The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze - MUSE


The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze - MUSE
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze Report 2012-2013
ISBN 978-88-531-0022-1
9 788853 100221
The research activities
at the Museo delle Scienze
Report 2012-2013
The research activities
at the Museo delle Scienze
Report 2012-2013
MUSE - Museo delle Scienze
Marco Andreatta
Michele Lanzinger
MUSE Research Report 2012-2013
© 2014 Museo delle Scienze, Corso del Lavoro e della Scienza 3, 38123 Trento, Italy
Managing editor
Valeria Lencioni
Editorial committee
Marco Avanzini, Costantino Bonomi, Marco Cantonati, Giampaolo Dalmeri, Valeria Lencioni,
Paolo Pedrini, Francesco Rovero
Editorial assistant
Stefano Neri
Cover and layout design
Cover photos
©Museo delle Scienze, Matteo Lencioni (photo on the right)
Publistampa, Pergine Valsugana (TN)
The research activities
Report 2012-2013
Part 1
1. The MUSE
2. The research programmes
Macroarea Biodiversity and Ecology
Macroarea Earth Sciences and Lanscape
3. The research staff and activities
4. The scientific collections
5. The main results and projects
Part 2
Appendix 1: The staff of the scientific sections
Appendix 2: The staff of the science communicators
Appendix 3: Research projects, high education and teaching
Appendix 4: Publications
Appendix 5: Collaborations: the research national network
Appendix 6: Collaborations: the research international network
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
The period described in this report has seen the opening on
27th July 2013 of our new museum, MUSE - Museo delle
Scienze (previously Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali),
the first museum in Italy that harmoniously blends nature,
science and technology. Opening the new museum completed a transition process that lasted almost 10 years and that
involved all the staff, with the research area taking a leading
role in defining the scientific contents of the new museum.
The new museum manages, in addition to the main museum in Trento, a whole network of centres for scientific
dissemination, established during the last 70 years. In Trentino these are: Botanical Alpine Garden on Viotte di Monte
Bondone, Museum on the Bronze Age at the Lago di Ledro,
Arco Arboretum, Glaciology Museum “J. Payer”, Aeronautic Museum “G. Caproni” in Trento, Bosco Caproni at Arco,
Lymnological Field Station at the Lago di Tovel and the Geology Museum of Dolomites in Predazzo. In Tanzania, MUSE
manages the Udzungwa Ecological Monitoring Centre, a
field station annexed to a national park of outstanding biodiversity importance.
The main museum in Trento is organized in four Areas managed by the general Directorate and the Administrative Directorate: Cultural mediation, Naturalistic Research, Museum
Territorial branches, Services. The research area includes
seven research sections: Botany, Limnology and Algology,
Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology, Vertebrate Zoology,
Tropical Biodiversity, Geology, Prehistory. They carry out the
traditional natural science disciplinary research activities,
both basic and applied, in the field of the environment, however they are commonly dedicated to the issue of biodiversity and ecology of mountain ecosystems. Our research
in this area concerns the documentation and monitoring of
species and communities that are sensitive to environmental
and climate change as key components of biodiversity in the
mountains (alpine, tropical and sub-tropical).
In the realm of Earth and Landscape Sciences, the museum
explores the geology, morphology, and hydrology of the Alpine region in order to document and reconstruct their its
evolution; it analyses the aspects related to the evolution of
living organisms (vertebrate and invertebrate fossils) over geological time and studies the relationship between man and
environment in an alpine setting during the period between
the Late Glacial and ancient Holocene.
In addition to the
well-established educational activities inherent in its institutional tasks, MUSE has an important role in the communication and dissemination of both scientific and environmental
culture, in order to foster the cultural, social and economic
development of well-rooted local communities and the reemergence of identity processes in the environmental field.
The MUSE has grown and evolved over time, and specifically in the last 2 years 18 new people were employed in the
permanent staff. At present (December 2013), it comprises
about 90 employees, of which 24 in the research staff, in
addition to more than 150 collaborators with different nonpermanent contract types.
Our researchers are supported by the a team of cultural
mediators scientific communicators, engaged in the dissemination of research results to citizens and stakeholders, in
planning and processing related to refunds related to higher
education and cultural mediation.
In the biennium 2012-2013 the MUSE promoted and participated to several research projects in collaboration with
local research institutes especially with the Edmund Mach
Foundation (FEM) in response to the Trento Province’s request to enhance cooperation on common research topics.
A strategically-important Memorandum of Understanding
was indeed signed with FEM to boost mutual collaboration
and the establishment of a platform of excellence on biodiversity research.
The national and international collaborations with other museums and research institutes has also increased, with the
boosting of large-scale research programmes in Europe and
Africa in the fields of biodiversity assessment, sustainable
development, environmental education.
The report provides quantitative indicators of such research
activities, with a focus on the main results published in scientific journals. The care of MUSE’s collections that originate
from the research has contributed to increase the relevance of such results (at present about 5 millions of specimens/
items are hosted in the museum). Furthermore, part of the
about 5.000 m2 surface of gallery devotes exhibits to the field
of nature and biodiversity with special regards to the research
activities of the MUSE and other local institutes, providing the
diffusion of scientific data to the public in form of easily accessible contents. The Open Labs are working laboratories
designed to profile MUSE researchers, master and PhD students and to display the relevance of their work to the public.
In conclusion, I am grateful to all the personnel who contributed with constant care, dedication, enthusiasm and
professionalism to the performance of the MUSE, included
the administrative employers. A special mention goes to the
Autonomous Province of Trento for its financial support to
our research programmes and to all the sponsors who supported our activities in the last two years.
Michele Lanzinger
Director of MUSE
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
MUSE - Museo delle Scienze is a new building designed by the world-famous architect Renzo
Piano. The building’s outline recalls the profile of the surrounding mountains, with a finely balanced contrast between empty and full spaces that adds charm and prestige to the entire exhibition venue. Built on eco-compatible criteria, MUSE is a model that sets the standard for a green
economy and for energy saving.
MUSE combines characteristics from both traditional natural science museums and modern
science centres in a very innovative way. This brand-new layout is enriched by a strong social
characteristic that underpins its vocation as a meeting place providing dialogue with visitors. To
enhance local background and knowledge, acting as a social venue where people can discuss
issues of global importance is the cultural objective of MUSE.
MUSE is a big open space where scientific and technological knowledge are the means used to
study the relationship between man and the environment, and at the same time to provide updated
information on the available choices for sustainable development. Multi-media exhibits, interactive
games, hands-on experiments and the practical mixing of culture with DIY are the informal educational tools with which visitors can join the scientific debate about important local and global issues.
Specimens and objects exhibited outside glass boxes (“objects at hand”) represent one of the
innovative museology designs chosen to solicit visitors’ curiosity and empathic feelings.
The ultimate aim of the new museum is to be a centre of cultural interpretation at the service of
society, dedicated to nature and to the promotion of sustainability, science and innovation. MUSE
addresses local population by inspiring citizens but is at the same time an extraordinary venue for
cultural tourism from all over the world.
The forecast scenarios and the development programmes promoted by the European Union
within the framework of the Europe 2020 programme have identified three main axes, i.e. economy, environment and society, along which to build the idea of the future of our continent.
MUSE is aligned with these three pillars, as it has elected as primary feature of its philosophy the
dialectic and constructive relationship between development and environmental sustainability in
connection with the contemporary society.
To learn how our environment has changed since the beginning of history to our present times
means to understand a journey of over 200,000 years, which involves the joint evolution of humanity’s technological skills and its relationship with nature and the landscape. This is one of the
strongest and most innovative conceptual focuses of MUSE. In this respect the exhibition floor
dedicated to pre-history with its succession of themes and experiences that are totally new to the
international museum scene, presents a refreshingly simple and direct viewpoint.
Reflection, experimentation, a cue for the visitor to return and acquire new educational experience and informal knowledge: MUSE targets a very wide range of visitors by choosing not to focus
on a specific age group. MUSE supports tourism by attracting visitors who wish to discover the
thousands of relations between the MUSE’s themes and the Alpine territory, and in particular
curious and attentive families, that are a must in the museum’s tradition, and school groups that
find an extraordinary good educational tool in the many exhibitions and workshops offered.
All this will help understand the paths to be followed in the fields of energy and of respect and
conscious use of natural resources, widening the view of individuals to encompass what new
technology and biotechnology we could develop in the future, so as to take steps towards a
harmonious symbiosis between mankind and the environment. This is where the investment in
future generations begins.
The research programmes
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
MUSE - Museo delle Scienze traces back its origin in the mid XIX century, while only in 1964 it was
established with the current asset. Throughout this period it progressively evolved into a modern
museum, dedicated to research, visitor interpretation and education. Research at MUSE is articulated around two mainstream areas: Biodiversity and Ecology, Earth Sciences and Landscape.
Environmental research focuses mainly on the Alpine region, and aims at attaining both local and
global relevance, trying to be effective, integrated and useful to the local community and research
area but also strategically placed at European level in key research networks, valuing international
research cooperation and participation to consortia and competitive projects, delivering research
products relevant at global level. Since 2008 however, research on mountain ecosystems of other
parts of the world has begun, especially in biodiversity-rich mountain forests of eastern Africa.
Research on the public communication of science continuously develops new means to raise public
awareness on the alpine environment, promoting the sustainable use of its resources, necessary to
grant an environmentally friendly development of the local society, highlighting local assets and natural
heritage, promoting public understanding of science. The role of the new science museum MUSE is
to investigate and explain nature using scientific tools, addressing the challenges posed by the modern times and promoting the values of science, innovation and sustainable development.
Since 2012 a new focus on documenting and valuing the landscape with all its biotic and abiotic
dimensions, and with emphasis on biodiversity research and conservation is being framed, with the
contribution of all the seven research sections. Such unified research theme aims to bring up their
strategic value in the field of conservation planning from the landscape level down to ecosystems,
communities and species level. This is because environmental research is increasingly called to
inform the public, including the administrators, on scientifically-sound ways to manage the environment. MUSE has an exceptional potential towards this goal, as it is one of the few institutions in
Trento Province that can use its vast documentation knowledge on nature to address key issues of
landscape and biodiversity planning and management.
The research programmes
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Macroarea Biodiversity and Ecology
The MUSE’s studies on biodiversity involve the integration between ecological, physiological
and molecular data of plants (algae and higher plants) and animals (arthropods and vertebrates), both at individual, population and community level, with the main aims of:
1. Assessing the ecological factors influencing the biogeographic and evolutionary patterns
of species distribution and model communities;
2. Defining the population dynamics and evolutionary processes of plant and animal species
in mountainous areas;
3. Analysing the data collected in order to predict how model organisms and communities
will respond to climate change and environmental issues;
4. Finalizing the realization of tools aimed to the understanding of the impact of human activities on landscapes and to estimate the resilience of natural systems to the anthropization
5. Identifying the factors that determine and affect biodiversity patterns both at local and
global levels, and produce maps of potential biodiversity;
6. Providing stakeholders with new tools and methods for the management and conservation
of habitats and species;
7. Performing actions aimed to the mitigation of adverse environmental impacts and to the
re-naturalization of habitats;
8. Developing cultural and scientific tools in order to promote and disseminate the concept
of a knowledge-based sustainable development.
A critical assumption of our interdisciplinary approach is the long-standing experience of the
museum biological sections in biodiversity documentation through the aggregation of data in
specific databases, production of scientific publications and scientific and technical reports
(eg. Red Lists, Check Lists, Action Plans, management and conservation plans).
Furthermore the combination of these skills and their integration in the study of ecosystems,
contributes to the study of landscape outlined below. This field of research pertains to the
macro-area “Earth and Landscape Sciences”.
The research programmes
Macroarea Earth Sciences and Lanscape
Economic development and quality of life (understood as a form of social development), are
closely related to the quality of the environment. Research projects pertaining to this area aim
to a better understanding of the geological structure, soil properties and land use of the region,
and investigate recent and past changes in climatic and environmental conditions of the area.
The classification of the territory in forestry areas, agricultural zones, settlements and infrastructural areas is reformulated in terms of “quality”. This scheme allows a new representation
of the units according to an eco-functional approach to the study of the landscape. This moves
towards the development of a model in which the ecomosaic of natural biotic and abiotic components (past, present, future) interact with anthropogenic ones. As far as we are concerned,
the latter are related to the traditional use of the soils, the presence of diffuse cultural entities,
parks and protected areas, to the systems of interpretation and evaluation of these units. The
goals of this area are therefore:
1. to define the main components of the alpine landscape, its geological structure and past
environments and ecosystems. This includes the study of present and past transformations and of the processes that have led to the most relevant changes;
2. to investigate the main features of the extant alpine landscape with reference to both
instances of equilibrium and situations characterized by change (on different scales and
times). This is carried out with special focus to the agents and dynamics of transformation;
3. to summarize the features of the alpine landscape and to track their changes over time.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
MUSE is recognized as a research centre of excellence in the following themes:
Documentation and conservation of alpine flora and fauna, both terrestrial and
freshwater. These studies aim to assess and monitor the biodiversity in Trentino, create
databases (which are mainly of insects and vertebrates), checklists, red lists and use these
data to realize predictive models of spatial patterns of distribution in both natural and protected areas and urban areas. Such research has relevant implications for conservation
because provides knowledge used to make landscape management plans.
Effects of climate and environmental change on natural ecosystems and alpine
biodiversity. It consists in basic and applied researches aimed to test the effect of natural
and anthropogenic impacts on alpine biodiversity, to model trends in biodiversity, to define
new bioindicators of ecosystem quality, and to evaluate the species extinction risks. The
researches developed on springs, glacial rivers, glacier forelands and rock glaciers have national and international relevance due to the ongoing global warming and consequent glacier
retreat. These researches help to implement the algae and entomological collections.
Ex situ conservation, propagation, cultivation and reintroduction of alpine plant
species (seed bank). The researches maintain a long term seeds conservation centre in
Trentino for endangered alpine species, crop wild relatives and neglected crops varieties.
Tropical species are also in collection together with the local species enhancing the international value of the MUSE seed bank.
Biological diversity and conservation of tropical and sub-tropical regions. These
researches originates from the assessment of the forest vertebrate diversity of poorly
known or even previously unexplored areas, and subsequently involves analysis of biogeographic and speciation patterns, as well as focal, species-level studies, especially on
mammals, on abundance estimation, ecological modeling, temporal monitoring and conservation. Most of the research and conservation activities are conducted in Tanzania’s
Eastern Arc Mountains, one of the top global biodiversity hotspots. Here MUSE has a field
station annexed to the Udzungwa Mountains National Park.
Palaeontology and palaeoichnology. This project aims to quantify the abundance and
study the relationships of dinosaurs and other terrestrial reptiles in Trentino and surrounding regions. Specific actions involve the identification of new palaeontological sites and the
development of new conservation actions and valorisation projects.
Geodiversity. This project aims at documenting local geodiversity in order to understand
the relation between the natural environment and the dynamics of anthropic modification.
This actions have high social relevance, in particular when associated with geological
mapping and assessments of geological hazard.
Speleothems and cave waters. These projects aim to track past climatic oscillations in
Trentino by means of sampling the calcite deposited in the caves, the underground waters
and the hypogeal soils in the Province.
Prehistory. These mainly refer to researches on the first human peopling of the Alps (Late
Glacial and early Holocene), which highlight the close relationship between the patterns
of land use and social organization of human groups and the reconstruction of ancient
landscapes. Of particular value are the abundant examples of mobilary prehistoric art discovered in prehistoric sites of Trentino.
The research programmes
Interconnections between scientific and technological innovations and social implications, focusing especially on sustainability issues of the sciences of life and its applications. This research is based on international networks. The aim is to enhance the role
of MUSE to operate as a venue that brings culture and science together in a deliberative
space, i.e. a ‘agora’ hosting dialogues where producers, policy makers and users of the
scientific innovation can meet and directly face, and where science of culture and cultures
of science become visible.
MUSE’s research work has a strong impact on the local context, for its vocation to provide recommendations relevant to environmental management, valuing nature for tourism, and public
engagement in science. MUSE’s researchers work alongside with professionals and administrators linked to the Provincia autonoma di Trento, contributing with environmental impact
assessments and the provision of wildlife and protected area management plans.
The research staff and activities
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Seven scientific Sections are involved in research activities:
Section name
Head of Section
Costantino Bonomi
Marco Avanzini
Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology
Valeria Lencioni
Limnology and Phycology
Marco Cantonati
Giampaolo Dalmeri
Tropical Biodiversity
Francesco Rovero
Vertebrate Zoology
Paolo Pedrini
Each working group (Section) is represented by a curator (with the role of coordinator), one
technician and a variable number of researchers (Table 1; Appendix 1). A staff of 6 scientific communicators support the scientific sections (Appendix 1).
Table 1 - Research staff in 2012-2013 (as full time equivalent).
Research staff
Curators - chief-researchers, Section coordinators
Science communicators
In Table 2 and Appendix 2 data referred to teaching and research activity carried out in 2012/2013
are given.
Table 2 - Quantitative data on research and teaching activities (2012-2013).
Research and teaching activities (2012-2013)
Research projects
Teaching activity (masters, training courses)
Seminars c/o universities and museums
In-house workshops and congresses organizations
Masters and degrees
Public activities
Temporary exhibitions
More than 150 publications have been produced in 2012-2013 by the MUSE research staff (see
Table 3 and Appendix 3).
The research staff and activities
Table 3 - Number of publications by MUSE researchers (2012-2013).
Publications (2012-2013)
Scientific papers on ISI journals
Scientific papers on non- ISI journals
Books or book chapters
Popular science papers
Oral communications (with published abstract)
Oral communications (without published abstract)
Posters (with published abstract)
Posters (without published abstract)
Congress attendances
Project reports
Among the outputs of the MUSE research activities are the following scientific journals edited by
the MUSE: Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali (since 1926), Preistoria Alpina (since 1963), Monografie del Museo delle Scienze (since 2004), Quaderni del Museo delle Scienze (since 2007) and
Natura alpina (since 1950) The scientific committee is represented by curators of the MUSE and
Italian and foreign experts in the different disciplines.
As a mean in the last 5 years, about 1000 pages/year have been published. In 2012-2013, 13
volumes were printed for a total of 2538 printed pages (Table 4).
Table 4 - Publications edited by MUSE in 2012-2013.ING= in English; FRA: in French.
Journal, volume
(in foreign
Print year
Studi Trentini di Scienze
Naturali, 90
RIBES e la conservazione ex situ della flora
spontanea autoctona
32 (8 ING)
Studi Trentini di Scienze
Naturali, 91
Mondi animali (Atti di
convegno 2008-2010)
Studi Trentini di Scienze
Naturali, 92
10 (4 ING)
Studi Trentini di Scienze
Naturali, 93
Aggiornamento di mineralogia trentina
Preistoria Alpina, 46/1
Atti IIPP XLII, l’arte preistorica in Italia vol. I
Preistoria Alpina, 46/2
Atti IIPP XLII, l’arte preistorica in Italia vol. II
51 (1 FRA)
Quaderni del Museo
delle Scienze, 5
Rapaci diurni (nidificanti
e migratori) delle Alpi prontuario tassonomico
Quaderni del Museo
delle Scienze, 6/1
I macroinvertebrati dei
Libro ed. MTSN
La migrazione postriproduttiva degli uccelli
attraverso le Alpi italiane
Natura alpina, 1-2.2010
Natura alpina
Indice per Autori e per
Soggetti 2000-2009
Natura alpina, 3-4.2010
Natura alpina, 1-2.2011
Guida alla biodiversità
urbana in Trentino-Alto
Adige. I. Animali.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Overall, the MUSE has collaborated with about 50 research institutions, museums, and scientific
associations in Italy and abroad (Table 5, Appendixes 4, 5).
Table 5 - Number of collaborations of the research staff of MUSE in 2012-2103.
Type of Collaborations
In Italy
Agreements (with financial support)
Memorandum of Understanding
(without financial support)
Other collaborations (co-authorship, free consultancies, etc.)
Funds for research activities amount at 2.885.933,80 Euros in 2012 and at 3.443.518,25 Euros
in 2013.
The research activities were financed mainly by the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT) as
reported in Tables 6 and 7.
Table 6 - Funds for research activities (2012-2013).
Grant-in-aid by PAT - Research Service
PAT - other Services
PAT - large collaborative projects
Other revenues
Table 7 - MUSE research funds: Trend in the last 5-years
Grant-in-aid by PAT
Other revenues
% Other revenues/
Grant-in-aid by PAT
The research staff and activities
The figure shows the repartition of the research projects by the following three sources of revenue:
-- institutional projects: supported by the Grant-in-aid;
-- grant-based projects: financed by PAT or other institutions through grant competitions;
-- on agreement projects: financed within an agreement subscribed with other institutions for
research consultancies or services.
Number of research projects (2012-2013).
Overall, in both years the research was supported mainly by agreements (23 total projects, of
which 7 supported by MUSE, 3 projects founded by PAT, 2 founded by PNAB and 2 incoming
post-doc funded by PAT) and institutional funds (see Appendix 2).
All these data were compiled by the administration staff (Massimo Eder, Alberta Giovannini, Sabrina Candioli).
The scientific collections
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
The natural history and archaeological collections of the Museo delle Scienze (about 300 collections and 5 millions objects) are of great interest for their close relationship with the Trentino area.
Besides the objects of local origin, there are many specimens coming from the rest of Italy and
from foreign countries, obtained through donations, travels, exchanges and research expeditions
abroad. The oldest materials were collected more than two centuries ago and the collections
increase every year through many new acquisitions. As vouchers of the natural and human diversity in time and space, the collections are precious research infrastractures, always available
to the research community.
N. collections
Objects estimated
Tropical Biodiversity
Limnology and Phycology
Invertebrate Zoology
Vertebrate Zoology
The MUSE collections are constantly investigated and cared for conservation by the staff, in order to go in depth in their documentation and study, and to make them available to the research
community as to the general public. At present the 60.3% of the preserved heritage is fully catalogued with a specific software in accordance with the national standards.
In 2012-2013 MUSE received several loan requests: 62 outgoing loans were approved, 49 for
research purposes and 13 for temporary exhibitions. The MUSE collections specimens were
described or used as material in 35 different publications written by the museum staff or by other
researchers who borrowed MUSE collections objects. Acquisition and documentation increased
conspicuously with 6,021 new objects, 10,838 new catalogue cards digitized and 19,064 revised.
Collections 2012-2013: loans, publications, acquisitions and cataloguing (digitization).
Research outgoing loans
Exhibitions outgoing loans
Publications about collections
New acquisitions (estimated specimens)
New catalogue cards
Catalogue card revised
The scientific colllections
Tropical Biodiversity
Since 1998 MTSN has conducted several research expeditions in the mountain
rainforests of Tanzania, that have led to a collection of 4,650 specimens of
amphibians and reptiles (and mammals to a much less extent). These include
over 60 species that are new to science. The tropical african herpetology collection of MUSE is now recognized one of the most important with regards to
the mountain forests of Tanzania. Among the mammals, the collection includes
Rhynchocyon udzungwensis, the giant elephant-shrew discovered by MUSE
researchers and described in 2008.
Botany collections are made up by the herbarium and the living collections of the
museum’s two botanic gardens (Viotte Alpine Garden and Arco Arbotretum) and
the seed bank.
The Herbarium (TR) accounts for approx. 150,000 specimens mainly collected
from the mid eighteen century to the mid nineteen century. The major component
is naturally local from Trentino and Tirol but a significant part of the collections originate from other parts of Italy, Europe and North Africa. Viotte alpine garden grows
more than 1,200 alpine species from the major mountain chains of the world, with
a special interest for endemic and threatened species, Arco arboretum includes
nearly 200 species of fine and tender trees of garden interest. The seeds bank
focuses on threatened and endemic species of conservation interest originating
from the Eastern Alps.
Limnology and Phycology
Phycological and limnological collections of the MUSE include more than 4,000
items collected in the frame of the numerous research projects carried out by
the Section. These are mostly samples of microscopic organisms -such as
diatoms, cyanobacteria, algae, zoobenthos and zooplankton- collected mainly
in the Alps, and namely in the Autonomous Province of Trento. Besides these
recently started collections, the Section also curates four historical algae collections including 4,000 exsiccata of marine and freshwater algae originating from
different locations worldwide and collected mainly in the Nineteenth Century.
Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology
Invertebrate collections of the MUSE include more than 1,2 million of specimens, aquatic and terrestrial. Historical collections (1850-1950 yr) include
mainly terrestrial insects (about 175,000 specimens) and marine, freshwater
and terrestrial molluscs. Most part of specimens (terrestrial and aquatic) are
preserved in ethanol and were collected mainly in mountain regions in Italy but
also abroad (Svalbard Islands, Pakistan-Karakorum, France-Pyrenees, etc.). A
collection of more than 5,000 microscope slides of aquatic insects and crustaceans is also present.
Vertebrate Zoology
The Vertebrate Zoology collections of MUSE include all classes of this taxon, with
a marked prevalence of birds and mammals. Overall there are almost 11,500
specimens, of which 4,000 were collected between 1850 and 1950, while the
rest come from recent donations, acquisitions and MUSE own research. It is
especially interesting the small mammal collection, that counts 6,000 specimens
among insectivors and rodents. The material demonstrate the tight link of MUSE
with the local environment, and it overall includes whole animals prepared as
skins or wet specimens, bird nests, eggs, prepared skeletons.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Geological collections of the MUSE are constituted of rocks, minerals and fossils collected from
the main localities of the Trentino Alto Adige region and, in minor part, from Italian and foreign
sites. The 16,800 specimens come from different sources, and became part of the museum
heritage thanks to research activities, donations or occasional findings by privates or collaborators of the museum. Specimens, collected in a temporal range of more then two centuries, well
document the local territory and testify the geological research enterprise of the Trentino area.
MuSe’s archaeological collections are referred to lithic materials, ceramics, bone and horn manufacts, art manufacts, wood, vegetal fibres, metal manufacts and faunas. MuSe’s archaeological
finds are more than 3 millions. They mostly belong to 40 provincial prehistoric sites, studied by
the Museum from the 60’s. The precious paleolithic painted stones (almost 300) with zoomorphic, antropomorphic and schematic pictures, coming from Riparo Dalmeri (Trento) are exceptionally relevant.
The main results and projects
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
and Ecology
Valve deformities of the diatom Achnanthidium minutissimum
as indicators of metal enrichment in diverse widely-distributed
freshwater habitats
Section of Limnology and Phycology
In the presence of different environmental
stressors, diatoms can produce frustules presenting different types of deformities. Metals
and trace elements are among the most common causes of these teratological forms. Metal
enrichment in water bodies can be attributed to
the geological setting of the area or to pollution.
The widespread benthic diatom Achnanthidium
minutissimum (ADMI) is one of the most metaltolerant species. In the present study, ADMI
teratologies were defined from samples taken
from eight very diverse, widely-distributed inlandwater habitats: streams affected by active and
abandoned mining areas, a metal-contaminated
stream, a spring in an old chalcopyrite mine, a
mineral-water fountain, and a sediment core
taken from a lake affected by metal contamination in the past. Deformed frustules of ADMI were
characterised mainly by one (sometimes two)
more or less bent off ending, conferring to the
specimens a cymbelloid outline (cymbelliclinumlike teratology, CLT). Marked teratologies were
distinguished from slight deformities. Hydrochemical analyses, including metals and trace elements, were carried out and enrichment factors
(EF) relative to average crustal composition were
calculated. To improve our knowledge on the
potential of different metals and trace elements
to trigger the occurrence of ADMI CLT, we carefully selected 15 springs out of 110 (CRENODAT
dataset) where both ADMI and above-average
metal or metalloid concentrations occurred, and
re-analysed these samples. The results from the
eight widely-distributed core sites as well as from
the 15 selected CRENODAT springs led to the
hypothesis that two metals (copper and zinc)
and a metalloid (antimony) were the most likely
triggers of ADMI CLT formation. From a quantitative point of view, it is worth noting that the lowest
concentrations triggering ADMI CLT can be fairly
low, particularly in the case of copper contamination. The antimony-rich site was characterised by
a marked-teratology variant where both ends of
ADMI were bent off.
This work was partially supported by: the
European project KEYBIOEFFECTS (MRTNCT-2006-035695), the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche / RE-SYST project (ANR
08-CES-014), and the National Science Centre (project N304 092834). We are grateful to:
the University and Scientific Research Department of the Autonomous Province of Trento for
funding the CRENODAT Project; the Adamello-Brenta Nature Park for its long-lasting support to spring research (ACQUA-TEST_PNAB
and other projects); the Environmental Agency
(ARPA Liguria) for providing historical water
quality data for the Gromolo sampling site.
Cantonati M., Virtanen L., Angeli N., Wojtal A.,
Gabrieli J., Falasco E., Lavoie I., Morin S., Marchetto
A., Fortin C. & Smirnova S. 2013. Achnanthidium
minutissimum (Bacillariophyta) valve deformities
as indicators of metal enrichment
in diverse widely-distributed freshwater habitats. The Science of the
Total Environment. http://dx.doi.
The main results and projects 2012-2013
The impact of climate change on alpine plants
and Ecology
Section of Botany
Despite the considerable number of studies on the impact of climate change on alpine
plants, there have been only few attempts to
investigate its effect on regeneration. However,
recruitment is a key event in the life-history of
plants, affecting their distribution and evolution. Seasonal changes in turn will affect the
recruitment success. In the context of a Marie Curie Co-Fund Post-Doc grant named
CAPACE, MUSE is investigating how climate
change will affect the timing and the level of
germination and subsequent seedling establishment in eight alpine species occurring in
glacier foreland in the European Alps.
Using a novel approach which takes into
account the altitudinal variation of temperature
as a surrogate for future climate scenarios,
seeds were exposed to higher temperature
cycles in the lab and in the field both on site
and at a lower altitude (400 m lower). In both
conditions, subsequent experiments investigated seedling emergence and survival. Under
lab conditions simulating the present climate,
germination occurred in spring in all but one
species, after the seeds had experienced
autumn and winter seasons. However, simulated climate warming produced a significant
increase in germination during the autumn in
all species with the only exception of two of
them. By contrast, seed germination was less
sensitive to changes in spring and/or winter
temperatures and duration. Experiments in
the wild similarly showed spring emergence
in the present climate, and confirmed autumn
emergence in the warmest conditions. The
seedlings emerged in autumn mostly survived
the winter and the final recruitment was higher
only at lower altitude. Our results suggest that
climate warming will lead to a shift from spring
to autumn emergence in alpine plants, but that
the extent of this change will be driven by the
dormancy status. Un-germinated seeds at
the end of the autumn will experience shorter
winter seasons and lower spring temperatures
resulting in an increased recruitment.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
and Ecology
Spatial arthropod-richness gradients across areas with different
glacial histories
Section of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology
During the last glacial period the Italian Alps
were covered by glacier tongues, in contrast to
the Alps, Prealpine areas were only partially covered by glaciers. During interglacial periods, as
glaciers retreated, populations became isolated
in the highest parts of the Prealpine mountains
or took refuge in cold, moist interiors of caves.
Aim of the study performed by the Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology Section of the
MUSE in cooperation with Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona was to investigate the distribution of cave-dwelling arthropod communities in 2 adjacent karst areas with different glacial
Endemic and obligate cave-dwelling faunas
were recorded in 60 caves located in 2 adjacent Prealpine areas (in Veneto, northeastern
Italy): the Baldo and Lessinia Mountain groups
were compared. During the last glacial period,
the Baldo Mountain group was completely surrounded and isolated from the Lessinia group
by the Adige glacier, while the Lessinia was only
partially surrounded.
The effect of glacial isolation, both geographically (cave locations) and elevationally (cave el-
evation), on the faunal distribution was tested
using the number of troglobiont and endemic
species collected in each area.
The Lessinia hosts a higher number of troglobiont species and a lower number of endemic
species compared to those of the Baldo area.
Furthermore, results indicated that the similarity
in species assemblages in caves was not driven
by their geographic location, but by colonization patterns caused by isolation created by the
Adige glacier during the last ice age. This suggests that the geographic isolation of the Baldo
area during Quaternary climatic fluctuations determined the species which colonized the caves
and consequently prevented multiple colonizations during warm periods.
Glacier-induced isolation during the last ice
age can therefore be considered one of the main
factors which determined terrestrial arthropod
colonization of caves in the Prealps area.
Latella L., Verdari N. & Gobbi M., 2012 - Distribution of terrestrial cave dwelling arthropods in two close
Prealpine Italian areas with different glacial histories.
Zoological Studies, 51 (7): 1113-1121.
The main results and projects 2012-2013
Demographic consequences of poison-related mortality
in a threatened bird of prey
and Ecology
Section of Vertebrate Zoology
Evidence for decline or threat of wild populations typically come from multiple sources
and methods that allow optimal integration of
the available information represent a major advance in planning management actions. We
used integrated population modelling and perturbation analyses to assess the demographic
consequences of the illegal use of poison for an
insular population of Red Kites, Milvus milvus, in
the island of Mallorca (Spain).
We first pooled into a single statistical
framework the annual census of breeding
pairs, the available individual-based data, the
average productivity and the number of birds
admitted annually to the local rehabilitation
centre. By combining these four types of information we were able to increase estimate
precision and to obtain an estimate of the
proportion of breeding adults, an important
parameter that was not directly measured in
the field and that is often difficult to assess.
Subsequently, we used perturbation analyses
to measure the expected change in the population growth rate due to a change in poisonrelated mortality.
We found that poison accounted for 0.43
to 0.76 of the total mortality, for yearlings and
older birds, respectively. Results from the deterministic population model indicated that this
mortality suppressed the population growth
rate by 20%. Despite this, the population was
estimated to increase, albeit slowly. This positive trend was likely maintained by a very high
productivity (1.83 fledglings per breeding pair)
possibly promoted by supplementary feeding, a
situation which is likely to be common to many
large obligate or facultative European scavengers. Under this hypothetical scenario of double
societal costs (poisoning of a threatened species and feeding programs), increasing poison
control would help to lower the public cost of
maintaining supplementary feeding stations.
Relationship between Red Kite population
growth rate, fecundity, and proportional change
in survival probability due to illegal poisoning.
Tenan S., Adrover J., Muñoz Navarro A., Sergio
F., Tavecchia G., 2012 - Demographic Consequences
of Poison-Related Mortality in a Threatened Bird of
Prey. PLoS ONE 7(11): e49187. doi:10.1371/journal.
© GOb - Mallorca
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
MUSE’s biodiversity research project in the Udzungwa
Mountains of Tanzania participates to a global study that
assessed the critical conservation status of tropical forest
protected areas
Section of Tropical Biodiversity
est cover, pollution, hunting, fires, etc. - have
determined these changes. Data from experts
were validated using empirical data-sets. One
of the sites is the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania, where MUSE has been involved in research and technical advisory to the protected
areas for over a decade.
Results showed that despite the protection, the biodiversity is not well conserved.
Estimates of how biodiversity is changed in
numbers over the past 2-3 decades suggest
that about half of the reserves are struggling
to sustain their original biodiversity. While reserves with ground protection fare better, protection clearly must include the landscapes
and habitats surrounding reserves, which are
under threats particularly from habitat disruption and overharvesting.
A simple research question led to the
study published in 2012 in Nature, titled
“Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas“, and signed by William
Laurence along with the impressive number of
215 co-authors: are protected areas in tropical forests succeeding to conserve earth’s
richest biodiversity? The question is critical,
because the rapid destruction of rainforests
is the contemporary phenomenon having
the greatest impact on life on earth. Hence,
protected areas are the last chance, the final
refuge, to protect threatened tropical species
and ecosystems.
The study looked at more than 30 different categories of species—from trees, and
butterflies to primates and large predators in
these regions. And used experts working in
60 protected areas across the tropics to determine trends in the abundance of these species inside and outside protected areas, and in
parallel, how potential threats -changes in for-
Laurance W.F. and 215 co-authors (including F.
Rovero). 2012. Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical
forest protected areas. Nature 489: 290-294.
Suffering reserves
Succeeding reserves
Number of reserves
and Ecology
<<< Worsening
Improving >>>
Distribution of the ‘reserve-health index’ for 60 protected areas spanning the world’s major tropical forest regions.
This relative index averages changes in 10 well-studied guilds of animals and plants, including disturbance avoiding and disturbance-favouring groups, over the past 20 to 30 years.
The main results and projects 2012-2013
New records of two protected insects (Leucorrhinia pectoralis
and Osmoderma eremita) threatened by habitat loss
and Ecology
Section of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology
Within a project financed by the Autonomous Province of Trento and focused on the
distribution of invertebrates in protected areas of Trentino, we carried out surveys for the
update of the entomological data in Sites of
Community Importance (SCI).
New records of two insect species listed
both in the Habitat Directive and in the IUCN
European Redlist were collected in Sites of
Community Importance (SCI) in Valsugana
(eastern Trentino). Specifically, the species are:
the dragonfly Leucorrhinia pectoralis (Insecta:
Odonata) and the hermit beetle Osmoderma
eremita (Insecta: Coleoptera).
L. pectoralis colonizes preferentially densely vegetated habitats with mesotrophic to
eumesotrophic, still or slow flowing acidic or
Osmoderma eremita, Torcegno (Tn), July 2012.
neutral water, and medium stages of vegetation succession. It has declined sharply, especially in the westernmost portions of its range
and it is present with small and scattered local
The only historical certain record in Italy is
about the peat bogs of Iseo (Brescia, Lombardy), however, the last record of the species
dates back to 2003. In addition the only historical certain record for Trentino was on three
nymphs that were harvested in Fiavè peat bog
on 25.VII.1972. In the summer 2012, a large
population of L. pectoralis was observed in the
SCI Monte Piano - Palù di Fornace which is a
densely vegetated peat bog in medium stage
of ecological succession (~0.2 ha).
O. eremita is a saproxylic beetle that develops and dwells in old, hollow, but still living,
broadleaf trees, feeding off wood mould. Its
low vagility added to the increasing absence of
old hollow trees with wood mould makes the
species undergoing significant decline. Several
historical data were present in Trentino, but all
belonging to the period 1880-1965. During
the summer 2012 O. eremita was collected in
the SCI Torcegno in wood mould of chestnut
trees. These records enhance the historical,
socio-economic and naturalistic importance of
the monumental chestnut trees of the Valsugana area.
Macagno A., Gobbi M. & Lencioni V., 2012 - The
occurrence of Leucorrhinia pectoralis (Charpentier,
1825) (Odonata, Libellulidae) in Trentino (Eastern Italian Alps). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali 92: 33-36.
Macagno A., Gobbi M., Franceschini F. & Lencioni V., 2012 - New record of Osmoderma eremita
(Scopoli, 1763) (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae) in chestnut
trees in Trentino (Eastern Italian Alps). Studi Trentini
di Scienze Naturali 92: 37-41.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
and Ecology
The age of island-like habitats impacts habitat specialist species
richness in calcareous-spring fens
Section of Limnology and Phycology
Understanding the factors controlling species richness is of paramount importance to
develop effective conservation strategies. In
a collaborative work among the University of
Brno, New Mexico and MUSE, for the first time
we tested the importance of habitat age, size,
isolation, and climate on species richness for
three organism groups (vascular plants, bryophytes, and mollusks) inhabiting calcareousspring fens of Czech Republic, Slovakia, and
Poland. Habitat age was determined coring
peat sediment and using radiometric dating
technique. The model suggests that the dispersal ability of species has long-lasting impacts on habitat specialist richness, especially
for long-lived organisms with poor dispersal
abilities such as vascular plants. Because of
this, older habitats will more likely possess
richer floras/faunas through both long-term
relict-species persistence as well as the longer
time required for interpatch dispersers with
poor dispersal abilities to effectively saturate
potential habitats within a landscape. Ancient
and large spring fens therefore deserve priority
in conservation.
Horsák M, Hájek M, Spitale D, Hájková P, Díte
D, Nekola JC., 2012. The age of island-like habitats
impacts habitat specialist species richness. Ecology
Path models for bryophyte species richness (Species), Altitude, Fen area, Fen age, and Isolation, for generalists
and specialists.
The main results and projects 2012-2013
Population abundance, size structure and sex-ratio in an insular
Section of Vertebrate Zoology
Estimating population size and understanding its variation is a fundamental, yet
complicated, aim of many ecological studies. We considered the problem of estimating
spring and autumn population abundance,
size-dependent population structure and sexratio of the endemic Balearic Lizard, Podarcis
lilfordi from a three occasions capture-recapture study. Lizards were captured using pit
traps positioned along and within the bushes,
in a five hectares islet off the southern coast of
Mallorca Island (Balearic Islands, Spain).
We used a Bayesian formulation of individual covariate models to incorporate individual
sex, size and trap-response. We first considered a set of simulated data with a mediumto-low probability of recapture and individual
recapture heterogeneity to evaluate potential
problems in model fitting and selection. Results from simulated data indicated a low performance in parameter estimation and model
selection when probability of detection was
low (0.15-0.30). We found a negative permanent trap response and a positive effect of size
on detection probability in the spring survey
but not in the autumn one.
The estimated mean densities varied from
about 800 to 1000 lizards/ha, a high value
when comparing with mainland lizard populations. The observed increase in abundance
was probably due to a drop in territorial behaviour and the immigration of females into
the area sampled. As a consequence, sexratio changed from nearly even in June (mean
posterior, 95% CRI; 0.928, 0.676-1.167) to a
female-skewed population in October (0.612,
Tenan S., Rotger Vallespir A., Igual J.M., Moya
O., Royle J.A., Tavecchia G. 2013 - Population
abundance, size structure and sex-ratio in an insular
lizard. Ecological Modelling, 267: 39-47.
Balearic Lizard, Podarcis lilfordi, and its sex-specific population size estimates.
and Ecology
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
and Ecology
Cues to androgens and quality in male gibbon songs
Section of Tropical Biodiversity
Whether signals provide honest information about the sender is a central question for
understanding the evolution of communication. By investigating animals’ complex vocal
signals, such as gibbon songs, and their relation to hormones as well as socio-demographic status (i.e., age, social organization, mating
system) we aimed to provide new information
in this respect.
