Indici - Olschki


Indici - Olschki
a cura di
Presentazione . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.
Premessa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
..... »
Il panorama generale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Il `problema occupazione' visto dagli alleati . . . . . . . . . .
Il giuoco delle aspettative: esercito, partigiani, CLN, AMG
Il `pragmatismo' degli alleati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I limiti dell'azione dell'AMG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
L'economia delle retrovie belliche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
L'AMG e le `occasioni perdute' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
................................. »
Caratteri generali del materiale riprodotto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . »
Cenno ad alcune difficoltaÁ tecnico-linguistiche . . . . . . . . . . . . »
III - CONCLUSIONI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . »
II - I
Glossario delle sigle ed abbreviazioni usate nei documenti . . . . »
Ð 659 Ð
1 - PERUGIA NELLA CAMPAGNA D'ITALIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 33
1.i. I partigiani e gli alleati: il problema militare . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Bande di patrioti nell'Italia centrale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Piano per il salvataggio della centrale elettrica di Galleto . .
3. Il trattamento dei partigiani eÁ senza criteri . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Lanci falliti nell'Appennino centrale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Richiesta d'azione ai patrioti romani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Disposizioni per iniziare le azioni partigiane in centro Italia .
7. La semplicitaÁ eÁ tutto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. La prima mappa della guerra partigiana nell'Italia centrale .
9. La seconda mappa della guerra partigiana . . . . . . . . . . . .
10. `Nebbia della guerra' anche in casa alleata . . . . . . . . . . . .
11. Statistica della situazione partigiana dopo la liberazione di Perugia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12. Dati sulle bande a nord di Perugia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13. Disposizioni per controllare le bande prima e dopo il passaggio del fronte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14. Come impiegare i partigiani quando il fronte eÁ vicino . . . .
15. L'AMG di fronte al problema del controllo dei partigiani .
16. Proposto l'inquadramento degli ex partigiani nel Regio Esercito Italiano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17. Il punto sulle bande preparato per la PWB . . . . . . . . . . .
Appendice di documenti inediti originali della guerra partigiana in
Umbria trovati negli archivi alleati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Un documento originale della lotta partigiana nell'Italia centrale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Vita e morte di Sergio Forti: un apprezzamento alleato . . .
3. Elenco degli ex prigionieri alleati assistiti da Forti . . . . . . .
4. Riconoscenza di un eroe partigiano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Statuto della banda Melis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.ii. I contatti con le bande partigiane umbre: il problema politico
1. Alla luce dell'esperienza a sud di Roma si anticipano difficoltaÁ
con i partigiani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Partigiani Slavi incontrollati: il `caso Toso' . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Rimpatriare gli ex partigiani Slavi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Ordine pubblico e benzina a Collazzone . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Giustizia partigiana a Piediluco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Eccessi a Cannara repressi dall'AMG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Esempio mortale di giustizia partigiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Partigiani Slavi nella zona di Todi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Relazione della PWB su Augusto Del Bon Tromboni, `eroe
partigiano' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10. Prima relazione del servizio `Patrioti' della ACC . . . . . . . .
11. Il giudizio complessivo sui partigiani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12. La PWB riluttante a trasmettere disposizioni del Comando alleato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13. Si decide finalmente chi sia patriota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14. Comunicato stampa alleato sulla `coraggiosa lotta partigiana'
15. Dati conclusivi sulla lotta partigiana nella zona di Perugia . .
1.iii. La liberazione di Perugia compiuta dalle forze britanniche: strategia e tattica del Comando alleato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Relazione delle operazioni militari preparata per il Consiglio
dei Ministri britannico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Diario di guerra dell'unitaÁ scozzese che riuscõÁ a superare la resistenza tedesca a Terni, aprendo la strada a Perugia . . . . .
3. Riassunto delle informazioni militari sulla situazione presso Perugia, 17 giugno 1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Riassunto delle informazioni militari sulla situazione presso Perugia, 18 giugno 1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Riassunto delle informazioni militari sulla situazione presso Perugia, 19 giugno 1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Riassunto delle informazioni militari sulla situazione presso Perugia, 20 giugno 1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. Le operazioni della 17a Divisione Indiana 10-18 giugno 1944
8. Le operazioni della 17a Divisione Indiana 18-28 giugno 1944
9. La battaglia di M. Malbe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10. Il combattimento davanti a Perugia in un diario di guerra . .
11. La liberazione di Perugia in un diario di guerra . . . . . . . . .
» 90
» 92
» 100
» 112
» 113
» 116
» 118
» 120
» 122
2. - PERUGIA LIBERATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 143
2.i. Le prime impressioni degli alleati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 143
1. La Battaglia di M. Malbe nella memoria di uno storico . . . » 144
2. L'assalto a Fontivegge nella memoria di uno storico . . . . . . » 146
Ð 661 Ð
3. I primi a Fontana Maggiore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Comincia l'occupazione, e la legge marziale, degli alleati . .
5. L'appello del Generale Alexander agli ex partigiani . . . . . .
6. I primi problemi del controllo: Marsciano . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. I primi problemi del controllo: Perugia liberata . . . . . . . . .
8. L'AMG fa il punto della fine mese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9. La fine dell'inizio: l'8a Armata consegna Perugia al Colonnello
Belser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.ii. Riflessioni degli osservatori alleati su Perugia e sui perugini: le
`veline' della PWB nel primo semestre dell'occupazione . . . .
1. Relazione della PWB del 19 giugno 1944 sull'Umbria . . . .
2. Una prima tipologia dei partigiani a nord di Perugia . . . . .
3. Il `processo di Liberazione': il caso di Orvieto . . . . . . . . . .
4. Il caso di Orvieto (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Prima relazione PWB su Perugia e la sua provincia . . . . . .
6. Relazione PWB del 1ë luglio su Perugia e altre localitaÁ umbre
7. Abboccamento con membri del CLN a Perugia (12 luglio) .
8. Nota sulla situazione di Perugia e Assisi . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9. Relazione PWB sulla situazione di Umbertide e CittaÁ di Castello, 13 luglio 1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10. Informazioni sui quantitativi di grano raccolti nei Granai del
Popolo, settembre 1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11. Relazione PWB sulla situazione a Terni, ottobre 1944 . . . .
12. Relazione sul libero scambio di merci tra l'Umbria e altre regioni liberate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13. Relazione PWB sulla situazione a Perugia nel gennaio 1945 .
14. Relazione conclusiva sull'opinione pubblica dopo la liberazione del nord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.iii. Gli alleati e la vita politica a Perugia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Infrazioni del regolamento sulla stampa da parte del CLN di
Perugia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Il ruolo dei Comitati di liberazione secondo l'AMG . . . . . .
3. Il controllo della vita politica a Spoleto . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Il controllo della vita politica a Spoleto (2) . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Allarme spionaggio e coprifuoco in cittaÁ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Si riprende il dibattito pubblico politico . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. LibertaÁ di stampa, ma senza giornali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. Riprende, un po' stentatamente, la vita politica . . . . . . . . .
Ð 662 Ð
» 171
» 198
» 203
» 204
» 211
» 214
» 221
» 224
9. Commento sulla visita a Perugia di Palmiro Togliatti ripreso
dalla censura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10. Idiozie della censura: vietato `Cacasenno' giornale settimanale
di studenti liceali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11. Idiozie della censura (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12. Disordini alla riunione del Partito Democratico Italiano . . .
13. La vita politica continua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14. `Che cosa eÁ questa UniversitaÁ' (relazione di Aldo Capitini) .
15. La forza politica del PCI in evidenza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
p. 235
Appendice ai Documenti di base: L'atteggiamento iniziale dei militari britannici nei riguardi degli italiani in una relazione della
OSS del Novembre 1943 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 251
1. IL RILANCIO DELL'AMMINISTRAZIONE LOCALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 261
1.i. I rapporti periodici del Provincial Commissioner . . . . . . . . . .
1. Relazione mensile del Provincial Commissioner per il mese di
giugno 1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Relazione mensile del Provincial Commissioner per il mese di
luglio 1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Prima relazione mensile del Provincial Commissioner per il
mese di settembre 1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Seconda relazione mensile del Provincial Commissioner per il
mese di settembre 1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Relazione mensile del Provincial Commissioner per il mese di
ottobre 1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Relazione mensile del Provincial Commissioner per il mese di
novembre 1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. Relazione mensile del Provincial Commissioner per il mese di
dicembre 1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. Relazione mensile del Provincial Commissioner per il mese di
gennaio 1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9. Relazione mensile del Provincial Commissioner per il mese di
febbraio 1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10. Relazione mensile del Provincial Commissioner per il mese di
marzo 1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ð 663 Ð
» 261
» 262
» 265
» 268
» 270
» 273
» 276
» 279
» 283
» 288
» 293
1.ii. Provincial Commissioner e Prefetto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Il Governo italiano cerca di determinare le nomine prefettizie
2. I vertici degli organismi di controllo alleati si imbrogliano .
3. La nomina del Prefetto viene annunciato al Ministero degli Interni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Il Ministero ingoia il rospo della nomina prefettizia . . . . . .
5. Il rospo passa alla `Regione IV' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Il rospo continua ad agitarsi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. Il CAO consulta cittadini `rappresentativi' riguardo alle nomine per Prefetto e Sindaco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. Proposta di rinforzi amministrativi per il Prefetto . . . . . . .
9. L'intervista al Prefetto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10. Intervista al Vice-Prefetto Gianni Ranieri di Sorbello . . . . .
11. Comincia la rivincita della `carriera' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12. Si estende la lunga mano della burocrazia . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13. Come prima (e meglio di prima) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14. La pace eÁ (quasi) fatta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
15. Tutto eÁ finito nel migliore dei modi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16. Il punto finale sulla questione della Prefettura restaurata . .
p. 297
» 298
» 299
1.iii. Civil Affairs Officer e Sindaco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. I sindaci che curano il patrimonio artistico umbro fanno ottima impressione . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Il mercato nero dilaga: autoritaÁ occupatevene! . . . . . . . . .
3. I perugini scontenti iscrivono le proteste sui muri . . . . . . .
4. Le fabbriche non sono solo bottino di guerra . . . . . . . . . .
5. I sindaci debbono spiegare la riduzione delle razioni di pasta
6. La neve sconfigge il sistema di governo indiretto . . . . . . . .
7. La fallita rimozione della neve produce i suoi effetti negativi
nel mancato rifornimento di combustibile . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. La crisi della legna da ardere viene risolta . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9. Disfunzioni del sistema approvvigionamento alimentari . . .
10. Inutile il tentativo di controllare i prezzi della carne . . . . .
» 318
1.iv. Gli `Affari Civili' nei Comuni della Provincia di Perugia
1. Ricomincia la vita politica a Todi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Primo controllo della situazione a CittaÁ della Pieve . . .
3. Primo rapporto su la cittaÁ di Assisi . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Problemi politici a Panicale? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. A Panicale torna la calma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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6. La situazione a nord di Perugia un mese dopo la liberazione
7. Tentato colpo politico sventato a CittaÁ di Castello . . . . . . .
8. Ancora sulla situazione difficile di CittaÁ di Castello . . . . . .
9. Tutto in ordine a CittaÁ di Castello . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10. A quaranta giorni dalla liberazione di Perugia eÁ tornata la calma in tutta la zona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11. Regime troppo rilassato a Gubbio? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12. La predica del vescovo di Todi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13. Come sono lenti questi burocrati italiani . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14. Il congedo del Civil Affairs Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. - LA CRISI DEL GOVERNATORATO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.i. La questione dell'epurazione a Perugia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. I parametri dell'epurazione: la prima versione alleata . . . . .
2. I primi arresti a Perugia di funzionari repubblichini . . . . . .
3. Nella rete dell'epurazione finiscono solo pesci piccoli . . . . .
4.-4bis. A Spoleto si parla e si scrive `liberamente' . . . . . . . . .
5. Gli alleati si occupano anche delle stragi . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. L'AMG comincia ad affidare l'epurazione agli italiani . . . .
7. A Gubbio il segugio alleato morde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.-8bis.-8tris. A Massa Martana, crisi per la nomina del Sindaco
9. A Gubbio viene meno l'impegno epurativo del CAO . . . . .
10. Quanti sono gli epurati e dove sono finiti? . . . . . . . . . . . .
11. Al medico `fascista' eÁ permesso tornare a curare i suoi malati
12.-12bis. La lunga mano dello Stato si fa sentire a Cascia . . . .
13. La relazione complessiva del Provincial Commissioner . . . .
14. L'epurazione non interessa piuÁ alla Allied Commission . . .
15.-15bis.-15tris. Un conflitto emblematico sull'epurazione tra organismi alleati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16. L'epurazione del Corpo Forestale rivela le contraddizioni della
politica alleata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17. L'epurazione? Mettiamoci una pietra sopra con le Commissioni italiane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18.-18bis-18tris. La mesta fine di un'epurazione fallita . . . . . . .
2.ii. La sostituzione del Provincial Commissioner . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Il primo passo falso del Provincial Commissioner . . . . . . .
2.-2bis.-2tris. Sostituiamo il Provincial Commissioner appena si
sposteraÁ il fronte? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. `Perugia eÁ il gioiello nella corona dell'AMG' . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Il Provincial Commissioner eÁ messo sotto torchio . . . . . . .
» 417
» 420
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» 409
» 413
» 414
» 415
» 423
» 426
» 427
5.-5bis. La Allied Commission annulla il `sistema Belser'
6. A Belser eÁ dato del bugiardo! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.-7bis. L'ultima relazione del Col. Belser . . . . . . . . . .
8. Il nuovo regime si dimostra subito piuÁ pignolo . . . .
2.iii. La questione delle requisizioni per l'acquartieramento dei militari alleati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. L'insediamento a Perugia della Scuola di Formazione dell'Ottava Armata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.-2bis. La protesta `illegale' del Presidente del Consiglio . . . .
3.-3bis. Il Provincial Commissioner spiega la requisizione: una
necessitaÁ militare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Il Sindaco rassicura il Presidente del Consiglio . . . . . . . . .
5. Anche l'Ottava Armata eÁ solidale: il Sindaco non ha motivo
per lamentarsi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Si registrano sui muri perugini i sentimenti popolari riguardo
le requisizioni alleate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. Uno squarcio sulle requisizioni: dove stavano quelli dell'AMG
8.-8bis. Il vizio della requisizione straripa in altra Provincia . .
9. Le requisizioni colpiscono anche l'Ateneo perugino . . . . . .
10. Allarme alla Sovraintendenza dei Monumenti . . . . . . . . . . .
11. Bel dono di Natale: altre requisizioni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12. Tante scuse, e arrivederci Colonnello . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. - L'OPERA
» 444
» 445
» 448
» 450
» 454
» 455
3.i. Sicurezza pubblica . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.ii. Lavori pubblici . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.iii. Approvvigionamento e distribuzione
3.iv. SanitaÁ pubblica . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.v. Pubblica istruzione . . . . . . . . . . . . Agricoltura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.vii. Industria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.viii. Manodopera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.ix. Monumenti, Belle Arti ed Archivi .
