CV Giulio Citroni - CIRES - Università degli Studi di Firenze


CV Giulio Citroni - CIRES - Università degli Studi di Firenze
Giulio Citroni
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Giulio Citroni, PhD
Place and date of birth:
Florence, November 8th, 1978
Present positions
Post-doctoral Fellow (Borsista di ricerca)
CIRES – Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sul Sud Europa
via delle Pandette 21 – 50127 Firenze
+39 055 477 929
+39 333 13 30 651 (cell)
[email protected]
Education and training
2010 – Grundtvig (EU lifelong learning programme) workshop “Récit d’un voyage lent dans le Delta du
Danube” on sustainable, slow and responsible tourism (17-23 May).
2007 – Ph.D in Political Science, University of Florence; title of doctoral thesis: “L'acqua tra stato e
mercato: il governo dei servizi idrici in Italia e Germania” (“Water Between State and Market:
Water Service Governance in Italy and Germany”); tutors: Prof. Leonardo Morlino and Prof. Franco
2005 – PolNet 2005, Summer School on the Analysis of Political and Managerial Networks, at Tilburg
University (The Netherlands, 18-23 September).
2003 – Internship at the United World College of the Adriatic (Duino, TS – Italy), aimed at designing
and implementing the first social audit process and report of the College; sponsored by Associazione
Solidarietà Trieste ONLUS (25 September – 20 December).
2003 – Degree in Political Sciences, University of Florence, with full marks (110/110) cum laude; title
of dissertation: “Il paradosso comunale: fare il bilancio in autonomia senza un progetto per la città”
(“The municipal paradox: local autonomy, the budgeting process and the planning deficit”); tutor:
Prof. Franco Cazzola.
1997 – International Baccalaureate completed at the United World College of the Atlantic (UWCAC,
Wales, UK), with an overall grade of 36/45. Mathematics (Higher Level), History (HL - European),
French B (HL), English A1 (Subsidiary Level), Peace and Conflict Studies (SL), Physics (SL).
Main research and professional interests
Qualitative and quantitative analysis in political science and administration science
– Comparative public policy analysis
– Local government and administration
– Participatory and deliberative democracy
Planning, implementation and consultancy in participatory processes
– Corporate social responsibility and change management in organizations
– Local consensus-building and participatory processes
– Facilitation of meetings and participatory workshops
Language skills
– Italian (mother tongue)
– English (Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English, grade A, 1997)
– French (fluent)
– German (good)
– Spanish (passive understanding)
December 2010 - November 2013 (ongoing) – Post-doctoral Fellow (borsista di ricerca) at the
Dipartimento di Scienza politica e sociologia, University of Florence, on the research programme
“CityGov”, coordinated by Dott. Andrea Lippi and funded by EU ESF – Region of Tuscany POR.
July - October 2010 – Researcher on the project on “Planning and implementation of simplification in
administrative processes for enterprises”, coordinated by Dott. Alessandro Natalini at FORMEZ PA
March 2007 - February 2010 – Assegnista di ricerca (Research assistant) in Political Science at the
Dipartimento di Scienza Politica e Sociologia of the University of Florence – Research Unit on
Local Governance. Subject of the research project: “Public governance and local utilities in Europe.
A comparative perspective”. Coordinator: Prof.ssa Valeria Fargion.
April - July 2006 – Gastwissenschaftler (Visiting Researcher) at the Kommunalwissenschaftliches
Institut der Universität Potsdam (Institute for Municipal Studies, University of Potsdam), on
invitation by Prof. Christoph Reichard; researching on German national context and specific case
studies of water privatisation.
May 2006 - May 2008 – Participation in the Villa Vigoni Research Programme on “The Provision of
Social and Public Services on Communal Level: Between Public Sector and Market. Convergence
or Divergence?” coordinated by Prof. Dr. Hellmut Wollmann, Berlin; Prof. Dr. Gérard Marcou,
Paris; Prof. Enzo Balboni, Milano.