Our results show a highly significant correlation between androgen levels and vocal
pitch, which shows the opposite of what is
known about the influence of testosterone on
male voice in humans. It is known that during
puberty, elevated testosterone may act through
androgen receptors on vocal folds and causes
their growth. By lengthening and thickening the
vocal folds, fundamental frequency becomes
lower and, as a consequence, men vocalize
with lower pitch. However, in non-human primate vocalizations, data from two studies on
chacma baboons indirectly suggest a positive
rather than negative relationship between male
testosterone levels and vocal pitch, which is
one of the rare examples showing the influence of testosterone levels on vocalizations.
One possible interpretation is that androgen
levels lead to a higher motivation to sing which
may trigger structural changes in vocalizations.
Independent of the proximate mechanism, it is
likely that group members use such structural
differences to assess motivation and status of
the caller. This higher motivation could lead to
calls having higher amplitude and thus an increase in call pitch.
Socio-demographic features did not seem
to have any impact on song parameters, except for age. A comparison of call duration
of senior and adult males showed that adult
males sang longer than senior ones. This finding, combined with the result that males having higher androgens sang with higher pitched
voice, suggests that solo songs may potentially provide honest signals of male quality and
could play an important role in mate choice
and male male competition.
Male white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar) from a wild population at Khao Yai National Park, Thailand.
The main results and projects 2012-2013
Experimental evidences of thermotolerance associated to HSP70
proteins synthesis in larvae of the cold stream non-biting midges
Section of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology
In most organisms, the genes encoding
heat shock proteins (HSPs) are expressed primarily in response to stress but not in normal
conditions, probably because hsp expression
at normal temperature may be deleterious during development. Conversely, animals from extreme habitats, such as deserts and polar regions, express constitutive hsp genes always
and show no or modest up-regulation of these
genes in response to thermal stress.
Laboratory experiments on the cold stenothermal Diamesa cinerella (Diptera, Chironomidae) were performed to study the relationship
between acute heat shocks and HSP70 expression at translational level. IV instar larvae
were collected in a cold (1.5-4.3°C) alpine
stream (Trentino) throughout the year. A high
thermotolerance was detected (LT50 = 30.932.8°C and LT100 = 34.0-37.8°C), decreasing
consistently with increasing exposure time, es-
pecially at higher temperature (LTime50 = 7.64
h at 26°C and LTime50 = 1.73 h at 32°C). A
relationship between HSP70 level and larval
survival rate was generally found, with a Heat
Shock Response (= hsp70 up-regulation) consistent in summer. These results stressed how
in this midge the HSP70 protein family confers
resistance against cold, being detected under
natural conditions in control larvae collected
in all seasons, but also against warm under
experimental heat shocks. These results give
new insights into possible responses to climate changes in freshwater insects within the
context of global warming.
Lencioni V., Bernabò P., Cesari M. & Rebecchi
L., 2013 - Thermal stress induces HSP70 proteins
synthesis in larvae of the cold stream non-biting
midge Diamesa cinerella Meigen. Archives of Insect
Biochemistry and Physiology, 83(1): 1-14.
Representative Western blots and relative
levels of HSP70 in Diamesa cinerella larvae
exposed to short term
heat shock collected
in (A) summer. Each
bar shows the mean
value ±SE. C = control.
*P < 0.05 (LSD Tuckey
post-hoc test).
and Ecology
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
and Ecology
Naviculadicta lange-bertalotii, a new freshwater diatom from
streams in Galicia.
Section of Limnology and Phycology
Since the beginning of the 1990s, the Limnology and Phycology Research Unit of the
Museo delle Scienze is dealing with different
type of mountain freshwater habitats: springs,
streams, lakes.
One of the most relevant taxonomic results
of a study of the Galicia-Costa watershed district (north-western Spain), in which 28 rivers
were sampled between 2002 and 2007, has
been the discovery of a new species of diatom,
that has been named Naviculadicata langebertalotii M. Cantonati et M. Leira sp. nov. The type
locality (Soutomaior, at the River Verdugo) is a
stream stretch located in a narrow valley with
steep slopes. The river bed is dominated by
hard geological substrata, such as granites and
phyllites. No intensive agricultural and important
livestock activities are carried out, and population density is relatively low. The stream is shallow, and reaches a certain width that facilitates
the penetration of light. To date, we found the
new species only in three streams of Galicia:
river Verdugo, river Lérez, and river Eume. The
new diatom is distinguished by a rather peculiar character combination. Of the established
naviculoid genera, it mostly resembles Adlafia
Lange-Bertalot but striae are not as dense and
abruptly convergent towards the valve ends,
and there are several minor differences, e.g.
in the outline and exact position of the external terminal raphe fissures. The new species
is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Horst Lange-Bertalot
(Frankfurt am Main, Germany), in recognition of
his extraordinary contributions to diatom taxonomy and ecology. The description was published in 2012 in the journal Nova Hedwigia.
The financial support for this study has
been provided by Augas de Galicia (Xunta de
Galicia, Spain).
Cantonati M., Leira M., Angeli N. & C. L. Rodríguez, 2010. Naviculadicta langebertalotii sp. nov
(Bacillariophyta) from streams in Galicia (N-W Spain).
Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 141, 71-80.
LM and SEM micrographs of diatom Naviculadicta langebertalotii, and Prof. Horst Lange-Bertalot.
LM and SEM micrographs of diatom Naviculadicta langebertalotii, and Prof. Horst Lange-Bertalot.
The main results and projects 2012-2013
Bird ecology and conservation in the agricultural landscapes of
the Trento province
and Ecology
Section of Vertebrate Zoology
Farmland habitats host a large number
of threatened species at the European level.
Among breeding birds, several species have
undergone severe declines both at the continental level, and in Trento province. One of the
main tool to promote biodiversity conservation
in farmed landscapes is the Rural Development
Programme (RDP), which includes agro-environmental schemes. Within this project, started
in 2010, we analysed the breeding ecology of
farmland species of high conservation value in
the Trento province, and the effect of the implementation of the RDP on farmland bird species.
We continued the research on grassland
habitat and species, also within the framework
of the project LIFE+ TEN. We carried out new
surveys of the corncrake Crex crex population
in the main occurrence sites in the province,
assessed the effects of the RDP on its demographical trend over the province, and coordinated researchers from other regions to obtain
a general picture of the species status in Italy.
The simultaneous mowing over large areas favoured by some specific measures implemented by the RDP is likely to have severely affected
the species and its breeding grassland habitats.
The species is suffering from both land abandonment and agricultural intensification also in
the other regions. Measures to conserve grasslands must be implemented, but they should
take into account the ecological requirements
of conservation-dependent species like the
We analysed the effect of structural and
management features in apple orchards on
species diversity and abundance. Our study
had a particular focus on song thrush Turdus
philomelos, a species that occurs at high density in orchards, which host a significant breeding
population of the species. Thrush abundance is
affected by factors strongly dependent on orchard management, such as tree height, bare
soil, type of irrigation, cover of anti-hail nets,
use of herbicide and by the occurrence of nonorchards habitats, such as wetland.
This work is still ongoing and will be carried
out also by means of a PhD program (started
November 2013), which will focus on ecology
and conservation of farmland birds, starting
from birds in vineyards, and considering landscape, spatial and management factors affecting the occurrence and abundance of bird species in farmland habitats.
Ceresa F., G. Bogliani, P. Pedrini & M. Brambilla.
2012. The importance of key marginal habitat features
for birds in farmland: an assessment of habitat preferences of Red-backed Shrikes Lanius collurio in the
Italian Alps. Bird Study 59: 327-334.
Pedrini P., F. Rizzolli, F. Rossi & M. Brambilla. 2012.
Population trend and breeding density of corncrake
Crex crex (Aves: Rallidae) in the Alps: monitoring and
conservation implications of a 15-years survey in Trentino, Italy. Italian Journal of Zoology 79: 377-384.
Brambilla M., G. Martino & P. Pedrini. 2013.
Changes in song thrush Turdus philomelos density and
habitat association in apple orchards during the breeding season. Ardeola 60: 73-83.
Brambilla M. & P. Pedrini. 2013. The introduction
of subsidies for grassland conservation in the Italian
Alps coincided with population decline in a threatened
grassland species, the Corncrake Crex crex. Bird Study 60: 404-408.
Pedrini P., Brambilla M., Florit F., Mezzavilla F., Martignago G., Rassati G., Silveri G. Andamento demografico del re di quaglie Crex crex nell’Italia nord orientale,
2013. Atti del XVII Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia,
Trento, 11-15 settembre 2013.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
and Ecology
Leading research in IBSE education
Section of Botany
In the last two years MUSE concluded the
INQUIRE project - Inquiry-based teacher training for a sustainable future - an FP7 project in
the Science and Society framework, aiming to
promote Science Education and Career development, specifically focusing on IBSE - inquiry
based Science Education. Globally the project
run 29 training courses in 11 European counties involving 560 practitioners: 411 teacher
and 149 museum and botanic garden educators, reaching out during its duration, to more
than 10,000 pupils across Europe and having
the potential to reach out 100 times more end
users for its long term impact. The project published a course manual available in 9 European languages and a Train the Trainers manual
available in English only, all downloadable from
the project website In
the Italian context MUSE took up a national
leadership in IBSE training 72 practitioners:
32 teachers and 40 educators with 2 courses
held at MUSE in Trento and at the Botanic Garden in Bergamo. The train the trainer course
was run in summer 2013 and received 84 applications for 34 posts available, with representatives from 14 Italian regions. MUSE will
run a new course in summer 2014 and at least
other 3 institution are taking up the INQUIRE
format to run a similar course in other parts of
Italy. The project has been formally congratulated by the EU a success story and has been
celebrated at many education meetings.
The main results and projects 2012-2013
Forests as promoters of terrestrial life-history strategies in East
African amphibians
Section of Tropical Biodiversity
Many amphibian lineages show terrestrialization of their reproductive strategy and
breeding is partially or completely independent of water. A number of causal factors have
been proposed for the evolution of terrestrialized breeding. While predation has received
repeated attention as a potential factor, the
influence of other factors such as habitat has
never been tested using appropriate data or
methods. Using a dataset that comprises 180
amphibian species from various East African
habitats, we tested whether species occurring
in different habitats show different patterns of
terrestrialization in their breeding strategy. We
recovered a significant association between
terrestrialized breeding strategies and forest
habitats. In general, forest seems to act as a
facilitator, providing a permissive environment
for the evolution of terrestrialized breeding
strategies. However, while terrestrial oviposition is strongly correlated with lowland and
montane forest habitat, complete terrestrial
development is significantly correlated with
montane forest only, indicating different selective pressures acting at different steps towards
complete terrestrial development.
Müller H., Liedtke H.C., Menegon M., Beck J.,
Ballesteros-Mejia L., Nagel P. & Loader S.P., 2013
- Forests as promoters of terrestrial life-history
strategies in East African amphibians. Biology Letters, 9(3).
A terrestrialized Probreviceps sp. with its egg clutch in the subterranean chamber.
and Ecology
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
and Ecology
The investigation of riverine diatoms from Cyprus
Section of Limnology and Phycology
The Limnology and Phycology Research Unit
has a long research tradition on different oligotrophic habitats such as springs, high-mountain
lakes, different types of mountain streams. Other
types of freshwater environments, such as the
mediterranean rivers, were studied more recently
in the frame of the analysis of the riverine diatoms from Cyprus in order to have a first overview on the diatom community composition, and
on ecological quality. The river sites cover a large
environmental gradient and are subject both to
typical natural hydrological variability of mediterranean sites, and antrophic pressures due to agricultural and urban land use. About 200 diatoms
samples were processed after being collected
between 2005 and 2012 in perennial and temporary water courses selected from the national
monitoring network. More than 350 taxa belonging to more than 70 genera were identified. Every
sample was identificated and counted; different
indices were calculated using the OMNIDIA software, in particular the IPS index, i.e. the national
assessment method adopted in Cyprus to assess ecological quality using phytobenthos. Diatoms are an important component of aquatic
ecosystems and constitute a water quality monitoring tool where the main objective is either a
measure of general water quality or of some
components of water quality (e.g., eutrophication, pH). The method is based on the fact that
diatom species have tolerance limits and optima
with respect to their preference for environmental
conditions such as nutrients, organic pollution,
and acidity. The ecological quality of Cyprus rivers was evaluated applying the IPS Index. Most
of the sites resulted in high and good classes.
The taxonomic analysis of the diatom samples
from the running waters of Cyprus was carried
out with the maximum detail possible, thus allowing to discover three species new to science,
and ten putative species new to science.
We are grateful to David Armanini and Elisa
Stocchetti (Prothea Srl, Milan, Italia), Martin Kelly
(Bowburn Consultancy, Durham, UK), and the
Water Development Department (WDD) of the
Republic of Cyprus for promoting and supporting this investigation in the frame of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive
Rivers Agios Nikolaos, Chrysochou Skoulloi and LM
micrographs of diatom Rhoicosphenia abbreviata
(valve and girdle view).
The main results and projects 2012-2013
Chironomids as bioindicators of environmental quality in mountain
Section of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology
Among macroinvertebrates, chironomids
(Diptera: Chironomidae) are a candidate as
the best bioindicators of spring water quality
because they typically dominate spring fauna
in terms of abundance and species number.
Responses of chironomid communities to environmental factors in 124 natural, moderately,
and highly disturbed springs in the Italian Prealps and Alps were analyzed
Natural or little-disturbed springs at high altitude with low temperature, low conductivity,
and high current velocity differed from lowland
springs, including highly disturbed ones, with
low current velocity and higher temperature,
conductivity, and nutrient concentrations. Cold
stenothermal intolerant species were clustered
in the 1st group, tolerant and euriecious species in the 2nd group by Self Organizing Map
analysis. Indicator value analysis detected
species characterizing springs with different
degrees of disturbance and of different types.
Coinertia Analysis (CoA) detected relationships
among species structure and environmental
variables. CoA axis 1 represented a gradient
of water temperature, altitude, alkalinity, and
conductivity and separated cold stenothermal
species (Pseudokiefferiella parva, Pseudodiamesa branickii, Diamesa spp.) from species
tolerant of high temperatures (Polypedilum
nubeculosum, Phaenopsectra flavipes, Paratrissocladius excerptus). Axis 2 represented a
hydrologic (rheocrene-limnocrene) and anthropogenic disturbance (total disturbance, agriculture, organic debris) gradient and separated
species by preference for water velocity and
spring type (rheocrenes: Eukiefferiella spp.;
limnocrenes: Prodiamesa olivacea, Natarsia
sp.), and pollution tolerance (P. nubeculosum,
Macropelopia spp.). Water temperature and
chemical composition affected chironomid
distribution. Some species were associated
with degraded (P. nubeculosum) or pristine
conditions (Diamesa spp., Stilocladius montanus). These results implement our knowledge
on environmental factors influencing species
distribution in springs and on evaluation of
chironomids as bioindicators of spring water
Lencioni V. & Sartori G., 2012 - Diversità e
distribuzione dei ditteri chironomidi in 22 sorgenti
prealpine (Veneto). Bollettino del Museo Civico di
Storia Naturale di Verona, sez. Botanica Zoologia,
36: 35-46.
Lencioni V., Marziali L. & Rossaro B., 2012 Chironomids as bioindicators of environmental
quality in mountain springs. Freshwater Science,
31(2): 525-541.
Box-and-whisker plots for taxon richness (A) and
Shannon Diversity Index (B) in natural and moderately or highly disturbed springs in the Italian Prealps
and Alps. Lines in boxes are medians, box ends are
quartiles, whiskers show ranges (non-outliers within
an interval of 1.5 3 height of the box), and + indicates outliers.
and Ecology
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
and Ecology
Developing an Afro-mountain rainforest in Trento
Section of Botany
A new, geographically focused, living display has been growing at MUSE since summer
2013. Such a special and unique feature required a careful planning, integrating the diverse
expertise of biologists, engineers and landscape
architects that soon had to face the complexities of developing a tropical living biome under
grass constrained by the European climate and
the architecture of the new building. Significant
new research was needed to test and develop effective and energy efficient solutions for
climate control specifically tailored for MUSE.
Highlights include ultra clear, UV transparent,
double glazed, safety glass panes, a powerful
fresh air circulation system capable to remove
excessive moisture and renovate the volume of
air in the glasshouse 10 times per hour, an adiabatic heat recovery and free cooling ventilation.
Significant research was also needed to explore
the African plant diversity available on the European nursery trade to produce an immersive
and realistic display, that attracts and invites the
visitor to explore the Udzungwas: a mountain
rainforest in Tropical East Africa (Tanzania). The
route starts from the eastern lowland marshes,
wet cliffs, ponds and waterfalls getting into a
pristine wet and lush mountain rainforest represented by many African trees and shrubs
belonging the genera Ficus, Sterculia, Tabernaemontana, Ensete, Afrocarpus, Costus,
Dracena and Phylodendron, passing into the
driest western slopes with baobas and palms
and slowly emerging in the cultivated highlands
with the most common tropical crops such as
bananas, tea, coffee, cocoa, sugarcane, and
an African vegetable garden and market stall
with African millets and beans (genus Eleusine
and Vigna), pigeon pea, roselle, taro, yam but
also interesting local neglected crops such as
Telfairia pedata. This initial display is still constrained by plant availability in the nursery trade
and will be progressively enriched with plants
sourced directly in Tropical East Africa thanks to
international agreements and the collaborative
support of the local Tanzanian botanists based
at Dar University and Forestry Department. The
new plants will be propagated from seed in the
new research greenhouse at the moment being
build in the stadium grounds opposite MUSE,
providing an opportunity to investigate seed
ecology and germination of tropical rainforest
species never studied before. The greenhouse
opened to the public together with MUSE in
July 2013 and passed excellently the test of the
first six months of operation with healthy and
fast growing plants.
The main results and projects 2012-2013
New insights in the life of the recently discovered sengi as revealed
by camera traps
Section of Tropical Biodiversity
Three of the 4 species of giant sengis or elephant shrews (genus Rhynchocyon) have restricted geographic distributions in eastern Africa
and are threatened by anthropogenic habitat
loss. However, little is known about their ecology
and habitat relationships. We used remotely triggered cameras to detect the grey-faced sengi
(Rhynchocyon udzungwensis), which is endemic
in the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania and was
described in 2008 by MUSE’s researchers as the
fourth species of the genus. The study aim was
to defining distributional limits, estimating occupancy patterns, and determining habitat requirements. We deployed 183 camera stations over 6
years and accumulated 4,600 camera trapping
days. We refined the area of known occurrence
to be 390 km2, thus confirming the species’ restricted range and vulnerability. We estimated the
average occupancy at 56% of sites occupied on
sites sampled, and found that occupancy was
best predicted by the forest habitat type, with
interior, closed-canopy forest supporting highest
estimated sengi occupancy. Terrain slope and
distance to the nearest park boundary were less
important covariates, but nevertheless included
among the best models. Camera-trapping rate
(photographic events by day) was significantly correlated with subcanopy tree coverage.
Combined, these habitat features may provide
optimal conditions for antipredation vigilance
(vegetation cover), and for nest-building and/or
foraging on invertebrates in the thicker leaf litter
on gentle slopes. Our results offer new insights
into the ecology of giant sengis and confirm the
potential utility of camera trapping for occupancy
analysis of small, forest-dwelling mammals.
Rovero F., Collett L., Ricci S., Martin E., Spitale
D. (2013). Distribution, occupancy and habitat associations of the grey-faced sengi (Rhynchocyon udzungwensis) as revealed by camera traps. Journal of
Mammalogy 94: 792-800.
An intriguing camera trap image of the grey-faced sengi or elephant-shrew (Rhynchocyon udzungwensis), as
closely followed by a green-backed camaroptera (Camaroptera brachyuran). Both species feed on insects, hence
this photo may have captured an interesting behaviour by the bird, perhaps aiming at stilling a prey dag out by the
sengi on the leaf litter.
and Ecology
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
and Ecology
Animal ecology through stable isotope analysis
Section of Vertebrate Zoology
The project will focus on isotopic methods
applied to Alpine bird migration. Stable isotope
ratios of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen
and sulfur can help in understanding geographic provenance, trophic level and food webs of
the birds. Keratinous tissues like feathers carry
informations about the areal where they grew,
revealing connectivity existing between breeding and wintering areal. Post-breeding migration through the Alps, whose dynamics are not
well known up to now, will be investigated in
order to discover which populations are in-
volved in this phenomenon. The use of extrinsic markers, such as banding recoveries and
morphometrics, or genetics that have been
used until now to study such phenomenon,
led no improvement on the knowledge about
geographical provenance of migrants. Aim of
the study is to unravel which populations cross
the Alps, in which period and with which densities. The increase of knowledge that could
result from this study could help to support the
conservation of migratory birds, particularly in
the case of endangered species.
The main results and projects 2012-2013
Designing the Seed Bank of MUSE
and Ecology
Section of Botany
The relocation of the museum into the new
building offered the opportunity to re-develop the
Seed Bank of the botany department. This facility
cannot be easily accommodated into standard
labs, but requires specific design and effective
building solutions, being what you could easily
define a ‘sensitive’ infrastructure, whose proper
function heavily depends on the shape and
layout of its components. The core of the new
seed bank includes the seed drying and storage
rooms that need a low humidity (15%RH) and
cool (15°C) environment. In the new design these
two rooms have been separated into two distinct areas that serve the two main stages of the
seed processing cycle: a ‘dirty’ zone attached to
the seed curation lab for initial drying and seed
cleaning and a ‘clean’ zone for final drying and
packaging next to the seed germination lab. The
two rooms have a rectangular base to facilitate
the airflow in a specific direction. The coolers
and dryers are external, redundant and dedicated for each room, the temperature and RH
values are electronically controlled, alarmed and
logged. The cold store has been enlarged with
8 deep freezers. The germination lab has an increased capacity with 12 cooled incubators and
is equipped for sterile procedures. An additional
external area, close to the propagation greenhouse, is equipped with tanks for liquid nitrogen
storage for experimental long term conservation
of species that are short lived in conventional dry
cold storage. This major upgrade and increased
capacity of the museum seed storage facilities
has been instrumental in developing NASSTEC,
a new European project aimed at promoting the
production and use of native seed for grassland
restoration. NASSTEC is an FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network approved in June 2013 by
the EU and running from 1.4.2014 to 30.3.2018.
NASSTEC will train 11 Early Stage Researchers
in native seed science promoting technology
transfer to the existing seed companies for native seed production, delivering ecosystem services impact mitigation in the many infrastructure
works (roadwork, quarries, ski slopes) impacting
on grassland habitats.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
and Ecology
A special series of papers on The Ecology of Springs published in
Freshwater Science
Section of Limnology and Phycology
Springs are unique aquatic habitats that
contribute significantly to local and regional biodiversity because of their high habitat complexity
and the large number of different spring types.
Many springs are small, but they are numerous
and often of high water quality, and thus, provide habitats for species that are rare elsewhere
because of their sensitivity to anthropogenic impacts (least-impaired habitat relicts). Springs are
often species-rich and contain a larger number
of Red List taxa than other aquatic habitats. Hydrological factors, particularly flow permanence,
water chemistry, and temperature are important
ecological factors determining species distribution and community composition. Despite their
importance for biodiversity and water quality,
springs are much less studied than other aquatic
ecosystems. They also are insufficiently covered
by protective legislation, often resulting in the destruction of their natural habitat. The authors of
papers in this special issue (15 articles) describe
specific spring biota, including multitaxon studies, and discuss the role of environmental factors,
habitat variability at different spatial and temporal
scales, and the importance of natural and anthropogenic disturbance in spring habitats. They
suggest directions for future research, including
defining reference conditions for springs and
their role in long-term ecological research, the
development of quality-assessment methods,
and their more sustainable use as freshwater
We are grateful to Pamela Silver for supporting this special issue, the Museo delle Scienze
of Trento (Autonomous Province of Trento) for
providing funding for page charges for papers
authored or co-authored by M.C., the University and Scientific Research Department of the
Autonomous Province of Trento for funding the
CRENODAT Project (Biodiversity assessment
and integrity evaluation of springs of Trentino Italian Alps - and long-term ecological research,
2004-2008) from which at least 5 papers in this
issue resulted.
Cantonati M., Füreder L., Jüttner I. & Cox
E.J. (Guest Eds.). 2012. The Ecology of Springs.
Freshwater Science. Special series of papers
31(2): 463-668.
The main results and projects 2012-2013
Databases at the service of Trentino Ecological Network
and Ecology
Section of Vertebrate Zoology
In un’era ormai dominata dai Big Data,
la strutturazione e gestione di importanti
database relazionali è un passo fondamentale nell’ottimizzazione del processo conoscitivo che la ricerca coadiuva, e rendere
liberamente disponibile una conoscenza
fino ad ora gelosamente custodita in anfratti
altrimenti dimenticati è uno degli obiettivi
della Sezione di Zoologia dei Vertebrati, che
negli ultimi anni ha compiuto grandi sforzi
verso la standardizzazione dei suoi dataset
cartacei ed informatici. In particolare, grazie all’avvento dell’Azione A1 del progetto
europeo LIFE+T.E.N. (Trentino Ecological
Network), sotto l’egida della Provincia Autonoma di Trento e grazie alla stretta collaborazione della Fondazione Edmund Mach
(FEM) di San Michele all’Adige il primo passo
verso la creazione di un Portale unificato
(WebGIS) per la biodiversità trentina è compiuto: in uno sforzo continuo di miglioramento ed utilizzando esclusivamente software
Open Source, la Sezione è giunta a creare
non solo una piattaforma di condivisione
dati utile a valorizzare l’immenso patrimonio floristico e faunistico Trentino, ma anche
uno strumento utile a facilitare il recupero di
importanti informazioni necessarie ad uno
sforzo di ricerca sempre più affamato di dati.
Structuring and management of major relational databases is a crucial step in the optimization of cognitive process that supports
research activities. In an era ruled by the Big
Data paradigm, the disclosing of a freely
available knowledge otherwise forgotten is
one the objectives of the Vertebrate Zoology
Section, which in recent years has undertake
great efforts toward standardization of its datasets. In particular, thanks to the advent of
the Action A1 of the European project LIFE
+ T.E.N. (Trentino Ecological Network), with
the leadership of the Autonomous Province of
Trento and thanks to the close collaboration
with the Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM) of
San Michele, the first steps towards creating a unified biodiversity portal (WebGIS, built
with Open Source software only) have been
carried out: in a constant effort towards improvement, the Section has created not only
a platform for sharing data useful to value the
immense flora and fauna in Trentino, but also
a useful tool to facilitate the recovery of fundamental biological datasets.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Earth Sciences
and Landscape
Section of Prehistory
The climatic and environmental changes
characteristic of the European Younger Dryas
had a definitive impact on Epigravettian societies of north-eastern Italy, inducing several
changes in the mobility pattern of these human groups. This project aims to define a new
model for interpreting settlement system put
in place during Younger Dryas, through the
analysis of all known archaeological sites in the
Alps and the investigation of new sites in Trentino. New directions for addressing this topic
have emerged from studies of Palù Echen, an
open-air camp located on the Folgaria Plateau
(Trentino, Italy) at an altitude of 1 260 m, near
an ancient lake basin which is today a peat
bog. The archaeological deposits are dated to
12 209 ± 197 years cal. BP and consist solely
of undisturbed lithic material preserved thanks
to the repeated deposition of colluvial sediments covering the original Epigravettian living
floor. The simplicity of the spatial organisation,
combined with the near complete absence of
hearths and the limited dispersal of the material, suggest short-terms occupations, consistent with evidence from other Prealpine sites
from the Younger Dryas. The technological
analysis of the lithic industry confirmed the
gradual simplification of the production system
as a feature typical of Epigravettian sites dated
to the second part of Lateglacial.
The existence of a network of complementary sites within a quite reduced territory is supported by the raw materials introduced in the
site and the spatio-temporal segmentation of
the reduction sequences. In the light of these
considerations, the site of Palù Echen can be
interpreted as a mid-altitude camp frequented
sporadically during the exploitation of the Prealps as part of a settlement system characterised by higher mobility patterns compared to
the previous period. The available data, also
from other sites, depicts an organisation articulated around a number of small camps frequented for short periods, rather than a few
The main results and projects 2012-2013
Earth Sciences
and Landscape
sites located in strategic positions and periodically re-occupied. So that, the progressive disappearance of a ‘planned economy’ appears
as a notable feature of Epigravettian societies
from the Younger Dryas.
Duches R., Avanzini M., Bassetti M., Flor E.,
Neri S., Dalmeri G., 2013- Evolution de la mobilité
épigravettienne durant le Dryas récent: quelles nouvelles informations pour l’Italie nord-orientale? Actes
de la Séance de la Société préhistorique francaise
de Bordeaux, 24-25 mai 2012. Les groupes Culturels de la transitions Pléistocene-Holocéne entre
Atlantique et Adriatique, Société préhistorique francaise 2014, Paris, pp. 185-203.
Peresani M., Romandini M., Duches R., Jéquier C., Nannini N., Pastoors A., Picin A., Schmidt
I., Vaquero M. & Weniger G.-C., 2013 - Adding new
evidence for the Palaeolithic in the Northern Adriatic
region: Neanderthal demise and earliest Gravettian
occurrences at Rio Secco Cave. Journal of Field Archaeology, 39.
GEO3DMAP project
Section of Geology
The GEO3DMAP project - 3D modeling of
the Jurassic Calcari Grigi carbonate platform
- is funded by the European Community and
the Provincia Autonoma di Trento in the frame
of the 7th research framework programme
- Marie Curie Actions - COFUND - project
In the GEO3DMAP project modern digital
modeling techniques are applied to produce a
three dimensional structural-geological model
of the Calcari Grigi platform, a carbonate sedimentary body, Early Jurassic in age, whose
rocks are widely diffused in Trentino and neighboring regions.
Main scientific goal of the project is to
study the network of extensional paleo-faults
that formed in connection with the Jurassic
rifting and influenced this huge platform during its growth. The project combines classical
in-field geological observation and modern 3D
geologic modeling in the attempt of giving, for
the first time, a synthesis glimpse to the largescale structural features that developed on the
Trento Plateau in the geological past.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Earth Sciences
and Landscape
Dolo P/T Project
Section of Geology
The Dolo P/T Project (The Permian-Triassic
ecological crisis in the Dolomites: extinction and
recovery dynamics in Terrestrial Ecosytems)
is funded by the Research Department of the
Autonomous Province of Bolzano. Its working group is composed of researchers from
the Naturmuseum Südtirol/Museo di Scienze
Naturali dell’Alto Adige, Utrecth University and
National Natural History Museum ‘Naturalis’,
and Museo delle Scienze. The Permian-Triassic
(P-T) extinction event occurred 251.4 ±0.3 million years ago and is considered the most severe
extinction event of the Phanerozoic, with a loss
of at least 50% of families both within the terres-
trial and the marine ecosystems, corresponding
to an estimated loss of between 75% and 96%
of all species.
The general aim of the project is to understand the composition and spatio-temporal relationships of the Late Permian and Early-Middle
Triassic terrestrial ecosystems of the eastern
Southern Alps.
The rate of extinction within the terrestrial
realm and the time and mode of the plant and
animal biotic recovery are investigated to understand if the Permian-Triassic ecological crisis
documented in the Southern Alps mirrors the
global pattern.
The main results and projects 2012-2013
Monte Terlago
Earth Sciences
and Landscape
Section of Prehistory
The basin of Terlago, characterized by undulating morphologies and bordered to the
north-west by Paganella-Monte Gazza and to
the south by Monte Bondone, is a very interesting area for the research on first prehistoric
human occupation of the alpine environment.
In this context at an altitude of about 900
m, over Prada plain and just north of Dos di Camosciara, a rockshelter opens in a pebbly limestone wall. The excavation, carried out by Science Museum of Trento since 2009, has yielded
a very interesting stratigraphic sequence with
distinct anthropic occupations.
A test pit aimed at verifying the stratigraphy
that fills the cavity to a depth of 2.70 meters,
allowed to identify a sequence of layers with
distinct traces, from top to bottom, of historical
(Late Antiquity and Roman period), protohistoric
(Iron Age, Middle Bronze Age) and prehistoric
(Neolithic and Mesolithic) human occupation.
For the older layers are already available two
radiocarbon dates.
The inner deposit is full of bricks and daub
fragments associated with pottery shards and
charcoals that characterize the upper band of
the sequence near the rocky overhang. In gen-
eral, the anthropogenic component in the upper
living floors is given by some pottery shards,
sporadic faunal remains, charcoals and smelting slags. For these levels is being developed an
interdisciplinary research project aimed at a prosecution of the excavations in order to provide an
important contribution to the knowledge of the
settlement dynamics related to the smelting activities (archaeometallurgy) in the Bronze Age and
Late Antiquity of central-western Trentino.
Future research on the oldest layers of the
deposit will also increase the knowledge about
prehistoric frequentations of the region with direct economic and environmental implications.
Dalmeri G., 1996 - Terlago (Valle dei Laghi, Trento). Paleolitico, Mesolitico e Neolitico dell’Italia nordorientale, a cura di A. Broglio, Guide Archeologiche.
Preistoria e Protostoria in Italia- 4. Ed. ABACO, Forlì.
Dalmeri G., Flor E., Neri S., 2011 - Sondaggio
con verifica stratigrafica a riparo Monte Terlago (Monte Terlago - Trento). Preistoria Alpina 45, pp. 327-329,
Dalmeri G., Flor E., Neri S., 2012- Preistoria a
Monte Terlago: una nuova ricerca archeologica. Judicaria n. 80, agosto 2012, pp 41-45, Tione (Trento).
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Earth Sciences
and Landscape
“Memorie dal sottosuolo” (Underground Memories)
Section of Geology
The project “Memorie dal sottosuolo” (Underground Memories) started in June 2012 and will
end in June 2014. It is co-founded by Fondazione CARITRO (Bank Foundation of Trento and
Rovereto) and Museo delle Scienze di Trento.
The main purpose is to collect information
about the mining activity in the Province of
Trento, by the creation of a territorial network
involving most of the local authorities, associations and museums dealing with the mining
history in the Province of Trento.
Each partner will bring data about his ter-
ritory and help to increase a georeferenced
database of mining and mineralogical sites,
specifically created for the project. The archive
is based on 3DRTE, a 3D map navigation software, and gSID, an online database linked to
The collected data will be useful to preserve the historical memory of the local mining
industry and to sensitize people about this; to
conduct historical, archeological and geological researches; to direct valorization interventions that respect the history of each site.
The main results and projects 2012-2013
Malga Palù PRI 348
Earth Sciences
and Landscape
Section of Prehistory
The Prehistory Section of the Science Museum of Trento studies the Palaeolithic frequentations of the Folgaria - Lavarone and Vezzena
Plateau since 1999, obtaining interesting scientific results of national and international importance. These frequentations fit within a system
of human occupations articulated mainly on the
heads of Astico and Assa Valley, due primarily
to the presence of ancient lakes related to the
current wetlands and peat bogs. The focus on
the plateau and the traces left by the ancient
Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers of 10.000-14.000
years ago, have recently led to the identification
of a new interesting site at Malga Palù, in the municipality of Levico Terme (Trento) at an altitude
of 1,380 m asl. The first occasional findings date
back to 1997 and were located on the western
edge of the wetland under the Vezzena Pass in a
predominantly peat-bog deposit.
This site opens new research prospects that
include interesting issues related to the state of
preservation of sites and to the vegetational and
depositional history of ancient lakes. The carrying
out of two campaigns of archaeological excavation in 2012 and 2013, covering an area of about
30 square meters, have allowed us to detect the
presence of an extensive seasonal camp dated
to the Late Palaeolithic (Recent Epigravettian).
The site is partially preserved, rich in lithic indus-
try and flaking products (about 2,000 artifacts).
As in other similar circumstances, the interdisciplinary study, just started, includes the
acquisition of new and interesting data on the
dwelling organization and the function of the
site as well as the analysis of settlement strategies during Late Glacial in the Eastern Central
Alps. The first typo-technological observations
suggest the presence of an undisturbed living
floor; the main activities seem to be oriented
toward the first roughing and knapping of flint
blocks, given the substantial presence of cortical blanks, cores and tested blocks. At first
sight the raw material used by Epigravettian
hunter-gatherers of Malga Palù seems to belong mostly to local varieties (Maiolica, Scaglia
Variegata Alpina).
Dalmeri G., Cappelletti G., Duches R., Flor E.,
Moira P., Neri S., 2013- Il sito epigravettiano recente
di Palù (Levico Terme-TN). Le evidenze emerse
dal sondaggio archeologico 2012. Preistoria Alpina 472013, pp. 329-332.
Dalmeri G., Duches R., Avanzini M., Bassetti M.,
Flor E., Neri S., 2013- Frequentazione delle medie
quote montane durante il Dryas recente: nuove informazioni dal sito epigravettiano di Palù Echen (Altopiano di Folgaria, Trentino). Preistoria Alpina 47-2013,
pp. 153-181.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Earth Sciences
and Landscape
Section of Geology
The INTCLIM project aims to provide a
number of well-characterised datasets from
the climatically sensitive, Alpine region of Trentino to address the need for further data for the
improvement of climate models. The project is
specifically targeting Interglacial periods as these
warm periods in Earth history provide a comparison with modern, pre-industrial times which can
be used to test climate models over long timescales. The Trentino region provides the perfect
location for the study because speleothem-hosting caves have been identified at a variety of altitudes within the pure carbonate bedrocks. Using this palaeo-temperature data, the idea of the
INTCLIM project is to back-calculate the oxygen
isotope signal of the speleothem-feeding waters.
This temperature effect during oxygen isotope
storage in calcite is the largest obstacle currently
hindering speleothem research and the elimination of which would allow the inclusion of the
dataset in water-isotope enabled General Circulation Models and permit a better understanding
of the climate system at the time of speleothem
formation. INTCLIM is funded by the European
Community and the Provincia Autonoma di
Trento in the frame of the 7th research framework
programme - Marie Curie Actions - COFUND project “Trentino”.
The main results and projects 2012-2013
Riparo Dalmeri PRI 0044
Earth Sciences
and Landscape
Section of Prehistory
In the last twenty years of prehistoric research in the Alps, Dalmeri rockshelter represented a key site for understanding the life
of Late Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers (Recent
Epigravettian). The good preservation of faunal
remains, stone tools and living floors has resulted in a partial but approximate reconstruction of palaeo-economy, dwelling organization
and site functionality.
The discovery of a large number of red
ochre-painted stones substantiated the view
that Epigravettian art
and symbolic behavior are more complex
than previously imagined. Another interesting
discovery made just outside of the rockshelter
involves three pits that were filled with different
materials. The structures (and substructures)
contained an abundant selection of cranial
parts and ibex horns with more than 8,000 remains, particular objects, polishers and stones
painted with ochre. We cannot exclude their
possible diversified use, including a function
related to the ritual sphere.
The first dwelling phase includes, in addition to the pits, a large structure of about 18
square meters (U.S. 65) formed by the intentional accumulation of limestones, linked to the
deposition of 267 ochre-painted stones and a
subcircular feature interpreted as a hut.
The hypothesis of a direct connection between these structures is supported by the
stratigraphic data, the spatial organization
and the C14 dates. The analysis of the earliest
phase of frequentation, which includes the three
pits, is in progress, as well as the interpretation
of their symbolic significance. In addition to the
archaeozoological study (Lab. Archeozoologia
Museo L.Pigorini-Roma), we consider which
and how many animals have been “ deposed
“, such as the portions and the age of death.
At the same time we proceed to the analysis of
the distribution of bone remains, so as to define
how many skulls of ibex were actually placed,
such as the original positions and the state of
integrity at the time of deposition.
Dalmeri G., Neri S., Bassetti M., Cusinato A.,
Kompatscher K., Hrozny Kompatscher N., 2011Riparo Dalmeri: le pietre dipinte dell’area rituale. Preistoria Alpina, 45: 67-117. Trento.
Cristiani E., Lemorini C., Dalmeri G., 2012- Ground
stone tool production and use in the Late Upper Palaeolithic: The evidence from Riparo Dalmeri (Venetian
Prealps-Italy). Journal of Field Archaeology, Vol. 37
NO. 1, pp. 34-50, Trustees of Boston University.
Dalmeri G., Cusinato A., Kompatscher K.,
Hrozny Kompatscher M., Bassetti M., Neri S., 2012Le pietre con pitture in ocra di Riparo Dalmeri (Trento). Sviluppi delle ricerche sull’arte e la ritualità del
sito epigravettiano. A cura di R. C. De Marinis, G.
Dalmeri, A. Pedrotti, Preistoria Alpina 46 I-II vol., Atti
della XLII Riunione Scientifica dell’IIPP, L’Arte Preistorica in Italia, Trento-Riva del Garda, Val Camonica,
9-13 ottobre 2007, pp 31-40.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Earth Sciences
and Landscape
Glaciers one time
Section of Greology
Glaciers one-time involves the citizenship in
the development of a popular scientific project,
which, among its objectives, aims to make the
society conscious of the glacial retreat in action
and to quantify the changes in the mountain
landscape. All are invited to take photographs
of the modern Italian glaciers with the exact
points of view of historical photographs, and
to make photographic comparisons. Glaciers
one-time is carried out in collaboration with in-
stitutions that carry out glaciological activities.
The institutional network so has the goal to cooperate together for the promotion of research
within the society and the understanding of the
landscape changes due to retreat of the glaciers. With the active participation of citizenship, it was possible to do a picture of glaciation to publicize the awareness of the state of
health of the glaciers and to disseminate the
importance of the cryosphere.