3.x. Finanza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . » 469
Indice analitico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 631
Ð 666 Ð
AAI HQ, 38, 46, 54, 464, 558, 586-9
± need for partisan liaison officers, 67, 82, 99,
100, 108
Abatini, Avv. Alfredo, 195, 233, 304
Abeto, 71, 73
Abruzzi, 71, 93, 203, 579
AC/ACC HQ, 37, 43, 52, 53, 101, 102, 107,
156, 227, 276, 406-407, 448-9, 438-9, 495,
529, 537, 549
± Agricultural Sub-Commission, 548, 574
± Civil Affairs Sub-Commission, 226-7, 311,
402, 414, 415, 416, 417, 430, 432, 463
± Civil Censorship Group, 235-6. See also Allied Publications Board; censorship
± Coal Division, 579
± Commerce Sub-Commission, 203, 512, 514
± Displaced Persons Sub-Commission, 106,
263, 286
± Economics and Supply Division, 263, 280,
339-40, 502, 504, 518, 544
± Education Sub-Commission, 463, 535-7
± Finance Sub-Commission, 405, 430, 620
± Food Sub-Commission, 518, 548, 549, 551,
554, 559
± Highways Section, 495
± Industry Sub-Commission, 505, 554, 572,
± Interior Sub-Commission, 299-306, 312,
423, 424, 425, 430, 449
± Labour Sub-Commission, 311, 582
± Local Government Sub-Commission, 234,
310-11, 315, 316-8, 412, 414, 427-9, 430,
± Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives SubCommission, 588, 599-611
± Mining Division, 505-506, 558-9
± Patriots Branch, 38, 59, 60, 77, 92-101, 108,
110-12, 287, 438
± Public Relations Branch, 107-10
± Public Safety Sub-Commission, 311, 322-5,
388, 457, 476, 487
± Public Works Sub-Commission, 487, 495,
± Rail Sub-Commission, 580
± relations with AMG, 8-9
± Spoleto Group, 228, 238
accommodation. See also requisitioning
± Allied troops, 211, 326-7, 356, 371, 445-7,
459, 465-6, 505, 532, 587-8
± Italian, 204-205, 308, 368, 428, 459
± refugees, 367, 532
± war damage to, 204, 589
Acito, Francesco, 303
Action Party. See political parties
Adams, Capt., 582, 583
administration. See communes; local government
agriculture, 436-7. See also Allied Military Government, Agricultural Dept.; Consorzio
Agrario; grain; livestock; olives; SEPRAL;
wheat; etc.
± commissions, communal, 626-7
± illegal practices, 284, 289, 291, 340, 369,
546, 549, 551, 554
± Inspectorate of, 264, 289, 556
± reports on, 169, 340-42
air drops, 39-40, 42, 61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 72, 81,
186, 190
aircraft factories, 212, 326-7, 563, 616
alcohol, distilleries, 559, 561, 563, 574
Alessi, Conte Conestabile Della Staffa, 304
Alessio (partisan), 45
Alexander, Field Marshal Sir Harold R., 40,
108, 110, 158-9, 181, 202, 229, 434
Allerona, 120, 174
Allerton, Lady Hope Aline, 164, 186
Allessandrini, Guido Nardone, 89
Alleva, Vincenzo, 208
Allied Commission/Control Commission. See
Allied forces. See also Eighth Army; Fifth
± American troops, 193
Ð 631 Ð
± arrival in Perugia, 140, 149, 153
± casualties, 129-30, 138, 139, 145-6, 148,
149-50, 252, 489
± employment by. See wages
± Indian troops, 197, 198
± indiscipline of, 178-9, 252, 253, 256, 257,
353, 472-3, 478, 482. See also looting
± Italian perceptions of, 179, 185, 193-4, 196,
212, 248, 249
± medals, 130, 145
± problems arising when
Allied leave, 82, 90, 206, 479, 482, 483, 625
± strategy and tactics, 112-41
Allied Military Government. See AMG
Allied Publications Board, 233, 237
Allied. See AC/ACC; AMG; Allied forces
Amandola, 67
Amati, Elisa, 164
Amati, Ethel Edwards, 164
Amati, George, 164
Amatrice, 62, 65, 68, 72-3, 78
Amelia, 204, 603
Americans, 18, 210, 217, 256. See also Fifth
± American Army regulations, 441
Ames, Lt Col., 441
AMG, 19, 20, 37, 43, 52-3, 98-9, 153, 158,
201, 257, 301, 559
± administration, 7, 225, 347-8, 524. See also
wages, AMG employees
± Agricultural Department, 554
± monthly reports, 545-7, 555-6
± and epuration, 162, 163, 164, 165, 408. See
also Eighth Army, FSS
± and food supplies, 211, 212, 213
± Economics and Supply Division, 509, 516,
518, 565, 585
± monthly reports, 500-504, 521-3
± Education Division.
± monthly reports, 537-43
± Engineering Division, 493-5
± expenses, 275, 278, 282, 437
± Finance Sub-Commission, 405
± reports, 612-29
± Industry Department, 288, 504, 512, 565,
571-2, 574
± monthly reports, 577-8
± Liaison Officers, 104, 108, 218, 292, 357.
See also Allied Control Commission, Patriots
Branch; partisans, representatives
± military courts, 101, 214, 223, 270, 274, 281,
285, 291, 295, 478, 480, 483, 485
± Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives SubCommission, 464, 588
± penalties of, 358, 496
± personnel, 4, 5, 7, 53, 261, 366. See also Perugia, personnel
± policy, 163, 164, 194, 206, 226, 254-5, 257,
258, 273, 349, 441, 452, 515-16
± problems faced by on liberation of territory,
± Proclamations, 38, 60, 82, 85, 102, 365, 389,
478, 532
± re Patriots, 158-9, 166
± re public meetings, 156-7, 362, 363
± re wages, 420, 584
± Provincial Public Safety Officer, 229
± Public Health Division.
± monthly reports, 526-7
± Public Safety Division, 233, 263, 265, 273,
399, 409, 413, 435, 439, 525
± monthly reports, 470-75, 477-85
± Public Welfare Division.
± monthly reports, 531-2
± Public Works Department, 434, 486, 488
± monthly report, 490
± relations with local government, 7, 276, 279,
438-9, 451-2, 457
± Transport Division, 169, 333
Amiata (partisan band), 35
Amori, Filippo, 352
ammunition dumps, 127, 136, 190, 350, 397
Anagni, 81
Ancelli, Sig., 344
Ancona, 95, 115, 334, 499
Andreani, Avv. Fausto, 215-16, 303, 427
± problems with AMG over requisitioning,
434, 438, 439, 448, 449, 450-53, 455-7,
458, 509
Angelelli, Sig., 190, 191, 344
Angeli, 118
Angelini, Sig., 344
Anghiari, 366
Anglo-Italian relations, 5, 209-10, 212, 214,
251-8, 262, 473. See also Allied forces, Italian perceptions of
anti-Badoglio feeling, 184
anti-British feeling, 164-5
anti-Communist feeling, 372
anti-fascist activities, 86, 93, 94, 160, 188. See
also defascistisation; epuration; partisans,
activities against fascists
anti-fascist feeling, 86, 149, 160, 165, 183,
185, 194, 221-2, 251, 255-6, 257, 262, 266,
300, 301, 363, 405, 410, 428, 534, 540
Antiloro, Dott., 532
Ð 632 Ð
anti-monarchist feeling, 184, 195, 200, 217,
239, 479
antiquities, 603-604
Antonio, Sig., 61
Antoniola, 334
Anzio landing, 64
apathy, political, 178, 180, 184, 207, 214, 215,
216, 235, 254
Apecchio, 198
Apennines, 61, 114
Apponi, Avv. Alberto, 184, 185, 190, 216,
233, 400
Apponi, Judge.
± Perugia Food Commission, head of, 212,
213, 234
Apuglia, 203
Aquasparta, 127, 204, 210, 604
aqueducts, 281, 285, 290, 294, 368, 497, 627
Aquila, 167, 169, 198
Aranciu, Capt., 46
archives, 319, 321, 464-5, 542, 543, 587, 588,
589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 605, 610
Arezzo, 114, 132, 151, 347, 369, 525
± agriculture, 171, 546, 560
± partisan activity, 42, 46, 49, 357
± Provincial Commissioner, 366, 368
± refugees in, 367, 368
Aria, Dott. Francesco, 298
Armistice (Italian), 60, 69, 78, 93, 96, 201, 252
arms. See firearms; Germans; partisans
Army, Allied. See Allied forces
«Arno» Partisan Brigade, 95
arrests: by Allies, 162, 165, 360-62, 368, 369,
388-9, 393, 398-9, 409, 410, 411, 540, 538
± by Fascists, 201
± by partisans, 81, 101, 160, 188-9, 368, 411
Arno Valley, 93, 95
Arsoli, 126
art treasures, 321, 587, 589, 591, 606, 607,
608, 609. See also monuments
± collections, 320, 392, 395-6, 601, 608, 610
± preservation, 319-20, 590, 595-6, 605, 610
± removal for safety, 321, 588, 590, 596, 603,
607, 610
ArtuÁ, Gen., 45
Ascoli, 93, 198
Ascoli Piceno, 62, 65, 67, 249
assegni di famiglia. See indemnities
Assisi, 118, 127, 151, 197, 264, 356, 358, 493,
524, 613, 614, 615, 617
± agriculture, 519, 575
± bishop of, 194, 351
± CLN, 194-6, 349, 351, 353
± food situation, 194, 349, 351
± industry, 564
± monuments inspection, 319-20, 597-8, 600,
601, 603, 604, 610, 611
± partisan activity, 64
± political activity, 218
± public works, 266
± Questura, 351
± rail station, 504, 506
± refugee camp, 274
± reports on, 194, 348-53
± Sindaco, 351, 352
Assistenza Sociale, 291
Astley, Capt., 232
Atlantic Charter, 253, 256
ATS. See Women's Auxiliary Corps
«Avanti». See newspapers
Azione Cattolica, 236
Badoglio, Marshal Pietro, 40, 81. See also Italian Government
± pro-Badoglio sentiment, 96, 190
Bagnara, 281, 290, 294
Baker, Maj., 181, 347
Baldassare, Dott., 471
Balzo, 73
banditry, 237, 249, 295
banks, 266-7, 271, 275, 287, 292, 615-16, 620,
625-6. See also currency; savings
± Bank of Italy, 265, 613, 616, 617, 624
± blocked assets, 275, 281, 292, 295, 616, 624
± finance for harvest, 268, 271, 275, 278, 623,
± partisan attack on, 61
± reopening of, 264, 370, 614, 617
Barboni, Venturino, 88
Barco, Capt., 45
Barelli, Nello, 305
Bari, 84
Barletani, Col., 179
Barlozzini, Attilio, 188
Baroni, Dott., 307, 313, 314, 316
Bartolucci, Augusto, 344-5
Bastia, 118, 127, 507, 617
± agriculture, 213, 292, 575
± industry, 501, 563
± monuments inspection, 589
± politics, 218
Bastiola, 601, 605
Batocchi, Giuseppe, 48, 363, 367
Battersbey, Maj. A.R., 271, 457, 459, 460, 481
± and epuration, 409, 411
± reports on black market by, 322-4
Ð 633 Ð
± report on defacing of walls, 457-8
± report on press control, 232, 236-7
± report on public safety, 476
BBC, 34, 35, 37, 39, 41, 99, 151, 155, 181,
185, 193, 196, 202. See also radio
Bauer, Riccardo, 52
Becci, Col. Armando, 187-8
Beer, W/Cmd., E.T., 305-306, 355
Bellachiona, Ennio, 387
Bellucci, Prof. Dott. Bruno, 598
Belser, Col. I.F., 167, 262, 308, 322, 327, 375-6,
507, 526, 537, 544, 620
± and Advisory Council, 420, 427-8, 429, 432
± and appointments of officials, 301, 302, 427,
± and epuration, 413, 525, 539
± report on, 403-406, 407, 412
± and public safety, 354, 355, 457-8
± and rationing, 508-509
± and requisitioning, 451-3, 455-6, 482, 465-7
± financial report to, 620-23
± monthly reports, 265-82
± removal from office of, 282, 422, 423, 425,
± reports by, 230, 265-82, 403-406, 438
± report on universities, 533-4
± summary report on his administration of
Perugia, 433-41
± tributes to, 172, 426, 429, 435, 439, 440,
441, 442
± wages, order re, 420, 581
Benjamin, Lt., 487
Bennett, Capt. E.L., 57-8, 89, 395-6, 559
Benson, Group Capt. C.E., 57, 431, 426, 537
± and Advisory Council to Provincial Commissioner, 431, 432
± monthly reports, 167-70, 171-2
± reports on partisans, 44-5, 57, 81-2, 83, 84
± tributes to Col. Belser, 172, 439, 441
Bergamo, 610
Berna, Dott. Guglielmo, 189
Bertini-Calosso, Dott. Achille, 320, 464, 589,
590, 596, 598, 602
Berutti, Sig., 234
Betti, Liberato, 384
Bettona, 63, 90, 98, 184, 601, 615, 617
Bevagna, 88, 127, 615, 617
± agriculture, 519
± monuments inspection, 320, 605
Biagio, Giombini, 202
Biancorosso, Dott. Rodolfo, 298, 299
Bibbiena, 114, 115
Bigi, Gen., 304
billeting, 138, 154, 162, 350, 446, 449, 459,
466, 590, 592
Biscarini, Mario, 386
Biselli, 62
Bizzarri, Col., 45
Bizzozero, Lt Col. O.J., 526-7
black market, 205, 214, 250, 322, 370, 472,
504, 623, 624, 627
± air drop supplies sold on, 190
± in building materials, 496
± in fuelwood, 334, 335
± prices, 193, 341, 622
± report on, 322-4
± road blocks, effect on, 277
Bocanella, Alberto, 534
Bocchignano, 126
Bocci, Avv., 191
Bollettino di Notizie, 233
bomb and shell damage, 203, 205, 211, 597,
600-601, 606, 608
± Allied, 180, 193, 198, 201, 204, 209, 253,
± German, 252, 605
bomb disposal, 321, 486-9
± bomb disposal squads, 474-5, 488-9, 490
Bonham-Carter, Lt Col. A.D., 234, 273, 508
± and Advisory Council to Provincial Commissioner, 431, 432
± and appointment of new Provincial Commissioner, 423, 425
± and olive oil amassing, 549
± and public welfare, 527-8
± and requisitioning, 448
± appointment of officials, 313-14, 316-17
± reports on epuration, 402, 407-408, 412,
414, 415
± reports on industry, 570-71
± tribute to Col. Belser, 439, 441
Bonomi, Ivanoe, 222, 298, 455, 456-7. See also
Italian government
Bonucci, Bonuccio, 64, 184, 190, 300, 304,
Borghesi, Carlo, 387
Botto, 610
Boucher, Brig. C.H., 129-30, 584
Branca lignite mine, 579-80
Brancacci, Ermete, 384
± prices, 294
± ration, 200-201, 208, 217, 219, 500-501,
508, 544
Breghigna, Lt., 201
bricks, 208, 564, 566-7, 570, 572-3
Ð 634 Ð
bridges, 73-4, 126, 127, 308, 309, 494
± Bailey, 126, 134, 137, 490, 589
± damaged or destroyed, 7, 116, 117, 132,
133, 137, 138, 151, 199, 218, 310, 357,
507, 558-9, 589, 601
± medieval/Roman, 589, 600-601, 603, 604,
606, 608, 609
± rebuilding, 172, 266, 272, 275, 278, 281,
285, 286-7, 290, 294, 429, 436, 439, 440,
442, 490, 492, 493, 584, 605, 622, 627
± repair costs, 281, 285, 496-7
± sabotage of, 62-3, 73-4
Briotti, Col. G.A., 48
British Broadcasting Corporation. See BBC
Brooke, Capt. T.H., 602
Brooke, Maj. G.W., 360-62, 363, 364
brothels, 525
Brown, Capt. M.V., 527-8, 532
Browning, Maj. Gen. L., 59-60
Bruno, Lt., 510
Brunori, Adelio, 175
Bruschi, Lt Col., 182
Buchanan, Sgt G.A., 73-4
Buckley, Capt. R.W., 55-8
building materials, 208, 272, 277, 368, 496,
512-14, 541, 566-7. See also bricks, cement,
glass, etc.
buildings. See also cathedrals; churches; reconstruction
± damaged or destroyed, 204, 206-207, 208
± reconstruction, 208-209, 240, 290, 497, 541,
561, 571, 627
Buitoni, Sig., 571-2
Bullock, Maj. T.D., 57
Buoncompagni Ludovisi Rondinelli, Principessa, 592
Buscaglia, Sig., 568
buses, 210, 286, 296
Butcher, Lt., 572
CAOs, 318-19, 348, 358, 359, 365, 367, 428.
