Email marketing e moda


Email marketing e moda
Email marketing e moda
dalle best practice al calcolo del ROI
Maddalena Beltrami
Senior Account Supervisor – Luxury division
Agency Dept. ContactLab
Netcomm Digital Fashion
Milano, 7 Novembre 2012
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This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
1. Email marketing e moda
2. ContactLab
ContactLab per Blobbox
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Fashion industry ed email marketing
Email efficace e profittevole marketing tool online e offline
Good value for money
Flessibile nei contenuti
Customizzabile per cultura, regione e preferenze
Multimedia (images, videos, texts, music)
Testabile e ottimizzabile
L’email offre un ROI migliore fra i digital mktg tool disponibili
Email ROI 2011 $40.56
search $22.24
internet display advertising $19.72
mobile $10.51
(fonte DMA – 2011)
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This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
L’email: efficace strumento di relazione anche offline
Livello di engagement clienti offline
Esempio: DB composto da clienti offline attivi che ricevono email
open rate su consegnate
click rate su consegnate
Very low
Customer value
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This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Punto di partenza: anatomia di un DB moda
- Denso di informazioni, sedimentate e complesse
- Ricco di contatti offline, appassionati e fedeli
- Giovane di clienti e prospect digitali
- Vivo e in crescita esponenziale nel mondo
- Perfetto per un CRM sofisticato, integrato, dall’online all’offline via email
Cross channel
In store
Grafici indicativi per una base clienti di azienda fashion con rete di vendita monomarca mediamente diffusa e attività ecommerce in crescita
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This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Convertire prospect in clienti
Customer care
Informare e promuovere
Influenzare le vendite online e in-store
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This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Branding: raccontare valori e tradizioni
- Posizionamento
- Educano clienti e prospect
- Accrescono il valore aspirazionale del marchio e dei suoi
prodotti iconici
- Campagne ricorrenti, senza tempo adatte a tutti i
target e a tutte le country
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This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Branding: the human touch
6° novembre 2012 - A Message From Ralph Lauren: Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts
Time to market
Valore del contenuto
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This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
con effetto viral
Branding: garantire un’esperienza fluida
- Essere consistenti online e offline
- Offrire continuità e visibilità a contenuti cross canale:
video, testi, foto, audio
- Collegare iniziative, canale e prodotti
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This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Convertire: essere top of mind
Beneficio, pressione, urgenza
Welcome series
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This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Care: celebrare non solo vendere
Ricorrenze di calendario
(soprattutto per il mercato USA da S.Valentino a Halloween)
Tell a Friend, Social, contenuti di approfondimento
Inviti digitali, pubblici o privati
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This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Care: costruire fedeltà
Post acquisto on e offline, post riparazione, post experience
Gestire in real time le richieste e insoddisfazioni. Integrare email e ccare
Aprire un canale di contatto
Differenziare per cultura, paese, occasione
Calcolare un indice di soddisfazione (micro e macro). CSI
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This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Promuovere: appuntamento con il nuovo
Invito, foto e lancio collezione. Seguendo il time to market
I recall a meno di 24 ore incrementano l’openrate del 30%
Indicazioni precise su orari e link – oltre il fuso
Anticipare colori e stile – effetto teasing
Offrire opportunità di click oltre l’invito
Stupire … 3D o serie limitate
ContactLab per Blobbox
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Promuovere: la riconoscibilità della consistenza
date: 31 Mar
subject: Introducing Ursula for Spring/Summer 11
6 layout per memorizzare
Linee guida riconoscibili e background
Dettagli (qualità, finiture), palette colori disponibili
Coerenza, frequenza, riconoscibilità
date: 10 Feb
subject: Romance with an Edge
date: 10 Mar 2011
subject: Tribal Chic
date: 24 Feb
subject: Introducing PARKER for
Spring/Summer 11
date: 17 Apr 2011
subject: Introducing CATWALK for
Spring/Summer 11
date: 28 Mar
subject: Carnival Nights for
Spring/Summer 11
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This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Promuovere: effetto wow - animazioni
Email che contengono video ottengono incrementi di click fino al 96.38%
(Get Response)
Click rate
ContactLab per Blobbox
Open rate
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Promuovere: it’s a lifestyle
Offrite opzioni
Diversificate per country/cultura/preferenze/genere
Usate subject coerenti, per gender, opportunità, proposizione
Siate coerenti col vostro brand
ContactLab per Blobbox
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Promuovere: cool - hunting
Multicanale, interattivo ed
esperienziale: video, foto e musica
Da testare su mercati asiatici con
un taglio fashion – advisor
Layout a mosaico - varietà
hit/hot list, must have, guide,
key pieces, essential
Contenuti editoriali – raccontare un
trend, riscoprire una tradizione
Testimonial, blogger e stilisti
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This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Impatto vendite online e in-store
influenzare le vendite ecommerce e in-store
ContactLab per Blobbox
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Calcolare l’impatto su finestra di influenza
Ecommerce, Store, Mobile
Brand experience
. Ricevere
. Aprire
. Cliccare
. Acquistare
online e in-store
15 – 30 gg
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This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
L’esperienza ContactLab
L’email è un efficace marketing tool online e offline
un’email ben costruita può raddoppiare il click rate
L’email ha un impatto importante sia sul fatturato online
che offline (2 volte l’online se adeguatamente misurato!)
Alto impatto sulla redditività dell’azienda
ContactLab per Blobbox
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
1. Email marketing e moda
2. ContactLab
ContactLab per Blobbox
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Chi siamo
ContactLab è il tuo partner per il digital direct marketing
+ di 10 anni + di 100 persone + di 1000 clienti
… e milioni di email di esperienza.
ContactLab ha la propria sede a Milano e uffici in Francia, Germania, Spagna e Gran Bretagna.
ContactLab per Blobbox
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
ContactLab per Blobbox
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Buon email marketing!
Maddalena Beltrami
Senior Account Supervisor – Luxury division
[email protected]
ContactLab per Blobbox
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
e-mail & e-marketing evolution
Via Natale Battaglia, 12
20127 Milano – Italy
Tel. 02.283118.1
ContactLab per Blobbox
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab® and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.