Ripasso del programma svolto in vista del test d`ingresso.


Ripasso del programma svolto in vista del test d`ingresso.
Liceo Scientifico a Indirizzo Sportivo
Compiti per le vacanze - Classe III sez. A
Pag. 1 di 4
Scrivere delle mappe concettuali/schemi di tutti gli argomenti trattati a lezione (Chimica, Biologia,
Scienze della Terra).
Risolvere i seguenti esercizi:
1. Calcola la massa di 12 moli di Ca(OH)2.
2. Calcola il numero di moli e di molecole contenute in 5Kg di H2SO4.
3. Scrivi la formula/il nome (IUPAC e Tradizionale) dei seguenti composti:
Studiare i capitoli 19 e 20 del libro di Biologia e fare una mappa concettuale.
Ripasso del programma svolto in vista del test d'ingresso.
Dal libro di testo Matematica.blu 2.0 vol.3:
Geometria Analitica nel Piano
Pag. 191: n. 35,36,37,38. Pag. 200 n. 140
La Retta nel Piano Cartesiano
Pag. 238 n. 17. Pag. 234 n.549. Pag. 240 n. 26 (solo il punto a), n. 27
La Circonferenza nel Piano Cartesiano
Pag. 266 n.30, 31, 34. Pag.267 n.46, 47. Pag.272 n. 141, 142, 144, 145. Pag. 277 n.175, 176. Pag. 278
n.180, 181. Pag. 279 n. 187, 188, 191, 193.
Liceo Scientifico a Indirizzo Sportivo
Compiti per le vacanze - Classe III sez. A
Pag. 2 di 4
La Parabola nel Piano Cartesiano
Pag. 344 n. 153, 154. Pag.349 n.211,212. Pag.353 n.265,266 Pag.355 n.285.
L'Ellisse nel Piano Cartesiano
Pag. 414 n. 80, 81, 82
L'Iperbole nel Piano Cartesiano
Pag. 467 n. 59, 61, 63. Pag. 478 n. 192, 195
Trasformazioni nel Piano Cartesiano
Pag. 415 n. 93, 94. Pag.417 n. 104. Pag. 470 n. 90, 91. Pag. 471 n. 96.
Pag. β 52 n.20. Pag. β 56 n. 43, 44, 45. Pag. β 65 n. 102, 104
Dal libro di testo Matematica.blu 2.0 vol.4:
Trasformazioni nel Piano Cartesiano
Pag. 1173 n. 30, 31
Pag. 688 n. 316, 320. Pag. 744 n. 287, 288, 289. Pag. 804 risolvere tutte le equazioni.
Pag. 826 dal n. 572, 573, 576, 577, 578, 582
Si ricorda che i compiti delle vacanze costituiranno il materiale per il test d'ingresso di Settembre.
Ripassare i seguenti argomenti, la cui conoscenza verrà verificata all’inizio del successivo anno
- Le guerre d’Italia tra XV e XVI secolo
- La Riforma protestante e la Controriforma
- L’impero di Carlo V
- La Spagna di Filippo II
- Le guerre di religione in Francia
- Caratteri generali del XVII secolo
- La Guerra dei Trent’anni (di cui si forniranno le slides via mail; in alternativa studiare le seguenti
pagine dal libro di testo in adozione, A. De Bernardi, S. Guarracino, La discussione storica, vol. 1, Bruno
Mondadori, pagine 607-623)
Leggere integralmente il seguente libro: A. Foa – Eretici. Storie di streghe, ebrei e convertiti, Il Mulino,
2011 e realizzare, in maniera autonoma e senza far ricorso a internet, un breve riassunto scritto (300350 parole) di cinque testi a scelta. A settembre le produzioni realizzate verranno ritirate e valutate.
Ripasso del pensiero di Platone e Aristotele.