See also Perugia; SCAOs
± and appointments of officials, 303-304, 307,
355, 370, 591
± and carabinieri, 365, 368
± and control of civilian movement, 479, 484
± and epuration, 380, 393-4, 399, 405
± and partisans, 56, 57, 100, 103-106, 160,
352, 357, 367
± and rations/supplies, 339-40, 359, 509-10,
± and repairs to monuments, etc., 592, 595,
± inspections by, 294
± judicial functions, 268, 270, 358, 369
± report on Todi politics, 344-6
Cagli, 39
Caia, Sig., 312
Caibaldini, 39
Calabria, 203, 347
Calamandrei, Piero, 200
Calcisa, 51
Caldarelli, Dott. Adolfo, 413, 472
Calisti, Prof., 525
Calogero, Prof., 540
Calosso, Umberto, 231
Calzoraro, 358
Camera del Commercio, 208
Camera del Lavoro, 205-206, 208, 216-17,
218, 554, 568
Camerino, 61, 65
Cammarano, Comm. Gaetano, 162, 384
Campania, 203
Campello, 98, 575
Campo Reggione, 48
Campolini, Rag., 191
Campriano, 49
camps. See concentration camps; displaced
persons; evacuation camps; prisoners of war
Cannara, 563, 575, 615, 617
± Sindaco, 87-8
canning factories, 563
Canovari, 229
Cantarelli, Lt, 61
Canuti, Fiorenso, 593, 594
Capabianca, Alfonso, 187
Capitini, Prof. Aldo, 185, 540-41
± report on University of Perugia, 242-7
Cappelletti, Sig., 344, 345
Capranica, 97
Capuzzi, Pietro, 61, 62
carabinieri, 86, 153, 295, 308, 310, 325, 329,
330-31, 340, 351, 356, 357, 358, 365, 367,
368, 393, 404, 458, 554
± acting as partisans, 65, 66
± attacks on by partisans, 61
± clothing and footwear shortages, 277, 285,
435, 477, 482
± co-operation with AMG, 482
± equipment, 291, 435
± in Terni, 209
± morale, 162, 277, 281, 367
± numbers, 161-2, 170, 266, 483
± pay, 347
± surrender of arms to, 38, 482
± training, 285
Ð 635 Ð
± transport for, 477, 482
Carandini, Dott. NicoloÁ, 231
Carattoli, Bruno, 305
Carlini, Giuseppe, 189
Carnaiola, 174
Carpiano, 48
Carter, Maj., 526
Casa del Fascio, 351
Casalalta Bettona, 186
Casalina, 186
Casamento, 370
Casati, Ettore, 195
Cascia, 62, 67, 68, 73, 334, 401-402
Casei, Fortunato, 344, 345
Casenove, 61
Cassino, battle of, 113, 115, 170, 185
Castel del Piano, 64
Castel Leoni, 186
Castel Madama, 35
Castel Rigoni, 370
Castel Ritaldi, 575, 618
Castelli (partisan band), 35
Castelli Romani, 93
Castellone de Deruta, 186
Castelluccio, 62, 67, 70, 72, 78
Castelvieto, 134, 136
Castigliani, 50
Castiglione del Lago, 490, 553, 605, 618
castles, 601, 605, 606, 607
casualties. See Allied forces; Germans; partisans
Cataldi, Avv. Antonio, 303
Catalluchi, Col., 466
Catapan, Luigi, 193
cathedrals, 197, 320-21, 542, 590, 591, 593,
594, 595, 596, 600, 605, 606, 607, 609, 611
Catholic Church, 184-5, 192. See also papacy;
Catona, 123
cattle. See livestock
Cavalotti, Felicioni, 186
Cavaterra, Arnaldo, 321
CCRR. See carabinieri
Ceccano, 35
Ceccarini, Adelchi, 64
Cecchini, Prof., 542, 591
Cecina, 93, 119
Celleno, 120
cement, 208, 266, 272, 284, 493, 563, 564
censorship, 225, 286. See also Allied Publications Board
ceramics, 197, 564, 616
Cerbara, 48
Cerqueto, 137, 605
Cerreta, 397, 618
± exports, 284, 289, 499, 547
± prices, 511, 622
± ration, 336-7
± supplies of, 289, 334, 335, 338, 499, 511,
547, 572
charity, 241
cheese, 193, 340, 502, 517
chemicals, 168, 211, 217, 289, 294, 513, 554-5,
556, 561, 574
± chemical industry, 168, 564. See also soap
chemists, 274, 278, 525, 526
Chianciano, 358, 526
Chiappini, Poliuto, 207, 208
Chieti, 167
Chiusi, 42
Chiusita, 73
churches, 319, 542, 587, 594-5, 597-8, 600,
627. See also cathedrals; monuments
± damage to, 320, 590, 591, 593, 605, 606-10
Churchill, Winston, 113-14
Cianca, Alberto, 200, 231, 233, 234
Cianetti, Sig., 194
Cima San Pietro, 199
Cine-CittaÁ, 291
cinemas, 214
Cingolani, Mario, 229
Cipriani, Decio, 387
Cipriani, Mons. Filippo Maria, 202
Citerna, 49, 366
CittaÁ della Pieve, 132, 135, 264, 266, 613
± agriculture, 552, 553
± CLN, 188
± food situation, 346-7
± monuments inspection, 593-4, 605, 611
± partisan activity, 35, 188-9
± Sindaco, 189
± wood supplies, 334, 335, 337
CittaÁ di Castello, 39, 218, 266, 278, 356, 507,
524, 542, 564, 616, 617
± agriculture, 213
± bishop of, 360
± CLN, 201, 363
± food situation, 202
± Giunta, 361, 362, 363
± industry, 370, 564
± monuments inspection, 591-2, 603, 605
± partisan activity, 48, 64, 194
± political activity, 201, 360-62
± public safety, 364-5, 368, 369
Ð 636 Ð
± report on, 201-202
± Sindaco, 361-2, 363, 370
± typhoid in, 269, 272, 358-9, 368
CittaÁ Reale, 63
Civil Affairs Officers. See CAOs
civil defence, 474-5, 480. See also shelters; sirens
Civil Labour Bureau, 218
civil unrest, 210, 252-3, 508, 544, 628-9
civilian movement, restriction on, 473, 475,
484, 560. See also travel passes
Civita, 73, 93
Civitavecchia, 280
Civitella Benazzone, 606
Civitella d'Arno, 123, 129
Civitella Ranieri, 601
Clark, Gen. Mark, 181
Clegg, Lt, 361, 362, 363, 364
clergy, 61, 64, 88, 182, 193, 194, 201, 202,
237, 240, 319, 320, 372
Clitumnus, Sources of, 601, 603, 606
CLN, 4-5, 6, 7, 10, 33, 104, 223, 224, 249. See
also Perugia (and individual communes)
± political status of, 226-7, 228
clothing. See also carabinieri; partisans
± distribution, 269, 272
± factories, 271
± prices, 479
± restricted, 514, 577
± shortage, 208, 279
± exports, 579
± for industry, 169, 360, 560-61, 575-6
± mines, 563. See also lignite; mining
Coccarani, Adelchi, 351
Cocco, Ten. Bruno, 162, 383
Cocuzza, Dott. Giuseppe, 298, 299
Colfiorito, 213
Coli, Avv., 199
Collazzone, 617
± agriculture 552, 553
± CAO, report by, 85-6
± partisan activity, 67, 85-6
Colle Croce, 97, 98
Collemancio, 63, 87, 90
Collestrada, 337
Collocamento. See labour
Colqhoun, Maj. A.S., 43, 44, 46, 47
Comando Bande, Esterne/Interne. See CBE/
Comez, Sig., 312
Comitati di Liberazione Nazionale. See CLN
Commissariat for Veterans, 77
commodity price lists, 340-41. See also prices
communes, 328-32, 506
± agriculture, 203, 550, 552
± budgets, 269, 271, 275, 278, 282, 621, 624-5
± food distribution, 507, 509-10, 520
± Giunte Militaire, 307, 428
± politics, 216-17
± secretaries, 6, 293, 309, 318, 381, 406, 414
± Sindaci, 307, 370, 502
communications, 477, 482, 491. See also radio;
± between communes and Prefects, 263
± between local administration and Italian
Government, 305-306, 308, 312, 370, 428,
± between partisans and Allied forces, 35, 66
communism, 249, 372
± Communist Clubs, 394
± Communist Party. See political parties
± communists, 56, 57, 64, 66, 91, 160, 194,
199, 201, 217, 344, 351, 398
Comomuglia, 358
Comparozzi, Quinto, 353
concentration camps, 268, 270, 399
conduct of Allied troops. See Allied forces, discipline
Conestabile, Count Giancarlo, 507
Confederazione Generale del Lavoro, 206,
Configni, 126
Consani, Amilcare, 201
Consorzio Agrario Provinciale, 264, 333, 337-8,
502, 506, 507, 510, 511, 519, 552. See also
agriculture; SEPRAL
Consorzio Provinciale Trasporti, 286, 292,
336, 337, 503
Consorzio Trasporti Roma, 286, 503
Conti, Lucia, 543
controlled/restricted materials. See raw materials
convents, 608
Convito (partisan leader), 189
Coppola, Salvatore, 318, 408, 409-12
Corbiello, Prof. Leonardo, 539
Corciano, 134, 136, 357, 366, 369, 618
± agriculture, 274, 553
± monuments inspection, 601, 606
Corella, 50
Cornwall, Lt Col. O.H., 89
± report on public activity, 470-75
correspondence, 443-4
«Corriere Alleato». See newspapers
«Corriere di Perugia». See newspapers
Ð 637 Ð
Cortelena, Gen., 42
Cortellini, Vittore Ugo, 188
Cortona, 48, 69, 78, 175-7
Costa, Lt Volfango, 71, 73, 74, 347
Costacciaro, 356, 357, 368, 370
Costantini (partisan leader), 45
Costanzi, Alessandro, 353
cost of living, 208, 279, 293, 622, 628. See also
± bonus, 218, 285
Cott, Lt Perry B., 464-5, 602
cotton, 169. See also textiles
Cotton, Capt. T.P., 485
crime, 266, 274, 277, 295, 357-8, 369, 435,
472. See also banditry
± murders, 166, 477, 482
Cristellini, Olivero, 386
Croce, Lt Col. Adalberto, 195
Croft-Murray, Capt. E., 602
Cunningham, Capt. W.I., 313
curfew, 179, 212, 230, 263, 268, 270, 281,
358, 365, 369, 473, 482
currency, 214, 282, 287, 292, 481, 485, 546,
620, 623-4
Cuthbertson, Lt J., 460
cyclists, 358
Damiani, 194
D'Andrea, Sig., 312
Dare, Capt. J.O., 326-7, 334, 335, 460
De Acutis, Lt., 44
debris clearance, 266, 278, 290, 320, 321, 490,
497, 627
De Nicola, Enrico, 195
De Ruggiero, G., 200, 539, 540
defascistisation, 264, 307, 433, 434, 435-6,
438, 472, 511, 525. See also epuration
± numbers, 172, 270, 403, 405, 411, 413, 415,
± pay of officials while suspended, 405, 407,
417, 499, 539
± reports on, 403-406, 407-408
Del Bon Tromboni (partisan band), 63, 64
Del Bon Tromboni, Augusto, 63, 64, 90-92
Del Buontromboni, Alberto, 185, 304
Del Fero (partisan), 45
Del Monaco, Maresciallo, 188
della Costa, Mons. Elia, 193
Dell'Orso, Italo, 387-8
democracy, 200, 214, 215, 222, 241, 249, 254,
Democrazia del Lavoro, 195
Derham, Maj. R.
± reports on food supplies, 506-508, 544-5
Derry, Lt Col. J., 77
Deruta, 118, 119, 601, 606
± agriculture, 519, 552, 553
± monuments inspection, 601, 606
± partisan activity, 63, 85, 90, 187
D'Urto, 198
Di Vittorio, Giuseppe, 206
Dickinson, Capt. J.A., 460, 507, 512, 545, 565,
569, 574
± report on agriculture, 545-7
± report on industry, 576-7
± report on salt, 516-17
± report on transportation, 515-16
Dionisi, Alfonso, 187-8
diseases, infectious, 526, 530. See also venereal
± disease, animal, 272, 274, 284, 546, 556
± disease, plant, 212
± tuberculosis, 208
± typhoid, 269, 272, 295, 358-9, 368, 369
displaced persons, 83, 84, 165, 170, 274, 291,
295, 532. See also refugees
± camps, 53, 90, 101, 170, 291, 367-8
Dobrey (partisan), 89
DonaduÁ, Dott. Angelo, 298
Donati, Capt., 187, 190
Dopolavoro clubs, 394
Drage, Maj., 77
Drooke, Maj., 592
Dunlop, Brig. John K., 299
ECA. See Ente Comunale d'Assistenza
Economic Statistical Office, 219, 220
economics and supply.
± monthly reports, 500-504, 521-3
economy, pre war, 10-12
education, 206-7. See also schools; universities
± Army School of Education, 445-7
± Education Officers, 535
± monthly reports, 535-43
eggs, 193, 284, 289, 546-7, 622
Eighth Army.
