013 LIBRI - ottobre novembre 2009


013 LIBRI - ottobre novembre 2009
Libri – Novità
Servizio di aggiornamenti bibliografici - FSC
XIII (2/12/2009): Ottobre – Novembre
A cura del prof. Emiro Cepeda
I seguenti sono nuovi acquisti già catalogati nel settore comunicazione sociale della Biblioteca
centrale dell’UPS: http://biblioteca.unisal.it/
Gli abstract sono stati pubblicati originalmente nei siti web delle diverse case editrici o in
quelli d’alcune librerie on-line.
L’obiettivo di queste pagine è quello di far conoscere le novità bibliografiche del settore
comunicazione sociale della nostra biblioteca e promuovere la loro consultazione.
Bigger than hip hop : storie della nuova resistenza afroamericana, Milano, Agenzia X:
Cox18 books, 2006.
Collocazione: UPS 11-B-4709
Questo libro è una mappa sui più recenti sviluppi della cultura Hip Hop statunitense, punto di
riferimento obbligato della musica, del linguaggio e dello stile di vita nero. Grazie alle testimonianze
di artisti quali Ml dei Dead Prez e Roots Riley di The Coup e alle riflessioni di critici quali Bakari
Kitwana e Greg Tate, si traccia un itinerario attraverso il rap, la street art, il cinema e le componenti
politiche e sociali che stanno alla base di quest'ondata di creatività proveniente dai ghetti
Akpan-Obong Patience Iadaraesit, Information and communication technologies in
Nigeria: prospects and challenges for development, New York etc., P. Lang, 2009.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3317
In recent years, information and communication technologies (ICTs) have been linked with
socioeconomic development with the assumption that they can be harnessed for economic growth in
developing countries and facilitate integration into the global information society. However, very few
studies in the ICT-for-development field examine the direct connections between ICTs and
socioeconomic growth. Information and Communication Technologies in Nigeria: Prospects and
Challenges for Development is a compelling account of the development of ICTs in Nigeria. It
examines the ICT policy framework and the societal context within which application of the
technologies emerged and highlights the potentials of ICTs in socioeconomic development. However,
this book also demonstrates, through interviews and case studies, that ICTs are not the panacea to
underdevelopment; constraining factors in different countries can limit their capacity to succeed. The
author employs a rare multidisciplinary approach that makes the book appealing and accessible to a
diverse range of readership.
Anker Roy M., Catching light: looking for God in the movies, Grand Rapids, Michigan;
Cambridge, W.B. Eerdmans, 2004.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3320
Most books about "God in the movies" promote methods for finding God in the medium. This book
instead illustrates the search for God in film, a subtle choice Anker says he made to "avoid any note
of the triumphalism that so often colors discussions of religion and film." It works well, allowing
Anker, a professor of English at Calvin College, the freedom to address a pluralistic audience even
while capitalizing on his connections from the Judeo-Christian tradition. Anker pores over more than
15 films, including the Godfather trilogy, The Mission and American Beauty. While not overlooking
the importance of set design, lighting and other building blocks that make a film, Anker's passion is
plot and character development, dissecting scenes that show rather than name the mystery we call
God. These scenes become for Anker a window into the sacred, much as an icon functions for an
Orthodox Christian. Readers will want to see the chosen movies in order to appreciate the analysis,
since little plot summary is provided, and Anker gives no explicit guidance as to how readers might
do such analyses on their own. However, anyone seeking a collection of rich reviews by a man
devoted to film and its ability to point us to an awareness of God will be satisfied.
Ardizzone Paolo - Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Media e tecnologie per la didattica, Milano, Vita e
Pensiero, 2008.
Collocazione: UPS 6-C-6410(15)
La società dell'informazione pone all'insegnante nuovi e stimolanti problemi. Mutano i consumi e le
pratiche relazionali dei giovani, si modificano le strategie di elaborazione e di reperimento della
conoscenza, l'elaborazione culturale sempre più si dimostra condizionata dal dibattito prodotto dai
media. Si tratta di uno scenario che comporta non solo di adeguare il proprio sistema di competenze
professionali (da quelle tecniche, per aver accesso alla tecnologia, a quelle critiche, per poter
accompagnare gli studenti a un uso consapevole delle stesse), ma di ripensare in profondità il proprio
agire didattico, dalla progettazione alla valutazione. Questo libro mette a tema tali problematiche
fornendo agli insegnanti in formazione e in servizio temi di riflessione, strumenti di intervento, spunti
di approfondimento.
Barbieri Daniele, Breve storia della letteratura a fumetti, Roma, Carocci, 2009.
Collocazione: UPS 33-B-475(270)
Uscita dall'infanzia visionaria e a volte ingenua dei suoi primi sessant'anni, la letteratura a fumetti ha
raggiunto, nell'ultimo mezzo secolo, una maturità che a molti rimane ancora ignota. La sua storia
racconta come un modo di comunicare nato per la società illetterata e multietnica degli Stati Uniti di
fine Ottocento si sia progressivamente trasformato in un linguaggio raffinato e a volte difficile, in cui
si esprimono sia autori che si rivolgono al grande pubblico sia autori d'elite. In America come in
Giappone, in Argentina e in Europa, le istanze più diverse convergono nella letteratura a fumetti, dal
teatro di piazza dei cantastorie, dalla vignetta satirica, dal racconto illustrato per bambini al cinema,
alla pittura e alla narrativa di avanguardia. In questo senso la storia del fumetto è dunque la storia
di un linguaggio che, anche per la sua posizione a volte marginale, ne tocca e ridisegna tanti altri.
Bayly Christopher Alan, Empire and information: intelligence gathering and social
communication in India, 1780-1870, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3313
In a penetrating account of the evolution of British intelligence gathering in India, C. A. Bayly shows
how networks of Indian spies, runners and political secretaries were recruited by the British to secure
information about their subjects. He also examines the social and intellectual origins of these
informants, and considers how the colonial authorities interpreted and often misinterpreted the
information they supplied. As Professor Bayly demonstrates, it was such misunderstandings which
ultimately contributed to the failure of the British to anticipate the mutinies of 1857. He argues,
however, that, even before this, India's complex systems of communication were challenging the
political and intellectual dominance of the European rulers.
Bettetini Maria, Contro le immagini: le radici dell'iconoclastia, Roma; Bari, Laterza, 2006.
Collocazione: UPS 33-A-122(869)
"Non occorre attendere una cosiddetta civiltà delle immagini per accorgersi del loro tremendo
potere": platonici e islamici, ebrei e cristiani, differenti forme di iconoclastia si sono avvicendate nella
storia e hanno contribuitoa plasmare e definire il nostro modo di guardare il mondo e rappresentarlo.
Maria Bettetini ha insegnato Storia della filosofia medievale all'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia ed è
attualmente docente di Estetica all'Università Iulm di Milano.
Bisogno Anna, La storia in TV: immagine e memoria collettiva, Roma, Carocci, 2008.