2006 – Member of the Research Unit on Local Governance (Dipartimento di Scienza Politica e
Sociologia of the University of Florence) working on the project on “Local governance in the
Province of Firenze: water service management”, funded by the province administration of Florence
and coordinated by Prof. Franco Cazzola.
2005 – Member of the Research Unit on Local Governance (Dipartimento di Scienza Politica e
Sociologia of the University of Florence) working on the project on “Local utilities: corporate
strategies and local governance between public and private sectors”, funded by Fondazione Monte
dei Paschi di Siena and coordinated by Prof. Franco Cazzola.
2001 – Interviewer for the research on “Youth matters: Civic culture and professional training during
University” promoted by the University of Florence and directed by Prof. Alessandro Bruschi.
2000 – Member of the research team directed by Prof. Leonardo Morlino and Prof. Donatella della Porta
(University of Florence), for the study of the Italian case in the IDEA (International Institute for
Democracy and Electoral Assistance) Criteria for the Assessment of Democracy Project, an audit of
democratic quality. Responsible for the sections on The media and open government and
Citroni G., Mai più soli! Note sulla democrazia partecipativa, Bonanno, Acireale-Roma, 2010.
Citroni G., Giannelli N., Lippi A., Chi governa l’acqua? Studio sulla governance locale, Rubbettino,
Soveria Mannelli, 2008.
Citroni G., Tra Stato e Mercato: L'acqua in Italia e Germania, Bonanno, Acireale-Roma, 2007.
Chapters in books:
Citroni, G., Une mise en oeuvre sans normes: deux décennies de réformes dans les services de l'eau et
Italie, in Gis-Grale-Cnrs, Les enjeux de la gestion locale de l'eau: droit et gestion des collectivités
territoriales (édtion 2010), Le Moniteur, Paris.
Citroni G., Quindici splendide quarantenni. Gli eletti nelle regioni italiane dal 1970 a oggi, in Governi
locali e regionali in Europa fra sistemi elettorali e scelte di voto – Atti del X Convegno
Internazionale SISE, Società Italiana di Studi Elettorali, Torino, 2010, pp. 279-297.
Wollmann H., Baldersheim H., Marcou G., Citroni G., McEldowney J., From Public Service to
Commodity: The De-municipalization of Energy Provision in Germany, Italy, France, the UK and
Norway, in H. Wollmann e G. Marcou (ed.) The Provision Of Public Services In Europe: Between
State, Local Government and Market, Edward Elgar, 2010.
Citroni G., Neither state nor market: municipalities, corporations and municipal corporatisation in
water services – Germany, France and Italy compared, in H. Wollmann e G. Marcou (ed.) The
Provision Of Public Services In Europe: Between State, Local Government and Market, Edward
Elgar, 2010.
Citroni G., Nicolella S., Participatory Governance and Social Audit in the Third Sector, in S. P.
Osborne e A. Ball (ed.), Social Accounting and Public Management: Accountability for the Public
Good, Routledge, 2010.
Citroni G., Public-Private Partnerships in the Italian Reform of Water Supply and Sanitation Services, in
Bala Krishna (ed.), Social Infrastructure, 2008, ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad (India), pp. 236258; previously published as CIRES Working Paper n. 1/2007, Italian Research Centre for European
Studies, Università di Firenze.
Prontera A., Citroni G., Énergie et administrations locales en Italie: Dénationalisation, libéralisation et
concurrence, in Marcou and Wollmann (ed.), Les collectivités territoriales et l'énergie: Annuaire
2007 des collectivités locales, 2007, CNRS Éditions, Paris, pp. 191-208.