± and civilian movement, 484
± and partisans, 52, 54, 57, 59, 88
± battle plans, 114-115, 125
± directives, 263, 266, 407, 409
± Field Security Service, 263, 349, 362, 473,
± internment of suspected Fascists, 318,
350, 358, 368, 380, 383-8, 393, 406, 409,
410-12, 471
± release of political prisoners by, 358
Ð 638 Ð
± reports by, 159, 160-61, 350-53, 410
± vetting by, 162, 163, 165, 166, 311, 345,
348, 351-2, 358, 365, 396, 413, 427, 428,
471, 472, 499, 543
± «white list», 360
± G-1 (personnel section), 56, 57
± G-2 (intelligence section), 56, 84, 100, 101,
± GSI (Civil Liaison), 47, 54, 55, 175-7, 409,
± No. 1 Special Force, 52
± partisan reports, 81-2
± PWB, 38, 52-3, 90, 99, 101, 102-103, 107-10,
121, 185, 233
± reports by, 90-92, 172-5, 177, 180, 182,
183, 189-94, 195-6, 198-202, 203, 204-10,
211-13, 214-20, 221-24, 238
± School of Education, 241, 445-7
Eighth Army Units.
± Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 127
± 25th Army Tank Brigade, 126, 128
± 26th Armoured Brigade, 115, 131, 132, 133,
135, 141
± 4th British Division, 126
± 6th British Armoured Division, 114, 118-25,
126, 131-36, 166
± 2 Coldstream Guards, 115, 132, 133, 134,
136, 140, 141
± Derbyshire Yeomanry, 131, 132, 134, 141
± Frontier Force Rifles, 126, 127
± 3 Grenadier Guards, 115, 131-3, 136, 140,
± 1st Guards Brigade, 114, 115, 131, 132, 133,
135, 139-41, 151-5
± 3rd Hussars, 128, 135
± 4th Indian Division, 199, 356, 367
± 8th Indian Division, 114, 125-8, 135
± 10th Indian Division, 128, 357, 367
± 17th Indian Infantry Brigade, 126, 127-8,
± 19th Indian Infantry Brigade, 126, 127, 130
± 21st Indian Infantry Brigade, 126, 128
± 61 Infantry Brigade, 115, 132, 135, 136, 141
± King's Dragoon Guards, 131, 132, 133, 134,
135, 136, 137, 146
± King's Own Hussars, 130
± 6th Lancers, 126, 127
± 12th Lancers, 126, 127
± 16th Lancers, 114-15
± 17th/21st Lancers, 137-9
± 2nd Lothian and Border Horse, 116-17,
132, 133, 135
± 8th Punjab Regiment, 127
± 15th Punjab Regiment, 126
± Northern Irish Horse, 128, 130
± Reconnaissance Brigade, 115, 116, 117, 131,
132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 144, 146
± Royal Engineers, 116, 126, 132, 272, 285,
290, 314, 330, 331, 348
± Royal Fusiliers, 127
± Royal Gurkha Rifles, 126, 127
± Royal Horse Artillery, 130, 135
± 5th Royal West Kent Regiment, 126
± Welsh Guards, 115, 133, 134, 136, 140, 141
elections, 200, 223, 248, 307
± Electric Power Allocation Commission, 290
± for domestic use, 172, 178, 183, 210, 285,
± for hospitals, 490, 527
± for industrial use, 168, 197, 276, 280, 284,
490, 505-506, 560, 561, 562-3, 567, 570,
572-3, 574, 575, 576, 577-8
± hydro-electric power stations, 168, 562
± materials, 169, 368, 513, 558
± power stations, 36, 37, 73, 169, 172, 204,
490, 562
± rationing, 172, 263, 266, 274, 277, 283, 492-3,
± supply, 202, 308, 309, 491
electro-chemical works, 204
Ellis, Capt. R.H., 319-22, 542, 589-90, 591-2,
594-6, 602
employment conditions, 218-19. See also labour; workers
Enei, Lt, 47
± civil, 272, 329, 330, 486, 570-71. See also
Genio Civile
± military, 272, 309, 368, 491, 492, 493-5. See
also Eighth Army Units; Royal Engineers
Ente Comunale d'Assistenza, 291, 295, 531,
Ente Nazionale d'Assistenza, 287
epuration, 223, 241, 250, 276, 396, 527, 591,
613, 626. See also defascistisation; Perugia
± Eighth Army Directives on, 380-83, 385,
393-4, 402, 427
± in Terni, 209
± lists, 383-8, 399
± numbers, 268, 271, 274, 415, 538
± of Guardia Forestale, 412-13
± of police, 383-4
± of teachers, 206, 533, 536, 538-9
± report on, 403-407
Ermini, Prof. Giuseppe, 539
Ð 639 Ð
Erskine, Capt. David G., 57
Ettorre, Domenico, 231
evacuation camps, 274, 347, 357
evacuations, 98, 201, 278, 281, 367, 587
Evans, Maj. A.G., 139
executions, 162, 165 192. See also Germans
exhibitions, 286, 296, 601-602
exports. See trade, interprovincial
Fabbia, Lt Angelo, 205, 206
Fabri, Romano, 349, 353
Fabriana, 47
Fabro, 174
Fabro Scalo, 347
factories, 218, 266, 269, 563-5, 569, 571-2. See
also industry
± damage to, 168, 193, 211-12, 563-5
± factory commissions, 218
± repairs, 284
Falcinelli, Prof. Alfonso, 349
Falcinetti, Sig., 319
Faldetta, Sig., 317, 318
Falk, Capt. E.V., 323, 371, 460, 464, 507, 525,
526, 544
± memo on newspapers, 232-3
± report on Panicale, 354-5
± reports on epuration, 399, 409
± reports on wages, 581, 582-3
± reports to, 395-6
± tribute to, 440
Fara, 126
Farinacci, Col. C.J., 524, 525
farmers, 203, 211, 220, 280, 355, 545, 560,
± farms, 211, 213
Farneto, 610, 611
Farquharson, Lt Col. Sir P. Bt DSO, 128, 130
± and judiciary, 223-4, 265
± communists under, 248, 249
± effect on Italian political will, 200
± Perugia, centre for, 475
± still popular, 214, 241
Fascist Republican Auxiliary Police, 97-8, 162,
Fascist Republican Government, 92-3, 162,
188, 534, 538
± and Perugia Province, 405
± communist activity under, 196
± corporate syndicate system, 206
± EOELI, 275
± MVSN, 188, 406
± peasants under, 218
Fascist Republican Guard, 67, 191, 192, 383,
384, 428, 472, 540. See also squadristi
Fascist Sanctions Decree, 277
Fascist Truth Movement, 355
fascists, 86, 160-61, 164, 165, 168, 186, 345,
351, 560. See also anti-fascist activities; defascistisation; epuration; political parties;
± AMG, definition of, 381-3
± arrests of, 178, 180, 188, 189, 383-4, 385-7
± epuration of officials serving under Republican Fascist Government, 263, 390-93, 394,
400-401, 406, 473-4, 583
± lists of names, 159, 188, 189, 193, 194, 202,
250, 383-8, 399, 404, 407
± officials said to be, 209, 250, 262, 358
± university staff, 534, 540
Fascoletti, Paolo di Primo, 387
Fastigi, Renate, 199
fats, 212, 269, 271, 273, 276, 308, 509, 518-20.
See also lard; olive oil
Fava, Col., 77, 78
Faveri, Canon D. Luigi, 320
Fedeli, Vivaldo, 248
Ferace, Dott. Agostino, 185
Ferrara, Avv. Mario, 231
Ferri, Lt E., 71, 438
fertilisers, 217, 284, 289
Fiastra, 71
Ficulle, 174, 187-8
Fifth Army, 52, 54, 59, 114, 121, 167, 484
± Intelligence Section, report on Anglo-Italian
relations, 251-8
± Office of Strategic Services. See OSS
Figline, 191
finance. See also AC/ACC HQ Finance SubCommission; banks; currency; Perugia; savings
± military subsidies, 264, 613
± monthly reports, 615-17, 620-23, 623-30
fire brigades. See Vigili del Fuoco
firearms, illegal possession of, 358, 369, 472,
477-8, 482
fish, 212, 271, 523
Fiske, Col. N.E., 404
Fiuggi, 81, 181
Fiumicino, 35
flooding, 272, 504
Florence, 42, 114, 115, 169, 189, 190-94, 208,
296, 348, 422
± agriculture, 193
± dependency on imports, 215, 219, 347, 499,
Ð 640 Ð
± fascist activity in, 191, 192
± industry, 193, 277
± partisan activity, 70, 191-2
± politics, 192-3
± mills, 171, 276, 359, 369, 490, 616
± prices, 193, 622
± ration, 200-201, 544
± supplies, 169, 181, 329, 346-7, 500, 507
Flower, Maj., 460
Foggia, 203
Foiano, 48
Foligno, 126, 339-40, 614, 615, 618, 628
± administration, 266
± agriculture, 519
± CAO, 89, 339-40, 395
± CLN, 57
± displaced persons camp, 83-4, 90, 170
± fire brigades, 474
± industry, 211-12, 493, 554-5, 559-61, 562-4,
± monuments inspection, 320-22, 542, 606607, 610
± partisan activity, 57-8, 61, 65-6, 88, 95, 97,
160, 168
± politics, 218
± public works, 278, 290, 294
± war damage, 600, 603, 606-607, 611
Follonico, 42
Fondazione Agraria, 211
Fontana, 144
Fontana Liri, 35
Fontana Maggiore, 150-55
Fontiveggio, 133, 138, 329, 330
± battle for, 146-50
food. See also eggs, milk, etc.; Perugia, food situation; trade, interprovincial
± agencies, 212, 213
± distribution, 347
± shortages, 208, 210
± supplies, 159, 169, 211-13, 339-40, 527
forage, 347, 499
Forche Canapine, 73
Forche di Civita, 73-4, 78
forgeries, 287, 481, 485
Formisani, Harriet, 164
Forni, Dott. Socrate, 298
Forti, Bruno, 68, 70
Forti, Lt Sergio, 62-3, 68-74, 75-8
Fortignano, 607
Fossato, 47, 356, 357, 368
Fossato di Vico, 270, 507, 579
Foster, Lt Col. J., 47
Fowler, Maj. M.W.F., 481
Fowler, Maj. N., 372
Franciosini, Mario, 188
Franciscano, 194
Francisconi, Dott. Renato, 534
Franklin, Lt, 225, 366
Fratta Todina, 553, 618
Freeman, Major, 592
French Expeditionary Corps (CEF), 100
frescoes, 321, 592, 593, 595, 597, 605, 606,
607, 608, 610
Fricker, Maj. E.G., 461
Frondini, Pietro, 384
Frosinone, 97, 167, 169, 261, 274, 545, 555
fruit, 292, 515
± fruit and grapevine blight, 289, 294, 556
FSS. See Eighth Army, Field Security Service
fuel, 359, 567, 568, 570, 574
± shortage, 86, 169, 264
± supplies, 171, 266, 284, 289, 547
Fuller, Maj., 498
Fulton, Lt., 117
Fuschini, Prof. Carlo, 534, 538-9, 540
Fyffe, Maj., 145
G-1. See Eighth Army
G-2. See Eighth Army
Gabriotti, Lt Col. Venanzi, 201, 202
GalataÁ, Dott. Agostino, 298
Galleto, 36, 37
Galli, Eduardo, 602
Gambelunghe, Armando, 534
Gangemi, Col., 499
GAP, 94, 96-8
Garfagnana, 192
Garibaldi, 176
«Garibaldi» Partisan Brigades, 95, 97-8, 198,
Garigue, Lt P., 57, 350, 356
Garzini, Col., 489
gas, 210, 274, 513, 576, 577
Gasparini, Lt A.V., 323
Gavorrano, 192
Gazzera, 250
Geller, Capt. M.I., 323, 355
Genio Civile, 294, 309, 314, 494, 495, 605,
606, 609, 627
± payment of, 310, 311
Gerlo, Dott. Umberto, 299, 301
Germans. See also prisoners of war
± activities against Partisans, 61-2, 63-5, 71,
72, 78, 91, 177, 182, 184, 187, 188
± armaments, 119-20, 129, 132, 134, 136
Ð 641 Ð
± arrests by, 304
± atrocities, 202, 252, 356, 386
± battle situation, 42, 118-19, 120, 121, 122125, 129, 131-6
± behaviour by, 182, 197, 252, 253
± casualties, 61, 63, 64, 115, 129, 133, 117,
174, 184, 187, 188, 199
± damage caused by, 153, 204, 565, 589, 591,
± demolitions, 54, 117, 126-7, 132, 138, 183,
202, 253, 320, 490, 560, 589, 592, 593,
594, 601, 605, 606, 611
± executions by, 56, 62, 63, 64, 71, 74, 78, 91,
182, 187, 201
± looting, 193-4, 219, 220, 590, 592, 601, 611
± morale, 185, 191
± partisan activity against. See partisans
± propaganda, 155, 179, 180, 193
± requisitioning by, 183
± retreat by, 62-3, 65, 112-13, 114, 121, 123,
124-5, 129, 131, 134, 136, 148, 152, 183,
193-4, 213
± retributions/reprisals, 61, 62, 71, 72, 98
± S.S. contingents, 163, 197, 348
± troop origins, 121
Gevers, Carl M., 534
Giammaroni, D., 213
Gianantoni, Prof. Camillo, 384
Giano dell'Umbria, 421, 615, 618
Giazzi, Sig., 317, 318
Giffen, Lt Col. J., 364-5
± report by, 366-70
Gigliarelli, Avv. Riccardo, 185
Gigliarelli, Gen., 184
Gilberto, Capt. Ciarelli, 161
Gilchrist, Bdr, 145
Gill, Maj., 359, 369
Giolitti, 222, 300
Gionnare, Lt Col., 50
Giotto, 597
Giuliani, Antonio, 386-7
giunte. See communes; local government
glass factories, 266, 564
Godbold, Capt. C.E., 271, 275, 279, 475
± and political activities, 229, 388-90, 394-5,
398-9, 411
Goggin, J. Cmdr. M.F.E., 286, 523, 528, 531
Gothic line, 3, 18, 113, 115, 119, 121, 229, 422
Goulding, Capt., 591
grain. See also agriculture; trade; wheat
± amassing, 169, 171, 266, 271, 274, 277, 284,
289, 436, 545, 555, 620
harvest, 86, 169, 211, 219, 359
milling, 169, 171
prices, 211
statistics on, 545, 555
supplies, 264
threshing, 86, 171, 264, 266, 269, 271, 359,
370, 436
± transport, 213, 286, 359, 579
Grammarconi, G.B., 507
Gramsci Brigades, 95, 97-8
Gran Sasso, 34, 93, 95
Granai del Popolo, 203, 212
Grande, 145
Grandi, Achille, 206
Grani, Giovanni, 303
grapevine industry, 564
± grapevine blight. See fruit
Grecchi, Mario, 63, 64, 91-2, 111, 187
Green, Lt Col., OBE, 130
Greglugno, Lt, 202
Grieco, Ruggero, 231, 232
Grigis, Lt, 173
Grignano, Maj., 46
Grimaldi, Lt Col., 46
Grisolia, Dott. Andrea, 162, 304, 471
Gronchi, Giovanni, 207, 231, 233, 240-41
Grondono, Candido, 344, 345
Grosseto, 95, 118, 151, 191, 307
Grosseto (partisan band), 35
Grossi, Capt., 384
Gruppi d'Azione Patriottica. See GAP
Gualdo, 64, 218
Gualdo Cattaneo, 85, 88, 90, 334, 575, 615,
Gualdo Tadino, 356, 524, 618
± agriculture, 370, 519, 524, 575
± monuments inspection, 607
± partisan activity, 367, 368
Guardabassi, Sig.a, 532
Guardia di Finanza, 472, 482
Guardia Forestale, 263, 337, 338, 413, 415,
472, 477, 482, 498-9. See also epuration
± ineffectiveness of, 333-5, 511
Guardia Municipale. See police
Gubbio, 199, 218, 266, 278, 356, 368, 370,
371, 507, 524, 616, 617
± epuration, 398-9
± monuments inspection, 594-6, 604, 607, 611
± partisan activity, 47, 198, 366
± political activity, 394-5
± Sindaco, 370
Guerrizio, Lt Col. L. Mario, 184, 266, 304,
434, 471
Ð 642 Ð
± information given on Florence, 190-94
Guescia, Lt., 348
Gulotta, Maj. F.A.