Collocazione: UPS 33-C-244(473)
La televisione, sin dalla sua nascita, ha offerto materiale originale e unico nel suo genere alla
ricostruzione degli avvenimenti storici, fissando immagini, parole, emozioni e atmosfere nella nostra
memoria. La TV, allo stesso tempo, costituisce anche uno straordinario strumento di divulgazione
storica e di interpretazione di eventi in grado di raggiungere un universo di individui estremamente
ampio e variegato e di rappresentare una storia "altra", a più voci, rivolta a tutti e in particolar modo
a quelle generazioni che di quegli accadimenti non hanno avuto testimonianza diretta. Il volume
esplora le modalità e i limiti attraverso i quali la storia, a partire dalla seconda metà degli anni
Novanta, è entrata a far parte della programmazione televisiva a tutti gli effetti, decretando il
successo di un nuovo genere, acquisendo la narrazione, la grammatica e le forme proprie del mezzo
e affermandosi come luogo di coagulo per una memoria condivisa.
Carey James W., Communication as culture: essays on media and society, New York;
London, Routledge, 2009.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3086
In this classic text, James W. Carey maintains that communication is not merely the transmission of
information; reminding the reader of the link between the words communication and community, he
broadens his definition to include the drawing-together of a people that is culture. In this context,
Carey questions the American tradition of focusing only on mass communication's function as a
means of social and political control, and makes a case for examining the content of a
communication—the meaning of symbols, not only the motives that originate them or the purposes
they serve. He seeks to recast the goal of communication studies, replacing the search for
deterministic laws of behavior with a simpler, yet far more challenging mission: to enlarge the
human conversation by comprehending what others are saying.
This new edition includes a new critical foreword by G. Stuart Adam that explains Carey's
fundamental role in transforming the study of mass communication to include a cultural perspective
and connects his classic essays with contemporary media issues and trends. This edition also adds a
new, complete bibliography of all of Carey's writings.
Castells Manuel, Communication power, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3235
"Of much value... Manuel Castells has shaped himself into the most prominent and influential
theorist and analyst of the modern communications and network age."--Financial Times
"Manuel Castells unites the mind of a social scientist with the soul of an artist. His trilogy took us to
the edge of the millennium. This book takes us beyond to the critical crossroads of the 21st century,
where technology, communication, and power converge."--Advance praise from Rosalind Williams,
Dibner Professor and Director, Program on Science, Technology and Society, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology
"Castells has done it again, a masterpiece of global perspective and enviable erudition. Moving
beyond his trilogy on the information age, Castells focuses on how cultural, economic and
particularly political power relationships are constituted and sustained through systematic
communication flows. ... Case studies include global media deregulation, the politics of scandal,
framing the war in Iraq, ecological social movements, the Obama presidential candidacy and a
fascinating comparison of media control dynamics in Russia and China."--Advance praise from W.
Russell Neuman, Evans Professor of Media Technology, University of Michigan
"How could Manuel Castells have predicted that now is the time of the perfect storm? I do not know.
But I do know that his new book coincides with the largest downturn in global economies since the
1930s, with the most important American election since the 1960s, with a most radical
transformation of world politics in many generations, and with the most profound reevaluation of the
lives of modern citizens, from what they value to how they communicate. ... This is a powerful and
much needed book for a world in crisis."--Advance praise from Antonio Damasio, David Dornsife
Professor of Neuroscience, Director, Brain and Creativity Institute, University of Southern California
Product Description
We live in the midst of a revolution in communication technologies that affects the way in which
people feel, think, and behave. The mass media (including web-based media), Manuel Castells
argues, has become the space where political and business power strategies are played out; power
now lies in the hands of those who understand or control communication.
Over the last thirty years, Castells has emerged as one of the world's leading communications
theorists. In this, his most far-reaching book for a decade, he explores the nature of power itself, in
the new communications environment. His vision encompasses business, media, neuroscience,
technology, and, above all, politics. His case histories include global media deregulation, the
misinformation that surrounded the invasion of Iraq, environmental movements, the role of the
internet in the Obama presidential campaign, and media control in Russia and China. In the new
self-communication"--politics is fundamentally media politics. This fact is behind a worldwide crisis
of political legitimacy that challenges the meaning of democracy in much of the world.
Deeply researched, far-reaching in scope, and incisively argued, this is a book for anyone who wants
to understand the dynamics and character of the modern world.
"How could Manuel Castells have predicted that now is the time of the perfect storm? I do not know.
But I do know that his new book coincides with the largest downturn in global economies since the
1930s, with the most important American election since the 1960s, with a most radical
transformation of world politics in many generations, and with the most profound reevaluation of the
lives of modern citizens, from what they value to how they communicate. We have become used to
Castells' careful scholarship and penetrating analyses but in this new book he cuts deeper into the
heart of the matter. Sometimes he provides illuminating answers and where he cannot, he frames
the questions that must be answered. This is a powerful and much needed book for a world in
crisis."--Antonio Damasio
"Manuel Castells unites the mind of a social scientist with the soul of an artist. His trilogy took us to
the edge of the millennium. This book takes us beyond to the critical crossroads of the 21st century,
where technology, communication, and power converge."--Rosalind Williams, Director, Program on
Science, Technology and Society, MIT
Cataldi Silvia, Come si analizzano i focus group, Milano, F. Angeli, 2009.
Collocazione: UPS 20-C-4598(2)
Tanto decantato per i suoi vantaggi, il focus group ha in realtà alcuni limiti evidenti, e, come ogni
strumento della cassetta degli attrezzi, richiede alcune raccomandazioni per Fuso, specialmente in
merito alle modalità di elaborazione, interpretazione e sintesi delle informazioni raccolte. Solo
raramente la letteratura metodologica si è occupata a fondo di quello che rappresenta il cuore stesso
dello strumento e che costituisce lo specifico informativo della tecnica, ossia il dialogo con e tra gli
attori sociali, la costruzione collettiva delle asserzioni e la negoziazione dei significati. A partire dalla
valorizzazione delle dimensioni che caratterizzano l'informazione tipica del focus group (la
dimensione del contenuto del discorso, la dimensione relazionale, la dimensione tecnico-operativa),
il volume intende offrire una sistematica riflessione sui numerosi aspetti connessi all'analisi dei dati
nelle discussioni di gruppo.
Cooke Lez, British television drama: a history, London, British Film Institute, 2003.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3319
This book illuminates the varied history of British television drama in one volume for the first
time--from its beginnings on the BBC in the '30s and '40s to its position at the beginning of the
twenty-first century. Lez Cooke examines the significant developments during these sixty years of
television including: live TV drama before the '60s such as the legendary Nineteen Eighty-Four, the
important shift to pre-recorded and filmed drama in the '60s and '70s, the impact of ITV's populist
drama series (Emergency Ward Ten, Coronation Street), telefantasies of the '60s (The Avengers,
The Prisoner), the controversial drama-documentaries of the '60s and the '70s (The War Game, Law
and Order), the responses to Thatcherism in the '80s (Boys from the Blackstuff, Edge of Darkness),
the heritage dramas of the '80s and '90s (from Brideshead Revisited to Pride and Prejudice), and the
stylish '90s dramas like Queer as Folk, Between the Lines, This Life and Cold Feet.
The book concludes with an assessment of the changes in British TV drama over its eventful history,
especially examining the accusation that there has been a decline in the production of radical and
progressive drama in the last twenty years.
Cooper Joel, Cognitive dissonance: fifty years of a classic theory, Los Angeles etc., Sage,
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3318
This book is fun to read!...Cooper takes care to delineate those studies that were particularly
important in their purpose, particularly clever in their design, and most groundbreaking in their
results. He makes a gripping story of the inception and march of progress in what could have been
simply a long series of interesting research projects. In doing so, he made me nostalgic for a time
when the field of psychology was alive with excitement and overrun with research topics that actually
made sense to those outside a narrow specialty and that meant something to the citizenry."
