
Boletín informativo de la Hermandad de la Costa
Bulletin d'information des Frères de la Côte * Newsletter of the Brotherhood of the Coast
Notiziario dei Fratelli della Costa
No 80
Mais, nous le savons, la plupart de nos
Vigías, con la misión de difundirlo en
lecteurs se contentent aujourd’hui de
el seno de sus Hermandades.
nous ____________
lire sur un écran et n’impriment
plus. Quelles conclusions tirer?
Muy rápidamente, sin embargo,
20 ans de mémoire
Voulons-nous adopter le format html
des newsletters modernes, plus facile à
lire sur un écran, mais aussi plus
fugitif, et ainsi sacrifier notre rôle de
mémoire de la Confrérie?
Internet revolucionó esta estrategia.
Progresivamente, el envío de copias en
papel ha sido reemplazado por una
difusión electrónica. Gracias al trabajo
de Brise-Galets, TTP no ha sido
exclusivamente para los Hermanos del
Directory, sino que comenzó a llegar a
todos los Cyber-Hermanos, como
decimos ahora. Hoy, 2700 Hermanos
reciben regularmente el TTP en su
En 1994, lors du 3e Zaf mondial, au
Chili, notre Confrérie s’est dotée de
structures solides, grâce à Miguel
Torregrosa Einersen. Nous l’avons
récemment rappelé à l’occasion de
l’hommage que nous avons rendu à ce
Frère visionnaire.
Mais pour que ces structures
fonctionnent, il fallait aussi soigner la
communication au niveau mondial.
Cette conviction était partagée par
Aldo Devoto, René Fiechter et moimême, et elle fut présentée aux
Capitaines nationaux par le Grand
Frère de Suisse, Bernard Janet. L’idée
d’un bulletin officiel fut acceptée par
l’Assemblée des CN.
Nous nous sommes donc mis au travail
et le premier numéro a été envoyé, en
mai 1995, par poste aérienne ou par
fax, à tous les Capitaines nationaux et
Vigies, avec prière de le diffuser au
sein de leur Confrérie.
Très vite, cependant, Internet a
Progressivement, l'envoi de copies
papier a été remplacé par une diffusion
électronique. Grâce au travail de BriseGalets, TTP n'a plus été réservé aux
seuls Frères du Directory, mais a
commencé à parvenir à tous les CyberFrères, comme nous disions alors.
Aujourd’hui, 2700 Frères reçoivent
régulièrement TTP sur leur ordinateur.
Mais déjà de nouveaux défis se
posent : en effet, si le mode de
diffusion a changé, le concept
fondamental du TTP, lui, n'a guère
évolué. TTP, la mémoire de la
confrérie, est toujours conçu comme
un document destiné à être imprimé et
conservé, d'où le format .pdf que nous
utilisons et qui a fait ses preuves.
Ces questions, je vais les laisser à
mon successeur. En effet, après 20
ans, je vais passer maintenant la
barre à Mario Cerpa, notre
SECOIN élu, qui, j’en suis certain,
fera les bons choix et nous livrera un
excellent travail.
Merci donc à tous de la confiance et
de la fidélité que vous m’avez
accordées pendant ces 20 années, et
à toi, Mario, bon courage !
Jacques Rial "Son Excellence"
SECOIN 1998-2006
Memoria de 20 años
En 1994, durante el 3er Zaf Mundial,
en Chile, nuestra Hermandad se dotó
de estructuras sólidas, gracias a Miguel
Torregrosa Einersen. Recientemente lo
recordamos con ocasión del homenaje
que le hicimos a este Hermano
Pero para que estas estructuras
funcionen, había que cuidar también la
comunicación a nivel mundial. Esta
convicción fue compartida por Aldo
Devoto, René Fiechter y yo mismo y
fue presentada a los Capitanes
Nacionales por el Hermano Mayor de
Suiza, Bernard Janet. La idea de un
boletín oficial fue aceptada por la
Asamblea de CN.
Nos dimos entonces a la tarea y el
primer número fue enviado en Mayo
de 1995, por correo aéreo o por fax, a
todos los Capitanes Nacionales y los
Pero ya, nuevos desafíos aparecen: en
efecto, si el modo de difusión cambió,
el concepto fundamental del TTP, no
ha evolucionado del todo. El TTP, la
memoria de la hermandad, siempre es
concebido como un documento
destinado a ser impreso y ser
conservado, de ahí que el formato .pdf
que utilizamos, ha sido aprobado y
Pero sabemos, que la inmensa mayoría
de nuestros lectores se contentan hoy
con leerlo sobre una pantalla y no lo
imprimen más. ¿Qué podemos
concluir? ¿Queremos adoptar el
formato html de los periódicos
modernos, más fáciles de leer sobre
una pantalla, pero que también es más
fugaz y así sacrificar nuestra memoria
de la Hermandad en papel?
