

Dott. Roberto Di Felice
*Modena 15-09-1958
University Degrees and Academic Activities
M.D. University of Modena
D.D.S. University of Geneva
D.D.S. University of Ferrara
Ph.D. University of Geneva
Fellow ITI (International Team of Implantology)
Invited Speaker at various National and International Congresses
Assignee of ITI Foundation Grants for research (2004-2005)
1989- 1992
Assistant at University of Geneva (CH). Department of Fixed Prosthodontics
( Belser U.) and Periodontology ( Cimasoni G.).
Assistant Professor at University of Roma (Catholic University of Sacro Cuore),
Dept. of Fixed Prosthodontics and University of Ferrara
Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Roberto Di Felice
Invited Speaker at University of Aquila (Italia)
2010/2014 ITI FELLOW (International Team Implantology)
Responsabile formazione impianti dentali Regione Marche per ITI (Basel CH) ,
Current List of Publications
Barone A, Toti P, Quaranta A., Cucchi A., Jose L. Calvo-Giraudo, Negri B., Di Felice R., Covani U.
Volumetric analysis of remodelling pattern after ridge preservation comparing use of two types of xenigrafts. A multicentre
randomized clinical trial.
Clin. Oral. Implant. Res. 00 2015 , 1- 11
PLoS One. 2014; 9(6) Jun 30, 2014.
The Novel Role of HtrA1 in Gingivitis, Chronic and Aggressive Periodontitis
Teresa Lorenzi, Elena Annabel Niţulescu, Antonio Zizzi, Maria Lorenzi, Francesca Paolinelli, Simone Domenico
Aspriello, Monica Baniţă, Ştefania Crăiţoiu, Gaia Goteri, Giorgio Barbatelli, Tommaso Lombardi, Roberto Di Felice,
Daniela Marzioni, Corrado Rubini, Mario Castellucci
Immediate placement of bone level Sraumann implants: a case series.
Di Felice R, D'Amario M, De Dominicis A, Garocchio S, D'Arcangelo C, Giannoni M.
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2011 Feb;31(1):57-65.
Di Felice R., rappelli G.,Coccia E.,De Dominicis A., Frabboni PC,
“Stability changes for immediately placed chemically modified surface dental implants”
COIR VOL 20 SUPPL 4 2009 PG 1012
Garocchio S., Di Felice R.
Rational bases for the use of a new clinical procedure in immediate loading implant rehabilitations: a case report.
The International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2011
De Dominicis A., Di Felice R., Coccia E., Camaioni E., Rappelli G.
“Coiffes galvaniques et prothèse immediate sur implants”
Les Cahiers de Prothèse 2007 ;138 :65-69.
Di Felice R., Rappelli G.,Camaioni E., Cattani M., Meyer J:M:, Belser U.
Cementable implant crowns composed of cast superstructure frameworks luted to electroformed primary copings: an in vitro
retention study.
Clin Oral Impl Res 2007 18 (1) 108-113.
De Dominicis A., Di Felice R., Coccia E., Camaioni E., Rappelli G.,
Protesi immediate su impianti, passivata mediante cappe galvaniche: caso clinico
Doctor Os 2006 Set; 17(7):717-722.
Di Felice R., Rappelli G., Lombardi T., Belser U., Saulacic N;
Lateral mandibular ridge expansion with simultaneous implants placement.
Clin Oral Impl Res 2006 Aug Volume 17, Issue 4, Page xvii-cxxiv
Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Roberto Di Felice
Rappelli G, Di Felice R, Coccia E, De LIllo A, Grassi RF.;
Approccio ortodontico-implantare in pazienti con grave riassorbimento radicolare: descrizione di un caso clinico.
Implantologia 2005;2:151-157.
Rappelli G, Di Felice R, Coccia E, Scalise L.
“Ritenzione di corone in composito cementate su impianti.
Doctor Os 2007; (supplemento) 18(4):138.