"Cooper (Princeton) does a superb job summarizing research on the concept of cognitive dissonance
since it was first elucidated by Leon Festinger in the 1950s...Cooper brings a much-needed historical
perspective to cognitive dissonance, and he peppers his discussion with interesting personal
anecdotes. Political analysts as well as psychologists will be interested in the specific conditions that
elicit cognitive dissonance."
-D.J. Winchester, Yeshiva University
"Dr. Joel Cooper has been at the very forefront of research on dissonance theory for decades now. In
this book, he provides a brilliant and engagingly-written review of the 50-year history of dissonance
research and a masterful account of the ensuing developments in the theory. The book will be an
outstanding resource for readers familiar with dissonance research and an enlightening introduction
for those who are not"
-Professor Russell H. Fazio, Ohio State University
Why is it that people who smoke continue to do so knowing how bad it is for them? What drives
people to committing adultery even though they inherently believe this is wrong? What's the
outcome of this contradiction in the mind?
Cognitive dissonance has been an important and influential theory since Leon Festinger published his
classic work in 1957. It is known by every social psychologist, most psychologists of any stripe, and
the lay public, making its way into such mainstream publications as The New York Times with
increasing frequency and accuracy. Ultimately, dissonance has become one of the most popularly
known expressions of social psychological insights, making its way into the literature in consumer,
health and economic behavior, and has become a frequently used explanation of political behavior in
the popular press and magazines.
In marking the 50th anniversary of the theory's inception, Joel Cooper - arguably the scholar most
associated with dissonance research in the past few decades - has presented a beautiful, modern and
comprehensive analysis of the state of dissonance theory. This book charts the progress of
dissonance theory, assessing its impact not only within our understanding of psychology but in
everyday experiences as well. It should be important reading for students in social psychology,
either undergraduate or graduate, but equally relevant to a host of other readers who need to
understand or share the same passions for appreciating the significance of cognitive dissonance in
the human psyche.
Corballis Michael C., Dalla mano alla bocca: le origini del linguaggio, Milano, R. Cortina,
Collocazione: UPS 33-C-296(179)
Che l'origine del linguaggio vada ricercata non nelle prime vocalizzazioni ma nei gesti non è idea
nuova, risale almeno all'abate di Condillac. Passando dall'antropologia all'etologia, dalle
neuroscienze alla linguistica e alla psicologia dello sviluppo, Michael Corballis ci mostra come la
nostra capacità di linguaggio si sia evoluta dalle iniziali forme di comunicazione per lo più mimetiche
alle prime vere e proprie lingue articolate in gesti manuali e in espressioni del volto, dotate di una
sintassi, sia pure elementare, e scandite, nel migliore dei casi, da grugniti o altre interiezioni vocali.
Per quanto trionfale, l'avvento della parola dovette aspettare a lungo, almeno fino a quando Homo
sapiens non fu in grado di affidare pensieri ed emozioni al suono della sua voce, lasciando le mani al
più libere di accompagnarla.
Day Rosemary, Community radio in Ireland: participation
communication, Cresskill, N.J., Hampton Press, 2009.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-2993
This book investigates the fundamental tenets of community radio as a movement through an
examination of the experiences of six contemporary Irish community radio stations. The recent
development of a strong community radio movement in Ireland provides a wealth of concrete
experience which informs new insights into both the theory and the practice of community
broadcasting generally. Ten years of academic research, illustrated by examples presented in the
words of community radio activists, enables an examination of the following crucial issues: the
concept of community and its construction through communication; the role and meaning of public
participation in a mass medium; and the creation of the multi-flows of communication.
Recent calls for theoretical perspectives on community media illustrate a gap in academic literature,
which this book addresses. Current interest in new media, radical media, the human right to
communicate, public sphere theory and New Social Movements raise questions that the experience
of Irish community radio may help to answer. New frameworks for the evaluation of community
broadcasters on their own terms are offered and those should provide useful to community media
activists and researchers alike.
Contents: Introduction. Community Radio Movement. Community Radio in Ireland. Identifying the
Community. Building the Community. Multi-flows of Communication. Democratization of
Communication. Ideals of Participation. Range of Participation. Practice of Participation. Implications
for Community Radio. Appendix. Author Index. Subject Index.
Derenthal Birgitta, Medienverantwortung in christlicher Perspektive: ein Beitrag zu einer
praktisch-theologischen Medienethik, Berlin, Lit, 2006.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3309
Unsere heutige Gesellschaft ist wesentlich eine Mediengesellschaft. Umso wichtiger ist ein breiter
Verständigungsprozess über medienethische Fragen. Diese Studie zeigt auf, inwiefern einzelne
Christen als auch die Kirchen insgesamt ihre eigene Verantwortung im Umgang mit Medien haben.
Im Rahmen einer umfassenden Bestandsaufnahme wird der Blick besonders auf diejenigen gerichtet,
die von den Medien selbst, aber auch in der Medienforschung nur wenig beachtet werden: Kinder und
Jugendliche aus bildungsfernen Familien, Migranten und Behinderte. In Auseinandersetzung mit
medienethischen Konzepten und dem kirchlich-theologischen Diskurs werden dann zentrale
Prinzipien einer praktisch-theologischen Medienethik skizziert.
Unsere heutige Gesellschaft ist wesentlich eine Mediengesellschaft. Umso wichtiger ist ein breiter
Verständigungsprozess über medienethische Fragen. Diese Studie zeigt auf, inwiefern einzelne
Christen als auch die Kirchen insgesamt ihre eigene Verantwortung im Umgang mit Medien haben.
Im Rahmen einer umfassenden Bestandsaufnahme wird der Blick besonders auf diejenigen gerichtet,
die von den Medien selbst, aber auch in der Medienforschung nur wenig beachtet werden: Kinder und
Jugendliche aus bildungsfernen Familien, Migranten und Behinderte. In Auseinandersetzung mit
medienethischen Konzepten und dem kirchlich-theologischen Diskurs werden dann zentrale
Prinzipien einer praktisch-theologischen Medienethik skizziert.
Di Marino Bruno, Pose in movimento: fotografia e cinema, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri,
Collocazione: UPS 33-C-279(207)
Mettere a confronto fotografia e cinema può sembrare un esercizio quasi scontato, dal momento che
si tratta di due arti strettamente legate tra loro. Un film rimane pur sempre un insieme di fotografie
(24 al secondo) che, proiettate nel tempo, producono nell'occhio dello spettatore l'illusione del
movimento. Ciò nonostante "Pose in movimento", partendo da alcune considerazioni teoriche di
Roland Barthes e di altri studiosi, è forse la prima analisi sistematica sul complesso e articolato
rapporto che si instaura tra la fotografia, il fotogramma e il film, nonché - più in generale
sull'interferenza tra immagine fissa e immagine in movimento. Dalla cronofotografia di Marey e
Muybridge fino al digitale, dagli esperimenti dell'avanguardia ai film composti unicamente di
istantanee, dal fermo immagine alla foto di scena e di set, dalla fotografia narrativa alla
rappresentazione dell'atto fotografico sul grande schermo, questo saggio tenta di mettere
sinteticamente a fuoco i nodi teorici, estetici e tecnologici di un'affascinante e infinita relazione che
ha inizio prima ancora della nascita del cinema. Ma "Pose in movimento" è anche un testo ricco di
approfondimenti su fotografi-cineasti come Klein, Marker, Depardon, Kubrick, Cartier-Bresson,
Wenders, Kiarostami, Clark, Kern, Frank, van der Keuken e molti altri.