Estas interrogantes, voy a dejárselas
a mi sucesor. En efecto, después de
20 años, voy a pasarle ahora la caña
a Mario Cerpa, nuestro SECOIN
electo, que, estoy seguro de eso, hará
buenas decisiones y nos entregará
un trabajo excelente.
Gracias pues, a todos por la
confianza y la fidelidad que ustedes
me brindaron durante estos 20 años,
y a ti Mario, ánimo !
Jacques Rial "Son Excellence"
SECOIN 1998-2006
The TORtuga Post
"PDF" che noi utilizziamo e che ha
dato buoni risultati.
20 anni di memoria
Ma, noi lo sappiamo bene, la
maggior parte dei nostri lettori
oggi si accontentano di leggerlo su
uno schermo e non lo stampano
più. A quali conclusioni giungere?
Vogliamo adottare il formato
"html" delle moderne newsletter,
più facile da leggere sullo
schermo, ma anche più fuggevole,
e così sacrificare il nostro ruolo di
memoria della Fratellanza?
Nel 1994, all'epoca del terzo Zaf
mondiale tenutosi in Cile, la nostra
Fratellanza si è dotata di strutture
solide, grazie a Miguel Torregrosa
abbiamo reso a questo Fratello
funzionino, era anche necessario
trattare la comunicazione a livello
mondiale. Questa convinzione e
stata condivisa da Aldo Devoto,
René Fiechter e da me medesimo,
e venne presentata ai Capitani
nazionali dal Grand Frère della
Svizzera, Bernard Janet.
L'idea di un bollettino ufficiale fu
accettata dell'Assemblea dei CN.
Quindi noi ci siamo messi al
lavoro ed il primo numero fu
inviato, nel maggio 1995, per posta
aerea o per fax, a tutti i Capitani
nazionali e Vigies, con la preghiera
di diffonderlo nell'ambito delle
loro Fratellanze.
Tuttavia molto presto Internet ha
Progressivamente, l'invio delle
copie in cartaceo è stato
rimpiazzato dalla diffusione per
via elettronica. Grazie al lavoro di
Brise-Galets, TTP non è stato
Nazionale e Vigia (i Fratelli nella
Directory), ma è cominciato ad
arrivare a tutti i Cyber-Frères,
come li avevamo chiamati allora.
Oggi 2700 Fratelli ricevono
regolarmente TTP sul loro
computer. Ma già nuove sfide si
delineano: in effetti se il modo di
diffusione è cambiato, il concetto
fondamentale del TTP non si è
evoluto molto. TTP, la memoria
della Fratellanza, è a tutt'oggi
concepito come un documento
destinato ad essere stampato e
conservato, di qui il formato
Lascerò questi quesiti al mio
successore. In effetti, dopo 20
anni, lascio adesso il timone a
Mario Cerpa, nostro SECOIN
eletto, che, ne sono certo, farà la
sua buona scelta e farà per noi un
eccellente lavoro. Grazie dunque a
tutti per la fiducia e la fedeltà che
mi avete accordato durante questi
20 anni, e a te Mario, buona
Jacques Rial "Son Excellence"
SECOIN 1998-2006
20 years of memories
In 1994, during the 3rd World Zaf
established a solid structure thanks
to Miguel Torregrosa Einersen.
We recently remembered it during
the homage that we wrote about
this visionary Brother.
But, so that this structure
functions, it was necessary to
introduce communication at the
international level.
conviction was shared by Aldo
Devoto, René Fiechter and myself.
It was presented to the National
Captains by the Grand Frere of
Switzerland, Bernard Janet. The
idea of an official gazette was
accepted by the Assembly of NC.
We went to work and the first
issue was sent in May 1995, by
airmail or by fax to all the National
Captains and Vigies with a request
to distribute to their Brotherhoods.
Soon after, however, the Internet
upset this strategy. Progressively
the mailing of paper copies was
replaced by electronic distribution.
Thankfully because of the work by
Brise-Galets TTP was no longer
reserved to only Brothers on the
Directory, it started to be received
by cyber Brothers in the same way
we publish it today. 2,700 Brothers
receive TTP regularly on their
But already new challenges arise.
In fact the method of distribution
has changed, but the fundamental
concept of TTP has barely
evolved. TTP, the memoir of the
Brotherhood is still conceived as a
document to be printed and
preserved. Hence the well proven
pdf format we use.
But, as we know, most of our
readers today are content to read it
on a screen and do not print. What
can we conclude? Do we want to
adopt the html format of modern
newsletters more easily read on a
screen, but also more elusive and
by consequence sacrifice its role as
the memoir of the Brotherhood?
These questions, I will leave
them to my successor. Indeed,
after 20 years I am now going to
pass the helm to Mario Cerpa,
our SECOIN elect, whom I am
sure will make the correct choice
and deliver an excellent work.
