Armi Acciaio e Malattie di Jared Diamond


Armi Acciaio e Malattie di Jared Diamond
Daron Acemoglu (MIT)
Modern Economic Growth (Princeton University Press, 2009)
Epilogue: Mechanics and Causes of Economic Growth
Instead of summarizing the models and ideas presented so far, I end with a
brief discussion of what we have learned from the models in this book and
how they offer a useful perspective on world growth and cross-country
income differences. I then provide a quick overview of some of the many
remaining questions, which are important to emphasize both as a measure of
our ignorance and as potential topics for future research.
What Have We Learned?
Let us first summarize the most important aspects and takeaway lessons of
our analysis. ………
[sul sito del corso]
Economic Origins of Dictatorships and Democracy
Jared Diamond (UCLA, School of Medicine)
Armi Acciaio e Malattie (Einaudi, 2006)
Collasso. Come le società scelgono di morire o vivere
(Einaudi, 2006)
Joel Mokyr (Northwestern University)
La leva della ricchezza. Creatività tecnologica e progresso
economico (Mulino, 1995)
I doni di Atena. Le origine storiche dell’economia della
conoscenza (Il Mulino, 2002)
Daniel J. Boorstin (1914-2004, University of Chicago)
Discoversies (Vintage Books, 1985)
Douglas North
(Washington University, St. Louis, Nobel, 1993)
Dani Rodrik (Harvard School of Government)
William Easterly (New York University)