorno a Marte, mentre il
Sole si muove descrivendo un’orbita ellitica, e Venere, Terra e
Mercurio compiono un moto retrogrado descrivendo una particolare
curva, inesistente nei libri terrestri di geometria, che i ragazzi hanno
battezzato epiclissoide. Il loro intento è stato quello di partire da un
insolito punto di vista, abbandonando la visione propriamente umano
del geocentrismo, applicando la matematica all’astronomia e
rendendo un piccolo contributo alla celebrazione di questa grande
scienza poco studiata anche a livello liceale. Questo è un progetto di
fantastronomia, ideato in onore dell’ Anno Internazionale
dell’Astronomia 2009, proclamato dall’Assemblea Generale delle
Nazioni Unite.
Partecipazione Concorso
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Eventuale Premio
Partecipazione a “Settimana d’astronomo”presso l’Osservatorio
Inaf di Asiago