± report on food supplies, 521-2
± report on rations, 585
± reports on supplies of olive oil, 509-10, 518520, 585
Gustav line, 34, 40, 130
Hale, Lt., 137
Halliday, Maj., 489
Harding, Lt Gen. A.J., 37, 52-3, 100
Harris, Maj. N.
± report on partisan activity, 85-6
Harrison, Capt., 181
Harrison, Lt Col. T.R., DSO, 127
harvest, 264, 266, 268, 271, 274, 275, 349,
359. See also grain
Harwell, Capt. C.A.
± report on partisan activity, 89-90
± reports on Todi, 344-6, 357
Hawker, Capt., 460, 545
Hay, Capt. H.M., 279, 507
Haydon, Brig. J.C., 139-41
Heydeman, Maj. Gen. C.A., 434, 467
± tribute to Col. Belser, 440, 441, 442
Hills, Maj. S.A., 281
Horn, Maj. R.E., 516
± supply reports to, 500-504, 506-508, 518-20,
hospitals. See also venereal disease
± civilian, 170, 359, 367, 369, 524, 525, 526-7,
± damage to, 210
± electricity supply for, 490, 493, 527
± field (military), 359, 369, 587
± food supply to, 280, 289, 546, 556
± linen shortages, 291
± requisitioning, 367, 529-31, 532
± staff accommodation, 450, 455-7
hospital towns, 319, 349, 350
House of Savoy. See monarchy
Howard, Lt Col. R., 85, 278, 323, 433, 436
± and requisitioning, 451, 452-3
± report on public works repairs, 490
± reports on bomb disposal squads, 486-7,
health, 170, 171, 267. See also disease; Perugia; public health
Howell, Col.
± finance reports to, 614-17
Hudson, Capt., 83, 84
«Il Segno». See newspapers
± assegni familiari, 277, 290, 581, 582, 583,
± bombardment, 628-9
± di carovita, 208, 277, 581, 582, 583, 623
± di pane, 294
± di presenza, 581, 583, 623
industry and commerce, 6, 193, 557, 620, 623.
See also factories; Perugia
± effect of war damage on, 211-12
± in Terni, 204-206
± Industrial Reorganisation Board, 504, 565
± monthly reports, 577-8
± reports on, 562-5, 566-80
inflation, 215, 218. See also cost of living;
Innamorati, Ferdinando, 389
insurance companies
± commercial, 265, 613, 622, 627
± social, 265, 292, 296, 613, 622, 626-7
intellectuals, 183, 194, 207
internees, 161, 162, 164-5, 186, 224, 263, 268,
270, 474, 479. See also political prisoners
± camps, 479
± release of, 163, 254, 394, 409, 483
interpreters, 345
iron foundries, 204, 564
Isernia, 169
«Italia Combatte». See radio
Italian Army, 93, 101, 196, 370, 530, 531
± Allied forces view of, 252, 255
± enlistment of Partisans in, 58-60, 101, 106
± fascist officers in, 388, 410
± Patriot Brigade within, formation of, 102103
Italian colonies, 210
Italian courts, 438, 472, 480, 485
± Court of Assize, 281, 295
± criminal courts, 166
± reopening of, 267, 268, 270
± slowness in handling cases, 291, 478, 483
Italian Government, 4, 6, 9, 215
± and appointment of officials, 276, 301-302,
304, 307, 308, 311, 316-17
± and defascistisation process, 380, 393, 406408
± and partisans, 98, 101, 108
± Badoglio government, 96, 255, 538
± Bonomi government, 221-2, 297, 298, 313,
376, 448, 449, 454, 456-7
± Central Partisan Committee, 43-4, 46
± Constituent Assembly, 6, 249, 250
Ð 643 Ð
± government decrees, 582-3, 629
± Highways Dept., 601, 608
± Ministry of Agriculture, 413, 550. See also
± Ministry of Education, 322, 537, 538, 540,
± Ministry of Epuration, 223, 536
± Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Labour, 514
± Ministry of Interior, 9, 234, 301, 305-306,
311, 312, 317, 318
± Ministry of Justice, 223, 224
± Ministry of War, 59-60, 489
± Parri government, 221-4
± Patriot Commission, 98, 99, 159
± relations with AMG, 305-306, 312, 440,
449, 493
Italian Industrial Reactivation Committee, 578
Italian Military Organisation for Central Italy,
Italian Welfare Organisation, 286
Jannoni, Sig., 313, 314, 317
Jarvis, Capt. B.H.
± re political meetings, 228-9
± re publications, 336-8, 390
Jews, 194
Jimenez, Lt M.A., 39-40
Johnstone, Lt R.W., 460, 462
Jones, Capt., 347
Jones, Maj., 71, 72
Jovanovic, Stinko, 166, 184
judiciary, 223, 265, 295, 483
justice, 223-4. See also AMG, military courts;
Italian courts
Kauffman, Maj., 559
Kirwan, Cpl., 116-17
Knights of Malta, 601, 607
«La Battaglia». See newspapers
«La Liberta». See newspapers
«LaTrinita». See newspapers
labour, 333, 337, 496, 568, 585. See also Camera di Lavoro; rationing, heavy workers';
Union Industriale; wages
± availability for reconstruction, 208, 321, 561,
± Collocamento, 285, 329
± disputes, 554. See also strikes
± organisations, 206
± registration, 285
± volunteer, 329-31
Landesman, Lt, 460, 481, 525
± amassing, 342, 515, 520
± supplies, 217, 339, 509-10, 519
Lascelles, Lt Visc. George, 140, 152
Laurenzi, Francesco, 351
Lausi, Sig., 209
Lazio, 93, 95, 203, 602
Leach, Capt. R., 323, 372, 460
± and epuration, 400-401
leaflets, 99, 182, 193, 202. See also propaganda
Legg, Col. W.J., 548, 551
Leggerini, Plinio, 182
Lencioni, Gino, 560
Leno, Capt. J.J., 460
± reports on provincial finance, 612-13, 615616, 620-23
Leonardi, Lt Carlo, 74
Leonessa, 65
Leoni (partisan band), 186-7
Lescai, Lt Col., 45
Lewis, Capt. Vernon, 424
liberation of Perugia. See Perugia
«Liberazione». See newspapers
libraries, 320, 464, 534, 537, 541-3, 588, 590,
592, 593, 595-6, 605, 610, 611
Libya, 291
lignite, 169, 266, 284, 558-9, 616. See also
Branca lignite mine; Pietrafitta lignite mine
± supplies of, 336-8, 505, 567, 572, 578,
lime, 266, 490, 560-61, 564, 576
linoleum, 168-9
Lisciano Niccone, 334, 357, 421, 553, 618
Lister, Maj., 569, 570
Littoria, 261, 274, 545, 555
± cattle, 289, 367, 507
± lost to Germans, 219, 220, 544
± markets, 284, 289, 294, 342, 546, 556
± oxen, 212-13, 218, 546
± pigs, 212, 213, 277, 280, 284, 289, 294, 546,
± slaughter of, 280, 502, 508, 616-17, 521
± prices, 212, 284, 289, 546
± sheep, 517
Livorno, 192
Lizzadri, Oreste, 206
local government, 6, 168, 227, 228, 256-7,
288, 306-11, 346. See also communes; Prefects; Sindaci
± administration, 380-84, 424, 425, 427-9,
Ð 644 Ð
± appointment of officers, 434
± co-operation with AMG, 434, 438-40, 451-2,
453, 455-6, 457
± giunte, 58, 106, 109, 359
± report on, 427-9
Lolli, S. Ten. Alfredo, 384
Lombardy, 610
looting. See also Germans, looting by
± by Allied forces, 166, 179, 198, 252, 256,
588, 607
± by partisans, 176
± of fascist property, 365
lubricants. See POL
Lucca, 114
Lucania, 203
Lugli, Armando, 199
Lugnano, 48
Lund, Maj. J, 292, 293-6
Lupatelli, Avv. Astore, 239, 540
Lush, Brig. Gen. M.S., 156-7
M. Amiata, 192
M. Bagnolo, 136
M. Buono, 146
M. Castello Bibbio, 553, 618
M. Cernuto, 174
M. Cetona, 42, 43
M. Faction, 115
M. Falterone, 50
M. Giogo, 135
M. Giovi, 50, 191, 192
M. Iavello, 50
M. Leone, 68
M. Lucignano, 144
M. Maggiore, 50
M. Magnolo, 141
M. Malbe, 115, 337
± battle for, 131-6, 143, 144-6
M. Male, 115
M. Mario, 67
M. Opoli, 126
M. Pacciano, 134, 136, 141
M. Rentella, 134, 135, 136, 146
M. San Croce, 134, 135, 136
M. Santa Maria, 356, 359
M. Tezio, 125, 133
M. Vettore, 67
Macerata, 62, 65, 95, 339
machinery, 168
Maffei, Pietro Antonio, 385
Magione, 115, 133, 270, 334, 366, 618
± agriculture, 203
± industry, 284, 564
± monuments inspection, 601, 607
± partisan activity, 367
Maiella, 93
Mainwaring, Brig. H.S.K., 40-41
malnutrition, 208
«Man», General (partisan leader), 199
Manciati, Arturo, 175
Mancini, Ten., 357, 367
Manganiello, Rafaelle, 193
Manifold, Maj. G.W., 485
Manno, Dr. E., 333, 507
Manone, Lt, 44
Mantilacci, Sig., 344, 345
Marcatello, 49
March on Rome, 183, 405, 406
Marche, 95, 199, 464, 579, 602
± agriculture, 203
± partisan activity, 71, 95, 201
Marchetti, Com. Lamberto, 596
Marcianise, 257
Marciano, 49
Maremma, 93
Marenco/Marengo, Lt Col. (partisan leader).
See «Simar»
Mario, Lt, 71
Mario Grecchi (partisan band), 92, 186-7,
351, 352
Marsciano, 131, 137, 159, 264, 266, 358, 490,
613, 614, 615, 618
± agriculture, 213, 274, 519, 553
± industry, 566-71, 572-3
± partisan activity, 160-61
Marsham-Townsend, Capt., 347
Martello, Marcello, 175, 182
Martinelli, Lt, 44
Martino, 138
Mason Macfarlane, Gen. N., 40
Mason, Maj. H.G., 500
Massa Martana, 126-7, 334, 618
± agriculture, 553
± CLN, 397-8
± partisan activity, 65, 89
± Sindaco, 395-8
MasseÂa, Dott. Angelo, 543
Massini, Luigi, 85
matches, 208, 269, 271, 514, 564
Matigge di Trevi, 98
Matthews, Lt, 361, 362, 363, 364
Maxse, Capt., 602
Maynard, L., 164, 185, 186
Mazzeo, Prof. Salvatore, 206
Mazzini, Giuseppe, 534
McCarthy, Col. C.D., 107
Ð 645 Ð
McConnel, Capt., 166
McCullough, Capt., 279
McGatty, Mr, 507, 545
± amassing, 220
± canning, 212
± prices, 193, 340-42
± rations, 208
± supply and distribution, 213, 217, 271, 340,
500, 501, 523
± supply for Rome hospitals, 280, 289, 546
Meccarelli, Arnaldo, 344, 345
Meccoli, Carlo, 353
Mecucci, Dott. Pietro, 231-2
medical supplies, 159, 170, 194, 269, 272, 274,
278, 286, 291, 347, 359, 369, 501, 525, 526
Melis, Capt. Ernesto, 61, 62, 71, 74, 79-80, 83,
Memmo, Adolfo, 305
Mercatale, 48
Mercurelli, Avv. Franco, 60, 211
Merli, Mons., 61
Merlini, Mons., 61
metals, 512-13
Mezzoprete, Sig., 344
Micacchi, Sig., 510
Micali, Sig., 316, 317
Michaelis, 52
Michelangeli, Gino, 560
Miciatelli, Girolamo, 182
Micliorni, Odesseo, 345
middle classes, 217, 235, 236, 240
Migliano, 118
Milan, Lt., 89
Military Clandestine Front, 94
Military Joint Committee of Rome, 94
military medals. See Allied forces
military police, 166, 263, 350, 362, 473, 478,
482, 592
± Vice Squads, 482, 526
± shortages, 169, 294, 349, 522
± supplies, 169, 264, 340, 500, 501, 521
Millhouse, Lt Col., 475
mills, 266, 280, 563
± grain, 219, 359
± olive, 219, 280, 294
± pasta, 501, 622
Mills, Leonard Russel, 190
Minciotti, Giovanni, 345-6
Minciotti, Justa, 346
mines, explosive, 42, 54, 116, 126, 369, 486-7,
488, 489, 490
± removal of, 54, 337. See also bomb disposal
mining, 266, 563, 616
Minto, Antonio, 602
Mitchell, Brig. F.N., D.S.O., 131
Mitchell, Maj., 489
Modesti, Orazio, 166, 184
Modestini, Alfredo, 353
Molise, 203
Momigliano, Prof. Attilio, 541
monarchy, 238, 250, 254
± monarchists, 56, 190, 195, 200, 215, 216,
± opposition to, 283
monasteries and abbeys, 597, 609
Monastero, 73
Monicchi, Ten. Pasquale, 384
Montaglioni, 67
Montalera, 601, 607
Montasoa, 126
Montecastelli Umbro, 48, 131, 369
Monte Castello Vibio, 553
Montefalcone, 615, 618
± agriculture, 519, 575
± monuments inspection, 320, 607
± partisan activity, 89, 90
Montefreddo, 610
Montegallo, 73
Montelabate, 610, 611
Montemignaio, 49
Montemonaco, 67, 97
Monteneri, Avv. Raffaello, 303
Monterchi, 366
Montevarchi, 192
Montford, Col., 463
«Monti», Lt., 56, 57
Monti Lepini, 93
Montino, 50
Montone, 618
monuments and archives, inspection of, 319322, 586-611
± ACC/AMG Printed List, 320, 464, 586,
587-8, 589, 592, 594, 595
± monthly reports, 599-611
Moore, Gen. Lord Charles, 345
morale, civilian, 155, 200-201, 209, 365, 473,
479, 483
Morettini, Don Raniere, 88
Morgnano, 563
Morland-Hughes, Maj., MBE MC, 127
Moscow Conference, 256
Mosley, Maj. T.E., 278, 323, 498-9
± report on economic and supply situation,
± report on Guardia Forestale, 498-9
Ð 646 Ð
± report on industry, 562-5
«Mountain» (agent), 34, 36, 40, 41
movement, freedom of. See civilian movement;
travel passes
Mucklow, Maj., 174
Mueller, Col., 194
mules, 136, 335, 499, 511
museums and galleries, 320, 321, 588, 590,
594, 595-6, 603, 604, 610. See also monuments and archives
Mussolini, Benito, 200, 256, 257, 383. See also
Fascist Republican Government
Muzi, Felice, 188
MVSN. See Fascist Republican Government
Nightingale, Maj., 127
