cornell university italian 112 – spring 2013


cornell university italian 112 – spring 2013
CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITALIAN 112 – SPRING 2013 COURSE DESCRIPTION The course is intended for intermediate beginners. A thorough grounding is given in all the language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Vocabulary and grammar are presented through teaching materials (dialogues, articles, etc) which refer to situations relevant to the students' experience in Italy as practiced through role-­‐playing, street assignments, researching and report, discussions. In the first intensive part of the course, situations that often represent obstacles to newcomers in Italy, are presented to assist students in learning to insert themselves into a new country and a new culture. The first part of the course also includes cultural activities such as orientation, concerts, theatre, exhibitions, and cooking classes. The second part of the course will consist of three meetings per week. Students will further the study of structures and vocabulary, developing all linguistic skills: speaking, understanding, reading and writing. Different class activities will be organized to encourage the students to practice oral Italian through conversations and discussions about different topics. Students are expected to participate as actively as possible to the activities and to give their contribution with suggestions, ideas and presentations. SCHEDULE: Part One: Part Two: Two weeks of intensive Italian instruction that begin two weeks ahead of the rest of the classes. Classes run from 10.00 to 1:00 pm. and from 2.00 pm. to 3.30 pm. Three classes per week: Tue, Wed, Fri, from 2.00 pm to 3.15 pm which continue for the remainder of the semester. TEXTBOOK: Italian Espresso 2 (textbook+workbook) written by Italiaidea INSTRUCTORS: Raffaella Ferragni Costanza Marino GRADING: 4 quizzes 20% Midterm exam (written) 15% Final exam (written) 15% Oral competence (including oral exams) 20% Homework and fieldtrip assignment 15% Class participation and commitment 15% For a total of 100% Attendance is mandatory. Each unmotivated absence will determine 1.5% less on the total score (absences during intensive part will determine 4.5 % less) Paolo Bultrini, the academic head can be contacted by mail at Please, read our “letter to the student” in order to become more familiar with the Italiaidea teaching methodology and philosophy. Dear Student, We’d like you to reflect upon these points during your course of study with us. Language is not only a set of rules to learn, but is also an instrument for doing, communicating, understanding, and expressing oneself. Language rules are acquired while one uses a language; it is not sufficient to study and know rules abstractly. It is necessary to practice continuously always aware of the whole process of acquiring another language. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and don’t expect perfection. Rather, try to participate as actively as possible in class: the more you speak and the more you listen, the more quickly you will absorb real, living language in depth (and, in that way, will absorb all that a language consists of: vocabulary, grammatical structures, syntax, etc.) Grammar In the process of acquiring a foreign language, grammar should not be a goal, but rather a means by which you will learn to express yourself correctly and appropriately. You may find yourself re-­‐studying grammar you have already studied before but have not yet absorbed, because it is not enough to simply study a structure, but to learn how to use it appropriately. The Role of the Teacher The teacher stimulates the active participation of the student continuously. The classtime we share together becomes the space in which it is possible for you to use linguistic structures and related vocabulary. The teacher will help you maximize your use of materials which, at first, may seem very difficult and