curricula mehari team english


curricula mehari team english
Alessandro Menardi Noguera graduated in Genoa in Earth Sciences in 1980 and he obtained the
PhD in Rome in 1987. He is the author of numerous scientific publications In the field of
Structural Geography. For this reason he won the Mario Oxilia Prize and a recognition from the
Italian Geologic Society.
He has been working for 27 years in the field of research and oil surveying in border areas
located in the most difficult regions of the world
At the moment he is a team leader for the ENI with the title of Knowledge Owner.
From 1997 to 2001 he had been living in Egypt where he was fascinated by its history and
nature. During that period he travelled the Egyptian Sahara reaching remotest regions of the
Western and Eastern desert.
In the granitic field of the Sinai peninsula he climbed and explored some gorges that had never
been visited by western people since the 1930s. He practices spelaelogy and diving. He
participated to numerous spelaeological expeditions in the mediterranean area (Morocco,
Algeria, Tunisia, Giordania, Greece)
Between 2005 and 2009 he conceived and organised an explorative programme together with the
well-known Saharian traveller Stefano Laberio Minozzi. The aim of the programme was to
explore the Libyc Jebel Uweinat, a massif located on the border between Libya, Egypt and
Sudan. This programme was based on three expeditions oriented to geo-archaeological research
that led to the discovery of 38 new sites of rock painting. The study of these sites was published
in the prestigious international magazine Sahara.
He also takes part in the development of new techniques of digital elaboration of rock paintings.
He is a member of the Italian spelaeological society and he is also a member of the AARS
scientific association (Association des Amis de l'Art Rupestre
Besides archaeological studies he is interested in the history of geographic explorations, in
particular he studies the Italian explorers who were active in the Libyan desert during the
colonial period. He plans to organize new expeditions dedicated to the study of rock painting in
the Libyan desert.
Alessandro Menardi Noguera and Michele Soffiantini (2008) – The rock art sites of the Upper Wadi
Waddan (Jebel Uweinat, Libya) – Sahara Journal, History and Prehistory of Sahara, n. 19,
Alessandro Menardi Noguera, Stefano Laberio Minozzi and Michele Soffiantini (2008) - Auenat,
1932-2007 – Storia Militare, 177.
Alessandro Menardi Noguera, Stefano Laberio Minozzi and Michele Soffiantini (2007) – Old Tracks
and rock art sites on the Emeri Highland, in the Jebel Uweinat (Libya) – Sahara Journal, History
and Prehistory of Sahara, n. 18, 47-68.
Alessandro Menardi Noguera (2006) – La Grotta Mònterin, nel Vallone di Ain Zueia, sul Jebel
Uweinat (Libia) – Speleologia, 56. Immordino F.,
Menardi Noguera A. e Laberio Minozzi S. (2006) – Analisi di immagini
ASTER e QuickBird per lo studio geo-archeologico del Jebel Uweinat (Libia Meridionale) – 10a
Conferenza Nazionale delle Associazioni Scientifiche per le Informazioni Territoriali e Ambientali,
Bolzano, 14-17 Novembre 2006.
Menardi Noguera A., Paolo Carmignoto, Stefano Laberio Minozzi, Francesco Romanzi,
Giannantonio Schirato & Michele Soffiantini (2005) – New rock art sites in Jebel Uweinat (Libya) –
Sahara Journal, History and Prehistory of Sahara, n. 16, 103-120.
Nicolas Manlius, Alessandro Menardi-Noguera, Andras Zboray. (2003) Decline Of The Barbary
Sheep (Ammotragus Lervia) In Egypt During The 20th Century: Literature Review And Recent
Observations - Journal of Zoology, Vol. 259, 4.
Menardi Noguera A. (2002) – Crateri da Impatto – in “Guida dell’Algeria, in auto ed in moto”
edited by Laberio Stefano Minozzi and Fabio Tessarollo, ed. Polaris.
Menardi Noguera A. (2002) – Le Oasi Egiziane – in “ L’Egitto, la Civiltà, il Grande Fiume, le Oasi”
by Marco Pieri, ed. Polaris.
Menardi Noguera A. (2002) – I Monti della Pietra Purpurea; sulle Vie del Porfido Imperiale –
Sahara Itinerari e Passioni, N1.
Menardi Noguera A. (2003) – Gebel Umm shaumar e Wadi Isla – Sahara Itinerari e Passioni, N2.
Stefano Liberio Minozzi e Menardi Noguera A. (2003) – Cartografia Digitale in 3 Dimensioni –
Sahara Itinerari e Passioni, N2.
Stefano Laberio Minozzi lives his deep passion for the Sahara desert that he has known during his
numerous travels from Mauritania to Egypt, from Tunisia to Niger.
He belongs to the world of the land rover in which he maintains an active constant role and he is
fond of cartography and electronic navigation. To study history and archaeology he devoted
himself to the deserts and to the north African cultures to discover their mysteries and the
traditions of nomadic people. He combines the free traditional research with information
technology and he applies electronics to the conventional systems of travelling.
