Contemporary legends, MOMA CELEBRATES BJORK


Contemporary legends, MOMA CELEBRATES BJORK
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Contemporary legends,
The eclectic artist from Iceland evokes the first twenty years of her career, in a mist of fact and
New York’s MoMA will next year celebrate one of the most acclaimed and versatile artists
of the last two decades: the ever-astonishing Björk.
It will house an exhibition organised by Klaus Biesenbach, documenting twenty years of
tireless multifaceted creativity through a mixture of material including sound, film, visuals,
instruments, objects, costumes and performances. The overall theme of the exhibition’s
narrative is conceived by Björk herself, in collaboration with the famous Icelandic writer
Sjón Sigurdsson: a narration perpetually balancing on the borderline between biography
and fiction, as is coherent for an artist with one foot always in surreal dimensions, and
who has constantly astonished her public with stylistic transformations and unexpected
collaborations (with directors, photographers, designers and stylists and visual artists) and
her own heterodox talents.
The portrait-cum-self-portrait is completed by an especially commissioned video work
made in collaboration with director Andrew Thomas Huang and the participation of Autodesk:
another sure triumph for the eclectic Queen of the North!
Il prossimo anno il MoMA di New York celebrerà una delle più acclamate e versatili artiste
del nostro tempo: l’intramontbile Björk.
La mostra, organizzata da Klaus Biesenbach, documenterà vent’anni di instancabile e
poliedrica carriera attraverso la raccolta di documenti audio, film, visuals, strumenti,
oggetti, costumi e performance. Il filo conduttore del racconto espositivo è stato ideato
dalla stessa artista in collaborazione con il famoso scrittore islandese Sjón Sigurdsson:
una narrazione che si mantiene in costante equilibrio lungo il confine che separa il biografico
dal fittizio, come consono ad un’artista dai toni surreali, che ha saputo stupire il proprio
pubblico con continui cambi di stile, inaspettate collaborazioni (con registi, fotografi, stilisti
e artisti visivi) e molteplici abilità.
A conclusione del racconto, un’inedita opera appositamente commissionata e realizzata
insieme al regista Andrew Thomas Huang, con la partecipazione di Autodesk: un altro
successo assicurato per l’eclettica regina del Nord!
Posted by: Reca Group, November, 2014