De Dominicis A., Di Felice R.;
Overdenture su impianti con ancoraggio magnetico
BIO News n. 3 Luglio 2004
Camaioni E, Di Felice R, Rappelli G.;
Protesi estetica e complessa con sistematica ITI: soluzione alternativa alla tecnica convenzionale.
Il nuovo laboratorio odontotecnico 2004;4: 25-34.
Di Felice R, Scotti R, Belser UC.;
The influence of the mixing technique on the content of voids in two polyether impression materials.
Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed. 2002;112(1):12-6.
Lombardi T, Kuffer R, Di Felice R, Samson J.;
Epithelial odontogenic ghost cell tumour of the mandibular gingiva.
Oral Oncol. 1999 Jul;35(4):439-42.
Di Felice R, Lombardi T.;
Gingival and mandibular bone necrosis caused by a paraformaldehyde containing paste.
Endod Dent Traumatol. 1998 Aug;14(4):196-8.
Di Felice R, Lombardi T.;
Ectopic third molar in the maxillary sinus. Case report.
Aust Dent J. 1995 Aug;40(4):236-7.
Di Felice R, Lombardi T.;
Submandibular sialolithiasis with concurrent sialoadenitis in a child.
J Clin Pediatr Dent. 1995 Fall;20(1):57-9.
Di Felice R, Lombardi T.;
Foliate papillitis occurring in a child: a case report.
Ann Dent. 1993 Winter;52(2):17-8.
Di Felice R, Lombardi T.
Fusion of permanent mandibular molars associated with periodontitis: a case report.
Periodontal Clin Investig. 1993 Fall;15(2):17-8.
Di Felice R, Raffaelli R, Giuliani M, Lombardi T.;
Unusual appearance of mental foramen on panoramic radiograph.
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1992 Aug;74(2):256
Lombardi T, Samson J, Bernard JP, Di Felice R, Fiore-Donno G, Muhlhauser J, Maggiano N.;
Comparative immunohistochemical analysis between jaw myxoma and mesenchymal cells of tooth germ.
Pathol Res Pract. 1992 Feb;188(1-2):141-4.
Lombardi T, Di Felice R, Samson J.;
Human odontoblasts contain S-100 protein-like immunoreactivity.
Anat Rec. 1992 Feb;232(2):190-3.
Carlino P, Di Felice R, Samson J, Fiore-Donno G.;
Myxoma of the jaws.
Minerva Stomatol. 1991 Oct; 40 (10):665-73.
Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Roberto Di Felice
Lombardi T, Di Felice R, Muhlhauser J.;
Analysis of pH variation of various calcium hydroxide compounds in vitro.
Bull Group Int Rech Sci Stomatol Odontol. 1991 Sep;34(2):73-8
Di Felice R, Samson J, Carlino P, Giuliani M, Fiore-Donno G.;
Psychogenic oral parestesia.
Rev Odontostomatol (Paris). 1991 May-Jun;20(3):189-94 (French)
Carlino P, Di Felice R, Fiore-Donno G, Samson J.;
Focal epithelial hyperplasia.
Minerva Stomatol. 1991 May;40(5):339-45. Review. Italian.
Di Felice R, Carlino P, Tosco E, Samson J, Donno GF.;
Carlino P, Di Felice R, Fiore-Donno G, Samson J.;
Oral pathology of pharmacological origin.
Prog Odontoiatr. 1991 Mar;4(3):29-40.]
Carlino P, Di Felice R, Samson J, Budtz-Jorgensen E, Fiore Donno G.;
Lichen planus. Clinical diagnosis, epidemiology and pathogenesis.
Dent Cadmos. 1991 Feb 28;59(3):34-42.
Lombardi T, Fiore-Donno G, Belser U, Di Felice R.;
Felodipine-induced gingival hyperplasia: A clinical and histological study.
J Oral Pathol Med. 1991 Feb;20(2):89-92.
Lombardi T, Fiore-Donno G, Belser U, Di Felice R.;
Caractérisation histochimique et immunohistochimique de l’hyperplasie gingivale induite par la félodipine.