Extract from the book: Algeria: in auto e in moto su piste e deserti. Casa editrice Polaris
Survival courses in extreme environment
• Participant to the 1986-1987 editions coordinated by Jacek E. Palkiewicz http://
Gps, orienteering and electronic navigation courses
• Organizer and speaker in specialistic courses in Padoa and Milan (2002-2004)
Computer technology
Software: Dreamweaver; Ozi Explorer; Quo Vadis; Envi 4.0; Global Mapper; Photoshop; Premiere
• Webmaster unico ;
• Webmaster in Team
• Collaborator
Organizer of on-line live broadcast with satellite link-ups on
• 2005 Algeria live
• 2005 Mali Live
• 2005 Libya Live
• Transafrica live 2004
• Tunisia Live 2004
• Algeria live 2002
• Sudan Live 2000
Padovafuoristrada, Sporting club
• 1992: club founder
• 1992-2005: active collaborator and organizer of numerous national and local meetings and of
the Camel Trophy edition (1995)
• 2003 : he takes part in the final selections of G4 Challenge Mehariteam, Sporting club
Mehari team, Sporting club
• August 2003: club founder
• 2004- 2005: club president
• Manager in the organization and logistics of the following travels: 2003 Libya, Algeria, Sudan –
2004 Libya, Algeria – 2005 Libya, Libya, Tunisia
Explorative Trekking
• 2005, Djebel Uweinat – Libya
• 2007, Djebel Uweinat, Sudan side – Libya
• 2005, Msak Mellet – Libya
Tracce: da Tunisi a El Khadra sulle orme degli R’Baia
• Coordinator and protagonist of the project (a five episode documentary, Quasar editions)
Land rover travels
Travels in the Sahara • 1990 Algeria, 1991 Morocco, 1992 Tunisia, 1993 Morocco, Libya,
1994 Senegal, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco 1995 Niger 1996 Niger 1997 Libya 1998 Tunisia 1999
Egypt 2000 Egypt, Libya, 2001 Tunisia, Algeria, 2002 Libya, Libya, 2003 Libya, Algeria, 2004
Sudan, Libya, 2005 Libya, Libya,Tunisia , 2006 Turkey, 2007 Algeria, 2008 Namibia, Botswana,
Travel Organization
• 2008 Travel Organizer in Namibia for
September 2002, Auto in Fuoristrada Rusconi: Mine nel Sahara
2003, Sahara Itinerari e Passioni n° 1
2004, Sahara Itinerari e Passioni n° 2, n° 3,
2005, Sahara Itinerari e Passioni n° 4
Scientific publications
• October 2005 Sahara Journal n° 16 ed. Pyramids New rock art site in the southwestern of Jabel
Uweinat (Libya) http://
• October 2007 Sahara Journal n° 18 ed. Pyramids Old tracks and rocks art site on the Emeri
highlands, Jebel Uweinat. Libya
Guide Books
• 2000, ALGERIA: in auto e moto su piste e deserti - Vol. 2° with CD included, edizioni Polaris
He was born in Tortona in 1966 and he started studying the African continent in 1989. After some
Saharian crossings by motorbike he devoted himself to studying some specific areas of the
Sahara in Libya, Algeria, Sudan, Egypt, Niger (Tènèrè).
1989- Algeria: Hoggar, Tamanrasset.
1990 - Algeria: Tamanrasset, Tassili Hoggar, Tassili Tagrera.
1991- Algeria and Niger: Tènèrè north and south.
1992 – Algeria: Tassili N’Ajjer, Djanet. Djabbaren.
1993 – Algeria: Timimoun, Western Erg, central area of Amguid.
1994 – Libya: Tadrart Acacus, Mangueni, Tumu, lakes Gabroun Ghadames.
1995 – Libya: Ghadames, Ghat, Wau Namous volcano.
1996 – Libya: Kufra, Tazerbu, Erg Rebiana, Al Haruj Al Aswad.
1997 – Niger: Tènèrè north and south, salt-caravan itinerary Bilma-Agadez, dinosaurs’ cemetery.
1998 – Libya: Great Sand Sea, Kufra, Uweinat, Dohone (Lybian Tibesti)
1999 – Algeria: Tassili N’Ajjer, Oued Imirhou, Erg Issaouane.
2000 – Egypt: Great Sand Sea Egiziano, Gilf Kebir, Uweinat, Farafra.
2001 – Algeria: expedition on the meteoritic crater of Amguid Crater.
2003 – Algeria: Tamanrasset, Adrar Ahnet, Tassili Tin Rerhou, Abalessa.
2004 – Sudan Etiopia: archaeological sites Nubia, Khartoum, lake Tana, Blue Nile falls etc.
2005 – Libya: Uweinat – 1st expedition Emeri project.
2005 – Niger: Tènèrè north and south, dinosaurs’ cemetery.
2006 – Libya: Uweinat – 2nd expedition Emeri project.
2007 – Libya: Traversata integrale dell’Erg di Murzuk.
2008 – Libya: Uweinat – 3rd expedition Emeri project.
Specific itineraries on the guide book ALGERIA, in auto e moto su piste e deserti - Ed. Polaris
Various articles on Algeria in the magazine SAHARA Itinerari e Passioni Ed. Momos. 2003
He published articles in the international scientific magazine of archaeology Sahara Journal:
n°16/2005: New rock art sites in the southwestern sector of Jebel Uweinat (Libya).
Authors: Alessandro Menardi Noguera, Stefano Laberio Minozzi, Michele Soffiantini and others.
n°18/2007: Old tracks and rock art sites on the Emeri Highland, Jebel Uweinat (Libya).
Authors: Alessandro Menardi Noguera, Stefano Laberio Minozzi and Michele Soffiantini.
n°19/2008: The rock art sites of the upper Wadi Waddan (Jebel Uweinat, (Libya).
Authors: Alessandro Menardi Noguera and Michele Soffiantini.
STORIA MILITARE June 2008: article Auenat, 1932-2007 storia del campo d’atterraggio.
Authors: Menardi Noguera, S. Laberio Minozzi, M. Soffiantini.
He published his photos on SAHARA OVERLAND by Chris Scott Ed.Trailblazer in 2000 and in 2004
and on Geographical UK in 2001.
He took part in numerous meetings about tourism and culture in the north of Italy.
He has been leading historical and military researches about the Lybian exploration in official
military archives and national libraries.