may seem over your head (for instance, “real world” materials) as opposed to materials designed specifically for students of a foreign language. This is just the material you need; it is what is most precious and richest for a person studying a foreign language. Work in Small Groups or in Pairs Exchanges and interactions with other people form a vital foundation for learning a foreign language because doing so gives you the appropriate and gradual increments of a linguistic system and helps remove any continuing obstacles plaguing you. For the following reasons in particular, group work represents the ideal situation to help a rich variety of problems emerge which might otherwise escape individual study: -­‐ working in pairs or in groups has the advantage of equal and fair confrontation, removing the fear of making errors. It also gives you the chance to make conversation more freely than working always with an instructor -­‐ the difficulties others have will help clarify your own points -­‐ all students are able to participate actively and simultaneously during the lesson -­‐ everyone works at the same time which makes optimal use of the class time together GRADING DESCRIPTION All classes are taught exclusively in Italian. 4 Quizzes: 15% They consist of a series of written exercises based on grammar and most relevant vocabulary covered in class Midterm exam: 15% It consists of a series of written exercises based on grammar and most relevant vocabulary covered in class, listening and reading comprehension, according to the course level. Final exam: 15% See above Oral competence: 20% Oral production and comprehension is crucial to a language course which has the goal to enable students to communicate in a new language. Oral competence is assessed constantly throughout the course by the course instructor. Students’ oral competence is a result of different components: correctness, fluency, vocabulary and listening comprehension. Homework: 15% Homework is given to reinforce topics studied in class. Although vocabulary lists are not used in the Italiaidea teaching system, students are expected to memorize, use and build her/his own vocabulary, according to their level. Written homework can be corrected in class with different methods: on the board or orally altogether with the instructor, working in pairs, working in smaller groups. The correct answers are not necessarily written on the board or checked one by one; it is the students’ responsibility to ask questions in case of doubts or confusion. Class participation and engagement: 20% Class participation is crucial for our courses, which are based on experiential learning and communicative teaching methods. We understand that students might be used to different language teaching approaches, therefore we would like to clarify what we mean by participation and engagement: Speaking only and always in ITALIAN in class Trying to use structures and vocabulary studied in class as much as possible Working in pairs or groups according to instructions given in class Helping other students while working together Participating to homework correction Asking questions every time something is not clear Memorizing and widening vocabulary, even if not listed Participating to all class activities Speaking Italian with your classmates, even if you finish your assignment/task before the others. Paolo Bultrini, the academic head can be contacted by mail at PROGRAMMA DEL CORSO – PARTE INTENSIVA Lezione di revisione Funzioni comunicative Descrivere un posto Grammatica Revisione presente indicativo TEXTBOOK Lezione 1 “Incontri” Funzioni comunicative Parlare di situazioni passate Grammatica Avere ed essere con i modali Passato prossimo e Imperfetto Pronomi diretti indiretti e riflessivi WORKBOOK: pg 4-­‐9 ,esercizi n° 1-­‐15 TEXTBOOK Lezione 2 “Progetti futuri” Funzioni comunicative Parlare di progetti futuri-­‐fare ipotesi Grammatica Il futuro -­‐ frasi ipotetiche con indicativo WORKBOOK: pg 10-­‐15 ,esercizi n° 1-­‐14 TEXTBOOK Lezione 3 “Che dovrei fare secondo te” Funzioni comunicative Dare e chiedere un consiglio Grammatica I verbi bastare e servire-­‐Imperativo informale e pronomi WORKBOOK: pg 16-­‐21 ,esercizi n°1-­‐16 QUIZ 1 TEXTBOOK Lezione 4 “Mens sana” Funzioni comunicative Dare istruzioni e consigli in una situazione formale-­‐fare comparazioni Grammatica Imperativo formale-­‐ pronomi combinati-­‐ comparativi e superlativi irregolari WORKBOOK: pg 22-­‐27 ,esercizi n°1-­‐14 TEXTBOOK Lezione 5 “Do you speak Italian” Funzioni comunicative Raccontare esperienze passate-­‐chiedere dare informazioni. Grammatica Trapassato prossimo -­‐ pronomi relativi WORKBOOK: pg 30-­‐35 ,esercizi n° 1-­‐14 TEXTBOOK Lezione 6 “Vivere in città” Funzioni comunicative Descrivere una città-­‐ Esprimere critiche lamentele, rimpianti. Grammatica Condizionale passato-­‐passato remoto WORKBOOK: pg 36-­‐38 , esercizi n° 1-­‐8 QUIZ 2 PROGRAMMA DEL CORSO – PARTE ESTENSIVA TEXTBOOK Lezione 6 “Vivere in città” Funzioni comunicative Descrivere una città-­‐ Esprimere critiche lamentele, rimpianti. Grammatica Condizionale passato-­‐passato remoto WORKBOOK: pg 39-­‐41 ,esercizi n° 9-­‐13 TEXTBOOK Lezione 7 “Luoghi comuni” Funzioni comunicative Esprimere opinioni personali Grammatica Congiuntivo presente e passato-­‐Aggettivi e pronomi indefiniti WORKBOOK: pg 44-­‐49 ,esercizi n° 1-­‐15 ESAME DI META’ CORSO – MID TERM Martedì scritto Mercoledì orale TEXTBOOK Lezione 8 “Parole, parole” Funzioni comunicative Riferire opinioni personali passate-­‐discutere e argomentare. Grammatica Congiuntivo imperfetto e trapassato-­‐connettivi WORKBOOK: pg 50-­‐55 ,esercizi n° 1-­‐12 TEXTBOOK Lezione 9 "Invito alla lettura” Funzioni comunicative Descrivere un libro-­‐esprimere giudizi, scopi e obiettivi. Grammatica Congiuntivo in dipendenza da connettivi-­‐forma passiva-­‐perché con il congiuntivo o indicativo WORKBOOK: pg 56-­‐61 ,esercizi n° 1-­‐13 TEXTBOOK Lezione 10 “La famiglia cambia faccia” Funzioni comunicative Fare previsioni-­‐discutere-­‐riferire notizie incerte Grammatica Avverbi-­‐congiuntivo in dipendenza da congiunzioni-­‐uso del condizionale per riferire notizie incerte. WORKBOOK: pg 64-­‐69 ,esercizi n° 1-­‐12 QUIZ 3 TEXTBOOK Lezione 11 “Tradizioni italiane” Funzioni comunicative Descrivere feste e tradizioni-­‐ esprimere desideri-­‐descrivere fatti passati Grammatica Pronomi relativi, altri usi di cui-­‐segnali discorsivi e connettivi-­‐ condizionale passato come futuro nel passato-­‐avverbi WORKBOOK: pg 70-­‐75 ,esercizi n° 1-­‐10 Presentazione del Talent Show TEXTBOOK Funzioni comunicative Grammatica WORKBOOK: Lezione 11 “Tradizioni italiane” Descrivere feste e tradizioni-­‐ esprimere desideri-­‐descrivere fatti passati Pronomi relativi, altri usi di cui-­‐segnali discorsivi e connettivi-­‐ condizionale passato come futuro nel passato-­‐avverbi pg 70-­‐75 ,esercizi n° 1-­‐10 TEXTBOOK Lezione 12 “Salviamo il nostro pianeta” Funzioni comunicative Fare ipotesi-­‐discutere, lamentarsi Grammatica Frasi ipotetiche WORKBOOK: pg 76-­‐78 ,esercizi n° 1-­‐6 Preparazione del Talent Show TEXTBOOK Lezione 12 “Salviamo il nostro pianeta” Funzioni comunicative Fare ipotesi-­‐discutere, lamentarsi Grammatica Frasi ipotetiche WORKBOOK: pg 79-­‐81 ,esercizi n° 7-­‐12 Mercoledì 3 aprile – QUIZ 4 Preparazione del Talent Show Martedì 9 – Mercoledì 10 aprile TEXTBOOK Lezione 13 “Noi e gli altri” Funzioni comunicative Lamentare, protestare, giustificarsi-­‐esprimere desideri e preferenze-­‐fare richieste in modo cortese. Grammatica Concordanza dei tempi del congiuntivo-­‐congiuntivo in dipendenze dal condizionale WORKBOOK: pg 82-­‐84 ,esercizi n° 1-­‐8 TEXTBOOK Lezione 14“ Italia da scoprire” Funzioni comunicative Raccontare un viaggio -­‐descrivere un luogo. Grammatica Si impersonale WORKBOOK: pg 88-­‐92 ,esercizi n° 1-­‐10 TALENT SHOW !!!! ESAME FINALE Martedì scritto Mercoledì orale Paolo Bultrini, the academic head can be contacted by mail at