The staff of the scientific sections
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Tropical Biodiversity research group
Francesco Rovero
Head of the Tropical Biodiversity Section
Born in Firenze in 1970, he is a zoologist and conservation biologist. He obtained a
degree in Natural Sciences in 1995 at the University of Florence and a Ph.D. in Animal
Ecology in 2000 at the University of Wales, UK. Since 1999 he is involved in research
and biodiversity conservation in east Africa. In 2004-2007 he conducted post-doctoral research with MUSE on ecology and conservation of primates and forest ungulates
in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. In 2008 he became the Curator of the newly
established MUSE’s Tropical Biodiversity Section. His main research interests are on
threatened populations of forest mammals in Tanzania (abundance estimation, habitat
use and modeling, conservation status assessment). Besides pure and applied research, he is interested in ecological monitoring, technical support to protected areas,
development of community conservation plans. This led to the establishment of the
Udzungwa Ecological Monitoring Centre ( that he directs
since 2006, a field station annexed to the Udzungwa Mountains National Park that
promotes and facilitates research in the area, and bridges between park management
and community education initiatives. It became the first site in Africa of the Tropical
Ecology Assessment and Monitoring (TEAM) network. He authored over 70 scientific
papers (of which 40 ISI).
Research fellow
Born in Asiago (VI) in 1978, since 2009 he collaborates with the Museum, where he contributes to various projects on East Africa herpetofauna. In particular, he is involved in a
research program on the herpetofauna of the Albertine Rift, and conducted field surveys in
Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo; he also implemented the contents of the
website and assists in the managing of the herpetological collection.
Before joining the Tropical Biodiversity Section he collaborated with the Animal Biology
Section of the University of Pavia (Italy) on various researches on ecology, behaviour and
morphology of amphibians and reptiles, notably in the “Socotra Conservation and Development Project” in Socotra Archipelago, Yemen. In the same University he achieved his
bachelor and Ph.D. degrees.
Silvia Ricci
Research fellow
Born in Firenze in 1970, she is a zoologist and a public science writer. She got a degree in
Natural Sciences in 1995 at the University of Florence and a Ph.D. with a research thesis
on population dynamics and trophic ecology of desert rodents in 2003 at the University
of Sydney, Australia. Since 2004 she has been working for different publishing houses,
writing books and articles of scientific popularization. Since 2006 she worked as scientific
consultant, environmental educator, tutor of formative courses and translator. From 20082009 she collaborated with Trento Museum studying the new species of elephant-shrew.
Her research interests include population dynamics and trophic ecology of small mammals, habitat use and fauna surveys. Since 2010, she is managing Associazione Mazingira, an organization established within the MUSE to conduct community-based projects
in the area of the Udzungwa Mountains in Tanzania.
The staff of the scientific sections
Emanuel H. Martin
Research fellow
Born in Rombo, Tanzania, in 1977, he is a zoologist with a degree in wildlife management
obtained at the Sokoine University of Agriculture - SUA, Tanzania (2002), and Master in
Management of Protected Areas obtained at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria (2009).
During 2003 - 2007, he worked as a Conservation Officer at the Mokolodi Nature Reserve in
Botswana, gaining wide experience in the field of biodiversity monitoring and protected area
management. He was also extensively involved with training park personnel on monitoring
capacity. In 2009 he was recruited as full-time research collaborator by MUSE to cover the
position of Site Manager of the TEAM project (Tropical Ecology, Assessment and Monitoring), a pan-tropical network of standardized biodiversity monitoring sites, coordinated in
the Udzungwa Mountains by MUSE. Since February 2012 he has enrolled into a PhD programme with SUA on the ecology of the forest mammals’ community.
Research fellow
Born in Viareggio (LU) in 1972, she is a zoologist and primatologist. She holds a master’s
degree (1999) in Natural Sciences from Florence University and a Ph.D. (2007) on primate
reproductive strategies from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and the
Leipzig University, Germany. In 2008 she became an Alexander von Humboldt post-doctoral fellow at the German Primate Center (DPZ), Goettingen. Her main research interests
focused on sexual selection, reproductive strategies, vocal communication and endocrinology in primates, and in particular, in a wild gibbon population of the Khao Yai National Park,
Thailand. From 2010 till 2013 she was a post-doctoral fellow within the program of Marie
Curie Action-Incoming - COFUND by the Provincia Autonoma di Trento at MUSE, conducting a multidisciplinary research on the ecology and conservation of an endangered and
endemic primate species of the Udzungwa Mountains NP, Tanzania. Over 18 publications
in peer-reviewed journals and internationally recognized research grants achieved.
Michele Menegon
Tecnical assistant
Born in Montebelluna (VI) in 1969, since 1998 he is affiliated to MUSE where he contributes
to the establishment of the Tropical Biodiversity Section. Since 1998 he has also been
conducting research and environmental cooperation in East Africa. In 2009 he started a
Ph.D. at the Tropical Ecology of the University of Manchester. The research is focused on
global diversification patterns, species phylogenetic relationships and radiation and speciations patterns of Amphibians and Reptiles that represent the model groups. Multi-taxon
mapping of evolutionary information is also used in order to define optimal conservation
areas for threatened species of montane Amphibians and Reptiles. He set up the initiative on biological exploration in the Eastern Afromontane in collaboration with the
University of Basel. He published over 40 scientific and public science papers, books and
book chapters.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Selection of papers - IF (2012-2013): 101.5
Barej M.F., Rödel M.O., Loader S.P., Menegon M., Gonwouo N.L., Penner J., Gvoždík V., Günther
R., Bell R.C., Nagel P. & Schmitz A., 2013 - Light shines through the spindrift – Phylogeny of
African torrent frogs (Amphibia, Anura, Petropedetidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 71: 261-273. [IF2012 = 4.107]
Barelli C. & Heistermann M., 2012 - Socio-demographic correlates of fecal androgen levels in wild
male white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar). International Journal of Primatology, 33: 784798. [IF2012= 1.786]
Barelli C., Mastudaira K., Roos C., Wolf T., Heistermann M., Hodges K., Ishida T., Malaivijitnond S. &
Reichard U.H., 2013 - Extra-pair paternity confirmed in wild white-handed gibbons. American
Journal of Primatology, 75: 1185-1195. [IF2012= 2.459]
Barelli C., Mundry R., Heistermann M. & Hammerschmidt K., 2013 - Cues to androgens and quality
in male gibbon songs. PLoS ONE, 8(12): e82748. [IF2012 = 3.730]
Gillespie T., Barelli C. & Heistermann M., 2013 - Effects of social status and stress on patterns of
gastrointestinal parasitism in wild white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar). American Journal of
Physical Anthropology, 150: 602–608. [IF2012= 2.481]
Laurance W.F. & 216 authors (including F. Rovero), 2012 - Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical
forest protected areas. Nature, 489: 290-294. [IF2012 = 38.597]
Lawson L.P., Vernesi C., Ricci S. & Rovero F., 2013 - Evolutionary history of the grey-faced sengi,
Rhynchocyon udzungwensis, from Tanzania: a molecular and species distribution modelling
approach. PLoS ONE, 8(8): e72506. [IF2012 = 3.730]
Müller H., Liedtke H.C., Menegon M., Beck J., Ballesteros-Mejia L., Nagel P. & Loader S.P., 2013 Forests as promoters of terrestrial life-history strategies in East African amphibians. Biology
Letters, 9(3): 20121146. [IF2012 = 3.348]
Rovero F., Collett L., Ricci S., Martin E. & Spitale D., 2013 - Distribution, occupancy and habitat associations of the grey-faced sengi (Rhynchocyon udzungwensis) as revealed by camera traps.
Journal of Mammalogy, 94: 792-800. [IF2012 = 2.308]
Rovero F., Mtui A., Kitegile A. & Nielsen M., 2012 - Hunting or habitat degradation? Decline of primate
populations in Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania: An analysis of threats. Biological Conservation, 146: 89-96. [IF2012 = 3.794]
The staff of the scientific sections
Botany research group
Costantino Bonomi
Head of the Botany Section
Born in Trento in 1971. M.Sc. in Biology (Padua,1997) M.Phil. in Botanical Diversity (Reading and
Birmingham, 2000). Keeper of the herbarium, curatorof the museum’s two botanic gardens. His
main research interests are plant conservationbiology and seed ecology. Since 2001 he is in charge
of the museum’s plant conservation projects,and botanic garden management. He promoted and
developed Trentino Seed Bank, now amember of Ensconet, the European Native Seed Conservation Network, funded by the EU under FP6 research infrestructures. He contributed to Plant Science
Gardens and Inquire, two European education projects funded by the EU under FP6 & FP 7. Science
and Society. He provides the secretariat for RIBES, the Italian network of seed banks. He is the Italian
delegate in the European Consortium of Botanic Gardens.
Renzo Vicentini
Research assistant
Born in Rovereto in 1984, since 2009 he collaborated with the Museum of Science where
he contributed to various conservation projects such as ESCONET in FP6 and ACESAP as well as the study of the biology of alpine endemisms. He surveyed biodiversity
rich alpine grasslands and tested theirm biomass production to evaluate their use in the
traditional therapy of phytobalneotherapy. He collaborates with the seed collection and
curation of threatened species in Italy, Spain and Tanzania. Since 2011 he is actively training in tropical botany and horticulture in the UK in collaboration with the Royal Botanic
Garden Edinburgh. He is also involved in the design and development of the new Tropical Glasshouse of MUSE, the tropical nursery and quarantine facilities. Before joining the
Museum of Science he collaborated with Rovereto Civic Museum on the collection and
digitalization of the distribution data of the flora of the provinces of Verona and Trento.
Research Assistant
Born in Rovereto (TN) in 1975, she graduated in Natural Sciences at the University of Padua
in July 2005 with a dissertation on a palynologic analysis of an Alpine environment. Since
2006 she worked at the Educational Department of the Museum of Sciences as senior
educator in Botany. She performed educational activities mainly in the museum two botanic
gardens, the Viotte Alpine Botanic Garden and at the Arco Arboretum. In 2011 she joined
the Inquire Project, developing and evaluating a training course for teachers and educators
on IBSE methodology. She is skilled and experienced expert in the creation and management of workshops based on the IBSE technique.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Gilberto Parolo
Research fellow
Born in Sondrio in 1975. M.Sc. in Natural Sciences (Pavia, 1999) Ph.D. in Plant Ecology (Pavia,
2004), research fellow at Pavia University 2004-09. His main research interest lies in plant population biology of rare and threatened species, plant taxonomy (Festuca), conservation biology,
ecology of extreme mountain ecosystem in relation to global change, effects on flora and vegetation in the Alps and in the Appennines, vegetation ecology. More than 50 papers published
on peer reviewed journals (Basic and Applied Ecology, Biological Conservation, Biodiversity
and Conservation, Journal of Applied Ecology, Ecological Modelling, Plant Biosystems). He
contributed to the Eurpean projects GLORIA in FP5; ENSCONET in FP6, and various other
projects promoted locally by Region Lombardy, and the Provinces of Sondrio and Trento (ACESAP, OPENLOC).
Andrea Mondoni
Research fellow
Born in Pavia in 1978. M.Sc. in Natural Sciences (Pavia, 2003), Ph.D. in Plant Ecology (Pavia,
2007). Post-doc (Marie Curie Action) at the Trento Museum of Science. His main research interest is germination ecology and seed bank management. He investigated in detail dormancy
and germination of woodland herbaceous temperate species and has a keen interest in seed
longevity of alpine species. He currently carries out studies on the effects of climate change on
plant regeneration. He contributed to the Eurpean project ENSCONET in FP6 and to the local
project ACE-SAP.
Maurizia Gandini
Research Fellow
Born in Broni (PV) in 1977, M.Sc. in Natural Sciences (Pavia, 2004), Ph.D. in Dendroecology
(Pavia, 2007). Post-doc (Marie Curie Action) at Trento Museum of Science. Her main research
interest is climate change in relation to alpine plant ecology, with a particular focus on Global
Warming impact on biodiversity and spatiotemporal patterns of species living in highaltitude
environments. She is also involved in statistical elaboration of ecological dataset and ecological modelling. She currently contributes to worldwide project GLORIA and to European
project LTER.
The staff of the scientific sections
Selection of papers (2012-2013) - IF 2012-13= 14.9
Abeli T., Rossi G., Gentili R., Gandini M., Mondoni A. & Cristofanelli P., 2012 - Effect of the extreme summer heat waves on isolated populations of two orophitic plants in the north
Apennines (Italy). Nord. J. Bot., 30: 109-115.
Abeli T., Gentili R., Mondoni A., Orsenigo S., Rossi G. 2013 - Effects of marginality on plant population performance. J. Biogeogr., ISSN: 0305-0270, DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12215.
Gilardelli F., Gentili R., Prosser F., Bonomi C., Varotto C., & Sgorbati S., 2013 - Ecological and
biodiversity gradients across alpine dry grassland habitats: implications for an endangered
species. Nord. J. Bot., 31(2): 225-238.
Kapelari S., Regan E., Bonomi C., Dillon J., Willison J., Vergou A., Schepker H. & Elster D., 2012
- Initiating Inquiry Based Science Education in Outdoor Learning Sites: Issues and challenges. Fibonacci Second European Conference, 26-27 April, 2012, Leicester, UK: 10pp.
Mondoni A., Tazzari E.R.., Zubani L., Orsenigo S., Rossi G., 2013 - Percussion as an effective
seed treatment for herbaceous legumes (Fabaceae): implications for habitat restoration
and agriculture. Seed Sci. Technol., vol. 41, p. 175-187.
Mondoni A., Orsenigo S., Rossi G., 2013 - Ecophysiology of embryo development and seed germination of the European woodland herbaceous perennial Corydalis cava (L.) Schweigg. &
Körte subsp. cava (Fumariaceae). Plant Sp. Biol., vol. 28: 215-223.
Mondoni A., Rossi G., Orsenigo S., Probert R., 2012 - Climate warming could shift the timing of
seed germination in alpine plants. Ann. Bot., 110: 155-164.
Orsenigo S., Rossi G., Mondoni A. & Bhuju D.R., 2012 - Ev-K2-CNR/NAST Himalayan Seed
Bank Project - Kathmandu (Nepal). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 90: 215-219.
Orsenigo S., Mondoni A., Gandini M., Abeli T., Belotti J., Sossai E., Parolo G. & Rossi G., 2012
- Le attivita’ di ricerca sul cambiamento climatico del laboratorio di ecologia vegetale e
conservazione delle piante dell’Università di Pavia. In Atti del Convegno “Cambiamento
climatico: Analisi ed impatti su specie ed ecosistemi vegetali”. A cura di: N. Cannone, E.
Barni, M. Marignani (Ed.). Gruppo di Ecologia della Società Botanica Italiana, Varese, 18
aprile 2012: 80-84.
Ventura L., Donà M., Macovei A., Carbonera D., Buttafava A., Mondoni A., Rossi G., Balestrazzi
A., 2012 - Understanding the molecular pathways associated with seed vigor. Pl. Physiol.
Biochem., 60: 196-206.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Limnology & phycology research group
Marco Cantonati
Head of the Limnology and Phycology Section
Born in Neuburg Donau (Germany) in 1967, he holds a University teaching Habilitation (Venia docendi) in Limnology (Phycology) (2011) and a PhD in freshwater ecology (1998) from
the University of Innsbruck, a MSc in Natural Sciences (1992) and MSc in Biology (1990)
from the University of Pavia. Alumnus at the Ghislieri College (Pavia), and Garbini Prize for
limnology. MC dealt with an unusually broad spectrum of aquatic biota and habitats, with
internationally-recognized expertise in spring-habitat ecology and conservation, and in the
ecology and taxonomy of freshwater benthic algae (particularly diatoms, cyanobacteria,
red algae). He discovered several diatom taxa (genera and species) new to science. Adjunct Professor at the Universities of Innsbruck and Trento. Teaching in international courses
(Visiting Professorships, summer schools etc.), PhD theses (Supervisor 7, Opponent, Reviewer), Post-Docs mentoring, Visiting PhD students, MSc Theses (14) and Bachelors (8)
supervising. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Limnology, International Journal
of Biodiversity, Journal of Ecosystems, and Guest Ed. for Freshwater Science, J. Limnol.,
and Hydrobiologia. Author of 270 scientific contributions, of these: 51 Research Articles
on ISI International Journals with IF, and 35 Special Issues, Monographic Volumes, Books
or Chapters. Organization of International Congresses and Special Sessions (12), Session
Chairing (12), Invited talks (16) & talks (35 international + 19 national). R&D Funding acquisition: Scientific coordinator or WP coordinator of 19 Projects (1.5 million EURO managed).
Daniel Spitale
Research fellow
Born in Lennep - Remscheid (Germany) in 1976, he is an independent researcher with a PhD
and a broad skill base in ecology. In the early stages of his career, he focused the research
activity on lake phytoplankton, and then he moved his interests on to the fields of bryology and
numerical analysis of ecological data. He is capable of applying to a variety of scientific contexts related to the ecology, from biodiversity analysis to ecosystem ecology and conservation
biology. He collaborated with the MUSE Limnology and Phycology Research Unit on many
research projects (e.g. SALTO, CRENODAT, ACE-SAP), and more recently he started working
also with the MUSE Tropical Biodiversity Section and the MUSE Department of Invertebrate
Zoology and Hydrobiology. He is author of 28 publications with IF (updated on March 2013),
and he is referee for 12 international journals of ecological disciplines.
Nicola Angeli
Technical assistant
Born in Trento in 1975, he is the Specialized Technical Assistant of the Limnology and
Phycology Research Unit of the Museo delle Scienze (MUSE). M.Sc. in Natural Sciences
(2000) at the University of Padua (Italy), and Ph.D. in Ecology (2006) at the University of
Parma. Since 2000 he collaborates with the Limnology and Phycology Research Unit of
the MTSN/MUSE. In particular he deals and dealt with high-mountain lakes and springs,
lake inventories, biological databases, paleolimnology, and diatoms in the frame of several
research projects. Moreover, since 2005 he has been appointed to be in technical charge
for the MUSE scanning electron microscope (Zeiss EVO40 XVP). Since 2009 he is also in
charge for the Hydrochemistry Lab, and for the Collections of the Limnology and Phycology Research Unit. He has also been involved in the content-development project team
for the new Science Museum (MUSE).
Selection of papers - IF (2012-2013): 31.4
Cantonati M., Angeli N., Bertuzzi E., Spitale D. & Lange-Bertalot H., 2012 - Diatoms in springs of the
Alps: spring types, environmental determinants, and substratum. In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I. Jüttner & E.J. Cox (Eds.), The Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science, 31: 499-524.
[IF2011= 2.957]
Cantonati M., Füreder L., Gerecke R., Jüttner I. & Cox E.J., 2012 - Crenic habitats, hotspots for
freshwater biodiversity conservation: toward an understanding of their ecology. In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I. Jüttner & E.J. Cox (Eds.), The Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science, 31:
463-480. [IF2011= 2.957]
Cantonati M., Rott E., Spitale D., Angeli N. & Komárek J., 2012 - Are benthic algae related to spring
types? In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I. Jüttner & E.J. Cox (Eds.), The Ecology of Springs.
Freshwater Science 31: 481-498. [IF2011= 2.957]
Cantonati M., Virtanen L., Angeli N., Wojtal A., Gabrieli J., Falasco E., Lavoie I., Morin S., Marchetto
A., Fortin C. & Smirnova S., 2013 - Achnanthidium minutissimum (Bacillariophyta) valve deformities as indicators of metal enrichment in diverse widely-distributed freshwater habitats.
The Science of the Total Environment.[IF2011= 3.258]
Horsák M., Hájek M., Spitale D., Hájková P., Dítě D. & Nekola J.C., 2012 - The age of island-like habitats impacts habitat specialist species richness. Ecology, 93(5): 1106-1114. [IF2011= 5.175]
Rott E., Hotzy R., Cantonati M. & Sanders D., 2012 - Calcification types of Oocardium stratum Nägeli
and microhabitat conditions in springs of the Alps. In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I. Jüttner &
E.J. Cox (Eds.), The Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science, 31: 610-624. [IF2011= 2.957]
Spitale D., Leira M., Angeli N. & Cantonati M., 2012 - Environmental classification of springs of the
Italian Alps and its consistency across multiple taxonomic groups. In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I. Jüttner & E.J. Cox (Eds.), The Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science, 31:563-574.
[IF2011= 2.957]
Spitale D., Lencioni V. & Cantonati M., 2012 - Relative importance of space and time in determining
the biotic structure in the upper part of spring-fed streams. In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I.
Jüttner & E.J. Cox (Eds.), The Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science, 31:586-598. [IF2011=
Spitale D., Scalfi A. & Cantonati M., 2012 - Niche partitioning, shape of species response, and diversity in the phytobenthos across the rocky shoreline of a large peri-Alpine lake. Journal of Great
Lakes Research, 38: 620–627. [IF2012= 2.309]
Spitale D., Scalfi A., Angeli N. & Cantonati M., 2012 - Fine-scale spatial patterns of mature and immature filaments and bioorganic compounds of the rhodophyte Bangia atropurpurea in the
supra- and eulittoral zones of a large lake. Journal of Phycology, 48: 1530-1534. [IF2011=
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology
research group
Valeria Lencioni
Head of the Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology Section
Born in Salò (BS) in 1970, with a degree in Biological Sciences (University of Milan), and a
Ph.D. in Natural Sciences (University of Innsbruck, A), she is a hydrobiologist focused mainly
on headwaters ecology. She has experience on taxonomy, physiology and autoecology of invertebrates from spring, lakes and streams. Her present research refers mainly to the adaptive
potential of target species of aquatic insects (mainly Diptera Chironomidae) in relation to environmental stressors (e.g. temperature variations, presence of pollutants) from a physiological
and molecular point of view. She is also involved in projects on invertebrate biodiversity monitoring in protected areas in collaboration with local stakeholders within the Natura 2000 Networking Programme. Since 2005 she is member of the ministerial working team engaged for
the elaboration of the national quality index for lakes within to the WFD 60/2000. She is author
of more than 100 scientific papers, including book chapter, and attended about 70 congresses/workshops with more than 30 posters and 70 oral presentations. She collaborates with the
MUSE since 1996, as referent person for the MdS’s collections and scientific publishing since
2003 and as head of the Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology Section from January 2009.
Since 2012 she is the chief-manager of the MUSE’s Research Informative System.
Mauro Gobbi
Research assistant
Born in Milan in 1979, he is an entomologist and ecologist with a strong focus in ecology
and conservation biology of terrestrial ecosystems. His research interests include the impact of global change on alpine arthropod species assemblages (mainly carabid beetles
and spiders). He is involved in several research projects aimed to test the effects of climate
and land use changes on entomological biodiversity of different alpine habitats. His stronger
expertise is on insect and spider species assemblages living at high elevations, specifically
along the glacier forelands and in the periglacial areas. His scientific activity is testified by international collaborations and by publications on ISI-ranked journals. He won two research
fellows (2001 and 2003), a prize for the best Msc thesis (2004) and in 2009 he received, on
the base of his results obtained on the ecological entomology, the award for the best Italian
young entomologist; the award was conferred by the Italian Academy of Entomology. He is
a research entomologist at the MUSE since 2007.
Paola Bernabò
Research assistant
Born in Trento in 1982, she is graduated at the University of Padua in Evolutionary Biology in 2006. In 2009 obtained the Ph.D. in Evolutionary and Environmental Biology at the
University of Modena and Reggio-Emilia in collaboration with the Section of Invertebrate
Zoology and Hydrobiology of the MUSE with a thesis titled “Global climate changes and
adaptive strategies in two mountain’s chironomids: Pseudodiamesa branickii and Diamesa cinerella”. Since 2008 is focusing on the effects of environmental stressors such as
temperature variations and presence of pollutants in insects (Diptera and Coleoptera) at
molecular level (gene expression analyses) within several MUSE’s projects, in collaboration with the Centre of Integrative Biology (CiBio) of the University of Trento. She is coauthor of six scientific papers in international journals.
The staff of the scientific sections
Anna L. M. Macagno
Research assistant
Born in Cuneo in 1980, she obtained her Ph.D. in Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity
Conservation at the University of Torino in 2010. She is a broadly trained entomologist,
with a research background on the evolution of morphology of Onthophagus beetles, on
the community ecology and conservation of dung beetles in Alpine areas, and on the ecology, distribution, and conservation of dragonflies and saproxylic beetles. As part of the
staff of the MuSe from June 2012 to January 2013, she carried out surveys of Odonata,
Lepidoptera, and Coleoptera protected by the Habitats Directive within the Province of
Trento, and assisted in the care and management of the entomological collection. She
had previously worked with the University of Torino, the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale
of Carmagnola, the CNBFVR (Corpo Forestale dello Stato), and the Sapienza University
of Rome.
Alessandra Franceschini
Technical assistant
Born in Venice in 1967, she obtained a degree in Biological Science at the University of
Padua in hydrobiology and macroinvertebrates. Since 1993 she collaborates with the
Section of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology of the MUSE within projects on riparian
zones of rivers, mountain streams and alpine lakes. She focused on riparian fauna (mainly
Coleoptera Carabidae) and aquatic insects (mainly Plecoptera). She was teacher for the
“Indice Biotico Esteso” (IBE) application and co-author of the IFF index “Applicazione
dell’Indice di Funzionalità Fluviale”. In 2008 she was worked as chemical technician at the
Environmental Agency of Trento (Italy). Since 2009 she is technical assistant of the Section
of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology of the MUSE, involved both in research projects
(field and laboratory work) and in entomological collections managing (cataloging, care,
loan and moving managing, exhibit mounting etc.).
Luca Toldo
Technical assistant
Born in Trento in 1985, he obtained a degree in Natural Sciences at the University of
Padua in 2011 with a thesis regarding the Diptera Chironomid fauna in mountain springs
of Trentino (Italy). From 2009 to 2010 he worked as volunteer of Civil Service at the
MUSE within a project on management and conservation of the invertebrate collections
and one on invertebrate fauna of springs. Since 2011 he has been involved as technical
assistant of the Section of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology of the MUSE in the
monitoring of the tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) in the territory of the municipality of
Trento. In 2012-2013 he held laboratory exercises at the University of Trento (Bachelor
degree in Biomolecular Sciences and Technology). In 2013 he worked as a field and laboratory assistant of the Section of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology of the MUSE
for the study on macroinvertebrates from headwaters.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Valentina Lai
Technical assistant
Born in Varese (Va) in 1983, she obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Natural Sciences at the
University of Milan in 2007; in 2011 she obtained a Master’s degree in “Evolution Animal
and Human Behavior” at the University of Turin with the thesis “Direct and indirect effects
of meteorological factors on the flight behaviour of Maculinea alcon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)”. From 2009 to 2011 she took part in different research projects on myrmecophily and invertebrate monitoring (especially regarding butterflies) at the University of Turin
and Pavia. In 2012 she was involved as research assistant in a project of Gran Paradiso
National Park : “Autoecology of pre-imago and imago phase of Euphydryas aurinia glaciegenita (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae included in the Habitat Directive, Annex II)”. In 2013 she
was involved as research assistant of the Section of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology of the Sciences Museum (MUSE) of Trento in the monitoring of butterfly and Odonata
cenosis in 8 Sites of Community Importance of Trentino.
Teresa Boscolo
Technical assistant
Born in Napoli in 1973, she obtained a degree in Natural Sciences at the University of
Bologna in 2003 whit a thesis regarding the Macrolepidoptera Eterocera in the Parco
Regionale Corno alle Scale, Bologna (Italy). From 2008 to 2012 she collaborated with
the Zoology Section of the Natural History Museum of Verona (Italy) as field and laboratory assistant , within research projects mainly on entomological fauna. From 2011 to
2013 she worked as taxonomist at the Natural History Museum of Ferrara (Italy) within
the project “Climaparks” (Monitoring of the climatic effects on biocenosi in Parco Regionale del Delta del Po Emilia Romagna, Italy). In 2013 she started a collaboration with
the Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology Section of the MUSE within several projects
on alpine entomofauna as expert in Coleoptera Carabidae taxonomy.
Selection of papers (2012-2013) - IF 2012-13= 11.1
Gobbi M., Priore C., Tattoni C. & Lencioni V., 2012 - Surprising longhorned beetle (Cerambycidae) richness along an Italian alpine valley. ZooKeys, 208: 27-39. [IF2012= 0.864]
Gobbi M., Riservato E., Bragalanti N. & Lencioni V., 2012 - An expert-based approach to invertebrate
conservation: identification of priority areas in central-eastern Alps. Journal for Nature Conservation, 20: 274-279. [IF2012= 1.535].
Hussain E., Khan B., Lencioni V., Mumtaz S. & Ali F., 2012 - Stream macroinvertebrate assemblages
in the Bagrot Valley of Central Karakoram National Park, Pakistan. Records Zoological Survey
of Pakistan, 21: 60-64.
Latella L., Verdari N. & Gobbi M., 2012 - Distribution of terrestrial cave dwelling arthropods in two
close Prealpine Italian areas with different glacial histories. Zoological Studies, 51 (7): 11131121. [IF2012= 1.261].
Lencioni V. & Sartori G., 2012 - Diversità e distribuzione dei ditteri chironomidi in 22 sorgenti prealpine
(Veneto). Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, sez. Botanica Zoologia,
36: 35-46.
Lencioni V., Bernabò P., Cesari M. & Rebecchi L., 2013 - Thermal stress induces HSP70 proteins
The staff of the scientific sections
synthesis in larvae of the cold stream non-biting midge Diamesa cinerella Meigen. Archives of
Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 83(1): 1-14. [IF2012= 1.515].
Lencioni V., Marziali L. & Rossaro B., 2012 - Chironomids as bioindicators of environmental quality in
mountain springs. Freshwater Science, 31(2): 525-541. [IF2012= 2.957].
Macagno A.L.M., Gobbi M., Franceschini A. & Lencioni V., 2012 - New record of Osmoderma eremita
(Scopoli, 1763) (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae) in chestnut trees in Trentino (Eastern Italian Alps).
Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 92: 37-41.
Rossaro B., Boggero A., Lods Crozet B., Free G., Lencioni V., Marziali L. & Wolfram G., 2012 - A
benthic quality index for European alpine lakes. Proceedings of the 1 8th International Symposium on Chironomidae, Fauna norvegica, 31: 95-107.
Spitale D., Lencioni V. & Cantonati M., 2012 - Relative importance of space and time in determining
the biotic structure on the upper part of spring - fed streams. Freshwater Science, 31(2): 586598. [IF2012= 2.957].
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Vertebrate zoology research group
Paolo Pedrini
Head of the Vertebrate Zoology Section
Born in Trento in 1958, he obtained a degree in Natural Sciences, with a post-degree
specialization in “Nature conservation and land planning and development” (University
of Pavia) and “Vertebrate management” (University of Pavia). From 1983 to 1995 he
has been working as consultant for several institution within the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT) and for several National universities and research institutions; he
has also been teaching in high schools. From 1995 he is curator of the Vertebrate
Zoology Section at the MUSE (previously “Museo delle Scienze”), he has also been
the curator of the Environmental education Section of the same museum until 2001.
He has been the supervisor of several degree theses and the author of over a hundred
of scientific publication, mainly focusing on bird ecology, distribution and conservation. He attended and coordinated national and international research projects on
birds (among which the projects “BIODIVERSITÀ”; RETE NATURA 2000; PROGETTO
ALPI) on distribution, population trend and reproduction and ecology of alpine birds;
he has been the coordinator of the action plan on threatened species conservation,
of the atlas of local species distribution as well as of the red-list species assessment
(Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals). From 2011, he is coordinator of many
conservation actions of the LIFE+T.E.N. (Trentino Ecological Network) project.
Natalia Bragalanti
Research assistant
Born in Cremona in 1979, she is graduated at University of Insubria (Verese) in Natural
Sciences in 2004. She is a research consultant cooperating with Stelvio National Park
(since 2005), Wildlife Office of Provincia Autonoma di Trento and vertebrate zoology section at MUSE (since 2012). Her expertise is on animal conservation. Her research topics
are on ungulates, grouse and large carnivores. Her main skills are on field activity (in particular radiotracking and census design), Geographic Information System and database
Franco Rizzolli
Research assistant
Born in Trento in 1968, he obtained a degree in Natural Sciences at the Padova University with a dissertation on Hydrobiology. He works as researcher in ornithology,
with a special focus on monitoring activities and databases management aimed to
data analysis. He collaborates with the Vertebrate Zoology Section on researches on
bird migration, nesting ecology and faunal censuses. He work on management
and implementation of GIS databases; he is author of several scientific publications
published both on national and international journals, especially on subjects dealing
with raptors breeding ecology, bird migration and wintering water birds. He collaborated to the realization of technical documents on land planning and nature management for the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT).
The staff of the scientific sections
Enrico Romanazzi
Research assistant
Born in Montebelluna (TV) in 1980, he graduated in Natural Sciences from the University
of Padua (Italy). In 2010, he holds a Postgraduate Course in Conservation of Animal Biodiversity from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” for a thesis entitled ‘’Action Plan for
the Amphibians of Montello (TV)”. He is particularly involved in conservation, research and
environmental education projects regarding amphibians and reptiles. Author of a dozen
scientific publications, he collaborates with the MUSE about Alpine Salamanders (distribution, ecological factors and management, education, conservation genetics and phylogeography). He’s also mapping the focal crossing points of amphibians on the streets with the
evaluation of the effectiveness of mitigation works carried out by the Autonomous Province
of Trento, the Guidelines for amphibians and reptiles Monitoring and Action Plan for Golden
Alpine Salamander, Italian Crested Newt and Yellow-bellied Toad in Trento.
Clara Tattoni
Research assistant
Born in Milan in 1976, she holds a master’s degree in Environmetal Science at the
University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) and a Ph.D. in “Analysis, protection and management of biodiversity” from the University of Insubria, Italy. She received various research
grants to study in Italy and abroad (Erasmus, Fratelli Confalonieri, Parco naturale Adamello Brenta, DiCA) . Since 2006 she has been working with the Laboratory of Forest Ecology at the University of Trento (Italy) in research and teaching activities. Her
research area is applying GIS to wildlife and ecology studies, with a special interest for
bird migration and conservation. With the MUSE she is currently working with the avian
data base in modeling habitat for species ranked as priority by the european community
in the framework of the Natura 2000 network. She is author of 4 ISI-ranked publications from 2005 to 2009.
Alessandro Franzoi
Research fellow
Born in Trento in 1985, he graduated in Natural Sciences at University of Pavia. His BSc
dissertation (2009) focused on the monitoring of the bird breeding population of one
of the protected areas of Trentino province, while his MSc dissertation (2011) focused
on density and habitat selection of rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta) in western Alps.
His main interests are now bird ecology, management and conservation. He has been
collaborating with MUSE on the monitoring campaigns of breeding bird population of
Trentino province and on researches on bird post-nuptial migration through Alps since
2004. In 2013 he collaborated with Vertebrate Zoology department of MUSE as research assistant to project LIFE T.E.N. Since November 2013 he is attending a PhD at
University of Pavia with a scholarship funded by MUSE and Fondazione Edmund Mach.
The PhD project focuses on investigation on geographic provenance of post-breeding
migratory birds on Alps, applying Stable Isotope Ratios.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Aaron Iemma
Research fellow
Born in Lugo (RA) in 1989, he is currently studying at the University of Trento, at the faculty
of Civil and Environmental Engineering. In 2011 he applied for a national civil service programme at MUSE (previously Museo delle Scienze), during which he focused on deploying
an efficient implementation of various databases. Working constantly on the integration of
spatial databases and geographical software in an Open Source environment, he is from
2013 collaborating with the MUSE Vertebrate Zoology department, with the aim to develop
a multipurpose spatial database with graphical capabilities. His main interests cover a wide
range of topics, including efficient computation, programming and modern pagination.
Mattia Brambilla
Research fellow
Born in Cantù (CO) in 1980, he graduated in Natural Sciences (April 2003) and obtained
a Ph.D. degree in Natural and Environmental Sciences (Jan. 2007) in Milan. His main
research interests are bird ecology and conservation (with particular regards to farmland
species, rails and raptors), evolution and phylogeography. Now most of his work is dedicated to conservation, and especially to biodiversity in farmland habitats, ecology and
conservation of rallids, shrikes and other birds of conservation concern, monitoring plans
at the regional scale, ecological networks from local to regional scale, conservation and
management of areas and species of conservation concern, assessment of conservation
status and setting of conservation targets for animal species according to EU Directives
at both the national and the regional scale. He is the author of 37 ISI-ranked papers (32
as first author; 2004-2013).
Ph.D. student
Born in Moncalieri (TO) in 1989. M.Sc. at the University of Pavia in 2013 with a dissertation focussed on the conservation of frugivorous birds in olive orchards. His main interests
are ecology and conservation biology with a particular reference to the effects of human
activity on biodiversity. My favourite model organisms are birds and dragonflies. From November 2013 Ph.D. student at the University of Pavia with a Ph.D. fellowship from MUSE
(Vertebrate Zoology Section). His Ph.D. project is focussed on investigate the ecological
relations between birds and agroecosystems of Trento Province and Alpine ecoregion in
order to define adequate conservation measures.
Simone Tenan
Ph.D. student
Born in Rovigo in 1974, M.Sc. (Hons) in Natural Science at the University of Padua (Italy)
with a dissertation focussed on ecology of bird migration across the Mediterranean Sea.
Since 1995, he has been participating in different projects on bird migration and breeding birds, as collaborator of the Italian Ringing Scheme of the Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research (ISPRA). He has been collaborating with the Vertabrate Zoology
Section of the MUSE since 2008, on the data analyses related to the “Progetto Alpi”,
on the post-nuptial bird migration. Ph.D. student at the University of Pavia (Italy) since
November 2009, with a Ph.D. fellowship from the MUSE, his dissertation is focussed on
modelling the spatio-temporal dynamics of bird migration across the Italian Alps.
The staff of the scientific sections
Maria Chiara Deflorian
Technical assistant
Born in Trento in 1976, she obtained a degree in Natural Sciences at the University of Pavia
with a dissertation on the ecology of the european badger (Meles meles). In 2004 she attended a Master in scientific museology at the University of Padova and in 2007 a CNRS
course (France) on scientific collection management.
She works at MUSE since 2000, where she mainly deals with the management of the
scientific collections (cataloguing, care and conservation). She curates the vertebrate
She is author of several publications dedicated to the study of the museum scientific collections. She conducts laboratory activities for the identification of mammals signs of presence
and collaborates on research projects of the Vertebrate Zoology Section. She participates in
the realization of permanent and temporary exhibitions and other activities for the public.
Karol Tabarelli De Fatis
Technical assistant
Born in Trento in 1981, he is currently studying for a degree in Natural Sciences at Padova
University specializing in Natural Resources Conservation. He has conducted research
and training activities since 1997 within the vertebrate zoology Section of the Natural
Sciences Museum of Trento, Italy. He collaborated to several wildlife monitoring projects,
mostly with birds, and he is actively involved in the education Section of the Museum
pertaining to zoology topics. He has been recognized by the Province of Trento as a
professional taxidermist and he is also a member of the Consiglio direttivo della Societàdi
Scienze Naturali del Trentino.
Technical assistant
Born in Firenze in 1972, she obtained a degree in Forestry at the University of Firenze in
1998. From 2001 she collaborated on bird research and monitoring projects, both on
migrantory and resident species. She is the referent person for the Bird Ringing Station
at Passo del Brocon, which is part of the “Progetto ALPI”. For the same project she was
involved in data management and preparation of annual reports. She also conducted
fieldwork, management and analysis of data on the Progetto Biodiversità. She has collaborated to the provisioning of data to the Autonomous Province of Trento about faunal
databases, status and phenology of faunal species of conservation relevance; assessment of the conservation value of selected sites and related management issues; monitoring work in the context of the “Rete Natura 2000 “ of Trento province. From 2013 deals
with the management of the Muse’s aquariums.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Selection of papers - IF (2012-2013): 44.9
Brambilla M. & Pedrini. P., 2013 - The introduction of subsidies for grassland conservation in the Italian Alps coincided with population decline in a threatened grassland species, the Corncrake
Crex crex. Bird Study, 60: 404-408.
Brambilla M., Rizzolli F. & Pedrini P., 2012 - The effects of habitat and spatial features of wetland fragments on the abundance of two rallid species with different degree of habitat specialization.
Bird Study, 59: 279-285.
Ceresa F., Bogliani G., Pedrini P. & Brambilla M., 2012 - The importance of key marginal habitat
features for birds in farmland: an assessment of habitat preferences of Red-backed Shrikes
Lanius collurio in the Italian Alps. Bird Study, 59: 327-334.
Chamberlain D., Arlettaz R., Caprio E., Maggini R., Pedrini P., Rolando A., Zbinden N., 2012 - The
altitudinal frontier in avian climate impact research. Ibis, 154(1): 205-209.
Hendriks I.E., Tenan S., Tavecchia G., Marbà N., Jordà G., Deudero S., Alvarez E., Duarte C.M.
2013 - Boat anchoring impacts coastal populations of the pen shell, the largest bivalve in the
Mediterranean. Biological Conservation, 160: 105-113. [IF2012= 3.794]
Martínez-Abraín A., Viedma C., Gómez J.A., Bartolomé M.A., Jiménez J., Genovart M., Tenan S.,
2013 - Assessing the effectiveness of a hunting moratorium on target and non-target species. Biological Conservation, 165: 171-178. [IF2012= 3.794]
Pedrini P., F. Rizzolli, F. Rossi & M. Brambilla., 2012 - Population trend and breeding density of corncrake Crex crex (Aves: Rallidae) in the Alps: monitoring and conservation implications of a
15-years survey in Trentino, Italy. Italian Journal of Zoology, 79: 377-384.
Tenan S., Adrover J., Muñoz Navarro A., Sergio F., Tavecchia G., 2012 - Demographic Consequences of Poison-Related Mortality in a Threatened Bird of Prey. PLoS ONE 7(11): e49187.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049187. [IF2012= 3.730]
Tenan S., Rotger Vallespir A., Igual J.M., Moya O., Royle J.A., Tavecchia G. 2013 - Population abundance, size structure and sex-ratio in an insular lizard. Ecological Modelling, 267: 39-47.
[IF2012= 2.069]
Zambelli P., Lora C., Spinelli R., Tattoni C., Vitti A., Zatelli P. & Ciolli M., 2012 - A GIS decision support
system for regional forest management to assess biomass availability for renewable energy
production. Environmental Modelling & amp. Software, 38: 203–213.