So, thank you all for the trust
and faithfulness you have
granted me during those 20
years. And to you Mario, good
Jacques Rial "Son Excellence"
SECOIN 1998-2006
The TORtuga Post
Important Reminders
France 2014 the Assembly of
National Captains voted on two
important items:
"Active Widows", who in the past
have contributed so much to our
fraternity are encouraged to remain
active and keep up to date with the
news of our organization. BriseGalets is putting together a list of
email addresses but he can’t guess
who they are. Please help him by
sending him the email address of
Captives wishing to remain active
in our fraternity.
"BOC List", in order to maintain
the list of email addresses and to
insure that our members receive
information you are required to
send Brise-Galets a list of all the
members of your Brotherhood
once per year in January (including
Active Widows)
"Facebook", beware of whom you
befriend on Facebook; all is not
always what it seems. Individuals
claiming to be Brothers may not be
so at all. Please do not legitimize
individuals claiming to be Brothers
while in fact there is no record or
evidence to support it. (See p.11)
Rappels importants
Lors du Zaf France 2014,
l’Assemblée des Capitaines a
adopté deux décisions impotantes :
Les Veuves actives, qui dans le
passé ont tant apporté à notre
Confrérie, sont encouragées à
demeurer présentes et à s’informer
des nouvelles de notre institution.
Brise-Galets est en train de
préparer une liste d’emails, mais
naturellement, il ne peut rien faire
sans votre aide : faites-lui part des
adresses de celles qui souhaitent
demeurer actives.
BOCList : afin de maintenir à jour
la BocList et de garantir que nos
membres reçoivent TTP et d'autres
informations utiles
vous êtes
instamment priés de faire parvenir
à Brise-Galets un rôles national à
jour (et uncluant les Veuves
émérites) chaque année, en
janvier. (Ce rôle inclut désormais
les Veuves actives).
Et puis un dernier rappel,
"Facebook": attention lorsque
vous accepter d'être "ami". La
réalité est parfois différente de ce
qui est prétendu. Des personnes
prétendant être Frères, ne le sont
peut-être pas. Evitez donc de leur
donner une légitimité que rien ne
vient étayer. (Voir p. 11)
En Francia 2014 la Asamblea de
Capitanes Nacionales votó sobre
dos artículos importantes:
Eméritas), quien en el pasado ha
contribuido tanto a nuestra
fraternidad está habilitada para
permanecer activa y continuar
hasta ahora recibiendo las noticias
de nuestra organización. BriseGalets está reuniendo en una lista
de direcciones de correo
electrónico; pero él no puede
adivinar a quién corresponden. Por
favor ayúdenlo
enviándole la
dirección de correo electrónico de
Cautivas que desean permanecer
activas en nuestra Hermandad.
“BOC List", para mantener la
lista de direcciones de correo
electrónico y asegurar que nuestros
miembros reciben el TTP y otra
requiere que usted envíen a BriseGalets una lista de todos los
miembros de su Hermandad una
vez por año, en Enero (incluyendo
a las Viudas Activas)
"Facebook", tengan cuidado con
quien ustedes hagan amistad a
través de Facebook; todo no es
siempre lo
que parece. Una
petición de individuos para ser
Hermanos no puede ser así como
así, en absoluto. Por favor no
legitime una solicitud
individuos para ser Hermanos,
mientras no haya un registro o
pruebas para apoyarlo. (Ver p. 11)
Promemoria importanti
Nazionali durante lo Zafarrancho
Mondiale in Francia nel 2014 ha
votato due articoli importanti:
"Vedove attive", che in passato
hanno contribuito così tanto alla
nostra Fratellanza debbono essere
incoraggiate a rimanere attive e a
tenersi aggiornate con le notizie
della nostra organizzazione. BriseGalets sta mettendo insieme un
elenco di indirizzi e-mail, ma non
riesce a sapere chi sono. Si prega
Cautive che desiderano rimanere
attive nella nostra Fratellanza.
"Elenco BOC", al fine di
mantenere l'elenco degli indirizzi
di posta elettronica e per
assicurare che i nostri membri
pregati d’ inviare a Brise-Galets
un elenco di tutti i membri della
vostra Fratellanza (comprese le
Vedove attive) una volta all'anno
Poi, un ultima avvertenza:
"Facebook", fate attenzione a chi
si dichiara amico su Facebook;
non tutto è sempre ciò che sembra.
Individui che affermano di essere
fratelli possono non esserlo
affatto. Si prega di non legittimare
individui che affermano di essere
“Fratelli” mentre in realtà non vi
è alcuna registrazione o prova per
sostenerlo. (Vedere p.11)
The TORtuga Post
Goose Fair 2015
in Berlin:Warning!
The Little Monster
Attacked Us!
You all know these little monsters
which are eating letters in your
computer. And now I got the trap:
one of them ate a letter in my e-mail
address. Correct is
[email protected]
Now you have no excuses to ask me
for the program of the Goose Fair
2015 in Berlin.
