
Dipartimento Farmaco Chimico
OGGETTO: fornitura e posa in opera, in economia, di Arredi Tecnici per il Dipartimento Farmaco
Questa Amministrazione - il giorno 23/06/2007 alle ore 9,00 - procederà, mediante fornitura in economia,
all’acquisto di Arredi Tecnici di cui agli allegati alla presente lettera invito per un importo a base d’asta di
€.50.000,00 oltre IVA per le esigenze dei laboratori del Settore Analitico Alimentare.
Gli importi sopra specificati gravano sui fondi del Bilancio del Dipartimento Farmaco Chimico E.F. – 2007.
Le attrezzature offerte dovranno avere la certificazione rilasciata dalla Ditta costruttrice, di conformità alle
vigenti normative di sicurezza sul lavoro D.L. 626/94 e certificazione UNI-EN-ISO 9001/2000, secondo
normativa europea EN 13150-2001.
La fornitura sarà aggiudicata al concorrente che presenterà l'offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa per
l'Amministrazione – ai sensi del D.L.vo n° 358 del 24.07.92 – e successive modifiche ed integrazioni valutata in base agli elementi di seguito specificati, ai quali sarà attribuito il seguente punteggio:
a) Prezzo
b) Qualità tecnica
c) Progettualità
Tempo utile massimo per la consegna delle forniture è fissato in giorni 30 dalla data di affidamento fornitura.
Il pagamento avverrà in unica soluzione entro 30 (trenta) giorni dalla data di ricevimento della relativa
fattura ed a seguito del relativo certificato di collaudo come meglio specificato nell’ Art. 18 del “Capitolato
Qualora codesta Ditta intenda partecipare alla fornitura in economia, dovrà far pervenire entro e non oltre le
ore 12,00 del giorno feriale precedente a quello fissato per l’apertura delle buste, al “Dipartimento Farmaco
Chimico dell’Università degli Studi di Messina, Località Annunziata, – 98168 Messina” – un plico
sigillato con ceralacca e controfirmato sui lembi di chiusura.
Su detto plico dovrà essere chiaramente riportata la Ragione sociale della Ditta concorrente e la
seguente dicitura:
“fornitura in economia per l’acquisto di Arredi Tecnici per i laboratori del settore Analitico
Nel plico sopra citato devono essere contenuti, a pena di esclusione:
- Offerta economica, redatta su carta legale, che dovrà essere contenuta in apposita busta sigillata con
ceralacca e controfirmata sui lembi di chiusura.
L’offerta dovrà essere sottoscritta con firma leggibile e per esteso dal titolare o dal legale
rappresentante dell’Impresa offerente.
L’offerta dovrà indicare in cifre e in lettere il corrispettivo in euro, al netto di I.V.A., delle
attrezzature descritte nel modello allegato. In caso di discordanza tra il prezzo indicato in cifre e
quello in lettere sarà ritenuto valido quello più conveniente per l’Amministrazione.
Detto corrispettivo si intende comprensivo di ogni beneficio ed utile e di tutte le spese, nessuna
esclusa, per dare le attrezzature perfettamente funzionanti in sito, rispondenti ai requisiti richiesti ed
alle condizioni previste nell’allegato Capitolato d’Oneri.
Si avverte che nella busta interna contenente l’offerta economica non dovranno essere inseriti altri
Non saranno ammesse offerte incomplete, alternative, condizionate o espresse in modo generico,
indeterminato o inesatto o con semplice riferimento ad altra offerta propria o di altri.
Non sono ammesse offerte in aumento al predetto importo.
- L’allegata dichiarazione sostitutiva di atto di notorietà – resa ai sensi degli artt. 2 e 4 della L. 15/68 n° 15,
come definito dall’art. 3, comma 10 della L. 127/97 ed integrato dall’art. 1 del D.P.R. 403/98 – , debitamente
firmata dal legale rappresentante della Ditta.
Il Dichiarante dovrà allegare fotocopia di un documento di riconoscimento.
- La presente lettera invito e copie degli allegati, sottoscritti per accettazione dal legale rappresentante della
- Il Capitolato d’Oneri, debitamente firmato per accettazione dal legale rappresentante della Ditta.
- Relazione tecnica – sottoscritta dal legale rappresentante della Ditta – con la specifica dettagliata delle
caratteristiche tecniche dei prodotti offerti, indicando marca e modello.
- Depliant illustrativi o quant’altro da cui si possano evincere le caratteristiche tecniche dei prodotti che la
Ditta intende fornire.
- L’offerta relativa al periodo di garanzia – specificando se data dalla casa costruttrice o dalla Ditta
partecipante alla gara – che, comunque, non dovrà essere inferiore a mesi 24 (ventiquattro) dall’avvenuto
collaudo, specificando, altresì, se l’assistenza nel periodo di garanzia sarà fornita direttamente dal rivenditore
ovvero da un centro tecnico abilitato dalla casa produttrice.
- L’offerta relativa al termine di consegna della fornitura, specificato in giorni, che non dovrà superare giorni
30 dalla data di affidamento.
- Certificati originali o in copia UNI-EN-ISO 9001/2000, secondo normativa europea EN 13150-2001.
L’offerta tecnica dovrà essere uguale o migliorativa, per caratteristiche tecniche, rispetto alla
configurazione minima dei prodotti richiesti.
Le condizioni contrattuali sono quelle riportate nell’allegato “CAPITOLATO D’ONERI” che fa parte
integrante della presente lettera invito.
L’Amministrazione si riserva la facoltà di non aggiudicare la fornitura, ovvero di aggiudicarla solo
parzialmente, qualora i prodotti offerti non dovessero rispondere a quanto richiesto, ovvero dovessero
venire meno i motivi della fornitura stessa;
il recapito del plico resta ad esclusivo rischio del mittente, per qualsivoglia motivo esso non giunga a
destinazione in tempo utile;
l’offerta presentata non potrà essere ritirata;
trascorso il tempo utile, non sarà presa in considerazione alcuna offerta anche se sostitutiva di una
non saranno accettate offerte condizionate o espresse in modo indeterminato o con riferimento ad altro
qualora rimanga in gara una sola offerta valida, anche se trattasi dell’unica offerta pervenuta,
l’aggiudicazione sarà fatta a favore dell’unico concorrente;
in caso di offerte uguali, la fornitura si aggiudicherà mediante sorteggio con modalità che saranno
definite dalla Commissione aggiudicatrice;
l’omissione o l’incompletezza di uno qualsiasi dei documenti e/o certificati richiesti, comporterà
l’automatica esclusione dal procedimento di gara;
determina altresì l’esclusione anche il fatto che l’offerta economica non sia stata inserita nell’apposito
plico debitamente sigillato e controfirmato su tutti i lembi di chiusura;
Si richiede la fornitura e la posa in opera di arredi tecnici e relativa collocazione all’interno del
laboratorio di cui in allegato (planimetria locali).
Realizzazione di due aree chiuse con materiale prefabbricato dalle dimensioni: 3,6 x 3,2 m x 3,0 m (H)
e 2,6 x 4,3 m x 3,0 m (H) per alloggiare gli strumenti scientifici (IT-TOF e IRMS) come da allegati
requisiti di installazione, per garantire l’isolamento termico dell’ambiente come da richieste tecniche.
Si precisa che l’impianto di climatizzazione è escluso dalla presente fornitura.
Le richieste di cui sopra prevedono l’elaborazione di un progetto ad integrazione della planimetria
locali allegata.
Centrali e/o a parete di mm. 1200 x 1650 x 900 x 2100 h. mm.
Centrali e/o a parete di mm. 1500 x 1650 x 900 x 2100 h. mm.
Centrali e/o a parete di mm. 1800 x 1650 x 900 x 2100 h. mm.
Modulo lavello di circa 1600 mm.
I suddetti moduli sono da utilizzarsi per sistemazione e appoggio di strumentazione:
- Gascromatografi, cromatografi liquidi e spettrometri di massa.
Soltanto per due moduli da 1800 mm si richiede idoneo piano in gres monolitico.
Inoltre si richiede sistemazione di postazione di lavoro/computer da 1200 mm.
Le postazioni strumentali dovranno essere dotate di almeno 4 prese elettriche, 1 presa RJ45, 4 uscite
gas 1/8” per gas puri (Idrogeno, Azoto, Elio, Aria) completi di allacci fino alla sorgente.
Si richiede che gli arredi tecnici abbiano almeno le seguenti caratteristiche:
Completamente indipendente dal banco, in cui saranno concentrate tutte le utenze, realizzata in lamiera di
acciaio elettrozincata con spessori 1,5/2 mm pressopiegata a freddo e verniciata con polveri epossidiche
antiacido passaggio in galleria termica a 200°C. Questa permetterà la concentrazione di tutti i servizi. Tutte
le linee di alimentazione e scarico avranno un'idonea sede dove essere fissate, adattandosi alle diverse
predisposizioni. Le eventuali ispezioni e manutenzioni saranno semplificate dalle pareti scorrevoli su guide
nel vano tecnico posto nelle parte inferiore dell'alzata e da pannelli portautenze intercambiabili con innesto
ad incastro (senza l'utilizzo di utensili, eventualmente bloccabili con chiavetta per evitare manomissioni
indesiderate) nella porzione sovrastante il piano di lavoro.
L'alzata permetterà inoltre l'alloggiamento di più ripiani portareagenti, posizionabili a diverse altezze, con
bordo di sicurezza per contenimento di eventuali liquidi. Questi potranno essere utilizzati per il sostegno di
armadietti pensili.
Sono previsti diversi pannelli portautenze, in acciaio rivestito con polveri epossidiche:
Preforato (fornito con tappi di mascheramento), adatto per l'alloggiamento dei rubinetti per
GAS e riduttori gas tecnici.
Pannello senza predisposizioni per solo tamponamento, eventualmente modificabile – a
doppia fila con passaggio di cavi elettrici.
Pannello elettrico longitudinale rispetto all'alzata, isolato per sicurezza rispetto gli altri pannelli, può ospitare
almeno 4 frutti per ogni lato.
Costruito con tubolari d'acciaio in moduli indipendenti tra loro, componibili e con possibilità di
intercambiabilità e sostituzione di singoli elementi. Trattamento di protezione con procedimento di
decapaggio, fosfatizzazione a caldo ed applicazione elettrostatica di polveri epossidiche, trattamento di
essiccazione dello smalto a 200°C. Configurazione a "C" delle spalle del basamento che permetta la massima
libertà di movimento dell'operatore non avendo gambe del telaio nella posizione frontale. Viti a testa
esagonale in acciaio onde consentire un rapido assemblaggio dei vari componenti, al fine di ottenere una
struttura portante particolarmente solida e robusta. Piedini regolabili alla base che consentano la messa a
livello della struttura.
In laminato plastico melamminico post formato dello spessore di mm. 40.
Piano di lavoro in lastre monolitiche di gres con bordi perimetrali rialzati.
Dipartimento Farmaco Chimico
ART. 1
Fornitura in economia per l’acquisto e posa in opera di Arredi Tecnici per il Dipartimento Farmaco Chimico.
Importo a base d’asta €. 50.000,00 oltre I.V.A.
ART. 2
La partecipazione alla fornitura in economia comporta da parte della Ditta concorrente l’accettazione di tutte
le clausole contenute nella lettera invito e nel presente Capitolato d’Oneri.
ART. 3
Le specifiche tecniche dei prodotti - oggetto della presente fornitura in economia - e le relative quantità sono
dettagliatamente riportate nella scheda contraddistinta con “Caratteristiche Tecniche minimali” facente parte
integrante della lettera invito.
Le attrezzature richieste dovranno essere conformi alle vigenti normative di sicurezza sul lavoro D.L.
626/94, comprovata con apposita certificazione originale o in copia da allegare nella busta contenente
l’offerta tecnica.
ART. 4
La fornitura sarà aggiudicata in favore della Ditta che avrà formulato l'offerta economicamente più
vantaggiosa per l'Amministrazione - ai sensi del D.L.vo n° 358 del 24.07.92 e successive modifiche ed
integrazioni - valutata in base agli elementi di seguito specificati, ai quali sarà attribuito il seguente
a) Prezzo
b) Qualità tecnica
c) Progettualità
30/100 punti
Si procederà all’aggiudicazione, anche in presenza di una sola offerta valida.
ART. 5
L’affidamento è soggetto all’esatta osservanza di tutte le leggi vigenti in materia di forniture pubbliche
emanate nel Territorio nazionale e dalla Regione Siciliana, in tutto ciò che non sia in contrasto con le
condizioni stabilite e riportate nel presente Capitolato d’Oneri.
La ditta è altresì tenuta alla piena ed incondizionata osservanza:
delle norme in materia di assunzione ed impiego della mano d’opera;
delle norme emanate per la lotta alla delinquenza mafiosa.