The staff of the scientific sections
Geology research group
Marco Avanzini
Head of the Geology Section
Curator of the geology and palaeontology department. His research focus on stratigraphy
and palaeoenvironment reconstruction of Mesozoic ecosystems in the Southern Alps and
Southern Europe. Has experience in palaeontological excavations and the geological mapping of the alpine area. Is author of more than 300 publications in national and international
journals concerning the study of tetrapod footprints, geology and stratigraphy of the Mesozoic of the Southern Alps.
Research assistant
Born in Rovereto (TN) in 1984; he is a palaeontologist. He focus his research on the
study of fossil vertebrates and terrestrial ecosystems around the Permian-Triassic interval. He graduated in Natural Sciences at the University of Padova (2006), and gained a
Master of Science in Paleobiology at the University of Bristol (UK, 2009) where he is now
a PhD student. From 2006 to 2008 he was assistant of Alessandro Minelli for the Laboratory of Evolution (University of Padova). In 2010 he was lecturer at the university of
Padova (Evolution). He has active collaboration with Museo di Scienze Naturali dell’Alto
Adige, Geopark Bletterbach e Adamello-Brenta, Fondazione Dolomiti UNESCO, University of Padova, University of Torino, Universidade de Sao Paulo. He is curator of the
Paleontological galleries of the new MUSE. As member of the Geology Section of the
Museo delle Scienze he is involved in research and outreach activities concerning both
vertebrate and invertebrate palaeontology.
Rossana Todesco
Research fellow
Graduated in Geology at the University of Modena (2006) with a thesis on a Triassic ichnological assemblage from the Trentino Alto-Adige region. Since 2004 she collaborates with
the Geology section of the Museo delle Scienze, and is involved in several ichnological
and palaeoecogical studies of the Alpine region. She is now coordinating outreach activities expecially devoted to.
Riccardo Tomasoni
Research fellow
Born in Rovereto, August 7, 1972, graduated at the University of Bologna in 1998. Since
1999 he worked as geologist freelance in various areas, bringing together technical activities
in the field with scientific research and geological-environmental promotion. Since 1999 he
has participated in the 1:50.000-scale geological mapping of Italy as a compiler designated
by the geological Survey of the Province autonome di Trento and Bolzano and collaborated in
geological, stratigrafic and paleoecological research activities on the Southalpine sedimentary
succession promoted by the Geology section of the Museo delle Scienze. His passion for
geology and the natural environment has led him to undertake numerous projects to safeguard and promote the local geological-environmental heritage. He contributed to cataloguing
Earth Science
and Landscape
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
geosites in Trentino and supervised the process leading to the inclusion of the Adamello
Brenta Nature Park in the European Geoparks Network under the aegis of UNESCO. He
deals with the planning of geological itineraries and has participated in the development of
exhibitions and displays for museums and visitor centres. Since august 2013 he is curator
of the geology of the Hearth Science departement of the Museo delle Scienze.
Fabio Massimo Petti
Research fellow
Holding a PhD in Paleontology, from 2007 he cooperates with the Geology and Paleontology section of the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, benefiting of a post-doc
grant funded by the Provincia Autonoma di Trento. The topic of the post-doc project is the study of dinosaur footprints as constraints in the palaeogeographical and
palaeoecological reconstructions of the Central Mediterranean area during the Late
Triassic-Late Cretaceous interval. From 2007 he is assistant editor of the Bollettino
della Società Paleontologica Italiana, the Italian journal devoted to Paleontology.
Andrea Borsato
Research fellow
Conjoint Senior Lecturer at the University of Newcastle (Australia), School of Environmental and Life Sciences, Environmental and Climate Change Research Group, field
trip tutor at the l’University of Newcastle (Australia) School of Environmental and Life
Sciences and Skilled user at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble,
France). His studies mainly deals with Quaternary geology, hydrogeology and geochemistry. In the last fifteen years he contributed to the improvement of paleoclimatic
and paleoenvironment reconstruction performed by means of speleothems and continental carbonates through radiometric dating, isotopic analyses, geochemical studies of trace elements and microstratigraphy.
Isabella Salvador
Research fellow
Graduated in Architectural Engineering at the University of Trento, from 2007 she collaborated with the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department on Apsat project
(Ambiente e paesaggio dei siti d’altura alpini) studying traditional building evolution in
mountain areas in relation to socio-economic and environmental changes. In 2011 she
earned a PhD in Engineering of Civil and Mechanical Structural Systems from University
of Trento. From the same year she cooperates with the Geology section of the Museo
delle Scienze di Trento as part of the Openloc project, where she studies land use
changes in upland areas and their interrelation to the traditional architecture, physical
resources and environmental dynamics, in particular for highland pastures.
The staff of the scientific sections
Lara Casagrande
Research fellow
Graduated in Medieval Archaeology at the University of Padova (Master degree 2008) with a thesis on iron archaeometallurgy. From 2009 to 2011 she hold a research
fellowship at the University of Padova in the APSAT project, funded by the Province
of Trento, for the study of mining landscapes in Trentino. Since 2010 she collaborates
with the Geology Section of the Museo delle Scienze, with projects on the documentation of local mining history.
Marco Franceschi
Post doc
PhD in Earth Sciences at the University of Padova in 2009. From 2009 to 2011 he held a
2-year post-doc position at the Dept. of Geosciences of the University of Padova, working on the 3D modeling of the Triassic Latemar carbonate platform. He’s currently hosted
by the Museo delle Scienze as post-doc researcher, P.I. of the GEO3DMAP project (3D
modeling of the Early Jurassic Calcari Grigi carbonate platform). His areas of expertise are
stratigraphy of the Southern Alps and Apennines, cyclostratigraphy, terrestrial laser scanning, remote sensing and 3D geological modeling. His current research interests focus on
3D modeling of ancient carbonate platforms, study of active laser sensors as tool for recognition of rock properties and application of terrestrial laser scanning to cyclostratigraphy.
Vanessa Johnston
Post doc
Graduated with a Master’s degree in Environmental Geoscience from the University of
Bristol (UK, 2005) and then went on to gain a PhD focusing on cosmogenic isotopes in
karst settings from University College Dublin (Ireland, 2010). Vanessa is currently studying
past climate changes using speleothems from Trentino, focusing on warm periods known
as interglacials as part of the project INTCLIM.
Paolo Ferretti
Technical assistant
Born in Rovereto (Tn), in 1972. Since 2001 is member of the Geology Section of the
Museo delle Scienze, where he firstly joined several research activities regarding hydrogeology and quaternary geology. Afterwards he addressed his activity towards mineralogy
and petrography with important discoveries in the Alpine region.
Earth Science
and Landscape
Earth Science
and Landscape
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Selection of papers - IF (2012-2013): 13.7
Avanzini M., BargossiG.M., Cucato M., Morelli C., Prosser G., Tomasoni R., 2013. Guida ai percorsi
geologici Foglio 026 Appiano, Provincia autonoma di Bolzano-Alto Adige. Ufficio geologia e
prove materiali, Cardano (BZ): 324 p.
Salvador I. & Avanzini M., 2013 - Uomo e montagna in Pasubio: l’alpicoltura prima della Grande
Guerra. Archivio Trentino, 02: 132-171.
Cavin L., Avanzini M., Bernardi M., Piuz A., Proz P.A., Meister C., Boissonnas J. & Meyer C., 2012
- New Triassic trackways from the autochthonous of the Triassic of the Aiguilles Rouges
Massif, and re-evaluation of the dinosaur record in Valais, SW Switzerland. Swiss Journal of
Palaeontology, 131(2): 317-324.
Carturan L., Baroni C., Becker M., Bellin A., Cainelli O., Carton A., Casarotto C., Dalla Fontana G.,
Godio A., Martinelli T., Salvatore M. C., & Seppi R., 2013 - Decay of a long-term monitored
glacier: the Careser glacier (Ortles-Cevedale, European Alps). The Cryosphere Discuss., 7:
Casarotto C., 2013 - Glaciers One-Time-The Society Protagonist of the Research. Journal of Earth
Science and Engineering, 3: 477-483.
Johnston, V., Borsato, A., Spötl, C., Frisia, S., & Miorandi, R., (2013). Monitoring stable isotopes in
caves over altitudinal gradients: fractionation behaviour and inferences for speleothem sensitivity to climate change. Climate of the Past, 9: 99–118.
Petti F.M., Bernardi M., Kustatscher E., Renesto S. & Avanzini M. 2013 - Diversity of continental
tetrapods and plants in the Triassic of the Southern Alps: Ichnological, paleozoological and
palaeobotanical evidences. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin,
61: 458- 484.
Renesto S. & Bernardi M., 2013 - Redescription and phylogenetic relationships of Megachirella
wachtleri Renesto et Posenato, 2003 (Reptilia, Diapsida). Palaontologisches Zeitschrift. DOI:
Scholz D., Frisia S., Borsato A., Spötl, C., Fohlmeister J., Mudelsee M., Mühlinghaus C., Miorandi R.,
Mangini A., 2012 - Holocene climate variability in north-eastern Italy: potential influence of the
NAO and solar activity recorded by speleothem data. Clim. Past, 8: 1367-1383.
Wackerbarth A., Langebroek P.M., Werner M., Lohmann G., Riechelmann S., Borsato A., & Mangini
A., 2012 - Simulated oxygen isotopes in cave drip water and speleothem calcite in European
caves. Clim. Past, 8: 1781–1799.
The staff of the scientific sections
Prehistory research group
Giampaolo Dalmeri
Head of the Prehistory Section
Born in Pergine (Trent) in 1952. In 1977 he obtained his degree in Geology at the University of Ferrara with a degree in Human Paleontology. He works for about 35 years
of prehistoric antiquity. Conducts research projects sponsored by the Museum relating
the oldest alpine human population, especially in Trentino. Currently directs the research
and palaeoenvironmental paletnologiche to Shelter Dalmeri Grigno in wetlands Palù
Echen in Folgaria and Malga Palù (Plateau Vezzene, Levico-Spa), a Laget (Predaia-Val
di Non) and in the shelter of Monteterlago (Terlago). In the years ‘80-’90 he collaborated
on numerous research projects on the Mesolithic in Trentino, in the valley and at high
altitude , and others with the Archaeological Superintendence of Trento for excavations
on different histories in Val d’Adige and Trentino West. He discovered the shelter in
1990 he was named, and research and interdisciplinary that followed under his direction have shown exceptional employment-related human aspects, such as residential
mobility, ways of life and hunting, art and rituals of the ancient hunter-gatherers of the
late Upper Paleolithic. Since 1997, he coordinated more than 30 theses (undergraduate
and PhD) in Science Prehistoric Archaeological and Cultural Heritage to address. Has
participated in 40 conferences / whorkshop national and internationally, in person or
as a co-author, 20 posters and 30 oral communications. He is co-author of about 100
works in scientific journals. He has published over 250 scientific articles, popular science and book chapters. He is Associate Ordinary of ‘Italian Institute of Prehistory and
Early History”, based in Florence (IIPP).
Elisabetta Flor
Research assistant
Born in Cles (Tn) February 28, 1982, received his Master Degree in Prehistoric Sciences at
University of Ferrara March 20th, 2009 with an elaborate analysis of the lithic technology
of the levels of the shelter sauveterriani Romagnano LOC III (Tn). On 21 March 2005, he
received his Bachelor’s degree in Cultural Heritage, Archaeological and at the University
of Trento, with an elaborate analysis of the lithic technology levels sauveterrinai shelter
Pradestel (Tn). Since 2006 he collaborates occasionally with the Tridentine Museum of
Natural Science as a technical consultant / scientific materials for inventory and computerization of the collections in storage proto at the Laboratory of Prehistory Museum of
Natural Sciences of Trento. Participate in the research project valence provincial OPENLOC “Social capital and environmental capital. It is part of Project MUSE Team regarding
the exposure of prehistory.
Rossella Duches
Born in Trento, December 06, 1982, she graduated in Prehistoric Sciences in 2007 and
earned a Ph.D. in Science and Technology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage - curriculum Quaternary and Prehistory, in 2012 at the University of Ferrara. She gained different
research grants from public institutions and foundations, and her Ph.D. thesis has been recognized from University of Ferrara as one of the best works of 2012. Her principal research
topics are settlement dynamics and hunting strategies of Lateglacial human groups. She
uses lithic technology as her primary research tool, applying chaîne opératoire concepts to
recognize cases of behavioral variability. Her actual research is focused on Younger Dryas
Earth Science
and Landscape
Earth Science
and Landscape
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
societies of the Eastern Italian Alps (YDESA project); this project is aimed to evaluate the
techno-economic and social changes typical of this period. Besides, she is involved in other
research projects concerning the demise of Homo Neandertalensis and the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition, in collaboration with the University of Ferrara and other foreign
institutions (Grotta di Fumane and Grotta del Rio Secco research projects).
Technical assistant
Born in Aosta April 11, 1977. He graduated in 2006-2007 academic year in Natural Sciences, paleontological curriculum at the University of Parma, with a thesis on “the fauna of
the ancient Bronze Age Caves of Castelcorno of Isera (Trento)”. His principal research topics
grants from zooarchaeology of italian contexts, with particular attention to the north-italian
archaeological sites and animal exploitation. As part of the technical scientific section deals
with the design, construction and management of the new zooarchaeological laboratory,
collaborating and interacting closely with a prehistory and zoology sections. He collaborates
with the Educational Services for the design and delivery of educational activities for schools
and organized groups, according to the offer of the Museum or on educational projects with
institutions or institutions outside the school in Prehistory.
Stefano Neri
Technical assistant
Born in Trento, April 23, 1980, has worked since 2005 at the MTSN first as educators,
then from 2007 as the Technical Section of Prehistory. He received the 2004-2005 Academic Year Degree in Cultural Heritage, Archaeological and at the University of Trento,
Faculty of Humanities, with thesis on “Records and GIS analysis of the archaeological record of attendance the last hunter-gatherers in Trentino. In the ‘technical-scientific field of
the Section is responsible for operational and logistics to the archaeological excavations.
Cooperates with the preparation of excavation data, as well as cataloging and archive of
artifacts. It is part of Project Team MUSE and collaborates with the Educational Services
for the Project Team is part of the Muses and collaborates with the Educational Services
for the design and delivery of educational activities for schools and organized groups,
according to the offer of the Museum or on projects educational with institutions or institutions outside the school in Prehistory. He collaborates in the activity of the scientific journal
publishing “ Alpine Prehistory “.
Alessandro Fedrigotti
Research assistant (Museo delle Palafitte del Lago di Ledro)
Born in Rovereto (TN), November 05, 1983, he graduated in Prehistoric Sciences in 2009
and earned a Ph.D. called “The pile-dwelling sites of Ledro. Combined methodologies and
approaches for the understanding of a site and its territory”: this study is related to piledwelling site but also to the entire context of Ledro Valley. Among his latest works we find
the project “Le palafitte nel cassetto dei ricordi” and a research on prehistoric bows. He collaborates with the Pile Dwelling Museum of Lake Ledro as regards education and scientific
divulgation. He collaborates also in the project “Rete di Riserve Alpi Ledrensi” since 2014.
The staff of the scientific sections
Luca Scoz
Research assistant (Museo delle Palafitte del Lago di Ledro)
Born in Trento, November 6, 1983, he obtained a Master degree in Prehistoric Sciences
in 2007 at the University of Ferrara, with a thesis on the spatial analysis of Tagliente rockshelter (Verona, Italy). He worked for University of Trento and he has been working in the
Science Museum of Trento since 2009, in the branch office of Pile-dwelling Museum of
Lake Ledro. His research concerns the settlement strategies of prehistoric hunters and
gatherers in Western Trentino, investigated through archaeological field surveys and excavations. He also deals with cultural dissemination of the archaeology and history of the
First World War in Trentino.
Selection of papers - IF (2012-2013): 1.4
Belli R, Gialanella S., Mandelli M., Turco I., Dalmeri G., 2012- Studio archeometrico di frammenti
d’ocra provenienti da Riparo Dalmeri. A cura di R. C. De Marinis, G. Dalmeri, A. Pedrotti ,
Preistoria Alpina 46 I-II vol., Atti della XLII Riunione Scientifica dell’IIPP, L’Arte Preistorica in
Italia, Trento-Riva del Garda, Val Camonica, 9-13 ottobre 2007, pp 89-90.
Cristiani E., Lemorini C., Dalmeri G., 2012- Ground stone tool production and use in the Late Upper Palaeolithic: The evidence from Riparo Dalmeri (Venetian Prealps-Italy). Journal of Field
Archaeology, Vol. 37 NO. 1, pp 34-50, Trustees of Boston University.
Dalmeri G., Cusinato A., Kompatscher K., Hrozny Kompatscher M., Bassetti M., Neri S., 2012- Le
pietre con pitture in ocra di Riparo Dalmeri (Trento). Sviluppi delle ricerche sull’arte e la ritualità
del sito epigravettiano. A cura di R. C. De Marinis, G. Dalmeri, A. Pedrotti, Preistoria Alpina
46 I-II vol., Atti della XLII Riunione Scientifica dell’IIPP, L’Arte Preistorica in Italia, Trento-Riva
del Garda, Val Camonica, 9-13 ottobre 2007, pp 31-40.
Dalmeri G., Cappelletti G., Duches R., Flor E., Moira P., Neri S., 2013- Il sito epigravettiano recente
di Palù (Levico Terme-TN). Le evidenze emerse dal sondaggio archeologico 2012. Preistoria Alpina 47-2013, pp. 329-332.
Dalmeri G., Duches R., Avanzini M., Bassetti M., Flor E., Neri S., 2013- Frequentazione delle medie
quote montane durante il Dryas recente: nuove informazioni dal sito epigravettiano di Palù
Echen (Altopiano di Folgaria, Trentino). Preistoria Alpina 47-2013, pp. 153-181.
Dalmeri G., Duches R., Kompatscher K., Kompatscher N., Flor E., Neri S., 2013- Laget di Predaia
(Tres-TN), primo rapporto sulle campagne di scavi 2011-2012. Preistoria Alpina 47-2013,
pp. 325-328.
Duches R., Avanzini M., Bassetti M., Flor E., Neri S., Dalmeri G., 2013- Evolution de la mobilité
épigravettienne durant le Dryas récent: quelles nouvelles informations pour l’Italie nord-orientale? Actes de la Séance de la Société préhistorique francaise de Bordeaux, 24-25 mai 2012.
Les groupes Culturels de la transitions Pléistocene-Holocéne entre Atlantique et Adriatique,
Société préhistorique francaise 2014, Paris, pp 185-203.
Peresani M., Duches R., Pastoors A. 2012 - Evidence of Gravettian frequentation around 30ky BP at
the foot of the Friulian Dolomites. Gortania, 33: 93-100.
Peresani M., Pastoors A., Vaquero M., Romandini M., Duches R., Jéquier C., Nannini N., Picin A., Schmidt
I. & Weniger G.-C. 2012 - The Rio Secco Cave and the North Adriatic region, a key context for
investigating the Neanderthal demise. Antiquity, Project Gallery. Volume 086 Issue 332.
Peresani M., Romandini M., Duches R., Jéquier C., Nannini N., Pastoors A., , Picin A., Schmidt
I., Vaquero M. & Weniger G.-C., (in stampa) - Adding new evidence for the Palaeolithic in
the Northern Adriatic region: Neanderthal demise and earliest Gravettian occurrences at Rio
Secco Cave. Journal of Field Archaeology, 39.
Earth Science
and Landscape
The staff of the science communicators
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Science Communicators Group
Christian Casarotto
Born in Busto Arsizio (Italy) in 1975, since 2003 he is member of the Geology and Educational
Section of the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali of Trento. He firstly took part to educational activities; afterwards he addressed his activity towards monitoring of alpine glacial also
as part of Comitato Glaciologico Trentino. He is involved in territorial studies of sustainable
development through the valorisation of natural heritage. Since 2009 he is geomorphologist
and Science communicator of the Museo delle Scienze. He join his research activities with the
popularization of study results in several meeting and public communication.
Geologist, collaborating with the Museo delle Scienze since 1993. She firstly carried out
educational and research activities for the Educational, Geology and Prehistory Sections.
She was also charged with technical assignments: geological-geomorphological surveys,
applied geology and hydrogeology tasks for private and public offices.
For the museum she has dealt with science communication since 2001, planning temporary and permanent exhibitions, natural paths and cultural events. Since 2009 she is
member of the communication science team and she has mainly worked on planning the
exhibition galleries dedicated to the Earth Sciences of the new Muse project.
Lucia Martinelli
Born in Trento in 1957; PhD at the Wageningen Agricultural University, Laurea in Biological
Sciences at the Bologna University and Master of Scientific Journalism and Communication at the Ferrara University. During a nearly 30-year experience as researcher in Italian
and foreign public and industrial research institutes, she developed and coordinated research in the field of plant biotechnology, concerning gene transfer, functional genomics
and scientific communication. Since June 2011 she works at MUSE - Science museum
where her research regards the interconnections between scientific and technological innovations and social implications, focusing on the sciences of life. The activity is based on
collaborations within the Trentino research system and in International networks. Results
have been disseminated in around 180 publications and nearly 90 scientific papers have
been peer reviewed. She is participant to advisory and scientific committees and institutional organizations and is in the board of the European Platform of Women Scientists.
Osvaldo Negra
Born in Bolzano, in 1966, he achieved a master degree in Biology at Parma University in 1991
(with a thesis “Ecophysiology of the autumn migration of the Sedge Warbler in a site on the Italian
mainland”). In 1994 he gained a PhD in Animal Biology at Pisa University (with a thesis “ Stable
and transient components of a bird community of the Tyrrhenian coast of Tuscany”). In 1997, he
won a contest for “technician of zoology” at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Trento (MTSN),
where he carried out research and science dissemination for many years and curated several
temporary exhibitions about natural sciences. Since 2008 he works at MUSE as Cultural Mediator for Biodiversity and curator of the new science museum developed in Trento.
The staff of the science communicators
Alessandra Pallaveri
Born in Bozen , Italy, in 1966, he achieved a master degree in Biology at Parma University in 1991 (with a thesis “Ecophysiology of the autumn migration of the Sedge Warbler
in a site on the Italian mainland”). In 1994 he gained a PhD in Animal Biology at Pisa
University (with a thesis “ Stable and transient components of a bird community of the
Tyrrhenian coast of Tuscany” ).
In 1997, he won a contest for “technician of zoology” at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Trento (MTSN), where he carried out research and science dissemination for
many years and curated several temporary exhibitions about natural sciences.
Since 2008 he works at MUSE as Cultural Mediator for Biodiversity and curator of the
new science museum developed in Trento.
Francesco Rigobello
Francesco Rigobello graduated in Natural Science with an experimental thesis on phytosociology in 1993. From that year he is collaborating with the Botany Section of the
Museum of Science of Trento. From 2009 he is one of Science Communicators of the
museum. He manages the museum’s satellite visitor centre of Tremalzo and he is involved
in the project management and set up of exhibitions, educational programs and botanical gardens piloting. He projects and lead refresher courses for science teachers. He
authored more than 50 scientific and divulgative papers.
Massimiliano Tardio
Born in Cles (TN) in 1973, he is MUSE Cultural Mediator for projects on the territory. M.Sc.
in Biology (2001) at the University of Bologna (Italy) with a thesis on mesocosm-studies
on the phytoplankton of Lake Tovel; Ph.D. in Evolutionistic Biology at the University of
Pisa (2007) specializing on dinoflagellates, in particular on their use as biological monitors in hyperdiluted high-mountain lakes and as a proxy (dinocysts) in paleolimnology. At
present he is mainly dealing with cultural mediation and environmental interpretation (he is
coordinator and supervisor of the activities at the Tovel Limnological Station of the MUSE).
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
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The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Research Projects, high education and teaching
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Research and teaching activities (2012-2013)
Research projects
Teaching activity (masters, training courses)
Seminars c/o universities and museums
In-house workshops and congresses organizations
Masters and degrees
Training courses
Public activities
Temporary exhibitions
Research projects:
Grant project
ACE-SAP - Alpine ecosystems in a Changing Environment: Biodiversity Sensitivity and Adaptive
Potential”. Project funded by Autonomous Province of Trento Servizio Università e Ricerca. (20082012), “Bando grande progetto”.
CYPRUS-DIATOMS - Diatoms from the running waters of Cyprus. Project co-financed with Prothea
S.r.l. (MI), (2012-2013).
Dolo P/T Project (The Permian-Triassic ecological crisis in the Dolomites: extinction and recovery
dynamics in Terrestrial Ecosytems). Project funded by the Research Department of the Autonomous
Province of Bolzano (2011-2014).
Dolomiti - montagne e paesaggi: da teatro di guerra a simbolo universale. Project in collaboration
with Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra (Rovereto), Fondazione Dolomiti UNESCO, Soprintendenza Beni Architettonici PAT, Archivio di Stato (Trento), Parco Naturale Paneveggio Pale di San Martino. (2013-2015), “Progetto Bando Caritro”.
ECOGENPHI - Effetti della frammentazione dell’habitat e del disturbo antropico su popolazioni di
primati in un hotspot di biodiversità in Tanzania: integrazione di approcci ecologici, genetici e fisiologici. Post-doc funded by Autonomous Province of Trento and cofunded by the European Union
under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7), Marie curies actions (2010-2013),
“Bando incoming post-doc”.
GEO3DMAP- Modellazione tridimensionale della piattaforma giurassica dei Calcari Grigi / 3D modeling of the Jurassic Calcari Grigi carbonate platform. Post-doc funded by Autonomous Province
of Trento and cofunded by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Programme for
Research (FP7), Marie curies actions (2011-2013), “Bando incoming post-doc”.
Hierarchical Bayesian modelling: Applications in animal population ecology. phD in Experimental
Ecology and Geobotany, XXV cycle. Project founded by MUSE - Museo delle Scienze, in collaboration with University of Pavia and Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB),
INTCLIM Reconstructing Interglacial climate with Trentino speleothems using stable and ‘clumped’
isotopes. Post-doc funded by Autonomous Province of Trento and cofunded by the European
Union under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7), Marie curies actions (20102012), “Bando incoming post-doc”.
Research Projects, high education and teaching
Memorie dal sottosuolo. Project cofunded by MUSE, Museo delle Scienze and Fondazione Cassa
di Risparmio Trento e Rovereto, “Progetto Bando Caritro” (2012-2014).
10. OPENLOC - Politiche pubbliche e sviluppo locale: politiche per l’innovazione e ricadute locali di
dinamiche globali / Public policies and local development: innovation policy and its effects on locally
embedded global dynamics. Project funded by Autonomous Province of Trento Servizio Università
e Ricerca. (2008-2012), “Bando grande progetto”.
11. Progettazione, gestione e sviluppo di serre tropicali in collaborazione con Royal Botanic Garden
Edinburgh. Specialization course with scholarship. Tutors: L. Morris (RBGE), C. Bonomi. 1 January
2012 - 31 December 2012.
12. TEAM -, Assessment and Monitoring network. Long-term standardized biodiversity monitoring in
the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. Funded by Conservation International (since 2009).
13. The herpetofauna of the Eastern Afromontane biodiversity hotspot: under standing evolutionary
history to identify extinction risk and key areas for conservation, in collaboration with University of
Manchester Metropolitan. Partly funded by Wildlife Conservation Society. (2009-2013).
14. YDESA - Younger Dryas and Evolution of human Societies in the Alpine region. Project cofounded
by MUSE - Museo delle Scienze and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio Trento e Rovereto, in collaboration with University of Ferrara, “Progetto Bando Caritro”. (2012-2014).
Projects by agreements
CAPACE - Capacità di adattamento delle piante alpine ai cambiamenti climatici. Post-doc funded by Autonomous Province of Trento and cofunded by the European Union under the Seventh
Framework Programme for Research (FP7), Marie curies actions (2011-2014), “Bando incoming
CLIMBIVEG - Effetti dei cambiamenti climatici sulla biodiversità vegetale in ambienti d’alta quota.
Post-doc funded by Autonomous Province of Trento and cofunded by the European Union under
the Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7), Marie curies actions (2011-2014), “Bando
incoming post-doc”.
Conservazione della fauna vertebrata in ambiente alpino (e in Trentino). Project in collaboration with
University of Pavia, Dipartimento Urbanistica, Territorio e Ambiente, Servizio Conservazione della
Natura, Servizio Foreste e fauna (PAT), (Since 2011).
EBERs: Exploring the Biodiversity of Emilia-Romagna springs. Project funded by the Emilia-Romagna Region; Geological, Sismic and Soils Service. (2011-2013).
Ghiacciai di una volta. Project founded by Comitato Glaciologico Italiano and Club Alpino Italiano,
Impact of global change on ecosystems, animal communities and species of alpine and mediterranean areas of Italy: models, scenarios and evaluation from macro- to microscale, based on ecology
and philogeography of vertebrates and invertebrates. Project cofounded by MUSE - Museo delle
Scienze and University of Calabria, (2009-2013).
Implementazione delle conoscenze sulla fauna invertebrata in aree SIC del Trentino. Project fonded
by the Autonomous Province of Trento, (2012-2013).
INQUIRE - Inquiry based teacher training for a sustainable future. Funded by the European Union
under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7) (2010-2014).
LAGET - Laget, modalità di occupazione e funzione dell’insediamento. Project founded by MUSE
- Museo delle Scienze, (2011-2013).
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
10. Malga Palù, comprensione dello stato di conservazione e consistenza del deposito antropico, acquisizione dati paletnologici/paleo ambientali e funzionalità. Project founded by MUSE - Museo
delle Scienze, with support of Comune di Levico Terme (TN), BIM Consorzio dei Comuni del bacino
Imbrifero Montano del Brenta, Famiglia Cooperativa - Caldonazzo Alta Valsugana. (Since 2012).
11. Monitoraggio della zanzara tigre nella città di Trento. Supported by Comune di Trento, (2009-2013).
12. Palù Echen - interpretazione, modalità di occupazione e funzione dell’insediamento. Project founded
by MUSE - Museo delle Scienze, with support of Medio Credito Trentino Alto Adige, Cassa Centrale
Banca (Trento), Cassa Rurale di Folgaria. (2009-2012).
13. Piano di gestione dell’ontaneta di Croviana. Project founded by Croviana, (2013-2014).
14. Pozza Lavino, studio del sito di altura a varie cronologie. Project founded by MUSE - Museo delle
Scienze, (2012-2013).
15. Progetto di monitoraggio della biodiversità alpina: monitoraggio della fauna invertebrate. Supported
by Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, (2013).
16. Redazione di un documento ricognitorio inerente la fauna delle zone umide del Parco Naturale Adamello Brenta. Supported by Parco Naturale Adamello Brenta, (2013).
17. Ricerca applicata alla gestione della fauna vertebrata del Trentino. Project fonded by the Autonomous Province of Trento (Servizio Conservazione Natura e Valorizzazione Ambientale), (2012-2013).
18. Riparo Dalmeri - definizione e interpretazione della fase cultuale. Project founded by MUSE - Museo
delle Scienze, (2010-2014).
19. Riparo Monteterlago - studio del sito pluristratificato. Project founded by MUSE - Museo delle
Scienze, with support of CORA ricerche archeologiche snc and Comune di Terlago (Since 2011).
20. Valagola_SEFIRA - Reconstruction of the development of the mountain Lake Valagola -AdamelloBrenta Nature Park-, and prediction of senescing and filling rates. Project founded by Parco Nazionale Adamello Brenta, (2013-2014).
21. Vegetazione e Artropodofauna delle geoforme pro- e periglaciali: significato ecologico e biogeografico
di un complesso di habitat. PhD grant from the Univeristy of Milan, (2012-2015).
22. Vertebrate monitoring plan in the Nature 2000 Network, Plan validation. Project fonded by the Autonomous Province of Trento, (2012-2013).
23. WLF_Ritorto - Impacts of water-level fluctuations and water abstraction on high-mountain lakes and
streams - Dissemination of the results. Project founded by MUSE - Museo delle Scienze, (20122013).
Institutional project
AQUA_TEST - Ricerca ecologica di lungo corso e ACQUA-TEST_PNAB. Project founded by Parco
Naturale Adamello Brenta, (Since 1998).
Bear project in Trentino. Project fonded by the Autonomous Province of Trento (Servizio Conservazione Natura e Valorizzazione Ambientale), (Since 2006).
EBISS - Exploring the BIodiversity of Swiss Springs. PhD grant from University of Zurich, (20102013).
ELBA-FWS - Special series of papers on the Ecology of Lake Benthic Algae (FreshWater Science).
Supported by MUSE - Museo delle Scienze, (institutional project), (2012-2014).
Research Projects, high education and teaching
Farmland Bird Index, Woodland Bird Index e andamenti di popolazione delle specie nel periodo
2000-2012. Project fonded by the Autonomous Province of Trento, (2000-2012).
GBTR - Gestione Giardini Botanici TR. Supported by MUSE - Museo delle Scienze, (institutional
project), (continuativo).
GLASSTZ - Serra tropicale Eastern Arc del Muse. Supported by MUSE - Museo delle Scienze,
(institutional project), with collaboration of University of Dar es Salaam (Since 2010).
HTR - Herbarium tridentinum TR. Supported by MUSE - Museo delle Scienze, (institutional project)
La costruzione del Paesaggio Alpino. Supported by MUSE - Museo delle Scienze, (institutional
project), (2013-2015).
10. Monitoraggio a lungo termine degli ambienti acquatici di alta quota. Supported by MUSE - Museo
delle Scienze, (institutional project), (1996-2013).
11. Monitoraggio a lungo termine degli ambienti terrestri di alta quota. Supported by MUSE - Museo
delle Scienze, (institutional project), (2010-2013).
12. NATEC - Caratterizzazione ecologica e tassonomica di taxa (specie, generi) di alghe e cianoprocarioti nuovi per la scienza o comunque di particolare interesse scientifico. (New And interesting Taxa:
Ecological and Taxonomical Characterization - NATEC). Project supported by MUSE - Museo delle
Scienze, (institutional project), (Since 2010).
13. Ornithological data base, Supported by MUSE - Museo delle Scienze, (institutional project), (Since 2010).
14. Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, TN / Monitoring of vertebrate fauna in the Stelvio National Park. Supported by Parco Nazionlae dello Stelvio, (2012-2013).
15. PERFORM - PaleoEnvironmental Reconstructions From OmbRothophic Mires. PhD grant from University of Venice (2012-2015).
16. Progetto ALPI - Studio delle migrazione alltraverso le Alpi. Supported by MUSE - Museo delle Scienze, (institutional project), (Since 1997).
17. Studio delle relazioni tra migratori e cambiamenti climatici. Supported by MUSE - Museo delle Scienze, (institutional project), (2012-2013).
18. T.E.N. - Progetto LIFE TEN (Trentino Ecological Network). Founded by MUSE - Museo delle Scienze
and U.E, (institutional project) (2012-2014).
19. UEMC - Gestione della sezione territoriale Udzungwa Ecological Monitoring Centre. Project founded by MUSE - Museo delle Scienze and Tanzania Natural Parks, (Since 2006).
Teaching activity (masters, training courses)
Bonomi C., 2012 - Insegnamento di Botanica Applicata (CM 500857) afferente al Corso di Laurea
in Scienze della Natura - Università degli Studi Pavia, 10 hours.
Bonomi C., Dorigotti S. & Galetto M., 2013 - corso di formazione per formatori: “La diffusione
dell’approccio IBSE nella didattica delle scienze”, 28-31 agosto 2013, Museo delle Scienze, Trento,
Viotte e Arco, 32 hours.
Cantonati M., 2012 - Workshop on the ecology of the lake littoral (L. Molveno & L. Tovel) - Staff involved in pedagogical and educational activities of the Adamello-Brenta Nature Park 11 June 2012.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Cantonati M., 2012 - WS 2011/2012 LV 717040 Student Project - Algae sampling in streams according to European standards / Hydrobotanische Projektstudie Botany Institute, Practical Project:
PJ 1 [part of a student Project, jointly directed with Prof. Eugen Rott]. 5 hours in 2012.
Cantonati M., 2013 - WS 2013/2014 LV 717038 Phytobenthos. Part of the Wahlmodul: Spezielle
Hydrobotanik directed by Prof. Eugen Rott. Botany Institute, VU 1.
Casarotto C. 2013 - I ghiacciai del Trentino. Sezione SAT Sardagna, Sardagna, Trento, 18.1.2013,
2 hours.
Casarotto C., 2012 - “Ghiacciaio. Ieri, oggi… e domani?” Riva del Garda (TN), 1 February 2012, 2
Casarotto C., 2012 - Conferenza Laggio di Cadore, Comitato Scientifico Regione Veneto del Club
Alpino Italiano “la Neve”, Laggio di Cadore, 4 January 2012, 2 hours.
Casarotto C., 2012 - Ghiacciai delle Alpi Orientali. Stato di salute e evoluzione. Sondrio, 20 February
2012, 2 hours.
10. Casarotto C., 2012 - Ghiacciai: un libro che racconta di climi, paesaggi e uomo che cambiano.
Università degli Studi di Trento, 25 January 2012, 2 hours.
11. Casarotto C., 2012 - Ghiacciai: un libro che racconta di climi, paesaggi e uomo che cambiano.
Università degli Studi di Trento, Facoltà di Economia, 18 April 2012, 2 hours.
12. Casarotto C., 2012 - I ghiacciai cosa sono e come si formano, stato di conservazione nelle Alpi
Orientali. Sezione Club Alpino Italiano di San Vito di Cadore, San Vito di Cadore (BL), 22 September
2012, 1 hour.
13. Casarotto C., 2013 - Ghiacciai, storie di climi, uomini e paesaggi che cambiano. Conegliano Veneto,
8 May 2013, 2 hours.
14. Casarotto C., 2013 - Ghiacciai, storie di climi, uomini e paesaggi che cambiano. Camposanpiero
(PD), 22 March 2013, 2 hours.
15. Casarotto C., 2013 - Ghiacciai. Thiene (VI), 12 April 2013, 2 hours.
16. Casarotto C., 2013 - I ghiacciai e la neve. Sezione Club Alpino Italiano di San Vito di Cadore, San
Vito di Cadore (BL), 23 October 2013, 2 hours.
17. Casarotto C., 2013 - Il Ghiacciaio della Marmolada. Arzignano (VI), 12 March 2013, 2 hours.
18. Dalmeri G., 2012 - “La Preistoria in Trentino”. Corso di Formazione per insegnanti A.S. 2012/2013,
Istituto Comprensivo di Cavalese-Trento, 17 October 2012, 3 hours.
19. Dalmeri G., 2012 - Corso di Formazione di Geografia sulle Dolomiti Patrimonio UNESCO (Preistoria).
Fondazione G. Angelini-Centro Studi sulla Montagna, Villa Welsperg-Parco Naturale di Paneveggio
e Pale di S. Martino (TN), 6-8 July 2012, 1 hour.
20. Dalmeri G., 2012 - Corso di Formazione per Operatori Didattici Mostra Homo Sapiens, Museo delle
Scienze Trento, 17 September 2012, 1 hour.
21. Dalmeri G., 2013 - Collegio Guide Alpine Trentino PAT, Docenza Corso di aggiornamento per Accompagnatori di Territorio Provinciali, visita ai siti preistorici della Piana di Marcesina e Riparo Dalmeri
(TN). 1° intervento, 13 October 2013, 9 hours.
22. Dalmeri G., 2013 - Collegio Guide Alpine Trentino PAT, Docenza Corso di aggiornamento per Accompagnatori di Territorio Provinciali, visita ai siti preistorici della Piana di Marcesina e Riparo Dalmeri
(TN). 2° intervento, 20 October 2013, 9 hours.
Research Projects, high education and teaching
23. Dalmeri G., 2013 - Collegio Guide Alpine Trentino PAT, Docenza Corso di aggiornamento per Accompagnatori di Territorio Provinciali, visita ai siti preistorici della Piana di Marcesina e Riparo Dalmeri (TN). 3° intervento, 03 June 2013, 9 hours.
24. Dalmeri G., Flor E., Neri S., 2013 - docenza sull’arte di Riparo Dalmeri e Riparo Gaban per proff. e
studenti Università di Cambridge, 21 March 2013, 1 hours.
25. Dalmeri G., Neri S., 2013 - docenza sull’arte di Riparo Dalmeri e Riparo Gaban per prof.ssa A.
Pedrotti con studenti Università degli Studi di Milano, 09 April 2013, 1 hours.
26. Dalmeri G., Neri S., 2013 - lezione con visita guidata a Riparo Dalmeri per alunni Scuola Primaria di
Grigno e Ospedaletto (rif. ins. M.T. Marighetti, E. Coradin), 04 June 2013, 3 hours.
27. Duches R., 2012 - “La Preistoria in Trentino”. Corso di Formazione per insegnanti A.S. 2012/2013,
Istituto Comprensivo di Cavalese-Trento, 31October 2012, 3 hours.
28. Flor E., 2012 - “La Preistoria in Trentino”. Corso di Formazione per insegnanti A.S. 2012/2013,
Istituto Comprensivo di Cavalese-Trento, 14 November 2012, 3 hours.
29. Martinelli L., 2013 - COST IS1001 ‘bio-object’, PhD trainig event Autumn school: ‘Bio-objects Network: materiality, innovation and regulation’, University York, UK, 30 September - 2 October 2013.
30. Neri S., 2012 - “La Preistoria in Trentino”. Corso di Formazione per insegnanti A.S. 2012/2013,
Istituto Comprensivo di Cavalese-Trento, 28 November 2012, 3 hours.
31. Pedrini P., 2012/2013 - Corso di Formazione per rilevatori Ornitho, Uccelli acquatici svernanti,
studio delle migrazioni e rapaci diurni. Indirizzato ai rilevatori volontari della Sezione, al personale
interno, agli studenti coinvolti.
32. Pedrini P., Tenan S., 2012 - Corso di ecologia dell’Università di Pavia. Corso tecnico pratico e teorico sulle migrazioni attraverso le ALPI.
Seminars c/o universities and museums
Avanzini M., 2012 - Dolomiti: geologia e paesaggio. Conferenza presso Museo Geologico delle
Dolomiti, Predazzo, 16 August 2012, 2 hours.
