Culinary Frontiers, THE NEW (MAGIC) FORMULA OF


Culinary Frontiers, THE NEW (MAGIC) FORMULA OF
Architecture Art Calendar Cinema Design Food Music Reca Group Travel
Culinary Frontiers,
The many-starred and much acclaimed restaurant in the village of Bray reopens, with
dishes tailored to diners’ personal and psychological profiles
The many-starred and much acclaimed restaurant in the village of Bray reopens, with
dishes tailored to diners’ personal and psychological profiles.
Memories and thoughts are deposited on the sea-floor of our being, and then reemerge
unexpectedly at the hint of a madeleine cake’s aroma… who better than the renowned
alchemist chef Heston Blumenthal to create a Proustian message for the diner?
On the occasion of the reopening of the Michelin 3-star Fat Duck Restaurant in Bray, U.K.,
the king of molecular cuisine has come up with a new magic formula! To carry it out, he
has the collaboration of another magician: the illusionist and hypnotist Derren Brown.
According to the replies supplied by diners to a series of simple questions, the duo extract
information about the personalities and tastes of guests in order to conceive personalized
dishes, conceived to extend the dining experience beyond the limits of the sensorial.
Ricordi e pensieri si depositano sul fondo del nostro essere, per riemergere inaspettatamente
davanti al profumo di una piccola madeleine… Quale miglior interprete del messaggio
proustiano del famoso chef alchimista Heston Blumenthal?
In occasione della riapertura del pluristellato Fat Duck di Bray, il re della cucina molecolare
ha escogitato una nuova formula magica! Per farlo ha chiesto l’aiuto di un mago vero e
proprio: l’illusionista ipnotizzatore Derren Brown.
Sulla base delle risposte fornite dai clienti ad alcune semplici domande, il duo cercherà
di estrapolare informazioni utili per l’ideazione di piatti personalizzati, capaci di ampliare il
significato dell’esperienza conviviale oltre i limiti del gusto.
Posted by: Reca Group, October 2015