No. 1 Special Force. See Eighth Army
Nocera Umbra, 607, 618
± agriculture, 519, 575
± aqueduct repairs, 290, 294
± attack by partisans, 61, 98
Norcera, 603
Norcia, 78, 219, 618
± partisan activity, 62, 63, 67, 70, 73, 74,
83, 84
North Africa, 254
Notariani, Sig., 304
Nucci, Cesare, 386
Nucciafora, 61-2
Nai, Prof., 534
Nancinelli, Conte, 596
Naples, 4, 208, 252-3, 292, 375
Narni, 114, 115, 116, 117, 151
± industry 168, 562
± monuments inspection, 601, 603, 604, 609
National Republican Guard. See Fascist Republican Guard
Nello, Conti, 583, 584
Nencini, Baldo, 175
Nenni, Pietro, 207, 221, 223, 231
Nerone, 39
Nesti, Sig., 304
Newburg, Lt., 137
newspapers, 273, 293
± «Avanti!», 193
± ban on publication of, 206, 210, 225, 232-3,
236-7, 276
± «Cacasenno», 237, 238
± «Corriere Alleato», 185
± «Corriere del Mattino», 233
± «Corriere di Perugia», 224, 233, 237, 276
± «Il Segno», 185
± «La Battaglia», 196
± «La LibertaÁ», 193
± «La TrinitaÁ», 144, 145
± «Liberazione», 185, 225
± «L'UnitaÁ», 248
± «Nuova Italia», 239
± «Risorgimento», 181, 185
± «Sette Giorni», 196
Newton, Maj. N.T., 594-5, 602
Nicastro, Carlo, 364
Niccoli, Col., 191
Niccone, 202
«Nicola» (partisan leader), 198, 199
Nicolini, Mons. Placido, 194
Nicolson, Capt. Nigel, 139, 151-5
O'Brien, Capt. T.J., 62-3, 71, 73-4, 78, 83, 84
Office of Strategic Services. See OSS
oil. See POL
olive oil
± amassing, 211, 280, 284, 289, 294, 340, 436437, 518-20, 546-55, 622
± finance for, 620, 622, 628
± exports, 220, 284, 502, 548, 550, 622
± milling, 219, 220, 276, 280, 551, 552
± prices, 193, 280, 622
± ration, 208, 339, 342, 519, 520
± shortages, 169, 211, 212, 217
± supply and distribution, 264, 276, 283, 500,
502, 509-10, 518-20, 554
Olivi, Giuseppe, 304
Olmo, 138, 144
Omodeo, Adolfo, 200
open towns, 194, 349, 350, 351
Orano, Paolo, 534, 537-8
Orbetello, 35
Orebaugh, Walter W., 39, 198
Oricola, 126
orphanages, 467, 532
Orsini, Achille, 396
Orsini, Prof., 398
Ortona, 34
Orvieto, 42, 151, 173, 347, 584
± CLN, 175, 178, 181, 182
± food situation in, 169, 178, 181
± liberation of, 178-80
± monuments inspection, 596-7
± partisan activity in, 174-5
Osperellone, 132, 140
OSS, 33, 39, 46, 52, 100, 251
Ostia, 35
Otricoli, 116, 603, 604
Ottaviano, Dott. Cara, 162
Ottaviano, Tiverio, 189
Ð 647 Ð
Outhley, Lt, 596
Owen, Lt Col. J.R.L., 434, 436, 491
oxen. See livestock
Oxley, Col., 579
Pacciotti, Sig., 190
Paciano, 553, 618
Pagliochini, Sanzio, 85-6
Pain, Maj. B.A., 444, 529
Palatte, Capt., 57
palazzi, 197, 321, 589-90, 592, 595, 597, 600,
603, 604, 605, 607, 609, 610, 611
Pallotti, Capt., 304, 356, 366
Palmer, Ruth Brooks, 344, 345
Palmucci, Sig., 344, 346
Palomba, 37
Pandolfini, Vittorio, 526
Panicale, 353, 400, 553, 607, 618
± Giunta, 355
± Sindaco, 354-5
Paoletti, Gen. Verocondo, 291, 304, 429, 523,
± appointment of, 276, 286, 297, 306-307,
313-14, 315, 316, 317, 427, 531, 532
± Provincial Commissioner's opinion of, 428,
434, 438
Paolillo, Dott. Francesco, 400-401
Paolorossi, Dott. Antonio, 163
papacy, 216
paper, 237, 514
± mills, 564, 571
± stocks, 202, 206, 233
parachutists, 37, 42, 67, 198, 253
Paradisi, Sig., 186
Parano, 174, 337
Pardi, Martino, 560
Parlavecchi, Avv. Vincenzo, 303
Parri, Ferruccio, 221-2, 223
partisans/patriots. See also Germans, activities
± AMG definition of, 103, 106, 108
± AMG policy and reports on, 43-51, 52-78,
85, 98, 100-101, 102-106, 107-112, 158-9,
167-8, 175-7. See also AC/ACC, Patriots
± action codes, 35, 37, 66, 67
± activities against fascists, 61, 64, 86, 87, 176,
351, 354, 358, 368
± activities against Germans, 35-6, 56, 60-65,
66-8, 91-2, 96-8, 118-19, 163, 174, 176-7,
184, 186-7, 198-9. See also sabotage
± armaments, 44-5, 46-51, 63, 66, 91, 95, 96,
109, 159, 174, 186, 187, 192
± attitudes of AMG officers to, 41, 53, 57-8,
85-6, 96, 179-80
± bands, 3, 4-5, 34-6, 36-7, 37-8, 43, 46-51,
71, 80-81, 186-91, 198, 199. See also Garibaldi Brigades; Mario Grecchi; Spartaco
± organisation, 93-5
± origins of, 92-3
± casualties, 64, 95, 97, 111-12, 174, 184, 187,
± ceremonies to recognise role of, 38, 110, 438
± certificates of merit for, 52, 98, 103, 104105, 106, 108, 109, 110-12, 367, 401, 438
± compensation for, 38, 77, 78, 98
± co-operation with Allied forces, 37, 54, 96,
158-9, 164, 177, 183, 199, 287, 367
± disarmament, 38, 52, 54-5, 57, 81-2, 100,
101, 104, 105, 108, 163, 181, 183, 199,
352, 357
± employment of, after demobilisation, 53, 57,
101, 104-105, 106, 109, 110, 159, 172, 357,
413, 510, 511
± enlistment in Italian Army, 59-60, 101, 104,
106, 109-10, 159
± food and clothing, 95, 98, 99, 103-104
± HQ, 56
± importance of contribution to war effort, 85,
100, 107, 158-9
± in Terni, 209, 347
± in Tuscany, 191-2
± information provided by, 42-3, 52, 54, 55,
56, 67-8, 70, 72, 78, 97, 99, 158-9, 177,
191, 352
± leaders, 44-5, 46, 48, 52, 53, 54, 57, 68-74,
104, 106, 109, 159, 199. See also Forti;
Grecchi; Shaban; Simar
± mock patriots, 55-6, 57, 108, 176, 177
± nationalities of, 47-51, 55-6, 199
± numbers, 35, 44-5, 46-51, 64, 66, 93, 94,
174, 176, 182, 184, 186, 191-2, 198, 199,
349, 357
± political activities by, 54, 57-8, 81-2, 85-6,
96, 163-4, 174, 178, 183, 353, 361-2, 363-4,
± Raggruppamenti, 95
± rehabilitation into civilian life, 38, 52, 59,
105-106, 109, 172
± representatives, 52, 53, 56, 98, 100, 104-105,
109, 287. See also AMG, Liaison Officers
± role of, as outlined by AMG, 54
± treatment of by Allies, 37-8, 52, 54-5, 57, 81,
82, 100, 105, 109, 352
± Yugoslav, 55, 56, 61, 66, 83, 84, 85, 87-8,
Ð 648 Ð
89-90, 105, 106, 167, 168, 184, 199, 255,
257-8, 357
Partito d'Azione. See political parties
Pascoletti, Fernando, 387
Pasquini, Avv. A., 321-2
Passarini, Fernando, 188
passes. See travel passes
Passignano, 326, 357, 366, 524
± agriculture, 553
± CAO, 373
± industry, 326
± partisan activity, 367
± Sindaco, 370
± factories, 563
± ration, reduction in, 200-201, 208, 280, 283,
284, 327-8, 437, 508-9, 522
± supply and distribution, 217, 294, 501
Patrassi, Capt. Cesare, 472
patriotism, 176
patriots. See partisans
Pavese, Lt, 44
Pavesi, Sgt Maj. Alfio, 73-4
Peano, Avv. Luigi, 315, 452, 538, 540
± and requisitioning, 451, 455
± appointment of, 263, 266, 297, 298, 299300, 301-303, 305, 306, 316, 427
± opinions of, 185, 215, 299-300, 304
± Provincial Commissioner's opinion of,
428, 434
± report on local government by, 306-308
Pearson, Lt H.E., 71
peasants, 218-19, 248, 252, 355
Pelia, 324
Pelleti, Prof. Eno, 321
pensions, 216, 626
Pereto, 126
personnel. See AMG; Perugia; staffing
Perugia, 151, 167, 212, 261, 507. See also
AMG, Sub-Commissions monthly reports
± Advisory Council to Provincial Commissioner, 172, 266, 311, 314, 420, 421-2, 427-8,
429, 430-32, 438
± payment of, 270, 420, 427-8, 430
± agriculture, 264, 266, 269, 271-2, 274, 277,
280, 284, 289, 294, 553
± Allied troops misconduct, 166
± AMG reports on, 171-2, 195-6, 214-20, 262296, 346-8, 490
± as Fascist Administrative centre, 149, 183
± carabinieri, 161-2, 233, 237, 435, 471, 477,
478, 481, 482, 483, 486
± CLN, 163-4, 184, 185, 190, 191, 195-6, 214,
216, 225-6, 438, 473, 509
± and appointment of officials, 262, 300,
304, 307, 308, 319, 400-401, 427, 428
± co-operation with AMG, 276, 279, 434
± Deputy Provincial Commissioner. See Falk,
± economic conditions, 183, 264, 266, 269,
271, 273-4, 276, 280, 283-4, 288, 294, 616
± education, 274, 278, 281, 286, 291, 295. See
also universities
± epuration, 162, 214, 263, 264, 266, 268,
270, 276, 376-9, 383, 385, 405, 410-12,
414, 415, 417-18, 427, 525. See also defascistisation; epuration
± commissions, 261, 414, 415, 416, 435
± exports, 220, 284, 502, 548, 550, 622
± finance, 264-5, 266-7, 268-9, 271, 275, 278,
282, 287, 292, 296, 437, 611
± intendente di finanza, 613, 616
± firemen, 162-3, 263, 474, 480, 484, 486
± food commission, 212
± food situation in, 169, 211, 212, 214, 217,
240, 264, 269, 271, 273, 280, 283-4, 308,
329, 340-42, 428, 500-501, 506-10, 521-3,
± fuel supply for, 332-5, 336-8
± Giunta communale, 163-4, 183, 184, 190,
191, 225, 307
± health, 170, 171, 267, 269, 272, 274, 277-8,
281, 286, 291, 295, 369, 428, 438, 525, 526527, 532
± industry in, 197, 216, 218, 274, 277, 280,
284, 501, 563, 565, 567, 569, 570, 616
± Industrial Reorganisation Board, 504
± `jewel in Eighth Army crown', 426, 439, 441
± legal activities, 265, 267, 268, 274, 281, 285,
291, 295, 438, 472
± liberation of, 8, 51, 58, 80, 114-41, 183, 297
± monuments, archives, libraries, 197, 589-90,
597, 604, 607
± partisan activity, 60, 62, 95, 110-12, 163-4,
171-2, 183, 184, 186-7. See also partisans
± personnel, 273, 288, 293, 306-308, 311, 317318, 428, 440-41, 466
± CAOs, 87-8, 225-6, 348-53, 383, 434, 451
± loss of discipline within, 440, 524
± officers, list of, 460
± shortage of, 172, 305, 309, 310, 311, 312,
± political activity, 190, 225, 228, 235-6, 239241, 247-51, 262-3, 273, 279, 473, 476. See
also political parties
Ð 649 Ð
± political status of, 226-7
± Prefect, 261, 262, 296, 298, 333, 340, 430,
467, 488, 509, 546, 550. See also Peano;
± and appointments, 273, 293, 317
± and epuration, 404, 405, 409, 417, 525
± and food supplies, 519-20
± appointment of, 168, 299-304, 316, 427
± channels of communication, 305-306, 429
± opinions of, 214, 215, 276, 288, 308, 428,
± review of sindaci, 268, 270
± Provincial Commissioner, 9, 159, 172, 262,
297, 311, 314, 315, 317-18, 431, 488, 495-7,
550, 573. See also Belser; Ramsey
± public safety, 165-6, 170, 232-3, 263, 266,
268, 271, 274, 277, 281, 285, 291, 295,
311, 435-6, 470-75
± Officer, 229
± public welfare, 434, 527-8
± Questore, 162, 288, 304, 310, 398, 409, 434,
435, 471-2, 509, 538
± reports on, 612-30
± Sindaco, 164, 215-16, 307, 319, 427
± and meat prices, 342
± and rationing, 328
± and requisitioning, 325, 434, 438, 439,
449, 450-53, 455-7, 458, 590
± Vice Prefects. See also Paoletti; Sorbello
± appointment of, 263, 280, 302-303, 306307, 309, 311, 313-14, 317, 427, 429
± membership of Advisory Council to Provincial Commissioner, 430
± Provincial Commissioner's assessment of,
428, 434
± resignation of Paoletti and Sorbello, 315,
± war damage, 183, 197, 597, 600-601, 611.
See also monuments
Perugino, 296, 593, 597, 601-602, 605, 606,
Pesaro, 199
«Pesaro» Partisan Brigade, 199
Pescara, 167, 298
Pescelupo, 47
Petricelli, Raniero, 175
Petrignano, del Lago, 608
petrol. See POL
Petroni, Col., 71
Pezzara, Capt., 357
Pian del Gallo, 337
Piazza, Sig., 317
Piccione, 608
Piediluco, 86
Piedmont, Princess of, 195
Piegaro, 386, 553, 564, 619
Pierangeli, Avv. Giulio, 201
Pierangeli, Capt., 47, 198
Pierangeli, Stellio, 361-2, 363, 367
Pierucci, 248
Pietrafitta, 559
± lignite mine, 505-506, 558-9
Pietralunga, 47, 184, 198, 359, 366
Pievaioli, Gugliemo, 482
Pieve a Laiano, 49
Pieve San Giovanni, 334, 501
Pieve San Stefano, 49
pigs. See livestock
Pilluti, Luigi, 201, 361-2, 363, 421
Piobbiaco, 47
Piombino, 192
Pisa, 95, 114, 119, 192
Pisa-Rimini line, 135
Pockson, Maj. M.H., 127
Poggio Cinoleo, 126
Poggio di Croce, 67
± dumps, 350
± for agricultural use, 169, 266, 349, 369
± for food transportation, 515
± for industrial use, 506, 561, 567, 568, 574,
575, 576, 577
± shortages, 7, 286
± supplies, 171, 269, 271, 503, 522, 578
Poletti, Capt., 161, 225, 226, 273, 383
Poletti, Col. Charles, 439, 536
police, 365, 383-4, 470-73, 475, 477-8, 481-2.