Bernardi M., 2012 - Le Dolomiti milioni di anni fa vulcani, foreste, isole coralline e strani rettili. Colfosco, 23 July 2012, 2 hours.
Bernardi M., Todesco R. 2012 - Rettili e dinosauri delle Dolomiti. Predazzo, 18 July 2012, 2 hours.
Bonomi C. & Vicentini R., 2012 - Workshop on the Muse glasshouse. Floriade 2012 - World Horticultural Expo, Venlo, The Netherlands, 15 June 2012.
Bonomi C., 2012 - Fenologia: cicli di crescita e sviluppo delle piante. Corso di formazione e aggiornamento “Fenologia: cicli vegetativi e cambiamenti climatici” La scuola incontra la ricerca, 12
October 2012, 3 hours.
Bonomi C., Dorigotti S. & Galetto M., 2012 - 1° incontro della 2a edizione del corso di formazione
per docenti INQUIRE, Bergamo, 19 September 2012, 8 hours.
Bonomi C., Dorigotti S. & Galetto M., 2012 - 2° incontro della 2a edizione del corso di formazione
per docenti INQUIRE, Bergamo, 22 October 2012, 8 hours.
Bonomi C., Dorigotti S. & Galetto M., 2012 - 3° incontro della 2a edizione del corso di formazione
per docenti INQUIRE, Bergamo, 12 November 2012, 8 hours.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Bonomi C., Dorigotti S. & Galetto M., 2013 - 4° incontro della 2a edizione del corso di formazione
per docenti INQUIRE. Bergamo, 21 February 2013, 8 hours.
10. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S. & Galetto M., 2013 - 5° incontro della 2a edizione del corso di formazione
per docenti INQUIRE. Bergamo, 13 maggio 2013, 8 hours.
11. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., Galetto M. & Battistotti M., 2012 - 5° incontro della 1a edizione del corso
di formazione per docenti INQUIRE. Trento, 13 February 2012, 3 hours.
12. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., Galetto M. & Battistotti M., 2012 - 6° incontro della 1a edizione del corso
di formazione per docenti INQUIRE. Trento, 9 march 2012, 3 hours.
13. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., Galetto M. & Battistotti M., 2012 - 7° incontro della 1a edizione del corso
di formazione per docenti INQUIRE. Trento, 23 March 2012, 3 hours.
14. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., Galetto M. & Battistotti M., 2012 - 8° incontro della 1a edizione del corso
di formazione per docenti INQUIRE. Trento, 4 May 2012, 3 hours.
15. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., Galetto M. & Battistotti M., 2012 - 9° incontro della 1a edizione del corso
di formazione per docenti INQUIRE. Trento, 7 May 2012, 3 hours.
16. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., Vicentini R. & Battistotti M., 2012 - Workshop on the Inquire project at Floriade: A cooperative classroom - Penguins and climate change. Floriade 2012 - World Horticultural
Expo, Venlo, The Netherlands, 15 June 2012, 3 hours.
17. Brambilla M., 2013 - Playing with occurrence - some possible contributions of distribution models
to bird conservation. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford, UK, 30 August 2013, 2 hours.
18. Casagrande L., 2012 - Le miniere storiche del Trentino. Conferenza presso Museo Geologico delle
Dolomiti, Predazzo, 12 July 2012, 2 hours.
19. Casagrande L., 2013 - Le miniere storiche del Trentino. Conferenza presso Museo Geologico delle
Dolomiti, Predazzo, 12 July 2013, 2 hours.
20. Casagrande L., 2013 - Memorie dal sottosuolo: minatori in Trentino dalla preistoria ai giorni nostri.
Conferenza presso Museo Geologico delle Dolomiti, Predazzo, 08 August 2013, 3 hours.
21. Casagrande L., 2013 - Un viaggio nel tempo: le miniere in Trentino. Conferenza presso Liceo Prati,
Trento, 06 February 2013, 2 hours.
22. Casarotto C. 2012 - I ghiacciai del Trentino. Sezione SAT San Michele all’Adige, San Michele all’Adige (TN), 22 April 2012, 2 hours.
23. Casarotto C., 2012 - “Ghiacciaio. Ieri, oggi… e domani?”. Sezione Club Alpino di Mirano, Mirano
(VE), 11 May 2012, 2 hours.
24. Casarotto C., 2012 - Aspetti geomorfologici della Valle dei Laghi. Geologia e ghiacciai autori di un
romanzo lungo migliaia di anni. Vezzano (TN), 11 November 2012, 2 hours.
25. Casarotto C., 2012 - Con i ghiacciai, storie di climi, uomini e paesaggi che cambiano. Levico (TN),
5 November 2012, 2 hours.
26. Casarotto C., 2012 - Ghiacciai. Filmfestival della montagna, Trento, 28 April 2012, 1 hour.
27. Casarotto C., 2012 - Ghiacciai. Scuola di slpinismo Giorgio Graffer, Trento, 5 September 2012, 2
28. Casarotto C., 2012 - Ghiacciai. Villa Lagarina (TN), 22 February 2012, 2 hours.
29. Casarotto C., 2012 - I ghiacciai del Trentino. Parco Naturale Adamello Brenta, Dimaro, 25 July
2012, 2 hours.
Research Projects, high education and teaching
30. Casarotto C., 2012 - I ghiacciai del Trentino. Sezione SAT Congnola, Cognola (TN), 13 April 2012,
2 hours.
31. Casarotto C., 2012 - L’evoluzione dei ghaicciai italiani negli ultimi 50 anni. Università degli Studi di
Milano, 27 November 2012, 2 hours.
32. Casarotto C., 2012 - L’evoluzione dei ghaicciai italiani negli ultimi 50 anni, Università degli Studi di
Milano, 27 November 2012, 2 hours.
33. Casarotto C., 2012 - Lo stato di salute dei ghiacciai. Careser e La mare. Parco Nazionale dello
Stelvio, 1 June 2012, 1 hour.
34. Casarotto C., 2013 - Ghiacciai. Rifugio Denza (TN), 15 June 2013, 1 hour.
35. Casarotto C., 2013 - I ghiacciai del Trentino. Parco Naturale Adamello Brenta, Molveno, 2 September 2013, 2 hours.
36. Casarotto C., 2013 - I ghiacciai del Trentino. Researcher open mic, Fondazione Bruno Kesler,
Trento, 19 February 2013, 2 hours.
37. Casarotto C., 2013 - I ghiacciai. Scuola di slpinismo Giorgio Graffer, Trento, 28 August 2013, 1
38. Casarotto C., 2013 - Lo stato di salute dei ghiacciai. I ghiacciai del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio.
Cogolo (TN), 4 July 2013, 2 hours.
39. Casarotto C., Tognoni G., 2012 - lo studio dei ghiacciai del trentino. Liceo Prati, Trento, 25 Jannuary 2012, 2 hours
40. Casarotto C., Tognoni G., 2013 - lo studio dei ghiacciai del trentino. Liceo Prati, Trento, 16 Jannuary 2013, 2 hours.
41. Casarotto C., Tognoni G., 2013 - lo studio dei ghiacciai del trentino. Liceo Galilei, Trento, 13 May
2013, 1 hour.
42. Dalmeri G., Neri S., 2013 - Presentazione ricerche archeologiche sul sito pluristratificato del Riparo
di Monteterlago, Terlago, Sede Comunale, 15 Jannuary 2013, 2 hours.
43. DalmeriG., Neri S., 2013 - I territori dei cacciatori Paleolitici e Mesolitici: Marcesina e dintorni. Conferenza per Associazione Culturale di Enego, Enego (VI), 27 December 2013, 2 hours.
44. Dellantonio E., 2012 - Le miniere del territorio eruttivo di Predazzo. Conferenza presso Museo Geologico delle Dolomiti, Predazzo, 05 September 2012, 2 hours.
45. Duches R., 2013 - Quello che la selce racconta: alla scoperta della vita quotidiana nel Paleolitico.
Seminario al Museo Geologico delle Dolomiti di Predazzo. 01 August 2013, 3 hours.
46. Duches R., 2013 - Quello che la selce racconta: dimostrazione di archeologia sperimentale. Seminario divulgativo tenuto presso il Museo Archeologico dell’Altopiano a Rotzo (VI), 17 August 2013,
2 hours.
47. Duches R., Benini S., 2012 - Cacciatori si nasce. ARCHEO LIVE (Mostra Homo Sapiens), Biblioteca
Museo delle Scienze Trento, 14 November 2012, 2 hours.
48. Duches R., Neri S., 2012 - L’archeologia sperimentale a servizio dell’interpretazione archeologica:
armi e strategie venatorie degli ultimi cacciatori paleolitici del Trentino. Tracce dal passato: nuovi
approcci per la ricostruzione del popolamento preistorico trentino. Biblioteca Museo delle Scienze,
Trento, 9 May 2012, 2 hours.
49. Duches R., Neri S., 2012 - Schegge di preistoria. OPERAMUSE, Museo delle Scienze Trento, 07
ovember 2012, 3 hours.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
50. Duches R., Neri S., 2012 - Sperimentare la selce. ARCHEO LIVE (Mostra Homo Sapiens), Biblioteca Museo delle Scienze, 10 October 2012, 2 hours.
51. Duches R., Peresani M., 2013 - Dal ritiro glaciale, alle foretste, all’uomo. Dopo cena alternativo,
Museo di Scienze Naturali, Trento, 10 Jannuary 2013, 3 hours.
52. Ferretti P., 2012 - A cavallo della linea della Valsugana: i minerali delle pegmatiti granitiche di Cima
d’Asta. Conferenza presso Ecomuseo del Lagorai, Carzano, 13 June 2012, 2 hours.
53. Ferretti P., 2012 - I minerali delle pegmatiti granitiche di Cima d’Asta. Conferenza presso Gruppo
Mineralogico Paleontologico Euganeo, Abano Terme, 04.05,2012, 2 hours.
54. Ferretti P., 2012 - Novità mineralogiche dal Trentino. Conferenza presso Club Mineralogico Bolzano,
06 November 2012, 2 hours.
55. Ferretti P., 2012 - Novità mineralogiche dal Trentino. Conferenza presso Club Mineralogico Scaligero, Verona, 22 November 2012, 2 hours.
56. Flor E., 2013 - La Preistoria della Valle di Non. Dall’Anaunia al Mondo Dal Mondo all’Anaunia, undicesima settimana di studio dedicata all’Emigrazione, Tuenno (Trento), 18 November 2013, 1 hour.
57. Franceschi M., 2012 - Geologia in 3D: il Latemar da un insolito punto di vista. Conferenza presso
Museo Geologico delle Dolomiti, Predazzo, 26 July 2012, 2 hours.
58. Franceschini A., 2012 - Ecologia fluviale ed invertebrati acquatici. Seminario di formazione per Operatori Didattici del Museo delle Scienze, 20 February 2012, 3 hours.
59. Franceschini A., 2012 - Insetti coinquilini e concittadini. Seminario all’interno del progetto didattico
“Tè degli insegnanti”, Museo delle Scienze, Trento,16 March 2012, 2 hours.
60. Franceschini A., 2012 - La zanzara tigre: dal sud-est asiatico a Trento. Seminario all’interno del
progetto didattico “Ask to the Scientist”, 13 February 2012, 2 hours.
61. Franceschini A., 2012 - Torrenti, forre ed ecologia. Seminario all’interno del “1° Corso Nazionale di
Perfezionamento Tecnico Torrentistico” tenutosi in Val Concei (TN), 18 July 2012, 2 hours.
62. Gandini M., 2013 - Cambiamenti climatici e flora di alta montagna: il bio-monitoraggio. Università
degli Studi di Pavia, corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze della Natura, insegnamento di Botanica
Applicata, 22 April 2013, 2 hours.
63. Gobbi M., 2012 - Effetto del Global Change sulla biodiversità: chiediamolo agli Insetti terrestri. Seminario all’interno del progetto didattico “Ask to the Scientist”, 3 February 2012, 2 hours.
64. Gobbi M., 2012 - Gli Artropodi terrestri per la valutazione ambientale e il monitoraggio degli ecosistemi. Seminario tenuto all’interno del corso “Metodi di analisi degli ecosistemi” tenuto presso
l’Università degli Studi di Milano, 12 marzo 2012, 2 hours.
65. Gobbi M., 2012 - Insetti coinquilini e compagni di escursione: amici o nemici?. Serata naturalistica
tenuta presso la sede del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, Cogolo, 17 July 2012, 2 hours.
66. Gobbi M., 2012 - Insetti coinquilini e compagni di escursione: amici o nemici?. Serata naturalistica
tenuta presso Rabbi Fonti, 5 September 2012, 1 hour.
67. Gobbi M., 2012 - Insetti coinquilini e concittadini. Seminario all’interno del progetto didattico “Tè
degli insegnanti”, 16 marzo 2012, 2 hours.
68. Gobbi M., 2012 - Le comunità di artropodi predatori per la valutazione e il mantenimento della qualità degli agro ecosistemi. Seminario all’interno del corso “Biodiversità e Agricoltura” tenuto presso
l’Istituto di San Michele al’Adige, 15 February 2012, 2 hours.
Research Projects, high education and teaching
69. Gobbi M., 2012 - Mangiare insetti: mitologia, cultura e sostenibilità ambientale. Seminario tenuto
all’interno del Festival della Biodiversità, Parco Nord (Milano), 13 September 2012, 2 hours.
70. Gobbi M., 2012 - Piccoli animali dei boschi. Serata naturalistica per il gruppo micologico di Cavalese, 16 July 2012, 2 hours.
71. Gobbi M., 2013 - Ecologia delle geoforme alpine clima-dipendenti: gli artropodi terrestri come strumento interpretativo. CNR di Pallanza, 3 December 2013, 2 hours.
72. Gobbi M., 2013 - Insetti coinquilini e compagni di escursione: amici o nemici?. Municipio di Predazzo (TN), 22 August 2013, 1 hour.
73. Gobbi M., 2013 - Mangiare insetti: perché no?. Il tè degli Insegnanti, Museo delle Scienze, Trento,
20 July 2013, 1 hour.
74. Gobbi M., 2013 - Mangiare insetti: perché no?. Serata Naturalistica per il Parco Nazionale dello
Stelvio, Cogolo di Peio (TN) 24 July 2013, 1 hour.
75. Gobbi M., 2013 - Mangiare insetti: perché no?. Serata Naturalistica per il Parco Nazionale dello
Stelvio, Rabbi Fonti (TN), 28 August 2013, 1 hour.
76. L. Martinelli, 2013 - “Donne di Scienza e prospettive professionali”. 2° incontro pubblico di formazione, Consigliera di parità, “la cultura: spesa o investimento? Opportunità formative e professionali”. Showroom Quartiere delle Albere, MUSE - Museo delle scienze, Trento, 24 May 2013.
77. Lencioni V., 2013 - La biodiversità ed i cambiamenti del clima. Conferenza nell’ambito della summer
school “L’Unione europea e il cambiamento climatico”, Università degli Studi di Trento, 24 June
2013, 4 hours.
78. Lencioni V., 2013 - Studi sulla fauna invertebrata di torrenti glaciali alpini: ecologia, fisiologia e capacità adattativa in relazione ai cambiamenti climatici. CNR-IRSA, Brugherio (MN), 11 December
2013, 4 hours.
79. Mondoni A. 2012 - Capacità di adattamento delle piante alpine ai cambiamenti climatici. Progetto
CAPACE, Provincia Autonoma di Trento - Marie Curie Action COFUND, EU FP7. Università di Parma, Dipartimento di Bioscienze 26 November 2012, 3 hours.
80. Pedrini P., 2012 - Habitat di specie. Corso di Aggiornamento per agronomi forestali Provincia Autonoma di Trento, 23 February 2012.
81. Pedrini P., 2012 - La conservazione dei boschi ripari: tecniche di gestione e conservazione a tutela
della fauna.
82. Ricci S., Rovero F, Menegon M., 2012 - 3 Seminari su biodiversità e progetto in Tanzania alla facolta
di Ingegneria. Università di Trento, corso di ecologia tenuto dal Dr. Marco Ciolli, 2012, 6 hours.
83. Ricci S., Rovero F, Menegon M., 2013 - Seminari su biodiversità e progetto in Tanzania alla facolta
di Ingegneria. Università di Trento, corso di ecologia tenuto dal Dr. Marco Ciolli, 2013, 6 hours.
84. Romanazzi E., 2013 - Anfibi e Rettili: lo sconosciuto popolo dell’Altopiano. 8° Festival del Fungo e
della Natura di Gallio (VI), 19 agosto 2013, 3 hours.
85. Romanazzi E., 2013 - Attività di conservazione degli anfibi in provincia di Treviso dal 2003 ad oggi.
Giornate Provinciali dell’Ambiente, Convegno “Gli Anfibi: Attività di conservazione dalla provincia di
Treviso all’Unione Europea”, Provincia di Treviso, 26 September 2013, 1 hour.
86. Romanazzi E., 2013 - Salamandre pre-alpine: aggiornamenti dal campo, tra ricerca e conservazione. In: Herpethon 2013 - Maratona erpetologica nazionale, Societas Herpetologica Italica,
Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino. “- 1 + 1 = … 2 problemi di conservazione! Ovvero la
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
scomparsa di Anfibi e Rettili locali non è compensata dall’arrivo di specie esotiche”, Museo di Storia
Naturale di Venezia, 29 June 2013, 1 hour.
87. Rovero F., 2013 - Ecologia e conservazione di mammiferi di foresta pluviale: il progetto del MUSEMuseo delle Scienze di Trento in Tanzania. Seminario, Università di Firenze, November 2013, 2 hours.
88. Rovero F., 2013 - La ricerca scientifica negli hotspot di biodiversità globale: motivi e significati. Liceo
Prati, Trento, March 2013, 3 hours.
89. Rovero F., 2013 - Ricerca e conservazione della biodiversità nei Monti Udzungwa della Tanzania: il
progetto del MUSE. Liceo Galilei, Trento, November 2013, 2 hours.
90. Rovero F., 2013 - Ricerca faunistica e conservazione della biodiversità tropicale: il progetto del Museo di Trento in Tanzania. Lezione a master Università di Padova, June 2013, 3 hours.
91. Rovero F., 2013 - Studio e monitoraggio della fauna selvatica tramite fototrappolaggio, e cenni sul
‘distance sampling’. Lezione a master, Unievrsità di Bari, September 2013, 4 hours.
92. Todesco R., Bernardi M., 2012 - Rettili e dinosauri delle Dolomiti. Conferenza presso Museo Geologico delle Dolomiti, Predazzo, 18 July 2012, 2 hours.
93. Tomasoni R., 2012 - Geological landscapes: alla scoperta del paesaggio geologico trentino. Conferenza presso Museo Geologico delle Dolomiti, Predazzo Predazzo, 30 August 2012, 2 hours.
94. Vicentini R., 2012 - The MUSE Eastern Arc tropical green house. Mottershead Suite, Cedar House,
Chester Zoo, Chester, UK, 29 November 2012, 1 hour.
Casagrande L., 2012 - Lezione per il corso di Archeologia Medievale (laurea triennale in Archeologia,
Università di Trento - Prof. Elisa Possenti), aprile, 4 hours.
Casagrande L., 2012 - Lezioni per il corso di Archeologie Postclassiche (laurea specialistica in Archeologia Medievale, Prof. Gian Pietro Brogiolo), marzo, 4 hours.
Casarotto C., 2012 - Ghiacciai: un libro che racconta di climi, paesaggi e uomo che cambiano. Università degli Studi di Trento, 25 January 2012, 2 hours.
Casarotto C., 2012 Ghiacciaio. Un libro che racconta di climi, paesaggi e uomini che cambiano.
Università degli Studi di Trento, Facoltà di Economia, 18 April 2012, 2 hours.
Dalmeri G., Neri S., 2013 - lezione con visita guidata a Riparo Dalmeri per studenti Scuole Superiori
di Rovereto-ITET FONTANA (rif. prof. F. Cramerotti), 3 hours.
In-house workshops and congresses organizations
5th INQUIRE Partner’s meeting. MUSE, Trento, Arco Arboretum, 29 September - 2 October 2013.
Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Evoluzionisitica. Trento 28-31 August 2013.
Giornata di studi “Conoscere e valorizzare le miniere del Trentino”. Trento, 20 April 2013.
Le Reti ecologiche nella pianificazione territoriale: il contributo del LIFE TEN. Trento, 25 May 2013.
The 3rd International Congress of Alpine and Arctic Botanical Gardens. Viote Alpine Botanic Garden,
Trento, 12-15 September 2012.
Workshop annuale Progetto Alpi - ISPRA. Ozzano Emilia (BO), 12 July 2012.
Workshop annuale Progetto Alpi - ISPRA. Ozzano Emilia (BO), 14 June 2013.
Research Projects, high education and teaching
XV Meeiting of African Amphibian Working Group. Trento, May 2012.
XVII Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia - Trento, 11-15 September 2013.
Araldi Alessandro, 2011/2013 - Effects of habitat fragmentation and human disturbance on the
Udzungwa red colobus. Tutor: F. Rovero.
Bernareggi Giulietta, 2013/2016 - Studio degli effetti del riscaldamento climatico sulla germinazione e sulla longevità delle specie di valletta nivale. Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di
Bioscienze - Ciclo XXVIII. Tutors: G. Rossi A. Mondoni. In prep.
Ceppa Florencia, 2012/2016 - Stress and the gut microbiota - keys to unlocking the mammalian
gut-brain axis. Tutor: C. Barelli. In prep.
Duches Rossella, 2009/2012 - Pratiche venatorie e dinamiche comportamentali dei gruppi tardoglaciali dell’Italia nord-orientale: analisi tecnologica, economica e funzionale delle armature litiche.
Dottorato di Ricerca in “Scienze e Tecnologie per l’Archeologica e i Beni Culturali”. Curriculum:
Quaternaio, Preistoria e Protostoria, XXIV CICLO. Università degli Studi di Ferrara. Tutors: M. Peresani, G. Dalmeri. 338 pp.
Kamberovic Jasmina, 2013 - Main topics: Photoautotrophs in mountain springs of Konjuh [visiting
PhD student]. University of Zagreb (Croatia) & University of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Letáková Markéta, 2013/2014 - Main topics: Epiphytic diatoms from the Valagola_SEFIRA Project,
macroscopic colonies of Cymbella excisiformis in the downstream sector of a SAL spring. [visiting
PhD student]. University of Olomouc (Czech Republic).
Martin Emanuel, 2012/2016 - Ecology and conservation of mammals in the Udzungwa mountains.
Tutor: F. Rovero. In prep.
Mogna Marcella, 2012 - Ricerche ecologiche su habitat sorgentizi nel Parco Naturale Alta Valle
Pesio e Tanaro e valli limitrofe / Ecological investigations on spring habitats in the Alta Valle Pesio
and Tanaro Nature Park and nearby valleys. Tutors: M. Cantonati, G. Berta, Dr. Flora Andreucci.
Dept. of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Eastern Piedmont, Alessandria (Italy). Thesis
defence: 28 March 2012. 120 pp.
Orsenigo Simone, 2011/2014 - Approccio multiscala per lo studio dell’effetto dei cambiamenti
climatici sulla flora alpina. Dottorato in Ecologia Sperimentale e Geobotanica. Università degli Studi
di Pavia - Ciclo XXVII. Università degli Studi di Pavia - Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell’Ambiente (AA 2010/2011), Tutors: G. Rossi, A. Mondoni. In prep.
10. Rimet Frédéric, 2012 - Diatoms: an ecoregional indicator of nutrient, organic matter and micropollutants pollution. PhD Thesis, Université de Savoie, France. Tutors: I. Domaizon. M. Cantonati was
member of the Thesis Committee as Rapporteur.
11. Rosati Melissa, 2013/2016 - Ostracod assemblages in relation to hydrogeological and hydrochemical settings in selected Emilia-Romagna springs. Tutors: G. Rossetti, M. Cantonati, S. Segadelli.
Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Parma (Italy). In prep.
12. Saber Abdullah A., 2012-2014 - Characterization of algae and cyanobacteria assemblages of
freshwater environments (in particular wells and hot springs) in the El-Farafra Oasis of the Western
Desert of Egypt. Tutors: A.S. Shaaban, M. Cantonati. Ain Shams University (Egypt). Project proposals to gain economic support for the collaboration are in prep. In prep.
13. Segnana Michela, 2012/2015 - Environmental and climate change (Holocene) in the Dolomites
inferred from subfossil diatoms in mire cores (training set based on assemblage composition and
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
diatom-silica oxygen-isotopes). Tutors: M. Cantonati (2012-2013; then she changed PhD topic,
switching from diatoms to pollen), C. Barbante. Environmental Sc. Dept., University of Venice (Italy).
Funded by CariVerona Foundation. In prep.
14. Tampucci Duccio, 2012/2015 - Vegetazione e artropodofauna delle geoforme pro- e periglaciali:
significato ecologico e biogeografico di un complesso di habitat. Dottorando dello’Univeristà degli
Studi di Milano, Dottorando di ricerca in Scienze Naturalistiche e ambientali XXVIII Ciclo - Tutor: M.
15. Taxböck Lukas, 2010/2014 - Diatoms in Swiss springs. Tutors: M. Cantonati, P. Linder (the former
supervisor was Prof. H. Preisig, deceased 2011). Institute of Systematic Botany, University of Zürich
(Switzerland). In prep.
16. Tenan Simone, 2010/2012 - Hierarchical Bayesian modelling: Applications in animal population
ecology. Dottorato di Ricerca in Ecologia sperimentale e Geobotanica, XXV ciclo. Università di Pavia. tutors: G. Bogliani, M. Girardello, P. Pedrini, G. Tavecchia.
17. Tonelli Elena, 2013/2016 - Ecology and conservation of critically endangered forestal amphibians
within the Eastern Arc center of hyper-endemism. Tutor: M. Menegon. In prep.
Masters and degrees
Angelini Lisa , 2012 - Revisione e sviluppo di attività educative in chiave IBSE presso i giardini botanici del Museo delle Scienze di Trento. Laurea in Scienze Naturali, Laurea specialistica. Università
di Padova. 1 May- 31 December 2012. Costantino Bonomi. (Training).
Angelini Lisa, 2013 - Revisione e sviluppo di attività educative in chiave IBSE (Inquiry Based Science
Education) presso l’Arboreto di Arco, Giardino Botanico del Museo delle Scienze di Trento. Laurea
magistrale in Scienze Naturali, Università degli Studi di Padova (AA 2012/2013). Tutors: A. Miola,
C. Bonomi. 154 pp.
Basso Silvia, 2013 - Tirocinio formativo per la tesi di laurea triennale in Scienze e Tecnologie per la
Natura (Università di Padova) presso la stazione di inanellamento Passo del Brocon, 20 September
2013 - 30 November 2013. Tutor: F. Rossi. (Training).
Beber Anna, 2013/2014 - La fauna invertebrata e lo stato ecologico delle zone umide nell’Ontaneta
di Croviana (Sito di Importanza Comunitaria IT3120117, Trentino, Italia). Tesi di Laurea Triennale in
Scienze Naturali, Università degli Studi di Padova. Tutors: L. Guidolin e V. Lencioni. In prep.
Bernareggi Giulietta, 2012 - Simulazione in campo degli effetti del riscaldamento climatico sulle
piante alpine. Laurea Magistrale in Scienze della Natura, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell’Ambiente (AA 2010/2011). Tutors: G. Rossi, A. Mondoni. 64 pp.
Bortolotti Eleonora, 2012 - Gestione e catalogazione delle collezioni entomologiche del MUSE. Ist.
De Carneri, Civezzano, presso la sezione di Zoologia degli Invertebrati ed Idrobiologia, 21-29 February 2012. Tutor: A. Franceschini. (Training).
Canteri Elisabetta, 2013 - Banche dati di mammiferi fototrappolati. Università di Bologna. Tutor: F.
Rovero. (Training).
Cavriani Davide, 2012/2013 - Studio sulla longevità dei semi in popolazioni europee di silene suecica (lodd.) greuter & burdet (caryophyllaceae). Laurea Magistrale in Scienze della Natura, Università
degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell’Ambiente. Tutors: G. Rossi, A. Mondoni. 59 pp.
Decarli Giulia, 2013 - Tirocinio formativo per la tesi di laurea triennale Scienze Agrarie Bologna.
Campionamento parassiti su Uccelli migratori a Bocca Caset , August - October 2013. Tutor: A.
Franzoi. (Training).
Research Projects, high education and teaching
10. Fambri Letizia, 2011/2012 - Studio demografico di Callianthemum kernerianum (Ranunculaceae)
sul Monte Baldo (NE-Italia). Laurea in Scienze Naturali, Università degli Studi di Ferrara. Tutors: R.
Gerdol, Correlatore: G. Parolo, C. Bonomi. 47 pp.
11. Frizzera Martina, 2012 Censimento e Sviluppo delle collezioni del parco botanico del liceo Galilei e del
Giardino Botanico Alpino delle Viote. Liceo Galilei, Trento. 2-13 July 2012. Costantino Bonomi. (Training).
12. Gaglio Matteo, 2012/2013 - Risposta molecolare e capacità di detossificazione in Chironomus
riparius (Diptera, Insecta) esposto al rame. Tesi di Laurea Triennale in Biotecnologie, Università di
Trento. Tutors: O. Jousson, G. Viero, V. Lencioni M. Gaglio. In prep.
13. Giosele Cristina, 2012 - Studio sulla connettività negli uccelli migratori in transito attraverso le Alpi.
Università di Venezia, Facoltà di Sc., Mat. Fisiche e Naturali, corso di laurea triennale in Scienze
Ambientali. Tutor: P. Pedrini.
14. Gozzini Matteo, 2012/2013 - Araneocenosi del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio. Tesi di Laurea Specialistica in Scienze Naturali, Università degli Studi di Milano. Tutors: B. Rossaro, M. Gobbi. In prep.
15. Imperiale Giada, 2012/2013 - Conservazione della morfologia e delimitazione delle specie nel genere Rhampholeon (Reptilia: Chamaeleonidae). Università di Padova.Tutors: M. B. Rasotto, M.
16. Isabelle Verin, 2012 - Verifica della determinazione delle specie in coltivazione al Giardino Botanico
Alpino delle Viote. Laurea in Scienze Naturali, Laurea triennale Università di Padova. 28 July - 30
october 2012. Costantino Bonomi. (Training).
17. Losapio Gianalberto, 2012/2013 - Studio della rete di impollinatori in ambiente di prateria alpina.
Tesi di Laurea Specialistica in Scienze Naturali, Università degli Studi di Milano. Tutors: M. Caccianiga, M. Gobbi e C. Compostella. In prep.
18. Maffioletti Chiara, 2012/2013 - Comunità di piante e carabidi su debris-covered glaciers. Tesi di
Laurea Specialistica in Scienze Naturali, Università degli Studi di Milano. Tutors: M. Caccianiga, M.
Gobbi e C. Compostella. In prep.
19. Maistri Eleonora, 2012 - L’utilizzo di fonti vegetali nella fitobalneoterapia: tradizione e nuove prospettive nella promozione del benessere. Il caso studio di Garniga Terme. Corso di laurea in scienze e
tecnologie dei prodotti erboristici, dietetici e cosmetici, Facoltà di Farmacia, Università di Ferrara. 1
May - 31 July 2012. Costantino Bonomi. (Training).
20. Manzinello Margherita, 2013 - Lo studio della migrazione attraverso l’attività di inanellamento, Bocca di Caset. Liceo Galilei di Trento. 20-31 August 2013. Tutor: A. Franzoi. (Training).
21. Martina Zanetti, 2013 - Le collezioni entomologiche del MUSE: gestione e catalogazione. MarchJuly 2013. Tutor: A. Franceschini. (Training).
22. Martino Giuseppe, 2012 - Fattori influenzanti l’ornitofauna nidificante nei meleti della Val di Non
(TN). Tesi di Laurea Specialistica in Scienze e Gestione della Natura, Università degli Studi di Bologna. Tutors: S. Tommasini, P. Pedrini, M. Brambilla.
23. Mazzulon Ilaria Alice, 2012/2013 - Cenosi di ragni e coleotteri carabidi sul rock glacier del Vedrettino (SO). Università degli Studi di Milano, Dip. Bioscienze. Tutors: M. Caccianiga, M. Gobbi.
24. Michelon Francesca, 2012 - Lo studio della migrazione attraverso l’attività di inanellamento, Bocca
di Caset. Istituto Agrario San Michele all’Adige. Trento. 27 August - 7 September 2012. Tutor: A.
Franzoi. (Training).
25. Micheloni Manuel, 2012 - Censimento e Sviluppo delle collezioni del parco botanico del liceo Galilei e del Giardino Botanico Alpino delle Viote. Liceo Galilei, Trento. 6-18 August 2012. Costantino
Bonomi. (Training).
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
26. Mosna Simone, 2012 - Censimento e Sviluppo delle collezioni del parco botanico del liceo Galilei
e del Giardino Botanico Alpino delle Viote. Liceo Galilei, Trento. 20-31 August 2012. Costantino
Bonomi. (Training).
27. Recchia Matteo, 2012 - Effetti ambientali sulla longevità dei semi: il caso studio di Silene vulgaris
(Moench) Garcke. Laurea Magistrale in Scienze della Natura, Università degli Studi di Pavia - Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell’Ambiente (AA 2010/2011), Tutors: G. Rossi, A. Mondoni; A.
Balestrazzi M. Donà. 71 pp.
28. Rossi Eleonora, 2012/2013 - I Lepidotteri del Monte Peller (TN): tassonomia, ecologia e vulnerabilità. Tesi di Laurea Triennale in Scienze Naturali, Università degli Studi di Milano. Tutors: F. De Bernardi
e M. Gobbi.
29. Rossi Giulia, 2012 - Verifica della determinazione delle specie in coltivazione al Giardino Botanico
Alpino delle Viote. Laurea in Scienze Naturali, Laurea triennale Università di Bologna. 28 July - 3
September 2012. Tutor: Costantino Bonomi. (Training).
30. Santini Chiara, 2011/2012 - Distribuzione spaziale rispetto al livello idrometrico di filamenti maturi e
immaturi dell’alga rossa Bangia atropurpurea e delle diatomee epifite sulle rive rocciose del Lago di
Garda. Corso di laurea triennale in Scienze Naturali, Elaborato di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie per
l’Ambiente, Università di Genova. Tutors: M. Cantonati, S. Salvidio. Thesis defence: 13 November
2012. Awarded the highest grade for the Bachelor thesis. 25 pp.
31. Sartori Matteo, 2011/2012 - Gli Anfibi della Valle dell’Adige : stato di conservazione e proposte
gestionali Università Ala Mater Studiorum. Università di Bologna. Tutors: F. Pupin, M. Menegon.
32. Slomp Giulia, 2012 - Censimento e Sviluppo delle collezioni del parco botanico del liceo Galilei e
del Giardino Botanico Alpino delle Viote. Liceo Galilei, Trento. 16-27 July 2012. Costantino Bonomi.
33. Vailati Marzia, 2012/2013 - I Lepidotteri del Monte Peller (TN): biodiversità e sensibilità in relazione
alla gestione degli habitat. Tesi di Laurea Triennale in Scienze Naturali, Università degli Studi di Milano. Tutors: F. De Bernardi e M. Gobbi. In prep.
34. Verin Isabelle, 2012/2013 - Determinazione delle specie presenti in un Giardino Botanico: il caso
delle Viotte. Laurea in Scienze Naturali, Università degli Studi di Padova. Tutors: A. Miola, C. Bonomi. 52 pp.
35. Wang Chu, 2012/2013 - Metodologie per la conservazione delle collezioni vive di piante: la banca
dei semi. Laurea Triennale in Scienze Biologiche, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di
Biologia e Biotecnologia. Tutors: G. Rossi, A. Mondoni. 32 pp.
36. Zani Deborah, 2011/2012 - Trattamenti post raccolta per il miglioramento della longevità dei semi
di specie target alpine conservate ex situ. Laurea Triennale in Scienze Biologiche, Università degli
Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell’Ambiente. Tutors: G. Rossi, A. Mondoni,
A. Balestrazzi. 32 pp.
37. Zanini Alessandro, 2013/2014 - Impatti di gestione e uso del territorio sui tassi di senescenza e
interramento del Lago di Valagola, Parco Naturale Adamello-Brenta:. [Impacts of land use and management on the senescing and filling rates of the mountain Lake Valagola -Adamello-Brenta Nature
Park]. Baccalaureate Thesis in Mountain Environment Protection and Development, University of
Mountain Environment in Edolo. Tutor: M. Cantonati. in prep.
38. Zannella Giulia, 2012/2013 - Effetto delle onde di calore sulla germinazione autunnale di specie alpine. Laurea triennale in Scienze Biologiche, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Scienze
della Terra e dell’Ambiente. Tutors: G. Rossi, A. Mondoni, S. Orsenigo. 33 pp.
Research Projects, high education and teaching
39. Zanotti Maddalena, 2013 - La migrazione attraverso la Valle di Ledro: Attività di Iananellamento
scientifico presso la Bocca di Caset. Istituto Agrario San Michele all’Adige. 21-26 October 2013.
Tutor: A. Franzoi. (Training).
Training courses
Alpine Summer School: Climate Change and the Mountain Environment, partecipazione alla summer school organizzata dall’Istituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima - Isac Cnr di Torino - in
collaborazione al Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS - Francia). 18-28 June 2013.
Studio dei macroinvertebrati d’acqua dolce, Summer school, Giardino Botanico Alpino, Viote del
Monte Bondone, Trento, 23-27 luglio 2012.
Tropical rainforest biodiversity: GIS and field tools for assessing, monitoring and mapping, Summer
school, 2012 edition.
Tropical rainforest biodiversity: GIS and field tools for assessing, monitoring and mapping, Summer
school, 2013 edition.
Aaron Iemma - Biodiversità in Rete, Banche dati al servizio della conservazione. 8 October 2011 - 8
October 2012.
Elisa Stocchetti - Paleolimnology of Lake Valagola (diatoms). [Volunteer research fellow]. November 2013.
Helen Wiesinger - Biodiversità in rete: banche dati biologiche al servizio della conservazione dell’ambiente. 1 November 2011 - 30 October 2012.
Public activities
Duches R., 2013 - “A caccia di risposte:l’archeologia sperimentale al servizio dell’interpretazione
archeologica”, FameLab, Researcher’s Open Mic, FBK, Povo (TN), 28 February 2013, 4 hours.
Duches R.,2013 - “Famelab”, finale regionale, Teatro Cuminetti Trento, 15 March 2013, 4 hours.
Forum italiano del progetto Inquire.
Franceschini A., 2012 - “Insetti”, registrazione intervista radiofonica all’interno del programma “Micro-Macro”, sede Rai di Bolzano, 30 November 2012.
Franceschini A., 2012 - “Monitoraggio della zanzara tigre a Trento”, registrazione intervista radiofonica, RTTR, 6 August 2012.
Franceschini A., 2012 - “Monitoraggio della zanzara tigre a Trento”, registrazione intervista televisiva
all’interno del TGR, Rai di Trento, 6 August 2012.
Gobbi M., 2012 - “Aperitivo con alghe e insetti”, Trento, 19 November 2012.
Gobbi M., 2012 - “Festival dell’Economia”, Trento, 2 June 2012.
Gobbi M., 2012 - “Insetti alla carta”, progetto “Incroci di senso”, Pergine Valsugana, Trento, 8 July
10. Gobbi M., 2012 - “L’aperitivo che non immagini” all’interno del Festival della Scienza, Genova, 28
October 2012.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
11. Gobbi M., 2013 - “Ragni, Insetti e Clima: gli ambienti d’alta quota come trappola, chance e rifugio”,
FameLab, Researcher Open Mic - FEM, San Michele all’Adige (TN), 19 February 2013.
12. Gobbi M., Franceschini A., Lencioni V., Macagno A.L.M. & Toldo L., 2012 - “Notte dei ricercatori”,
Università di Trento, Facoltà di Lettere, 28 September 2012.
13. Marino E.R., Martinelli L., 2013 - “ETERNeTA’: La vecchiaia può attendere”. Teatrincorso & MUSE,
Trento. Repliche: (i) Museo delle Scienze, Trento, 18 April 2013 (ii) MUSE, Trento, 27 September
2013, evento speciale in ‘Researchers’ night: one night, 300 European cities, 2013.
14. MUSE, 2012 - “Notte dei ricercatori”, Trento, 26 September 2012.
15. MUSE, 2013 - “Notte dei ricercatori”, Trento, 27 September 2013.
16. MUSE, 2013 - “Opening MUSE”, evento inaugurazione, 27-28 July 2013.
17. Nuovo sito del Giardino Botanico Alpino Viotte. online da maggio 2012
18. Pagina facebook italiana del progetto Inquire.
19. Pagina twitter italiana del progetto Inquire.
20. Pedrini P., 2012 - “Naturalmente Trentino”, Presentazione libro SAT (2012) Festival della Montagna.
21. Rinnovata edizione del sito della Sede minore del MUSE in Tanzania, Centro di Monitoraggio Ecologico dei Monti Udzungwa.
22. Sez. Zoologia dei Vertebrati, 2012 - “Aree protette e Servizi ecosistemici, valori ambientali sociali ed
economici”. Seminario, Chair Massimo De Marchi, Museo delle scienze, 25 May 2012.
23. Sez. Zoologia dei Vertebrati, 2012 - “Gli Uccelli acquatici svernanti in Trentino: sintesi dei censimenti
IWC 2000-2009”. Presentazione pubblicazione Museo delle Scienze
24. Sez. Zoologia dei Vertebrati, 2012 - “Rotta Sauch 2012 - Porte aperte al Roccolo Sauch Val di
Cembra”, in collaborazione con APPA; 20-21 October 2012.
25. Sez. Zoologia dei Vertebrati, 2012 - Ciclo conferenze Fauna Club - per parlare di Fauna al Museo
delle Scienze (sette conferenze con relatori nazionali ed internazionali su tematiche legate alla fauna,
ai suoi habitat e alla conservazione e gestione).