La Ditta affidataria dovrà fornire tutte le certificazioni comprovanti la conformità dei prodotti richiesti alle
norme UNI-EN-ISO 9001/2000, secondo normativa europea EN 13150-2001 e D.L.vo 626/94, come
specificato nell’Art. 3.
ART. 6
La Ditta affidataria, entro 5 giorni dal ricevimento della comunicazione dell'esito della gara, dovrà presentare
la documentazione che sarà richiesta per la regolarizzazione dell’affidamento.
Fatto salvo ogni diritto o azione spettante all'Amministrazione e altri provvedimenti che potranno essere
adottati in virtù delle norme vigenti in materia, la Ditta affidataria potrà essere dichiarata decaduta qualora:
1. dalle
nell’autocertificazione – la Ditta non sia in possesso dei requisiti richiesti per l’assunzione della fornitura;
2. non addivenga alla regolarizzazione dell’affidamento entro il termine che sarà stabilito con apposita
L’aggiudicazione, mentre è impegnativa per la Ditta affidataria, lo sarà per l’Amministrazione
subordinatamente al perfezionamento dell’iter amministrativo per l’affidamento definitivo della fornitura.
ART. 7
Il tempo massimo per la consegna e posa in opera delle attrezzature richieste e di quanto altro – oggetto della
presente fornitura in economia – è di giorni 30 dalla data di affidamento;
la consegna della fornitura avverrà a cura , spese e rischio della Ditta affidataria;
ogni e qualsiasi onere relativo al trasporto, facchinaggio, assemblaggio, posa in opera ecc., nei locali
destinatari delle attrezzature, rimangono a totale carico della ditta fornitrice che potrà affidarli – sotto la
propria responsabilità – a ditte specializzate;
la Ditta dovrà prendere tutte le precauzioni necessarie perché il materiale oggetto della fornitura non subisca
danni durante il trasporto ed è obbligata a sostituire, a suo totale carico, il materiale che dovesse pervenire
danneggiato e/o difettoso. Nessun risarcimento potrà, pertanto, essere preteso per la merce smarrita,
deteriorata o resa inservibile durante il trasporto;
all’atto della consegna, la ditta fornitrice deve presentare un documento di trasporto, in duplice copia e
debitamente sottoscritto, dal quale risultino le quantità, la natura dei beni consegnati, nonché copia
ART. 8
L’Amministrazione si riserva la facoltà di procedere, - all’atto dell’ordinativo e comunque entro 6 (sei) mesi
dal completamento della fornitura -, all’acquisto dello stesso materiale fornito entro il limite del 20%
dell’importo di aggiudicazione.
La Ditta affidataria resta obbligata a dare esecuzione all’ordine, mantenendo lo stesso prezzo e condizioni
praticate nell’offerta, senza che per questo la stessa possa trarne motivi per avanzare pretese e/o indennizzi di
qualsiasi natura.
ART. 9
La fornitura dovrà essere effettuata presso i locali destinatari delle attrezzature, o presso altro locale che
verrà indicato dall’Amministrazione nella nota di affidamento.
ART. 10
I prezzi offerti e le altre condizioni contrattuali si intendono fissi, impegnativi e invariabili, anche per il caso
di forza maggiore, per tutta la durata della fornitura.
Detti prezzi - comprensivi di tutte le spese, oneri e obblighi previsti nella lettera invito e nel presente
Capitolato d’Oneri - si intendono offerti per merce resa regolarmente imballata, franca di ogni spesa ed
installata presso i locali destinatari delle attrezzature o presso altro locale che verrà indicato
dall’Amministrazione nella nota di affidamento.
ART. 11
Il collaudo dei materiali di cui alla presente fornitura in economia sarà effettuato entro 5 giorni dal
completamento della fornitura, certificato con apposito verbale.
L’esito favorevole del collaudo non esonera la ditta da vizi o difetti non riscontrati durante le operazioni di
Qualora nell'accertamento risultasse la necessità di provvedere alla sostituzione parziale o totale della merce
pervenuta danneggiata e/o resa inservibile durante il trasporto, la Ditta dovrà effettuare la sostituzione del
materiale, nel più breve tempo possibile; tale periodo verrà considerato - agli effetti di eventuali ritardi come tempo impiegato per la fornitura.
ART. 12
La Ditta affidataria dovrà garantire le attrezzature fornite per tutto il periodo che sarà indicato nell’offerta
tecnica che, comunque, non dovrà essere inferiore a mesi 24 (ventiquattro), assumendosi l’obbligo di
ripararle o sostituirle senza alcun addebito.
ART. 13
Il servizio di manutenzione in garanzia, compreso nel prezzo complessivo d’offerta e della durata pari al
periodo indicato nell’offerta tecnica, decorrente dalla data di collaudo, comprenderà:
la manutenzione correttiva, regolazione e riparazioni in caso di guasto e conseguente ripristino del loro
funzionamento ottimale. Il ripristino della piena funzionalità degli arredi dovrà avvenire entro le 48 ore
lavorative successive alla segnalazione del guasto;
la fornitura di tutte le parti di ricambio di prima qualità, ove esistenti prodotte dalla stessa ditta
costruttrice delle attrezzature, e l’effettuazione degli interventi da parte di personale della ditta stessa;
qualora il fornitore ritardi nell’eseguire le riparazioni ed i ripristini, l’Amministrazione avrà facoltà di far
eseguire da terzi gli interventi necessari addebitando al fornitore le spese sostenute nonché eventuali oneri
e/o danni derivanti dal mancato utilizzo delle attrezzature.
ART. 14
Nel caso venisse accertato - al momento della consegna - che le caratteristiche del materiale fornito non
corrispondano a quelle specificate nell’offerta formulata in sede di gara, la Ditta affidataria è obbligata a
provvedere alla sua sostituzione entro e non oltre 15 (quindici) giorni dall’avvenuta fornitura.
Qualora la Ditta non ottemperi a tale obbligo, la stessa sarà tenuta al pagamento dell’eventuale maggiore
spesa che l’Amministrazione dovrà sostenere per l’acquisto da altra ditta del materiale di che trattasi.
La merce contestata sarà restituita alla Ditta fornitrice, anche se manomessa o comunque sottoposta ad esami
di controllo, senza che la stessa possa pretendere compensi a qualsiasi titolo. Le spese di restituzione della
merce contestata restano a carico della ditta fornitrice. La mancata sostituzione entro i predetti termini, senza
motivazione alcuna, comporterà, ad insindacabile giudizio dell’Amministrazione, la recessione del contratto.
Il periodo sopra indicato verrà considerato, agli effetti di eventuali ritardi, come tempo impiegato per la
ART. 15
È assolutamente vietata ogni cessione di contratto o subappalto, totale o parziale, pena la risoluzione del
contratto ipso iure.
Per tutto quanto non previsto nel presente Capitolato d’Oneri, si fa rinvio alle leggi e regolamenti in vigore in
ART. 16
Qualora l’Amministrazione registri ritardi nella fornitura rispetto ai tempi di cui al precedente Art. 7, verrà
applicata alla Ditta affidataria, per ogni giorno di ritardo una penale pecuniaria pari allo 0,25% dell’importo
di aggiudicazione, fino ad un massimo di un decimo del corrispettivo della fornitura medesima.
Detta penale verrà applicata sulla liquidazione finale senza preavviso alcuno.
Decorsi ulteriori venti giorni di calendario dalla predetta scadenza, senza che sia stata effettuata la consegna
del materiale, l’Amministrazione potrà dichiarare decaduta la Ditta affidataria e la stessa non potrà avanzare
pretese di sorta.
Il termine di consegna potrà essere differito soltanto per motivi connessi a cause di forza maggiore,
debitamente comprovati con valida documentazione e – comunque - riconosciuti dall’Amministrazione.
ART. 17
A garanzia degli obblighi contrattuali, la Ditta aggiudicataria , dovrà costituire - entro giorni 10 (dieci) dal
ricevimento della comunicazione di aggiudicazione -, apposita cauzione definitiva, nella misura non inferiore
al 10% dell’importo netto di aggiudicazione, in una delle forme previste dalla vigente normativa:
vaglia bancario, non di conto corrente, intestato all'Università di Messina, oppure alla stessa Ditta e
girato all'Università di Messina;
ricevuta della Tesoreria Provinciale dello Stato, attestante l'avvenuto deposito della somma;
polizza fidejussoria, prestata da uno degli Istituti Assicurativi o Banche ammessi per legge.
Detta cauzione resterà vincolata - a garanzia della buona esecuzione della fornitura - sino all'emissione del
documento di collaudo e/o di verifica della regolare fornitura.
ART. 18
Il corrispettivo della fornitura - così come determinato in sede di aggiudicazione - sarà pagato da questa
Amministrazione in unica soluzione entro 30 (trenta ) giorni dalla data di ricevimento della relativa fattura,
subordinatamente agli accertamenti di collaudo o di verifica della regolare fornitura del materiale fornito,
con i tempi e le modalità di cui all’ Art. 11.
ART. 19
Saranno a totale carico della Ditta aggiudicataria tutte le spese inerenti al contratto, oneri fiscali di bollo e di
registro del contratto o di altro documento sostitutivo per l’affidamento, nonché ogni altro onere connesso
alla fornitura o comunque discendente dall’applicazione del contratto stesso.
L’IVA rimane a carico dell’Amministrazione appaltante.
ART. 20
L’Amministrazione si riserva la facoltà di risolvere in danno il contratto, in applicazione dell’art. 1456 c.c.
per persistenti ritardi nella consegna o per accertata scadente qualità dei prodotti con diritto di incamerare la
cauzione definitiva e con risarcimento del danno a carico dell’aggiudicataria.
ART. 21
Per tutte le controversie che dovessero sorgere in ordine alla interpretazione ed esecuzione del contratto
oggetto della presente fornitura è competente il Foro di Messina.
(resa ai sensi degli artt.2 e 4 della Legge n°15/68, come definito dall’art. 3, comma 10 della Legge 127/97 ed integrato dall’art. 1 del D.P.R. 403/98 e
s.m.e.i., debitamente sottoscritta dal titolare o dal legale rappresentante della Ditta)
Il sottoscritto
Residente in
Nato a
- nella qualità
, via
Della Ditta
Partita IVA
con sede legale in
, Codice Fiscale
1. Di essere consapevole delle sanzioni previste dal Codice Penale e dalle Leggi speciali in materia, a
carico dei dichiaranti in caso di attestazioni mendaci, ai sensi e per gli effetti dell’art. 7 della Legge
19.03.90 n° 55 nonché ai sensi dell’art. 2 della Legge 15/68 e successive modificazioni ed integrazioni;
2. di essere a conoscenza di tutte le circostanze generali e particolari che possono influire sulla esecuzione
della fornitura e messa in opera del materiale in questione;
3. di avere preso visione di tutte le modalità, condizioni e prescrizioni contenute nella lettera invito e
nell’allegato “Caratteristiche tecniche minimali”, di avere valutato il prezzo offerto, singolarmente e nel
suo complesso, conveniente e remunerativo, in considerazione di tutti e di qualsiasi onere, e tali da
consentire con piena consapevolezza l’offerta presentata;
4. di accettare incondizionatamente tutte le clausole, patti e condizioni contenute nella presente lettera
invito e nell’allegato “Caratteristiche tecniche minimali”;
5. di avere tenuto conto - nel proporre l’offerta - delle prescrizioni contenute nella lettera invito e
nell’allegato “Caratteristiche tecniche minimali”, circa l’invariabilità dei prezzi, il trattamento e la tutela
dei lavoratori, e gli oneri tutti negli stessi riportati;
6. di impegnarsi ad applicare – nell’esecuzione della fornitura – i contratti di lavoro, anche aziendali e le
tariffe della mano d’opera vigenti nel Territorio Nazionale, con le eventuali variazioni che intervengono
durante l’esecuzione della fornitura stessa, nonché le leggi e i regolamenti a tutela, protezione,
assicurazione e assistenza dei lavoratori;
7. l’inesistenza delle cause ostative previste dall’art.11 lett. a), b), c), d), e) ed f) del D.L.vo 358/92,
8. che nei propri confronti non sussistono cause di divieto, di decadenza o di sospensione previsti
nell’allegato I° del D.L.vo 490/94 (recante disposizioni attuative della Legge 17 gennaio 1994 n° 47 e di
non essere a conoscenza dell’esistenza di tali cause nei confronti dei propri conviventi (elencare i
9. che la ditta non si trova in stato di liquidazione, fallimento e che non ha presentato domanda di
concordato preventivo;
10. di possedere l’attrezzatura e la mano d’opera necessaria, nonché l’organizzazione commerciale e tecnica
tale da garantire la corretta esecuzione della fornitura in questione;
11. di assumere – a suo completo carico – le spese di bollo, registrazione ed ogni altro onere di natura fiscale
inerente e conseguente al contratto, escluso I.V.A.;
12. di essere iscritto per attività specifiche all’oggetto della fornitura (indicare il numero di matricola ed il
nominativo del o dei Legali Rappresentanti) a:
1- alla C.C.I.A.A. al n° ...............……........ ed eventualmente all’Albo Artigiani al n° .......................