Edelman Murray J., The politics of misinformation, Cambridge, Cambridge University
Press, 2001.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3315
The Politics of Misinformation is an examination of how concentrations of social and economic power
result in public languages of politics that are necessarily image-based, vague, and misleading in their
denial of undemocratic tendencies. As a result, public discourses of democracy tend to be populistic,
emotional, and likely to emphasize images of progress rather than structural inequalities in their
formulations of public problems. In short, neither typical problem definitions nor solutions invite
critical popular understanding or involvement in democratic politics.
Feld Steven - Carlo Serra - Melinda Meli, Suono e sentimento: uccelli, lamento, poetica e
canzone nell'espressione kaluli, Milano, Il Saggiatore, 2009.
Collocazione: UPS 33-B-50(658)
Nella pianura della Papua Nuova Guinea, presso il vulcano del Bosavi, vivono i kaluli. Con Edward e
Bambi Schieffelin, una coppia di antropologi, Steven Feld si è immerso nel 1976 nella vita della
foresta e ha condiviso con il popolo del Bosavi i riti e il lavoro, i miti e i loro canti. Soprattutto ha
scoperto che la musica dei kaluli, quella che da vita al loro mondo immaginario, rielabora i flussi
sonori della natura e le modulazioni del canto degli uccelli: questi non sono versi, ma voci nella
foresta. "Suono e sentimento" è il frutto di una ricerca sul campo, approfondita nell'arco di
venticinque anni; un trattato di etnomusicologia incentrato sul suono come sistema culturale e
simbolico. Lo studio dei metodi di comunicazione sonora, del suono umano e della natura (dai canti
dell'uomo ai versi degli uccelli) è il punto di partenza dal quale Feld elabora la comprensione dell'epos
sociale ed emozionale del popolo kaluli, di tutto ciò che può essere definito il suo sentimento.
Analizzando la forma e le esecuzioni del lamento e del canto in relazione al mito di origine, questo
libro mostra come le espressioni sonore siano incarnazioni di sentimenti profondi.
Fischer-Lichte Erika Jeremy Gaines - Doris L. Jones, The semiotics of theater,
Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1992.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3239
"The most thorough, systematic and convincing semiotics of the theater we have.... [L]ike those of
Eco, it is an important conceptual synthesis, and a bibliographical gold mine." -- Modern Language
Notes"... impresses with its thoroughness and the informed perspective of its author... " -- Theatre
Survey</p>"... a classic text... " -- Theatre Research International</p>"Immediately accessible to
readers with some knowledge of theater but not much of semiotics.... For anyone with an interest in
theater production and performance, or indeed theater history."
Frugoni Chiara - Attilio Bartoli Langeli - Riccardo Luisi, L'affare migliore di Enrico: Giotto
e la cappella Scrovegni, Torino, Einaudi, 2008.
Collocazione: UPS 33-B-77(899)
Dante pose tra i dannati dell'Inferno il padre di Enrico Scrovegni, Rainaldo, bollandolo come usuraio.
Per molto tempo questa condanna ha portato a ritenere che il figlio avesse fatto erigere la cappella
padovana per espiare i propri peccati di usura, e quelli del genitore. Il libro di Chiara Frugoni
capovolge questa tenace interpretazione, accolta ancora di recente. Enrico, banchiere, imprenditore
e uomo politico, attraverso Giotto volle proclamare il buon uso delle ricchezze, se impiegate in opere
caritative, e presentarsi con il volto del mecenate. A questa tesi l'autrice giunge esaminando da una
parte numerosissimi documenti d'archivio e il lungo e appassionato testamento del committente rimasto fino ad oggi inedito, e qui pubblicato, tradotto e puntualmente commentato da Attilio Bartoli
Langeli -, dall'altra analizzando scena per scena gli affreschi, riprodotti nel ricco appurato illustrativo.
Un'attenzione particolare è riservata da Chiara Frugoni alla fascia dei Vizi e delle Virtù alternati a finti
marmi (questi ultimi indagati nel loro significato da Riccardo Luisi), letta come la parte più personale
di Enrico. Il saggio, intrecciando con grande finezza fonti testuali e iconografiche, disegna una
biografia nuova e sorprendente di Enrico Scrovegni, desideroso di catturare attraverso il programma
pittorico il consenso e la gratitudine dei concittadini.
Griswold Wendy, Cultures and societies in a changing world, Los Angeles ecc., Pine Forge
Press, 2008.
Collocazione: UPS 20-C-4784
Product Description
In today’s world, both cultures and societies are changing more quickly than ever before. The Third
Edition of Cultures and Societies in a Changing World sheds light on the role culture plays in shaping
our social world. A vital and personal aspect of individual identity, culture shapes a person’s norms,
values, beliefs, and practices. This Third Edition introduces the sociology of culture and explores
cultural phenomena including stories, beliefs, media, ideas, art, religious practices, fashions, and
rituals from a global sociological perspective.
The author takes a global approach by considering cultural examples from various countries and time
periods, by delving into the ways globalization processes are affecting cultures and by offering an
explanation of post-Cold War era culture-related conflicts. Readers will develop a deeper
appreciation of culture and society from this text, gleaning useful insights that will help them
overcome cultural misunderstandings, conflicts, and ignorance and will help equip them to live their
professional and personal lives as effective, wise citizens of the world.
New to This Edition:
* Explores the effects of political symbols and rituals on the status quo in a new chapter devoted
to the interplay of culture and power
* Focuses on new media, especially the cultural implications of participatory media such as blogs,
MySpace, videologs, and podcasting
* Features updated cases and examples from the most important cultural research of the 21st
About the Author
Wendy Griswold, Professor of Sociology and Comparative Literary Studies, and affiliated with English
Professor Griswold holds a Ph.D. from Harvard (1980) and has previously taught there and at the
University of Chicago. Her research and teaching interests center on cultural sociology; sociological
approaches to literature, art and religion; time and place; and comparative studies in Europe and
Africa. Recent books include Bearing Witness: Readers, Writers, and The Novel in Nigeria (Princeton
UP, 2000) and Cultures and Societies in a Changing World (Pine Forge 1994), which has been
translated into Japanese and Italian. She is currently writing a book on cultural regionalism entitled
Regionalism and the Reading Class. Professor Griswold directs the Culture and Society Workshop at
Heider Don, Living virtually: researching new worlds, New York etc., P. Lang, 2009.
Collocazione: UPS SL-30-C-57(47)
This volume brings together scholars from the fields of sociology, political science, education,
information studies, psychology, communication, telecommunications, and journalism to explore the
significance of virtual online worlds, with most of the contributors focusing on Second Life, an
open-ended world which allows users (or "residents") to define their own activities and participate in
social networks and an online economy. Chapters discuss the development of Second Life and other
virtual worlds, the characteristics of virtual social networks, the construction of social reality in the
game World of Warcraft, in-game urban planning in Second Life, the role of "live" music in Second
Life, identity and gender in Second Life, the economics of Arden: The World of William Shakespeare
as reported by the game designers, brands and commodification in Second Life, the implications of
virtual worlds for democratic theory, virtual journalism in Second Life, and the integration of
multiple-user virtual environments into education.