26. Sez. Zoologia dei Vertebrati, 2013 - Ciclo conferenze Fauna Club - per parlare di Fauna al Museo
delle Scienze (sette conferenze con relatori nazionali ed internazionali su tematiche legate alla fauna,
ai suoi habitat e alla conservazione e gestione).
27. Sezione italiana del sito internet del progetto inquire.
28. Sito sul progetto di realizzazione di un film documentario sull’esplorazione biologica in collaborazione con l’agenzia Prospekt.
Research Projects, high education and teaching
Temporary exhibitions
Avanzini A., Bernardi M., Petti F.M & Kustatscher E., “DinoMiti, rettili fossili delle Dolomiti” - mostra
itinerante promossa dalla Fondazione Dolomiti UNESCO. Predazzo, 21 June 2013 - 31 October
Avanzini A., Bernardi M., Petti F.M & Kustatscher E., “DinoMiti, rettili fossili delle Dolomiti” - mostra
itinerante promossa dalla Fondazione Dolomiti UNESCO. Cortina d’Ampezzo, 6 december 2013 21 April 2014.
Barelli C., “La Mano. Arto, arte, artefatti” - Mostra temporanea, 24 September 2013 - 20 january
Bombarda R., Casarotto C., Decarli R., “Dalle Alpi all’Artico, a 140 anni dalla spedizione alla Franz
Joseph Land” - Trento 26 April 2012 - 1 June 2012.
Bonomi C., Vicentini R., “Floriade 2012” - Contribution to the Italian Pavillion, World Horticultural
Expo, Venlo, The Netherlands, 5 April - 7 October 2012.
Casarotto C., Pole Position - mostra temporanea Genova 19 May 2012.
Dalmeri G., Duches R., Flor E., Neri S., “Homo Sapiens” - mostra temporanea, 21 September 2012
- 13 January 2013.
Kustatscher E., Bernardi M., Petti F.M & Avanzini, M. “Dino&co. Saurier der Dolomiten/Sauri delle
Dolomiti” - mostra temporanea del Museo di Scienze Naturali dell’Alto Adige e del Museo delle
Scienze, Trento. Bolzano 18 October 2011 - 8 April 2012.
Romanazzi E. (a cura di), “Il gioiello dell’Altopiano: la salamandra dorata si racconta in cimbro” //
“The jewel of the Plateau: the golden salamanders tells his story in cimbrian” - Museo delle Scienze
di Trento, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Progetto Alpensalamander-Università di Salisburgo, Università di Padova. Museo dell’Acqua di Asiago, August 2012 - May 2013.
10. Romanazzi E., “Anfibi e Rettili: lo sconosciuto popolo dell’Altopiano” // “Amphibians and Reptiles:
the unknown inhabitants of the Plateau” - Comune di Gallio, Comunità Montana Spettabile Reggenza dei Sette Comuni, MUSE Museo delle Scienze di Trento, Provincia Autonoma di Trento,
Societas Herpetologica Italica, Progetto Alpensalamander-Università di Salisburgo. 8° Festival del
Fungo e della Natura di Gallio (VI), 16-20 August 2013.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Publications (2012-2013)
Scientific papers on ISI journals
Scientific papers on non- ISI journals
Books or book chapters
Popular science papers
Oral communications (with published abstract)
Oral communications (without published abstract)
Posters (with published abstract)
Posters (without published abstract)
Congress attendances
Project report
Scientific papers on ISI journals
Abeli T., Gentili R., Mondoni A., Orsenigo S., Rossi G. 2013 - Effects of marginality on plant population performance. J. Biogeogr., ISSN: 0305-0270, DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12215.
Abeli T., Rossi G., Gentili R., Gandini M., Mondoni A. & Cristofanelli P., 2012 - Effect of the extreme
summer heat waves on isolated populations of two orophitic plants in the north Apennines (Italy).
Nord. J. Bot., 30: 109-115.
Barej M.F., Rödel M.O., Loader S.P., Menegon M., Gonwouo N.L., Penner J., Gvoždík V., Günther
R., Bell R.C., Nagel P. & Schmitz A., 2013 - Light shines through the spindrift - Phylogeny of African
torrent frogs (Amphibia, Anura, Petropedetidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 71: 261273.
Barelli C. & Heistermann M., 2012 - Socio-demographic correlates of fecal androgen levels in wild
male white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar). International Journal of Primatology, 33: 784-798.
Barelli C., Mastudaira K., Roos C., Wolf T., Heistermann M., Hodges K., Ishida T., Malaivijitnond S.
& Reichard U.H., 2013 - Extra-pair paternity confirmed in wild white-handed gibbons. American
Journal of Primatology, 75: 1185-1195.
Barelli C., Mundry R., Heistermann M. & Hammerschmidt K., 2013 - Cues to androgens and quality
in male gibbon songs. PLoS ONE, 8(12): e82748.
Bernardi M., 2013 - Review of Wheeler, W. D, Systematics: A Course of Lectures. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 51(1): 83.
Bionda R. & Brambilla. M., 2012 - Rainfall and landscape features affect productivity in an Alpine
population of Eagle Owl Bubo bubo. Journal of Ornithology, 153: 167-171.
Böhm M., Collen B., Baillie J.E.M., Bowles P., Menegon M., Pupin F., et al., 2013 - The conservation
status of the world’s reptiles. Biological Conservation, 157: 372-385.
10. Brambilla M. & Bionda. R., 2013 - Variation in productivity and territory occupancy in an Eagle Owl
Bubo bubo population. Ornis Fennica, 90: 50-56.
11. Brambilla M. & Ficetola G.F., 2012. Species distribution models as a tool to estimate reproductive
parameters: a case study with a passerine bird species. Journal of Animal Ecology, 81: 781-787.
12. Brambilla M. & Pedrini. P., 2013 - The introduction of subsidies for grassland conservation in the
Italian Alps coincided with population decline in a threatened grassland species, the Corncrake
Crex crex. Bird Study, 60: 404-408.
13. Brambilla M., Bassi E., Bergero V., Casale F., Chemollo M., Falco R., Longoni V., Saporetti F.,
Viganò E. & Vitulano S., 2013 - Modelling distribution and potential overlap between Boreal Owl
Aegolius funereus and Black Woodpecker Dryocopus martius: implications for management and
monitoring plans. Bird Conservation International, 23: 502-511.
14. Brambilla M., Falco R. & Negri I., 2012 - A spatially explicit assessment of within-season changes
in environmental suitability for farmland birds along an altitudinal gradient. Animal Conservation, 15:
15. Brambilla M., Fulco E., Gustin M. & Celada C., 2013 - Habitat preferences of the threatened Blackeared Wheatear Oenanthe hispanica in southern Italy. Bird Study, 60: 432-435.
16. Brambilla M., Gustin M. & Celada C., 2013 - Species appeal predicts conservation status. Biological Conservation, 160: 209-213.
17. Brambilla M., Martino G. & Pedrini P., 2013 - Changes in song thrush Turdus philomelos density and
habitat association in apple orchards during the breeding season. Ardeola, 60: 73-83.
18. Brambilla M., Rizzolli F. & Pedrini P., 2012 - The effects of habitat and spatial features of wetland
fragments on the abundance of two rallid species with different degree of habitat specialization.
Bird Study, 59: 279-285.
19. Brambilla M., Vitulano S., Ferri A., Spina F., Fabbri E. & Randi E., 2012 - An unexpected pattern of
migration revealed in the Subalpine Warbler Sylvia cantillans complex by mitochondrial DNA analyses. Ibis, 154: 616-620.
20. Butikofer L., Sacchi R., Pupin F., Pellitteri-Rosa D., Razzetti E., Pella F. & Fasola M., 2013 - Sexual
dimorphism and allometry of the lacertid Mesalina balfouri (Blanford, 1881), endemic to the Archipelago of Socotra (Yemen) (Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae). Herpetozoa, 25(3-4): 101-108.
21. Cantonati M., Angeli N., Bertuzzi E., Spitale D. & Lange-Bertalot H., 2012 - Diatoms in springs of
the Alps: spring types, environmental determinants, and substratum. In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I.
Jüttner & E.J. Cox (Eds.), The Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science, 31: 499-524.
22. Cantonati M., Füreder L., Gerecke R., Jüttner I. & Cox E.J., 2012 - Crenic habitats, hotspots for
freshwater biodiversity conservation: toward an understanding of their ecology. In: M. Cantonati,
L. Füreder, I. Jüttner & E.J. Cox (Eds.), The Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science, 31: 463-480.
23. Cantonati M., Leira M., Angeli N. & López Rodríguez C., 2012 - Naviculadicta langebertalotii sp.
nov. (Bacillariophyta) from streams in Galicia (N-W Spain). Lange-Bertalot Festschrift. Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft, 141: 71-80.
24. Cantonati M., Rott E., Spitale D., Angeli N. & Komárek J., 2012 - Are benthic algae related to spring
types? In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I. Jüttner & E.J. Cox (Eds.), The Ecology of Springs. Freshwater
Science 31: 481-498.
25. Cantonati M., Virtanen L., Angeli N., Wojtal A., Gabrieli J., Falasco E., Lavoie I., Morin S., Marchetto
A., Fortin C. & Smirnova S., 2013 - Achnanthidium minutissimum (Bacillariophyta) valve deformities
as indicators of metal enrichment in diverse widely-distributed freshwater habitats. The Science of
the Total Environment,
26. Carturan L., Baroni C., Becker M., Bellin A., Cainelli O., Carton A., Casarotto C., Dalla Fontana G.,
Godio A., Martinelli T., Salvatore M. C., & Seppi R., 2013 - Decay of a long-term monitored glacier:
the Careser glacier (Ortles-Cevedale, European Alps). The Cryosphere Discuss., 7: 3293-3335.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
27. Casarotto C., 2013 - Glaciers One-Time-The Society Protagonist of the Research. Journal of Earth
Science and Engineering, 3: 477-483.
28. Cavin L., Avanzini M., Bernardi M., Piuz A., Proz P.A., Meister C., Boissonnas J. & Meyer C., 2012
- New Triassic trackways from the autochthonous of the Triassic of the Aiguilles Rouges Massif,
and re-evaluation of the dinosaur record in Valais, SW Switzerland. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology,
131(2): 317-324.
29. Ceresa F., Bogliani G., Pedrini P. & Brambilla M., 2012 - The importance of key marginal habitat
features for birds in farmland: an assessment of habitat preferences of Red-backed Shrikes Lanius
collurio in the Italian Alps. Bird Study, 59: 327-334.
30. Chamberlain D., Arlettaz R., Caprio E., Maggini R., Pedrini P., Rolando A., Zbinden N., 2012 - The
altitudinal frontier in avian climate impact research. Ibis, 154(1): 205-209.
31. Cristiani E., Lemorini C., Dalmeri G., 2012 - Ground stone tool production and use in the Late Upper
Palaeolithic: The evidence from Riparo Dalmeri (Venetian Prealps-Italy). Journal of Field Archaeology, 37: 34-50.
32. Duches R., Avanzini M., Bassetti M., Flor E., Neri S., Dalmeri G., 2013 - Evolution de la mobilité
épigravettienne durant le Dryas récent: quelles nouvelles informations pour l’Italie nord-orientale? Actes de la Séance de la Société préhistorique francaise de Bordeaux, 24-25 mai 2012. Les
groupes Culturels de la transitions Pléistocene-Holocéne entre Atlantique et Adriatique. Société
préhistorique francaise 2014: 185-203.
33. Fisseham M., Mariaux J. & Menegon M., 2013 - The “Rhampholeon uluguruensis complex”(Squamata:
Chamaeleonidae) and the taxonomic status of the pygmy chameleons in Tanzania. Zootaxa,
3746(3): 439-453.
34. Gilardelli F., Gentili R., Prosser F., Bonomi C., Varotto C., & Sgorbati S., 2013 - Ecological and biodiversity gradients across alpine dry grassland habitats: implications for an endangered species.
Nord. J. Bot., 31(2): 225-238.
35. Gillespie T., Barelli C. & Heistermann M., 2013 - Effects of social status and stress on patterns of
gastrointestinal parasitism in wild white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 150: 602-608.
36. Gobbi M., Priore C., Tattoni C. & Lencioni V., 2012 - Surprising longhorned beetle (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae) richness along an Italian alpine valley. ZooKeys, 208: 27-39.
37. Gobbi M., Riservato E., Bragalanti N. & Lencioni V., 2012 - An expert-based approach to invertebrate conservation: identification of priority areas in central-eastern Alps. Journal for Nature Conservation, 20: 274-279.
38. Gomez-Diaz E., Sindaco R., Pupin F., Fasola M. & Carranza S., 2012 - Origin and in situ diversification in Hemidactylus geckos of the Socotra Archipelago. Molecular Ecology, 21(16): 4074-4092.
39. Gower D.J., Aberra R.K., Schwaller S., Largen M.J., Collen B., Spawls S., Menegon M., Zimkus
B.M., de Sá R., Mengistu A.A., Gebresenbet F., Moore R.D., Saber S.A. & Loader S.P., 2013 Long-term data for endemic frog genera reveal potential conservation crisis in the Bale Mountains,
Ethiopia. Oryx, 47: 59-69.
40. Gower D.J., Doherty-Bone T.M., Aberra R.K., Mengistu A., Silvia Schwaller S., Menegon M., de
Sa R., Saber S.A., Cunningham A.A. & Loader S.P., 2012 - High prevalence of the amphibian chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) across multiple taxa and localities in the highlands of
Ethiopia. The Herpetological Journal, 22(4): 225-233.
41. Hartland A., Fairchild I.J., Lead J.R., Borsato A., Baker A., Frisia S., & Baalousha M., 2012 - From
soil to cave: Transport of trace metals by natural organic matter in karst dripwaters. Chemical Geology, 304-305: 63-82.
42. Hendriks I.E., Tenan S., Tavecchia G., Marbà N., Jordà G., Deudero S., Alvarez E., Duarte C.M.
2013 - Boat anchoring impacts coastal populations of the pen shell, the largest bivalve in the Mediterranean. Biological Conservation, 160: 105-113.
43. Horsák M., Hájek M., Spitale D., Hájková P., Dítě D. & Nekola J.C., 2012 - The age of island-like
habitats impacts habitat specialist species richness. Ecology, 93(5): 1106-1114.
44. Kaufman J.A., Turner G.H., Holroyd P.A., Rovero F. & Grossman A., 2013 - Brain volume of the
newly-discovered species Rhynchocyon udzungwensis (Mammalia: Afrotheria: Macroscelidea): Implications for encephalization in sengis. PLoS ONE, 8(3): e58667.
45. Latella L., VerdariI N. & Gobbi M., 2012 - Distribution of terrestrial cave dwelling arthropods in two
close Prealpine Italian areas with different glacial histories. Zoological Studies, 51(7): 1113-1121.
46. Laurance W.F. & 216 authors (including F. Rovero), 2012 - Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical
forest protected areas. Nature, 489: 290-294.
47. Lawson L.P., Vernesi C., Ricci S. & Rovero F., 2013 - Evolutionary history of the grey-faced sengi,
Rhynchocyon udzungwensis, from Tanzania: a molecular and species distribution modelling approach. PLoS ONE, 8(8): e72506.
48. Lencioni V., Bernabò P., Cesari M. & Rebecchi L., 2013 - Thermal stress induces HSP70 proteins
synthesis in larvae of the cold stream non-biting midge Diamesa cinerella Meigen. Archives of Insect
Biochemistry and Physiology, 83(1): 1-14.
49. Lencioni V., Marziali L. & Rossaro B., 2012 - Chironomids as bioindicators of environmental quality
in mountain springs. Freshwater Science, 31(2): 525-541.
50. Loader S.P., Ceccarelli F.S., Wilkinson M., Menegon M., Mariaux J., de Sa R.O., Howell K.M.,
& Gower D.J., 2013 - Species boundaries and biogeography of East African torrent frogs of the
genus Petropedetes(Amphibia: Anura: Petropeditidae). African Journal of Herpetology, 62: 40-48.
51. Loader S.P., Menegon M., Howell K.M. & Müller H., 2013 - A celebration of the works of John
Charles Poynton. African Journal of Herpetology, 62: 1-4.
52. Maeseele P., Allgaier J., Martinelli L., 2013 - Bio-objects and the media: The role of communication
in bio-objectification processes. Croat. Med. J., 54:301-305.
53. Martinelli L., Karbarz G., Gribaudo I., 2013 - Gene transfer and modulation for the production of
food with enhanced quali-quantitative values: potentials, promises and achievements. Food Technology and Biotechnology 51: 208-223. Special issue: Development in food industry: innovative
functional food and food technology strategies.
54. Martinelli L., Karbarz M., Siipi H., 2013 - Science, safety and trust: the case of transgenic food.
Croat. Med. J., 54: 91-96.
55. Martinelli L., Vaccari I., Dalla Costa L., Poletti V., Masuero D., Vrhovsek U., 2013 - Combining molecular and metabolomic analysis to evaluate transgenic Vitis vinifera plants expressing the Vitreoscilla haemoglobin (VHb) VITIS 52:77-84 (Cover illustration).
56. Martínez-Abraín A., Viedma C., Gómez J.A., Bartolomé M.A., Jiménez J., Genovart M., Tenan S.,
2013 - Assessing the effectiveness of a hunting moratorium on target and non-target species.
Biological Conservation, 165: 171-178.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
57. Mondoni A., Orsenigo S., Rossi G., 2013 - Ecophysiology of embryo development and seed germination of the European woodland herbaceous perennial Corydalis cava (L.) Schweigg. & Körte
subsp. cava (Fumariaceae). Plant Sp. Biol., vol. 28: 215-223.
58. Mondoni A., Rossi G., Orsenigo S., Probert R., 2012 - Climate warming could shift the timing of
seed germination in alpine plants. Ann. Bot., 110: 155-164.
59. Mondoni A., Tazzari E.R.., Zubani L., Orsenigo S., Rossi G., 2013 - Percussion as an effective seed
treatment for herbaceous legumes (Fabaceae): implications for habitat restoration and agriculture.
Seed Sci. Technol., vol. 41, p. 175-187.
60. Müller H., Liedtke H.C., Menegon M., Beck J., Ballesteros-Mejia L., Nagel P. & Loader S.P., 2013 Forests as promoters of terrestrial life-history strategies in East African amphibians. Biology Letters,
9(3): 20121146.
61. Pedrini P., F. Rizzolli, F. Rossi & M. Brambilla., 2012 - Population trend and breeding density of corncrake Crex crex (Aves: Rallidae) in the Alps: monitoring and conservation implications of a 15-years
survey in Trentino, Italy. Italian Journal of Zoology, 79: 377-384.
62. Pellitteri-Rosa D., Sacchi R., Pupin F., Bellati A., Cocca W., Gentilli A., Galeotti P. & Fasola M., 2012
- Testing the ability to store sperm: an experimental manipulation of mating opportunities in the
common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis. Acta Herpetologica, 7 (1): 111-118.
63. Peresani M., Duches R., Pastoors A., 2012 - Evidence of Gravettian frequentation around 30ky BP
at the foot of the Friulian Dolomites. Gortania, 33: 93-100.
64. Peresani M., Pastoors A., Vaquero M., Romandini M., Duches R., Jéquier C., Nannini N., Picin A.,
Schmidt I. & Weniger G.-C., 2012 - The Rio Secco Cave and the North Adriatic region, a key context for investigating the Neanderthal demise. Antiquity, Project Gallery, 086, Issue 332.
65. Peresani M., Romandini M., Duches R., Jéquier C., Nannini N., Pastoors A., , Picin A., Schmidt I.,
Vaquero M. & Weniger G.C., 2013 - Adding new evidence for the Palaeolithic in the Northern Adriatic region: Neanderthal demise and earliest Gravettian occurrences at Rio Secco Cave. Journal of
Field Archaeology, 39.
66. Peresani M., Tomio C., Dalmeri G., 2012- Les grattoirs épigravettiens et leur « raccourcissement »
durant le Tardiglaciaire en Italie. Actes de la Séance de la Société préhistorique francaise de Bordeaux, 24-25 mai 2012. Les groupes Culturels de la transitions Pléistocene-Holocéne entre Atlantique
et Adriatique. Société préhistorique francaise 2014: 205-220.
67. Preatoni D. G., Tattoni C., Bisi F., Masseroni E., D’Acunto D., Lunardi S., Grimod I., Martinoli A. &
Tosi G., 2012 - Open source evaluation of kilometric indexes of abundance. Ecological Informatics,
7(1): 35-40.
68. Renesto S. & Bernardi M., 2013 - Redescription and phylogenetic relationships of Megachirella wachtleri Renesto et Posenato, 2003 (Reptilia, Diapsida). Palaontologisches Zeitschrift. DOI:
69. Rott E., Hotzy R., Cantonati M. & Sanders D., 2012 - Calcification types of Oocardium stratum
Nägeli and microhabitat conditions in springs of the Alps. In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I. Jüttner &
E.J. Cox (Eds.), The Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science, 31: 610-624.
70. Rovero F., Collett L., Ricci S., Martin E. & Spitale D., 2013 - Distribution, occupancy and habitat
associations of the grey-faced sengi (Rhynchocyon udzungwensis) as revealed by camera traps.
Journal of Mammalogy, 94: 792-800.
71. Rovero F., Mtui A., Kitegile A. & Nielsen M., 2012 - Hunting or habitat degradation? Decline of
primate populations in Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania: An analysis of threats. Biological Conservation, 146: 89-96.
72. Rovero F., Zimmermann F., Berzi D. & Meek P., 2013 - “Which camera trap type and how many do I
need?” A review of camera features and study designs for a range of wildlife research applications.
Hystrix, The Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 24(2), (Online first). DOI:10.4404/hystrix-24.2-8789.
73. Scholz D., Frisia S., Borsato A., Spötl, C., Fohlmeister J., Mudelsee M., Mühlinghaus C., Miorandi
R., Mangini A., 2012 - Holocene climate variability in north-eastern Italy: potential influence of the
NAO and solar activity recorded by speleothem data. Clim. Past, 8: 1367-1383.
74. Sindaco R., Metallinou M., Pupin F., Fasola M. & Carranza S., 2012 - Forgotten in the ocean:
systematics, biogeography and evolution of the Trachylepis skinks of the Socotra Archipelago.
Zoologica Scripta, 41(4): 346-362.
75. Slik F. & 62 authors (including Rovero F. and Martin M.), 2013 - Large trees drive forest aboveground
biomass variation in moist lowland forests across the tropics. Global Ecology and Biogeography,
22: 1261-1271.
76. Spitale D. & Hölzer A., 2012 - New national and regional bryophyte records, 22. Sphagnum subfulvum. Journal of Bryology, 34(3): 231-246.
77. Spitale D. & Nascimbene J., 2012 - Spatial structure, rock type, and local environmental conditions
drive moss and lichen distribution on calcareous boulders. Ecological Research, 27(3): 633-638.
78. Spitale D., 2012 - A comparative study of common and rare species in spring habitats. Ecoscience,
19(1): 80-88.
79. Spitale D., Jiménez J.A. & Köckinger H., 2012 - The rare moss Didymodon johansenii (R.S.Williams)
H.A.Crum in the Italian and Austrian Alps. Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 33(2): 141-147.
80. Spitale D., Leira M., Angeli N. & Cantonati M., 2012 - Environmental classification of springs of the
Italian Alps and its consistency across multiple taxonomic groups. In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I.
Jüttner & E.J. Cox (Eds.), The Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science, 31:563-574.
81. Spitale D., Lencioni V. & Cantonati M., 2012 - Relative importance of space and time in determining
the biotic structure in the upper part of spring-fed streams. In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I. Jüttner &
E.J. Cox (Eds.), The Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science, 31:586-598.
82. Spitale D., Scalfi A. & Cantonati M., 2012 - Niche partitioning, shape of species response, and
diversity in the phytobenthos across the rocky shoreline of a large peri-Alpine lake. Journal of Great
Lakes Research, 38: 620-627.
83. Spitale D., Scalfi A. & Cantonati M., 2013 - Urbanization effects on the shoreline phytobenthos: A
multiscale approach at lake extent. Aquatic Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s00027-013-0307-6.
84. Spitale D., Scalfi A., Angeli N. & Cantonati M., 2012 - Fine-scale spatial patterns of mature and immature filaments and bioorganic compounds of the rhodophyte Bangia atropurpurea in the supraand eulittoral zones of a large lake. Journal of Phycology, 48: 1530-1534.
85. Stefani F., Gentilli A., Sacchi R., Razzetti E., Pellitteri-Rosa D., Pupin F. & Galli P., 2012 - Refugia
within refugia as a key to disentangle the genetic pattern of a highly variable species: the case of
Rana temporaria Linnaeus, 1758 (Anura, Ranidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 65(2):
86. Svalastog A.L., Martinelli L., 2013 - Representing life as opposed to being: the bio-objectification
process of the HeLa cells and its relation to personalized medicine. Croat. Med. J., 54: 397-402.
87. Tenan S., Adrover J., Muñoz Navarro A., Sergio F., Tavecchia G., 2012 - Demographic Consequences of Poison-Related Mortality in a Threatened Bird of Prey. PLoS ONE, 7(11): e49187.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
88. Tenan S., Rotger Vallespir A., Igual J.M., Moya O., Royle J.A., Tavecchia G. 2013 - Population abundance, size structure and sex-ratio in an insular lizard. Ecological Modelling, 267: 39-47.
89. Ventura L., Donà M., Macovei A., Carbonera D., Buttafava A., Mondoni A., Rossi G., Balestrazzi A.,
2012 - Understanding the molecular pathways associated with seed vigor. Pl. Physiol. Biochem.,
60: 196-206.
90. Wackerbarth A., Langebroek P.M., Werner M., Lohmann G., Riechelmann S., Borsato A., & Mangini
A., 2012 - Simulated oxygen isotopes in cave drip water and speleothem calcite in European caves.
Clim. Past, 8: 1781-1799.
91. Zambelli P., Lora C., Spinelli R., Tattoni C., Vitti A., Zatelli P. & Ciolli M., 2012 - A GIS decision support system for regional forest management to assess biomass availability for renewable energy
production. Environmental Modelling & amp. Software, 38: 203-213.
Scientific papers on non- ISI journals
Avanzini M. & Salvador I., 2012 - Il paesaggio fra risorse ambientali, biodiversità e servizi ecosistemici. Sentieri urbani, la Rivista della Sezione Trentino dell’Istituto Nazionale di urbanistica, 9: 38-41.
Ballarin F., Gozzini M., Gobbi M., Bragalanti N. & Lencioni V., 2012 - Nuove segnalazioni di ragni
(Arachnida, Araneae) per il Trentino-Alto Adige. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 92: 43-45.
Bamford A.J., Ferrol-Schulte D., Hieronimo P., McWilliam N. & Rovero F., 2012 - Vanishing wildlife
corridors and options for restoration: a case study from Tanzania. Tropical Conservation Science,
5: 463-474.
Belli R, Gialanella S., Mandelli M., Turco I., Dalmeri G., 2012 - Studio archeometrico di frammenti
d’ocra provenienti da Riparo Dalmeri. In Atti della XLII Riunione Scientifica dell’IIPP, L’Arte Preistorica
in Italia, Trento-Riva del Garda, Val Camonica, 9-13 ottobre 2007, Preistoria Alpina, 46 I-II: 89-90.
Bernardi M. & Menegon M. 2013. La specie in biologia: problemi teorici, difficoltˆ operative. In: Soavi
M., Minelli A., Giarretta P., Carrara M., Le classificazioni nelle scienze, MIMESIS Edizioni, collana
Filosofie, pp. 67-82.
Bernardi M., Deflorian M.C., Ferretti P., 2013: La collezione mineralogica Taxis-Scutelli: la storia, il
catalogo. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 93: 9-20.
Bernardi M., Petti F.M., D’Orazi Porchetti S. & Avanzini M. 2013. Large tridactyl footprints associated with a diverse ichnofauna from the Carnian of Southern Alps. New Mexico Museum of Natural
History and Science Bulletin, 61: 48-54.
Bonomi C. & Coser E., 2012 - Delectus seminum N. 39. Museo delle Scienze, Trento: 12pp.
Bonomi C. & Coser E., 2013 - Delectus seminum N. 40. Museo delle Scienze, Trento: 12pp.
10. Bonomi C. & Prosser F., 2012 - La banca del germoplasma del Trentino. Studi Trentini di Scienze
Naturali, 90: 119-140.
11. Bonomi C., 2012 - Criticità nel trattamento del germoplasma. Analisi e discussione dei punti più
controversi nelle pratiche di gestione di una banca del germoplasma per le specie selvatiche. Review article. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 90: 183-188.
12. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., 2013 - The Inquire project and the IBSE method in outdoor education.
In Science and Sustainability through Outdoor Learning Conference Report. Real World Learning
Network, Plancia Outdoor Centre, 2.3.7 Workshop 5, Slovenia, 27 - 30 November 2013: 15-16.
13. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., Galetto M., Vergou A., 2013 - World Café: engaging the participants into
an INQUIRE course and promoting IBSE locally and nationally. In Kapelari, S., Jeffreys, D., Willison,
J., Vergou, A., Regan, E., Dillon, J., Bromley, G. and Bonomi, C. (eds.), 2013 - Proceedings of the
INQUIRE Conference, Raising Standards Through Inquiry: Professional Development in the Natural
Environment, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 9-10 July 2013. London: BGCI: 55-58.
14. Bortolozzi G., Blass G., Boscardin M., Rocchetti I., Ferretti P., 2013: La Miniera di Cinquevalli (Valsugana, Trentino-Alto Adige): aggiornamento sulle specie accertate negli ultimi anni. Studi Trentini di
Scienze Naturali, 93: 149-165.
15. Boscolo T. & Gobbi M., 2013 - Trichotichnus (Trichotichnus) nitens (Heer 1838) (Coleoptera Carabidae). Segnalazioni faunistiche italiane. Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana, 145, n.3.
16. Campostrini I., Ferretti P., 2013: Bibliografia mineralogica della provincia di Trento. Studi Trentini di
Scienze Naturali, 93: 283-298.
17. Canal A., Fassina B., Ferretti P., Gasparetto P., Pegoraro S., Tosato F., Zammatteo P. , 2012 - Compet galleria a quota 1358 m s.l.m. Monte Fronte, Vetriolo, Trento. Micro, 10: 1-48.
18. Casagrande L., 2013 - La valorizzazione del paesaggio minerario. Un esempio virtuoso in Trentino:
l’Ecomuseo Argentario. APSAT 7, Conoscenza e Valorizzazione dei Paesaggi Trentini: 157-167.
19. Casagrande L., Battelli N., Ferretti P., Frizzo. P., 2013 - Paesaggi minerari del Trentino. APSAT 2,
Paesaggi d’Altura del trentino. Evoluzione Naturale e Aspetti Culturali: 177-306.
20. Casagrande L., Conci F., Zammatteo P., Ferretti P., 2013 - La collezione mineralogica e storicomineraria Giuliano Zampedri. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 93: 53-59.
21. Casagrande L., Ferretti P,. Zandonati M., 2013 - “CASIMIRO”: una proposta di database georefenziato per i siti minerari e mineralogici del Trentino. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 93: 215-220.
22. Casarotto C., 2013 - Ghiacciai di una volta. Montagne360: 38-43.
23. Dalmeri G., Cappelletti G., Duches R., Flor E., Pederzolli M., Neri S., 2013 - Il sito epigravettiano
recente di Palù (Levico Terme-TN). Le evidenze emerse dal sondaggio archeologico 2012.
Preistoria Alpina, 47: 329-332.
24. Dalmeri G., Cusinato A., Kompatscher K., Hrozny Kompatscher M., Bassetti M., Neri S., 2012 - Le
pietre con pitture in ocra di Riparo Dalmeri (Trento). Sviluppi delle ricerche sull’arte e la ritualità del
sito epigravettiano. In Atti della XLII Riunione Scientifica dell’IIPP, L’Arte Preistorica in Italia, TrentoRiva del Garda, Val Camonica, 9-13 ottobre 2007, Preistoria Alpina, 46 I-II: 31-40.
25. Dalmeri G., Duches R., Kompatscher K., Kompatscher N., Flor E., Neri S., 2013 - Laget di Predaia
(Tres-TN), primo rapporto sulle campagne di scavi 2011-2012. Preistoria Alpina, 47: 325-328.
26. DalmeriI G., Duches R., Avanzini M., Bassetti M., Flor E., Neri S., 2013 - Frequentazione delle medie
quote montane durante il Dryas recente: nuove informazioni dal sito epigravettiano di Palù Echen
(Altopiano di Folgaria, Trentino). Preistoria Alpina, 47: 153-181.
27. Deflorian M.C. & Pedrini P., 2013 - Le collezioni microteriologiche del Museo delle Scienze di Trento
e il loro contributo alla descrizione della biodiversità locale. Museologia Scientifica Memorie, 9:
28. Dellantonio E., 2013 - La molibdenite del Monte Mulàt e i minerali della “Ricerca mineraria Predazzo” (Val di Fiemme, Trentino-Alto Adige). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 93: 193-203.
29. Demartin F., Campostrini I., Ferretti P., 2013 - Nuovo ritrovamento di xenotime-(Y) nel Granito di
Predazzo (Val di Fiemme, Trentino Alto-Adige). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 93: 205-207.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
30. Ferretti P., Bernardi M., Todesco R., Boselli L., Monegaglia F., 2013 - Barite e fluorite a Sopramonte
(Monte Bondone, Trento): prima segnalazione nella successione vulcanica e sedimentaria eocenica
dell’area trentina. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 93: 131-138.
31. Ferretti P., Campostrini I., Demartin F., 2013 - Elenco ragionato delle specie mineralogiche presenti
in provincia di Trento. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 93: 221-281.
32. Ferretti P., Casagrande L. Conci F., 2013 - La collezione mineralogica Baroldi-Viebig presso il Museo
di Riva del Garda (Trento). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 93: 47-52.
33. Ferretti P., Casagrande L., Deflorian M.C., 2013 - Le collezioni mineralogiche del Museo delle Scienze di Trento: riordino e nuove acquisizioni. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 93: 21-35.
34. Ferretti P., Chiocchetti M., Masetto M., Gualtieri A., 2013 - Stellerite, gismondina e altre zeoliti nelle
mineralizzazioni di contatto delle Pale Rabbiose (Monti Monzoni, Trentino-Alto Adige). Studi Trentini
di Scienze Naturali, 93: 181-192.
35. Ferretti P., Dellantonio E., Gabrielli A., Rizzi T., 2013 - Le collezioni mineralogiche aperte al pubblico
nelle Valli di Fiemme e Fassa: Museo Geologico delle Dolomiti (Predazzo), Museo Mineralogico
Monzoni, esposizione del Gruppo Mineralogico Fassa e Fiemme. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali,
93: 37-45.
36. Ferretti P., Galli E., Masetto M., Medici L., 2013: I minerali di contatto di Cima Uzza (Adamello Meridionale, Italia). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 93: 73-87.
37. Ferretti P., Gualtieri A., Masetto M., 2013 - Armotomo, heulandite-K e “gmelinite” nelle vulcaniti
eoceniche del Monte Baldo (Brentonico, Trentino-Alto Adige). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 93:
38. Ferretti P., Gualtieri A., Rocchetti I., Unterrainer G., 2013 - I minerali del giacimento piombo argentifero del Dosso dei Furli (Lavis, Trentino-Alto Adige). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 93: 115-130.
39. Ferretti P., Masetto M., Campostrini I., Demartin F., 2013 - Bavenite, allanite-(Y) e vanadinite: nuove
segnalazioni nelle pegmatiti del plutone di Cima d’Asta (Trentino-Alto Adige, Italia). Studi Trentini di
Scienze Naturali, 93: 209-214.
40. Franceschini A., Gobbi M., Menegon M., Minerbi T., Negra O., Tabarelli de Fatis K., Trentin L. &
Zobele Lipparini G., 2013 - Guida alla biodiversità urbana in Trentino-Alto Adige. Natura alpina, 1/2:
41. Gobbi M. & Angeli F., 2012 - Segnalazioni faunistiche italiane, 537 - Monochamus galloprovincialis
(Olivier 1795). Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana, 144(1): 47.
42. Gobbi M., Bragalanti N. Lencioni V. & Pedrotti L., 2013 - Contributo alla conoscenza delle comunità
di carabidi (Coleoptera: Carabidae) del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio (Settore Trentino). Bollettino del
Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, Botanica Zoologia, 37: 123-130.
43. Gobbi M., Lencioni V. & Tomasi G., 2012 - Stefano Bertolini (1832-1904): tribute to one of the most
important Italian entomologists and to his entomological collection. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 92: 7-11.
44. Gobbi M., Riservato E., Bragalanti N. & Lencioni V., 2013 - Dalle collezioni museali alla prima lista
di specie prioritarie di invertebrati per il Trentino. In: Mazzotti S. (ed.), “I musei delle scienze e la biodiversità”, XX Congresso ANMS, Ferrara, 17-19 novembre 2010, Museologia Scientifica Memorie,
9: 157-161.
45. Hussain E., Khan B., Lencioni V., Mumtaz S. & Ali F., 2012 - Stream macroinvertebrate assemblages
in the Bagrot Valley of Central Karakoram National Park, Pakistan. Records Zoological Survey of
Pakistan, 21: 60-64.
46. Kapelari S., Regan E., Bonomi C., Dillon J., Willison J., Vergou A., Schepker H. & Elster D., 2012
- Initiating Inquiry Based Science Education in Outdoor Learning Sites: Issues and challenges. Fibonacci Second European Conference, 26-27 April, 2012, Leicester, UK: 10pp.
47. Lencioni V. & Sartori G., 2012 - Diversità e distribuzione dei ditteri chironomidi in 22 sorgenti prealpine (Veneto). Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, sez. Botanica Zoologia,
36: 35-46.
48. Lencioni V., & Gobbi M., 2012 - Documentazione e conservazione della biodiversità “glaciale”: studi
e collezioni entomologiche del Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali. In: Mazzotti S. (ed.), “I musei
delle scienze e la biodiversità”, XX Congresso ANMS, Ferrara, 17-19 novembre 2010, Museologia
Scientifica Memorie, 9: 118-123.
49. Macagno A.L.M., Gobbi M. & Lencioni V., 2012 - The occurrence of Leucorrhinia pectoralis (Charpentier, 1825) (Odonata, Libellulidae) in Trentino (Eastern Italian Alps). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 92: 33-36.
50. Macagno A.L.M., Gobbi M., Franceschini A. & Lencioni V., 2012 - New record of Osmoderma
eremita (Scopoli, 1763) (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae) in chestnut trees in Trentino (Eastern Italian Alps).
Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 92: 37-41.
51. Micheli A., 2012 - I rapaci diurni delle Alpi, prontuario tassonomico per il loro riconoscimento. Quaderni del Museo delle Scienze, 5: 160 pp.
52. Orsenigo S., Mondoni A., Gandini M., Abeli T., Belotti J., Sossai E., Parolo G. & Rossi G., 2012 - Le
attivita’ di ricerca sul cambiamento climatico del laboratorio di ecologia vegetale e conservazione
delle piante dell’Università di Pavia. In Atti del Convegno “Cambiamento climatico: Analisi ed impatti
su specie ed ecosistemi vegetali”. A cura di: N. Cannone, E. Barni, M. Marignani (Ed.). Gruppo di
Ecologia della Società Botanica Italiana, Varese, 18 aprile 2012: 80-84.
53. Orsenigo S., Rossi G., Mondoni A. & Bhuju D.R., 2012 - Ev-K2-CNR/NAST Himalayan Seed Bank
Project - Kathmandu (Nepal). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 90: 215-219.
54. Peresani M., Centi L., Chravzez J., Danti A., de March M., Di Taranto E., Duches R., Jéquier C.,
Muratori S., Romandini M., 2012 - Gli ultimi Neandertal nella Grotta di Fumane. La Lessinia - Ieri
oggi domani: 89-98.
55. Peresani M., Romandini M., Duches R., Jéquier C., Nannini N., Picin A. 2012 - Il Musteriano finale
di Grotta del Rio Secco nel contesto nordadriatico. Risultati dalle nuove ricerche. Bollettino della
Società Naturalisti “Silvia Zenari”, 46: 9-28.
56. Petti F.M., Bernardi M., Kustatscher E., Renesto S. & Avanzini M. 2013 - Diversity of continental
tetrapods and plants in the Triassic of the Southern Alps: Ichnological, paleozoological and palaeobotanical evidences. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 61: 458- 484.
57. Rocchetti I., Gentile P., Ferretti P., 2013 - La Miniera di Frattasecca presso Malga Broi (Novaledo,
Trentino-Alto Adige). Storia e nuove segnalazioni mineralogiche. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali,
93: 167-180.
58. Rossaro B., Boggero A., Lods Crozet B., Free G., Lencioni V., Marziali L. & Wolfram G., 2012 - A
benthic quality index for European alpine lakes. Proceedings of the 1 8th International Symposium
on Chironomidae - Fauna norvegica, 31: 95-107.
59. Rossi G., Bedini G., Bonomi C. & Tazzari E.R., 2012 - Cenni storici su RIBES Rete Italiana Banche
del germoplasma per la conservazione Ex Situ della flora spontanea. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 90: 11-16.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
60. Rossi G., Bonomi C. & Gandini M. (a cura di), 2012 - RIBES e la conservazione ex situ della flora
spontanea autoctona. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 90: 320.
61. Rossi G., Mondoni A., 2012 - Lombardy Seed Bank - Centro Flora Autoctona della Regione Lombardia. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali 90: 53-61.
62. Rovero F. & Jones T., 2012 - Wildlife corridors in the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. Ecological
Restoration, 30: 282-285.
63. Rovero F. & Menegon M., 2013 - Il Museo delle Scienze di Trento in Tanzania: esplorazione biologica, ricerca e conservazione delle foreste montane dell’Eastern Arc. Museologia Scientifica Memorie, 9: 57-62.
64. Salvador I. & Avanzini M., 2012 - Uomo e pietra: l’evoluzione dei depositi caseari tradizionali in Pasubio tra architettura montana e identità alpina. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 92: 71-83.
