Phytomedicine and Antibiotics


Phytomedicine and Antibiotics
SEMINARIO Giovedì 28/05/2015
Ore 9 - 16
Aula Chiodi
Phytomedicine and
Prof. J.N. Eloff, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria (South Africa)
Dr. G. Diegoli e Dr.ssa V. Miraglia, Servizio Veterinario della Regione EmiliaRomagna
Prof. Eloff: “Phytomedicine Programme”, Faculty of Veterinary Science.
Introduction to the use of Herbal Extracts in Veterinary Medicine.
Dr. Diegoli e Dr.ssa Miraglia. "Il fenomeno dell’AMR in Medicina umana,
problema di sanità Pubblica" presented by the Agenzia Sanitaria
Regione Emilia-Romagna, with a video contribution of Prof.Jan
Kluytmans. Progetto Regionale “Valutazione dell’antibiotico resistenza
in Emilia Romagna”. Preview of the results of online questionnaires filled
in by clinicians to evaluate the habits on the use of antimicrobial in pets.
Proposals for guidelines.
Prof. Eloff. The role of Plant Extracts to manage bacterial, fungal, and
parasitic infections.