…………… ;
La persona designata a rappresentare la Ditta è: ___________________________________ , nella qualità
Di _________________________ , nato a __________________ il ___________ (dati anagrafici);
il Direttore Tecnico
, nato a _________________________
______________ (dati anagrafici).
13. di essere a conoscenza dell’art.11 del D.P.R. 20.10.98 n. 403 relativo alla decadenza dai benefici
eventualmente conseguenti al provvedimento emanato qualora l’Amministrazione, a seguito di controllo,
riscontri la non veridicità del contenuto della suddetta dichiarazione;
14. di accordare – ai sensi dell’art. 10 della Legge 675/96 (tutela della persona e di altri soggetti rispetto al
trattamento dei dati personali) – il consenso affinché i propri dati possano essere trattati ed essere oggetto
di comunicazione a terzi al fine di provvedere agli adempimenti di obblighi di legge.
Il Dichiarante dovrà allegare fotocopia di un documento di riconoscimento.
Data ..............................……...
High-performance liquid chromatograph mass spectrometer
LCMS-IT-TOF Installation Guide
(Site-Preparation and check list)
1. Introduction
2. Example installation
3. Ambient requirements
4. Required power supply
5. Gas
6. Exhaust
7. LC system configuration
8. Other items to be prepared
9. Customer pre-check list
10. Reference: List of
spare and consumable parts
9 - 11
Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division
1. Introduction
This document describes prior preparation required at the customer’s site in order to facilitate smooth
installation of LCMS-IT-TOF instrumentation.
We request that you pay careful attention to the items described herein in order to keep the instrument in
good condition, to ensure analyses are performed with a high degree of reliability, and to ensure a long
operational life for the product.
2. Example installation
Fig. 1 Example of LCMS-IT-TOF installation lay-out [Units: mm]
≥ Over 600
≥Over 600
≥ Over 1200
LC system
- 800
1800 (table)
1800 (table)
Table 1 LCMS-IT-TOF weight and dimensions
Item name
Rotary pump
LCD monitor *
PC *
Keyboard *
LC system *
* Dimensions and weights given are approximate.
* Please note that necessary LC units and weight will differ depending on the LC system configuration used.
Item number
● In the example installation given in Figure 1, only the LCMS-IT-TOF unit itself is shown arranged on a
special table of width 180 cm, a depth of 80 cm, and a height of 70 to 80 cm. A separate PC and LC
system desk are necessary, and in the example given another table like the one used to carry the
LCMS-IT-TOF unit has been prepared (making a total of 2 desks), with the additional equipment placed
on it.
● As the LCMS-IT-TOF unit weighs 280 kg, prepare a table that is able to stand load capacities of 300 kg in
weight or more. The table with castors is useful for carrying the unit into the room.
● An additional space of 60cm or more is needed behind and to the right-hand side of the mass
spectrometer (MS). A further space of 60cm or more is needed to the left of the MS apparatus to allow
sufficient space for maintenance. Place equipment that can be readily moved, such as the PCs or LC
systems given in the example, to the left of the MS unit, and ensure a space of 60cm or more between
the MS unit and walls or other immovable objects. Please also maintain a space of 5cm or more between
the left side of the MS unit and the LC system.
- Space behind MS unit
: 60 cm or more
- Space to right of MS unit
: 60 cm or more
- Space between MS unit left-hand side and LC system : 5 cm or more
- Maintenance space to left of MS unit
: 60 cm or more
● Place rotary pump on a firm floor surface at a distance where it can be connected to the MS unit by
attached piping. (Extending piping to a distance greater than this will prevent assurance of unit
performance.) Ensure a distance of 60 cm or more between the back of the table and the wall, as the
rotary pump will be placed on the floor behind the table.
[Reference] Table with casters
3. Ambient requirements (for installation)
Constant temperature of 18° to 28° C (at all times, both day and night)
Please ensure temperature does not fluctuate during the day or night. This will ensure
maintenance of unit precision. Place unit away from direct sunlight and in a location where it will not
come into direct contact with airflows from air conditioners.
Temperature stability : + - 1.5° C or less in the case of slow change . ( 1° C /hour or slower )
+ - 0.5° C or less in the case of quicker change .
+ - 1.5° C or less in the case of very rapid change . ( 3° C /10minnits or quicker )
Heat generation : about 2000W (IT-TOF unit: 1100W , PC with printer: 350W , Standard LC system:
Install location:
40 – 70% (no condensation)
Use a room able to bear load capacities with an installation area of approximately 4.6 m × 2.7 m.
- Room should be free from dust.
The unit contains a high internal voltage and dust may lead to electrical discharge or faults.
Furthermore, dust accumulating in the fan (filter) may lead to overheating of the unit.
- Avoidance of disturbing factors such as vibration, electromagnetic noise, or corrosive gases, is
necessary for maintaining a high level of performance.
- Use in a well-ventilated room as the LCMS-IT-TOF makes use of flammable and/or toxic solvents.
Never use an open flame or smoke in the same area.
- Wash immediately if solvent gets into eyes or if contact is made with toxic solvents.
Locate sinks in nearest location possible.
- Set up an exhaust duct to avoid direct emission of oil mist, solvents and samples into the room.
- Follow the precautions given in the Safety Precautions of the instruction manual that came
with the unit.
*) This unit is intended for precision measurement. Sufficient consideration must be given to preparing its
installation environment as a given level of performance cannot be guaranteed if installation conditions are
not met.
4. Required power supply
● For safety reasons use a power supply equipped with a ground fault interrupter.
● The MS unit uses AC230V, 20A, 50/60Hz (single phase). Avoid sharing power source with other
● LC and PC power capacity will vary depending on the system’s configuration. Connect to a power supply
equipped with a short circuit breaker of a specified capacity so that unit will not exceed power supply
● To avoid electric shock, ensure grounding at power supply ground terminal has a resistance of 100 ohm
or less.
● To assure performance, keep voltage fluctuation within ±5% and frequency stability within ±0.5 Hz.
If power supplies of the above specifications are not available, alterations to room power supply
capacity will be necessary.
dia 10
Black … … Connects to AC line
White … … Connects to AC line dia 5.3
Yellow / green … Ground
Cable length 10m
キ / ミド
/ green
Fig. 2 Configuration of power supply cable connection-terminals for MS
(requires connection to breaker circuit or 3-point power plug)
5. Gas
Nitrogen gas (N2) and argon gas (Ar) are used for LCMS-IT-TOF. Purities and pressures for each gas are as follows:
Table 3. Gas purities and pressures
Pressure supplied to
Gas supply pipe material
MS unit
and outer diameter
Nitrogen gas (N2)
99% or greater
690 – 800 kPa
PTFE 6mm or Metal 3mm
Argon gas (Ar)
99.99% or greater 200 – 500 kPa
Metal 3mm
5-1. Nitrogen gas
Nitrogen gas can be supplied from a nitrogen gas generator, nitrogen gas cylinder, or generated from liquid nitrogen or
similar source. As the LCMS-IT-TOF unit uses a large amount of nitrogen gas we recommend that you use a nitrogen
gas generator. Optional piping parts for nitrogen gas cylinders or liquid nitrogen are available.
Please note that operating hours may be shortened depending on the flow rate of the drying gas if using a nitrogen gas
cylinder. As an approximate standard, assuming a 47L cylinder releasing the gas at a maximum flow rate, this single
cylinder would sustain the flow for approximately 5 hours.
Furthermore, as the flow rate of drying gas is large, gas pressure may be smaller than expected if gas supply pipings
are long as in the case of centered gas supplies. Please take care with gas supply pipings and pipe inner diameters as
this may prevent normal control of the gas. ( Pressure must be kept more than 690kPa when 15L/min flow. )
5-1 (a). If supplying gas generated from liquid nitrogen
Take adequate precautions with pipe resistance and other factors as sufficient secondary pressure cannot be
obtained when using nitrogen gas generated from liquid nitrogen.
Prepare a PTFE pipe with an outer diameter of 6mm and an inner diameter of 4mm or larger.
5-1 (b). If using a nitrogen gas cylinder
Prepare the following pressure regulator and pipes given below, or equivalent products, if using a nitrogen gas
<Pressure regulator>
Koike Sanso Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Model: PPR-N2
P/N: 221-35999-01*
*The number 221-35999-01 refers to the Shimadzu Corporation part number.
<Piping between pressure regulator and LCMS-IT-TOF>
The following gas supply tubes are available from Shimadzu. Please specify
when ordering.
Part number
Gas supply tube, external
length 5 m
Precautions when using high pressure gas cylinder
General precautions when using gas cylinders
Place gas cylinder outside in a well-ventilated location out of direct sunlight. Introduce the gas
indoors via piping.
Do not allow the gas cylinder to reach a temperature of 40°C or more at any time. Do not allow any
open flame to come within 2m of the cylinder.
When using high pressure gas pay sufficient attention to ventilation and use soapy water or other
methods to check for leaks before starting work. When using flammable gases, in particular, do not
smoke or allow open flames within 5m of the equipment that uses the gas. Have a usable fire
extinguisher ready.
Secure cylinder with rope or other material to prevent it overturning or falling.
Use oil-less pressure release valve. Do not use valves that oil has adhered to within piping that
comes into contact with gas, or in other areas.
Immediately shut off cylinder source valve when finished using gas.
* Remarks
● Please consult with Shimadzu prior to using nitrogen gas generators, other than those that are recommended, as
the inlet joints for the gas pipe and the LCMS-IT-TOF nitrogen gas pipe may not match.
● If using a cylinder, please use 5m or shorter pipes in general carrier gas piping.
If gas supply lines are long, the prescribed gas pressure may not be supplied to the LCMS-IT-TOF unit due to pipe
resistance. It is furthermore necessary to raise the cylinder’s secondary pressure higher than the prescribed
pressure so as to ensure prescribed pressure for the LCMS-IT-TOF.
● Take care when supplying gas by centered gas supply as other instruments being used may be affected by the
amount of gas supplied.
5-1 (c). If pre-existing nitrogen gas generator is used (If using LC/MS manufactured by another company)
If the diameter of pipes leading to the LC/MS is 1/4 inch when using an existing nitrogen generator, please use the
following adaptor.
Half Union KQ2H07-M5 (P/N: 035-60725-07*)
* The number 035-60725-07 refers to Shimadzu Corporation part number.
In addition to the above part, use the following from the selection of standard accessories.
<Standard accessories>
- #62 Adaptor ASSY (length 1m) (P/N: 225-15189-91*)
*The number 225-15189-91 refers to Shimadzu Corporation part number.
5-2. Argon gas
Use an argon gas cylinder to supply argon gas.
Only a trace amount of argon gas is used (maximum consumption 5mL/min). As an approximate standard, and
assuming a 3L cylinder with a maximum flow rate, a single cylinder will last for approximately 2 months. Gas pressure
may be smaller than expected if gas supply pipings are long. Please take care with gas supply piping length and pipe
inner diameter as this may prevent normal control of the gas.
Prepare the following pressure regulator and pipes given below, or equivalent products, if using an argon gas cylinder.
<Pressure regulator>
Koike Sanso Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Model: PPR-N2
P/N: 221-35999-01 ( refers to the Shimadzu Corporation part number)
The following gas supply tubes are available from Shimadzu. Please specify when ordering.
Part number
Gas supply tube, external
length 5 m
* In addition to the above part, use the following from the selection of standard accessories.
#12 External pipe joint (P/N:225-15157-91*)
#13 Union, SS-3MO-61
* The numbers 225-15157-91 and 035-57501-32 refer to Shimadzu Corporation’s own parts’
For precautions regarding the handling of high-pressure gas, please refer to the above 5-1 (c), If using a nitrogen gas
6. Exhaust (rotary pump exhaust gas, solvent vapor)
The unit emits exhaust gas from the rotary pump and vapor from mobile phase solvents.
Long-term inhalation of these is very harmful to the health.
In order to keep the site clean, it is necessary to direct these gases to a draft chamber or other such exhaust
Five-meter exhaust hoses are supplied with the unit for rotary pump and drain container discharge.
Hoses from the rotary pump and the drain container must be separately connected to exhaust ducts.
A typical draft chamber can be used.
[Example:] Draft chamber: 20m3/min.
Oil mist trap (optional)
オイルミストトラップ (オプション)
Drain kit廃液キット
pump exhaust hose
ロータリーポンプの排 気
diameter 15 × 5m) )
Drain container
prepared by
お 客様準備品
Tube for oil return
rubber tube (inner diameter 7 × 5m)
( 廃液キットに付属)
(included in Drain kit)
To duct
Fig.3. Rotary pump exhaust gas and solvent vapor exhaust
7. LC system configuration
The LC unit described in this installation guide is the minimum configuration required. After having
considered the LC system configuration you require, please consult with our staff about necessary
installation conditions and other factors.