65. Salvador I. & Avanzini M., 2013 - Uomo e montagna in Pasubio: l’alpicoltura prima della Grande
Guerra. Archivio Trentino, 02: 132-171.
66. Scoz L., Fedrigotti A., Neri S., Dalmeri G., 2013- Prime tracce di popolamento in Valle di Ledro:
l’industria litica di Pozza Lavino. Preistoria Alpina, 47: 333-336.
Books or book chapters
Avanzini M. & Salvador I., 2012 - Pasubio, una montagna di storie: cinquecento anni di cultura
alpina in una terra di confine. Edizioni Osiride, Rovereto (TN): 143 pp.
Bernardi M. & Menegon M., 2013 - La specie in biologia: Problemi teorici, difficoltà operative. In:
Soavi M., Minelli A., Giaretta P. & Carrara M. (eds), Le Classificazioni nelle Scienze. Collana Filosofie
N 231 Mimesis Edizioni: 67-82.
Bernardi M. 2012 - Ossimori evolutivi: quando il tempo non invecchia. In: Gaudino L. & Pascolini M.
(eds), Misura. Collana Multiverso, Forum Edizioni, Università degli Studi di Udine: 11 pp.
Bertolli A. & Pedrini P., 2012 - Prealpi Trentine occidentali. Tremalzo-Tombea. In: SAT - Commissione Tutela Ambiente Montano (ed.), Naturalmente Trentino. I paesaggi, la Natura, I Luoghi. Ed. Curcu
& Genovese: 115-120.
Campobello D., Pedrini P., Ciolli M., Carere C., Chamberlain D., Serra L., Rossi F., Iemma A., 2013
- “XVII Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia: Programma e abstract”. Libro dei riassunti: 154pp.
Cantonati M., Füreder L., Jüttner I. & Cox E.J. (eds), 2012. The Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science. Special series of papers 31(2): 463-668.
Ciolli, M.; Tattoni, C. & Ferretti F., 2012 - Understanding Forest Changes to Support Planning: A
Fine-Scale Markov Chain Approach. In: Jordán F. & Jørgensen S. (eds), Models of the Ecological
Hierarchy: From Molecules to the Ecosphere. Elsevier B.V, Great Britain: 355-373.
Cucato M., Ferretti P., Zampedri G., 2013 - Risorse del sottosuolo e sfruttamento antropico. In:
Avanzini M.,Bargossi M.B., Borsato A., Cucato M., Morelli C., Picotti V., Selli L. (eds), Note illustrative della Carta Geologica della Provincia di Trento alla scala 1:50.000, Foglio 043 Mezzolombardo.
Ed. Provincia autonoma di Trento, Servizio Geologico: 213-216.
Dalmeri G., 2013 - Cenni di Preistoria antica del Lagorai. In: Società degli Alpinisti Tridentini Sezione
del CAI Commissione sentieri, …per sentieri e luoghi sui monti del Trentino, Lagorai Cima d’Asta
Calisio Monti di Cembra 2: 45-46.
10. Fedrigotti A., Scoz L., 2012 - Archeologia involontaria, tre vicende che mescolano memoria, territorio, guerra, lavoro e ricerca scientifica in Valle di Ledro. Supplemento Judicaria n. 83. Tione di
Trento: 66pp.
11. Kapelari S., Bonomi C., Dillon J., Reagen E., Bromley G., Vergou A. & Willison J., 2012 - The INQUIRE Train the Trainers Course Manual. BGCI, London, UK: 65pp.
12. Kapelari, S., Jeffreys, D., Willison, J., Vergou, A., Regan, E., Dillon, J., Bromley, G. & Bonomi, C.
(eds.), 2013 - Proceedings of the INQUIRE Conference, Raising Standards Through Inquiry: Professional Development in the Natural Environment, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 9-10 July 2013.
London: BGCI: 61pp.
13. Pasquali T., Neri S., 2013 - I ritrovamenti preistorici della Piana Rotaliana “allargata” dopo il 1913. In:
Carli R., Pasquali T & Kaisermann B. (eds), I Castellieri Preistorici del Trentino attraverso le ricerche
di Desiderio Reich. La Piana Rotaliana e la Bassa-Media Val di Non-Aggiornamenti. Associazione
Castelli del Trentino, Publistampa Edizioni, Pergine: 219-237.
14. Pedrini P. & Volcan G., 2012 - Dolomiti Trentine occidentali. Fauna. In: SAT - Commissione Tutela
Ambiente Montano (ed.), Naturalmente Trentino. I paesaggi, la Natura, I Luoghi. Curcu & Genovese:
15. Pedrini P. & Volcan G., 2012 - Dolomiti Trentine orientali. Fauna. In: SAT - Commissione Tutela Ambiente Montano (ed.), Naturalmente Trentino. I paesaggi, la Natura, I Luoghi. Curcu & Genovese:
16. Pedrini P. & Volcan G., 2012 - Lagorai - Cima d’Asta. Fauna. In: SAT - Commissione Tutela Ambiente Montano (ed.), Naturalmente Trentino. I paesaggi, la Natura, I Luoghi. Curcu & Genovese:
17. Pedrini P. & Volcan G., 2012 - Prealpi Trentine orientali. Fauna. In: SAT - Commissione Tutela Ambiente Montano (ed.), Naturalmente Trentino. I paesaggi, la Natura, I Luoghi. Curcu & Genovese:
18. Pedrini P., Tenan S. & Spina F. (eds), 2012 - La migrazione postriproduttiva degli Uccelli attraverso
le Alpi italiane: fenologia ed andamenti. Museo delle Scienze: 112 pp.
19. Pedrini P., Volcan G. & Maiolini B., 2012 - Prealpi Trentine occidentali. Fauna. In: SAT - Commissione Tutela Ambiente Montano (ed.), Naturalmente Trentino. I paesaggi, la Natura, I Luoghi. Ed.
Curcu & Genovese : 71-77.
20. Reichard U.H., Ganpanakngan M. & Barelli C., 2012 - White-handed gibbons of Khao Yai: social
flexibility, complex, reproductive strategies, and a slow life history. In: Kappeler P.M. & Watts D.
(eds), Long-term Field Studies of Primates. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg: 237-258.
21. Rossi G., Tomaselli M., Gandini M., Gualmini M. & Parolo G., 2012 - Appennino Settentrionale: App.
Tosco-Emiliano. In: Bertoni R. (ed.), La rete italiana per la ricerca ecologica a lungo termine (LTERItalia). Situazione e prospettive dopo un quinquennio di attivita’ (2006-2011). ARACNE editrice
S.r.l., Roma: 43-46.
22. Tolley K.A. & Menegon M. - 2013 Evolution and biogeography of chameleons. In: Tolley K.A. & Herrel A. (eds), The Biology of Chameleons. University of California Press: 131-221.
23. Volcan G. & Pedrini P., 2012 - Adamello - Presanella. Fauna. In: SAT - Commissione Tutela Ambiente Montano (ed.), Naturalmente Trentino. I paesaggi, la Natura, I Luoghi. Curcu & Genovese:
24. Volcan G. & Pedrini P., 2012 - Cevedale - Maddalene. Fauna. In: SAT - Commissione Tutela Ambiente
Montano (ed.), Naturalmente Trentino. I paesaggi, la Natura, I Luoghi. Curcu & Genovese: 581-587.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Popular science papers
Bernardi M. & Avanzini M., 2012 - Tracce del passato: rettili e dinosauri di casa nostra. Rivista Fiemme e Fassa: 104-105.
Bonomi F., Dalmeri G., Neri S., Pasquali T., 2012 - Ritrovamenti mesolitici della zona di Arco: aggiornamenti. La Giurisdizione di Pénede, Gruppo Culturale Nago-Torbole, Anno XX - n. 38: 103-107.
Boselli L., Boselli F., Ferretti P., Demartin F., 2013 - Datolite - Nuovo ritrovamento sul Buffaure (Val di
Fassa, Trentino). Rivista Mineralogica Italiana, 2: 108-115.
Cantonati M., 2012 - Kieselalgen (Bacillariophyceae oder Diatomeae). In: Gerecke R., Haseke H.,
Klauber J. & Maringer A. (Eds), Quellen. Schriften des Nationalparks Gesäuse 7: 86-99.
Cantonati M., Angeli N., Spitale D. Rott E., Stoch F., Nascimbene J., 2012 - La sorgente di Labante
(20-21), le sorgenti del M. Penna (35-36), le Fonti di Poiano (42) nell’ambito del Progetto EBERs
- Segadelli S., Angeli N., Spitale D., Cantonati M., Alla scoperta della biodiversità delle sorgenti
dell’Emilia-Romagna: Il progetto EBERs (26-30) 2012. In: Segadelli S. et al. A deterministic walk
looking for springs. FLOWPATH 2012. Bologna, Italy, June 20-22, 2012. Field trip guide.
Casarotto C., 2012 - Così evolvono i “Giacciai di una volta”. 360° Mantagne.
Dalmeri G., 2012 - Laget, Altopiano di Predaia. Il più antico accampamento preistorico della Val di
Non. Strenna Trentina, 2013: 216-219.
Dalmeri G., Flor E., Neri S., 2012 - Preistoria a Monte Terlago: una nuova ricerca archeologica.
Judicaria, 80: 41-45.
Dalmeri G., Neri S., 2012 - Ricerche Preistoriche nel Riparo di Monteterlago, i risultati di una prima
ricerca. Terlago Notizie, 1/2011: 27-29.
10. Ferretti P., 2013 - MUSE - Il nuovo Museo delle Scienze di Trento. Rivista Mineralogica Italiana, 3:
11. Ferretti P., Cavada G., Dallabona S., 2013 - Fluorite in Val di Fassa, Trentino. Un recente ritrovamento nelle vulcaniti di Drio le Pale. Rivista Mineralogica Italiana, 3: 166-174.
12. Segadelli S., Angeli N., Spitale D. & Cantonati M. 2012 - Alla scoperta delle biodiversità delle sorgenti dell’Emilia-Romagna. Published online:
13. Todesco R., Casarotto C., Ferretti P., 2012 - La geologia a portata di mano. Percorso tattile per
scoprire le rocce del Trentino: parco giochi Viote, Monte Bondone-Trento. Museo delle Scienze,
Trento: 35 pp.
Oral communications (with published abstract)
Avanzini M. & Salvador I., 2012 - Mountain men under climate change: pastoral land use between
the 17th and 19th centuries. 18th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists
EAA, Helsinki, in Abstract Book.
Avanzini M., Salvador I., Gios G., 2012 - Uomo e montagna tra economia tradizionale e cambiamenti climatici: il caso del Pasubio tra XVIII e XX secolo. Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA), Congress Papers, no. 124126.
Battistotti M. & Dorigotti S., 2012 - Education workshop - Designing engaging education activities
for Alpine Botanic Gardens, promoting Inquiry Based Science Education and awareness of alpine
plants. The 3rd International Congress of Alpine and Arctic Botanical Gardens. Viote Alpine Botanic
Garden, Trento, 12-15 September 2012. Book of Abstracts: 25.
Battistotti M., Dorigotti S. & Bonomi C., 2012 - 14 years of education at Viote Alpine Botanic Garden. The 3rd International Congress of Alpine and Arctic Botanical Gardens. Viote Alpine Botanic
Garden, Trento, 12-15 September 2012. Book of Abstracts: 22.
Bernardi M., Kustatscher E., Petti F.M. & Avanzini M. 2012. Diversity of continental tetrapods and
plants in the Triassic of Southern Alps: ichnological and palaeobotanical evidences. Giornate di
Paleontologia SPI 2012, Abstract volume: 19.
Bonomi C. & Gratzfeld J., 2012 - Networking practical 1 - Workshop on data upload into BGCI
Garden Search and Plant Search. The 3rd International Congress of Alpine and Arctic Botanical
Gardens. Viote Alpine Botanic Garden, Trento, 12-15 September 2012. Book of Abstracts: 27.
Bonomi C., 2012 - Attività 2011 del Consorzio Europeo dei Giardini Botanici. Riunione annuale del
gruppo Orti Botanici della Società Botanica Italiana, Giardini Trauttmannsdorff, Merano, 17-18 May
2012, libro degli abstract: 6-7.
Bonomi C., 2012 - Horticultural Practical 1: Plant data verification - Workshop on the identification
of critical species of uncertain determination present in Viotte Alpine Botanic Garden. The 3rd International Congress of Alpine and Arctic Botanical Gardens. Viote Alpine Botanic Garden, Trento,
12-15 September 2012. Book of Abstracts: 16.
Bonomi C., 2012 - Horticultural Practical 2: Developing the collections of Viote Alpine Botanic Garden - Workshop examining the collections of Viote Alppine Garden, suggesting ideas on how to
improve them, sharing and exchanging seeds and plants. The 3rd International Congress of Alpine
and Arctic Botanical Gardens. Viote Alpine Botanic Garden, Trento, 12-15 September 2012. Book
of Abstracts: 17.
10. Bonomi C., 2012 - Networking practical 2 - World café workshop: Promoting and developing the
Alpine and Arctic Botanic Garden network - promoting discussion and ideas. The 3rd International
Congress of Alpine and Arctic Botanical Gardens. Viote Alpine Botanic Garden, Trento, 12-15 September 2012. Book of Abstracts: 27.
11. Bonomi C., 2012 - New labels and visitor interpretation at Viote Alpine Botanic Garden. The 3rd International Congress of Alpine and Arctic Botanical Gardens. Viote Alpine Botanic Garden, Trento,
12-15 September 2012. Book of Abstracts: 23.
12. Bonomi C., 2012 - The 2005 IBC excursion in the lesser Caucasus and on Mt. Kazbek (Georgia)
- Evening sessions: Alpine Flora in Pictures. The 3rd International Congress of Alpine and Arctic Botanical Gardens. Viote Alpine Botanic Garden, Trento, 12-15 September 2012. Book of Abstracts:
13. Bonomi C., 2012 - Trentino Alpine flora - Evening sessions: Alpine Flora in Pictures. The 3rd International Congress of Alpine and Arctic Botanical Gardens. Viote Alpine Botanic Garden, Trento, 12-15
September 2012. Book of Abstracts: 30.
14. Bonomi C., 2013 - NASSTEC: A new EU project for native seed production and use in grassland
restoration. 5th Global Botanic Gardens Congress. Celebrating Success. The influence and appeal
of botanic gardens. Dunedin centre and Botanic Gardens, Dunedin, New Zealand. 20-25 October
2014. Book of Abstracts: 48.
15. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., 2013 - workshop - The INQUIRE project: reinvigorating IBSE approach
outdoors. European conference: Science and Sustainability through outdoor learning, Planica, Slovenia 27-30 november 2013, Book of Abstracts: 7.
16. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., Galetto M., 2012 - Attività per la diffusione dell’approccio IBSE a livello
nazionale tramite il progetto europeo Inquire. 22° congresso ANMS - Il patrimonio culturale dei
musei scientifici, Firenze, 14-16 November 2012,- sessione D - Il ruolo delle collezioni nella cultura
scientifica. Libro degli abstract: 47.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
17. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., Galetto M., Battistotti M., 2012 - Il progetto europeo Inquire. XXII Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia (SITE), Ecologia e Gestione Ambientale, sessione S5 Didattica
dell’Ecologia ed Educazione alla Sostenibilità, Alessandria, 10-13 September 2012, Book of Abstracts: 98.
18. Bonomi C., Rovero F., 2012 - Eastern Arc - la serra tropicale del Muse, Trento. 22° congresso
ANMS - Il patrimonio culturale dei musei scientifici, Firenze, 14-16 November 2012 - nella sessione
B2 “Musealizzare” la natura: parchi naturali, giardini e orti botanici. Libro degli abstract: 22.
19. Borsato A., Johnston V.E., Frisia S., Eggins S., and Cotte M., 2012 - High-resolution trace elements
analyses in speleothems: recent advances and comparison between LA-ICP-MS and SR-microXRF techniques. 4th Daphne Workshop, Heidelberg 8-10 February 2012: 47-48.
20. Brambilla M., Bergero V., Celada C., Falco R., Ficetola G.F., Gustin M., Saporetti F., Tattoni C. &
Pedrini P., 2013 - How Species Distribution Models promote bird conservation? New applications
to go beyond the simple mapping of suitable areas. IX EOU Congress, Norwich (UK), 27-30 August
2013. Abstract book.
21. Brambilla M., Bergero V., Falco R., Ficetola G.F., Saporetti F., 2013 - I modelli di distribuzione per
la conservazione di specie ornitiche: oltre la semplice individuazione di aree idonee. Atti del XVII
Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia, Trento, 11-15 September 2013.
22. Bromley G., Willison J., Vergou A., Kapelari S. & Bonomi C., 2012 - workshop 3: Learining about
Biodiversity and Climate Change through Botanic Garden networks and communities of practice.
6th European Botanic Gardens Congress, Chios, Greece, 27 May - 2 June 2012, Book of abstracts: 48.
23. Cantonati M., Angeli N. & Spitale D., 2012 - Towards the development of benthic-algae tools for the
bioassessment of the quality and ecological integrity of spring habitats. 8th International Symposium
on the Use of algae for Monitoring Rivers (UAMRIVER 2012), Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain,
18-22 June 2012. Program and Abstracts: 20.
24. Cantonati M., Gerecke R., Segadelli S., Angeli N., Spitale D., Rossetti G., Rosati M., Rott E., Stoch
F., & De Nardo M.T., 2013 - Exploring and understanding the Biodiversity of Emilia-Romagna Spring
habitats (Northern Italy): The EBERs Project. Congress Internat. Society Limnology. Theme 2: Biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems. SIL 2013 - 4-9 August, Budapest. Book of Abstracts: 85.
25. Cantonati M., Gerecke R., Segadelli S., Angeli N., Spitale D., Rossetti G., Rosati M., Rott E., Stoch
F., & De Nardo M.T., 2013 - Exploring and understanding the Biodiversity of Emilia-Romagna Spring
habitats (Northern Italy): The EBERs Project. Congress Internat. Society Limnology. SIL 2013 - 4-9
Aug. Budapest. Theme 2: Biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems. Parallel Session 4. Chairs: T. Muotka,
N. Willby, B. Pinel-Alloul, D. Schmera, N. Usio. Tuesday 6 August 2013 15.20.
26. Cantonati M., Lange-Bertalot H., Segadelli S., Angeli N. & Gabrieli J., 2013 - Unexpectedly-high
diatom biodiversity in spring-habitats of the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy, EBERs Project), and its
hydrogeological and hydrochemical prerequisites. 7th Central European Diatom Meeting (CEDIATOM7), Thonon-les-Bains, France, 17-21 September 2013. Abstract Book (F. Rimet et al. ed.):
27. Cantonati M., Scalfi A., Lange-Bertalot H. & Spitale D., 2012 - Benthic diatoms in the frame of an
adaptive-biology study (water-level-fluctuations-related stressors) of the rhodophyte Bangia atropurpurea in the phytobenthos of the large, peri-Alpine Lake Garda (ACE-SAP.A2.WP2). 6th Central
European Diatom Meeting (CEDIATOM6), Innsbruck, Austria, 22-25 March 2012. Abstract Book
(D. Gesierich Ed.): 18.
28. Cantonati M., Spitale D., Guella G. & La Rocca N., 2012 - Adaptive biology (desiccation and UV) of the
rhodophyte Bangia atropurpurea in the eulittoral phytobenthos of the large peri-alpine Lake Garda. Society for Freshwater Science (SFS) 2012 Annual Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 20-25 May 2012.
29. Cantonati M., Spitale D., Guella G. & La Rocca N., 2013 - A2-wp2 - Adaptive traits of the rhodophyte Bangia atropurpurea in relation to water-level-fluctuations-related stressors in the phytobenthos of the large, peri-Alpine Lake Garda. ACE-SAP Review Meeting, S. Michele all’Adige (TN), 04
February 2013. Abstract book.
30. Cantonati M., Spitale D., Guella G. & La Rocca N., 2013 - A2-wp2 - Adaptive traits of the rhodophyte Bangia atropurpurea in relation to water-level-fluctuations-related stressors in the phytobenthos of the large, peri-Alpine Lake Garda. ACE-SAP Review Meeting, S. Michele all’Adige (TN), 04
February 2013. Abstract book.
31. Casagrande L., 2012 - Mining landscapes from remote sensing (LiDAR DTM): study cases in the
Province of Trento (NE Italy), VII Symposium Europa Subterranea 2012, Jihlava - Česká Republika,
25-28 May 2012.
32. Casagrande L., 2013 - Mining landscapes in the Province of Trento (north-east of Italy): new technologies for research and preservation. Archaeomontan 2012, Internationale Fachtagung Dippoldiswalde, 18-20 October 2012.
33. Casagrande L., 2013 - Remote sensing and GIS tools to study the mining landscape development
in Trentino,VIII Symposium Europa Subterranea 2013, Reichelsheim-Odenwald (Germany), 9-11
May 2013.
34. Casarotto C., 2012 - Glaciers one-time A century of climate change on glaciers of Italy. 86° Congresso Società Geologica Italiana, 18-20 September 2012, Arcavacata di Rende (CS).
35. Dorigotti S., 2012 - Progetto Inquire. Riunione annuale del gruppo Orti Botanici della Società Botanica Italiana, Giardini Trauttmannsdorff, Merano, 17-18 May 2012, libro degli abstract: 12.
36. Duches R., Bassetti M., Flor E., Neri S., Kompatscher K., Hrozny Kompatscher N., Dalmeri G.,
2013 - Trasformazione della mobilità epigravettiana durante il Dryas recente: nuove informazioni
dalle ricerche in territorio trentino. XLVIII Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria IIPP. Preistoria e Protostoria del Veneto, Padova 5-9 November 2013.
37. Duches R., Dalmeri G., Peresani M., 2013 - Considerations on the evolution of hunting weapons
during the Lateglacial interstadial as inferred from epigravettian lithic armatures and experimental
texts.Congresso Internazionale annuale 55th Hugo Obermaier Society meeting, Vienna 2-6 April
38. Duches R., Dalmeri G., Peresani M., 2013 - Trasformazione della mobilità epigravettiana durante
il Dryas recente: nuovi dati dalle Alpi orientali italiane. AAI Associazione Antropologica Italiana, XX
Congresso degli Antropologi italiani, Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Ferrara 11-13 September
39. Duches R., Dalmeri G., Peresani M., Cattelain P., 2012 - Réflexions sur l’evolution de l’armament de
chasse durant l’Interstadiaire tardiglaciaire à partir des armatures épigravettiennes del’Abri Dalmeri
(Italie) et de résultats experimentaux. Les sociétés de l’Allerød et du Dryas récent entre Atlantique
et Méditerranée, Bordeaux 24-25 May 2012.
40. Fleitmann, D., Borsato, A., Frisia, S., Badertscher, S., Cheng, H., Edwards, R.L.; Tüysüz, O., 2012
- Speleothems as sensitive recorders of volcanic eruptions - the Bronze Age Minoan eruption recorded in a stalagmite from Turkey. EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria., Geophysical
Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU2012, p.9293.
41. Foglini C., Bazzi G., Brambilla M., Rubolini D., 2013 - Gestione degli habitat e comunità di Passeriformi dei pascoli montani prealpini. Atti del XVII Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia, Trento, 11-15
September 2013.
42. Frisia S., Borsato A., Woodhead J., Drysdale R.N., Johnston V.E., and Blyth A.J., 2012 - Fabrics
and geochemistry of Nullarbor speleothems: a regional perspective on the “wet” Early Pliocene. 4th
Daphne Workshop, Heidelberg 8-10 February 2012: 56.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
43. Gandini M., Abeli T., Cauzzi P., Ardenghi N., Petraglia A., Tomaselli M. & Rossi G., 2013 - Climate
change impact on alpine plants biodiversity in Northern Apennines (Italy) during the period 20012008. In Frei, E.R.; Stöckli, V.; Rixen, C.; Wipf, S. (eds) 2013, 2nd conference: Faster, Higher, More?
Past, Present and Future Dynamics of Alpine and Arctic Flora under Climate Change. Abstracts.
International conference, 22-25 September 2013, Bergün, Switzerland. Birmensdorf, Swiss Federal
Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL: 35.
44. Gandini M., Crawford J. A., Rossi G. & Nydick K., 2013 - Alpine plant species composition, abundance and β-diversity along an altitudinal gradient in the San Juan Mountains GLORIA Target Region (Colorado, USA). In Frei, E.R.; Stöckli, V.; Rixen, C.; Wipf, S. (eds) 2013 2nd conference: Faster,
Higher, More? Past, Present and Future Dynamics of Alpine and Arctic Flora under Climate Change.
International conference, 22-25 September 2013, Bergün, Switzerland. Birmensdorf, Swiss Federal
Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL: 34-35.
45. Gandini M., Orsenigo S., Belotti J., Abeli T., Bonomi C. & Rossi G., 2012 - Climate change and
long-term monitoring in Italian alpine environment. The 3rd International Congress of Alpine and
Arctic Botanical Gardens. Viote Alpine Botanic Garden, Trento, 12-15 September 2012. Book of
Abstracts: 19.
46. Gargini A., Cantonati M., De Nardo M.T., Filippini M., Piccinini L. & Segadelli S., 2013 - Conflicts
between ecological protection and public water supply for a main petrifying spring in the Northern
Apennines (Italy). 40th International Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists
(IAH) “Solving the Groundwater Challenges of the 21st Century”, Perth, Western Australia, 15-20
September 2013.
47. Johnston V.E., Borsato A., Spötl C., Hellstrom J.C., Frisia S., & Eggins S., 2012 - Termination II and
Eemian climate in Trentino, Italy. 4th Daphne Workshop, Heidelberg 8-10 February 2012: 22-23.
48. Kapelari S., Bonomi C., Bromley G., Dillon J., Regan E., Vergou A. & Willison J., 2012 - Botanic
Gardens - broadening the network for educational best practice. The 3rd International Congress of
Alpine and Arctic Botanical Gardens. Viote Alpine Botanic Garden, Trento, 12-15 September 2012.
Book of Abstracts: 21.
49. Kustatscher E., Petti F.M., Bernardi M., & Avanzini M., 2012. Diversity of plants and continental tetrapods in the Triassic of the Southern Alps: palaeobotanical and ichnological evidences. Centenary
Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Terra Nostra 2012/3: 103.
50. Marchetti L., Bernardi M. & Avanzini M. 2012. Impronte di tetrapodi nel Permiano Inferiore del Sudalpino: nuove scoperte e siti di interesse. Giornate di Paleontologia SPI 2012, Abstract volume: 53.
51. Martin E. & Rovero F., 2013 - Assessing tropical forest mammal communities using camera trapping
and occupancy analysis: case study from the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. Abstract of the 9th
Tawiri Scientific Conference, Arusha, Tanzania, 4-6 December 2013.
52. Meyer C.A., Avanzini M., Bernardi M. and Cavin L. 2012. An Early Triassic Megatracksite from the
Triassic of SW Switzerland and France (Vieux Emosson, Aiguilles Rouges Massif). European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists Meeting, X ed., Abstract volume: 159-160.
53. Michele M., 2013 - Biogeografia di un arcipelago continentale. Darwin Day, Museo Storia Naturale
di Milano, February 2013.
54. Michele M., 2013 - Biogeografia di un arcipelago continentale. Seminario Università di Padova,
June 2013.
55. Michele M., 2013 - Biogeografia di un arcipelago continentale. Università di Trento, Facoltà di Ingegneria, October 2013.
56. Mondoni A., Rossi G. & Bonomi C., 2012 - Effects of climate warming on seed germination and
seedling establishment in alpine plants. The 3rd International Congress of Alpine and Arctic Botanical Gardens. Viote Alpine Botanic Garden, Trento, 12-15 September 2012. Book of Abstracts: 19.
57. Naudinot N., Tomasso A., Duches R., Dalmeri G., Peresani M., Tozzi C., 2013 - Entering the mountain range: altitude settlements at the end of the Late-Glacial in the Italic Epigravettian area. 78th
Annual Meeting SAA-Society for American Archaeology, Honolulu, Hawaii 3-7 April 2013.
58. Nelli L., Franzoi A., Franceschi S., Pisani C., Fattorini L. & Meriggi A., 2013 - Census methods of
alpine galliforms: an experimental comparison. XVII Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia, Trento 11-15
September 2013: 44.
59. Nespoli, D., Brambilla, M. Somiglianza morfologica versus playback: una nuova specie di sterpazzolina? Atti del XVII Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia, Trento, 11-15 September 2013.
60. Pedrini P., Brambilla M., Florit F., Mezzavilla F., Martignago G., Rassati G., Silveri G., 2013 - Andamento demografico del re di quaglie Crex crex nell’Italia nord orientale. Atti del XVII Convegno
Italiano di Ornitologia, Trento, 11-15 September 2013.
61. Pedrini P., Tenan S. & Spina F., 2012 - Fenologia e andamenti della migrazione attraversole le Alpi
italiane. XI Convegno Nazionale degli Inanellatori Italiani, Gaeta (LT) 24-26 February 2012.
62. Peresani M., DUCHES R., Nannini N., Picin A., Romandini M., 2012 - Disentangling the significance
of Discoid technology: first results of the last three field campaigns at Grotta di Fumane, Italy. SAASociety for American Archaeology, 77th Annual Meeting , Memphis 18-22 april 2012.
63. Peresani M., Pastoors A., Vaquero M., Duches R., Jéquier C., Nannini N., Picin A., Romandini M.,
Schmidt I., Weniger G.-C., 2012 - The Rio Secco Cave in the North Adriatic Region, Italy. A new
context for investigating the Neanderthal demise and the settlement of Anatomically Modern Humans. ESHE, 2nd annual meeting, Bordeaux, 21-22 September 2012.
64. Petti F.M., Bernardi M., D’Orazi Porchetti S. & Avanzini M. 2012. Large tridactyl footprints associated with a diverse ichnofauna from the Carnian of Southern Alps. Giornate di Paleontologia SPI
2012, Abstract volume: 59.
65. Reichard U.H. & Barelli C. 2012 - Long reproductive careers of wild white-handed gibbon females.
XXIV Congress of the International Primatological Society, Cancun, Mexico, 12-17 August 2012.
66. Romanazzi E., Bonato L., 2013 - Updating the range of the narrowly endemites Salamandra atra
aurorae and S. atra pasubiensis on the Southern Prealps”. 17th European Congress of Herpetology, 22-27 August 2013, Veszprém, Hungary.
67. Rosati M., Cantonati M., Primicerio R. & Rossetti G., 2013 - Ecological drivers and multi-scale
spatial patterns of ostracod diversity in cold springs of Western Palearctic. 17th International Symposium on Ostracoda. Rome, 23-26 July, 2013.
68. Rott, E., M. Cantonati & D. Sanders., 2013 - Carbonate precipitation in springs - a process shaped
by groundwater conditions and biotic influences - the Oocardium case for Central Europe. Congress
Internat. Society Limnology. SIL 2013 4-9 August, Budapest. Theme 14: Biogeochemical cycles.
69. Rovero F., Martin E., Spitale D., 2013 - Camera trapping for the study of ground-dwelling primates:
case study on the endemic Sanje mangabey in the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. Convegno
Associazione Primatologica Italiana, Asti, 19 April 2013.
70. Shaaban A. E-S., Cantonati M., Mansour H. & Saber A., 2013 - Diatoms from different freshwater
habitats of El-Farafra Oasis (Egypt), with special attention to wells and hot springs. 7th Central European Diatom Meeting (CEDIATOM7), Thonon-les-Bains, France, 17-21 September 2013. Abstract
Book (F. Rimet et al. ed.): 207-209.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
71. Tattoni C., Brambilla M., Pedrini P., 2013 - L’approccio metodologico alla Rete Ecologica del Trentino attraverso l’utilizzo dell’avifauna come modello biologico. Atti del XVII Convegno Italiano di
Ornitologia, Trento, 11-15 September 2013.
72. Todesco R., Casarotto C., Ferretti P., Dorigotti S., Ceccato F., Trentini D., Matassoni I. & Pieropan
G., 2012 - Visitors with special needs. The role of naturalistic activities to face visual impairment.
the experience of Museo delle Scienze of Trento. The 3rd International Congress of Alpine and
Arctic Botanical Gardens. Viote Alpine Botanic Garden, Trento, 12-15 September 2012. Book of
Abstracts: 24.
73. Tomaselli M., Rossi G., Stanisci A., Petraglia A., Mondoni A., Gandini M. & Orsenigo S., 2012 - Climate change impact on European mountain flora: GLORIA Project evidences. XXII Congresso della
Società Italiana di Ecologia (SITE), Ecologia e Gestione Ambientale, sessione T1 Impatti antropici
sugli ambienti montani: dallo sci al global warming, Alessandria, 10-13 September 2012, Book of
Abstracts: 141.
74. Tomasi G. & Bonomi C., 2012 - Viote Alpine Botanic Garden, its inception, early development, recent improvements, present day layout and future outlook. The 3rd International Congress of Alpine
and Arctic Botanical Gardens. Viote Alpine Botanic Garden, Trento, 12-15 September 2012. Book
of Abstracts: 19.
75. Vitulano S., Brambilla M., Nespoli D., Randi E., 2013 - Le indagini molecolari in aiuto all’ornitologia:
l’esempio del complesso Sylvia [cantillans]. Atti del XVII Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia, Trento,
11-15 September 2013.
76. Willison J., Vergou a., Bjureke K., Bonomi C., 2013 - Special event: Curing ‘Plant Blindness’ through
inquiry. 5th Global Botanic Gardens Congress. Celebrating Success. The influence and appeal of
botanic gardens. Dunedin centre and Botanic Gardens, Dunedin, New Zealand. 20-25 October
2014. Book of Abstracts: 23.
Oral communications (without published abstract)
Barelli C., 2012 - Effects of habitat fragmentationand human disturbance on the endangered Udzungwa red colobus in the Udzungwa Mountains: Integrating Ecological. Genetic and Physiological
approaches (ECOGENPHI). Marie Curie Actions - COFUND “TRENTINO” - Review Meeting. Trento,
Barelli C., Araldi A., Hodges K. & Rovero F., 2013 - Effects of habitat type and human impact on
three monkey species in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. XXI Congresso Associazione Primatologica Italiana, Asti, Italy.
Barelli C., Mundry R., Heistermann M. & Hammerschmidt K., 2013 - Androgen levels shape male
gibbon songs‘ structure. XXI Congresso Associazione Primatologica Italiana, Asti, Italy.
Bonomi C., 2012 - workshop per l’ultilizzo di Plant Search di BGCI. Riunione annuale del gruppo
Orti Botanici della Società Botanica Italiana, Giardini Trauttmannsdorff, Merano, 17 May 2012.
Bonomi C., 2013 - Il Giardino Botanico Viotte e il progetto Inquire. Il Giardino Botanico di Valbonella.
Trent’anni al servizio della natura, Santa Sofia (FO), 8 June 2013.
Bonomi C., 2013 - La nuova serra tropicale del MUSE a Trento. Riunione annuale del gruppo Orti
Botanici della Società Botanica Italiana, Orto Botanico di Pisa, 7 June 2013.
Bonomi C., 2013 - Resoconto sul lavoro del consorzio europeo dei giardini botanci. Riunione annuale del gruppo Orti Botanici della Società Botanica Italiana, Orto Botanico di Pisa, 7 June 2013.
Bonomi C., Cattadori M., 2013 - Developing on-line communities of practice via subject oriented resource gateways, e-forums & social media. INQUIRE Final Conference: Raising Standards
Through Inquiry: Professional Development in the Natural Environment, Royal Botanic Gardens,
Kew, UK, 9-10 July 2013. Book of Abstracts, 19-20.
Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., 2012 - Selection criteria for final conference parteicipation for teachers and
educators. 3rd INQUIRE partners meeting, Madrid, Spain, 29 February - 2 March 2012.
10. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., 2012 - Using the worldcafe format to assess participant feedback on the
course. 4th INQUIRE partners meeting, Lisbon & Coimbra, Portugal 2-5 October 2012.
11. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., Galetto M., 2012 - Il progetto europeo Inquire. Convegno nazionale Education 2.0, Firenze, 26 October 2012.
12. Cantonati M. & Angeli N., 2012 - 9th International Symposium on the Use of algae for Monitoring
Rivers (9th UAMRIVER). Trento. June-July 2015. First Announcement. 8th International Symposium
on the Use of algae for Monitoring Rivers (UAMRIVER 2012), Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain,
18-22 June 2012.
13. Cantonati M. & Lange-Bertalot H. (with contributions of Martyn Kelly and David Armanini), 2013 New freshwater araphid diatom species from different freshwater habitats. 2nd European Workshop
on Diatom Taxonomy - 2nd EWDT: Araphid freshwater diatoms), Chairperson: Luc Ector. h: 14.00
20/09. Thonon-les-Bains, 20-21 September 2013.
14. Cantonati M., 2012 - Ricerche su ambienti acquatici, con particolare attenzione alle sorgenti e alle
microalghe diatomee. Convegno “Documentazione della biodiversità e valorizzazione del pregio
naturalistico del Settore trentino del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio attraverso le ricerche del Museo
delle Scienze” organizzato dal Museo delle Scienze (MUSE) e Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio (PNS),
Cogolo di Peio (TN), 01 June 2012.
15. Casagrande L., 2013 - Il progetto “MEMORIE DAL SOTTOSUOLO”. Giornata di studi “Conoscere
e valorizzare le miniere del Trentino”, Trento, 20 April 2013.
16. Dalmeri G., Duches R., Flor E., Neri S., 2012 - Fréquentation d’un site lacustre de moyenne montagne pendant le Dryas récent: donne préliminaires du gisement épigravettien de Palù Echen (Plateau
de Folgaria, Trentin, Italie du Nord). Les sociétés de l’Allerød et du Dryas récent entre Atlantique et
Méditerranée, Bordeaux 24-25 May 2012.
17. Dellantonio E., 2013 - Miniera della Bedovina - Predazzo, Monte Mulàt (Elio Dellantonio, Museo
Geologico delle Dolomiti di Predazzo). Giornata di studi “Conoscere e valorizzare le miniere del
Trentino”. Trento, 20 April 2013.
18. Dorigotti S., Bonomi C., Galetto M., 2013 - workshop - World Café: engaging participants in an
INQUIRE course. INQUIRE Final Conference: Raising Standards Through Inquiry: Professional Development in the Natural Environment, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, 9-10 July 2013. Book of
Abstracts, 15.
19. Dovigo F., Rocco V., 2013 - Fostering INQUIRE through Evaluation Capacity Building. INQUIRE
Final Conference: Raising Standards Through Inquiry: Professional Development in the Natural
Environment, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, 9-10 July 2013. Book of Abstracts, 24.
20. Ferretti P., 2013 - Il report “Aggiornamento di mineralogia trentina”: uno stato dell’arte sulla conoscenza della mineralogia regionale della provincia di Trento. Giornata di studi “Conoscere e valorizzare le miniere del Trentino”. Trento, 20 April 2013.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
21. Galetto M. & Dorigotti S., 2012 - La diffusione dell’approccio IBSE attraverso il Progetto europeo
Inquire. Workshop creativo: come progettare un’attività IBSE. Convegno nazionale: Didattica delle scienze nella scuola post-riordino e costruzione di una cittadinanza scientifica - Inquiry-based
Science Education ed integrazione delle scienze sperimentali: esempi e riflessioni sulla pratica docente, Ancona, 17-18 December 2012.
22. Galetto M. & Dorigotti S., 2013 - Il progetto europeo INQUIRE ed il corso Formiamo i formatori “La
diffusione dell’approccio IBSE nella didattica delle scienze. Congresso L’integrazione delle scienze
e la didattica laboratoriale: Il Cannocchiale di Galileo, organizzato dall’INDIRE, MIUR, Fiesole (FI),
11-13 March 2013.
23. Galetto M., Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., 2012 - Il progetto europeo INQUIRE - Quando lo studente diventa scienziato. Convegno nazionale: “Le giornate della scienza/education in science - Gli
strumenti e gli approcci per un apprendimento significativo delle scienze”, Camerino (MC), 6-8
September 2012.
24. Gandini M., 2012 - CLIMBIVEG: CLIMate change effects on BIodiversity of high-altitude environment VEGetation. Review meeting project COFUND “Trentino” - Trento, 3 December 2012 - Invited
25. Gobbi M., 2012 - Effetti del Global Change sulla biodiversità: chiediamolo agli Insetti. Congresso
“Biodiversità entomologica, un’idea progettuale per i nostri territori”, Museo Geologico di Predazzo,
24 May 2012.
26. Gobbi M., 2012 - Entomofauna del Settore trentino del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio: documentazione della biodiversità in relazione agli habitat, alla presenza dell’uomo e alla fauna vertebrata.
Convegno: “Documentazione della biodiversità e valorizzazione del pregio naturalistico del Settore
trentino del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio attraverso le ricerche del Museo delle Scienze”, Sede
Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio Cogolo, Trento, 1 June 2012.
27. Hendriks I.E., CSIC, Basso L., Marba N., Jorda G., Tenan S., Duarte C.M., 2012 - Will the Pen Shell
Pinna nobilis survive to the end of the Century? An overview of its vulnerability to global change.
ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Lake Biwa, Otsu, Shiga, Japan, 8-13 July 2012.
28. Hendriks I.E., CSIC, Basso L., Marba N., Jorda G., Tenan S., Duarte C.M., 2012 - Will the Pen Shell
Pinna nobilis survive to the end of the Century? An overview of its vulnerability to global change.
ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Lake Biwa, Otsu, Shiga, Japan, 8-13 July 2012.
29. Kapelari S., Regan E., Bonomi C., Dillon J., Willison J., Vergou A., Schepker H. & Elster D., 2012
- Initiating Inquiry Based Science Education in Outdoor Learning Sites: Issues and challenges. Fibonacci Second European Conference, Leicester, UK, 26-27 April 2012.
30. Lencioni V., 2012 - Le ricerche idrobiologiche del Museo delle Scienze nel Parco Nazionale dello
Stelvio (TN) negli ultimi 15 con approfondimenti sugli invertebrati. Convegno: “Documentazione della biodiversità e valorizzazione del pregio naturalistico del Settore trentino del Parco Nazionale dello
Stelvio attraverso le ricerche del Museo delle Scienze”, Sede Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio Cogolo,
trento, 1 June 2012.