2)Studio dei seguenti argomenti dal libro di testo già in dotazione: N. Abbagnano, G. Fornero, La ricerca
del pensiero, vol. 1B; Introduzione generale (pagine 5-9 e 14-16), Stoicismo (pagine 18-19, 28-29, 3235), Epicureismo (pagine 48-60), Scetticismo (pagine 70-77). Via mail verranno inviate delle slides
introduttive sul tema.
Il lavoro svolto durante l’estate verrà verificato mediante un test all’inizio dell’anno scolastico.
Liceo Scientifico a Indirizzo Sportivo
Compiti per le vacanze - Classe III sez. A
Pag. 3 di 4
Lettura integrale in lingua Frankenstein + presentazione dell'opera
Comprensione del testo (2 testi)
A model student
Susan Jackson was first discovered at the age of 14. She was spotted at a local cricket match by an agent for
a London-based modeling agency. The agent signed up her immediately, but for the first two years Susan
was too busy working towards her GCSE1 exams at school to devote much time to her new career.
Two days after finishing her last exam paper, however, she was whisked off to Paris for a month to work for
the Ford model agency. Her first week in Paris was extremely tiring and confusing. She also met many girls
who had been there for a month and hadn’t been given any work at all. She was just beginning to think that
the life of a model was not for her, when she got her lucky break. After a few days she was selected to do
the Chanel catwalk show, and she was well on the way to becoming a celebrity. An invitation to do a show
in New York followed.
It was there that Susan, now aged 16, really caught the attention of the fashion world. Working in her halfterm break from school in October, she managed to earn £ 6,500 a day. But that was not all. At the show,
she was spotted by scouts from the cosmetics company, Cover Girl. A Cover Girl contract is a coveted step
on the route to supermodel status. Previous models who have worked for the company include Helena
Christensen and Rachel Hunter.
After seeing her in action, Cover Girl’s talent scouts invited Susan back to the States for a job interview. But
Susan didn’t want to take any more time off school, where she had already started her two-year Advanced
Level courses. So she did a screen test for the in London instead, but still got the job. Susan insists on
staying on at school to complete her A-levels in Maths, Physics and Design Technology. Fortunately, the
new cosmetics contract will only involve her in 15 days’ work. Although most of it is in the US, it can
generally be fitted into school holidays and breaks. Where this is not possible, the school has given Susan
time off to fulfill her modeling engagements. But she is the person who is strictest about catching up on any
coursework that she may miss as a result. “I want to get good qualifications,” she explains. I enjoy school
and being with my friends. It helps me to feel normal.” Susan realizes that if she modeled full-time,
everyday, she would be spending a lot of time with people she doesn’t know. “It just isn’t for me,” she says.
Susan admits that sometimes things can get a bit difficult. There have been times when she’s had a pile of
homework to get through, and the phone hasn’t stopped ringing all day. On the other hand, Susan also
realizes that she is in a position to earn enough to pay her way through university.
But she knows her own mind and prefers to turn some work down rather than put her long-term plans at
risk. She has set her sights on a degree in Design but not, as it happens, in fashion. She is keen to follow her
father in the field of architectural design and technical drawing. So she is continuing to do just enough
modeling work to keep that money coming in, without spoiling her chances to getting into university.
1. When was Susan Jackson “discovered”?
2. Why did she think that “the life of a model was not for her”? (l. 8)
3. What is more important to her, school or modeling? Find evidence in the text
4. Explain the meaning of the expression “she got her lucky break” (l. 8)
5. How can modeling help her to achieve her career ambition?
6. What are the aspects that Susan doesn’t like of the modeling profession?
7. SUMMARISE the passage.
GCSE: General Certificate of secondary Education. These are exams that school students in Britain take at
the age of 15-16
Liceo Scientifico a Indirizzo Sportivo
Compiti per le vacanze - Classe III sez. A
Pag. 4 di 4
8. COMPOSITION: The world of fashion is surely an attractive one, especially for teenagers. Nevertheless
it hides a world made of girls affected by psychological problems and illnesses such as anorexia
deriving from a feeling of inadequacy. Discuss.