Beetham, D., Bracking S., Kearton I., Vittal N., Weir S., The State of Democracy: Democracy
Assessments in Eight Nations Around the World, Part III, section “Italy” (pp. 34ss), “Media and open
government” and “Decentralisation”; Kluwer Law International (The Hague, London, New York),
Articles in academic journals:
Citroni G., Governo S.p.A. Pubblico e privato nelle società partecipate degli enti locali, in Rivista
Italiana di Scienza Politica, n. 1/2009, pp. 87-111.
Citroni G., Lippi A., Pubblico e privato nella governance dei rifiuti in Italia, in Rivista Italiana di
Politiche Pubbliche, n. 1/2009, pp. 71-108.
Citroni G., Giannelli N., Lippi A., Profeti S., Adapting public-private governance to the local context.
the case of water and sanitation services in Italy, in Public Management Review, n. 5/2008 , pp.
Citroni G., Giannelli N., Lippi A., Profeti S., «Qui gouverne les services publics locaux ?»: Des
configurations variables entre secteurs public et privé dans le cas du service public de l’eau en
Italie, in Politiques et management public, n. 3/2007, pp. 151-167.
Citroni G., Lippi A., La politica di riforma dei servizi idrici. Istituzioni, processi e poste in gioco, in Le
Istituzioni del Federalismo, n. 2/2006, pp. 239-275.
Citroni G., La privatizzazione dei servizi idrici: sia mito che realtà, in Le Istituzioni del Federalismo, n.
2/2006, pp. 315-337.
Working papers:
Citroni G., Public-Private Partnerships in the Italian Reform of Water Supply and Sanitation Services,
CIRES Working Paper n. 1/2007, Italian Research Centre for European Studies, Università di
Agazzi D., Citroni G., Local actions to promote sustainable development: the case of San Gimignano,
Corporate Social Responsibility Working Paper 20.2007, Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei/ CORE/
Marie Curie Actions, Milano, dicembre 2007.
Other publishing and editorial activities
2009 – Translator (Italian-to-English, English-to-Italian) with publisher Il Mulino and PalgraveMacmillan (Bolgherini and Grotz, ed, Germany after the Grand Coalition/La Germania dopo la
Grande Coalizione).
2008 (ongoing) – Member of the editorial committee of the “stati” book series of publisher Bonanno
(Acireale and Rome).
2008 (ongoing) – Anonymous reviewer for the journals Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche and
Partecipazione e Conflitto.
Main lecturing activities
“Comparative Politics”, compulsory course for the second-cycle degree programme (Laurea magistrale)
in Political Science and International Relations at the Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Università degli
Studi della Calabria; 63 hours, Spring Term 2011.
“Introduction to comparative politics and European Union”, course at the Florida State University
International Program in Florence; 40 hours (in English), Fall Term 2010.
“Public Policy Analysis”, compulsory course for the second-cycle degree programme (Laurea
magistrale) in Public Administration at the Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Università degli Studi della
Calabria; 63 hours, Spring Term 2010.
“Introduction to comparative politics and European Union”, course at the Florida State University
International Program in Florence; 40 hours (in English), Fall Term 2009.
“Political Science”, compulsory course for the degree programme (Laurea) in Political Science at the
Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Università degli Studi della Calabria; 30 hours, Spring Term 2009.
“Methods for comparative political research”, compulsory course for the second-cycle degree
programme (Laurea magistrale) in Sociology and social research at the Facoltà di Scienze Politiche,
Università degli Studi di Firenze; 48 hours, Spring Term 2009.
Professional activities
January 2006 - May 2009 – Design and implementation of the project “Participatory process for the
sharing of values and territorial identity in San Gimignano”, in collaboration with the Municipality
of San Gimignano (Siena, Italy) and the University of Florence.
2008 – Design and implementation of a model for the evaluation of urban development plans in the
Municipality of Barberino del Mugello (Florence, Italy); employer: CSA – Centro di Statistica
2008 – Planning, coordination and participation in the implementation of a research project on “Italian
provincial administrations and their alternatives: a cost analysis”; employer: CSA – Centro di
Statistica Aziendale.