Horak Ruth - Sabine Bitter, Rethinking Photography I+II: Narration und neue Reduktion
in der Fotografie = narration and new reduction in photography, Salzuburg
Graz, Fotohof edition ;
Forum Stadtpark, 2003.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3087
Selbstreferenz, Selbstbezüglichkeit oder Selbstreflexivität gelten als besondere Kennzeichen der
Kultur der Postmoderne. Auch den Medien ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten eine zunehmenden
Selbstbezüglichkeit bescheinigt worden. Statt auf Tatsachen und Ereignisse in der Welt beziehen sich
Film, Presse und sogar die Werbung mehr und mehr auf sich selbst. Die Entwicklung der neuen
digitalen Medien und die Digitalisierung der traditionellen Medien haben eine verstärkte mediale
Selbstbezüglichkeit zur Folge. Beim Computerspiel erreicht die Selbstbezüglichkeit der Zeichen und
Kommunikation einen Höhepunkt.
Die Formen und Mittel der Selbstreferenz in den Medien Film, Werbung und Computerspiel sind der
Gegenstand dieser Untersuchung. Ihr theoretischer Hintergrund ist die Semiotik, die Wissenschaft
von den Zeichenprozessen. Zeichen sind ihrer Definition nach Mittel, um auf etwas anderes zu
verweisen. Fremdreferenz, nicht Selbstreferenz ist ihre Funktion. Die zunehmende Selbstreferenz
der Medien erscheint somit auf den ersten Blick als ein semiotisches Paradox.
Ebenso wie Zeichen jedoch nicht nur auf die Welt der Dinge, sondern auch auf die Welt der Zeichen
verweisen, beziehen sich die Medien auch auf die Welt des Medialen. Zitat, Intertextualität,
Intermedialität, Wiederholung, Fiktionalitätsbrüche, Reflexion der eigenen Medialität oder Verweis
auf die Materialität der Zeichen im Gegensatz zu ihrer Bedeutung sind einige der Symptome der zu
untersuchenden medialen Selbstreferenz. Werbung, Film und Computerspiel stehen für drei Stufen
der zunehmenden medialen Selbstbezüglichkeit. In der Werbung darf das Prinzip der Selbstreferenz
nur in Maßen Verwendung finden, da diese sonst Gefahr läuft, ihre primäre Aufgabe zu verfehlen, die
darin besteht, das Publikum auf die Welt der Waren und Dienstleistungen hinzuweisen. Im Film
haben Strukturen der Poetizität und Fiktionalität schon früh einen Verlust von referenziellen Bezügen
auf die Welt zur Folge gehabt, aber nach hundert Jahren Filmgeschichte stellen sich vermehrt
selbstreferenzielle déjà-vu-Effekte ein, die filmische Kommunikation ist zum Thema der filmischen
Repräsentation geworden, und die Digitalisierung des Films hat zur weiteren Steigerung derartiger
Selbstbezüglichkeiten geführt. Für das digitale Medium des Computerspiels ist wie bei allen Spielen
der Bezug auf die Welt von vornherein sekundär. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Formen des Spiels gibt
es jedoch neue Möglichkeiten der Erzeugung von nur noch selbstbezüglichen virtuellen Welten.
Jacobs Jason, The intimate screen: Early British television drama, Oxford, Clarendon
Press, 2007.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3321
This book explores the formative period of British television drama, concentrating on the years
1936-55. It examines the continuities and changes of early television drama, and the impact this had
upon the subsequent 'golden age'. In particular, it questions the caricature of early television drama
as 'photographed stage plays' and argues that early television pioneers in fact produced a diverse
range of innovative drama productions, using a wide range of techniques.
Johnston Robert K., Reel spirituality : theology and film in dialogue, Grand Rapids (MI),
Baker Books, 2006.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3316
Product Description
Increasingly, thinking Christians are examining the influential role that movies play in our cultural
dialogue. Reel Spirituality successfully heightens readers' sensitivity to the theological truths and
statements about the human condition expressed through modern cinema. This second edition cites
200 new movies and encourages readers to ponder movie themes that permeate our culture as well
as motion pictures that have demonstrated power to shape our perceptions of everything from
relationships and careers to good and evil. Reel Spirituality is the perfect catalyst for dialogue and
discipleship among moviegoers, church-based study groups, and religious film and arts groups. The
second edition cites an additional 200 movies and includes new film photos.
From the Back Cover
"Considering the thousands of films shown every year, and the vast crowds who rush to see them, it
is remarkable that so little sustained Christian attention has been paid to the world of the 'big
screen.' Films can undoubtedly shape and change our fundamental attitudes and beliefs. Here, at
last, is an attempt to take that with theological seriousness. Reel Spirituality will not only help us
develop a Christian wisdom about film; in turn, it will also make us ask searching questions about the
Christian faith and the way we express it. Throughout, the book is accessible and engaging. I
commend it most warmly."--Jeremy Begbie, University of St. Andrews; Ridley Hall, University of
"If there is a single comprehensive introduction to the dialogue between Christian theology and film,
this book is it. . . . While the book is written in a style that is accessible to non-academic audiences,
it would be perfect as the foundational text for a graduate or undergraduate introductory course in
theology and film."--Religious Studies Review
"Robert Johnston has written the most comprehensive survey currently available on theology and
film. This is a masterful overview both of theologically relevant films and their analysis by other
scholars. It is highly accessible, penetrating, fair-minded in the treatment of others, yet full of
Johnston's own trenchant insights about films. This authoritative study is a must-read book for
anyone interested in the rapidly expanding field of exploring the theological dimensions of
contemporary film."--Robert Jewett, author of Saint Paul at the Movies
"May very well be the best overall text on theology and film in that [Johnston] pulls together many
concepts from the field at large while providing some useful history which places issues in context. . . .
Johnston's book will work very well in college/seminary courses as well as in local church study
groups."--John A. Wood, Perspectives in Religious Studies
La Porte José María, Introduzione alla comunicazione istituzionale della Chiesa, Roma,
EDUSC, 2009.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3116
Lo sviluppo delle diverse modalità di comunicazione, l’approfondimento nella natura relazionale
dell’essere umano e delle organizzazioni, l’aumento del ruolo sociale di molte istituzioni e la loro
influenza nella vita dei cittadini sono concetti che hanno subito un ampliamento significativo,
creando un campo di studio sul rapporto tra l’identità delle istituzioni e lo sviluppo del loro modo di
comunicare, un campo che cerca di studiare le dimensioni comunicative delle organizzazioni e che
viene comunemente chiamato “comunicazione istituzionale”. Di questo tratta il manuale introduttivo
sulla “comunicazione istituzionale” nella Chiesa, molto utile per l’insegnamento nei seminari e nei
centri di formazione. Non a caso il titolo è “Introduzione alla comunicazione istituzionale della
Chiesa” (a cura di Josè Maria La Porte), edito dalla Edusc. I dieci capitoli che compongono il manuale
sono strutturati in tre gruppi tematici: cornice magisteriale e teologica del rapporto
comunicazione-fede, ruolo comunicativo della Chiesa in una società segnata dalla continua presenza
dei mezzi e dei professionisti dell’informazione, aspetti particolari che aiutano a sviluppare
un’efficace comunicazione istituzionale della Chiesa cattolica. I due capitoli della prima parte offrono,
sia pure molto sinteticamente, una introduzione essenziale sui documenti del magistero della Chiesa,
collegati alla comunicazione e sui concetti basilari nel rapporto tra teologia e comunicazione. Il
secondo gruppo tematico è organizzato intorno a diversi spazi di dialogo sociale in cui si trova la
Chiesa, nella terza parte gli argomenti sono quelli più direttamente legati con le attività di
comunicazione istituzionale sviluppate dalla Chiesa.