See also carabinieri; Questura
± Guardia Municipale, 285, 477, 482, 486
± Police School, 467
± public security police, 162, 166, 325, 471-2,
477, 481
± Vigili Urbani, 325, 329, 458
Po line, 257
Polish troops, 59, 235
political activity, 354, 355, 359. See also apathy; partisans; Perugia
± meetings, 228, 239, 240, 247-51, 359, 360362, 363-4, 365, 367, 369, 479, 483
± not allowed in AMG territory, 225-6, 228,
229, 273, 355, 388-9, 395
political parties.
± Action Party, 61, 63, 64, 91, 96, 187, 190,
191, 193, 196, 200, 207, 216, 217, 218, 310
± and involvement in local government, 175,
181, 225, 276, 279, 351, 483
Ð 650 Ð
± Christian Democrat Party, 192, 194, 195,
207, 215, 216, 229, 239, 240-41, 248, 345
± Communist Party, 61, 96, 181, 190, 192,
196, 200, 207, 211, 215, 216-17, 221, 223,
224, 235, 247-51, 288, 310, 355, 359, 394,
479, 483
± opposition to occupation by Allies, 221,
± Democrazia del Lavoro, 207, 217
± Liberal Party, 64, 181, 185, 188, 190, 195,
196, 207, 215, 216
± Monarchist Party, 96
± Republican Fascist Party, 160-61, 187, 188,
264, 351, 355, 358, 359, 386, 387, 388,
400, 410, 534, 538, 540
± Republican Party, 195, 216, 217, 235, 351,
± Socialist Federation Party of Umbria, 388-9
± Socialist Party, 61, 188, 193, 196, 200, 207,
215, 217, 224, 229, 247, 248, 355, 359
political prisoners, 257, 270, 277, 344, 345,
393-4, 474
± releases of, 163, 270
Politti, Giuseppe, 471
Poloni, Arcangelo, 197
Pomonte, 63, 90, 610
Ponte, Dott. Giorgio, 298
Ponte Pattoli, 563
Ponte S. Giovanni, 589
Pontecuti, 601, 608
Pontefelcino, 564
«Poppy», 131
Porano, 610
Porta Sant'Angelo, 64
Porto Fino, 155
Porto Recanati, 34
Post Offices, 266, 351, 370, 613, 616
± military subsidies paid into, 264, 275, 278,
282, 613, 620-21
± postal services, 271, 281, 287, 438, 620, 621,
± reopening, 370, 614-15, 617-19
± savings accounts, 292, 296, 624
posters, political, 52, 101, 108, 109, 344, 359,
potatoes, 171, 213, 294, 556. See also vegetables
poverty, 159, 267, 438
power. See electricity; gas; hydro-electric stations
Pozzo, 85
Prato, 192
Pratomagno, 49, 95, 191
Preci, 562, 619
Prefects. See also Perugia
± appointment of, 298, 299
± Prefectorial decrees, 220, 284, 285
± responsibilities of, 227, 370
± Vice Prefects, 172, 263, 266, 283, 302, 307,
311, 313-16, 429. See also Paoletti; Sorbello
press, 99, 108, 181, 184-5, 193, 222, 236-7,
238, 250, 329, 331
prices. See also commodity price lists; inflation
± charcoal, 511, 622
± controls, 266, 294, 342, 349, 502, 522, 546,
± flour, 193, 622
± grain, 211
± increases, 293, 483, 511, 568
± meat, 193, 340-42
± olive oil, 193, 280, 622
± paid by military, 473
± pig, 212, 284, 289, 546
± salt, 369, 622
± wheat, 171
printing presses, 202, 212, 616, 627
prisoners of war.
± Allied, 55, 61, 62, 66, 70, 71, 72, 75-7, 78,
90, 100, 140, 170, 176, 178, 186, 198, 210
± camps, 380, 383, 385
± enemy, 63, 72, 116, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124,
126, 127, 129, 133, 140, 141, 144, 186, 199
prisons, 163, 224, 281, 365, 393, 473-4, 485.
See also internees
± capacity, 161, 347
± locations, 480, 484
private construction, 495-6
Probst, Caroline, 164
Prodo, 334, 337
± Allied, 98, 99, 179-80, 185-6, 193-4, 196,
202, 210, 214, 251-3, 253-4, 255, 256, 257,
329, 330, 331
± communist/socialist, 216, 389-90
± fascist, 18, 539
± German, 193, 253
± re. coloured troops, 179, 193
property. See also blocked assets
± EOELI, 275
± Property Control Officers, 287
± sequestration of, 275, 292, 296
prostitutes, 166, 524, 530-31
Provincial Commissioners. See also Arezzo;
Belser; Perugia, Advisory Council, Provincial Commissioner; Ramsey
Ð 651 Ð
± responsibilities of, 226-7, 393-4, 407, 412,
Provincial Officers, 266, 270, 323. See also
CAOs; SCAOs; staffing
± education officers, 535-6, 537-43
± legal officers, 369, 389
± public safety officers, 396, 405, 410, 411
± relations with military, 439
± weekly reports, 356-60, 364-70
Psychological Warfare Branch. See Eighth Army; PWB
public discontent, 160, 211, 268, 270, 273,
276, 286, 324-5, 479, 504, 509, 520, 547-8.
See also civil unrest; public opinion
public health, 358-9, 369, 524. See also Perugia
± monthly reports, 526-7
public meetings. See political activity, meetings
public opinion, 180, 185, 193, 206, 210, 215,
221-4, 235, 273, 274, 276, 279-80, 284,
293, 325, 328, 349, 351, 405, 410, 448,
458, 467, 473, 548, 628. See also public discontent
Public Record Office, 99
public safety, 357-8, 368-9. See also crime; Perugia
± monthly reports, 470-75, 477-8
± officers, 396, 405, 410, 411
public utilities, 159, 285, 429. See also electricity; gas; water
public welfare, 171, 527-8, 532. See also
health; Perugia
± monthly reports, 531-2
public works
± monthly reports, 490
Puletti, Dott. Orazio, 202
Pullen, Maj., 347, 363, 364
quarries, 275
Questura, 172, 224, 263, 266, 268, 271, 274,
277, 471-2. See also carabinieri; Perugia; police
radio and wireless, 102, 181-2, 193, 196, 202,
210, 329. See also BBC
± Candidus, 181
± «Italia Combatte» broadcasts, 38, 102, 181,
186, 196
± communications, 35, 174
± stations, 37, 96, 181
± Radio Algiers, 202
± Radio Bari, 35, 37, 41, 181, 193
± Radio Florence, 191
± Radio Roma, 38, 185-6, 193
± Voice of America, 181
R. Caina, 132, 136
R. Calamone, 603
R. Cardaro, 603
R. Casna, 115
R. Chiascio, 127, 129, 601, 605
R. Grande, 129
R. Nera, 16, 126, 601
R. Tiber, 118, 129, 133, 140, 490, 601, 606,
608, 609
Radcliffe, Capt. A.F., 558-9
Radicofani, 123
Radulovitch, Capt. M., 47-51
railways, 7, 240, 507, 608
± rail cars, 286, 292, 326, 501, 503
± repair shops, 212
± sabotage on, 73, 253
± stations, 178, 180, 201, 359-60, 583, 596
± transport of agricultural products by, 213,
515, 575
± transport of industrial products by, 563,
± work on, 286-7, 490
Ragghianti, Carlo L., 191
Ramsey, Lt Col. C.N., 282, 292, 313, 315, 317,
± concern re civil hospital, Perugia, 529
± monthly report by, 283-92
± on correspondence, 443-4
± reports on olive oil amassing, 547-9, 550-51,
Randolfo, Pacciardi, 231
Ranieri, Conte, 304
rationing, rations. See also individual items
(e.g. bread: olive oil; pasta; salt)
± displaced persons, 295
± distribution of, 208, 214, 266
± heavy workers', 201, 266, 500, 502, 507,
509, 584, 585
± ration cards, 502, 507-508, 585
± supplements, 499, 502
Ravelli, 174
Ravenna, 317
Rayner, John, 102-103
raw materials, 169, 567, 569, 574, 575-6
± restricted, 578
Real Corpo delle Foreste, 510-11
reconstruction, 208-209, 240, 290, 497, 541,
561, 571, 627
Red Cross, 369, 528
± American, 278, 347, 448, 449
Ð 652 Ð
± Italian, 165, 525, 526, 530, 629
± Swiss, 186
± Yugoslav Relief Committee, 286, 291, 531,
refugees, 165, 169-70, 181, 204, 267. See also
displaced persons
± evacuation of, 170, 278, 281, 357
± numbers, 170, 183, 274, 286, 367-8
± refugee camps, 274, 286, 347, 357, 367-8
Regia UniversitaÁ degli Studi. See universities
religion, 197, 349, 352, 372. See also Catholic
Church; papacy
Renia, Capt., 45
repairs. See bridges; buildings; churches; factories; public works; roads
Republican Fascist Party. See political parties
requisitioning, 214, 256, 367, 511
± by partisans, 85-6, 219
± of accommodation, 325, 434, 438, 444, 447,
448, 449, 450-52, 453-7, 458, 459, 463, 464466, 467, 505, 509, 588
± of cars, 212, 252, 461-2, 479, 484
± of materials, 505-506
± of schools, 274, 286, 291, 295, 393
resistance groups. See partisans
restaurants, 214
Rezzara, Capt., 367
Riepe, Col., 39
Rieti, 167, 261
± agriculture, 169, 274, 545, 555
± partisan activity, 35, 62, 93
Rimini, 119
Ripa, 127, 139
Ripabianca, 186
«Risorgimento». See newspapers
Rivera, Prof., 538
Rivotorto, 501
road blocks, 237, 277, 281, 330-31, 367, 504
± conditions, 7, 286, 507, 563
± military, 272, 278, 281, 290, 295, 490, 494,
495, 497
± repairs to, 266, 275, 278, 285, 308, 309, 429,
436, 439, 494, 496, 497, 622, 627
± supply routes, 329, 330
Roberts, Capt. E.J., 357-8, 360, 361, 362, 368
± report on political meetings, 363-5
Robertson, Maj. Gen. B.H., 463, 586-9
Robertson, Sgt., 116-17
Rocchi, Armando, 162, 165, 185, 358, 409,
rocche (of cities), 601, 608, 609
Rocke, Lt Col. Cyril, 164-5
Rocque, Col., 186
Roganti, Assessore, 239
role of patriots after liberation. See partisans;
political activities
Romagnoli, 194
Romano, Sig., 300
Rome, 3, 4, 59, 100, 167, 171, 194, 210, 261,
286, 375, 511, 602, 603
± CLN, 52, 57, 94
± food imports, 208, 211, 212, 213, 215, 219,
274, 289, 509, 545, 546, 555
± fuel imports, 499, 576
± partisans, 40-41, 94, 95, 97
Romeo, Capt., 69
Roosevelt, President, 508
Roseto, Lt B.J., 460
Rosinolli, Dott. Romano, 189
Rossetti, Angelo, 534
Rossi, F., 523, 525, 526
Rossi, Lt, 65
Rothey, Capt., 174, 187-9
Rotolo, Lt, 44
Rowell, Lt H.T.
± reports on universities and libraries, 535-6,
Rowley, Joshua, 153
royal family. See monarchy
rubber factories, 168
«Rudder» (partisan leader), 34, 36, 40, 41
Russia, 249, 254
± Red Army, 248
± Russian offensive, 121, 155
± Russian partisans, 55, 56, 85, 176, 199
Russo, Sig., 317
S. Anatolia di Narco, 61, 619
S. Benedetto, 50
S. Biagio, 334
S. Elena, 137
S. Giacomo, 608
S. Giovanni, 49, 192
S. Giusta, 68
S. Giustino, 366, 601
S. Marco, 115, 133, 140, 141
S. Maria, 506, 507, 597
S. Maria Rossa, 140
S. Marzano, Contessa di, 238
S. Valentino, 615
S. Vito di Cannara, 88
Sabina, 97-8
sabotage. See also Germans, demolitions
± by enemy agents, 295, 472
Ð 653 Ð
± by partisans, 54, 61-4, 66-8, 69, 73-4, 78, 96,
97, 174, 177, 182, 184, 187, 198, 199, 253
Sadler, Lt J., 510-11
Sallusti, Avv. Sallustio, 185
± prices, 369, 622
± ration, 273, 280, 339, 379, 501, 508, 517,
± requirement for meat preservation, 212,
273, 280, 516-17
± shortages of, 169, 208, 211, 212, 213, 276,
279, 308
± supply and distribution, 217, 271, 283-4,
437, 500, 501-502, 521, 523
Salvatori, Lt, 44
Sangemini, 204, 603, 609
sansa, 554-5
Sansepolcro, 48
Sardinia, 203
Sasson, Lt J.