Christian "Brandenburger"
Dear Frères
We have been discussing with John
Coyle here in Ireland how we could
nationally and get better responses
to events. It occurred to us that to
do this internationally would make
even more sense so we want to put
together an online system that
Improve communication within
and between Tables
Make it easy to locate Frères
anywhere in the world from a
Make it easy to contact local
Frères when you arrive in a new
Make events easier to organise
and get more people to attend
Enable the collection of money if
Help organise crews for your
sailing adventures
The platform would be a directory
of all Frères worldwide. Each Frère
would have his own profile that he
can update as he wishes with
contact information, home port etc.
This would then allow visitors to
firstly see what Frères are close to
the port and some details about
them with a private messaging
service for contact.
It could be, for example, a Frère
who lives close by who can offer a
hot shower or the use of a car. For
events the system can manage local
and international events via email
with automated follow up and
online bookings, no more time
spent on the phone to get people to
respond. Frères could also suggest
sailing voyages for others to join as
crew or with their own boats.
I know we are not the first people to
think about this or even the first to
make an attempt but we have a lot
of experience in software design
and working with membership
communication platforms. In fact
we are working on building a
platform that can be used by sailing
clubs all over the world
There may even be a way we can do
this with no upfront cost to the
We would be very happy to hear
from any Frères who have an
opinion or ideas on this subject and
might be interested in using this for
their Table.
Contact me by email at
[email protected]
Ruaidhri (Rory) Prendergast
The TORtuga Post
Le Grand Boucan
National 2015
Le Grand Boucan National fut
cette fois-ci organisé par la table
d’Anvers sur une ancienne barge.
Pas moins de 156 frères et captives
furent présents à cette occasion
dont entre autres la Vigie des
Flottes de France "L’Ami Zen" et
le Frère d’Amsterdam "Tonton
Wetstocks". Dès notre arrivée et
durant tout l’apéritif un brouhaha
bien sympathique comme musique
de fond permettait de se rendre
compte de l’esprit bon enfant qui
règne toujours lorsque les Frères
de la Côte se retrouvent ensemble.
A la fin de cet apéritif, les Frères et
leurs Captives se dirigèrent vers la
salle de restaurant. Une fois tout le
monde installé à sa table et les
entamées le Grand Frère de la
Table d’Anvers "Aldo Douce"
nous souhaita la bienvenue et nous
lança un Orza retentissant. Ce fut
ensuite à notre Grand Frère
remercier le Grand Frère d’Anvers
pour l’organisation de ce Grand
Boucan National. Le Frère
"L’Ami-Zen" Vigie de la Flotte de
France nous présenta la lettre de
course de la Flotte française en
soulignant le lien particulier qui
unit les tables de France et de
Asamblea Nacional
de Capitanes
Délicieux et succulent doivent être
les qualificatifs de ce repas. Nous
fûmes tous rassasiés.
Comme la coutume le veut lors des
"Grands Boucans" belges chaque
table avait son petit spectacle
murement pensé et répété.
Les uns chantèrent des chansons
de Jacques Brel habillés avec de la
toile de jute, d’autres des chansons
de marins en costume de
moussaillon, les troisième nous
Les quatrièmes nous présentèrent
un numéro coquin qui fit siffler
cinquièmes, après une "Sword
dance" s’affrontèrent en un duel de
"Tossing the Caber" à coup de
troncs d’arbres, en caoutchouc
bien sûr, mais ils sont quand même
parvenus à renverser le décor. Les
sixièmes ont fait chanter la salle.
Je ne vous dis pas le boucan que
cela a fait!
Los días 29 y 30 de Mayo, recién
pasado, se realizó la Asamblea
Nacional de Capitanes, organizado
por la Capitanía Nacional de Chile
y la Nao San Antonio. Asistieron
cerca de 200 entre Hermanos y
Cautivas, y en un ambiente de
mucha camaradería el CN Peter
Wadsworth "Blood", dio cuenta de
Posteriormente, se eligió al nuevo
Capitán Nacional quien dirigirá la
flotilla de Naos de Chile, en la
Singladura 2015 – 2017 y fue
elegido para ocupar ese cargo el
Hermano Luis Alberto Pellegrini,
A este Gran Zafarrancho Nacional,
asistió un importante Piquete de
Hermanos y Cautivas de Uruguay,
comandados por su CN Pedro
Merlino "Loro" y también estuvo
presente el hermano de Francia,
Bernard Couvercelle "Ajut" y su
Vinrent ensuite les mots de
remerciements au Grand Frère
d’Anvers "Aldo Douce" des
différents Grands Frères belges.
Lorsque la cambuse s’ouvrit et que
le repas fut servi, un calme tout
relatif s’installa dans la salle. La
table d’Anvers avait mis les petits
plats dans les grands.
