Casellario Giudiziale/ Parent Helpers


Casellario Giudiziale/ Parent Helpers
"AGSEP" <[email protected]>
Casellario Giudiziale/ Parent Helpers
05 novembre 2014 20:12:10 GMT+01:00
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
"AGSEP" <[email protected]>
Gentile Dottoressa,
Le chiedevo a nome di Agsep se fosse possibile creare una lista di nomi disponibili come parent helpers al fine di una richiesta cumulativa dei carichi pendenti presso il
Tribunale di Parma.
Credo sia inoltre possibile avere l'esenzione dal pagamento di 19.68 € pro capite, nel caso in cui a richiederlo sia una scuola statale.
Nel caso non si potesse procedere ad una richiesta cumulativa, dovremmo ottenere da lei una lettera in cui si renda nota la ragione dell'esenzione e in questo caso si
potrebbe procedere autonomamente alla richiesta del certificato x i carichi pendenti.
Le copio sotto la email di Lura Calder che si è recata personalmente in Tribunale ed ha raccolto le informazioni pratiche a riguardo.
Grazie per l'attenzione.
Cordiali saluti
Hello Everyone,
This morning I went to the casellario giudiziale. I was told that the dirigente of the school is the person who is supposed to make the request
for the certificato (offcially it is Certificato Penale del Casellario Giudiziale da parte del datore di lavoro Art. 25-BIS DPR 313/2002, and it is
valid whether or not we are dipendenti or volunteers).
I was also told that the school is most likely exempt from paying the marco bollo (19.68 euro). The school should collect copies of parent
volunteers' carta d'identita, and submit the list of names, along with a letter from the dirigente which explains the exemption status of the
school. On the form attached (page one) which was given to me at the casellario today, the dirigente must put her name in and make the
request, then the other page is for all the parents who need the certificate. The school can submit all the names at once, at the same time, to
request the certificate. This, I was told, is how it is supposed to happen. This is the normal way it which these things are done.
If we do it ourselves, which we are all free to do, we can also be exempt, but we must have the letter from the dirigente which formally states
the reason for the exemption (its a public school), with her signature, the stamp of the school etc making it official. I was also told that the
school was already informed of all this and that the school should not be sending parents down personally to request this certificate. And I
was told that the school was given the modulo already, but when I check the website this modulo was not available.
Deborah Stocchi
Presidente AGSEP