8. Other items to be prepared
After installation, our service engineers will immediately begin to obtain adjustment acceptance data in order
to confirm normal operation of the unit.
Please prepare the following items in advance as they will be required in the operational check.
(1) Nitrogen gas N2
Argon gas Ar
Purity 99% or greater
Purity 99.99% or greater
(2) Standard sample for instrument adjustment
225-06613-08 TFANa (sodium trifluroacetate), 200mL
(3) Sample for sensitivity check
Papaverine hydrochloride solution (1ng/uL)
1mL ampoule × 2pcs
p-nitrophenol (2ng/uL)
1mL ampoule × 2pcs
(4) Mobile phase for sensitivity check
Please prepare the following.
Acetonitrile (LC grade)
Ultrapure water
1. Acetonitrile (LC grade) 1L
2. Distilled water (LC grade) 1L
P/N: 017-40107-03
P/N: 017-40513-01
Customer pre-check list
The sheets on the following pages are a checklist for each of the installation conditions that have been described in this
document. Please fill out the checklist yourself and pass it on to the appropriate personnel at Shimadzu.
Checked by Shimadzu
LCMS-IT-TOF Checklist
1-1 Temperature
Installation room
1-2 Humidity
1-3 Installation space
MS unit installation table size
Power supply
3. Gas
18 – 28°C (constantly, both day and night)
40 – 70% (no condensation)
1800mm × 800mm × 700-800mm
Ability to withstand weight loads adequately
With castors for carrying into the room
Space at rear and to right-hand 600mm or more
600mm or more *
Space to left-hand side
1-4 Miscellaneous
Must be able to ventilate room well.
Sink (water supply) facilities
Sink must be located close by.
Interference factors
Room must be free of dust and fine
Vibration, magnetic field noise, and other
disturbances should be minimal.
2-1 Power supply fluctuation
(guaranteed Within ±5% of voltage rating
50/60Hz, ±0.5 Hz
Frequency fluctuation (guaranteed
2-2 Power capacity
For MS
AC230V 20A
Less than 100 ohms
Ground (ground resistor)
2-3 Terminals
Cable length
For MS
(Fig. 2)
3-1(a) N2 nitrogen gas
99% or greater
Supply pressure to MS
690 – 800kPa
Supply pipe
PTFE OD 6mm or Metal OD 3mm
3-1(b) Ar argon gas
99.99% or greater
Supply pressure to MS
200 - 500kPa
Supply pipe
Metal OD 3mm
<If using gas cylinders>
3-2 Regulator (for both N2 and Ar)
3-3 Gas supply pipe (for both N2 and Ar)
Koike Sanso Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Model: PPR-N2
221-35999-01 or equivalent
Gas supply pipe Length 5m
* Space required for MS part maintenance. LC and PC can be put in this space normally. When maintenance of MS
part is required, please move LC and PC.
LCMS-IT-TOF Checklist
4. Exhaust
5. LC system
Requires draft chamber or
other exhaust duct system
(Fig. 3)
Exhaust from rotary pump
Solvent vapor emission from drain
Drying gas emissions
Items necessary for LC system Please consult with Shimadzu representative.
requirement of the customer
Following items need to be prepared.
6-1(a) Nitrogen gas
Purity 99% or greater
6-1(b) Argon gas
Purity 99.99% or greater
6-2 Standard sample for the system 225-06613-08
TFA-Na (sodium trifluroacetate), 200mL
6-3 Sample for sensitivity check
Papaverine hydrochloride solution (1ng/uL)
ampoule × 2pcs
p-nitrophenol (2ng/uL)
ampoule × 2pcs
Mobile phase for sensitivity check
6-4 Other consumable parts required
by the customer
Acetonitrile (LC grade)
Ultrapure water
1L or more
1L or more
Please consult with Shimadzu
[Reference: List of spare and consumable parts] Please refer to LC reference material for LC unit.
ESI pipe set
ESI pipe
Set of ESI pipe(s)
ESI pipe
Interface ASSY
Heater Block
Octopole ASSY
CDL unit set
CDL pipe
CDL end cap
Heater block
Octopole unit
Q-Array unit
Probe holder ASSY
HC Cap
Rubber shutter
Standard sample injection syringe (5ml)
Micro syringe, 1005C
Plunger ASSY (5ml)
6-Port Valve, Rotor ASSY
Suction Filter, SUS
Ferrule, 1.6F
Ferrule, 1.6F-T
Washer, 3 PCTFE ID1.8
Coupling, SM6-2030 Joint
Infusion Analysis Kit
Syringe, MS-GAN025
PTFE tip, TEF025
Replacement Needle
ETFE tube, 1.6 × 0.5
Ferrule, 1.6F-T
Syringe plunger
6-port valve rotor
Standard sample suction filter
SUS ferrule
PEEK ferrule
3-port valve, flare fitting washer
3-port valve, standard sample joint
Infusion analysis syringe (0.25ml)
Syringe plunger
Syringe replacement needles (5pc/set)
PTFE ferrule
MCP board ASSY
Volt divider ASSY
In-vacuum connection board
Out-of-vacuum connection board
Vacuum pumping system
Rotary Pump Oil Ultragrade19 (4L)
IG gauge
BA-72, Section Length 30mm
PB-1 Pirani Tube Filament
Ion gauge (IT)
BA gauge (TOF)
Pirani gauge
Pulse Valve ASSY
Pulse valve (CIM adjusted)
Secondary-electron multiplier ion detector
Volume of oil replacement: approx. 1.5L
Analyze • Detect • Measure • Control™
DELTA V Advantage
Preinstallation Requirements
Revision B - 118 5800
© 2005 Thermo Electron Corporation. All rights reserved.
“Finnigan” is a trademark of Thermo Electron Corporation. “Swagelok” is a registered
trademark of Swagelok
Corporation. “Teflon” and “Viton” are registered trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
All trademarks are the property of Thermo Electron Corporation and its subsidiaries.
Technical information contained in this publication is for reference purposes only and is
subject to change
without notice. Every effort has been made to supply complete and accurate information;
Thermo Electron Corporation assumes no responsibility and will not be liable for any errors,
damage, or loss that might result from any use of this manual or the information contained
therein (even if this
information is properly followed and problems still arise).
This publication is not part of the Agreement of Sale between Thermo Electron Corporation
and the purchaser
of an Thermo Electron system. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this
document and those
contained in Thermo Electron Corporation’s Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the
Terms and
Conditions shall govern.
System Configurations and Specifications supersede all previous information and are subject
to change without
Printing History: Revision B printed in August 2005.
DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Checklist
Circle “Yes” or “No” as to whether the site meets the requirements as specified in this Pre-installation Guide. Provide
the additional information where requested.
1: Yes No All laboratory remodeling has been completed and the space available is sufficient to meet the minimum
requirements for the configuration ordered. The floor is certified to meet the load requirements of the system
(approximately 300 kg or 660 lb) and is free from abnormal vibrations? Reference section: page 2-4.
2. Yes No The laboratory can be maintained at a constant temperature, 18-28oC? Drift must be less than 1oC per hour.
Reference section: page 2-6.
3. Yes No Relative humidity is between 20% and 70%, without condensation? Reference section: page 2-6.
4. Yes No Is the system work area ifree from magnetic disruption and electrostatic discharge?
Reference section: page 2-6.
5. Yes No Has a suitable exhaust system been installed for the rotary vane pumps? Reference section: page 2-7.
6. Yes No If applicable, there is a suitable exhaust system mounted above ConFlo and/or GC/C if CO and/or H2 is to
be analyzed? Reference section: pages 5-3 and 5-5.
7. Yes No There is a CO monitor installed if CO is to be analyzed? Reference section: page 5-5.
8. Yes No All relevant local safety regulations have been met and the equipment installation will not affect compliance?
9. Yes No Is a working mains supply including a 3-phase CEE-type socket (3*16 A; 3*230 V) available?
10. Yes No Has a transformer, power conditioner or UPS been purchased, delivered and installed?
Reference section: pages 3-1 and 3-2.
Yes No Has the electrical power been measured? Reference section: pages 3-1 and 3-2.
Note voltages: Volts AC phase 1 to ground at output of transformer.
Note voltages: Volts AC phase 2 to ground at output of transformer.
Note voltages: Volts AC phase 3 to ground at output of transformer.
Note voltages: Volts AC neutral to ground at output of transformer.
11. Yes No A minimum of 5 bar (73 psi) compressed air is available for the instrument?
12. Yes No The required gases are on-site with gas lines installed and appropriate regulators available?
Reference section: pages 4-1 and 4-2.
List gases and purity: _________________________________________________________________
13. Yes No Have any special acceptance specifications been agreed within the contract?
If YES, attach full details of specifications.
14. Yes No Is there any additional equipment that needs to be interfaced to the system?
If YES, supply details.
15. Yes No There is a functional telephone close to the system? Phone number:
16. Yes No Your system has been delivered and is either in the laboratory or can be delivered immediately on the arrival
of the installation engineer?
17. Yes No The entrance to the laboratory and the route from the loading dock are at least 87 cm (35 in) wide with
additional space at corners? Reference section: page 2-3.
18. Yes No The principal operator will be available during the installation period and the person with the authority to
accept the instrument at the end of the installation will also be available to sign the required acceptance
document? Provide names and phone numbers of these individuals:
I, the undersigned, confirm that the site requirements as stated above have been accomplished and the
laboratory is prepared for the installation of the Thermo Electron DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus. I understand
that I may be liable for a Field Service Representatives' travel or lodging expense if they are unable to carry out
the installation on the pre-scheduled date due to insufficient lab preparation. If circumstance warrants, Thermo
Electron will make every effort to reschedule an installation as soon as possible with the next available
Print Name:
Company Name:
Date: Phone:
Fax to: Attn: Local Service Manager
Note: After we receive this checklist, your local Field Service Representative will contact you to schedule
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Room 912-916, Ping-an Mansion
No. 23, Jin Rong Street
Xi Cheng District
Beijing 100032
Phone.........................[86] (010) 6621 0839
Fax .............................[86] (010) 6621 0851
Offices for Thermo Electron Bremen Products - Continued
Notice on Lifting and Handling of Thermo Electron (Bremen)
For your safety, and in compliance with international regulations, the physical handling of
this Thermo Electron (Bremen) instrument requires a team effort for lifting and/or
moving the instrument. This instrument is too heavy and/or bulky for one person alone to
handle safely.
Notice on the Proper Use of Thermo Electron (Bremen) Instruments
In compliance with international regulations: If this instrument is used in a manner not
specified by Thermo Electron (Bremen), the protection provided by the instrument could
be impaired.
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide i
Read This First
Welcome to the Thermo Electron DELTAV Advantage/DELTAV Plus
system! The DELTAV Advantage/DELTAV Plus is a member of the
family of mass spectrometer (MS) detectors.
This DELTA V Advantage/DELTAV Plus Preinstallation Requirements
Guide provides you with information that will assist you in planning for
and preparing your lab site prior to delivery and installation of your
The DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements
Guide includes the following chapters:
• Chapter 1: “Introduction” describes the purchaser’s responsibilities
for installation and maintenance of the system.
• Chapter 2: “Site Requirements” gives details on the physical,
electrical, gas, and air conditioning requirements and other
laboratory requirements for the IRMS detector and data system.
• Chapter 3: “Electrical Power” describes details on the electrical
outlets, power conditioning devices and power supplies required to
properly install your system.
• Chapter 4: “Resources Requirements” provides information on the
gases, cryogens, solvents and solvent modifiers require to install and
operate your system.
• Chapter 5: “Options” describes the requirements for the peripheral
options of your DELTA V Advantage/DELTAV Plus.
• Chapter 6: “Instrument Arrival” provides information on insurance
claims and on domestic and international shipments.
Changes to the Manual
ii DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
Changes to the
To suggest changes to this manual, please send your comments to:
Thermo Electron (Bremen) GmbH
Product Marketing
Advanced Mass Spectrometry
Hanna-Kunath-Str. 11
D-28199 Bremen
[email protected]
You are encouraged to report errors or omissions in the text or index.
Thank you.
Typographical Conventions
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide iii
Typographical conventions have been established for Thermo Electron
manuals for the following:
• Data input
• Admonitions
• Topic headings
Data Input Throughout this manual, the following conventions indicate data input
and output via the computer:
• Messages displayed on the screen are represented by capitalizing the
initial letter of each word and by italicizing each word.
• Input that you enter by keyboard is identified by quotation marks:
single quotes for single characters, double quotes for strings.
• For brevity, expressions such as “choose File > Directories” are used
rather than “pull down the File menu and choose Directories.”
• Any command enclosed in angle brackets < > represents a single
keystroke. For example, “press <F1>” means press the key labeled
• Any command that requires pressing two or more keys
simultaneously is shown with a plus sign connecting the keys. For
example, “press <Shift> + <F1>” means press and hold the <Shift>
key and then press the <F1> key.