± report on Assisi, Florence, Perugia, 183-94
± report on Orvieto, 180-82
± report on Umbertide, CittaÁ di Castello, 198202
savings, 282, 287, 292, 296, 437, 620, 623, 624
saw-mills, 564
Scaminaci, Dott. Baldassarre, 162, 471
± and appointment of officials, 299, 301, 302,
303, 312, 317, 535
± reports to, 589-90
± responsibilities, 227, 261, 306, 406
Schede Personali, 471, 538. See also defascistisation
Scheggia, 357, 368, 601, 603, 608
Scheggino, 619
Schiavelli, Dott., 527
schools, 206-207
± requisitioning of, 274, 286, 291, 295, 393
± school children, 500, 502
Scirca, 490, 603
± aqueduct, 281, 290, 294
Scopatore, 367
Scopini, Aldo, 175-6
Scott, Maj. J.B., 579-80
Scotti, Lt, 202
screening/vetting of officials. See defascistisation; Eighth Army, FSS; epuration
± Screening Agencies, 59, 77-8
Selby, Col. J.A.G., 277, 279, 438, 460, 528,
Sellano, 61, 67
Selvaggi, Enzo, 239
Senior Civil Affairs Officers. See SCAOs
SEPRAL, 212-13, 339, 340, 341, 342, 485,
502, 507-508, 510, 519, 546, 556, 563
Serra, Dr, 333
Seton-Watson, Capt. Christopher, 131, 143,
«Sette Giorni». See newspapers
Severini, Avv., 404
sewage, 368
Sezione Provinciale Alimentazione. See SEPRAL
Sforza, Carlo, 200, 214
« Shaban» (partisan leader), 87-8
Shaw-Kennedy, Capt., 579
sheep. See livestock
shelters, 474, 480, 484
Shouse, Lt William, 225, 475
Sicily, 203, 317, 322, 347
Siena, 167, 369
± agriculture, 560
± partisan activity, 42, 46, 94, 97, 191
Siena (partisan band), 35
Sigillo, 356, 357, 370
Silvani, Vincenzo, 353
«Silvio», 190
«Simar», 42-3, 46, 174, 188
Simpson, Lt A.A., 57, 358, 475
± report on appointment of officials, 303-304
± report on epuration, 383-4, 385-8
± report on political activity, 225-6
± report on public safety, 161-6
Simpson, Lt Col. W.F., 233, 323, 372, 460,
± memo on Civil Hospital, 530-31
sindaci, communal. See also communes
± and partisans, 106, 109-10, 187, 189
± appointments of, 198, 266, 302-304, 318-19,
370, 395, 397-8
± by partisans, 58
± epuration of, 270, 293, 381, 395-6, 406, 502
± payment of, 270, 308, 314, 427-8, 429, 430
± political persuasion of, 216, 354-5
± responsibilities, 224, 273, 307, 330, 331-2,
333, 337, 338, 466
± review of, 268, 270
± views on Italian Government, 200
sirens, 474, 480, 484
Sistarelli, Silvio, 345
Smallshow, Capt., 359, 394, 398
Smit (partisan leader), 48
Smith, Lt Col. Donald, 279, 390, 460, 476
± report on communal failure, 328-32
± report on fuel supplies, 332-5, 336-8
Ð 654 Ð
± report on political activity, 239
± weekly reports, 346-8, 356-60
Smith, Lt Col. T.V., 535, 537
snow, 329, 330, 332, 333
± as controlled material, 514
± factory, 294, 564
± rations, 208
± shortage, 294, 349, 522
± supply and distribution, 217, 280, 500, 521,
SocietaÁ Imprese Industriali, 584
SOE, 33, 39, 46
Sora, 34
Soratte (partisan band), 35
Sorbello, Gianni di Ranieri, Marchese di, 451,
467, 581, 582
± appointment of, 297, 304, 306-307, 308309, 313-14, 315, 316, 317, 427
± assessment of situation in Perugia, 309-10
± Col. Belser's assessment of, 428, 429, 434
Soriano, 120
soup, dried, 208, 500, 502, 521, 523
soup kitchens, 291, 295, 532
Spagniesi, Gino, 184, 389
Spain, 176
SpannoÁ, Sig., 247, 248
«Spartaco» Partisan Brigades, 95, 97-8
Special Operations Executive. See SOE
Spello, 248, 264, 575, 613, 615, 619
± monuments inspection, 320, 601, 608
Sperer, Mrs, 548
Spicer, Col. R.G.B., 299, 308, 424, 438
± and appointment of Prefect, 299-303
± and staffing levels, 312
± report on local government, 310-11
± report on visit of Cianca, 234
Spoleto, 127, 160, 218, 237, 263, 264, 266,
285, 435, 507, 526, 613, 614, 615, 619, 628
± agriculture, 575
± CAO, 84, 228, 237, 390. See also Jarvis
± consigliere comunale, 307
± industry, 272, 284, 493, 501, 563, 564, 565
± monuments inspection, 601, 603, 604, 608609
± partisan activity, 34, 65, 67, 70, 85, 95
± provincial officers in, 229, 358, 389
± wood stocks, 334, 335
Spriggs, Capt. T.E., 279, 330, 331, 494, 569,
± reports on bomb disposal, 487-9
± reports on private construction, 495-6
± reports on repair work, 496-7
spy activity, 230, 295, 310, 368
Squadra di Azione, 160. See also partisans
squadristi, 188, 193, 352, 385, 386, 387, 404,
406, 475, 534, 538
St Francis, 197
Stacchini, Sig., 312
Staderini, Francesco, 386
staffing, 473, 527, 570, 602. See also communes, secretaries; sindaci
± administrative requirements, 312, 429
± appointment of Provincial Commissioners,
± shortages, 172, 268, 271, 276, 295, 311, 312,
424, 428, 473, 483, 492, 504, 511, 578
stained glass, 320, 595
Stanbaugh, Mr, 345
Steele, Maj., 57
steel works, 204
Stefanacci-Baldoni, Luigi, 385-6
Stella, Alessandro, 345
Stella, Prof. Severino, 543
Stevens, Col., 185
strikes, 478, 584
Stroncone, 610, 611
Stone, Christopher, 154
Stone, Vice-Admiral E., 432, 506, 551
Stratton, Maj. Gen. W.H., 55
Strinati, Maj., 45
Stuart, Capt. W.C., 620-29
subversive operations. See SOMTO
± rations, 208, 217
± shortages, 169, 264, 269, 271, 501, 523
± sugar plants, 559-61, 574, 575-6, 576-7
± supplies, 283, 500, 501, 521
Taddei, Alfonso, 175
Taddei, Prof. Carlo, 320
Tafini (partisan leader), 48
Taliati, Prof., 526
tanneries, 565
Tappi, Manlio, 386
Taranto, Col., 384
Tarquinia, 151
taxation, 296, 616, 621, 625-6
Taylor, Capt., 348
teachers, 534, 536, 538-40. See also epuration;
telecommunications, 7, 281, 287, 292, 296,
351, 479-80, 621
Temple, Capt. R.R., 311, 313, 314, 317, 424,
Ð 655 Ð
± interview with Belser, 427-9
± interview with Peano, 306-10
Teramo, 44, 119, 249, 298
Terni, 114, 115, 116, 117, 126, 127, 167, 261,
296, 461, 516, 628-9
± Camera del Lavoro, 205-206
± Giunta, 515-16
± industry, 168-9, 172, 204-205, 277, 562,
567, 568, 569, 570
± monuments inspection, 609-10, 611
± partisan activities, 36-7, 44, 73, 173, 347
± politics, 207
± Prefect, 168, 298-9
± province, 461, 516, 567, 569, 570
± report on, 204-10
± war damage, 204, 209-10, 541, 600, 603,
Terrosi, Maj. G., 46
Tessino, 493
Tetti, Sig., 354
textiles, 564
theatres, 154
Thompson, Lt Edward Palmer, 137, 146-50
Tiber valley, 93, 115, 127-8, 134, 287
tiles, 561, 566-70
timber. See wood
Tivoli, 81, 126
tobacco products, 99, 269, 271, 280, 360, 370
Tobia, Mr, 397
Todi, 137, 140, 264, 266, 274, 334, 356, 562,
613, 614, 615, 619
± agriculture, 213, 552-3
± Giunta, 344, 345
± monuments, 609
± partisan activities, 46, 89-90, 357
± politics, 218, 344-6, 372
Todt organisation, 67, 192
Togliatti, Palmiro, 200, 221, 223, 224, 231,
233, 235-6
Tolentino, 65
tomato products, 269, 271, 280, 502, 521,
522, 564
Torgiano, 114, 213, 410, 553, 619
Torre Annunziata, 257
«Toso», 44, 61, 62, 71, 73, 74, 83, 84
trade, interprovincial.
± charcoal, 284, 289, 499, 547
± coal, 579
± grain, 211, 219, 272, 277, 280, 284, 289,
294, 436, 501, 503, 508, 509, 545, 555
± livestock, 212-13, 269, 272, 274, 277, 280,
284, 289, 294, 556
± olive oil, 220, 284, 502, 548, 550, 622
± report on, 211-13
± wheat, 272, 274, 277, 280
Traiana, 49
transportation, 266, 267, 357, 367, 428, 465,
499. See also vehicles
± for reconstruction, 208
± fuel needs, 336-8, 511, 568, 570
± of food, 171, 217, 437, 515, 560, 575
± of personnel, 263, 282, 444, 477, 482, 511
± of refugees, 347, 369
± RACI, 282, 479, 484
± requisitioning, 191, 212
± shortage, 214, 220, 308, 335, 413, 511, 563,
564, 579-80, 603, 616, 625
± tyre shortage, 240
Trasimene line, 113, 115
Trasimeno, Lake, 118, 119, 120, 123, 132,
134, 136, 144, 146, 151, 270, 490, 600,
601, 605
travel passes.
± administrative problems, 473, 475, 479-80,
± for refugees, 347
± issue to factory inspectors, 561
± issue to partisan liaison officers and partisans, 52, 57, 59
± violations of 281, 358, 368, 369
Trevi, 554, 575, 615, 619
Trieste, 68, 221
Trotta, Dott. Oreste, 195
Trovati, D.W., 566-7, 571
± Army, 296, 329, 359, 437
± condition of, 212
± numbers of, 212, 286, 370, 437
± promised by America, 498
± refrigerated, 515
± repairs to, 564
± supply, 263, 286, 560, 575
± use for political meetings, 235
Tuoro, 366, 368, 372, 373, 553, 619
Tupini, Umberto, 207
Tuscany, 174, 182, 203, 214, 422, 464
± required for fire brigades, 480, 484
± requisitioning, 292, 437, 516
± shortage of, 240, 282, 286, 482, 515-16, 526
UXBs. See bomb disposal
Ufficiali Sanitari, 527
Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello Foundation, 79,
262, 469, 586
Ð 656 Ð
Umbertide, 197, 198, 266, 356, 357, 507, 524,
± agriculture, 359, 370
± CLN, 198
± German troop movements in, 125
± monuments inspection, 591, 600-601, 609
± partisan activity, 64, 198-9
± politics, 200, 218, 249-50
± reports on, 198-201, 367, 368, 369
± Sindaco, 198
Umbria, 10, 186, 216, 494
± agriculture, 203
± food situation in, 211-13
± monuments inspection, 599-611
± partisan activity, 60-65, 71, 97-8, 174, 201
± requisitioning in, 464
unemployment, 205, 211-12, 218, 568, 583,
± allowance, 287, 292
Union of Fascist Agriculture, 264
Unione Industriali, 568
United Nations, 107
United States. See America; Fifth Army; OSS
UniversitaÁ degli Stranieri. See universities
universities, 533
± administration of, 535-6
± Committee of Rehabilitation, 536, 539, 540
± Perugia Regia UniversitaÁ degli Studi, 141,
242, 534, 537-40, 542
± Perugia UniversitaÁ degli Stranieri, 183, 197,
241, 242-7, 532, 540-41, 542
± reopening of, 281, 543
± report on, 435-40
± requisitioning of buildings, 462-3, 533
± University of Rome, 537, 540
Upjohn, Brig. G.R., 402, 404, 416
± and Advisory Council, 428, 430, 431, 432
± and requisitioning, 463
± report on CLN activities, 226-7
± reports on epuration, 416, 417
UPSEA, 289, 340, 550-51, 552, 554
Urbinate, Alfredo, 207
Ursomando, Rag., 532
vaccines, 269, 272, 289, 544, 556
Val di Marecchia, 199
Val d'Orcia, 43
Valfabbrica, 356
Valle di Nera, 619
vandalism (defacing of walls), 235, 324-5, 357-8
Vasari, 601
Vatican City, 289, 546
Vaughan, W.S., 505-506
Vecchio, Dott. Cesare, 199
vegetables, 521, 523
± dried, 280, 283, 500, 502
± supply, 264, 349
vehicles. See also transportation; trucks
± cars, private, 208, 286, 358, 365, 435, 437,
± requisitioned, 191, 212, 282, 437, 461
± motor pools, 171, 266, 267, 282, 295, 437
± permits, 282, 291-2, 358, 473
± registration of, 263, 282, 358, 437, 462, 479,
± repairs, 348, 504
Venafro, 169
venereal disease, 166, 359, 369, 478, 482, 523,
524, 526, 529, 530-31
Venice, 499
Venotti, Corsini, 345-6
Ventura, Dott. Riccardo, 298
Venturino, Barboni, 88
Verghereto, 50
vetting, 162, 163, 170. See also defascistisation;
Eighth Army, FSS; epuration
Viareggio, 69, 78
Vicarelli, Sig., 317-18
vice squads. See Military Police
Vichy, 254
Vicovaro, 35
Vigili del Fuoco, 162-3, 263, 365, 474, 480,
484, 486
Vigili Urbani. See police
Villa Pittignano, 134
villas, 357, 601
Vischia, Avv., 304, 434
Visso, 61, 62, 71
Viterbo, 44, 101, 178, 261, 298, 543
Vivaro, 126
Voice of America. See radio
Volterra, 192, 212, 368
Wade-Brown, Capt., 290
wages, 240, 277, 622-3. See also indemnities
± AMG employees, 280-81, 289-90, 294, 314,
427-8, 429, 430, 488, 494, 582, 583
± civilian employees, 270, 280-81, 289-90,
294, 310, 311, 499, 511, 568, 581-4
± effect on civilian morale, 479, 628-9
± lower wages for peasants, 219
± wage increases, 218, 270, 274, 293, 420, 625
Walder, Emily, 345
war criminals, 165, 185
war damage, 7, 319-20, 321. See also bridges;
Ð 657 Ð
buildings; churches; Germans; Perugia;
roads; Terni
± industrial, 168, 559, 560, 564
± monuments, 589, 591, 592, 593, 594, 600601, 603, 606, 611
± universities and libraries, 537, 541, 542, 543,
war diaries, 131, 137, 144-55
Ward-Perkins, Maj. J.B., 602
warehouses, 506, 507, 571
water supply, 178, 210, 263, 266, 274, 368,
369, 490, 491, 527, 562
± damaged by Germans, 183, 202
± flood damage, 272
± for industrial use, 168
± interrupted, 351, 357
± use of army water carts, 368
Watt, Capt. W.W., 323
weapons. See firearms; partisans, armaments
weather, 132, 137, 285, 504
wells, 368
Whalen, Capt. T.M., 613, 617
wheat, 169, 217. See also grain
± amassing, 203
± prices, 171
± supplies, 193
White, Lt Col., 417
Whitten, Capt., 494
Wigginton, Lt Col., 40
Wilhelmi, Maj., 526
Williams, Maj. C.G.R., 313, 316-18
Wills, Capt., 356
Wilson, Maj. K.C., 562, 565, 571-2
wine, 211, 219, 339, 662
women, 209, 210, 214, 247, 248, 359, 530
Women's Auxiliary Corps, 467
± as restricted material, 513
± exports, 499, 547
± illegal sales of, 334, 335
± industry, 564
± supplies of, 197, 289, 333-5, 336-8, 413,
499, 510-11, 547
± transport of, 333, 334, 335, 336-8, 413, 499,
Woodhouse, Col., 434, 439
± military requisitioning, 450, 455-7, 465-6,
Woods, Capt. J.N., 71, 74
wool mills, 564, 571
workers, 200-201, 207, 211, 215-16, 218, 240,
247, 249, 628. See also labour; wages
± syndical organisations, 206, 215, 218, 219
youth, 195, 239, 247, 248, 249, 251
Yugoslav partisans. See partisans
Yugoslav Relief Committee. See Red Cross
Zakovich Svetozar. See «Toso»
Zampa, Sig., 591
Zervudachi, Maj., 348
«Zona Rosa», 66
«Zuppa», 43
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