Le Disco mit la musique en route.
Les Frères et les captives se
lancèrent sur la piste de danse et
sur le podium. Ils gardèrent le
tempo jusque tard dans la nuit.
Varias actividades se organizaron
para los Hermanos y Cautivas,
durante los días que duro el
Zafarrancho y la noche del Gran
Zafarrancho, hubo mucha alegría,
buenos condumios y mucho Baile.
The TORtuga Post
Frères de la Côte Great Britain proudly presents a national
Zafarrancho in the heart of British maritime history at
Greenwich, London.
The Zaf offers visitors the opportunity to explore the World
Heritage Site of Greenwich, and the major visitor attractions of
central London. Fast “Clipper” river buses will whisk you up to
the city.
We will be hosting a welcome buffet on the Friday evening
(6 Nov), and a Pirate Party dinner on the Saturday (7 Nov), both
held at our event venue, the magnificent Devonport House
National Zaf
of Great Britain
6 – 8 November 2015
De Vere Devonport
House Hotel
Greenwich, London
World Heritage Site
Boasting views over the River Thames, Canary Wharf and
Greenwich Park, Devonport House is set alongside the
University of Greenwich and the National Maritime Museum.
Close nearby is Greenwich Old Royal Naval College, The
Queen’s House, Cutty Sark and Greenwich Market.
The Clipper ship Cutty Sark, c.1870, restored and on display
in Greenwich.
The Zaf costs £107 (GBP) per person including Zaf buffet and
dinner but excluding hotel accommodation.
Book soon to reserve rooms at the Devonport House Hotel, and
separately register your place with the Zaf team.
Download registration
Download your copy of the Zaf brochure using the web link
shown opposite.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Greenwich Old Royal Naval College
The TORtuga Post
case I prey for illumination. What
international sites are currently run
by Hermandad, what each of them
is intended for and how are we
supposed to communicate as a
Our famous ZEJMAN Tavern in
Gdansk is no more at the old site.
The move is long and arduous,
much regretted by our Brotherhood
- and that is the end of bad news.
presence and abilities
I am concerned by the demise of
our non-official forum, which was
useful, used and alive. The last
notice on groups.yahoo.com is
dated October 2014. (In spite of
our moving out, that old site is
miraculously still accessible by
I fully understand the motives of
Brother Brisegalets for transfer
from Yahoo to the new French
site. My personal experience with
Yahoo was such that it also forced
me to great inconvenience of
abandoning my yahoo.com email
address, which I held for over ten
there is no
space for similar
exchanges of non-official news. So
we are deprived of current news
from Brotherhood around the
world, news which are perhaps not
worth to wait for, or not fit for the
next TTP but nevertheless helping
community in touch. That was in
fact the main point of the previous
site. What purpose have then the
new site nowadays? Is it not the
duplication of the function of still
ps/secoin Or that it another site
which we abandoned and is still
miraculously working? There is a
bit of confusion in dispersed
information about the topic.
I am almost sure that I am not
properly informed about situation
Perhaps other Brothers are missing
their opportunities too. In such
now working like new, being
afresh. The trip resumes shortly.
An addition to chain of bad luck
was unexpected news that future
participant of that trip, son of
Wladek Wagner - Michael, have
had a stroke and died.
News from Poland
Bad news first. Our two valiant
Brothers, owners and skippers of
two special sailing yachts, custom
made for their unusual sailing
ventures are clearly at odds with
fate, 'Malasuerte' is following their
footsteps - but they are not for
quitting, they are doggedly
pursuing their aims.. I mentioned
them in my previous reports.
Capt. Moczydlowski and his crew
during its second Arctic research
trip, survived capsize i.e. 360°
turnover by a freak giant wave
during winter storm on the North
Sea. Apart of dismasting the vessel
was not much damaged, towed to
the harbour by kind Norwegian sea
rescuers, returned under own
steam to Gdansk and now is rigged
anew - with considerable financial
Capt. Piotrowski on s.y. KPT.
WAGNER made only a small
progress in his Great Loop Polonia
project after his winter stay in New
Orleans. The engine, manufactured
more than thirty years ago and not
in production any more, again
refused further cooperation. Spares
are either not available, or very
hard to locate, only privately - and
very expensive. Help of a friendly
mechanic in Chicago made
reconstruction and the engine is
National Zaf held at Warsaw on
11th April 2015 allowed our four
regional Tables for their own
independent process of embarking
Muchacho). However swearing-in
ceremony remains reserved for
National Captain - at the National
Alley of Sailors in Szczecin was
oficially opened on 16th of May
and unveiling sculpture of our
Brother Maczka's ("The Sea
Monk") was the main point of the
Our yearly award ceremony
of The Glory of the Seas is
scheduled for 20th of June in
Gdynia, on board of s.t.s. DAR
POMORZA. And the award goes
to... retired admiral Czesław
Dyrcz of Polish Navy.