• Any button that you click on the screen is represented in bold face
letters. For example, “click on Close”.
Typographical Conventions
iv DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
Admonitions Admonitions contain information that is important, but not part of the
main flow of text.
Admonitions can be of the following types:
• Note – information that can affect the quality of your data. In
addition, notes often contain information that you might need if
you are having trouble.
• Caution – information necessary to protect your instrument from
• Warning – hazards to human beings. Each Warning is accompanied
by a Warning symbol.
Typographical Conventions
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide v
Topic Headings The following headings are used to show the organization of topics
within a chapter:
Chapter Name
The following headings appear in the left column of each page:
Second Level Topics
Third Level Topics
Fourth Level Topics
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide vii
Chapter 1 Introduction................................................................................1-1
Advanced Training Courses .............................................. 1-1
Preventive Maintenance .................................................... 1-2
Chapter 2 Site Requirements.....................................................................2-1
Unpacking and Installing the System ................................ 2-2
Hallways and Doors .......................................................... 2-2
Floor Space ....................................................................... 2-3
Fiber Optics Data Cable ................................................... 2-4
Floor Conditions............................................................... 2-4
Environmental Requirements............................................ 2-6
Room Temperature........................................................ 2-6
Humidity....................................................................... 2-6
Air Purity ....................................................................... 2-6
Air Conditioning ........................................................... 2-7
Lighting ......................................................................... 2-7
Exhaust Fumes............................................................... 2-7
Electromagnetic Fields ................................................... 2-7
Chapter 3 Electrical Power .......................................................................3-1
Electrical Power Specification............................................ 3-2
Single-Phase Wall Outlets for Options........................... 3-2
Power Consumption ......................................................... 3-2
Power Cables, Connectors................................................. 3-2
Location of Wall Outlets (Power) ..................................... 3-2
Location of Auxiliary Wall Outlets................................. 3-3
Power Quality................................................................... 3-3
Power Monitoring Devices............................................. 3-4
Power Conditioning Devices............................................. 3-4
Uninterruptible Power Supply .......................................... 3-5
Technical Assistance.......................................................... 3-5
Delta-to-Y Conversion Transformer.................................. 3-6
Chapter 4 Resources Requirements.........................................................4-1
Test Gas............................................................................ 4-2
Cleaning Agents ................................................................ 4-2
Requirements for Basic Instrument Setup ......................... 4-2
Gases for Specification Measurements............................... 4-3
Compressed Air................................................................. 4-3
Cryogenic Coolants........................................................... 4-3
viii DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
Chapter 5 Options ....................................................................................... 5-1
PreCon.............................................................................. 5-2
Site Requirements .......................................................... 5-2
Power Requirements ...................................................... 5-2
Resources Requirements................................................. 5-2
GC/C III........................................................................... 5-3
Site Requirements .......................................................... 5-3
Power Requirements ...................................................... 5-3
Resources Requirements................................................. 5-3
Equilibration Unit ............................................................ 5-3
Site Requirements .......................................................... 5-3
Power Requirements ...................................................... 5-4
Resources Requirements................................................. 5-4
ConFlo lll and Elemental Analyzer.................................... 5-4
Site Requirements .......................................................... 5-4
Power Requirements ...................................................... 5-4
Resources Requirements................................................. 5-5
TC/EA.............................................................................. 5-6
Site Requirements .......................................................... 5-6
Power Requirements ...................................................... 5-6
Resources Requirements................................................. 5-6
GC/TC............................................................................. 5-7
Site Requirements .......................................................... 5-7
Power Requirements ...................................................... 5-7
Resources Requirements................................................. 5-7
GasBench II ...................................................................... 5-8
Site Requirements .......................................................... 5-8
Power Requirements ...................................................... 5-8
Resources Requirements................................................. 5-8
Kiel Carbonate IV Device ................................................. 5-9
Site Requirements .......................................................... 5-9
Power Requirements ...................................................... 5-9
Resources Requirements................................................. 5-9
Chapter 6 Instrument Arrival .................................................................... 6-1
Possible Damage during Transport ................................... 6-1
Transportation Risk ....................................................... 6-1
Glossary .................................................................................... G-1
Index ............................................................................................I-1
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide ix
Space Requirements of IRMS and Peripherals Table - I .... 2-3
Space Requirements of IRMS and Peripherals Table - II ... 2-3
Space Requirements of IRMS - Side View I ....................... 2-4
Space Requirements of IRMS - Side View II ..................... 2-4
Dimensions of Packed Units ............................................. 2-5
DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus - Front View .......... 2-5
.-to-Y Conversion ............................................................ 3-6
Reference Gas Vial I .......................................................... 4-2
Reference Gas Vial II ......................................................... 4-2
Reference Gas Vial III ....................................................... 4-2
x DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide xi
Gas Requirements for PreCon Interface ................................................ 5-2
Gas Requirements for GC/C III ............................................................ 5-3
Gas Requirements for Equilibration Unit .............................................. 5-4
Gas Requirements for ConFlo III and Elemental Analyzer .................... 5-5
Gas Requirements for TC/EA ............................................................... 5-6
Gas Requirements for GC/TC .............................................................. 5-7
Helium Requirements for GasBench II ................................................. 5-8
Gas Requirements for H2O Equilibration ............................................. 5-8
CO2 Requirements for Measurement of Carbonates ............................. 5-9
CO2 Requirements for Measurement of DIC ....................................... 5-9
Gas Requirements for Kiel Carbonate IV Device .................................. 5-9
xii DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide 1-1
Chapter 1 Introduction
Your DELTAV Advantage/DELTA V Plus instrument is on its way!
The information in this Preinstallation Requirements Guide will help
you to prepare a proper site for the installation of your DELTA V
Advantage/DELTAV Plus IRMS system.
Some information in this guidebook refers to the continental USA
exclusively. Assurances and specifications may differ in other locations.
Specific details are available from the local Thermo Electron offices and
Dealers. Refer to“Read This First” on page i-i.
Note Systems made by Thermo Electron Bremen are designed to
operate reliably under controlled environmental conditions.
Operating a system outside of the operating environment limits listed
below might cause failures of many types. The repair of such failures is
specifically excluded from the standard warranty and service contract
Note For additional information, request specific preinstallation support
directly through your local Thermo Electron office or your local
Note All specified values in this Preinstallation Requirements Guide
may change according to law and quality standards.
Advanced Training
Thermo Electron provides both introductory and advanced training
courses in analytical techniques, together with specialized operation and
maintenance courses for Thermo Electron products.
It is also recommended that some months after your DELTAV
Advantage/DELTAV Plus system has been installed, the key operator
gets an advanced training for operation and maintenance of the system
from Thermo Electron. After this training, the key operator can conduct
an in-house training program on your site for your own people and
certify others to operate the instrument.
Preventive Maintenance
1-2 DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
For information concerning course schedules and fees, contact the
following address or your local Thermo Electron office:
Routine and preventive maintenance of DELTA V Advantage/
DELTA V Plus IRMS detector and data system is in the user’s
responsibility. Included in this category is exchange of pump oil,
replacement of filters, etc. on a regular basis. Refer also to the
manufacturer’s manuals delivered with the instrument (especially for
maintenance of mechanical pumps and turbopumps).
Regular preventative maintenance is essential. It will increase the life of
the system, result in maximum uptime of your system, and provide you
with optimum system performance. Maintenance techniques are
covered in the following manuals:
• DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Operating Manual
• Manuals coming with your DELTA V Advantage/DELTAV
Plus computer and other modules of your system
Thermo Electron (Bremen) GmbH
Advanced Mass Spectrometry
Hanna-Kunath-Str. 11
28199 Bremen
Marketing Assistant
Phone: +49 (0) 421 - 54 93 367
Fax: +49 (0) 421 - 54 93 426
E-mail: [email protected]
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide 2-1
Chapter 2 Site
More information on each of the requirements is available at the
following topics:
• “Unpacking and Installing the System” on page 2-2
• “Hallways and Doors” on page 2-2
• “Floor Space” on page 2-3
• “Floor Conditions” on page 2-4
• “Environmental Requirements” on page 2-6
Site Requirements
Unpacking and Installing the System
2-2 DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
Unpacking and
Installing the System
It is the policy of Thermo Electron that the customer should not unpack
the system or accessory items prior to installation of the system. Two
exceptions to this policy are the following ones:
• You are encouraged to locate the Operating Manual and to
begin to become familiar with the operation of the instrument.
• Where buck/boost transformers or power conditioning units are
supplied, it is the customers responsibility to have these units
installed by an electrician prior to instrument installation.
Note DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus comes on wheels, which can
be extended. Nevertheless, a forklift and/or a palette-jack will be of great
benefit for unpacking and in-house transportation of the instrument’s
When your DELTA V Advantage/DELTAV Plus is on site and ready
for installation, a Thermo Electron Service Engineer will install it.
During the installation, the Service Engineer will demonstrate the
• The basics of equipment operation and routine maintenance
• The marketing specifications that are in force at the time of the
purchase of the system as specified in the agreement.
Note Consumables sent with the system are intended for use by the
Service Engineer during installation. It is the responsibility of the
customer to replace any consumables used during installation.
Experience has shown that the maximum benefit can be derived from a
scientific instrument, if there is one person, a key operator, who has
major responsibility for that instrument. It is recommended that you
designate a key operator to oversee operation and maintenance of the
system in your laboratory. He/she will also be the key figure in the
communication between your laboratory and Thermo Electron.
Note Do not use your new system for sample analysis until installation is
complete and the Acceptance Form has been signed.
Hallways and Doors In order to move the instrument into the laboratory, the
whole way
from the loading dock to the desired place (including the entrance to
your facility, the width of all hallways, doors, elevators, etc.) should be
wide enough for the instrument. For dimensions of the largest part
during transportation inside the building, refer to Figure 2-5 on
page 2-5.
Site Requirements
Floor Space
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide 2-3
In addition, consider additional room to allow maneuvering of the
system around corners and/or through doors. Elevators and hallways
should be able to take the load. For weight information, refer to “Floor
Conditions” on page 2-4.
Floor Space The dimensions of the instrument and the minimum floor space
required for its installation and operation are given in Figure 2-1 to
Figure 2-4.
To ensure that operating personnel are easily able to carry out their work
(e.g. at the rear panel of the IRMS) and to facilitate heat dissipation, we
recommend to select room dimensions considerably larger than the
minimum dimensions given in Figure 2-1 to Figure 2-4. The minimum
width necessary to transport the unpacked instrument to the installation
site is 0.9 m (36 in).
As the IRMS is supported with rolls, one can easily pull it out to the
nearest hallway to perform the service operation there. Afterwards,
simply push it back to its original place.
Figure 2-1. Space Requirements of IRMS and Peripherals Table - I
Figure 2-2. Space Requirements of IRMS and Peripherals Table - II
1200 810
Site Requirements
Fiber Optics Data Cable
2-4 DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
Fiber Optics Data
The fiber optics data cable connecting your computer to the fiber optics
connectors at the rear panel of your IRMS is about 6 m long. This
allows you to place the computer even on a desk outside the direct
vicinity of the IRMS. For specific space requirements of your peripheral
options, refer to “Options” on page 5-1.
Floor Conditions The floor must be level and must be sufficient to carry the
weight of approximately 300 kg (660 lb). It should be free from shock
and vibrations.
Your DELTAV Advantage/DELTA V Plus is shipped in several boxes.
The largest of them has the approximate dimensions of
120 cm*80 cm*130 cm (l*w*h). The box containing the basic unit
approximately weighs 300 kg (660 lb). See Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-3. Space Requirements of IRMS - Side View I
Figure 2-4. Space Requirements of IRMS - Side View II
Site Requirements
Floor Conditions
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide 2-5
The box containing an optional Trace GC has the approximate
dimensions of 112 cm*83 cm*77 cm (l*w*h). An optional HP GC is
either shipped in a box of 104 cm*87 cm*71 cm (l*w*h) or in a
cardboard box of 84 cm*74 cm*92 cm (l*w*h).
Owing to the climatic conditions in some tropic regions, some boxes
may be replaced by special packings. As a result, the dimensions will
differ from those mentioned above.
Figure 2-5. Dimensions of Packed Units*
*.LC IsoLink is an option.
Basic Unit
1.18 m
1.12 m
(computer etc.)
0.80 m
1.30 m
LC IsoLink
1.01 m
0.75 m
Figure 2-6. DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus - Front View
Site Requirements
Environmental Requirements
2-6 DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
Attention to the operating environment will ensure the continued high
performance of your system and help protect your investment. Any
expenditures for air conditioning and power supply are normally more
than offset by good throughput and reduced repair costs.