Lakoff George - Mark Johnson, Metaphors we live by, Chicago, University of Chicago
Press, 2003.
Collocazione: UPS 32-B-2024
Product Description
"An engaging, accessible discussion, replete with examples, of the varieties of metaphor and how
they work."--Mary Sirridge, Teaching Philosophy
From the Inside Flap
The now-classic Metaphors We Live By changed our understanding of metaphor and its role in
language and the mind. Metaphor, the authors explain, is a fundamental mechanism of mind, one
that allows us to use what we know about our physical and social experience to provide
understanding of countless other subjects. Because such metaphors structure our most basic
understandings of our experience, they are "metaphors we live by"-metaphors that can shape our
perceptions and actions without our ever noticing them.
In this updated edition of Lakoff and Johnson's influential book, the authors supply an afterword
surveying how their theory of metaphor has developed within the cognitive sciences to become
central to the contemporary understanding of how we think and how we express our thoughts in
Ling Richard Seyler - Jonathan Donner, Mobile communication, Cambridge, Polity Press,
Collocazione: UPS 32-B-2009
With staggering swiftness, the mobile phone has become a fixture of daily life in almost every society
on earth. In 2007, the world had over 3 billion mobile subscriptions. Prosperous nations boast of
having more subscriptions than people. In the developing world, hundreds of millions of people who
could never afford a landline telephone now have a mobile number of their own. With a mobile in our
hand many of us feel safer, more productive, and more connected to loved ones, but perhaps also
more distracted and less involved with things happening immediately around us.
Written by two leading researchers in the field, this volume presents an overview of the mobile
telephone as a social and cultural phenomenon. Research is summarized and made accessible
though detailed descriptions of ten mobile users from around the world. These illustrate popular
debates, as well as deeper social forces at work. The book concludes by considering three themes: 1)
the tighter interlacing of daily activities 2) a revolution of control in the social sphere, and 3) the
arrival of a world where the majority of its inhabitants are reachable, anytime, anywhere.
Losito Gianni, La ricerca sociale sui media: oggetti d'indagine, metodo, tecniche, Roma,
Carocci, 2009.
Collocazione: UPS SL-20-C-1154(78)
Non sempre, nei manuali di sociologia dei media, nell'esporre teorie e risultati delle ricerche si pone
esplicita attenzione al metodo e alle tecniche d'indagine che le hanno prodotte. In questo volume,
invece, teorie e risultati sono considerati nel loro stretto legame con le strategie di ricerca. Nella
prima parte si prendono in esame i principali ambiti e filoni d'indagine: la ricerca sul pubblico, sul
consumo mediale, sulla fruizione dei testi mediali e sugli effetti dei media a breve e a lungo termine;
la ricerca sulle aziende dei media, in particolare sulle organizzazioni giornalistiche e sul processo di
produzione delle notizie; la ricerca sull'offerta dei media tradizionali e dei nuovi media digitali. La
seconda parte affronta i problemi metodologici della ricerca sui media, tanto quantitativa (inchiesta,
analisi del contenuto e disegni sperimentali), quanto qualitativa (etnografia dei media e grounded
Mazzoleni Gianpietro - Anna Sfardini, Politica pop: da "Porta a porta" a "L'isola dei
famosi", Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009.
Collocazione: UPS 33-B-293(193)
Quando la televisione ha scoperto che la politica può fare audience, e i politici che possono
raggiungere il vasto pubblico adattandosi alle logiche dello spettacolo, è nata la politica pop: un
"ambiente mediale" scaturito dal collasso di generi televisivi e costumi sociali invecchiati, in cui
politica e cultura popolare, informazione e intrattenimento, comico e serio, reale e surreale si
fondono in una nuova miscela espressiva. Per molti è una pericolosa deviazione dal compito "alto"
della formazione di un'opinione pubblica avveduta. Intanto, però, quell'enorme frullatore di realtà e
finzione che è la Tv ha scodellato una sorta di turbo-politica. Né mancano autorevoli studiosi secondo
cui l'infotainment offre un'informazione minima, ma sufficiente a una "cittadinanza sottile". Dovremo
allora rivalutare il "Grande Fratello", paradossale scialuppa di civismo, attraverso il televoto, per
cittadini altrimenti destinati all'emarginazione? Bisognerà in ogni caso considerare con occhi nuovi,
come in questo libro, "Annozero" e "Ballarò", "Che tempo che fa" e "Domenica in", "Le iene" e "Porta
a porta", "Striscia la notizia" e "Matrix".
Nöth Winfried, Handbook of semiotics, Bloomington; Indianapolis, Indiana University
Press, 1995.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-1988
From Library Journal
Mapping a discipline as new as semiotics involves not only compilation and description, but making
substantive choices regarding the taxonomy and dimensions of the field. Noth succeeds admirably in
this formidable undertaking. He casts a wide net, incorporating a variety of perspectives: historical,
systematic, generic, and institutional. While the individual entries may be too brief to aid a specialist
in his own field, Noth's book does provide a workable framework for relating disciplines to each other
and to the pioneering theorists of the field, from Peirce to Jakobson. Noth rounds out his work with
a treatment of the most recent developments and the provision of extensive, up-to-date
bibliographical data. Recommended for academic libraries.
- Alexander Gelley, Univ. of California, Irvine
Copyright 1990 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Product Description
"This is the most systematic discussion of semiotics yet published." -- Choice
"A bravura performance." -- Thomas Sebeok
"Nöth's handbook is an outstanding encyclopedia that provides first-rate information on many facets
of sign-related studies, research results, and applications." -- Social Sciences in General
Pozzetto Gabriella, "Lo cerco dappertutto": Cristo nei film di Pasolini, Milano, Àncora,
Collocazione: UPS 32-B-1975
Poeta, scrittore e regista, per tutta la vita bollato come ateo, omosessuale e marxista, ferocemente
ucciso nel 1975, in realtà Pasolini è stato un intellettuale capace di stare vicino al popolo, agli ultimi,
ai deboli, agli oppressi, nel più evidente insegnamento evangelico, pur nella fragilità di un'esistenza
contraddittoria. Il libro ruota intorno al "Vangelo secondo Matteo", il film della sua carriera, giudicato
dalla critica la miglior pellicola mai girata su Cristo e, anche se Pasolini non crede che Cristo sia il
figlio di Dio, ma crede che in Lui l'umanità sia così alta, pura e rigorosa da essere divina. Il libro
testimonia una vita di ricerca e di comunicazione di Cristo, attraverso l'esperienza sconvolgente del
Reinhartz Adele, Jesus of Hollywood, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3322
While many books have explored the translation of biblical scenes and characters to film, most of
those have been by film critics; Reinhartz has something new to offer as a New Testament scholar.