And that is the end of our good
Jerzy Knabe #2
VI Polonia
The TORtuga Post
SARDEGNA 1-3 MAG. 2015
Si è svolto dal 1 al 3 di maggio il V
Zafarrancho Internazionale dei Laghi
organizzato quest’anno dalla Tavola di
Puerto Escuso sul lago Antonio Maxia
che ha visto la partecipazione di
Fratelli della Table of East Anglia del
Regno Unito e delle Tavole Svizzare
di Ginevra e Ticinese.
Lo Zafarrancho ha avuto un prologo
nella Processione di Sant’Efisio
martire che viene festeggiato in tutta la
Sardegna ma in modo particolare a
Cagliari legata da un voto perpetuo di
celebrarlo annualmente fatto dai con
siglieri della città durante l’epidemia
di peste del 1652; la celebrazione vede
il trasporto della statua del Santo da
Cagliari a Nora, dove si trova l’antica
chiesa che porta il nome del Santo,
passando attraverso Sarroch, Villa S.
Pietro e Pula.
I Fratelli hanno potuto assistere alla
processione da una tribuna posta in
Via Roma di rimpetto al Municipio e,
soprattutto i Fratelli stranieri, hanno
potuto comprendere quanto vasto sia il
patrimonio culturale sardo.
La mattina del 2 maggio i Fratelli
hanno potuto visitare il Nuraghe
Arrubiu “il Gigante Rosso” di Orroli ,
le cui strutture architettoniche ci hanno
fatto comprendere quanto avanzate
fossero le conoscenze in fatto di statica
delle popolazioni nuragiche che già dal
1.500 a.C. abitavano quei luoghi. Un
popolo capace di realizzare costruzioni
giustapponendo grandi blocchi, nella
fattispecie di basalto, sino a realizzare
l'unico nuraghe pentalobato presente in
Sardegna; uno tra i maggiori tra gli
oltre 7.000 censiti nell'Isola, costituito
da una torre centrale circondata da
altre cinque torri attorno alle quali si
trova un antemurale (cinta esterna),
compongono un'altra cinta muraria
difensiva che racchiude diversi cortili
intorno al bastione. Vi è una seconda
cortina muraria esterna con cinque
torri ed una terza cortina con altre tre
torri, non raccordate con quelle
precedenti. Il numero totale delle torri
è ventuno. Il mastio o torre centrale
raggiungeva una misura compresa tra i
25 e i 30 m di altezza. In origine
l'intera struttura copriva una superficie
di circa 3.000 mq.
Dopo le suggestioni proposte dalla
visita al "Gigante Rosso", i Fratelli si
sono recati al Lago Antonio Maxia, sul
"Istellas" dove li attendeva il battello
Castor che, rifornita la cambusa, ha
subito preso il largo facendo ammirare
loro gli aspetti morfologici, ambientali,
botanici e geologici della verdissima
valle del Flumendosa.
La navigazione sul piccolo Lago,
benchè la sua profondità superi gli 80
a bordo dell'imbarcazione
"Castor", al comando dell'ottimo
navigatore d'acqua dolce Sandro
Bandinu, è stata propiziata da una
neppure troppo calda parchè mitigata
dalla brezza di maestrale. Nel corso
della navigazione sulle calme acque
lacustri abbiamo potuto consumare
quello che nel dialetto locale viene
chiamato "su smurzu" (lo spuntino)
La giornata si è conclusa con la cena di
Gala durante cui si sono succedute
varie "orze" e Golpe de cañon a cura
delle varie Fratellanze.
La giornata conclusiva ha visto i
Fratelli addentrarsi nella Grotta Su
Marmuri, gelosamente custodita nel
cuore del calcare giurese del "Tacco"
di Ulassai per una visita sicuramente
interessante anche se alcuni (pochi
invero) non se la sono sentita di
affrontare i tanti scalini lungo il suo
Al termine lo Zaf di commiato e i
fraterni saluti con la promessa di
ritrovarsi al più presto.
Jef est parti. Comme cela.
personne. L’équipage de la
deuxième patron ce dimanche
matin 24 mai. C’était le weekend des bénévoles. Le week-end
où l’on se récompense de tout le
travail fourni durant l’année en
allant naviguer tous ensemble
ces trois jours de Pentecôte.
Dimanche, il n’est pas venu
prendre le commandement de la
barque. Inquiet, on a téléphoné
pour demander d’aller voir. La
police a fait ouvrir sa porte. Ils
l’ont trouvé mort. A 65 ans. Il
était patron de la Demoiselle, la
Barque des Enfants, le grand
voilier école du lac Léman
depuis 2011. A la retraite, grâce
à sa disponibilité, il
permis de concrétiser le but du
très long projet de la réalisation
de la Demoiselle (15 ans) :
emmener des élèves de nos
classes dans des camps de
découverte du Léman où ils
vivent à bord de cette barque
traditionnelle et apprennent à la
manœuvrer. Fin navigateur,
musicien de jazz, enseignant de
informaticien, il laisse derrière
lui sa femme, Marie-Claire et
son fils Alexandre. Il laisse ceux
de la Barque des Enfants ainsi
que ses Frères de la Côte où il
avait été intronisé en 2011. Dans
le chagrin. Bon vent Jef !