Once the laboratory environment has been properly adjusted, it is still
important to observe some fundamental maintenance principles: make
sure panels having air intakes are not obstructed. Air must be allowed to
circulate freely in the electronics cabinet. Pumps should be serviced
regularly as described in the system's or manufacturer’s Operating
Room Temperature Laboratory temperature must be within the specified limits.
at temperatures above those recommended may cause premature failure
of transistors and integrated circuits. The maximum permissible
ambient temperature of the instrument is 28 °C (82 °F).
Note Heat dissipation of the instrument must be considered in
accordance with the power requirements (also for peripherals). See
“Power Consumption” on page 3-2 and “Summary of Technical Data”
on page 5-1.
Large temperature fluctuations, that is fluctuations caused mainly by air
conditioning or draft (only secondarily by direct sunlight), should be
avoided while measuring. Temperature changes greater than 1 °C/h
should be avoided during measurement.
Humidity Note The relative humidity should be between 20 % and 70 %. In no
case should the humidity be higher than 70 % to avoid high ohmic
insulator breakdown.
Operating the system or maintaining it in an operational condition
outside the specified limits may cause many types of failures. Their
repair is specifically excluded from our standard warranty and service
contract coverage.
Operating at very low humidity will cause problems due to
accumulation and discharge of static electricity. Operating at high
humidity may cause condensation with associated short circuits.
Air Purity Air must be free of smoke, dust, particulate matter and aggressive
Site Requirements
Environmental Requirements
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide 2-7
Air Conditioning We recommend to install an air conditioner, if the specified limits will
be exceeded due to unfavorable climatic conditions.
Preferably, the air conditioner should be equipped with a flow controller
valve and PID microprocessor control (available e.g. from Landis &
Gyr, Polygyr RWX, see www.landisgyr.com). This ensures temperature
drifts within the limits given above.
When planning air conditioning, take into consideration the heat
dissipated by the instrument during normal operation. Air conditioning
must be capable of maintaining a constant temperature (within operable
limits) in the immediate vicinity of the instrument.
Note The considerable short-term variations in temperature caused at
the air-outlet of mainly newer air conditionings are much more
problematic than long-term variations. As considerable temperature
differences may exist between adjacent air-conditioned rooms, never
place the IRMS near to such a connecting door. The system must never
be exposed to air draft!
Lighting Good lighting makes an area more enjoyable to work in. Since a lot of
work is done on the computer terminal, it may be convenient to have a
dimmer switch on the lights to reduce eyestrain. A small lamp for source
inspection and manipulation of small components is recommended.
Exhaust Fumes The exhaust port of the rotary pump should be connected to an exhaust
gas line leading out of the building. The inner diameter of the pipe
should be at least 1.5 cm.
Electromagnetic Fields The instrument site must be free of interfering electromagnetic
The maximum acceptable field amplitude (AC) for any frequency is
5*10-6 T (50 mG).
Note Sources of disturbing fields are e.g. other analytical instruments
(e.g. NMR systems or other mass spectrometers); train, tram, subway;
power cables crossing the ceiling; large electric motors (elevators); radio
stations nearby
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide 3-1
Chapter 3 Electrical
It is the responsibility of the purchaser to provide a laboratory power
supply of acceptable quality and a suitable operating environment for
the instrument.
More information on each of the requirements is available at the
following topics:
• “Electrical Power Specification” on page 3-2
• “Power Consumption” on page 3-2
• “Power Cables, Connectors” on page 3-2
• “Location of Wall Outlets (Power)” on page 3-2
• “Power Quality” on page 3-3
• “Power Conditioning Devices” on page 3-4
• “Uninterruptible Power Supply” on page 3-5
• “Technical Assistance” on page 3-5
• “Delta-to-Y Conversion Transformer” on page 3-6
Electrical Power
Electrical Power Specification
3-2 DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
Electrical Power
DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus is designed to operate at a
nominal voltage of 230 Vac; 50/60 Hz. The basic power requirements
for a DELTA V Advantage/DELTAV Plus are as follows:
• Nominal voltage 230/400 V ± 10 %; 50 or 60 Hz ac
• Three phases, 5-wire system in Y configuration (neutral wire
connected to earth). For further information, refer to
Figure 3-1.
• Each phase is fused with 16 A.
Single-Phase Wall Outlets
for Options
• nominal voltage 230 V ± 10 %; 50 or 60 Hz ac.
• fused with 10 A or 16 A
Note Four IEC power sockets (nominal voltage 230 Vac, fused with
totally 10 A) plus one IEC power socket (nominal voltage 230 Vac,
fused with 16 A) are installed in DELTAV Advantage/DELTA V Plus
to be used to connect the peripheral options. Therefore, wall outlets are
not necessary for them. See also “Power Cables, Connectors” on
page 3-2.
Consider different voltages in other countries (e.g. 110 Vac). Check
them with your local officials and/or your local Thermo Electron office.
Power Consumption Power consumption of DELTAV Advantage/DELTAV Plus is
1.2 kW in normal operation. For power consumption of the installed
peripherals, refer to “Options” on page 5-1.
Power Cables,
DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus must have a separate “clean” line
leading to a main fuse to guarantee disturbance-free operation. The
length of the supplied power cable is approximately 3 m (9.8 ft).
Note Additional devices like recirculating chillers or compressors must
not be connected to the instrument. Use a wall outlet instead.
Recirculation chillers or compressors can be noisy, and they blow warm
air into the room. Install those devices outside the laboratory.
Location of Wall
Outlets (Power)
The electrical wall outlet for the main power of DELTAV Advantage/
DELTA V Plus should be located at the wall behind the intended
location of the instrument. See “Electrical Power Specification” on
page 3-2.
Electrical Power
Power Quality
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide 3-3
Location of Auxiliary Wall
At the rear panel of the IRMS, we provide five (four plus one) IEC
power sockets. We recommend to use them to connect peripherals, a
computer or test equipment to the IRMS. They guarantee an adequate,
undisturbed power supply of the connected devices.
Therefore, in most cases, no additional single-phase 230 Vac (or
110 Vac) outlets are needed for peripherals, a computer or test
equipment such as compressor or water chillers, etc.
Note If nevertheless single-phase auxiliary wall outlets are necessary, they
should use the same ground as power line of the instrument.
Power Quality The power quality supplied to your DELTA V Advantage/DELTAV
Plus is very important and must be established in your laboratory prior
to installing it. The line voltage must be stable and within the
specifications listed in this Preinstallation Requirements Guide. It must
be free of fluctuations due to slow changes in the average voltage, surges,
sags, or transients:
• Constant high or elevated line voltage, impulses or voltage
surges can cause overheating and component failures.
• Constant low or too low line voltage or voltage sags can cause the
system to function erratically or not at all.
• Transients, even of a few microseconds duration, can cause
electronic devices to fail catastrophically or to degrade and
eventually shorten the lifetime of your system.
In addition, the voltage between ground and neutral should not exceed
1 V. See Figure 3-1. Notice the definitions for the most common voltage
disturbances below:
• Slow average is a gradual, long-term change in average root
mean square (RMS) voltage level, with typical durations greater
than 2 s.
• Sags and surges are sudden changes in average RMS voltage
level, with typical durations between 50 µs and 2 s.
• Transients (or impulses) are brief voltage excursions of up to
several thousand volts with durations of less than 50 µs.
Dysfunctional power conditions can be corrected by installing a new
“clean” line or by using filter transformers or power conditioners. You
can arrange with your Thermo Electron service representative to have
the quality of your line voltage checked. He will recommend any
necessary action.
Electrical Power
Power Conditioning Devices
3-4 DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
Power Monitoring
Line regulation equipment may be purchased from Thermo Electron or
from an appropriate vendor. A 24-hour power supply is necessary to
assure proper instrument function.
A variety of devices are available to monitor the quality of your line
power. The power line disturbance analyzers are capable of detecting
and recording most types of power supply problems. These instruments
provide a continuous record of line performance by analyzing and
printing out information on three types of voltage disturbances:
• slow average
• sag and surge
• transient
In the first two cases, the duration as well as the amplitude of the
disturbance are indicated by time interval recording.
The power line must be monitored continuously for seven consecutive
days, 24 h a day. If inspection of the printout indicates disturbances, the
test should be terminated and corrective action taken. Then, the power
should be monitored again as described above.
Renting Line Monitors Line monitors can be rented from electrical equipment suppliers. See
“Technical Assistance” on page 3-5. If necessary, your local
Thermo Electron office can assist in interpretation of the results and
recommend appropriate corrective measures.
Power Conditioning
Various line voltage conditioning devices are available that can correct
your line voltage problem. If you have good regulation but the power
line disturbance analyzer shows transient voltages, an isolation/noise
suppression transformer should be adequate to resolve the problem. If
there are both transient and regulation problems, then power
conditioners, which can control both of these problems, should be
When nominal voltage is free from voltage sags, surges and impulses but
more than ± 10 % outside the required 230 V, the supply voltage can be
lowered (bucked) or raised (boosted) using a buck/boost transformer.
Buck/boost transformers are also available at Thermo Electron. Your
electrician should install the buck/boost transformer before the
installation of your system is started.
Note For compliance and safety, ensure that your power conditioning
devices are certified by recognized domestic and international
organizations, such as, UL, CSA, TUV, VDE, etc.
Electrical Power
Uninterruptible Power Supply
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide 3-5
Power Supply
If your local area is susceptible to corrupted power or power disruptions,
then an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) should be installed in your
Technical Assistance Occasionally, Thermo Electron encounters line-voltage
sources of
unacceptable quality that adversely affect the operation of the mass
spectrometer. Rectifying such power-supply problems is the user’s
responsibility. However, upon request, Thermo Electron will attempt to
assist in diagnosis, but does not undertake to isolate and correct
power-supply quality problems.
Contact your Thermo Electron office for assistance in monitoring the
line voltage in your laboratory, in selecting a line conditioner or in
locating a power consultant in your area.
Specifying power conditioning equipment is a complex task that is best
handled by a company or consultant specializing in that field. A
selection of such companies is listed below:
General Electric Company
(Worldwide distribution network)
Internet: www.ge.com
Groninger Str. 29-37
D-26789 Leer/Ostfriesland
Phone: +49 (491) 6002 0
Fax: +49 (491) 6002 10
Internet: www.jovyatlas.de
Junge Störschutz Nord GmbH
Zum Steenshoop 17
D-27412 Tarmstedt/Germany
Phone: +49 (4283) 93030
OnLine Power, Inc.
(Conform to all applicable standards, worldwide)
Warner Electric
Motors and Controls division
Electrical Power
Delta-to-Y Conversion Transformer
3-6 DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
Delta-to-Y Conversion
Note In Y configuration, the nominal voltage of 230 V ac must be
measured phase to ground. Between the phases, 400 Vac is measured.
In case of a . configuration in your location (ask the responsible
electrician), an isolation transformer is required which steps up the three
phases 120 Vac (.) to 230 Vac (Y) with respect to ground. A suitable
transformer is available from Thermo Electron Bremen.
Figure 3-1. .-to-Y Conversion
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide 4-1
Chapter 4 Resources
Note As the user, it is your responsibility to provide correct gas, cryogen
and solvent supplies for the operation of your system.
Your instrument could require high purity gases and cryogens. The
Service Engineer might also require certain solvents for the installation
verification of your system.
More information on each of the requirements is available under the
following topics:
• “Test Gas” on page 4-2
• “Cleaning Agents” on page 4-2
• “Requirements for Basic Instrument Setup” on page 4-2
• “Gases for Specification Measurements” on page 4-3
• “Compressed Air” on page 4-3
• “Cryogenic Coolants” on page 4-3
Resources Requirements
Test Gas
4-2 DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
Test Gas A bottle of argon is required for leak checking. 99.5 % welding argon is
sufficient. Additional gases (defined in “Gases for Specification
Measurements” on page 4-3) are required for normal operation, if the
instrument is connected to a GC or to an elemental analyzer.
Cleaning Agents We recommend to have available methanol and distilled water as
cleaning agents.
Requirements for
Basic Instrument
You will need to supply gas samples for your instrument's installation:
either CO2 or H2 depending on the type of collector system. The
DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus inlet system terminates in
1/4” Swagelok connectors. Two standard taper 14/23 male connectors
are also provided. Suitable sample vials can be procured from
Thermo Electron Bremen.
Figure 4-1. Reference Gas Vial I
Reference Gas Vial with one Valve and 1/4 “ Fitting, ~ 5 ml
Part No. 100 3560
Figure 4-2. Reference Gas Vial II
Reference Gas Vial with two Viton Valves and 1/4 “ Fitting, 200 ml
Part No. 025 4650
Figure 4-3. Reference Gas Vial III
Reference Gas Vial with two Valves (Two Ports)
and 1/4 “ Fitting, ~ 10 ml
Part No. 100 3840
Resources Requirements
Gases for Specification Measurements
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide 4-3
Gases for
All gases needed for specification measurements (international
standards) must be supplied by the customer.