2008 – Planning and conduction of two Open Space Technology workshops within the “Open days on
schools, institutions and families” held by the Municipality of Monfalcone (25-26 January, 28-29
November; Monfalcone – Gorizia); employer: Associazione Sinapsi – Rete Partecipazione Sviluppo.
2007 - 2008 – Planning and implementation of the Social Audit of Centro Formazione Villaggio del
Fanciullo (Trieste), a non-profit vocational training centre; employer: Associazione Sinapsi – Rete
Partecipazione Sviluppo.
2006 – Participated in the design and implementation of the stakeholder engagement process aimed at
the participatory construction of a Social Audit for Comunità di San Martino al Campo (Trieste,
Italy), a non-profit association for social care and help; employer: Associazione Sinapsi – Rete
Partecipazione Sviluppo.
2003 - 2005 – Internship (2003) and contract (2005) as coordinator and editor of the first and second
Social Audit of the United World College of the Adriatic (Trieste, Italy), a non-profit, fullscholarship international school belonging to the United World Colleges movement (Reg. Charity).
Participation in national and international conferences
2010 – Participated in the EGPA (European Group for Public Administration) International conference,
presenting a paper on “Remapping the State. Inter-municipal cooperation through corporatization
and public-private governance structures” (written with Andrea Lippi e Stefania Profeti; Toulouse,
France, 8-10 September).
2010 – Presented a paper titled “SAVE AS… A scientific community discusses the future of its data and
information” (written with Erika Cellini and Barbara Saracino) at the conference on “2060: What
will be the sources for the history of our times? Techniques, practice and social sciences”, organized
by Fondazione Telecom Italia and Politecnico di Torino, Associazione Italiana di Sociologia, Società
Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea e Cliomedia Officina (Turin, Italy, 8-9 April).
2009 – Participated in the SISE (Società Italiana di Studi Elettorali – Italian Association for Electoral
Studies), presenting a paper on Elected members of regional councils in Italy (Turin, November
2009 – Participated in the SISP (Società Italiana di Scienza Politica – Italian Political Science
Association) Annual Conference, as discussant in the Panel on Governance networks and local
policy-making (Rome, September 17th-19th).
2008 – Participated in the SISP (Società Italiana di Scienza Politica – Italian Political Science
Association) Annual Conference, presenting three papers on Waste management reform in Italy
(with Andrea Lippi), on Statistical findings on municipal enterprises in Italy (with Andrea Lippi,
Stefania Profeti and Nicola Malloggi), and on Municipal enterprises and democratic accountability
(Pavia, September 4th-5th).
2008 – Presented a paper on “Participatory governance and social audit in the Third Sector” (written
with Sabina Nicolella, SDI Group, Rome) at the International Workshop on Social Audit, Social
Accounting and Accountability, organised by the International Research Society for Public
Management (IRSPM) and the Third Sector Study Group of European Group for Public
Administration (EGPA), Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic (May 15th – 16th, 2008).
2007 – Participated in the SISP (Italian Political Science Association) Annual Conference, presenting a
paper on “Private public policy” (panel on Elites and power networks) and two papers on “Who
governs water services? Regulation, local power and arenas of representation in local water service
governance” and on “Mixed public-private companies in Italian local government: preliminary
evidence on decision-making structures and networks”, both written in collaboration with N.
Giannelli, A. Lippi, S. Profeti (panel on Local public service governance; Catania, September 20th22nd)
2007 – Participated in the “Second CORE Conference: The potential of CSR to support the
implementation of the EU Sustainability Strategy” organised by FEEM (Fondazione ENI Enrico
Mattei) presenting a paper on “Local actions to promote sustainable development: the case of San
Gimignano” (written in collaboration with Davide Agazzi; Milano, June 14th-15th)
2007 – Participated in the XI Conference of IRSPM (International Society for Public Management),
presenting a paper on “«Who Governs Local Utilities?» Varying Configurations of Public and
Private in Italian Water and Sanitation Services” (with Andrea Lippi, Nicola Giannelli, Stefania
Profeti; Potsdam, April 2nd-4th).