The TORtuga Post
and Bernard Lefèvre, who is the
original and not a replica.
The Norwegian Brotherhood is
alive and well and has already had
one Brotherhood gathering in their
home city of Bergen. Our next
activity will be a "Roaring 40’s"
pirate-birthday celebration for
Brother «Stormalong», a renowned
chantey singer, who is turning 40
next week. The Brotherhood will
set sail on board the beautiful,140
year old Hardanger topsail ketch
"LOYAL" and will invade the port
of Leirvik, south of Bergen, where
the «battle» will take place. A
treasure chest of rum will be our
ammunition and we will sing sea
chanties until sunrise. In the fall
we will once again sail the
across the Atlantic to Baltimore
and Norfolk on her annual naval
training voyage and are already
looking forward to another
meeting with our brothers in
Annapolis, Baltimore and Norfolk.
We take this opportunity to wish
all a good summer and welcome to
Captain Marcus A. Seidl
"Shantyman" National Captain
The US Brotherhood was pleased
to receive two French imports –
the 32-gun frigate “Hermione,” a
full scale replica of the 18th
century warship that carried the
Marquis de Lafayette back to
General George Washington and
the American Revolution in 1780,
The Hermione is the culmination
of a 17 year building program to
faithfully recreate the original
using the same materials and a lot
of the same methods as the original
– she is 145 feet long, with 16,000
square feet of sail. Her first port of
call was Yorktown VA with stops
including Annapolis, Baltimore
and New York.
Our great friend Bernard Lefèvre
and Captive Carol also recently
landed on our shores and have
been making stops along the US
East Coast, visiting and renewing
friendships with Brothers from the
Chesapeake to New York.
They arrived in early May from
France; Bernard was making a
farewell cruise on Papy Jovial after
7 years and 66,000 miles, with the
next adventure as a freshwater
sailor cruising the rivers and canals
of Europe. Their last stop was with
the New York Brothers who gave
them a rousing welcome and many
best wishes on this latest
Bonne Chance
Many US Tables are emerging
from a long winter and readying
boats for the season.
To begin the spring boating
season, the New York Table of the
Brotherhood of the Coast and their
Greenwich Boat & Yacht Club,
Greenwich, CT, on a splendid
Sunday afternoon, April 19th,
2015, for their Annual Clam ZAF.
As Lovers of the Sea, it is fitting
that we celebrate the beginning of
our boating season with a homage
to the bounties of our local waters.
They brought gallons of wine,
rum, feasting on clam chowder, a
bushel of littleneck clams, 10
pounds of large black mussels,
salmon, cheese, pate, hard salami,
cranberries, strawberry shortcake,
and yellow lemon squares,
followed by coffee and nettle tea.
The wine, food and jokes flowed a pirates' feast!
Missing was Robert Coles (Big
Hopper) who was off in French
Polynesia after having completed a
sail from the Galapagos Islands to
Nuku Hiva, but Captive Kathleen
showed up in his place. After this
Zaf, Big Hopper returned from his
Pacific voyage in early May with
tales of his voyage and once-in-alifetime experiences sailing the
South Pacific. In Tahiti, Big
Hopper was invited by the Tahiti
Table for a Zaf. Surprisingly,
Fidget (Steve Wolfson) and his
captive from the Houston Table
were with them on their Hans
Christian 48 "Li Ward". The table
meets every Thursday evenings at
the marina Taina à Punaauia. Some
of the brothers drove a very long
way from the peninsula “Tahiti Iti”
to join the welcoming party.
As their vessels were on the hard
for the winter months, the Brothers
of the Corpus Christi table took
time to bolster the armaments of
the table. Swords were purloined
for every Brother in the table.
Emblazoned on the swords is
"Brotherhood of The Coast" on
one side and the Brother’s nom de
guerre with his flag number on the
other. The Brothers were presented
with their swords at the February
Boucan at Brother Knothead’s
home. For his lengthy (eight years
and counting) and meritorious
service, Table Captain Lost Louie
was presented with a print "En
Garde" by Albert Seidl, which was
signed by all Brothers of the table.
There is a National Captains'
Meeting in Puerto Rico early
August at the Verdanza Hotel in
Isla Verde, close to historic Old
San Juan and within walking
distance from Isla Verde Beach.
In addition to the meeting, tours to
the rain forest, the Bacardi Rum
Factory, and Old San Juan will be
available. Many US Brothers are
planning to attend.