Compressed Air Compressed air with a pressure of 5 bar (73 psi) is required to
the pneumatic valves of the instrument. A suitable compressor can be
ordered from Thermo Electron Bremen with Part No. 026 1850.
It is recommended to filter the compressed air in order to remove
particulate matter and moisture. The main supply has to be connected
to the compressed air service unit of the DELTAV Advantage/
DELTA V Plus via the provided PVC tube 6×1 mm.
Cryogenic Coolants Some DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus options require
nitrogen. A suitable stainless steel dewar (either 25 l or 75 l) can be
procured from Thermo Electron Bremen.
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide 5-1
Chapter 5 Options
Information on the requirements for the peripheral options of the
DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus is available at the following topics:
• “PreCon” on page 5-2
• “GC/C III” on page 5-3
• “Equilibration Unit” on page 5-3
• “ConFlo lll and Elemental Analyzer” on page 5-4
• “TC/EA” on page 5-6
• “GC/TC” on page 5-7
• “GasBench II” on page 5-8
• “Kiel Carbonate IV Device” on page 5-9
5-2 DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
PreCon PreCon interface is attached to any Thermo Electron isotope ratio mass
spectrometer configured for a GC/IRMS interface, either
GC-Combustion interface or GC/GP interface.
Site Requirements In case of GC/GP interface, the required space is approximately
900 mm width*700 mm depth.
In case of GC/Combustion interface, a second table of 250 mm
width*700 mm depth is required.
Power Requirements PreCon will be supplied by the IRMS line distributor. Therefore,
power consumption of the IRMS will increase by 0.5 kW.
Resources Requirements
For the LN2-cooled trap provide approximately 3 l LN2 per day.
All gas lines should be oil-free and preferably flame-dried. The gas lines
or the gas bottles should be at a distance of 1 m to 1.5 m to the
All regulators should be oil- and grease-free and specified for gases of
high purity. The supply lines should terminate with 1/8“ male
Swagelok-type connectors. Thermo Electron Bremen recommends to
use regulators with an outlet pressure range between 0 and 5 bar (0 and
73 psi).
For the GC separation of gases, provide an appropriately fused silica
capillary column (plot fused silica coating Poraplot Q; length of 25 m
and ID of 32 mm), e.g. Thermo Electron Bremen with Part No.
017 1911.
Compressed air will be supplied by the compressed air distributor of the
IRMS and should be in the range between 40 and 70 psi.
Sometimes it may be necessary to check the unit for leaks. Therefore,
provide a bottle of argon.
To ensure a constant and affordable high quality of the He carrier gas,
we also recommend to install a high capacity purifier (Thermo Electron
Bremen, Part No. 114 0790).
Table 5-1. Gas Requirements for PreCon Interface
Gas Purity Comment
He 5.0, that is 99.999 % 200 bar as carrier gas
CO2 4.5, that is 99.995 % 60 bar as reference gas
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide 5-3
Site Requirements GC/C III attaches to any Thermo Electron isotope ratio mass
spectrometer configured for a GC/IRMS and will be placed on top of
the peripherals support table. The required space is 900 mm width*
700 mm depth.
Power Requirements GC/C III will be supplied by the IRMS line distributor. Therefore,
power consumption of the IRMS will increase by 2.5 kW.
Resources Requirements
All gas lines should be oil-free and preferably flame-dried. The gas lines
or the gas bottles should be at a distance of 1 m to 1.5 m to the
All regulators should be oil- and grease-free and specified for gases of
high purity. The supply lines should terminate with 1/8“ male
Swagelok-type connectors. Thermo Electron Bremen recommends to
use regulators with an outlet pressure range between 0 and 5 bar (0 and
73 psi).
Compressed air will be supplied by the compressed air distributor of the
IRMS and should be in the range between 40 and 70 psi.
Sometimes it may be necessary to check the unit for leaks. Therefore,
provide a bottle of argon.
To ensure a constant and affordable high quality of the He carrier gas,
we also recommend to install a high capacity purifier (Thermo Electron
Bremen Part No. 114 0790).
Equilibration Unit
Site Requirements The required space for the equilibration unit and the cooling unit is
1400 mm width*700 mm.
Table 5-2. Gas Requirements for GC/C III*
*.H2 and synthetic or water- and oil-free compressed air if using the FID detector
Gas Purity Comment
He 5.0, that is 99.999 % 200 bar as carrier gas
CO2 4.5, that is 99.995 % 60 bar as reference gas
N2 5.0, that is 99.999 % 200 bar as reference gas
O2 4.6, that is 99.996 % 60 bar as reference gas
ConFlo lll and Elemental Analyzer
5-4 DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
Power Requirements
The equilibration unit will be supplied by the IRMS line distributor.
Therefore, the power consumption of the IRMS will increase by 2 kW.
Resources Requirements
The gas lines should be oil-free and preferably flame-dried. The gas lines
or the gas bottles should be at a distance of 1 m to 1.5 m to the
All regulators should be oil- and grease-free and specified for gases of
high purity. The supply lines should terminate with 1/8“ male
Swagelok-type connectors. Thermo Electron Bremen recommends to
use regulators with an outlet pressure range between 0 and 5 bar (0 and
73 psi).
For the water trap, either provide a cooling device or a mixture of
alcohol and dry ice. The temperature should be approximately -70 °C
(-94 °F).
Compressed air will be supplied by the compressed air distributor of the
IRMS and should be in the range between 40 and 70 psi.
Sometimes it may be necessary to check the unit for leaks. Therefore,
provide a bottle of common argon.
ConFlo lll and
Elemental Analyzer
Site Requirements ConFlo lll is small enough to be put on top of the IRMS or the
elemental analyzer.
The elemental analyzer requires a peripherals support table of 900 mm
width*700 mm depth.
Power Requirements The elemental analyzer will be supplied by the IRMS line
Therefore, the power consumption of the IRMS will increase by 2 kW.
Table 5-3. Gas Requirements for Equilibration Unit
Gas Purity Comment
H2 4.5, that is 99.995 % 200 bar as equilibrium; consumption: 1 tank per year
CO2 4.5, that is 99.995 % 60 bar as equilibrium; consumption: 1 tank per year
ConFlo lll and Elemental Analyzer
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide 5-5
Resources Requirements
Use an exhaust line (50 mm ID) with a slight negative pressure and a
suction rate of 50 m3/h or more.
All gas lines should be oil-free and preferably flame-dried. The gas lines
or the gas bottles should be at a distance of 1 m to 1.5 m to the
All regulators should be oil- and grease-free and specified for gases of
high purity. The supply lines should terminate with 1/8“ male
Swagelok-type connectors. Thermo Electron Bremen recommends to
use regulators with an outlet pressure range between 0 and 5 bar (0 and
73 psi).
Compressed air will be supplied by the compressed air distributor of the
IRMS and should be in the range between 40 and 70 psi.
Sometimes it may be necessary to check the unit for leaks. Therefore,
provide a bottle of argon.
We also recommend to install a high capacity purifier (Thermo Electron
Bremen Part No. 114 0790) to ensure a constant and affordable high
quality of the He carrier gas.
Table 5-4. Gas Requirements for ConFlo III and Elemental Analyzer
Gas Purity Comment
He 5.0, that is 99.999 % 200 bar as carrier gas and make up gas
N2 5.0, that is 99.999 % 200 bar as reference gas
CO2 4.5, that is 99.995 % 60 bar as reference gas
CO 4.7, that is 99.997 % 200 bar as reference gas
H2 5.0, that is 99.999 % 200 bar as reference gas
*.for the Elemental Analyzer
4.5, that is 99.995 % 200 bar for sample oxidation
**.if a sulfur kit is ordered
3.8, that is 99.98 % 4 bar as reference gas
Warning If ConFlo III is used for CO and/or H2 measurements, a gas
detector with an alarm function must be installed in the laboratory! Use
an exhaust line (50 mm ID) with a slight negative pressure and a suction
rate of 50 m3/h or more.
5-6 DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
Site Requirements TC/EA (Temperature Conversion Elemental Analyzer) has the
dimensions: 450 mm width, 700 mm depth and 500 mm height. Its
weight is 59 kg. Place it on a flat and solid table that can carry at least
150 kg.
Power Requirements TC/EA will be supplied by the IRMS line distributor. Therefore,
power consumption of the IRMS will increase by 1.5 kW.
Resources Requirements
All gas lines should be oil-free and preferably flame-dried. The gas lines
or the gas bottles should be at a distance of 1 m to 1.5 m to the
All regulators should be oil- and grease-free and specified for gases of
high purity. The supply lines should terminate with 1/8“ male
Swagelok-type connectors. Thermo Electron Bremen recommends to
use regulators with an outlet pressure range between 0 and 5 bar (0 to
73 psi).
Compressed air will be supplied by the compressed air distributor of the
IRMS and should be in the range between 40 and 70 psi.
Sometimes it may be necessary to check the unit for leaks. Therefore,
provide a bottle of argon.
Table 5-5. Gas Requirements for TC/EA
Gas Purity Comment
He (in general) 5.0, that is 99.999 % 200 bar as carrier gas
CO (for oxgen measurement) 4.7, that is 99.997 % 200 bar as reference gas
He (for oxygen measurement) 4.6, that is 99.996 %
with 2 % H2
150 bar as auxiliary gas
H2 (for hydrogen measurement) 6.0, that is 99.9999 %
-200 ‰ vs. SMOW
200 bar as reference gas
Warning It is strongly recommended to install the gas tanks firmly!
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide 5-7
We also recommend to install a high capacity purifier (Thermo Electron
Bremen Part No. 114 0790) to ensure a constant and affordable high
quality of the He carrier gas.
Site Requirements GC/TC (High Temperature Conversion Interface) attached to a
Thermo Electron isotope ratio mass spectrometer requires a flat and
solid table with 450 mm width*700 mm depth, height 500 mm.
Power Requirements The power consumption of the IRMS will increase by 0.5 kW.
Resources Requirements
All gas lines should be oil-free and preferably flame-dried. The gas line
or the gas bottles should be at a distance of 1 m to 1.5 m to the
All regulators should be oil- and grease-free and specified for gases of
high purity. The supply lines should terminate with 1/8“ male
Swagelok-type connectors. Thermo Electron Bremen recommends to
use regulators with an outlet pressure range between 0 and 5 bar (0
and 73 psi).
Compressed air will be supplied by the compressed air distributor of the
IRMS and should be in the range between 40 and 70 psi.
Sometimes it may be necessary to check the unit for leaks. Therefore,
provide a bottle of argon.
Warning Because CO and/or H2 are used, a gas detector with an alarm
function must be installed in the laboratory. Use an exhaust line (50 mm
ID) with a slight negative pressure and a suction rate of 50 m3/h or
Table 5-6. Gas Requirements for GC/TC
Gas Purity Comment
He (in general) 5.0, that is 99.999 % 200 bar as carrier gas
CO (for oxygen
4.7, that is 99.997 % 200 bar as reference gas
He (for oxygen
4.6, that is 99.996 %
with 2 % H2
150 bar as auxiliary gas
H2 (for hydrogen
6.0, that is 99.9999 %
- 200 ‰ vs. SMOW
200 bar as standard gas
GasBench II
5-8 DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
We also recommend to install a high capacity purifier (Thermo Electron
Bremen Part No. 114 0790) to ensure a constant and affordable high
quality of the He carrier gas.
GasBench II
Site Requirements GasBench II is attached to Thermo Electron isotope ratio mass
spectrometers and placed on top of the instrument or on a peripherals
support table. Required space is 900 mm width*900 mm depth.
Power Requirements GasBench II will be supplied by the IRMS line distributor.
the power consumption of the IRMS will increase by 0.5 kW.
Resources Requirements
For H2O Equilibration
Warning It is strongly recommended to install the gas tanks firmly!
Warning Because CO and/or H2 are used, a gas detector with an alarm
function must be installed in the laboratory. Use an exhaust line (50 mm
ID) with a slight negative pressure and a suction rate of 50 m3/h or
Table 5-7. Helium Requirements for GasBench II
Gas Purity Comment
He (as carrier gas) 5.0, that is 99.999 % 200 bar as carrier gas
He (for acceptance tests) 4.6, that is 99.996 %
with 0.3 % CO2 4.5
150 bar for acceptance tests
Table 5-8. Gas Requirements for H2O Equilibration
Gas Purity Comment
He (in general) 4.6, that is 99.996 %
with 0.3-1 % CO2 4.5
150 bar as auxiliary gas
CO2 4.5, that is 99.995 % 60 bar as reference gas
He (for hydrogen measurement) 4.6, that is 99.996 %
with 2 % H2
150 bar as auxiliary gas
H2 (for hydrogen measurement) 4.5, that is 99.995 % 200 bar as reference gas
Kiel Carbonate IV Device
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide 5-9
For Carbonates
For DIC (Dissolved Inorganic
All gas lines should be oil-free and preferably flame-dried. The gas lines
or the gas bottles should be at a distance of 1 m to 1.5 m to the
All regulators should be oil- and grease-free and specified for gases of
high purity. The supply lines should terminate with 1/8” male
Swagelok-type connectors. Thermo Electron Bremen recommends to
use regulators with an outlet pressure range between 0 and 5 bar (0 and
73 psi).