Here she analyzes the depictions of Jesus from the earliest silent films all the way through Mel
Gibson's The Passion of the Christ (which, she says, portrays Jesus more as a "hunk of raw meat"
than a man). She includes weighty, reverent biopics (by Franco Zeffirelli and Roberto Rossellini) and
more iconoclastic and controversial treatments (Jesus of Montreal and The Last Temptation of
Christ), with appreciative nods in the direction of satirical spoofs like Monty Python's Life of Brian.
This is a fascinating topic, and the book is full of perceptive observations, but the organization is
workmanlike, with Reinhartz introducing a subject, explaining how that topic is treated in the
Gospels, and then calling forth examples of how that topic is addressed from film to film. This makes
the book an excellent reference for those readers who want information about one or two themes at
a time, but frustratingly repetitive for those reading the book straight through. (Jan.)
"Rich with insights drawn from years of research and teaching in biblical and film studies, Reinhartz's
book is a gift to scholars and students alike. It's a must-read in the growing field of religion and film."
--Timothy K. Beal, co-editor of Mel Gibson's Bible: Religion, Popular Culture, and The Passion of the
"Reinhartz's discussion of the Jesuses of Hollywood focuses on the filmic treatment of the main
scriptural characters who played roles in the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth. She shows that the
'reel' Jesus invariably conflicts with, or is unsupported by, scriptural and historical evidence. This
highly readable book documents her conviction that rather than offering accurate and engaging
representations of the 'real Jesus,' Jesus biopics act as mirrors that reflect the concerns of the times
in which they were produced and circulated in first-run theaters." --Margaret R. Miles, author of
Seeing and Believing: Religion and Values in the Movies
"This illuminating book will be of interest to those who, like myself, avoid the movies but read the
Gospels. It will be even more important for those who enjoy the movies but are curious about the
extent to which they are based on ancient Christian literature. Enjoyment of watching will be
increased by awareness of the ways in which the Jesus movies relate to the time in which they were
made. The lesson that works of historical fiction, such as biopics, are written and enacted with
current issues in mind cannot be repeated too often." -- E. P. Sanders, author of Jesus and Judaism
and The Historical Figure of Jesus
"This book will be of interest to scholars of the Bible and film and would be particularly useful as a
text for courses in cinematic representations of Jesus." --Toronto Journal of Theology
Rolfes Helmuth - Angela Ann Zukowski, Communicatio socialis: challenge of theology and
ministry in the Church : Festschrift for Franz-Josef Eilers, Kassel, Kassel University Press,
Collocazione: UPS 32-B-1971
The term Social Communication (lat. Communicatio Socialis) was coined at the Second Vatican
Council. The decree Inter Mirifica (1963) uses this expression to point to the communication
processes of and in human society beyond technical means. According to this Festschrift marking the
75th birthday of Franz-Josef Eilers SVD, Social Communication has been his lifelong Leitmotif. Eilers
has been one of the most prominent writers on Church and intercultural communication. He founded
and for many years edited the scholarly quarterly Communicatio Socialis, and he served as
collaborator and director of CAMECO and the Office for Social Communication of the Federation of
Asian Bishops' Conferences. 15 international communication experts, from Catholic as well as
ecumenical viewpoints, contributed to this book. The articles cover a broad range of issues, from
practical experiences ('Radio Broadcasting in the Brazilian Amazon') to trend reports ('The
rediscovery of religion by journalists in the Netherlands') and theological reflections ('The concept of
dialogue and its ethical implications').
Ruben Brent D., et al., Communication yearbook, Mahwah, N.J. ; London, L. Erlbaum,
Collocazione: UPS SL-32-C-13(2); UPS SL-32-C-13(3); UPS SL-32-C-13(8); UPS SL-32-C-13(10);
UPS SL-32-C-13(16); UPS SL-32-C-13(19); UPS SL-32-C-13(21); UPS SL-32-C-13(25); UPS
SL-32-C-13(28); UPS SL-32-C-13(33); UPS SL-32-C-13(32); UPS SL-32-C-13(31); UPS
SL-32-C-13(30); UPS SL-32-C-13(29); UPS SL-32-C-13(27); UPS SL-32-C-13(24); UPS
SL-32-C-13(20); UPS SL-32-C-13(18); UPS SL-32-C-13(15); UPS SL-32-C-13(6); UPS
SL-32-C-13(1); UPS SL-32-C-13(12); UPS SL-32-C-13(26); UPS SL-32-C-13(23); UPS
SL-32-C-13(22); UPS SL-32-C-13(17); UPS SL-32-C-13(14); UPS SL-32-C-13(13); UPS
SL-32-C-13(11); UPS SL-32-C-13(9); UPS SL-32-C-13(7); UPS SL-32-C-13(4); UPS SL-32-C-13(5)
NOTA: Sono stati catalogati gli ultimi 6 volumi ed ora la serie è aggiornata.
The Communication Yearbook annuals publish diverse, state-of-the-discipline literature reviews
across the field of communication. Sponsored by the International Communication Association,
volumes offer insightful descriptions of research as well as reflections on the implications of those
findings for other areas of the discipline. Editor Christina S. Beck presents a diverse, international
selection of articles that highlight empirical and theoretical intersections in the communication
Santoro Marco - Roberta Sassatelli, Studiare la cultura: nuove prospettive sociologiche,
Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009.
Collocazione: UPS 20-B-4256
Solo in anni recenti vincendo pregiudizi e diffidenze, la cultura è entrata a pieno titolo nel campo della
ricerca sociologica, al pari della mobilità sociale, dell'organizzazione burocratica, delle strutture
famigliari, dell'impresa capitalistica, del mercato del lavoro o del suicidio. Con l'obiettivo di introdurre
il lettore a questo nuovo importante filone di studi, il volume raccoglie alcuni dei testi che più hanno
contribuito nel tempo alla definizione e allo sviluppo della sociologia culturale. Sono così illustrati i
fondamenti e le linee essenziali delle attuali conoscenze sociologiche sul ruolo della cultura
nell'azione umana e nella spiegazione sociale, nonché sui rapporti tra cultura e struttura sociale.
Scarborough Lynn Wilford, Talk like Jesus: change your world with the S.I.M.P.L.E.tm
steps of the master communicator, London, Phoenix, 2007.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3312
Jesus was a brilliant communicator and demonstrated his talents through ordinary, simple language.
This work can teach readers how to improve their professional and personal communication skills by
relying on the same methods that Jesus followed. (Practical Life)
Song Felicia Wu, Virtual communities: bowling alone, online together, New York etc., P.
Lang, 2009.
Collocazione: UPS SL-30-C-57(54)
Does contemporary Internet technology strengthen civic engagement and democratic practice? The
recent surge in online community participation has become a cultural phenomenon enmeshed in
ongoing debates about the health of American civil society. But observations about online
communities often concentrate on ascertaining the true nature of community and democracy,
typically rehearsing familiar communitarian and liberal perspectives. This book seeks to understand
the technology on its own terms, focusing on how the technological and organizational configurations
of online communities frame our contemporary beliefs and assumptions about community and the
individual. It analyzes key structural features of thirty award-winning online community websites to
show that while the values of individual autonomy, egalitarianism, and freedom of speech dominate
the discursive content of these communities, the practical realities of online life are clearly marked
by exclusivity and the demands of commercialization and corporate surveillance. Promises of social
empowerment are framed within consumer and therapeutic frameworks that undermine their
democratic efficacy. As a result, online communities fail to revolutionize the civic landscape because
they create cultures of membership that epitomize the commodification of community and public life
Touraine Alain - Tina D'Agostini - Monica Fiorini, La globalizzazione e la fine del sociale:
per comprendere il mondo contemporaneo, Milano, Il Saggiatore, 2008.