Joe Citarella
The TORtuga Post
N'oubliez pas de nous signaler
la parution de vos livres et
articles importants, pour
autant, naturellement, que ces
publications aient un lien avec
la mer et la navigation..
Do not forget to notify us of the
publication of your books and
articles. It is important
naturally that these publications
have a bond with the sea and
No olviden notificarnos de la
publicación de sus libros o
articulos. Es importante que se
mantenga un enlace entre
nuestros hermanos, el mar y la
Non mancate di segnalarci la
pubblicazione dei vostri libri e
articoli. Naturalmente è
importante che queste
pubblicazioni trattino
argomenti di mare e di
by Brother Boz (GB)
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Para eliminar a alguien de tu lista de amigos:
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Quando abbandoni un gruppo:
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Le persone non sapranno più quando hai visto un post del
gruppo, anche se lo hai visto prima di abbandonare il
The TORtuga Post
The tortuga post
El Tortuga Post es enviado libremente por
E-mail a todos los Hermanos que se están
inscritos en BOC-Lista. Las Hermandades
nacionales están autorizadas para utilizarlo
de acuerdo a sus necesidades: copias,
traducciones parciales, etc, con la condición
sin embargo que siempre se indique la
fuente. Por su parte, los Vigías
internacionales comunicarán con uno u otro
de los redactores o a SECOIN las noticias
de su fraternidad. Estos comunicados serán
escritos en una de los cuatro idiomas
oficiales de la fraternidad, y no traducidos
The Tortuga Post is sent free by e-mail to
all the Brothers who are on the BOC-List.
The national Brotherhoods are authorized
to use it to fit their needs: copies, partial
translations, etc., with the condition that the
source always be indicated. For their part,
communicate the news of their Brotherhood
to one of editors or to SECOIN. These
official news will be written in one of the
four official languages of the Brotherhood
and will normally not be translated.
The Tortuga Post est adressé gratuitement
par e-mail à tous les Frères qui figurent sur
la BOC-List. Les confréries nationales sont
autorisées à l'utiliser au mieux de leurs
besoins: copies, traductions partielles, etc.,
à la condition toutefois que la source soit
toujours indiquée.
Pour leur part, les
Vigies internationales communiqueront à
l'un ou l'autre des rédacteurs ou à SECOIN
les nouvelles de leur confrérie. Ces
communiqués seront rédigés dans l'une des
quatre langues officielles de la Confrérie, et
ne seront normalement pas traduits.
Il The Tortuga Post è inviato gratuitamente
per posta elettronica a tutti i Fratelli che
sono nella BOC-List. Le Fratellanze
Nazionali sono autorizzate a utilizzare per
le loro esigenze copie e traduzioni anche
parziali a condizione che ne sia sempre
indicata la fonte. Da parte loro i Vigìa
Internazionali comunicheranno a uno dei
Redattori o a SECOIN le notizie relative
alla loro Fratellanza. Questi comunicati
saranno redatti in una delle quattro lingue
ufficiali della Fratellanza e di regola non
saranno tradotti.
Deadlines, délais, plazos,
2015 :
No 81 15/09/2015
No 82 01/12/2015
No 83 15/03/2016
ATTENTION: tu reçois The
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ATENCIÓN : Tu recibes The
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ATTENZIONE: tu ricevi il The
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WARNING: You receive The
Tortuga Post because you appear
on the BocList. If you change your
address please send your new email directly to the managing
party for the BocList (and not the
publisher of TTP):
[email protected]
Tony Olmer
6 Fourth Street
Norwalk, CT 06855 U.S.A.
Phone: (+1) 203-854-9558
@: [email protected]
Mario Cerpa Muñoz
Los Carolinos Nr. 326-B
Viña del Mar
Móvil: (+56 99) 94318380
@: [email protected]
Vol.XXI/2 no80 VI.2015
Boletín informativo oficial
de los Hermanos de la Costa.
The official newsletter
of the Brotherhood of the Coast.
Bulletin d'information officiel
des Frères de la Côte.
Notiziario ufficiale dei Fratelli
della Costa
Editor honorario de la parte
española: Aldo Devoto Pascualetti 
Honorary English Editor :
René Fiechter 
Director of the publication
and English Editor:
Tony Olmer (SECOIN)
Phone: (+1) 203-854-9558
@: [email protected]
Editor de la parte española :
Rene Olhaberry Gonzalez
Tel. fijo:
(56 2) 8487193
Móvil: (+56 99) 98217839
@: [email protected]
Editore della parte italiana :
Maurizio Piantoni,
tel. 00 39 06 3016622
mobile 00 39 348 7806234
@: [email protected]
Editeur de la partie française ,
coordination finale et production:
Jacques Rial
Mobile: (+41 ) 79 356 17 86
@: [email protected]
Next issue: September 2015

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