2007 – Participated in the Colloque international de la Revue Politique et Managemnet Public
(PUBLIC: Nouvelles figures? Nouvelles frontières?), presenting a paper on «Qui gouverne les
services publics locaux?» Des configurations variables entre secteurs public et privé dans le cas du
service public de l’eau en Italie (with Andrea Lippi, Nicola Giannelli, Stefania Profeti; Florence,
March 15th-16th).
2005 – Participation at the Third ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research) General
Conference, Budapest 8-10 September; presented a paper on Public-Private Partnerships in the
Italian Reform of Water Services within the panel on “PPP’s and Local Democracy”. Participated as
“discussant” in the panel on “Causality and Big, Slow-Moving, invisible Processes”.
2004 – Paper presented and discussed at the Annual Conference of the Italian Political Science
Association (Padova, September 15th-17th), on “Privatisation of water services as a public policy: a
preliminary review of institutions, actors, processes and stakes”.
Further teaching and lecturing activities
“Local utilities management, consumer awareness and active citizenship”, roundtable at the Training
course on “Design and management of local participatory processes” coordinated by Prof. Leonardo
Morlino at Istituto di Scienze Umane (SUM) in Florence; October 21st, 2010.
“Policy change in local utilities”, workshop activities at the Summer School in Public Policy, Facoltà di
Scienze Politiche “Roberto Ruffilli”, (University of Bologna in Forlì), 3 hours, June 10th, 2010
“Participatory policy-making: democracy, territory and community in local decision-making”, lesson
held at the Masters Degree Course in Local administrations management at the Scuola Superiore di
Scienze delle Amministrazioni Pubbliche (Università della Calabria), 4 hours, March 5th, 2010.
“Participatory democracy – The tools and techniques of citizens' involvement”, lesson held at the
Masters Degree Course in Mediation of social and intercultural conflicts at the University of
Florence (Prof. Franco Cazzola), 4 hours, October 11th, 2008.
“Tools and techniques of participatory democracy”, ESF course organised by Associazione Aracnos
(Bagno a Ripoli, Firenze); 16 hours, June-July 2008.
“Water policy between the EU and local government”, lesson held at the Masters Degree Course in
Labour Studies at the University of Florence (EU Political Organisation, Prof. Daniela Piana); 4
hours, April 21st, 2008.
“Strategic planning and management tools in local administrations”, ESF training course organised by
IAL Friuli - Venezia Giulia with the municipality of Premariacco (Udine); 12 hours, March-April
“Water management reform”, lesson held at the MA in Political Science at the University of Florence
(Economic Law, Prof. Gian Franco Cartei), 2 hours, February 25th, 2008.
“Strategic tools for city management: Striking a balance between politics, administration and
citizenship”, training seminar for civil servants at the Municipality of Monfalcone (Gorizia), 4
hours, October 30th, 2007.
“Participatory democracy – The tools and techniques of citizens' involvement”, lesson held at the
Masters Degree Course in Mediation of social and intercultural conflicts at the University of
Florence (Prof. Franco Cazzola), 3 hours, October 20th, 2007.
“Case-study research in public policy analysis”, lesson held at the Degree Course in Political Science at
the University “LUISS – Guido Carli” in Rome (Public Policy Analysis, Prof. Daniela Piana), 3
hours, November 23rd, 2006.
“Networking in social care”, lesson held at the training course for voluntary workers organised by
Associazione il Ponte and Cesvot (Massa, Massa – Carrara), 3 hours, February 10th, 2005.
“Stakeholder engagement and social auditing in the third sector”, lesson held at the Masters Degree
Course in Corporate Social Responsibility organised by Associazione Campus in Lucca (Dr.
Maurizio Catalano), 3 hours, April 2004.