J.Parodontontol 1992, 11 :1-5
Benedek-Spat E, Di Felice R, Andersen E, Cimasoni G.;
In vitro release of elastase from human blood and gingival crevicular neutrophils.
Arch Oral Biol. 1991;36(7):507-1
Samson J, Carlino P, Di Felice R, Fiore-Donno G.;
Intramandibular inclusions of salivary gland tissue.
Minerva Stomatol. 1990 Jul;39(7):573-85
Giuliani M, Rumi C, Marciani F, Boari A, Rumi G, Di Felice R.;
Amalgam fillings and T-lymphocyte changes.
Bull Group Int Rech Sci Stomatol Odontol. 1990 Jul;33(2):71-6
Giannopoulou C, Di Felice R, Andersen E, Cimasoni G.;
Synthesis of alpha 2-macroglobulin in human gingiva: A study of the concentration of macroglobulin and albumin in gingival
fluid and serum.
Arch Oral Biol. 1990;35(1):13-6.
Pasini W., Haynal A. E.;
Di Felice Roberto :
Manuel de psychologie odontologique.
Paris : Masson, 1992.
Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Roberto Di Felice
Di Felice R.:
Implant stability : a clinical study
Lombardi T., Kuffer R., Di Felice R.:
Hyaline ring granuloma (pulse granuloma).
European Congress of Patholology, Barcelona (Spain) 1999.
Virchows Arch 1999,435:257
Di Felice R.Lombardi T., Kuffer R.,Samson J.:
Flunarizine-induced gingival hyperplasia?
Europerio 4, Berlin (Germany) 19-21 June 2003.
J Clin Periodontol 30 (suppl. 4): 95, 2003
Lombardi T., Kuffer R., Di Felice R., Samson J.:
Tumeur odontogène à cellules fantomes de la gengive mandibulaire.
XVIII’ Congrès International des pathologistes de langue française,Lausanne (Suisse) 1997.
Di Felice R., Rappelli G., Lombardi T., Belser U., Saulacic N.
Lateral mandibular ridge expansion with simultaneous implants placement.
EAO 15Th Annual Scentific meeting,, Zurich 5-7 October 2006
Di Felice R . Retention of cast fremworks luted to intermediate galvanic caps attached on ITI solid
abutments. Proceedings of ADM
Academy of Dental Materials Scientific Insights into Dental Ceramics and Photopolymer Networks. Geneva
21-23 Ottobre 2004
Di Felice R, Rappelli G, Coccia E, Corso M, Camaioni E, Cattani M.
“Retentive strength of single crowns luted to ITI solid abutment”.
Proceedings of IADR-CED Congress. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14-17 September 2005.
Di Felice R, Rappelli G, Cattani M, Coccia E, Scalise L, Pallotto L, Cannella F. “Composite crowns luted with
different systems: a retention study”. Proceedings of Meeting of the Continental European Division (CED) and
the Scandinavian Division (NOF) of the IADR (International Association of Dental Research) . Dublin 13-17
September 2006.
Di Felice R, Rappelli G, Lombardi T, Belser UC, Saulacic N. “Lateral mandibular ridge expansion with
simultaneous implants placement”. EAO (European Association for Osseointegration) 15° Annual Scientific
Meeting. Zurigo 5-7 Ottobtre 2006
Rappelli G, Coccia E, Di Felice R, Procaccini M. “Retentive study on fiber reinforced composite crowns luted
to abutment implants”. XXVI Congresso Internazionale AIOP (Accademia Italiana Odontoiatria Protesica) .
Bologna 22-24 Novembre 2007.
Rappelli G, Coccia E, Di Felice R, Procaccini M. “Retentive study on fiber reinforced composite crowns luted
to abutment implants”. Atti del Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria-I Expo di Autunno. Milano 30 Nov-1 Dic
Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Roberto Di Felice
Di Felice R., rappelli G.,Coccia E.,De Dominicis A., Frabboni PC, “Stability changes for
immediately placed chemically modified surface dental implants”
Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Roberto Di Felice