Collocazione: UPS 33-B-50(635)
I modelli tradizionali con cui continuiamo a pensare e descrivere la società, e in base ai quali
pretendiamo di governarla, sono ormai superati e inservibili. Questi modelli rispecchiano infatti
l'organizzazione del capitalismo industriale, imperniata sugli stati nazionali, sulla contrapposizione
tra borghesia e proletariato e sul radicamento territoriale degli apparati produttivi. Nell'economia
globalizzata di oggi queste categorie si dimostrano inadeguate e distanti dalle pratiche di vita reali.
Per Touraine è necessario ridisegnare la mappa della società: con questo libro fa emergere attori,
conflitti, identità personali e collettive che costituiscono il nuovo paesaggio sociale.
Turuani Laura - Matteo Lancini, Sempre in contatto: relazioni virtuali in adolescenza,
Milano, F. Angeli, 2009.
Collocazione: UPS 6-C-7175(38)
Quali sono le ragioni evolutive, affettive e profonde che spingono un adolescente ad utilizzare la
tastiera per dialogare con la migliore amica o con i compagni di scuola? Cosa possiamo suggerire ai
genitori sbigottiti dal figlio che chiamato per cena risponde dicendo "Aspetta! Non vedi che sono con
un amico" oppure "Un attimo... sono di là con Francesca" descrivendo una presenza reale, fisica,
praticamente corporea del proprio interlocutore, in realtà seduto in un'abitazione situata dall'altra
parte della città? Quali comunicazioni, significati e contenuti transitano in internet e nella rete
telefonica, attraverso l'utilizzo di programmi come Messenger, nella scrittura degli sms e nell'invio
degli "squilli"? Questo volume intende fornire una chiave di lettura per la comprensione di quella
particolare forma di relazione che si stabilisce attraverso la comunicazione mediata
tecnologicamente. In modo crescente ragazzi e ragazze si avvalgono di strumenti tecnologici che
rappresentano un'estensione personale delle moderne forme di prolungamento del sé.
Vallorani Nicoletta, Dissolvenze : corpi e culture nella contemporaneità, Milano, Il
Saggiatore, 2009.
Collocazione: UPS 33-B-50(655)
Avere un corpo è il dato ineludibile del nostro stare al mondo. Però riscrivere, manipolare, violare,
spogliare, cancellare questo corpo sono le operazioni alle quali più spesso assistiamo nella
contemporaneità. L'originaria concretezza del nostro vivere fisico è elusiva, non rappresentabile in
modo univoco. E la sua rappresentazione si distende tra due tendenze diverse: un corpo materiale
intensamente presente e modellabile, oggetto che designa il potere in forma di corpo dei leader
(Berlusconi e Stalin), definisce una buona prestazione sportiva e conferma un canone estetico, più
spesso femminile e sempre decretato dai media; e un corpo come entità non più permanente o
addirittura ormai dissolto, nella rimozione dei corpi delle vittime (i desaparecidos in Argentina), nella
scrittura e riscrittura come reinvenzione di un corpo traumatizzato da un incidente, nella censura
sociale del corpo affetto da Aids e infine nell'arte come rappresentazione dell'invisibile. Con contributi
che spaziano tra storia, politica, sport, estetica e arte contemporanea, e con tre lunghe interviste a
Elio De Capitani sul teatro di Sarah Kane, a Nancy Schiesari sui tatuaggi dei soldati americani in
missione in Iraq e a lain Sinclair sulla stanza vuota dell'ebreo Rodinsky, "Dissolvenze" è un catalogo
di rappresentazioni del corpo nelle culture contemporanee. Con infiniti gradi intermedi, che sono
sempre corpo.
Vigini Giuliano - Marco Roncalli - Andrea Gianni, L'editoria religiosa in Italia : contributi e
materiali per una storia, Bologna; Milano, Edizioni Dehoniane ; Associazione
Sant'Anselmo, 2009.
Collocazione: UPS 32-B-2017
Uno strumento utile per orientarsi nel panorama delle maggiori editrici religiose pubblicato in
collaborazione con UELCI e Associazione Sant'Anselmo.
Waltz Mitzi, Alternative and activist media, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2005.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-2
"This lively and accessible examination of alternative media draws on a rich variety of examples from
all over the world. Throughout the book Mitzi Waltz involves the student in fascinating and valuable
exercises. An excellent teaching resource for this important area. " -- Chris Atton, School of
Communication Arts, Napier University
This study of alternative and activist media provides an introduction to alternative media theories,
audiences and practices. It brings diverse voices and concepts from outside the commercial media
world to the fore, enriching and challenging mass media. Illustrated with historical and current
examples, from both a UK and international perspective, it also includes carefully constructed
exercises and discussion topics based on case studies and available texts.
Topics include the place of alternative media in a mass-media world; a history of alternative and
activist media; media participation and consumption by marginalised audiences; the use of pirate
and community radio, video and television by community and minority groups; fanzines and other
small publishing ventures by individuals; the use of alternative media for explorations in design; the
blurring of boundaries between alternative and mass media; and new technology and its possibilities
for alternative media.
* A unique study of alternative and activism-oriented media designed for students of media studies,
print and broadcast journalism, cultural studies, media sociology and related disciplines
* Includes extensive notes and Internet resources
* Contains exercises and additional resources, such as suggested further reading or
film/video/digital media for discussion, in each chapter
Watson Alexander John, Marginal man: the dark vision of Harold Innis, Toronto; Buffalo;
London, University of Toronto Press, 2007.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3314
With Marginal Man, Alexander John Watson provides the first in-depth intellectual biography of
Harold Adams Innis (1894-1952), the great Canadian economic historian and communications guru.
Melding biography and analysis, Watson presents, in unprecedented detail, the links between key
events in Innis' life and scholarly influences, and the intellectual synthesis that Innis produced.
Watson illustrates and reconciles the great thinker's movement from rural Ontario to the centre of
Canadian and international scholarship, followed by his relegation to the margin by scholars who did
not understand his political project and the essential consistency of his scholarship and vision. Based
on exhaustive research including interviews and reviews of archival sources, the book's methodology
reflects that of Innis himself, emphasizing oral tradition and 'dirt' research.
Innis' thought is remarkably relevant to today's world, and Marginal Man discusses his foresight with
regards to technological changes - such as the arrival of the internet - as well as historical changes
including the end of the Cold War and the beginnings of today's unipolar world order. This book is an
extraordinary work of scholarship in its own right, as well as an essential companion to the work of
its subject, one of Canada's most important minds.
Wood Julia T., Communication theories in action : an introduction, Belmont, California,
Wadsworth, 2004.
Collocazione: UPS 32-C-3323
This text introduces students to a select set of leading theories in the communication field and
demonstrates how these theories apply to their lives. Chapters group theories coherently so that
students can compare and contrast different approaches to particular interests in the field (for
example: relationships, performance, language and mass communication).