Waiting for the phone to ring
I’ve been sitting by the telephone ever since breakfast. No potential Cabinet Minister ever moves more
than twenty feet from the telephone in the twenty-four hours following the appointment of a new Prime
Minister. If you haven’t heard within twenty-four hours, you are not going to be in the Cabinet.
Annie kept me supplied with constant cups of coffee all morning, and when I returned to the armchair next
to the phone after lunch she asked me to help her do the Brussels sprouts for dinner if I didn’t have
anything else to do. I explained to her that I couldn’t because I was waiting for the call.
“Who from?” Sometimes Annie really is a bit dense.
The phone rang. I grabbed it. It was Frank Weisel, my special political adviser, saying that he was on his way
over. I told Annie, who wasn’t too pleased. “Why doesn’t he just move in?” she asked bitterly.
It’s awfully difficult for Annie, I know. Being an MP’s wife is a pretty thankless task. But now that I maybe a
Minister, she will at last reap the rewards!
Suddenly Annie screamed. “Are you a bit tense?” I asked. She screamed again, and threw herself onto the
floor. I thought of calling an ambulance, but was worried about the adverse publicity affecting my career at
“Are you a bit tense?” I asked again. Carefully. “No!” she shouted – “No, no, no, I’m not tense. I’m just a
politician’s wife. I’m not allowed to have feelings. I’m just a happy carefree politician’s wife.”
So I asked her why she was lying face downwards on the floor. “I’m looking for a cigarette, I can’t find any.”
“Try the cigarette box,” I advised, trying to keep calm. “It’s empty.” “Take a valium.” “I can’t find the
valium, that’s why I’m looking for a cigarette. Jim, pop out and get me some.”
I explained to Annie that I simply didn’t dare leave the phone. Annie betrayed her usual total lack of
understanding. “Look, if the PM wants you to be in the bloody Cabinet, the PM will phone back if you are
out. Or you can phone back.” Annie will never understand the finer points of politics.
1. What’s the author’s job?
2. What does the author mean by saying “Sometimes Annie really is a bit dense”?
3. Why is the relationship between the author and his wife getting tense?
4. What’s Annie’s attitude towards her husband’s job?
5. What can you infer from the passage “…she asked me to help her do the Brussels sprouts for dinner if I
didn’t have anything else to do”?
6. What can you guess of the author from the passage “I thought of calling an ambulance, but was
worried about the adverse publicity affecting my career at this crucial juncture – NEW MINISTER’S WIFE
7. Summarize the passage
a.s. 2015-2016
Svolgere (dal Libro di testo Fisica e Realtà.blu, Fondamenti della dinamica, Claudio Romeni,
Zanichelli) i seguenti esercizi:
• Capitolo 1: (I principi della dinamica):
pag. 29 esercizi 11/13/18/22/23/29/30/43/44/47/57/58/69/70/76/80/91/93/95
• Capitolo 2: (Lavoro ed energia)
pag 77 esercizi 8/10/12/17/26/28/36/37/42/43/53/54/55/65/66
• Capitolo 3: (La quantità di moto)
pag 110 esercizi 11/12/23/25/34/36/37/47/53/61/62
Svolgere (dal Libro di testo Fisica e Realtà.blu, Termodinamica, Claudio Romeni, Zanichelli) i
seguenti esercizi:
• Capitolo 8: (La temperatura):
pag. 347 esercizi 6/7/11/18/20/21/22/30/32/36/37/44/61/63/64/65
• Capitolo 10: (Il calore)
pag 436 esercizi 5/6/11/12/15/16/20/24/31/32/38/39
Svolgere i seguenti esercizi ricapitolativi:
N.B.: Gli esercizi saranno controllati al rientro dalle vacanze estive, e serviranno allo
studente per prepararsi al test d’ingresso di settembre.