31. Lencioni V., 2013 - Macroinvertebrates from S-Alpine glacial streams: from an ecological to a physiological and molecular approach. The Science Museum (Trento, Italy) research from the AASER
project to the present. ESF Exploratory Workshop: Glacier-Fed Rivers, Hydroecology And Climate
Change; Current Knowledge And Future Network Of Monitoring Sites, Birmingham (UK), 15-18
September 2013.
32. Macagno A.L.M., Gobbi M., Lencioni V. & Festi A., 2013 - La riscoperta di Leucorrhinia pectoralis in
Italia. VI Convegno di, Trevi (PG), 16-17 March 2013.
33. Mondoni A., 2012 - CAPACE: Capacità di adattamento delle piante alpine ai cambiamenti cliamtici
Provincia Autonoma di Trento. Marie Curie Action COFUND, EU FP7. Review meeting project
COFUND “Trentino”, Trento, 3 December 2012.
34. Mondoni A., Orsenigo S., Bernareggi G., Probert R.J., Bonomi C., Abeli T., Rossi G., 2013 - Effects of climate warming on seed germination and seedling establishment in alpine plants. The
Fourth International Society for Seed Science Meeting on Seeds and the Environment. Shenyang,
Liaoning Province, China 22-26 June 2013.
35. Orsenigo S., Mondoni A., Gandini M., Abeli T., Belotti J., Sossai E., Parolo G. & Rossi G., 2012
- Le attivita’ di ricerca sul cambiamento climatico del laboratorio di ecologia vegetale e conservazione delle piante dell’Università di Pavia. Workshop on Climate Change, Società Botanica Italiana
- gruppo di Ecologia, Varese (Italy), 18 April 2012.
36. Pedrini P. & Brambilla M., 2012 - Il contributo dell’ornitologia nella definizione delle misure agro
ambientali per la conservazione attiva degli habitat di specie minacciate in Trentino. Giornata delle
Aree protette in Trentino, PAT Servizio Conservazione della Natura, Brentonico, 27 March 2012.
37. Pedrini P., 2012 - I rapaci quali indicatori dei cambiamenti ambientali sulle Alpi. CISO DAY, Venezia,
14-16 December 2012.
38. Peresani M., Tomio C., Dalmeri G., 2012- Techno-typologie de l’Epigravettien récent de l’Italie du
nord à travers la reduction des grattoirs. Les sociétés de l’Allerød et du Dryas récent entre Atlantique et Méditerranée, Bordeaux 24-25 May 2012.
39. Pugni F., 2013 - IBSE activity on textile plants and fabrics. INQUIRE Final Conference: Raising
Standards Through Inquiry: Professional Development in the Natural Environment, Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew, UK, 9-10 July 2013. Book of Abstracts, 18.
40. Rovero F., 2013 - Ricerca e monitoraggio della biodiversità nei parchi di foresta pluviale: il caso del
MUSE nel Parco Nazionale dei Monti Udzungwa, Tanzania. IV Convegno Nazionale della Ricerca
nei Parchi, Parco Natura Viva, 4 October 2013.
41. Scoz L., Fedrigotti A., 2013 - Pastori ± antichi in valle di Ledro. Primi dati dalle ricognizioni archeologiche. Tavola rotonda “Antichi pastori: sopravvivenze, tradizione orale, storia, tracce nel
paesaggio e archeologia”, Bosco Chiesanuova 26-27 October 2013.
42. Sugni M., Dorigotti S., 2013 - workshop: Per una rete educativa italiana: world café, Congresso
nazionale Costruiamo insieme il futuro degli Orti botanici, Orto Botanico di Bergamo, 17-18 October 2013.
43. Tenan S., Adrover J., Muñoz Navarro A., Sergio F., Tavecchia G., 2012 - Demographic consequences of illegal poisoning in raptors: an integrated approach. International Statistical Ecology
Conference 2012, Krokkleiva, Oslo, Norway, 3-6 July 2012.
44. Tenan S., Tavecchia G., 2013 - Modelli gerarchici Bayesiani in ornitologia. XVII Convegno Italiano
di Ornitologia, Trento, 11-15 September 2013.
Posters (with published abstract)
Bernardi M., Avanzini M., Petti F.M. & Benton M.J., 2012 - First marine reptile remains from the
Early Triassic of the Southern Alps. European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists Meeting,
X ed., 10th Annual Meeting, 19-24 June 2012, Teruel, Espana, Abstract volume (Fundamental
Series): 21-22.
Bontempo L., Ceppa F, Ziller L., Pedrini P. & Camin F., 2013 - Comparison of methods for preparing bird feathers for stable isotope ratio analysis (C, N, H, O). XVII Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia,
Trento, 11-15 September 2013: 82.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Bontempo L., Ceppa F., Ziller L., Pedrini P., Tenan S., Camin F., 2013 - Stable isotopes (C, N, O,
H) of feathers collected in an Italian alpine region, during postbreeding migration. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 07-12 April 2013.
Cantonati M., Gargini A., Segadelli S., Angeli N., Spitale D. & De Nardo M.T., 2012 - Springs as main
groundwater dependent ecosystems. 7th EUropean Congress on REgional GEOscientific Cartography and Information Systems (EUREGEO), Bologna, 12-15 June 2012, Programme: 47.
Cantonati M., Gargini A., Segadelli S., Angeli N., Spitale D., De Nardo M.T. & Ercolessi G., 2012 Exploring the Biodiversity of Emilia-Romagna springs: The EBERs Project. Flowpath 2012 Percorsi
di Idrogeologia, Bologna, 20-22 June 2012.
Cavulli F., Scoz L., Angelucci D.E., Pedrotti A., 2013 - La sequenza stratigrafica, le strutture antropiche e la distribuzione spaziale dei manufatti di Lugo di Grezzana (VR). XLVIII Riunione Scientifica
dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria IIPP, Preistoria e Protostoria del Veneto, Padova, 5-9
November 2013.
Duches R., Dalmeri G., Peresani M., 2013 - Riflessioni sull’evoluzione degli armamenti da caccia
durante l’interstadio tardoglaciale: analisi tecno-tipo-funzionale delle armature litiche di Riparo Dalmeri (TN) e risultati sperimentali. XLVIII Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria IIPP, Preistoria e Protostoria del Veneto, Padova, 5-9 November 2013.
Franzoi A., Nelli L., Bionda R. & Meriggi A., 2012 - Habitat selection of Rock ptarmigan (Lagopus
muta) in Veglia-Devero Natural Park, a small scale study. 12th International Grouse Symposium,
Matsumoto Japan, 21-28 July 2012.
Gandini M., Abeli T., Cauzzi P., Petraglia A., Tomaselli M. & Rossi G., 2013 - Effetti dei cambiamenti
climatici sulla biodiversità della vegetazione alpina in appennino settentrionale (GLORIA network).
108° Congresso Nazionale della Società Botanica Italiana, Trento, 18-20 September 2013: 89.
10. Gandini M., Orsenigo S., Abeli T., Mondoni A. & Rossi G., 2013 - Effetti delle onde di calore sulla
flora alpina in Appennino settentrionale. 108° Congresso Nazionale della Società Botanica Italiana ,
Trento, 18-20 September 2013: 90.
11. Glerean P., Bogliani G., Lencioni V., Gobbi M. & Stoch F., 2012 - Progettazione di una metodologia uniformata di monitoraggio e di analisi dell’impatto dei cambiamenti climatici sulla biodiversità
faunistica. Giornata di studi della Società Botanica Italiana - Gruppo di Ecologia: “Cambiamento
climatico: analisi ed impatti su specie ed ecosistemi vegetali”, Varese, 18 April 2012.
12. Leonardi R., Tattoni C. & Pedrini P., 2013 - Studio della presenza del picchio verde Picus viridis negli
ambienti forestali di margine tramite l’applicazione di modelli predittivi. XVII Convegno Italiano di
Ornitologia, Trento 11-15 September 2013: 112.
13. Meikl M., Gimeno Represas A., Pitt A., Berninger U., Romanazzi E., Doglio S., Fernandez Cardenete
J.R., Benavides J., 2013 - Educational work and protection of salamanders in three European
countries within a Sparkling Science project. 17th European Congress of Herpetology, Veszprém,
Hungary, 22-27 August 2013.
14. Mondoni A., Rossi G., Orsenigo S., 2012 - Effects of climate warming on seed germination in alpine
plants. XXII Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia (SITE), Ecologia e Gestione Ambientale,
sessione P2 Studi ecologici a lungo termine, Alessandria, 10-13 September 2012, Book of Abstracts: 194.
15. Nelli L., Franzoi A. & Meriggi A., 2013 - Habitat selection of rock ptarmigan in Veglia-Devero Natural
Park (Italy): a small-scale study. XVII Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia, Trento, 11-15 September
2013: 127.
16. Orsenigo S., Abeli T., Mondoni A., Cristofanelli P., Gandini M., Bonasoni P. & Rossi G., 2013 - Effect
of the extreme heat-waves on populations of alpine plants in the N-Apennines (Italy). International
Conference on Mountains and Climate Change, HIGH SUMMIT, Lecco, 23-25 October 2013: 55.
17. Segnana M., Cantonati M. & Angeli N., 2013 - Epilithic diatom assemblages of an extremely-lowalkalinity high mountain lake (Adamello-Brenta Nature Park, south-eastern Alps) with special reference to the depth-distribution. 7th Central European Diatom Meeting (CEDIATOM7), Thonon-lesBains, France, 18-20 September 2013, Abstract Book (F. Rimet et al. ed.): 124-126.
18. Stocchetti E., Angeli N., Kelly M., Spitale D., Dorflinger G., Armanini D.G. and Cantonati M., 2013
- Analysis of diatoms from Cyprus rivers: biological quality of mediterranean fluvial sites under environmental stress gradient. Congresso SItE 2013.
19. Tenan S., Rotger A., Igual J.M., Tavecchia G., 2012 - Population size estimate in short-time. Handling behavioural response, individual heterogeneity in three-session surveys. International Statistical Ecology Conference 2012, Krokkleiva, Oslo, Norway, 3-6 July 2012.
Posters (without published abstract)
Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., Galetto M., Battistotti M., 2012 - Mid term report of the Italian edition of
the Inquire preliminary training course “IBSE: Think like a Scientist!”. 3rd INQUIRE partners meeting,
Madrid, Spain, 29 February - 2 March 2012.
Bontempo L., Ceppa F., Ziller L., Pedrini P., Tenan S., Camin F., 2013 - Stable isotopes (C, N, O,
H) of feathers collected in an Italian alpine region, during postbreeding migration. XVII Convegno
Italiano di Ornitologia, Trento, 11-15 September 2013.
Cantonati M. & Lange-Bertalot H. (with contributions of Martyn Kelly and David Armanini), 2013 New freshwater araphid diatom species from different freshwater habitats. 2nd European Workshop
on Diatom Taxonomy 2nd EWDT), Thonon-les-Bains, 20-21 September, 2013.
Gvoždìk V., Mariaux J., Müller M., Menegon M. &Loader S.P., 2013 - Phylogeography, phenotypic
variation and distribution modelling of Leptopelis frogs across the sky islands of the Eastern Arc
Mountains in East Africa. Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Lisbona, August 2013.
Gvoždìk V., Mariaux J., Müller M., Menegon M. &Loader S.P., 2013 - Phylogeography, phenotypic
variation and distribution modelling of Leptopelis frogs across the sky islands of the Eastern Arc
Mountains in East Africa. XVII European Congress of Herpetology, Veszprém, Ungheria, August
L. Casagrande L., 2013 - A proposal for a georeferenced database of mining and mineralogical
sites in Trentino (Italy). Symposium Europa Subterranea 2012, Jihlava - Česká Republika, 25-28
May 2012.
Orsenigo S., Mondoni A., Rossi G., 2013 - Effects of heat waves on seed germination in 55 high
montane plants from the Northern Apennines (Italy). The Fourth International Society for Seed Science Meeting on Seeds and the Environment, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China, 22-26 June 2013.
Rosati M., Cantonati M., De Nardo M.T., Segadelli S. & Rossetti G., 2013 - Conoscenze sull’ostracodofauna di sorgenti in Italia e obiettivi e metodi per un nuovo ciclo di ricerche in Appennino
settentrionale. Meeting of Italian Ostracodologists, Catania, 22-24 February 2013.
Tenan S., Rotger A., Igual J.M., Tavecchia G., 2012 - Population size estimate in short-time. Handling behavioural response, individual heterogeneity in three-session surveys. International Statistical Ecology Conference 2012, Krokkleiva, Oslo, Norway, 3-6 July 2012.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Congress attendances
“Biodiversità entomologica, un’idea progettuale per i nostri territori” - Museo Geologico di Predazzo, 24 May 2012.
“Documentazione della biodiversità e valorizzazione del pregio naturalistico del Settore trentino del
Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio attraverso le ricerche del Museo delle Scienze” - Cogolo, TN (Sede
Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio), 1 June 2012.
“Habitat e stato ecologico: risposta biologica a possibili misure di ripristino in fiumi e laghi italiani” Convegno finale Progetto INHABIT: Idromorfologia locale, habitat e Piani di Gestione: nuove misure
per migliorare la qualità ecologica in fiumi e laghi sud europei, Milano, 29-30 October 2013.
1° Meeting per la progettazione della seconda edizione del corso Inquire - Bergamo, 17 July 2012.
108° Congresso della Società Botanica Italiana - Baselga di Pinè, 18-20 September 2013.
10th Meeting of the Management Team of the Inquire project - London, England, 4-5 December
1st Annual meeting of the European Botanic Gardens Consortium - Chios, Greece, 26-27 May
1st Annual meeting of the European Botanic Gardens Consortium - Prague Botanic garden (BGCI/
IABG), Czech republic, 25-26 May 2013.
2° Meeting per la progettazione della seconda edizione del corso Inquire - Bergamo, 17 July 2012.
10. 22° congresso ANMS - Il patrimonio culturale dei musei scientifici - Firenze, 14-16 November 2012.
11. 2nd Annual meeting of the European Botanic Gardens Consortium - Gibraltar ‘Alameda’ Botanic
Garden (BGCI/IABG), Gibraltar, UK, 7-8 December 2013.
12. 2nd Annual meeting of the European Botanic Gardens Consortium - Jardin Botanic Atlantico, Gijon,
Spain, 1-2 December 2012.
13. 3° Meeting per la progettazione della seconda edizione del corso Inquire - Bergamo, 10 October
14. 3rd INQUIRE partners meeting - Madrid, Spain, 29 February, 2 march 2012.
15. 4° Meeting per la progettazione della seconda edizione del corso Inquire - Bergamo, 24 gennaio
16. 4th INQUIRE partners meeting - Lisbon & Coimbra, Portugal, 2-5 October 2012.
17. 5th Global Botanic Gardens Congress - Celebrating Success. The influence and appeal of botanic
gardens. Dunedin centre and Botanic Gardens, Dunedin, New Zealand, 20-25 October 2014.
18. 6th Central European Diatom Meeting (CEDIATOM6) - (Chairperson:Cantonati M.), Poster session
1 - Paleolimnology, Springs, Taxonomy, Innsbruck, Austria, 22-25 March 2012 .
19. 6th Central European Diatom Meeting (CEDIATOM6) - Innsbruck, Austria, 22-25 March 2012.
20. 6th European Botanic Gardens Congress - Chios, Greece, 27 May - 2 June 2012.
21. 6th Meeting of the Management Team of the Inquire project - Innsbruck, Austria, 25-27 January 2012.
22. 7th Central European Diatom Meeting (CEDIATOM7) - Taxonomy session 1. (Chairs: Jüttner I. &
Cantonati M.), Thonon Les Bains, France, 17-21 September 2013.
23. 7th EUropean Congress on REgional GEOscientific Cartography and Information Systems (EUREGEO) - Bologna, Italy, 12-15 June 2012.
24. 7th Meeting of the Management Team of the Inquire project - Madrid, Spain, 28-29 February 2012.
25. 8th International Symposium on the Use of algae for Monitoring Rivers (UAMRIVER 2012) - Alcalá
de Henares, Madrid, Spain, 18-22 June 2012.
26. 8th International Symposium Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers - Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), 1922 June 2012. Oral Session 2. (‘Last advances in algal monitoring methodologies’; Chaired by: M.
Cantonati and E. Rott).
27. 8th Meeting of the Management Team of the Inquire project - Innsbruck, Austria, 30 August 1
September 2012.
28. 9th Meeting of the Management Team of the Inquire project - Lisbon, Portugal, 1-2 October 2012.
29. Botanic Garden Education Network Annual Meeting - Dundee, Scotland, UK, 6-8 November 2013.
30. Conferenza “I prati permanenti trentini. Valore agronomico, pregio ambientale e prospettive di conservazione” - San Michele all’Adige TN, 30 November 2012.
31. Congresso “L’integrazione delle scienze e la didattica laboratoriale: Il Cannocchiale di Galileo” - INDIRE, MIUR, Fiesole (FI), 11-13 March 2013.
32. Congresso nazionale “Costruiamo insieme il futuro degli Orti botanici” - Orto Botanico di Bergamo,
17-18 October 2013.
33. Convegno “Clima e biodiversità in ambiente alpino: esperienze di monitoraggio” - Museo Regionale
di Scienze Naturali di Torino, 24 february 2012.
34. Convegno nazionale “Didattica delle scienze nella scuola post-riordino e costruzione di una cittadinanza scientifica - Inquiry-based Science Education ed integrazione delle scienze sperimentali:
esempi e riflessioni sulla pratica docente” - Ancona, 17-18 December 2012.
35. Convegno nazionale “Education 2.0” - Firenze, 26 October 2012.
36. Convegno nazionale “Le giornate della scienza/education in science - Gli strumenti e gli approcci
per un apprendimento significativo delle scienze”. Camerino (MC), 6-8 September 2012.
37. Corso di formazione su “Introduzione al metodo CARAVAGGIO” - Sede CNR di Via Bassini 15,
Milano. 3 - 5 October 2012.
38. ESF Exploratory Workshop: Glacier-Fed Rivers, Hydroecology And Climate Change; Current
Knowledge And Future Network Of Monitoring Sites Birmingham (UK), 15-18 September 2013.
39. Giornata delle Aree protette in Trentino, PAT Servizio Conservazione della Natura, Brentonico, 27
March 2012.
40. HIGH SUMMIT - International Conference on Mountains and Climate Change - Lecco 23-25 October 2013.
41. II Convegno Italiano Rapaci (diurni e notturni) - Treviso, 12-13 October 2012.
42. INQUIRE Final Conference: Raising Standards Through Inquiry: Professional Development in the
Natural Environment - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK 9-10 July 2013.
43. INQUIRE Management team meeting - Innsbruck, Austria, 20-21 March 2013.
44. INQUIRE Meeting at Bordeaux Botanic garden - Bordeaux, France, 12 September 2013.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
45. INQUIRE Meeting at Oslo Botanic garden - Oslo, 9 September 2013.
46. INQUIRE Meeting at the national museum of science & technology - Milano, 28 Marzo 2013.
47. International conference: Faster, Higher, More? Past, Present and Future Dynamics of Alpine and
Arctic Flora under Climate Change - Bergün, Switzerland, 22-25 September 2013.
48. IX Assemblea dei soci RIBES - Rete Italiana Banche del Germoplasma per la Conservazione Ex situ
della Flora spontanea Italiana, e comunicazioni scientifiche sul tema “Banche del germoplasma e
conservazione in situ”, Orto Botanico di Roma, 23 aprile 2013.
49. Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science - (SFS, formerly NABS, Louisville, KY, USA, 20-24
May 2012) Freshwater Stewardship: Challenges and Solutions. Organizer (with Prof. Rex Lowe,
Bowling Green State University, Ohio, USA) of the Special Session Lake benthic algae: communities, bioassessment, traits and adaptive ecology of selected species (S02; 24 May 2012, 12 contributed talks).
50. Member of the Scientific Committee of the 8th ISUAMR - Madrid, Spain, 19-22 June 2012.
51. MUW 13, Mountains Under Watch 2013, Observing climate change effects in the Alps - Forte di
Bard, Val d’Aosta (Italy), 20-21 February 2013.
52. Project coordinators’ meeting - Marie Curie Actions - Initial Training Networks ITN 2013 - EU Charlemagne building, Bruxelles, 15 November 2013.
53. Real World Learning Conference: Science and Sustainability through outdoor learning - Planica,
Slovenia 27-30 November 2013.
54. Review Meeting Project Cofund “Trentino” - Trento, 3 December 2012.
55. RIBES Congress: “Native seed banks as providers of crop wild relatives for agro-food uses and as
sources of wild species for ecological restoration projects’” - Pisa, 27 April 2012.
56. Riunione annuale “National Advisory group del progetto INQUIRE” - Giardini Trauttmannsdorff, Merano, 17 May 2012.
57. Riunione annuale 2012 del direttivo AIGBA - Associazione Internazionale Giardini Botanici Alpini Stradella 27 February 2012.
Riunione annuale 2012 del gruppo Orti Botanici della Società Botanica Italiana - Giardini Trauttmannsdorff, Merano, 17-18 May 2012.
59. Riunione annuale del gruppo Orti Botanici della Società Botanica Italiana - Orto Botanico di Pisa, 7
June 2013.
60. Seminario “Il Neolitico in ambiente Montano” - Analisi Tecno-Funzionale dei Manufatti Preistorici,
Scuola di Dottorato Università degli Studi di Trento Dip. Lettere e Filosofia, Trento ,15 November
61. Seminario scientifico “Il Giardino Botanico di Valbonella. Trent’anni al servizio della natura” - Santa
Sofia (FO) 8 June 2013.
62. Society for Freshwater Science (SFS) 2012 Annual Meeting - Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 20-25 May
63. The annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2012 - Brunnen CH, 10-11 November 2012..
64. The Fourth International Society for Seed Science Meeting on Seeds and the Environment Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China, 22-26 June 2013.
65. Training day on inquiry at the national museum of science & technology, Milan, 5 October 2013.
66. VIII Assemblea dei soci RIBES - Rete Italiana Banche del Germoplasma per la Conservazione Ex
situ della Flora spontanea Italiana, Pisa 28 aprile 2012.
67. Workshop “Progetto Alpi” - incontro annuale di programmazione, Ozzano dell’Emilia Bologna, 12
July 2012.
68. Workshop “Technologie de la Pierre Tailée Préhistorique: methodologie et initiation pratique” - Action Nationale de Formation du CNRS, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac et Campagne, Dordogne, 18-26 September 2013. 72 hours.
69. Workshop di ornitologia “CISO DAY, demografia e distribuzione degli uccelli in un mondo che cambia” - Venezia, 14-15 December 2012.
70. Workshop on Climate Change - Società Botanica Italiana, gruppo di Ecologia, Varese (Italy), 18
April 2012.
71. XI Convegno Nazionale degli Inanellatori Italiani - Gaeta (LT), 24-26 February 2012.
72. XII International Grause Symposium - Matzumoto Japan, 21-28 July 2012.
73. XVII Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia - Trento, 11-15 September 2013.
74. XXII Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia (SITE) - Ecologia e Gestione Ambientale, Alessandria, 10-13 September 2012.
Project report
AA.VV., Segreteria Progetto Alpi - Resoconto sull’attività di campo 2011 - Incontro annuale
12.7.2012 ISPRA Ozzano Emilia.
AA.VV., Sezione Zoologia dei Vertebrati - Relazione attività di inanellamento 2011, Museo delle
Scienze, pp 24.
Bonomi C. & Battistotti C., 2012 - Pilot Inquire Course Participants feedback, being deliverable
D4.4, Trento, Italy. 15pp.
Bonomi C., 2012 - National Report for Italy to the European Botanic Gardens Consortium. Period
covered: second half 2010, 2011 & 2012. 13 pp.
Bonomi C., 2012 - Verbale della I riunione semestrale 2012 del Consorzio Europeo dei Giardini
Botanici (BGCI/IABG), Isola di Chio, Grecia, 26-27 May 2012. 6pp.
Bonomi C., 2012 - Verbale della II riunione semestrale 2012 del Consorzio Europeo dei Giardini
Botanici (BGCI/IABG), Atlantic Botanic Garden, Gijon, Asturie, Spagna, 1-2 December 2012. 6pp.
Bonomi C., 2013 - Dissemination Summary, being deliverable D6.3 of the INQUIRE project, Trento,
Italy. 10 pp.
Bonomi C., 2013 - Inquire Course Participants feedback, being deliverable D4.5 of the INQUIRE
project, Trento, Italy. 22 pp.
Bonomi C., 2013 - National Report for Italy to the European Botanic Gardens Consortium. Period
covered: first half 2013. 7 pp.
10. Bonomi C., 2013 - National Report for Italy to the European Botanic Gardens Consortium. Period
covered: second half 2013. 7 pp.
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
11. Bonomi C., 2013 - Verbale della I riunione semestrale 2013 del Consorzio Europeo dei Giardini Botanici (BGCI/IABG), Giardino Botanico di Praga, Repubblica Ceca, 25-26 May 2013. 7pp.
12. Bonomi C., 2013 - Verbale della II riunione semestrale 2013 del Consorzio Europeo dei Giardini
Botanici (BGCI/IABG), Gibraltar ‘Alameda’ Botanic Garden, Gibraltar, UK, 7-8 december 2013. 6pp.
13. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., 2013 - INQUIRE Budget justification report months 19-36, Trento, Italy. 8 pp.
14. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., 2013 - INQUIRE Periodic Report months 19-36, Trento, Italy. 15 pp.
15. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., 2013 - INQUIRE Summary of Partner activities for the Final report months
1-36, Trento, Italy. 6 pp.
16. Bonomi C., Dorigotti S., 2013 - Plans and actions for the sustainability of the INQUIRE project,
Trento, Italy. 2 pp.
17. Brambilla M. & Pedrini P., 2012 - MELA: Monitoraggio EcoLogico dell’Avifauna. Un contributo alle
conoscenze ed alla conservazione dell’avifauna dei frutteti trentini. 54 pp.
18. Brambilla M., Pedrini P., Prosser F., 2013 - Bertolli A. LIFE11/NAT/IT000187 T.E.N. AZIONE A2 -Individuazione delle priorità di conservazione per specie e habitat delle Direttive “Uccelli” e “Habitat”
sul territorio della Provincia Autonoma di Trento, November 2013.
19. Brambilla M., Tattoni C. & Pedrini P., 2012 - Costruire la base di conoscenze biologiche propedeutica alla realizzazione della rete ecologica trentina. 44 pp.
20. Bronzini L. & Pedrini P. (coord.), 2012 - Progetto di attuazione della Rete di riserve “Alpi Ledrensi” tra
i comuni di Ledro, Riva del Garda, Tenno, Storo e Bondone. Museo delle Scienze, 66 pp.
21. Cantonati M. & Angeli N., 2012 - Diatoms from the running waters of Cyprus. Results of preliminary
analyses of 120 samples out of 186.
22. Cantonati M. & Spitale D., 2012 - Ricerca ecologica di lungo corso e ACQUA-TEST_PNAB. Relazione V anno. December 2012.
23. Cantonati M., 2012 - EBERs. Exploring the Biodiversity of Emilia-Romagna springs. Activity report.
2nd Project year. December 2012.
24. Cantonati M., 2012 - Relazione tecnico-scientifica per la valutazione dell’impatto ambientale del
prelievo d’acqua per innevamento artificiale dal Lago Ritorto. 31 October 2012.
25. Cantonati M., Angeli N. & Spitale D., 2013 - EBERs. Exploring the Biodiversity of Emilia-Romagna
springs. Activity report. 2nd Project year. December 2013.
26. Casarotto C., 2013 - Report progetto “Ghiacciai di una volta”, 5 March 2013.
27. Casarotto C., Bertolli A., Savador I., Odasso M., & Pedrini P., 2012 - Rapporto ambientale Marmolada, Museo delle Scienze, 328 pp.
28. Gobbi M., Boscolo T. & Lencioni V., 2013 - Progetto di monitoraggio della biodiversità alpina: monitoraggio della fauna invertebrata. Relazione di fine progetto, anno 2013, 4 pp.
29. Iemma A., Tattoni C., Pedrini P., 2013 - LIFE11/NAT/IT000187 T.E.N. AZIONE A1 - Realizzazione di
una banca dati su specie e Habitat delle direttive “Uccelli” e “Habitat” , October 2013.
30. Kapelari S., Dillon J., Willison J., Vergou A., Bromley G., Regan E., & Bonomi, C., 2012 - Interim
Report for the INQUIRE Project. Management Board of the INQUIRE Project. 6pp.
31. Lencioni V. & Franceschini A., 2012 - N. 24 report settimanali e report finale di progetto: Attività di
Monitoraggio della zanzara tigre nel territorio del Comune di Trento e di informazione alla popolazione per gli anni 2010 - 2012. Report finale Anno 2012, 35 pp. + 2 Allegati (14 pp.)
32. Lencioni V. & Franceschini A., 2013 - N. 21 report settimanali e report finale di progetto: Attività di
Monitoraggio della zanzara tigre nel territorio del Comune di Trento e di informazione alla popolazione per l’anno 2013. Report finale Anno 2013, 27 pp. + 1 Allegato (6 pp.).
33. Lencioni V. & Maiolini B., 2012 - Qualità ed integrità di ecosistemi acquatici glaciali d’alta quota in
Trentino: i risultati del Progetto HIGHEST (Health and Integrity of Glacial Headwater EcoSystems
in Trentino), 2001-2004. Relazione finale, 229 pp.
34. Lencioni V., Gobbi M. & Lai V., 2013 - Monitoraggio delle cenosi di Lepidotteri e Odonati nei siti
IT3120110 “Terlago”; IT3120111 “Manzano”; IT3120086 “Servis”; IT3120150 “Talpina-Brentonico”;
IT3120058 “Monte Sous”; IT3120064 “Torbiera del Tonale”. Relazione di fine progetto, anno 2013,
40 pp.
35. Lencioni V., Gobbi M. & Lai V., 2013 - Monitoraggio delle cenosi di Lepidotteri e Odonati nel sito
IT3120167 Torbiere dell’Alta Val Rendena. Relazione di fine progetto, anno 2013, 38 pp.
36. Lencioni V., Gobbi M., Macagno A.L.M. & Franceschini A., 2012 - Implementazione delle conoscenze sulla fauna invertebrata in aree SIC del Trentino. Servizio Conservazione della Natura e
Valorizzazione Ambientale, Provincia Autonoma di Trento. Relazione finale. 25 pp. + file database e
mappe di distribuzione.
37. Menegon M. & Pupin F., 2012 - Comprehensive Monitoring for Climate Change Adaptation and
Management in the Albertine Rift Protected Area Network.
38. Pedrini P. & Brambilla M. 2012 - La ricerca sull’avifauna degli ambienti agricoli in Trentino: sintesi
del percorso compiuto, conoscenze attuali e possibili sviluppi futuri. Museo delle scienze, 25 pp.
39. Pedrini P., Brambilla M., Girardello M. & Tenan S., 2012 - I cambiamenti ambientali locali, la biodiversità alpina: l’avifauna come modello biologico. 15 pp + Allegati.
40. Pedrini P., Brambilla M., Prosser F., Bertolli A., 2013 - LIFE11/NAT/IT000187 T.E.N. AZIONE A5
- Definizione di “linee guida provinciali” per l’attuazione dei monitoraggi nei siti trentini della rete
Natura 2000, November 2013.
41. Pedrini P., Tattoni C., Brambilla M., 2013 - LIFE11/NAT/IT000187 T.E.N. AZIONE A3 - Individuazione della connettività e della frammentazione ecologica a livello provinciale e verso i territori limitrofi,
November 2013.
42. Pupin F., Menegon M., Tabarelli de Fatis K. & Pedrini P., 2012 - Indagine sull’erpetofauna nei SIC di
fondovalle del Trentino e sulla Salamandra di aurore, 25 pp.
43. Rizzolli F., Franzoi A., Tabarelli de Fatis K. & Pedrini P., 2012 - Indagine sull’avifauna nidificante nei
SIC - ZPS di fondovalle del Trentino. Raccolta delle relazioni tecniche specifiche: 230 pp.
44. Rocco V., Dorigotti S., Bonomi C., 2012 - Portfolio of Evidence of the Italian Pilot Inquire Course. 19pp.
45. Rossaro B., Zaupa S., Lencioni V., Marziali L., Boggero A., 2013 - Indice per la valutazione della
qualità ecologica dei laghi italiani basato sulla comunità bentonica. In: CNR-ISE (Ed.), Indici per la
valutazione della qualità ecologica dei laghi. CNR-ISE Report, 02.13: 93-113.
46. Sezione Zoologia dei Vertebrati (a cura di), 2011 - Progetto Alpi - Resoconto sull’attività di campo 2011.
47. Sezione Zoologia dei Vertebrati (a cura di), 2012 - Progetto Alpi - Resoconto sull’attività di campo 2012.
48. Tampucci D., Caccianiga M., Gobbi M. & Lencioni V., 2013 - Vegetazione e artropodofauna delle
geoforme pro e peri-glaciali: significato ecologico e biogeografico di un complesso di habitat. Relazione di attività, anno 2013, 13 pp.
Collaborations: the research national network
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
National Collaborations (2012-2013)
In Italy
Agreements (with financial support)
Memorandum of Understanding (without financial support)
Others (co-authorship, free consultancies, etc.)
Fondazione Dolomiti UNESCO, Cortina (BL)
Fondazione Edmund Mach, Dip. di Biodiversità ed Ecologia Molecolare, San Michele all’Adige (TN)
Museo Italiano della Guerra, Rovereto (TN)
Museo L. Pigorini, Laboratorio Archeozoologia, Roma
Parco Naturale Adamello-Brenta, Strembo (TN)
Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, Bormio (SO)
Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Servizio Conservazione della natura e Valorizzazione Ambientale,
Regione Emilia-Romagna Direzione Generale Ambiente e Difesa del Suolo e della Costa, Servizio
Geologico,Sismico e dei Suoli, Bologna
Università degli studi di Trento, Dip. di Economia e Management Trento
Collaborations: the research national network
10. Università della Calabria, Dip. di Ecologia, Arcavacata di Rende (CS)
11. Università di Pavia, Dip. di Scienze della Terra e dell’Ambiente, Pavia
12. Università di Trento, DICA, Trento
Memorandum of Understanding
Università di Ferrara, Dip.Biologia ed Evoluzione, Ferrara
RIBES - The Italian seed bank network for the ex-situ conservation of the italian native flora,
Centro Universitario di Servizi Giardini Botanici Hanbury Università di Genova , Genova
Archivio di Stato, Trento
Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici e Archeologici, Trento
Agenzia Provinciale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente, Settore Informazione e monitoraggi U.O. Attività di Monitoraggio Ambientale, Trento
BIM Consorzio dei Comuni del bacino Imbrifero Montano del Brenta, Borgo Valsugana (TN)
Bio-Physic Institute - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Unità di Trento, Povo (Trento)
Cassa Centrale Banca, Trento
Cassa Rurale di Folgaria, Folgaria (TN)
CNR, Plant Virology Institute, Grugliasco Unit, Grugliasco (TO)
CNR-IBF, Istituto di Biofisica, Trento
CNR-IRSA, Istituto di Ricerca sulle Acque, Brugherio (Monza)
CNR-ISE, Istituto per lo studio degli Ecosistemi, Pallanza (VB)
10. Comune di Levico Terme, Levico Terme (TN)
11. Comune di Terlago, Terlago (TN)
12. Comune di Trento, Servizio Ambiente, Ufficio Ecologia urbana, Trento
13. CORA ricerche archeologiche snc, Trento
14. ENEA, Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile, Roma
15. Fondazione Edmund Mach, Dip. Biodiversità ed Ecologia Molecolare, San Michele all’Adige (TN)
16. Fondazione Edmund Mach, Qualità alimentare e nutrizione Piattaforma Analisi Isotopiche,
S.Michele All’Adige (TN)
17. Fondazione Edmund Mach, Research and Innovation Centre, San Michele all’Adige (TN)
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
18. Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi - CNR Sezione di Idrobiologia, Pallanza (VB)
19. Medio Credito Trentino Alto Adige, Trento
20. Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, Sezione di Zoologia, Verona
21. Museo Civico di Rovereto, Sezione Botanica, Rovereto (TN)
22. Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, Bormio (SO)
23. Sartori Ambiente - soluzioni per l’ecologia, Arco (TN)
24. Studio di Architettura K.N. Kompatscher, Bolzano
25. The Italian Botanic Gardens Network, Catania
26. Università degli Studi di Milano, Dip. di Biologia, Milano
27. Università degli Studi di Milano, Dip. di Protezione dei Sistemi Agroalimentare e Urbano e
Valorizzazione delle Biodiversità (Dipsa), Milano
28. Università degli studi di Trento, Dip. di Economia e Management, Trento
29. Università degli studi di Trento, Dip. di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Meccanica, Trento
30. Università degli Studi di Trento, Dip. Lettere e Filosofia, Lab. B. Bagolini, Trento
31. Università del Piemonte Orientale, Dip. di Scienze dell’Ambiente e della Vita, Alessandria
32. Università dell’Aquila, Dip. di Scienze Ambientali, L’Aquila
33. Università di Milano - Bicocca, Dip. di Biotecnologie e Bioscienze, Milano
34. Università di Padova, Dip. di Biologia, Laboratorio di Algologia, Padova
35. Università di Parma, Dip. di Scienze Ambientali, Parma
36. Università di Pavia, Dip. di Scienze della Terra e dell’Ambiente, Pavia
37. Università di Torino, Dip. di Biologia Animale, Laboratorio di Ecologia, Torino
38. Università degli studi di Trento CIBIO, Bioorganic Chemistry Lab, Trento
39. Università degli studi di Trento, Dip. di Fisica, Bioorganic Chemistry Lab, Trento
40. Università di Venezia & IDPA-CNR, Dip. di Scienze Ambientali, Belluno
Collaborations: the research International network
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
Czech Republic
International Collaborations (2012-2013)
Memorandum of Understanding (without financial support)
Others (co-authorship, free consultancies, etc.)
South Africa
Agreements (with financial support)
1. Foundation Conservation International, Washington DC, USA
2. Nice University, CEPAM - Cultures et Environnements Préhistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Âge - unità di
ricerca CNRS, Nice, France
3. Université de Bordeaux, PACEA - De la Préhistoire à l’Actuel : Culture, Environnement et Anthropologie PPP (Préhistoire, Paléoenvironnement, Patrimoine), Bordeaux, France
4. University of Innsbruck, Geology Dept., Innsbruck, Austria
5. University of Innsbruck, Institute of Botany, Botanic Garden, Green school, Innsbruck, Austria
Collaborations: the research International network
Memorandum of Understanding
1. Ensconet - The Eurpean Native Seed Conservation Network, Wakehurst, UK
2. German Primate Center (DPZ), Reproductive Biology Unit, Goettingen, Germany
3. Tanzania National Parks, Arusha, Tanzania
4. University of Dar es Salaam, Dept. of Zoology and Dept. of Botany, Tanzania
5. Wildlife Conservation Society, Tanzania programme, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
1. Bordeaux Botanic Garden, Bordeaux, France
2. Botanic Gardens Conservation International, Richmond, UK
3. Botanika GmbH, Rhododendron Park, Bremen, Germany
4. King´s College London, Dept. of Education & Professional Studies, London, UK
5. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Botanic Garden, Moscow, Russia
6. Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA, CSIC-UIB), Population Ecology
Group, Esporles, Spain
7. National Botanic Garden of Belgium, Education Dept., Meise, Belgium
8. Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
9. Royal Botanic Garden, Education Dept., Madrid, Spain
10. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Education Dept., Richmond, UK
11. School Biology Centre, Hanover, Germany
12. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Molecular Ecology Program, Cape Town, South
13. University of Alcala, Real Jardín Botánico Juan Carlos I, Alcala de Hernares, Spain
14. University of Bremen, Instiutute of Biology Education, Bremen, Germany
15. University of Coimbra, Botanic Garden, Coimbra, Portugal
16. University of Frankfurt, Botany Institute, Frankfurt, Germany
17. University of Innsbruck, Botany Institute, Hydrobotany, Innsbruck, Austria
18. University of Lisbon, Botanic Garden, Lisbon, Portugal
19. University of Oslo, Natural History Museum Botanic Garden, Dept. of Exhibitions and public
services, Oslo, Norway
20. University of Sofia, Botanic Gardens department, Sofia, Bulgaria
1. Chester Zoo,Chester, UK
2. Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA, CSIC-UIB), Dept. of Global Change,
Research, Esporles, Spain
3. National Museum & Galleries, Biodiversity, Cardiff UK, Wales
4. Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, USA
5. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany, Algology Dept., Krakow, Poland
6. Research Center Jülich, Institute of Neurosciences and Medicine, Jülich, Germany
7. Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, UK
8. The Eden Project, St. Austell, UK
The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2012-2013
9. The European Botanic Gardens Consortium, Richmond, UK
10. The Natural History Museum, Botany Department, Diatom Lab, London, UK
11. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Group of Biology and Environmetal Toxixology, Madrid, Spain
12. University of Antwerp, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Antwerp, Belgium
13. University of Birmingham Edgbaston, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Birmingham, UK
14. University of Brno, Dept. of Botany and Zoology, Brno, Czech Republic
15. University of Helsinki, Department of Environmental Sciences, Aquatic Community Ecology Group,
Helsinki, Finland
16. University of Innsbruck, Ecology Institute, Innsbruck, Austria
17. University of Olomouc, Dept. of Botany, Phycology, Olomouc, Czech Republic
18. University of Rzeszów, Institute of Applied Biotechnology and Basic Sciences, Kolbuszowa, Poland
19. University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejowice, Czech Republic
20. University of Tübingen, Institute of Evolution and Ecology, Tübingen, Germany
21. University of Turku, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Philosophy, Turku, Finland
22. University of Zürich, Institute of Botany, Phycology, Zürich, Switzerland
23. Uppsala University, Centre for Research Ethics and Bioethics, Uppsala, Sweden