Compressed air will be supplied by the compressed air distributor of the
IRMS and should be in the range between 40 and 70 psi.
Sometimes it may be necessary to check the unit for leaks. Therefore,
provide a bottle of argon.
We also recommend to install a high capacity purifier (Thermo Electron
Bremen Part No. 114 0790) to ensure a constant and affordable high
quality of the He carrier gas.
Kiel Carbonate IV
Kiel Carbonate IV Device is attached to Thermo Electron isotope ratio
mass spectrometers equipped with a Dual Inlet system.
Site Requirements The space required is 900 mm width*900 mm depth. Its height is
1900 mm and it weighs approximately 100 kg (220 lb).
Power Requirements Kiel Carbonate IV Device will be supplied by the IRMS line
The power consumption of the IRMS will increase by 1.2 kW.
Resources Requirements
Table 5-9. CO2 Requirements for Measurement of Carbonates
Gas Purity Comment
CO2 4.5, that is 99.995 % 60 bar as reference gas
Table 5-10. CO2 Requirements for Measurement of DIC
Gas Purity Comment
CO2 4.5, that is 99.995 % 60 bar as reference gas
Table 5-11. Gas Requirements for Kiel Carbonate IV Device
Gas Purity Comment
He 200 bar as sample vial vent gas
N2 200 bar as sample vial vent gas
Kiel Carbonate IV Device
5-10 DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
For the LN2-cooled trap provide approximately 0.5 l LN2 per sample.
All gas lines should be oil-free and preferably flame-dried. The gas lines
or the gas bottles should be at a distance of 1 m to 1.5 m to the
All regulators should be oil- and grease-free and specified for gases of
high purity. The supply lines should terminate with 1/8“ male
Swagelok-type connectors. Thermo Electron Bremen recommends to
use regulators with an outlet pressure range between 0 and 5 bar (0
and 73 psi).
Compressed air will be supplied by the compressed air distributor of the
IRMS and should be in the range between 40 and 70 psi. Sometimes it
may be necessary to check the unit for leaks. Therefore, provide a bottle
of argon.
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide 6-1
Chapter 6 Instrument
When your lab site preparation is completed and the system has been
delivered, call your local Thermo Electron service organization to
arrange for an installation date. Telephone and fax numbers for
Thermo Electron offices are listed in the beginning of this
Preinstallation Requirements Guide.
Possible Damage
during Transport
DELTA V Advantage/DELTAV Plus instruments are transported either
by carriers specialized in handling delicate machinery, or for long
distance shipment by airfreight. Occasionally however, equipment
inadvertently may be damaged in transit.
Take the following precautions when receiving material:
• Carefully check for obvious damage or evidence of rough handling.
• If external damage is apparent, take photographs, note this fact on all
copies of the receiving documents and briefly describe the extent of the
damage. The driver should sign (or initial) next to your comments to
signify agreement with your observations.
• Contact the appropriate local Thermo Electron office to report the
damage and let the Thermo Electron people check for further damage.
Note Freight insurance requires that obvious damage be noted on the
receiving documents. Thermo Electron will not accept liability for
damage if materials are received with obvious damage and the damage is
not recorded on the receiving documents.
When your system arrives, move it to a protected location indoors. If
you have questions about moving your system, contact your local
Thermo Electron Office. Telephone and fax numbers of the offices are
listed in the beginning of this Preinstallation Requirements Guide.
Transportation Risk Transportation risk depends on the terms of delivery agreed. The
of shipment determine who has responsability for asserting a claim
against the carrier, if the system is damaged in transit.
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide G-1
The following abbreviations are used in this and
other manuals.
A ampere
ac alternating current
ADC analog-to-digital converter
AP acquisition processor
APCI atmospheric pressure chemical ionization
API atmospheric pressure ionization
ASCII American Standard Code for Information
b bit
B byte (8 b)
baud rate data transmission speed in events per
°C degrees Celsius
cfm cubic feet per minute
CI chemical ionization
CIP carriage and insurance paid to
cm centimeter
cm3 cubic centimeter
CPU central processing unit (of a computer)
CRC cyclic redundancy check
CRM consecutive reaction monitoring
<Ctrl> control key on the terminal keyboard
d depth
Da dalton
DAC digital-to-analog converter
dc direct current
DDS direct digital synthesizer
DEP™ direct exposure probe
DS data system
DSP digital signal processor
EI electron ionization
EMBL European Molecular Biology Laboratory
<Enter> Enter key on the terminal keyboard
ESD electrostatic discharge
ESI electrospray ionization
eV electron volt
f femto (10-15)
°F degrees Fahrenheit
.fasta file extension of a SEQUEST search
database file
FOB free on board
ft foot
FTP file transfer protocol
Glossary: g
G-2 DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
g gram
G Gauss; giga (109)
GC gas chromatograph; gas chromatography
GC/MS gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer
GND electrical ground
GPIB general-purpose interface bus
GUI graphical user interface
h hour
h height
HPLC high-performance liquid chromatograph
HV high voltage
Hz hertz (cycles per second)
ICIS™ Interactive Chemical Information System
ICL™ Instrument Control Language™
ID inside diameter
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics
in. inch
I/O input/output
k kilo (103, 1000)
K kilo (210, 1024)
KEGG Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and
kg kilogram
l length
l liter
LAN local area network
lb pound
LC liquid chromatograph; liquid chromatography
LC/MS liquid chromatograph/mass spectrometer
LED light-emitting diode
LHe liquid helium
LN2 liquid nitrogen
µ micro (10-6)
m meter
m milli (10-3)
M mega (106)
M+ molecular ion
MB Megabyte (1048576 bytes)
MH+ protonated molecular ion
min minute
ml milliliter
mm millimeter
MS mass spectrometer; mass spectrometry
MS MSn power: where n = 1
MS/MS MSn power: where n = 2
MSn MSn power: where n = 1 through 10
m/z mass-to-charge ratio
n nano (10-9)
Glossary: NCBI
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide G-3
NCBI National Center for Biotechnology
Information (USA)
NIST National Institute of Standards and
Technology (USA)
OD outside diameter
. ohm
p pico (10-12)
Pa pascal
PCB printed circuit board
PID proportional/integral/differential
P/N part number
P/P peak-to-peak voltage
ppm parts per million
psig pounds per square inch, gauge
RAM random access memory
RF radio frequency
RMS root mean square
ROM read-only memory
RS-232 industry standard for serial
s second
SIM selected ion monitoring
solids probe direct insertion probe
SRM selected reaction monitoring
SSQ® single stage quadrupole
TCP/IP transmission control protocol/Internet
TIC total ion current
Torr torr
TSQ® triple stage quadrupole
u atomic mass unit
V volt
V ac volts alternating current
V dc volts direct current
vol volume
w width
W watt
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide I-1
agents, cleaning 4-2, 4-2
compressed 4-3, 4-3, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-10
conditioning 2-6, 2-7, 2-7, 2-7
distributor 5-2, 5-3
purity 2-6
argon, for leak checking 4-2, 4-2, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-9,
assistance, technical 3-5
Carbonate Device, Kiel II 5-9
carrier gas 5-2, 5-3, 5-5
checking, leak 4-2, 5-6, 5-7, 5-9, 5-10
chillers 3-3
cleaning agents 4-2, 4-2
compressed air 4-3
configuration, Y 3-6
ConFlo ll/lll - Elemental Analyzer 5-4
connectors 3-2
conversion transformer 3-6
Delta-to-Y 3-6
coolants, cryogenic 4-3
cryogenic coolants 4-3
damaged equipment 6-1
Delta-to-Y conversion
(figure) 3-6
transformer 3-6
detector 5-5, 5-7, 5-8
Dewars, providers 4-3
distilled water 4-2
voltage 3-3, 3-4
electrical power 3-1
specification 3-2
electromagnetic fields 2-7
Elemental Analyzer, ConFlo ll/lll 5-4
entrance, width 2-2
environment, requirements 2-6
Equilibration Unit 5-3
line regulation 3-4
power conditioning 3-5
suppliers 3-4
exhaust 2-7
fumes 2-7
line 5-5, 5-5, 5-7, 5-8
pumps 2-7
fields, electromagnetic 2-7
Delta-to-Y conversion 3-6
floor 2-4
conditions 2-4
space 2-3
floor space 2-3
fuse 3-2
carrier 5-2, 5-3, 5-5
detector 5-5, 5-7, 5-8
exhaust 2-7
for testing 4-2
samples 4-2
vials 4-2, 4-2
GasBench II 5-8
gases, for specification measurements 4-3
GC/C 5-3
GC/TC (High Temperature Conversion Interface) 5-7
grounding 3-3
hallways, doors 2-2
heat 2-7
dissipation 2-3, 2-6
I-2 DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
Index: I
High Temperature Conversion Interface, GC/TC 5-7
humidity 2-6
installation 2-2
buck/boost transformer 3-4
heat dissipation 2-6
installation requirements 4-2
location 3-2
moving 2-2, 2-3
pneumatic valves 4-3
power line 3-3
setup 4-2
weight 2-4
Interface, PreCon 5-2
key operator 2-2
Kiel II Carbonate Device 5-9
gas detector 5-5, 5-7, 5-8
power supply 3-1
voltage quality 3-3
leak checking 4-2, 5-6, 5-7, 5-9, 5-10
lighting 2-7
monitors 3-4
renting 3-4
voltage 3-3
location 3-2
location, of
auxiliary wall outlets 3-3
the wall outlets (power) 3-2
principles 2-6
techniques 1-2
moving the system 6-1
nitrogen, liquid 4-3
certification of power conditioning devices 3-4
do not connect additional devices to instrument 3-2
forklift / palette-jack will be of great benefit 2-2
freight insurance 6-1
nominal voltage in Y configuration 3-6
replacing of consumables 2-2
options 5-1
weight 5-6
outlet pressure 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-9, 5-10
outlets 3-2
grounding 3-3
location 3-2
support table 5-3, 5-4, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8
cables 2-7, 3-2, 3-2
conditioners 3-3, 3-4
conditioning devices 3-4, 3-4
conditioning equipment 3-5
consumption 3-2, 3-2, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-4, 5-6, 5-7, 5-9
electrical 3-1
line 3-3
monitoring 3-4, 3-5
monitoring devices 3-4, 3-4
quality 3-3
requirements 2-6, 5-2, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-4, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-9
sags and surges 3-3
slow average 3-3
supply 2-6, 3-1
supply, uninterruptible 3-5
transients 3-3
uninterruptible supply 3-5
power supply
uninterruptible 3-5
PreCon Interface 5-2
preface 1-1
preventive maintenance 1-2
exhaust port 2-7
Thermo Electron Corporation DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide I-3
Index: R
renting line monitors 3-4
resources 4-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-9
site 2-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-3, 5-4, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-9
space 5-2, 5-8, 5-9
resources requirements 4-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-9
responsibilities 4-1
user’s 4-1, 4-1
room temperature 2-6
single-phase wall outlets (for options) 3-2
site requirements 2-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-3, 5-4, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-9
solvents 4-1
requirements 5-2, 5-8, 5-9
suppliers, equipment 3-4
table, for supporting peripherals 5-7, 5-8
TC/EA (Temperature Conversion Elemental Analyzer) 5-6
technical assistance 3-5
temperature 2-7, 5-4
fluctuation limits 2-6
fluctuations 2-6
maximum 2-6
room 2-6
Temperature Conversion Elemental Analyzer, TC/EA 5-6
test gas 4-2
advanced courses 1-1
buck/boost 3-4
installation 3-4
conversion 3-6
Delta to Y 3-6
Delta-to-Y Conversion 3-6
delta-to-Y conversion 3-6
installation 2-2
isolation/noise suppression 3-4
minimum width 2-3
uninterruptible power supply 3-5, 3-5
UPS 3-5
user’s responsibilities 4-1, 4-1
valves 4-3
vials 4-2, 4-2
voltage 3-3
conditioning devices 3-4
disturbances 3-3, 3-4
nominal 3-2, 3-2, 3-4
quality 3-3
outlets 3-2
grounding 3-3
location 3-2
outlets (for options), single-phase 3-2
chillers 3-3
trap 5-4
instrument 2-4
peripheral options 5-6
Y configuration 3-6
I-4 DELTA V Advantage/DELTA V Plus Preinstallation Requirements Guide Thermo Electron Corporation
Index: Y
Thermo Electron Corporation
81 Wyman Street
P.O. Box 9046
Waltham, Massachusetts 02454-9046
United States
Analyze • Detect • Measure • Control™